AccountCheckModel(category)(luokka)(feed)(syöte)AccountDetailsFormFormDisplay additional nodesDisplay additional nodesImportantImportantUnreadUnreadLabelsNimikkeetProbesProbesAdBlockDialogAdBlock configurationAdBlock-asetuksetCannot enable AdBlockAdBlockin käyttöönotto ei onnistuThere is some error in AdBlock component and it cannot be enabled. Check error message below (or application debug log) for more information.AdBlock-komponentissa on virhe, eikä sitä voida ottaa käyttöön. Saat lisätietoja tarkistamalla virheilmoituksen alta tai sovelluksen vianmäärityslokista.OK!OK!There is error, check application log for more details and head to online documentation.Tapahtui virhe. Saat lisätietoja tarkistamalla sovelluslokin ja lukemalla online-dokumentaatiota.There is error, check application log for more details and head to online documentation. Also make sure that Node.js is installed.
Error: %1Tapahtui virhe. Saat lisätietoja tarkistamalla sovelluslokin ja lukemalla online-dokumentaatiota. Varmista myös, että Node.js on asennettu.
Virhe: %1ERROR!VIRHE!No additional info.Ei lisätietoja.It seems your AdBlock runs fine, but wait few seconds to be sure.Vaikuttaa siltä, että AdBlock toimii hyvin, mutta odota varmuuden vuoksi muutama sekunti.Enable AdBlockKäytä AdBlock-mainosestoa&Help&OhjeFilter listsSuodatinlistatAdd your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Lisää suodatuslistojesi suorat linkit tähän (yksi URL riviä kohti)Custom filtersMukautetut suodattimetAdd your custom filters here (one filter per line)Lisää omat suodattimesi tähän (yksi suodatin riviä kohti)AdBlockIconAdBlock lets you block unwanted content on web pagesAdBlock-mainoseston avulla voit estää ei-haluttua sisältöä verkkosivuillaShow AdBlock &settingsNäytä &AdBlock-asetuksetAdBlockManagerFailed to setup filters and start server: %1.Suodattimien määrittäminen ja palvelimen käynnistäminen epäonnistui: %1.failed to download filter list '%1'suodatuslistan '%1' lataaminen epäonnistuiApplicationApplication is already running.Sovellus on jo käynnissäOutput directory is not writable.Kohdekansioon ei voi kirjoittaa.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Asetustiedoston kopiointi kohdekansioon epäonnistui.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Tietokannan palautusta ei aloitettu. Varmista, että kohdekansioon voi kirjoittaa.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Cannot add feedSyötettä ei voi lisätäFeed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Packages %1 were updated.Packages %1 were updated.Unread articles fetchedUnread articles fetchedGo to changelogSiirry muutoslokiinAdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlockin asetukset tulee määrittääWelcomeTervetuloaWelcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.Already runningAlready runningPackages %1 were NOT updated because of error: %2.Packages %1 were NOT updated because of error: %2.ArticleListNotification......Go to previous pageGo to previous pageGo to next pageGo to next pageOpen article in article listOpen article in article listOpen article in web browserOpen article in web browserMark all articles as readMark all articles as read%n feeds fetched%n feeds fetched%n feeds fetchedAuthenticationDetailsFormFormSome feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.CredentialsCredentialsAuthentication typeAuthentication typeUsernameKäyttäjätunnusPasswordSalasanaSet username to access the feed.Aseta käyttäjätunnus voidaksesi käyttää syötettä.Set password to access the feed.Aseta salasana voidaksesi käyttää syötettä.No authenticationNo authenticationHTTP BasicHTTP BasicTokenTokenUsername/token is ok or it is not needed.Username/token is ok or it is not needed.Username/token is empty.Username/token is empty.Access tokenAccess tokenPassword is ok or it is not needed.Password is ok or it is not needed.Password is empty.Salasana on tyhjä.BaseLineEditShow/hide the passwordNäytä/piilota salasanaBaseToastNotificationClose this notificationClose this notificationColorToolButtonClick me to change color!Napsauta vaihtaaksesi väriä!Select new colorValitse uusi väriDatabaseCleanerShrinking database file...Kutistetaan tietokantatiedosto...Database file shrinked...Tietokantatiedosto kutistettu...Recycle bin purged...Recycle bin purged...Purging recycle bin...Purging recycle bin...Removing read articles...Poistetaan luetut artikkelit...Read articles purged...Read articles purged...Removing old articles...Poistetaan vanhat artikkelit...Old articles purged...Old articles purged...Removing starred articles...Removing starred articles...Starred articles purged...Starred articles purged...DatabaseFactoryCannot connect to databaseTietokantaan ei voi yhdistääConnection to your database was not established with error: '%1'. Falling back to SQLite.Connection to your database was not established with error: '%1'. Falling back to SQLite.DiscoveredFeedsModelTitleOtsikkoTypeTyyppiDownloadItemError opening output file: %1Error opening output file: %1Select destination for downloaded fileSelect destination for downloaded fileError: %1Virhe: %1Download directory couldn't be created Latauskansiota ei voitu luodaError when saving file: %1Virhe tiedostoa tallennettaessa: %1%1 of %2 (%3 per second) - %4%1/%2 (%3 per sekunti) - %4%1 of %2 - download completed%1/%2 - lataus valmistuiCannot open fileTiedostoa ei voi avataCannot open output file. Open it manually.Cannot open output file. Open it manually.Cannot open directoryKansiota ei voi avataCannot open output directory. Open it manually.Cannot open output directory. Open it manually.Download finishedLataus valmistuiFile '%1' is downloaded.
Click here to open parent directory.File '%1' is downloaded.
Click here to open parent directory.URL: %1URL-osoite: %1Local file: %1Paikallinen tiedosto: %1Selection of local file cancelled.Paikallisen tiedoston valinta peruttiin.Open folderAvaa kansioFilenameTiedostonimi&Try again&Yritä uudelleen&Stop&Pysäytä&Open file&Avaa tiedostoOpen &directoryAvaa &kansioDownloadManager%n minutes remaining%n minuutti jäljellä%n minuuttia jäljellä%n seconds remaining%n sekunti jäljellä%n sekuntia jäljelläbytestavuaDownloading %n file(s)...Ladataan %n tiedosto...Ladataan %n tiedostoa...Clean upSiivoaEmailPreviewerFormFormFromFrom&Attachments&Attachments&Reply&Reply&Forward&ForwardSubjectAiheToToCannot download attachmentCannot download attachmentAttachment cannot be downloaded because you are not logged-in.Attachment cannot be downloaded because you are not logged-in.Attachment cannot be downloaded because some general error happened.Attachment cannot be downloaded because some general error happened.EmailRecipientControlToToCcCcBccBccReply-toReply-toE-mail addressSähköpostiosoiteFeeduses global settings, but global auto-fetching of articles is disableduses global settings, but global auto-fetching of articles is disabledno errorsei virheitäauthentication errortunnistautumisvirhenetwork errorverkkovirhedoes not use auto-fetching of articlesDescribes feed auto-update status.does not use auto-fetching of articlesuses global settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetch of articles)uses global settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetch of articles)uses global settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetch of articles)uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetching of new articles)Describes feed auto-update status.uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetching of new articles)uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetching of new articles)has new articleshas new articlesparsing errorjäsennysvirheerrorvirheAuto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
Source: <a href="%4">%4</a>
Item ID: %5Auto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3
Source: <a href="%4">%4</a>
Item ID: %5FeedMessageViewerToolbar for feedsToolbar for feedsToolbar for articlesToolbar for articlesFiltered feed listFiltered feed listCannot select article in article list as your feed is filtered out from feed list.Cannot select article in article list as your feed is filtered out from feed list.Filtered article listFiltered article listCannot select article as it seems your article list is filtered.Cannot select article as it seems your article list is filtered.FeedReaderStarting auto-download of some feeds' articlesStarting auto-download of some feeds' articlesI will auto-download new articles for %n feed(s).I will auto-download new articles for %n feed(s).I will auto-download new articles for %n feed(s).Cannot fetch articles at this pointCannot fetch articles at this pointYou cannot fetch new articles now because another critical operation is ongoing.You cannot fetch new articles now because another critical operation is ongoing.FeedlyAccountDetailsUsernameKäyttäjätunnusDeveloper access tokenKehittäjän pääsypolettiGet tokenHanki polettiIntelligent synchronization algorithmIntelligent synchronization algorithmOnly download newest X articles per feedLataa vain X artikkelia per syöte&Login&KirjauduDownload unread articles onlyLataa vain lukemattomat artikkelitUsername for your accountTilisi käyttäjätunnusNo test done yet.Testiä ei ole vielä tehty.Here, results of connection test are shown.Tässä näytetään yhteystestin tulokset.Your %1 does not offer official Feedly support, thus you must authorize via special authorization code called "developer access token". These tokens are usually valid only for 1 month and allow only 250 API calls each day.Your %1 does not offer official Feedly support, thus you must authorize via special authorization code called "developer access token". These tokens are usually valid only for 1 month and allow only 250 API calls each day.If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.You did not grant access.You did not grant access.There was error during testing.Testauksen aikana tapahtui virhe.There is error. %1Ilmeni virhe. %1Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Your access was approved.Your access was approved.Access granted.Access granted.Login was successful.Kirjautuminen onnistui.Your %1 build has official Feedly support. You do not have to use "developer access token". You can therefore leave corresponding field empty.Your %1 build has official Feedly support. You do not have to use "developer access token". You can therefore leave corresponding field empty.Some problems.Joitain ongelmia.Username cannot be empty.Käyttäjätunnus ei voi olla tyhjä.Username is okay.Käyttäjätunnus on OK.Access token is empty.Pääsypoletti on tyhjä.Access token is okay.Pääsypoletti on OK.Error: '%1'Virhe: '%1'Beware of downloading too many articles, because Feedly permanently caches ALL articles of the feed, so you might end up with thousands of articles which you will never read anyway.Beware of downloading too many articles, because Feedly permanently caches ALL articles of the feed, so you might end up with thousands of articles which you will never read anyway.FeedlyNetworkFeedly: authentication errorFeedly: virhe tunnistautumisessaClick this to login again. Error is: '%1'Napsauta kirjautuaksesi uudelleen. Virhe on: '%1'Feedly: authorization deniedFeedly: valtuutus evättyClick this to login again.Napsauta tätä kirjautuaksesi uudelleen.LoginLoginFeedsImportExportModelOPML document contains errorsOPML document contains errorsthis is likely not OPML documentthis is likely not OPML documentCategory LuokkaFeedsModelTitleOtsikkoTitles of feeds/categories.Titles of feeds/categories.RootRootCounts of unread/all mesages.Counts of unread/all mesages.FeedsProxyModelCannot perform drag & drop operationRaahaa ja pudota -toimintoa ei voi suorittaaYou can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.FeedsToolBarToolbar spacerToolbar spacerEverywhereEverywhereTitles onlyTitles onlySearch feedsSearch feedsFeeds search boxFeeds search boxFeedsViewCannot edit itemTietuetta ei voi muokataCannot delete itemTietuetta ei voi poistaaContext menu for empty spaceContext menu for empty spaceSelected item cannot be edited because another critical operation is ongoing.Selected item cannot be edited because another critical operation is ongoing.Selected item cannot be deleted because another critical operation is ongoing.Selected item cannot be deleted because another critical operation is ongoing.Context menu for categoriesContext menu for categoriesAre you sure?Oletko varma?Context menu for other itemsContext menu for other itemsContext menu for regex queryContext menu for regex querySelected account does not support adding of new feeds.Valittu tili ei tue uusien syötteiden lisäämistä.Selected account does not support adding of new categories.Valittu tili ei tue uusien luokkien lisäämistä.Do you really want to clean all articles from selected items?Do you really want to clean all articles from selected items?Cannot edit itemsCannot edit itemsSelected items cannot be edited. This is not supported (yet).Selected items cannot be edited. This is not supported (yet).%1 does not support batch editing of multiple accounts.%1 does not support batch editing of multiple accounts.%1 does not support batch editing of items from multiple accounts.%1 does not support batch editing of items from multiple accounts.%1 does not support batch editing of items of varying types.%1 does not support batch editing of items of varying types.Cannot edit some itemsCannot edit some itemsSome of selected items cannot be edited. Proceeding to edit the rest.Some of selected items cannot be edited. Proceeding to edit the rest.Some items won't be deletedSome items won't be deletedSome selected items will not be deleted, because they cannot be deleted.Some selected items will not be deleted, because they cannot be deleted.Deleting %n itemsDeleting %n itemsDeleting %n itemsYou are about to completely delete %n items.You are about to completely delete %n items.You are about to completely delete %n items.Context menu for recycle binsContext menu for recycle binsContext menu for accountsContext menu for accountsContext menu for labelContext menu for labelContext menu for important articlesContext menu for important articlesNot supported by accountNot supported by accountFormAboutChangelog not found.Muutoslokia ei löydy.About %1Tietoja - %1FULLY portableTÄYSIN siirrettäväUser data folder ("%5") -> "%1"
Settings file (%3) -> "%2"
Skins base folder -> "%4"
Icon themes base folder -> "%8"
Node.js package folder -> "%6"
QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"User data folder ("%5") -> "%1"
Settings file (%3) -> "%2"
Skins base folder -> "%4"
Icon themes base folder -> "%8"
Node.js package folder -> "%6"
QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7"<body>%5 is a (very) tiny feed reader.<br><br>This software is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Contacts:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~e-mail</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~website</li></ul>You can obtain source code for %5 from its website.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body><body>%5 is a (very) tiny feed reader.<br><br>This software is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Contacts:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~e-mail</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~website</li></ul>You can obtain source code for %5 from its website.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body><b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (built on %2/%3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Build date:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (compiled against %7)<br><b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (built on %2/%3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Build date:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (compiled against %7)<br>NOT portableEI siirrettäväCUSTOMCUSTOMInformationTiedotLicensesLisenssitLicenses page is available only in English language.Lisenssin sivu on saatavilla vain englanninkielisenä.ChangelogMuutoslokiChangelog page is available only in English language.Muutoslokin sivu on saatavilla vain englanninkielisenä.ResourcesResurssitFormAccountDetailsMiscellaneousMiscellaneousNetwork proxyVerkon välityspalvelinAdd new accountLisää uusi tiliEdit account "%1"Muokkaa tiliä "%1"FormAddAccountAdd new accountLisää uusi tiliFormAddEditEmailAdd new recipient.Lisää uusi vastaanottaja.E-mail NOT sentSähköpostia EI lähetettyYour e-mail message wasn't sent.Sähköpostiviestiäsi ei lähetetty.Write e-mail messageKirjoita sähköpostiviestiContents of your e-mail messageSähköpostiviestin sisältö.SubjectAiheTitle of your messageViestin aiheFormAddEditLabelName for your labelNimikkeen nimiLabel's name cannot be empty.Nimikkeen nimi ei voi olla tyhjä.Perfect!Perfect!Hot stuffHot stuffCreate new labelLuo uusi nimikeEdit label '%1'Muokkaa nimikettä '%1'FormAddEditProbeName for your queryName for your queryRegular expressionRegular expressionWhat is regular expression?What is regular expression?A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that specifies a match pattern in text. See more <a href="">info</a>.A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that specifies a match pattern in text. See more <a href="">info</a>.Regex query name cannot be empty.Regex query name cannot be empty.Perfect!Perfect!Regular expression cannot be empty.Regular expression cannot be empty.Create new regex queryCreate new regex queryEdit regex query '%1'Edit regex query '%1'Regular expression is not well-formed.Regular expression is not well-formed.Hot stuffHot stuffFormBackupDatabaseSettingsCommon name for backup filesCommon name for backup filesNo operation executed yet.Mitään toimintoa ei ole vielä suoritettu.Backup was created successfully.Varmuuskopio luotiin onnistuneesti.Backup name cannot be empty.Varmuuskopion nimi ei voi olla tyhjä.Backup name looks okay.Backup name looks okay.Backup failed.Varmuuskopiointi epäonnistui.Backup was created successfully and stored in target directory.Varmuuskopio luotiin onnistuneesti ja tallennettiin kohdekansioon.Select destination directoryValitse kohdekansioGood destination directory is specified.Good destination directory is specified.Backup database/settingsVarmuuskopioi tietokanta/asetuksetOutput directoryOutput directory&Select directory&Valitse kansioBackup propertiesVarmuuskopion ominaisuudetItems to backupVarmuuskopioitavat asiatDatabaseTietokantaSettingsAsetuksetBackup nameVarmuuskopion nimiOperation resultsToimenpiteen tuloksetFormCategoryDetailsAdd new categoryLisää uusi luokkaEdit %n categoriesEdit %n categoriesEdit %n categoriesCategory name is ok.Luokan nimi on OK.Category name is too short.Luokan nimi on liian lyhyt.Description is empty.Kuvaus on tyhjä.The description is ok.Kuvaus on OK.Select icon file for the categoryValitse kuvaketiedosto luokalleImages (%1)Images (%1)Select iconValitse kuvakeCancelPeruutaLook in:Label to describe the folder for icon file selection dialog.Look in:Icon name:Kuvakkeen nimi:Icon type:Kuvakkeen tyyppi:Category titleLuokan otsikkoSet title for your category.Set title for your category.Category descriptionLuokan kuvausSet description for your category.Aseta kuvaus luokalle.Icon selectionKuvakkeen valintaLoad icon from file...Lataa kuvake tiedostosta...Use default icon from icon themeKäytä kuvaketeeman oletuskuvakettaEdit "%1"Muokkaa "%1"Parent folderYlätason kansioSelect parent item for your category.Select parent item for your category.TitleOtsikkoDescriptionKuvausIconKuvakeSelect icon for your category.Valitse kuvake luokalle.FormDatabaseCleanup day(s) day(s) day(s)I am ready.OIen valmis.Database cleanup is running.Tietokannan siivous on meneillään.Database cleanup is completed.Tietokannan siivous valmistui.Database cleanup failed.Tietokannan siivous epäonnistui.unknowntuntematonCleanup databaseSiivoa tietokantaCleanup settingsCleanup settingsOptimize database fileOptimoi tietokantatiedostoRemove all read articlesPoista kaikki luetut artikkelitRemove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles older thanRemove all articles older thanRemove all starred articlesRemove all starred articlesDatabase informationTietokannan tiedotTotal data sizeTotal data sizeDatabase typeTietokannan tyyppiProgressEdistyminenFormDiscoverFeedsDiscover feedsDiscover feedsURLURL-osoiteDiscover!Discover!Recursive discovery (can take some time for bigger websites)Recursive discovery (can take some time for bigger websites)Discovered feedsDiscovered feedsTarget parent folderTarget parent folderSelect parent item for your feed.Select parent item for your feed.Select &allSelect &all&Unselect all&Unselect allAdd single feed with advanced detailsAdd single feed with advanced details&Import checked feeds&Import checked feedsSwitch to &advanced modeSwitch to &advanced modeClose this dialog and display dialog for adding individual feeds with advanced options.Close this dialog and display dialog for adding individual feeds with advanced options.Cannot discover feedsCannot discover feedsError: %1Virhe: %1URL is valid.URL is valid.URL is NOT valid.URL is NOT valid.FormEditFeedlyAccountService setupService setupFormEditGmailAccountServer setupServer setupFormEditGreaderAccountServer setupServer setupFormEditOwnCloudAccountServer setupServer setupFormEditRedditAccountServer setupServer setupFormEditStandardAccountAccount setupAccount setupFormEditTtRssAccountServer setupServer setupFormFeedDetailsAdd new feedLisää uusi syöteCannot save changes: %1Muutoksia ei voi tallentaa: %1Edit "%1"Muokkaa "%1"Edit %n feedsEdit %n feedsEdit %n feedsFetch articles using global intervalFetch articles using global intervalFetch articles everyFetch articles everyDisable auto-fetching of articlesPoista käytöstä artikkelien automaattinen noutaminenCannot save feed propertiesSyötteen ominaisuuksia ei voi tallentaaArticlesArtikkelitAuto-downloading of articlesAuto-downloading of articlesSelect the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Open articles via their URL automaticallyOpen articles via their URL automaticallyAdd articles with any date into the databaseAdd articles with any date into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date into the databaseMiscellaneousMiscellaneousDisable this feedDisable this feedRight-to-left layoutRight-to-left layoutIgnore notifications for this feedIgnore notifications for this feedFormGreaderFeedDetailsFeed addedSyöte lisättyFeed was added, refreshing feed tree...Feed was added, refreshing feed tree...Feed NOT updated or addedFeed NOT updated or addedError: %1Virhe: %1GeneralYleisetFormLogApplication logApplication logFormMainNo possible actionsEi mahdollisia toimintojaNo recycle binEi roskakoriaMain menuPäävalikkoOpen main menuAvaa päävalikkoOpen &main menuAvaa &päävalikko&File&Tiedosto&Help&Ohje&View&NäytäShow/hideNäytä/piilota&ToolsT&yökalutF&eedsS&yötteet&Add item&Lisää tietue&Move&MoveArt&iclesArt&ikkelit&Recycle bin(s)&Roskakorit&Accounts&Tilit&Web browser && tabs&Verkkoselain && välilehdet&Quit&LopetaQuit the application.Lopeta sovellus.&Settings&AsetuksetDisplay settings of the application.Näytä sovelluksen asetukset.&About application&Tietoja sovelluksestaDisplays extra info about this application.Näyttää lisätietoja tästä sovelluksesta.&Fullscreen&Koko näyttöSwitch fullscreen mode.Vaihda koko näytön tilaan.&Fetch all&Nouda kaikkiFetch all feedsNouda kaikki syötteetFetch &selectedNouda &valitutFetch selected feedsNouda valitut syötteetMark articles &readMerkitse artikkelit &luetuiksiMark selected articles readMerkitse valitut artikkelut luetuiksiMark articles &unreadMerkitse artikkelit l&ukemattomiksiMark selected articles unreadMark selected articles unreadSwitch &importanceVaihda &tärkeyttäSwitch importance of selected articlesSwitch importance of selected articlesMark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.&Delete articles&Poista artikkelit&Edit selected items&Edit selected items&Delete selected items&Delete selected itemsMark selected items &readMark selected items &readMark selected items &unreadMark selected items &unread&Clean selected items&Clean selected itemsDeletes all messages from selected items.Deletes all messages from selected items.Open in &external browserAvaa &erillisessä selaimessaOpen selected articles in external browserAvaa valitut artikkelit erillisessä selaimessaOpen in &internal browserAvaa &sisäisessä selaimessaOpen selected articles in internal browserAvaa valitut artikkelit sisäisessä selaimessaNo actions availableEi toimintoja saatavillaNo actions are available right now.Toimintoja ei ole saatavilla juuri nyt.&Mark all readMerkitse &kaikki luetuiksiMarks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Switch main window visibilitySwitch main window visibilityHides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Piilottaa pääikkunan jos se on näkyvissä, palauttaa näkyviin jos pääikkuna on piilossa.&Feed listSy&ötelistaHides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.&Clean all&Clean allDeletes all messages from all items.Deletes all messages from all items.&Next item&Next item&Previous item&Previous item&Next article&Seuraava artikkeli&Previous article&Edellinen artikkeliCheck for &updatesTa&rkista päivityksetCheck if new update for the application is available for download.Tarkista onko sovelluspäivitystä tarjolla ladattavaksi.&Main menu&PäävalikkoHides or displays the main menu.Piilottaa tai näyttää päävalikon.Report a &bug...Ilmoita &ongelmasta...&ToolbarsTy&ökalupalkitSwitch visibility of main toolbars.Switch visibility of main toolbars.&List headers&List headers&Donate...&Lahjoita...Display &documentationNäytä &dokumentaatio&Restart&Käynnistä uudelleen&Restore settings&Restore settings&Backup settings&Backup settingsSwitch layoutSwitch layout&Downloads&LatauksetSend via e-mailLähetä sähköpostitseSend selected articles via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mail&Cleanup database&Siivoa tietokantaShow unread items onlyShow unread items only&Expand/collapse selected item&Laajenna/supista valittu tietue&Add account&Lisää tili&Restore articles&Palauta artikkelit&Restore all recycle bins&Palauta kaikki roskakorit&Empty all recycle bins&Tyhjennä kaikki roskakoritNext &unread articleSeuraava &lukematon artikkeliStatus barTilapalkki&Edit selected account&Muokkaa valittua tiliä&Delete selected account&Poista valittu tiliAdd new categoryLisää uusi luokkaStop ongoing fetchingStop ongoing fetchingNew browser tabNew browser tabClose all tabsSulje kaikki välilehdetClose all tabs except currentSulje kaikki välilehdet paitsi nykyinenGo to &next tabSiirry &seuraavaan välilehteenGo to &previous tabSiirry &edelliseen välilehteen&Enable article preview&Käytä artikkelin esikatselua&Copy URL of selected item&Copy URL of selected itemArticle &filtersArticle &filters&Show tree expanders&Show tree expandersFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyAlternate row colors in listsVaihtoehtoiset rivivärit listoissaAutomatically &expand item when selectedAutomatically &expand item when selectedMessage viewer toolbarsMessage viewer toolbarsExpand/collapse selected item &recursivelyExpand/collapse selected item &recursivelyClose ¤t tabSulje &nykyinen välilehti&Copy URLs of selected articles&Copy URLs of selected articlesOpen in internal browser (no new tab)Open in internal browser (no new tab)&Sort alphabetically&Sort alphabeticallyMove &upMove &upMove to &topMove to &topMove &downMove &downMove to &bottomMove to &bottomDisplay application &logDisplay application &logFocus feeds search boxFocus feeds search boxFocus articles search boxFocus articles search boxScroll &up browserScroll &up browserScroll &down browserScroll &down browserRearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &subcategories alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabeticallyRearrange &feeds alphabeticallyCleanup web cac&heCleanup web cac&heYou must add new account firstYou must add new account firstYou must add new account first.You must add new account first.Edit &child feedsEdit &child feedsEdit child feeds (&recursive)Edit child feeds (&recursive)Add new feedLisää uusi syöteNo actions possibleToiminnot eivät ole mahdollisiaCannot cleanup databaseTietokantaa ei voi siivotaCannot cleanup database, because another critical action is running.Tietokantaa ei voi siivota, koska toinen kriittinen toiminto on käynnissä.Close opened modal dialogs first.Close opened modal dialogs first.Fetching common dataFetching common dataClose dialogsClose dialogsFormMessageFiltersManagerACCEPTEDHYVÄKSYTTYREJECTEDHYLÄTTYyeskyllänoeiCannot find 'clang-format'Cannot find 'clang-format'Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool was not found.Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool was not found.ErrorVirheScript was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool thrown error.Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool thrown error.Beautifier was running for too long timeBeautifier was running for too long timeScript was not beautified, is 'clang-format' installed?Script was not beautified, is 'clang-format' installed?Cannot save new filter, error: '%1'.Cannot save new filter, error: '%1'.Context menuContext menuFilter articles like thisFilter articles like thisNew article filterNew article filterEXISTING articles filtering error: '%1'.
EXISTING articles filtering error: '%1'.
Article will be %1.
Article will be %1.
Output (modified) article is:
Title = '%1'
URL = '%2'
Author = '%3'
Is read/important = '%4/%5'
Created on = '%6'
Contents = '%7'
RAW contents = '%8'Output (modified) article is:
Title = '%1'
URL = '%2'
Author = '%3'
Is read/important = '%4/%5'
Created on = '%6'
Contents = '%7'
RAW contents = '%8'SAMPLE article filtering error: '%1'.
SAMPLE article filtering error: '%1'.
Are you sure?Oletko varma?Do you really want to remove selected filter?Do you really want to remove selected filter?Article filtersArticle filters&Check all&Check all&Uncheck all&Uncheck allRemove selectedPoista valittu&New filter&New filterArticle filter detailsArticle filter detailsTitleOtsikkoTitle of article filterTitle of article filterPre-made filtersPre-made filtersJavaScript codeJavaScript-koodiYour JavaScript-based article filtering logicYour JavaScript-based article filtering logic&Test&TestProcess checked feedsProcess checked feeds&Beautify&BeautifyDetailed &helpDetailed &helpExisting articlesExisting articlesSample articleSample articleURLURL-osoiteAuthorTekijäCreated onLuontiaikaContentsSisältöReadReadImportantImportantScript outputScript outputFormRestoreDatabaseSettingsNo operation executed yet.Mitään toimintoa ei ole vielä suoritettu.Restoration was initiated. Restart to proceed.Restoration was initiated. Restart to proceed.You need to restart application for restoration process to finish.You need to restart application for restoration process to finish.Database and/or settings were not copied to restoration directory successully.Database and/or settings were not copied to restoration directory successully.Select source directoryValitse lähdekansioGood source directory is specified.Good source directory is specified.RestartKäynnistä uudelleenRestore database/settingsPalauta tietokanta/asetuksetOperation resultsToimenpiteen tuloksetSource directoryLähdekansio&Select directory&Valitse kansioRestore databasePalauta tietokantaRestore settingsPalauta asetuksetFormSettingsCritical settings were changedCritical settings were changedChanged categories of settings:
%1.Changed categories of settings:
%1.Some settings are changed and will be lostJotkin asetukset on muutettu ja muutokset menetetäänSome settings were changed and by cancelling this dialog, you would lose these changes.Jotkin asetukset on muutettu, ja vastaamalla Ei menetät nämä muutokset.Do you really want to close this dialog without saving any settings?Do you really want to close this dialog without saving any settings?Some critical settings were changed and will be applied after the application gets restarted.
You have to restart manually.Jotkin kriittiset asetukset muutettiin ja muutokset toteutetaan kun sovellus käynnistyy uudelleen.
Sinun tulee käynnistää sovellus uudelleen itse.Do you want to restart now?Haluatko käynnistää uudelleen nyt?SettingsAsetuksetFormStandardFeedDetailsGeneralYleisetNetworkVerkkoFormStandardImportExportNo file is selected.Tiedostoa ei ole valittuNo operation executed yet.Mitään toimintoa ei ole vielä suoritettu.Destination fileKohdetiedostoSource feeds && categoriesLähdesyötteet && luokatExport feedsVie syötteetSource fileLähdetiedostoTarget feeds && categoriesKohdesyötteet && luokatImport feedsTuo syötteetCommand is ok.Command is ok.Command is empty.Komento on tyhjä.Select file for feeds exportSelect file for feeds exportFile is selected.Tiedosto on valittu.Select file for feeds importSelect file for feeds importFeeds were loaded.Syötteet ladattiin.Full command to executeFull command to executeYou can enter full command including interpreter here.You can enter full command including interpreter here.Here you can enter script executaion line, including interpreter.Here you can enter script executaion line, including interpreter.Some feeds were not loaded properly. Check log for more information.Some feeds were not loaded properly. Check log for more information.cannot open filecannot open fileFeeds were exported successfully.Syötteet vietiin onnistuneesti.Critical error occurred.Tapahtui kriittinen virhe.Parsing data...Jäsennetään tietoja...OPML 2.0 files (*.opml *.xml)OPML 2.0 files (*.opml *.xml)Cannot write into destination file: '%1'.Cannot write into destination file: '%1'.TXT files [one URL per line] (*.txt)TXT files [one URL per line] (*.txt)&Export to file&Vie tiedostoon&Import from file&Tuo tiedostosta&Select file&Valitse tiedostoFetch online metadataFetch online metadataDo not fetch titlesDo not fetch titlesDo not fetch iconsDo not fetch iconsOptional post-processing scriptOptional post-processing scriptRoot nodeRoot nodeSelect parent item for your feed.Select parent item for your feed.Export iconsExport icons&Check all feeds&Check all feeds&Uncheck all feeds&Uncheck all feedsOperation resultOperation resultFormTtRssFeedDetailsFeed addedSyöte lisättyGeneralYleisetNetworkVerkkoFeed was added, obtaining new tree of feeds now.Feed was added, obtaining new tree of feeds now.API returned error code %1API palautti virhekoodin %1FormTtRssNoteShare note to "Published" feedShare note to "Published" feedCannot share noteCannot share noteThere was an error, when trying to send your custom note.There was an error, when trying to send your custom note.Enter non-empty title.Enter non-empty title.Enter valid URL.Enter valid URL.TitleOtsikkoURLURL-osoiteContentContentFormUpdateunknownUnknown release.tuntematonList with updates was not
downloaded successfully.List with updates was not
downloaded successfully.New release available.Uusi julkaisu saatavilla.Error: '%1'.Virhe: '%1'.No new release available.Ei uutta julkaisua saatavilla.This release is not newer than
currently installed one.Tämä julkaisu ei ole uudempi
kuin asennettuna oleva.Download new installation files.Lataa uudet asennustiedostot.Cannot update applicationSovellusta ei voi päivittääDownloaded %1% (update size is %2 kB).Ladattu %1% (päivityksen koko on %2 kt).Downloading update...Ladataan päivitystä...Downloaded successfullyLadattu onnistuneestiError occuredTapahtui virheError occured during downloading of the package.Pakettia ladatessa tapahtui virhe.Go to application websiteAvaa sovelluksen verkkosivustoThis is new version which can be
downloaded.Tämä on uusi versio joka
on mahdollista ladata.InstallAsennaCannot launch external updater. Update application manually.Erillistä päivitysohjelmaa ei voi käynnistää. Päivitä sovellus manuaalisesti.Download selected updateLataa valittu päivitysGo to application website to get update packages manually.Go to application website to get update packages manually. (size (size Available update filesAvailable update filesPackage was downloaded successfully.
You can install it now.Paketti ladattiin onnistuneesti.
Voit asentaa sen nyt.Check for updatesTarkista päivityksetCurrent releaseNykyinen julkaisuAvailable releaseSaatavilla oleva julkaisuStatusTilaChangelogMuutoslokiAvailable filesAvailable filesGmailAccountDetailsNot tested yet.Ei vielä testattu.User-visible usernameKäyttäjälle näkyvä käyttäjätunnusNo username entered.No username entered.Some username entered.Some username entered.You did not grant access.You did not grant access.There was error during testing.Testauksen aikana tapahtui virhe.Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Your access was approved.Your access was approved.Empty value is entered.Empty value is entered.Some value is entered.Some value is entered.There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as it preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave those fields empty and make sure to leave default value of redirect URL.There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as it preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave those fields empty and make sure to leave default value of redirect URL.You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.There is error: %1Virhe: %1Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.UsernameKäyttäjätunnusOAuth 2.0 settingsOAuth 2.0 -asetuksetClient IDClient IDClient secretClient secretRedirect URLUudelleenohjauksen URL-osoiteGet my credentialsGet my credentialsOnly download newest X articles per feedLataa vain X artikkelia per syöte&Login&KirjauduDownload unread articles onlyLataa vain lukemattomat artikkelitGmailNetworkFactoryClick this to login again. Error is: '%1'Napsauta kirjautuaksesi uudelleen. Virhe on: '%1'Click this to login again.Napsauta tätä kirjautuaksesi uudelleen.No subjectEi aihettaGmail: authentication errorGmail: tunnistautumisvirhefailed to download list of labelsfailed to download list of labelsfailed to download IDs of e-mail messagesfailed to download IDs of e-mail messagesGmail: authorization deniedGmail: authorization deniedyou are not logged inet ole sisäänkirjautuneenaLoginLoginGmailServiceRootInboxSaapuneetSentLähetettyDraftsLuonnoksetSpamRoskapostiReply to this e-mail messageReply to this e-mail messageAuthentication status: %1
Login tokens expiration: %2Authentication status: %1
Login tokens expiration: %2logged-inlogged-inNOT logged-inNOT logged-inWrite new e-mail messageWrite new e-mail messageGreaderAccountDetailsPassword for your accountPassword for your accountUsername for your accountTilisi käyttäjätunnusURL of your server, without any service-specific pathURL of your server, without any service-specific pathNo test done yet.Testiä ei ole vielä tehty.Here, results of connection test are shown.Tässä näytetään yhteystestin tulokset.Network error: '%1'.Verkkovirhe: '%1'.Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password?Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password?You are good to go!You are good to go!Yeah.Yeah.Username cannot be empty.Käyttäjätunnus ei voi olla tyhjä.Username is okay.Käyttäjätunnus on OK.Password cannot be empty.Salasana ei voi olla tyhjä.Password is okay.Password is okay.URL cannot be empty.URL-osoite ei voi olla tyhjä.URL is okay.URL is okay.Some feeds might contain tens of thousands of articles and downloading all of them could take great amount of time, so sometimes it is good to download only certain amount of newest messages.Some feeds might contain tens of thousands of articles and downloading all of them could take great amount of time, so sometimes it is good to download only certain amount of newest messages.If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave all above fields to their default values even if they are empty.There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave all above fields to their default values even if they are empty.You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.You did not grant access.You did not grant access.There was error during testing.Testauksen aikana tapahtui virhe.There is error. %1Ilmeni virhe. %1Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Your access was approved.Your access was approved.Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.Empty value is entered.Empty value is entered.Some value is entered.Some value is entered.ServicePalveluURLURL-osoiteDownload unread articles onlyLataa vain lukemattomat artikkelitIntelligent synchronization algorithmIntelligent synchronization algorithmFetch articles newer thanFetch articles newer thanOnly download newest X articles per feedLataa vain X artikkelia per syöteAuthenticationTunnistautuminenUsernameKäyttäjätunnusPasswordSalasanaOAuth 2.0 settingsOAuth 2.0 -asetuksetApp IDApp IDApp keyApp keyRedirect URLUudelleenohjauksen URL-osoiteGet my own App IDGet my own App ID&Test setup&Test setupGreaderFeedDetailsFormFormParent folderYlätason kansioSelect parent item for your feed.Select parent item for your feed.URLURL-osoiteTitleOtsikkoFull feed URL including schemeFull feed URL including schemeProvide URL for your feed.Provide URL for your feed.The URL is ok.URL-osoite on OK.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL is empty.URL-osoite on tyhjä.Title is entered.Title is entered.No title is entered. If you are creating new feed, title will be automatically extracted from it.No title is entered. If you are creating new feed, title will be automatically extracted from it.GreaderNetworklogin failedlogin failedInoreader: authentication errorInoreader: tunnistusvirheClick this to login again. Error is: '%1'Napsauta kirjautuaksesi uudelleen. Virhe on: '%1'Inoreader: authorization deniedInoreader: authorization deniedClick this to login again.Napsauta tätä kirjautuaksesi uudelleen.LoginLoginGreaderServiceRootOther servicesMuut palvelutOPML 2.0 files (*.opml *.xml)OPML 2.0 files (*.opml *.xml)Select file for feeds importSelect file for feeds importDoneDoneData imported successfully. Reloading feed tree.Data imported successfully. Reloading feed tree.Cannot import feedsCannot import feedsError: %1Virhe: %1Select file for feeds exportSelect file for feeds exportData exported successfully.Data exported successfully.Cannot export feedsCannot export feedsExport feedsVie syötteetImport feedsTuo syötteetCannot add itemTietuetta ei voi lisätäCannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.HelpSpoilerView more information on thisView more information on thisIOFactoryCannot open file '%1' for reading.Cannot open file '%1' for reading.Cannot open file '%1' for writting.Cannot open file '%1' for writting.ImportantNodeImportant articlesImportant articlesYou can find all important articles here.You can find all important articles here.ItemDetailsFormFormLabelsMenuLabelsNimikkeetNo labels foundNo labels foundLabelsNodeLabelsNimikkeetYou can see all your labels (tags) here.You can see all your labels (tags) here.New labelUusi nimikeThis account does not allow you to create labels.This account does not allow you to create labels.Not allowedEi sallittuLibMpvBackendFile loadedFile loadedApp restart requiredApp restart requiredOut of memoryOut of memoryNot initialized yetNot initialized yetInvalid parameterInvalid parameterOption not foundOption not foundOption badly formattedOption badly formattedCannot set optionCannot set optionProperty does not existingProperty does not existingProperty badly formattedProperty badly formattedProperty N/AProperty N/ACannot set propertyCannot set propertyCannot run commandCannot run commandLoading failedLoading failedCannot initialize audioCannot initialize audioCannot initialize videoCannot initialize videoNot a media fileNot a media fileUnknown file formatUnknown file formatUnsupported file formatUnsupported file formatUnknown error (%1)Unknown error (%1)File endedFile endedLocationLineEditWebsite address goes hereVerkkosivun osoite tulee tähänMRichTextEditParagraph formattingParagraph formattingUndoUndoRedoRedoCutCutCopyCopyPaste (CTRL+V)Paste (CTRL+V)PastePasteLink (CTRL+L)Link (CTRL+L)LinkLinkBoldBoldItalic (CTRL+I)Italic (CTRL+I)ItalicItalicUnderline (CTRL+U)Underline (CTRL+U)UnderlineUnderlineStrike OutStrike OutBullet list (CTRL+-)Bullet list (CTRL+-)Bullet listBullet listOrdered list (CTRL+=)Ordered list (CTRL+=)Ordered listOrdered listDecrease indentation (CTRL+,)Decrease indentation (CTRL+,)Decrease indentationDecrease indentationIncrease indentation (CTRL+.)Increase indentation (CTRL+.)Increase indentationIncrease indentationText foreground colorText foreground colorText background colorText background colorFont sizeFont sizeStandardStandardHeading 1Heading 1Heading 2Heading 2Heading 3Heading 3Heading 4Heading 4MonospaceMonospaceRemove character formattingRemove character formattingRemove all formattingRemove all formattingEdit document sourceEdit document sourceClear all contentClear all contentDocument sourceDocument sourceCreate a linkCreate a linkLink URL:Link URL:Select an imageSelect an imageJPEG (*.jpg);; GIF (*.gif);; PNG (*.png);; BMP (*.bmp);; All (*)JPEG (*.jpg);; GIF (*.gif);; PNG (*.png);; BMP (*.bmp);; All (*)MariaDbDriverMySQL server works as expected.MySQL-palvelin toimii kuten pitääkin.Selected database does not exist (yet). It will be created. It's okay.Valittua tietokantaa ei ole vielä olemassa. Se luodaan. Kaikki kunnossa.No MySQL server is running in the target destination.No MySQL server is running in the target destination.Access denied. Invalid username or password used.Access denied. Invalid username or password used.Unknown error: '%1'.Tuntematon virhe: '%1'.MediaPlayerFormFormPlay/pausePlay/pauseStopPysäytäSpeedSpeedProgressEdistyminenDurationDurationMute/unmuteMute/unmuteVolumeVolumeDownloadLataaStartingStartingMessageBrowserYou clicked some link. You can download the link contents or open it in external web browser.Napsautit linkkiä. Voit ladata linkin sisällön tai avata linkin erillisessä verkkoselaimessa.What action do you want to take?Minkä toiminnon haluat valita?Open in external browserAvaa erillinen selainDownloadLataaAlways open links in external browser.Avaa linkit aina erillisessä selaimessa.Incorrect linkVirheellinen linkkiSelected hyperlink is invalid.Valittu linkki on virheellinen.Click this link to download it or open it with external browser.Click this link to download it or open it with external browser.imageimageMessageCountSpinBox= unlimited= unlimitedarticleartikkeliarticlesartikkeliaMessagePreviewerMark article readMerkitse artikkeli luetuksiMark article unreadMerkitse artikkeli lukemattomaksiSwitch article importanceSwitch article importanceMessageTextBrowserOpen with external toolAvaa erillisellä työkalullaMessagesForFiltersModelReadReadImportantImportantIn recycle binIn recycle binTitleOtsikkoURLURL-osoiteAuthorTekijäScoreScoreDateDatetruetruefalsefalseMessagesModelIdIdReadReadDeletedPoistettuImportantImportantFeedSyöteTitleOtsikkoAuthorTekijäContentsSisältöPermanently deletedPoistettu pysyvästiAttachmentsLiitteetList of attachments.List of attachments.Account IDAccount IDCustom IDCustom IDCustom hashCustom hashFeed IDFeed IDHas enclosuresHas enclosuresScoreScoreDateDateLoading of articles failed, maybe messages could not be downloaded.Loading of articles failed, maybe messages could not be downloaded.dotdotenvelopeenvelopefeed iconfeed iconURLURL-osoiteRTLRTLAssigned labelsAssigned labelsAssigned label IDsAssigned label IDsID of the article.ID of the article.Is article read?Is article read?Is article important?Is article important?Is article deleted?Is article deleted?Is article permanently deleted from recycle bin?Is article permanently deleted from recycle bin?ID of feed which this article belongs to.ID of feed which this article belongs to.Title of the article.Title of the article.Url of the article.Url of the article.Author of the article.Author of the article.Creation date of the article.Creation date of the article.Contents of the article.Contents of the article.Score of the article.Score of the article.Account ID of the article.Account ID of the article.Custom ID of the article.Custom ID of the article.Custom hash of the article.Custom hash of the article.Name of feed of the article.Name of feed of the article.Indication of enclosures presence within the article.Indication of enclosures presence within the article.Layout direction of the articleLayout direction of the articleLabels assigned to the article.Labels assigned to the article.Label IDs assigned to the article.Label IDs assigned to the article.%n months ago%n months ago%n months ago%n weeks ago%n weeks ago%n weeks ago%n days ago%n days ago%n days agoyesterdayyesterday%n hours ago%n hours ago%n hours ago%n minutes ago%n minutes ago%n minutes agojust nowjust nowLoading of articles from item '%1' failedLoading of articles from item '%1' failedMessagesToolBarNo extra highlightingEi ylimääräistä korostustaToolbar spacerToolbar spacerEverywhereEverywhereTitles onlyTitles onlySearch articlesSearch articlesArticle search boxArticle search boxMenu for highlighting articlesMenu for highlighting articlesHighlight unread articlesHighlight unread articlesHighlight important articlesHighlight important articlesMenu for filtering articlesMenu for filtering articlesNo extra filteringNo extra filteringShow unread articlesShow unread articlesShow important articlesShow important articlesShow today's articlesShow today's articlesShow yesterday's articlesShow yesterday's articlesShow articles in last 24 hoursShow articles in last 24 hoursShow articles in last 48 hoursShow articles in last 48 hoursShow this week's articlesShow this week's articlesShow last week's articlesShow last week's articlesShow articles with attachmentsShow articles with attachmentsShow articles with some scoreShow articles with some scoreDisplay all articlesDisplay all articlesArticle highlighterArticle highlighterArticle list filterArticle list filterMessagesViewProblem with starting external e-mail clientOngelma käynnistäessä erillistä sähköpostisovellustaExternal e-mail client could not be started.Erillistä sähköpostisovellusta ei voitu käynnistää.Open with external toolAvaa erillisellä työkalullaCannot run external toolErillistä työkalua ei voi suorittaaExternal tool '%1' could not be started.Erillistä työkalua '%1' ei voitu käynnistää.No external tools activatedNo external tools activatedContext menu for articlesContext menu for articlesMsgBoxDo not show this dialog again.Älä näytä tätä ikkunaa uudelleen.MultiFeedEditCheckBoxApply this to all edited feeds.Apply this to all edited feeds.NetworkFactoryprotocol errorNetwork status.protocol errorhost not foundNetwork not foundconnection refusedNetwork status.yhteys torjuttuconnection timed outNetwork status.yhteys aikakatkaistiinSSL handshake failedNetwork status.SSL-kättely epäonnistuiproxy server connection refusedNetwork status.välityspalvelimen yhteys torjuttutemporary failureNetwork status.väliaikainen virheauthentication failedNetwork status.tunnistautuminen epäonnistuiproxy authentication requiredNetwork status.välityspalvelimelle tunnistautuminen vaaditaanproxy server not foundNetwork status.välityspalvelinta ei löydycontent not foundNetwork status.sisältöä ei löydyunknown error (%1)Network status.unknown error (%1)no errorsNetwork status.ei virheitäaccess to content was deniedpääsy sisältöön estettiinconnection timed out or was cancelledconnection timed out or was cancelledunknown contentNetwork status.tuntematon sisältöNetworkProxyDetailsNo proxyEi välityspalvelintaSystem proxyJärjestelmän välityspalvelinFormFormHostPalvelinHostname or IP of your proxy serverHostname or IP of your proxy serverPortPorttiUsernameKäyttäjätunnusYour username for proxy server authenticationYour username for proxy server authenticationPasswordSalasanaYour password for proxy server authenticationYour password for proxy server authenticationNote that these settings are applied only on newly established connections.Note that these settings are applied only on newly established connections.TypeProxy server type.TyyppiNewspaperPreviewerShow more articles (%n remaining)Show more articles (%n remaining)Show more articles (%n remaining)Cannot show more articlesCannot show more articlesCannot show more articles because parent feed was removed.Cannot show more articles because parent feed was removed.NodeJsfile not foundtiedostoa ei löytynytOAuth2ServiceClick here to login.Napsauta tästä kirjautuaksesi.Logging in via OAuth 2.0...Kirjaudutaan OAuth 2.0:n avulla...Refreshing login tokens for '%1'...Refreshing login tokens for '%1'...You have to login firstSinun tulee sisäänkirjautua ensinYou can close this window now. Go back to %1.You can close this window now. Go back to %1.Failed to start OAuth redirection listener. Maybe your rights are not high enough.Failed to start OAuth redirection listener. Maybe your rights are not high enough.LoginLoginOwnCloudAccountDetailsLeaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often.Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often.Password for your Nextcloud accountNextcloud-tilin salasanaUsername for your Nextcloud accountNextcloud-tilin käyttäjätunnusURL of your Nextcloud server, without any API pathNextcloud-palvelimen URL-osoite, älä sisällytä API-polkuaNo test done yet.Testiä ei ole vielä tehty.Here, results of connection test are shown.Tässä näytetään yhteystestin tulokset.= unlimited= unlimitedNetwork error: '%1'.Verkkovirhe: '%1'.Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password?Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password?Installed version: %1, required at least: %2.Installed version: %1, required at least: %2.Selected Nextcloud News server is running unsupported version.Valittu Nextcloud News -palvelin käyttää ei-tuettua versiota.Nextcloud News server is okay.Nextcloud News -palvelin on kunnossa.Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL?Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL?Username cannot be empty.Käyttäjätunnus ei voi olla tyhjä.Username is okay.Käyttäjätunnus on OK.Password cannot be empty.Salasana ei voi olla tyhjä.Password is okay.Password is okay.URL cannot be empty.URL-osoite ei voi olla tyhjä.URL is okay.URL is okay.articlesartikkeliaURLURL-osoiteDownload unread articles onlyLataa vain lukemattomat artikkelitOnly download newest X articles per feedLataa vain X artikkelia per syöteSome feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.AuthenticationTunnistautuminenUsernameKäyttäjätunnusPasswordSalasana&Test setup&Test setupForce execution of server-side feeds updateForce execution of server-side feeds updateOwnCloudServiceRootcannot get list of feeds, network error '%1'cannot get list of feeds, network error '%1'QObject
+ %n other feeds.
+ %n other feeds.
+ %n other feeds.Load initial set of feedsLataa syötteiden alkukokoelmaThis service offers integration with Tiny Tiny RSS.
Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.
At least API level %1 is required.This service offers integration with Tiny Tiny RSS.
Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.
At least API level %1 is required.The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It is part of Nextcloud suite. This plugin implements %1 API.The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It is part of Nextcloud suite. This plugin implements %1 API.New version availableUusi versio saatavillaClick the bubble for more information.Click the bubble for more information.Passed external tool representation is not valid.Passed external tool representation is not valid.Simple Gmail integration via JSON API. Allows sending e-mails too.Simple Gmail integration via JSON API. Allows sending e-mails too.Keep up with the topics and trends you care about, without the overwhelm.
Feedly is a secure space where you can privately organize and research the topics and trends that matter to you.Keep up with the topics and trends you care about, without the overwhelm.
Feedly is a secure space where you can privately organize and research the topics and trends that matter to you.Cannot insert article filter, because current database cannot return last inserted row ID.Cannot insert article filter, because current database cannot return last inserted row ID.Fetching articles right nowFetching articles right nowLogin data refreshedLogin data refreshedNew %1 version is availableUusi %1-versio saatavillaMiscellaneous eventsMiscellaneous eventsNode.js - package(s) updatedNode.js - package(s) updatedNode.js - package(s) failed to updateNode.js - package(s) failed to updateUnknown eventTuntematon tapahtumaNew (unread) articles fetchedNew (unread) articles fetchedXML problem: %1XML-ongelma: %1JSON problem: %1JSON problem: %1Google Reader API is used by many online RSS readers.
List of supported readers:Google Reader API is used by many online RSS readers.
List of supported readers:and possibly others.and possibly others.Login failedKirjautuminen epäonnistuiThis service offers integration with standard online RSS/RDF/ATOM/JSON feeds and podcasts.This service offers integration with standard online RSS/RDF/ATOM/JSON feeds and podcasts.Simplistic Reddit client.Simplistic Reddit client.interesting stuffinteresting stuffinteresting stuff (highlighted)interesting stuff (highlighted)errored itemserrored itemserrored items (highlighted)errored items (highlighted)items with new articlesitems with new articlesitems with new articles (highlighted)items with new articles (highlighted)OK-ish colorOK-ish colorUser-published articlesUser-published articlesPublished articlesPublished articlestop-lefttop-lefttop-righttop-rightbottom-leftbottom-leftbottom-rightbottom-rightescape sequence not completedescape sequence not completedclosing " is missingclosing " is missingclosing ' is missingclosing ' is missingXML is not well-formed, %1XML is not well-formed, %1not an ATOM feednot an ATOM feedJSON error '%1'JSON error '%1'not a JSON feednot a JSON feednot an RDF feednot an RDF feednot a RSS feednot a RSS feedsupport for gzipped sitemaps is not enabledsupport for gzipped sitemaps is not enabledsitemap indices are not supportedsitemap indices are not supportednot a Sitemapnot a SitemapOpen with external toolAvaa erillisellä työkalullaOpen in external browserAvaa erillinen selainPlay in media playerPlay in media player(not supported)(not supported)QtMultimediaBackendNo mediaNo mediaLoading...Loading...Media loadedMedia loadedMedia stalledMedia stalledBuffering...Buffering...LoadedLoadedEndedEndedMedia is invalidMedia is invalidUnknownTuntematonCannot load media (missing codecs)Cannot load media (missing codecs)Unrecognized formatUnrecognized formatNetwork problemNetwork problemAccess deniedAccess deniedService is missingService is missingThis is playlistThis is playlistNo errorsNo errorsUnknown errorUnknown errorReadabilityPackages for reader mode are installedPackages for reader mode are installedYou can now use reader mode!You can now use reader mode!Packages for reader mode are NOT installedPackages for reader mode are NOT installedThere is error: %1Virhe: %1Node.js libraries not installedNode.js libraries not installed%1 will now install some needed libraries, this will take only a few seconds. You will be notified when installation is complete.%1 will now install some needed libraries, this will take only a few seconds. You will be notified when installation is complete.Node.js is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.Node.js is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured.RecycleBinRecycle binRoskakoriRestore recycle binPalauta roskakoriEmpty recycle binTyhjennä roskakoriAre you sure?Oletko varma?Do you really want to empty your recycle bin?Do you really want to empty your recycle bin?Recycle bin contains all deleted articles from all feeds.Recycle bin contains all deleted articles from all feeds.%n deleted article(s).%n deleted article(s).%n deleted article(s).RedditAccountDetailsYou have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.Not tested yet.Ei vielä testattu.User-visible usernameKäyttäjälle näkyvä käyttäjätunnusNo username entered.No username entered.Some username entered.Some username entered.You did not grant access.You did not grant access.There was error during testing.Testauksen aikana tapahtui virhe.There is error: %1Virhe: %1Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Your access was approved.Your access was approved.Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.Empty value is entered.Empty value is entered.Some value is entered.Some value is entered.UsernameKäyttäjätunnusOAuth 2.0 settingsOAuth 2.0 -asetuksetClient IDClient IDClient secretClient secretRedirect URLUudelleenohjauksen URL-osoiteGet my credentialsGet my credentialsOnly download newest X articles per feedLataa vain X artikkelia per syöte&Login&KirjauduDownload unread articles onlyLataa vain lukemattomat artikkelitRedditCategorySubscriptionsSubscriptionsRedditNetworkFactoryyou are not logged inet ole sisäänkirjautuneenaReddit: authentication errorReddit: virhe tunnistautumisessaClick this to login again. Error is: '%1'Napsauta kirjautuaksesi uudelleen. Virhe on: '%1'LoginLoginReddit: authorization deniedReddit: authorization deniedClick this to login again.Napsauta tätä kirjautuaksesi uudelleen.RedditServiceRootAuthentication status: %1
Login tokens expiration: %2Authentication status: %1
Login tokens expiration: %2logged-inlogged-inNOT logged-inNOT logged-inRootItem%n unread article(s).Tooltip for "unread" column of feed list.%n unread article(s).%n unread article(s).ScriptExceptionscript line is not well-formedscript line is not well-formedscript threw an errorscript threw an errorscript's interpreter was not foundscript's interpreter was not foundscript execution took too longscript execution took too longunknown errortuntematon virheSearchRegular expression: %1Regular expression: %1SearchLineEditCase-sensitiveCase-sensitiveFixed textFixed textWildcardWildcardRegular expressionRegular expressionSearchTextWidgetSearch textSearch textFind previous occurenceEtsi edellinen esiintymäFind next occurenceEtsi seuraava esiintymäSearchsNodeRegex queriesRegex queriesYou can see all your permanent regex queries here.You can see all your permanent regex queries here.New regex queryNew regex queryServiceRootUnsupportedUnsupportedThis is not suppported (yet).This is not suppported (yet).Synchronize folders && other itemsSynchronize folders && other itemsSynchronize article cacheSynchronize article cacheNumber of feeds: %1
Number of categories: %2Number of feeds: %1
Number of categories: %2Error when fetching list of feedsError when fetching list of feedsFeeds & categories for account '%1' were not fetched, error: %2Feeds & categories for account '%1' were not fetched, error: %2SettingsBrowserMailSelect web browser executableValitse verkkoselaimen suoritustiedostoExecutables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Suoritustiedostot (*)Executables (*.*)Suoritustiedostot (*.*)Select e-mail executableValitse sähköpostisovelluksen suoritustiedostoOpera 12 or olderOpera 12 tai vanhempiEnter (optional) parameters:Enter (optional) parameters:ExecutableSuoritustiedostoNetworkVerkkoDo not accept any incoming cookiesDo not accept any incoming cookiesEnable HTTP/2Enable HTTP/2Custom "QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS" flagsCustom "QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS" flagsDisable cacheDisable cacheExternal web browserErillinen verkkoselainAlways open hyperlinks in external web browserAvaa linkit aina erillisessä selaimessa<html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>Use custom external web browserKäytä mukautettua erillistä verkkoselaintaWeb browser executableVerkkoselaimen suoritustiedostoExecutable file of web browserSelaimen suoritustiedosto&Browse&SelaaParametersParametritParameters passed to executableSuoritustiedostot välitettävät parametritUse sample arguments forUse sample arguments forSelect browserValitse selainNote that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.External e-mail clientErillinen sähköpostisovellusUse custom external e-mail clientKäytä erillistä sähköpostisovellustaE-mail client executableSähköpostisovelluksen suoritustiedostoExecutable file of e-mail clientSähköpostisovelluksen suoritustiedostoSelect clientSelect clientPlaceholders:
• %1 - title of selected message,
• %2 - body of selected message.Placeholders:
• %1 - title of selected message,
• %2 - body of selected message.External toolsErilliset työkalut&Add tool&Lisää työkalu&Edit selected tool&Muokkaa valittua työkalua&Delete selected tool&Poista valittu työkaluOn this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs.Select external toolValitse erillinen työkaluEnter parametersKirjoita parametritNetwork proxyVerkon välityspalvelinNetwork & web & toolsNetwork & web & toolsSettingsDatabaseNote that speed of used MySQL server and latency of used connection medium HEAVILY influences the final performance of this application. Using slow database connections leads to bad performance when browsing feeds or messages.Note that speed of used MySQL server and latency of used connection medium HEAVILY influences the final performance of this application. Using slow database connections leads to bad performance when browsing feeds or messages.Hostname is empty.Hostname is empty.Hostname looks ok.Hostname looks ok.Username is empty.Käyttäjätunnus on tyhjä.Username looks ok.Username looks ok.Password is empty.Salasana on tyhjä.Password looks ok.Password looks ok.Working database is empty.Working database is empty.Working database is ok.Working database is ok.No connection test triggered so far.No connection test triggered so far.You did not executed any connection test yet.You did not executed any connection test yet.Hostname of your MySQL serverHostname of your MySQL serverUsername to login withUsername to login withPassword for your usernamePassword for your usernameWorking database which you have full access to.Working database which you have full access to.Usage of in-memory working database has several advantages and pitfalls. Make sure that you are familiar with these before you turn this feature on.
• higher speed for feed/message manipulations (especially with thousands of messages displayed),
• whole database stored in RAM, thus your hard drive can rest more.
• if application crashes, your changes from last session are lost,
• application startup and shutdown can take little longer (max. 2 seconds).
Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.Usage of in-memory working database has several advantages and pitfalls. Make sure that you are familiar with these before you turn this feature on.
• higher speed for feed/message manipulations (especially with thousands of messages displayed),
• whole database stored in RAM, thus your hard drive can rest more.
• if application crashes, your changes from last session are lost,
• application startup and shutdown can take little longer (max. 2 seconds).
Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.Database driverTietokannan ajuriUse in-memory database as the working databaseKäytä muistinsisäistä tietokantaa työskentelykantanaHostnameHostnamePortPorttiWorking databaseWorking databaseUsernameKäyttäjätunnusPasswordSalasanaTest setupTest setupData storageTietojen tallennusSettingsDownloadsSelect downloads target directoryValitse latausten kohdekansioOpen download manager when new download is startedAvaa lataustenhallinta kun uusi lataus aloitetaanTarget directory for downloaded filesKohdekansio ladattaville tiedostoilleSave all downloaded files toTallenna kaikki ladatut tiedostot sijaintiinTarget directory where all downloaded files are savedKohdekansio johon kaikki ladattavat tiedostot tallennetaan&Browse&SelaaAsk for each individual downloaded fileKysy jokaisen ladattavan tiedoston kohdallaDownloadsLatauksetSettingsFeedsMessagesSelect new fontValitse uusi fonttiEnter format for count of articles displayed next to each feed/category in feed list. Use "%all" and "%unread" strings which are placeholders for the actual count of all (or unread) articles.Enter format for count of articles displayed next to each feed/category in feed list. Use "%all" and "%unread" strings which are placeholders for the actual count of all (or unread) articles.Note that enabling this might have drastic consequences on performance of article list with big number of articles.Note that enabling this might have drastic consequences on performance of article list with big number of articles.days (turned off)days (turned off)day(s)day(s)day(s) = unchanged size = unchanged sizePC restart neededPC restart neededYour PC needs to be restarted to make some of enabled features fully working.Your PC needs to be restarted to make some of enabled features fully working.Feed fetchingFeed fetchingFetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofAuto-fetch articles for all feeds everyAuto-fetch articles for all feeds everyOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedFeed connection timeoutSyötteen yhteyden aikakatkaisuConnection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted.Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted. ms msSupport very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds)Avoid adding articles before this date into the databaseAvoid adding articles before this date into the databaseFeeds listFeeds listRow heightRow heightFeed list fontSyötelistan fonttiFont previewFontin esikatselu&Change font&Vaihda fonttiArticle count formatArticle count formatHide article counts if there are no unread articlesHide article counts if there are no unread articlesAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listAllow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listDisplay tooltips for feeds and articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articlesUpdate feed list during feed fetchingUpdate feed list during feed fetchingArticlesArtikkelitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exitRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exitIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedIgnore changes in article body when new articles are being fetchedInternal article viewerInternal article viewerUnread article icon typeUnread article icon typeBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserArticle browser fontArticle browser fontFixup date/time of articles which are in the futureFixup date/time of articles which are in the futureDisplay attachments directly in articleDisplay attachments directly in articleLimit height of picturesLimit height of picturesKeep article viewer always visibleKeep article viewer always visibleArticles listArticles listKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportEnable multiline itemsEnable multiline itemsTop/bottom row paddingTop/bottom row paddingUse custom date/time formatUse custom date/time formatCustom date/time format for today's articlesCustom date/time format for today's articlesArticle list fontArticle list fontShow relative time for articles not older thanShow relative time for articles not older thanFeeds & articlesSyötteet ja artikkelitSettingsGeneral (not supported on this platform) (ei tuettu tällä alustalla)Launch %1 on operating system startupKäynnistä %1 kun käyttöjärjestelmä käynnistyyCheck for %1 updates on application startupCheck for %1 updates on application startupGeneralYleisetSettingsGuiNameNimiAuthorTekijäForced skin colorsForced skin colorsIcon onlyVain kuvakeText onlyVain tekstiText beside iconTeksti kuvakkeen vieressäText under iconTeksti kuvakkeen allaFollow OS styleSeuraa käyttöjärjestelmän tyyliäsystem icon themeLabel for disabling icon theme.järjestelmän kuvaketeemano icon themeei kuvaketeemaa(Your OS does not support tray icons at the moment.)(Your OS does not support tray icons at the moment.)Forced styleForced styleYou can override some colors defined by your skin here. Some colors are used dynamically throughout the application.You can override some colors defined by your skin here. Some colors are used dynamically throughout the application.%1
Version: %2
Description: %3%1
Version: %2
Description: %3Fetch color from activated skinFetch color from activated skin = default icon size = default icon sizeIcons && skinsKuvakkeet && ulkoasutIcon themeKuvaketeemaStyleTyyliSkinUlkoasuUse skin colorsUse skin colorsCustom skin colorsCustom skin colorsCustomize predefined colorsCustomize predefined colorsTray areaTray areaTray iconIlmoitusalueen kuvakeUse monochrome iconKäytä mustavalkoista kuvakettaDisplay count of unread messagesDisplay count of unread messagesHide main window when it is minimizedPiilota pääikkuna kun se pienennetäänStart application hiddenKäynnistä sovellus piilotettunaTask barTask barTabsVälilehdetClose tabs withSulje välilehdet käyttämälläMiddle mouse button single-clickHiiren keskinäppäimen napautusLeft mouse button double-clickVasemman hiirenpainikkeen kaksoisnapsautusOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barAvaa uusia välilehtiä hiiren vasemman painikkeen tuplanapsautuksella välilehtipalkissaHide tab bar if just one tab is visiblePiilota välilehtipalkki, jos vain yksi välilehti on näkyvissäToolbarsTyökalupalkitToolbar for feeds listToolbar for feeds listToolbar for articles listToolbar for articles listStatusbarTilapalkkiButton stylePainikkeen tyyliToolbar editorToolbar editorIcon sizeKuvakekokoUser interfaceKäyttöliittymäSettingsLocalizationLanguageKieliCodeKoodiTranslation progressTranslation progressHelp us to improve %1 <a href="%2">translations</a>.Help us to improve %1 <a href="%2">translations</a>.Big thanks to all translators!Big thanks to all translators!Translations provided by: %1Translations provided by: %1Translators needed!Translators needed!The translation '%1' is incomplete and anyone able to help with translating %2 is greatly welcomed.The translation '%1' is incomplete and anyone able to help with translating %2 is greatly welcomed.Do you want to help with the translation now?Do you want to help with the translation now?LocalizationLokalisointiSettingsMediaPlayerBackendBackendYou use modern libmpv-based media player backend with API version %1.You use modern libmpv-based media player backend with API version %1.You use lightweight QtMultimedia-based media player backend. If some videos do not play, then you likely need to install some codecs.You use lightweight QtMultimedia-based media player backend. If some videos do not play, then you likely need to install some backend installedno backend installedYou do not have any media player available. Media player is only supported on modern platforms where needed libraries are available. You must manually recompile %1 to be able to use media player.You do not have any media player available. Media player is only supported on modern platforms where needed libraries are available. You must manually recompile %1 to be able to use media player.Media playerMedia playerSettingsNodejsWhat is Node.js?Mikä on Node.js?Node.js is asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, designed to build scalable network applications.
%1 integrates Node.js to bring some modern features like Adblock.
Note that usually all required Node.js tools should be available via your "PATH" environment variable, so you do not have to specify full paths.
Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.Node.js is asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, designed to build scalable network applications.
%1 integrates Node.js to bring some modern features like Adblock.
Note that usually all required Node.js tools should be available via your "PATH" environment variable, so you do not have to specify full paths.
Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js.Node.js has version %1.Node.js on versiossa %1.NPM has version %1.NPM on versiossa %1.You cannot choose file, you have to choose FOLDER.You cannot choose file, you have to choose FOLDER.Package folder is OK.Package folder is OK.Package folder will be created!Package folder will be created!%1 automatically installs some Node.js packages so that you do not have to. %1 does not use global package folder because that requires administrator rights, therefore by default it uses subfolder placed in your "user data" folder.%1 automatically installs some Node.js packages so that you do not have to. %1 does not use global package folder because that requires administrator rights, therefore by default it uses subfolder placed in your "user data" folder.FormFormNode.js executableNode.js executable&Browse&SelaaNPM executableNPM executablePackage folder Package folder &Download Node.js&Lataa Node.jsSettingsNotificationsEnable notificationsKäytä ilmoituksiaBalloon notifications typeBalloon notifications typeNative notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled)Custom notificationsCustom notificationsPositionPositionWidthWidthMarginsMarginsScreenScreenOpacityOpacityNotificationsIlmoituksetThere are some built-in notification sounds. Just start typing ":" and they will show up.There are some built-in notification sounds. Just start typing ":" and they will show up.How do I look?How do I look?Just testing new notifications settings. That's all.Just testing new notifications settings. That's all.SettingsShortcutsKeyboard shortcutsPikanäppäimetShortcutCatcherReset to original shortcut.Reset to original shortcut.Clear current shortcut.Clear current shortcut.Click and hit new shortcut.Click and hit new shortcut.SingleNotificationEditorSelect sound fileValitse äänitiedostoWAV files (*.wav);;MP3 files (*.mp3)WAV-tiedostot (*.wav);;MP3-tiedostot (*.mp3)Balloon notificationBalloon notificationSoundÄäniFull path to your WAV sound fileKoko polku WAV-äänitiedostoon&Browse&Selaa&Play&ToistaVolumeVolumeSkinFactoryThis page was blocked by AdBlockTämä sivu estettiin AdBlock-mainoseston toimestaBlocked URL: "%1"<br/>Used filter: "%2"Blocked URL: "%1"<br/>Used filter: "%2"Written by Kirjoittanutunknown authortuntematon tekijäNewspaper viewLehtinäkymäfile %1 not foundfile %1 not foundSqliteDrivercannot get native 'sqlite3' DB handlecannot get native 'sqlite3' DB handleSQLite (embedded database)SQLite (upotettu tietokanta)Database file not copied to output directory successfully.Database file not copied to output directory successfully.StandardAccountDetailsFormFormTitleOtsikkoStandardCategoryCannot save data for category, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot save data for category, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot save category dataCannot save category dataStandardFeed
Encoding: %1
Type: %2
Post-processing script: %3
Encoding: %1
Type: %2
Post-processing script: %3ScriptScriptLocal filePaikallinen tiedostoUnknownTuntematonCannot save data for feed: %1Cannot save data for feed: %1Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.Cannot save feed dataCannot save feed datafeed format not recognizedfeed format not recognizedCannot move feedSyötettä ei voi siirtääStandardFeedDetailsFeed titleSyötteen otsikkoSet title for your feed.Aseta otsikko syötteelle.Feed descriptionSyötteen kuvausSet description for your feed.Aseta kuvaus syötteelle.Icon selectionKuvakkeen valintaLoad icon from file...Lataa kuvake tiedostosta...Use default icon from icon themeKäytä kuvaketeeman oletuskuvakettaFetch icon from feedNouda kuvake syötteestäNo metadata fetched so far.Metatietoja ei ole vielä noudettu.Icon fetched successfully.Kuvake noudettu onnistuneesti.Icon metadata fetched.Kuvakkeen metatiedot noudettu.No icon fetched.Kuvaketta ei noudettu.All metadata fetched successfully.Kaikki metatiedot noudettu onnistuneesti.Feed and icon metadata fetched.Syötteen ja kuvakkeen metatiedot noudettu.No metadata fetched.Metatietoja ei noudettu.Feed name is ok.Syötteen nimi on OK.Feed name is too short.Syötteen nimi on liian lyhyt.Description is empty.Kuvaus on tyhjä.The description is ok.Kuvaus on OK.The URL is ok.URL-osoite on OK.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL is empty.URL-osoite on tyhjä.Source is ok.Source is ok.File exists.File exists.File does not exist.File does not exist.Select icon file for the feedValitse kuvake syötteelleImages (%1)Images (%1)Select iconValitse kuvakeCancelPeruutaLook in:Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog.Look in:Icon name:Kuvakkeen nimi:Icon type:Kuvakkeen tyyppi:Full feed source identifierFull feed source identifierFull feed source identifier which can be URL.Full feed source identifier which can be URL.Full command to executeFull command to executeYou can enter full command including interpreter here.You can enter full command including interpreter here.The source is ok.The source is ok.Command is ok.Command is ok.Script failed: %1Script failed: %1Network error: %1Verkkovirhe: %1Error: %1Virhe: %1What is post-processing script?What is post-processing script?You can use URL as a source of your feed or you can produce your feed with custom script.
Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wish. These are advanced features and make sure to read the documentation before your use them.You can use URL as a source of your feed or you can produce your feed with custom script.
Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wish. These are advanced features and make sure to read the documentation before your use them.FormFormParent folderYlätason kansioSelect parent item for your feed.Select parent item for your feed.TypeTyyppiSelect type of the standard feed.Valitse standardisyötteen tyyppi.Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding.Valitse standardisyötteen merkistö. Jos olet epävarma merkistöstä, valitse "UTF-8".TitleOtsikkoDescriptionKuvausSourceLähdePost-processing scriptPost-processing scriptFetch metadataHae metatiedotFetch it nowHae nytIconKuvakeSelect icon for your feed.Valitse kuvake syötteelle.StandardServiceRootDo you want to load initial set of feeds?Haluatko ladata syötteiden alkukokoelman?Error when loading initial feedsError when loading initial feedsFetch metadataHae metatiedotExport feedsVie syötteetImport feedsTuo syötteetThis new account does not include any feeds. You can now add default set of feeds.Tämä tili ei sisällä syötteitä. Voit lisätä nyt syötteiden oletusvalikoiman.This is the obligatory service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds.This is the obligatory service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds.Cannot add itemTietuetta ei voi lisätäCannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add categoryLuokkaa ei voi lisätäCannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Import was completely successful.Import was completely successful.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.StatusBarFeed update progress barFeed update progress barFile download progress barFile download progress barToolbar spacerToolbar spacerSystemFactoryanonymousanonymous bytes tavuaSee new version infoSee new version infoSystemTrayIcon%1
Unread news: %2%1
Unread news: %2TabBarClose this tab.Sulje tämä välilehti.Close tabSulje välilehtiTabWidgetFeedsSyötteetDisplays main menu.Näytä päävalikko.Main menuPäävalikkoDownloadsLatauksetMedia playerMedia playerWeb browserVerkkoselainBrowse your feeds and articlesSelaa syötteitä ja artikkelejaTextBrowserViewerimageimageEnable external resourcesEnable external resourcesDownloadLataaTimeSpinBox%n hour(s)%n tunti%n tuntia%n minute(s)%n minuutti%n minuuttia and ja %n second(s)%n sekunti%n sekuntiaToastNotificationDo it!Do it!ToolBarEditorSeparatorErotinToolbar spacerToolbar spacerActivated actionsAktivoidut toiminnotAvailable actionsSaatavilla olevat toiminnotMove action upSiirrä toiminto ylösMove action downSiirrä toiminto alasInsert separatorLisää erotinInsert spacerInsert spacerAdd selected actionLisää valittu toimintoDelete selected actionPoista valittu toimintoDelete all actionsPoista kaikki toiminnotReset toolbarReset toolbarTrayIconMenuClose opened modal dialogs first.Close opened modal dialogs first.Close dialogsClose dialogsTtRssAccountDetailsIf you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.<br/><br/>Also, make sure to install <a href="">api_newsplus</a> TT-RSS plugin to your server instance.If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.<br/><br/>Also, make sure to install <a href="">api_newsplus</a> TT-RSS plugin to your server instance.Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often.Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often.HTTP authentication usernameHTTP-tunnistautumisen käyttäjätunnusHTTP authentication passwordHTTP-tunnistautumisen salasanaPassword for your TT-RSS accountSalasana TT-RSS-tililleUsername for your TT-RSS accountKäyttäjätunnus TT-RSS-tililleURL of your TT-RSS instance WITHOUT trailing "/api/" stringURL of your TT-RSS instance WITHOUT trailing "/api/" stringNo test done yet.Testiä ei ole vielä tehty.Here, results of connection test are shown.Tässä näytetään yhteystestin tulokset.API access on selected server is not enabled.API access on selected server is not enabled.Entered credentials are incorrect.Annetut kirjautumistiedot olivat virheelliset.Other error occurred, contact developers.Other error occurred, contact developers.Installed version: %1, required at least: %2.Installed version: %1, required at least: %2.Selected Tiny Tiny RSS server is running unsupported version of API.Selected Tiny Tiny RSS server is running unsupported version of API.Tiny Tiny RSS server is okay.Tiny Tiny RSS -palvelin on kunnossa.Network error: '%1'.Verkkovirhe: '%1'.Network error, have you entered correct Tiny Tiny RSS API endpoint and password?Network error, have you entered correct Tiny Tiny RSS API endpoint and password?Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL?Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL?Username cannot be empty.Käyttäjätunnus ei voi olla tyhjä.Username is okay.Käyttäjätunnus on OK.Password cannot be empty.Salasana ei voi olla tyhjä.Password is okay.Password is okay.Username is ok or it is not needed.Username is ok or it is not needed.Username is empty.Käyttäjätunnus on tyhjä.Password is ok or it is not needed.Password is ok or it is not needed.Password is empty.Salasana on tyhjä.URL cannot be empty.URL-osoite ei voi olla tyhjä.URL should NOT end with "/api/".URL should NOT end with "/api/".URL is okay.URL is okay.URLURL-osoiteDownload unread articles onlyLataa vain lukemattomat artikkelitOnly download newest X articles per feedLataa vain X artikkelia per syöteIntelligent synchronization algorithmIntelligent synchronization algorithmForce execution of server-side feeds updateForce execution of server-side feeds updateSome feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.AuthenticationTunnistautuminenUsernameKäyttäjätunnusPasswordSalasanaRequires HTTP authenticationVaatii HTTP-tunnistautumisen&Test setup&Test setupTtRssFeedShare to publishedShare to publishedTtRssFeedDetailsFull feed URL including schemeFull feed URL including schemeProvide URL for your feed.Provide URL for your feed.The URL is ok.URL-osoite on OK.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL is empty.URL-osoite on tyhjä.FormFormParent folderYlätason kansioSelect parent item for your feed.Select parent item for your feed.URLURL-osoiteTtRssServiceRootCannot add itemTietuetta ei voi lisätäCannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.Username: %1
Server: %2
Last error: %3
Last login on: %4Username: %1
Server: %2
Last error: %3
Last login on: %4cannot get list of feeds, network error '%1'cannot get list of feeds, network error '%1'UnreadNodeUnread articlesUnread articlesYou can find all unread articles here.You can find all unread articles here.WebBrowserNavigation panelNavigation panelView website in reader modeView website in reader modeNo titleWebbrowser tab title when no title is available.Ei otsikkoaReader mode failed for this websiteReader mode failed for this websiteReader mode cannot be applied to current page.Reader mode cannot be applied to current page.BackTaaksepäinForwardEteenpäinReloadLataa uudelleenStopPysäytäOpen this website in system web browserAvaa tämä sivusto järjestelmän verkkoselaimessaWebFactoryWeb engine settingsWeb-moottorin asetuksetAuto-load imagesLataa kuvat automaattisestiJS enabledJS käytössäJS can open popup windowsJS voi avata ponnahdusikkunoitaJS can access clipboardJS voi päästä leikepöydälleHyperlinks can get focusHyperlinkit voivat saada kohdistuksenLocal storage enabledLocal storage enabledLocal content can access remote URLsLocal content can access remote URLsXSS auditing enabledXSS auditing enabledSpatial navigation enabledSpatial navigation enabledLocal content can access local filesPaikallisella sisällöllä on pääsy paikallisiin tiedostoihinHyperlink auditing enabledHyperlink auditing enabledAnimate scrollingAnimate scrollingError pages enabledVirhesivut käytössäPlugins enabledLiitännäiset käytössäFullscreen enabledKoko näytön tila käytössäScreen capture enabledScreen capture enabledWebGL enabledWebGL käytössäAccelerate 2D canvasAccelerate 2D canvasPrint element backgroundsPrint element backgroundsAllow running insecure contentSalli turvattoman sisällön suorittaminenAllow geolocation on insecure originsSalli geopaikannus turvattomista alkuperistäWeb cache is going to be clearedWeb cache is going to be clearedDo you really want to clear web cache?Do you really want to clear web cache?Navigate to website manuallyNavigate to website manually%1 was unable to launch your web browser with the given URL, you need to open the below website URL in your web browser manually.%1 was unable to launch your web browser with the given URL, you need to open the below website URL in your web browser manually.JS can activate windowsJS voi aktivoida ikkunoitaShow scrollbarsNäytä vierityspalkitMedia playback with gesturesMedia playback with gesturesWebRTC uses only public interfacesWebRTC uses only public interfacesJS can paste from clipboardJS can paste from clipboardDNS prefetch enabledDNS prefetch enabledPDF viewer enabledPDF viewer enabled