AccountCheckModel (category) (分类) (feed) (饲料) AdBlockDialog AdBlock configuration AdBlock 配置 Cannot enable AdBlock 无法启用 AdBlock There is some error in AdBlock component and it cannot be enabled. Check error message below (or application debug log) for more information. AdBlock 组件中存在一些错误,无法启用。请查看下方错误信息(或应用程序调试日志)以了解更多信息。 OK! 完成! There is error, check application log for more details and head to online documentation. 出现错误,请检查应用程序日志以了解更多细节,并前往在线文档。 There is error, check application log for more details and head to online documentation. Also make sure that Node.js is installed. Error: %1 出现错误,请检查应用程序日志以了解更多细节,并前往在线文档。并确保 Node.js 被正确安装。 错误:%1 ERROR! 错误! No additional info. 无附加信息。 It seems your AdBlock runs fine, but wait few seconds to be sure. 看起来 AdBlock 运行正常,但稍等片刻确保正确无误。 Enable AdBlock 启用 AdBlock &Help 帮助 Filter lists 过滤列表 Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line) 添加你的直链至过滤清单(一行一个) Custom filters 自定义过滤器 Add your custom filters here (one filter per line) 在此处添加自定义过滤器(一行一个) AdBlockIcon AdBlock lets you block unwanted content on web pages AdBlock 可以让你屏蔽网页上不想看到的内容 Show AdBlock &settings 显示 AdBlock &设置 AdBlockManager Failed to setup filters and start server: %1. Failed to setup filters and start server: %1. failed to download filter list '%1' 无法下载过滤器规则 '%1' Application Application is already running. 应用已在运行。 Output directory is not writable. 输出目录不可写。 Settings file not copied to output directory successfully. 配置文件未能成功复制到输出目录。 Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable. 无法开始恢复数据库,请确保输出目录可写。 Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable. 无法开始恢复设置,请确保输出目录可写。 Cannot add feed 无法添加 Feed Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds. 无法添加 Feed,因为没有可用帐号。 Packages %1 were updated. 软件包 %1 已被更新。 Unread articles fetched 未读文章 Go to changelog 查看更新日志 AdBlock needs to be configured AdBlock 需要进行配置 Welcome 欢迎 Welcome to %1. Please, check NEW stuff included in this version by clicking this popup notification. 欢迎使用 %1。 请点击此弹出通知以查看本版本的新功能。 AdBlock is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured. AdBlock 配置不正确。请前往 "设置" -> "Node.js" 检查 Node.js 配置是否正确。 Already running 已在运行 Packages %1 were NOT updated because of error: %2. 由于错误:%2,软件包 %1 没有更新。 ArticleListNotification ... ... Go to previous page Go to previous page Go to next page Go to next page Open article in article list Open article in article list Open article in web browser Open article in web browser %n feeds fetched %n feeds fetched AuthenticationDetails Form 表单 Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. 某些 Feed,例如 Gmail Feed,需要身份认证,我们支持 BASIC, NTLM-2 和 DIGEST-MD5 认证方式。 Credentials Credentials Authentication type 身份验证类型 Username 用户名 Password 密码 Set username to access the feed. 填写用于访问此 Feed 的用户名。 Set password to access the feed. 填写用于访问此 Feed 的密码。 No authentication 无身份验证 HTTP Basic HTTP 基本设置 Token Token Username/token is ok or it is not needed. 用户名/令牌可以使用,否则不需要。 Username/token is empty. 用户名/令牌为空。 Access token 访问令牌 Password is ok or it is not needed. 密码可用,即使不必要。 Password is empty. 密码为空。 BaseLineEdit Show/hide the password 展示或隐藏密码 BaseToastNotification Close this notification Close this notification ColorToolButton Click me to change color! 点我更换颜色! Select new color 选择新颜色 DatabaseCleaner Shrinking database file... 正在压缩数据库文件… Database file shrinked... 数据库文件已压缩… Recycle bin purged... 回收站已清空… Purging recycle bin... 正在清空回收站… Removing read articles... 移除已读文章中… Read articles purged... 清除已读文章… Removing old articles... 移除旧文章中… Old articles purged... 清除旧文章… Removing starred articles... 移除收藏文章中… Starred articles purged... 清除收藏文章… DatabaseFactory Cannot connect to database 无法连接数据库 Connection to your database was not established with error: '%1'. Falling back to SQLite. 无法与数据库建立连接,错误:'%1'。回退至 SQLite。 DiscoverFeedsButton Given account does not support adding feeds. 被指定的账户不支持添加 Feed。 Feeds were detected, but no suitable accounts are configured. 检测到 Feed,但未配置合适的帐号。 This website does not contain any feeds 此网站不支持 feed。 Add one of %n feed(s) 添加%n的饲料之一(s) Not supported by account 帐号不可用 DownloadItem Error opening output file: %1 打开输出文件时发生错误:%1 Select destination for downloaded file 选择文件下载目录 Error: %1 错误:%1 Download directory couldn't be created 无法创建下载目录 Error when saving file: %1 保存文件时发生错误:%1 %1 of %2 (%3 per second) - %4 %1 / %2 (%3 /s) - %4 %1 of %2 - download completed %1 / %2 - 下载完成 Cannot open file 无法打开文件 Cannot open output file. Open it manually. 无法打开输出文件,请手动打开。 Cannot open directory 无法打开目录 Cannot open output directory. Open it manually. 无法打开输出目录,请手动打开。 Download finished 下载完成 File '%1' is downloaded. Click here to open parent directory. File '%1' is downloaded. Click here to open parent directory. URL: %1 URL:%1 Local file: %1 本地文件:%1 Selection of local file cancelled. 已取消选择本地文件。 Open folder 打开文件夹 Filename 文件名 &Try again 重试 (&T) &Stop 停止 (&S) &Open file 打开文件 (&O) Open &directory 打开目录 (&D) DownloadManager %n minutes remaining 剩余 %n 分钟 %n seconds remaining 剩余 %n 秒 bytes bytes Downloading %n file(s)... 正在下载 %n 个文件(s)… Clean up 清理 EmailPreviewer Form 表单 From 来自 &Attachments 附件 &A &Reply 回复 &R &Forward 转发 &F Subject 对象 To 发至 Cannot download attachment 附件无法下载 Attachment cannot be downloaded because you are not logged-in. 因为没有登录,导致无法下载附件, Attachment cannot be downloaded because some general error happened. 因为发生错误,导致无法下载附件, EmailRecipientControl To 发至 Cc 抄送 Bcc 密件抄送 Reply-to 回复 E-mail address 邮箱地址 Feed uses global settings, but global auto-fetching of articles is disabled uses global settings, but global auto-fetching of articles is disabled no errors 正常 authentication error 身份认证错误 network error 网络错误 does not use auto-fetching of articles Describes feed auto-update status. 禁用文章自动获取 uses global settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetch of articles) 使用全局设置 (%n 分钟(s)后自动获取文章) uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetching of new articles) Describes feed auto-update status. 使用全局设置 (%n 分钟(s)后自动获取文章) has new articles 有新文章 parsing error 解析错误中 error 错误 Auto-update status: %1 Active message filters: %2 Status: %3 Source: <a href="%4">%4</a> Item ID: %5 Auto-update status: %1 Active message filters: %2 Status: %3 Source: <a href="%4">%4</a> Item ID: %5 FeedMessageViewer Toolbar for feeds Feed 工具栏 Toolbar for articles 文章工具栏 FeedReader Starting auto-download of some feeds' articles 开始自动下载一些 feed 文章 I will auto-download new articles for %n feed(s). 我将自动下载新文章的%n饲料(s)。 Cannot fetch articles at this point 目前无法获取文章 You cannot fetch new articles now because another critical operation is ongoing. 因为另一个关键操作正在进行,所以暂时无法获取新文章。 FeedlyAccountDetails Username 用户名 Developer access token 开发者访问令牌 Get token &获取令牌 Intelligent synchronization algorithm 智能同步算法 Only download newest X articles per feed 仅下载 feed 最新的 X 个文章 &Login &登录 Download unread articles only 仅下载未读文章 Username for your account 你的账户用户名 No test done yet. 尚未测试。 Here, results of connection test are shown. 此处为连接测试的结果。 Your %1 does not offer official Feedly support, thus you must authorize via special authorization code called "developer access token". These tokens are usually valid only for 1 month and allow only 250 API calls each day. 你的%1不提供Feedly的官方支持,因此你必须通过特殊的授权码授权,称为 "开发者访问令牌"。这些令牌的有效期通常只有1个月,每天只允许250次API调用。 If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles. 如果选择智能同步,则只下载尚未获取或更新的文章。网络使用大大减少,整体同步速度大大提高,但是如果 feed 包含大量文章,第一次提要获取可能会很慢。 You did not grant access. 未能获取权限。 There was error during testing. 测试时发生了错误。 There is error. %1 错误如下:%1 Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more. 测试成功。你可能需要再次登录。 Your access was approved. 权限申请已被批准。 Access granted. 未能获取权限。 Login was successful. 登录成功。 Your %1 build has official Feedly support. You do not have to use "developer access token". You can therefore leave corresponding field empty. 您的 %1 版本已获得 Feedly 官方支持。您不需要使用 "开发者访问令牌"。您可以将相应的字段留空。 Some problems. 发生了些问题。 Username cannot be empty. 用户名不能为空。 Username is okay. 用户名可用。 Access token is empty. 访问令牌是空的。 Access token is okay. 访问令牌没问题。 Error: '%1' 错误:'%1' Beware of downloading too many articles, because Feedly permanently caches ALL articles of the feed, so you might end up with thousands of articles which you will never read anyway. 注意别下太多文章, Feedly 回永久缓存所有 feed 文章, 所以可能会有成千上万的文章,让你失去阅读欲望。 FeedlyNetwork Feedly: authentication error Feedly:身份验证错误 Click this to login again. Error is: '%1' 点此重新登录,报错:'%1' Feedly: authorization denied Feedly:拒绝授权 Click this to login again. 点此重新登录。 Login 登录 FeedsImportExportModel OPML document contains errors OPML 文档包含错误 this is likely not OPML document 这可能不是 OPML 文档 Category 分类 FeedsModel Title 名称 Titles of feeds/categories. 订阅/分类的名称。 Are you sure? 你确定吗? Do you really want to clean all articles from selected item? 您真的想清除所选项目中的所有文章吗? Root Counts of unread/all mesages. 未读消息/所有消息的计数。 FeedsProxyModel Cannot perform drag & drop operation 无法执行拖放操作 You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported. 被拖拽的项目不支持跨账户移动。 FeedsToolBar Toolbar spacer 工具栏空白 Everywhere 全局 Titles only 仅标题 Search feeds 搜索订阅 Feeds search box Feed 搜索框 FeedsView Cannot edit item 无法编辑项目 Cannot delete item 无法删除项目 Context menu for empty space 空白处的上下文菜单 Selected item cannot be edited because another critical operation is ongoing. 另一项关键操作正在执行,无法编辑所选项目。 Selected item cannot be deleted because another critical operation is ongoing. 另一项关键操作正在执行,无法删除所选项目。 Context menu for categories 分类的上下文菜单 Selected item cannot be edited, this is not (yet?) supported. (尚)未支持编辑所选项目。 Deleting "%1" 正在删除 "%1" You are about to completely delete item "%1". 即将彻底删除项目 "%1"。 Are you sure? 你确定吗? Cannot delete "%1" 无法删除 "%1" This item cannot be deleted because something critically failed. Submit bug report. 由于一些严重错误,无法删除此项目,请向我们提交 BUG 报告。 This item cannot be deleted, because it does not support it or this functionality is not implemented yet. 不支持删除此项目,或有关功能暂未实现。 Context menu for other items 其它项目的上下文菜单 Context menu for regex query Context menu for regex query Selected account does not support adding of new feeds. 所选账户不支持添加新订阅。 Selected account does not support adding of new categories. 所选账户不支持添加新分类。 Context menu for recycle bins 回收站的上下文菜单 Context menu for accounts 账户的上下文菜单 Context menu for label 标签的右键菜单 Context menu for important articles 重要文章的右键菜单 Not supported by account 帐号不可用 FormAbout Changelog not found. 找不到更新日志。 About %1 关于 %1 FULLY portable 完全便携 User data folder ("%5") -> "%1" Settings file (%3) -> "%2" Skins base folder -> "%4" Icon themes base folder -> "%8" Node.js package folder -> "%6" QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7" User data folder ("%5") -> "%1" Settings file (%3) -> "%2" Skins base folder -> "%4" Icon themes base folder -> "%8" Node.js package folder -> "%6" QtWebEngine cache folder -> "%7" <body>%5 is a (very) tiny feed reader.<br><br>This software is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Contacts:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~e-mail</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~website</li></ul>You can obtain source code for %5 from its website.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body> <body>%5 是一个非常精简的 Feed 阅读器。<br><br>此软件在第三版 GNU 通用公共许可证 (GNU General Public License, version 3) 下分发。<br><br>联系方式:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~邮箱</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~网站</li></ul>你可以在网站上获取 %5 的源代码。<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body> <b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (built on %2/%3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Build date:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (compiled against %7)<br> <b>%8</b><br><b>版本:</b>%1(构建于 %2/%3)<br><b>Git 版本:</b>%4<br><b>构建日期:</b>%5<br><b>Qt:</b>%6(基于 %7 构建)<br> NOT portable 不便携 CUSTOM 自定义 Information 信息 Licenses 许可证 Licenses page is available only in English language. 许可证页面只支持英语。 Changelog 更新日志 Changelog page is available only in English language. 更新日志页面只支持英语。 Resources 资源 FormAccountDetails Network proxy 代理网络 Add new account 添加新账户 Edit account "%1" 编辑帐号 "%1" FormAddAccount Add new account 添加新账户 FormAddEditEmail Add new recipient. 添加收件人。 E-mail NOT sent 邮件未被发送 Your e-mail message wasn't sent. 您的邮件未被发送。 Write e-mail message 撰写邮件 Contents of your e-mail message 电子邮件的内容 Subject 对象 Title of your message 消息标题 FormAddEditLabel Name for your label 标签名 Label's name cannot be empty. 标签名不为空。 Perfect! 完美! Hot stuff 热门 Create new label 新建标签 Edit label '%1' 编辑标签 '%1' FormAddEditProbe Name for your query Name for your query Regular expression 正则表达式(Regex) What is regular expression? 正则表达式是什么 A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that specifies a match pattern in text. See more <a href="">info</a>. A regular expression (shortened as regex or regexp) is a sequence of characters that specifies a match pattern in text. See more <a href="">info</a>. Regex query name cannot be empty. 正则表达式查询名称不能为空。 Perfect! 完美! Regular expression cannot be empty. Regular expression cannot be empty. Create new regex query Create new regex query Edit regex query '%1' Edit regex query '%1' Regular expression is not well-formed. Regular expression is not well-formed. Hot stuff 热门 FormBackupDatabaseSettings Common name for backup files 备份文件的通用名称 No operation executed yet. 尚未执行操作。 Backup was created successfully. 备份创建成功。 Backup name cannot be empty. 备份名称不能为空。 Backup name looks okay. 备份名称可用。 Backup failed. 备份失败。 Backup was created successfully and stored in target directory. 备份创建成功,已保存至目标目录。 Select destination directory 选择目标目录 Good destination directory is specified. 已选择合适的目录。 Backup database/settings 备份数据库/设置 Output directory 输出目录 &Select directory &选择目录 Backup properties 备份属性 Items to backup 要备份的项目 Database 数据库 Settings 设置 Backup name 备份名称 Operation results 运行结果 FormCategoryDetails Add new category 添加新分类 Category name is ok. 分类名称可用。 Category name is too short. 分类名称过短。 Description is empty. 描述为空。 The description is ok. 描述可用。 Select icon file for the category 为分类选择图标 Images (%1) Images (%1) Select icon 选择图标 Cancel 取消 Look in: Label to describe the folder for icon file selection dialog. 当前目录: Icon name: 图标名称: Icon type: 图标类型: Category title 分类名称 Set title for your category. 填写分类名称。 Category description 分类描述 Set description for your category. 填写分类描述。 Icon selection 图标选择 Load icon from file... 从文件载入图标… Use default icon from icon theme 使用主题的默认图标 Edit "%1" 编辑 "%1" Parent folder 上级文件夹 Select parent item for your category. 为分类选择上级项目。 Title 名称 Description 描述 Icon 图标 Select icon for your category. 为分类选择图标。 FormDatabaseCleanup day(s) 天(s) I am ready. 已就绪。 Database cleanup is running. 正在清理数据库。 Database cleanup is completed. 数据库清理完成。 Database cleanup failed. 数据库清理失败。 unknown 未知 Cleanup database 清理数据库 Cleanup settings 清理设置 Optimize database file 优化数据库文件 Remove all read articles 移除所有已读文章 Remove all articles from recycle bin 移除所有回收站文章 Remove all articles older than 移除所有早于指定天数的文章 Remove all starred articles 移除所有收藏文章 Database information 数据库信息 Total data size 总数据大小 Database type 数据库类型 Progress 进度 FormEditFeedlyAccount Service setup 服务设置 FormEditGmailAccount Server setup 服务器设置 FormEditGreaderAccount Server setup 服务器设置 FormEditOwnCloudAccount Server setup 服务器设置 FormEditRedditAccount Server setup 服务器设置 FormEditTtRssAccount Server setup 服务器设置 FormFeedDetails Add new feed 添加 Feed Cannot save changes: %1 无法保存修改:%1 Edit "%1" 编辑 "%1" Fetch articles using global interval 使用全局间隔获取文章 Fetch articles every 每隔一段时间获取文章 Disable auto-fetching of articles 禁用自动获取文章 Cannot save feed properties 无法保存饲料属性 Articles 文章 Auto-downloading of articles 自动下载文章 Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings. 选择此饲料的消息的自动下载策略。默认的自动下载策略是指在应用程序设置中设定的时间间隔内下载该饲料的新消息。 Open articles via their URL automatically 通过其URL自动打开文章 Add articles with any date into the database Add articles with any date into the database Avoid adding articles before this date into the database Avoid adding articles before this date into the database Miscellaneous 其他 Disable this feed 禁用该饲料 Right-to-left layout Right-to-left layout Ignore notifications for this feed Ignore notifications for this feed FormLog Application log Application log FormMain No possible actions 无可用操作 No recycle bin 无回收站 Main menu 主菜单 Open main menu 打开主菜单 Open &main menu 打开&主菜单 &File 文件 (&F) &Help 帮助 (&H) &View 查看 (&V) Show/hide 显示/隐藏 &Tools 工具 (&T) F&eeds 饲料 &Add item 添加项目 &Move 移动 Art&icles 文章 &Recycle bin(s) 回收站 (&R) &Accounts 账户 (&A) &Web browser && tabs 网络浏览器&标签页 &Quit 退出 (&Q) Quit the application. 退出应用程序。 &Settings 设置 (&S) Display settings of the application. 显示应用程序设置。 &About application 关于应用 (&T) Displays extra info about this application. 显示关于此应用的额外信息。 &Fullscreen 全屏 Switch fullscreen mode. 切换全屏模式。 &Fetch all 获取全部 Fetch all feeds 获取全部Feeds Fetch &selected 获取所选 Fetch selected feeds 获取所选的Feeds &Edit selected item 编辑所选项目 (&E) &Delete selected item 删除所选项目 (&D) Mark articles &read 标记文章&阅读 Mark selected articles read 标记选定的文章已读 Mark articles &unread 标记文章&未读 Mark selected articles unread 标记选定的文章未读 Switch &importance 开关&重要性 Switch importance of selected articles 选定的文章的开关重要性 Mark selected item &read 标记所选项目&阅读 Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read. 将所选项目中所有消息(忽略消息过滤器)设为已读。 Mark selected item &unread 标记所选项目&未读 Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread. 将所选项目中所有消息(忽略消息过滤器)设为未读。 &Delete articles 删除文章 &Clean selected item 清除所选项目 Deletes all messages from selected items. 删除所选项目中所有消息。 Open in &external browser 用外部浏览器打开 Open selected articles in external browser 用外部浏览器打开选定的文章 Open in &internal browser 用内部浏览器打开 Open selected articles in internal browser 用内部浏览器打开选定的文章 No actions available 没有可用操作 No actions are available right now. 目前没有可用操作。 &Mark all read 标记所有已读 Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account. 将所有消息设为已读,不考虑消息过滤器。 View selected item in &newspaper mode 以报纸模式查看所选项目 Displays all messages from selected item in a new "newspaper mode" tab. Note that messages are not set as read automatically. 在新的“报纸模式”中显示所选项目里的所有消息,注意消息不会自动设为已读。 Switch main window visibility 切换主窗口的可见度 Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden. 主窗口显示时隐藏它,反之,主窗口隐藏时显示它。 &Feed list Feed 列表 (&F) Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories. 隐藏或显示 Feeds/分类列表。 &Clean all 清除所有 Deletes all messages from all items. 删除所有项目中所有消息。 &Next item 下一个项目 &Previous item 上一个项目 &Next article 下一篇文章 &Previous article 上一篇文章 Check for &updates 检查更新 (&U) Check if new update for the application is available for download. 检查是否有应用更新可供下载。 &Main menu 主菜单 (&M) Hides or displays the main menu. 隐藏或显示主菜单。 Report a &bug... 报告 BUG (&B)… &Toolbars 工具栏 (&T) Switch visibility of main toolbars. 切换主工具栏可见性。 &List headers 列表标题 &Donate... 捐赠 (&D)… Display &documentation 展示&文档 &Restart 重新启动 (&R) &Restore settings 恢复设定 &Backup settings 备份设定 Switch layout 开关布局 &Downloads 下载 (&D) Send via e-mail 通过电子邮件发送 Send selected articles via e-mail 通过电子邮件发送选定的文章 &Cleanup database 清理数据库 (&C) Show unread items only 只显示未读项目 &Expand/collapse selected item 展开/收起所选项目 (&E) &Add account 添加账户 &Restore articles 恢复文章 &Restore all recycle bins 还原回收站 &Empty all recycle bins 清空回收站 Next &unread article 下一篇&未读文章 Status bar 状态栏 &Edit selected account 编辑所选账户 (&E) &Delete selected account 删除所选账户 (&D) Add new category 添加新分类 Stop ongoing fetching 停止持续获取 New browser tab 新的浏览器标签页 Close all tabs 关闭所有标签页 Close all tabs except current 关闭其他标签页 Go to &next tab 下一个标签页 (&N) Go to &previous tab 上一个标签页 (&P) &Enable article preview 启用文章预览 &Copy URL of selected item 复制所选项目的URL Article &filters 文章 & 筛选器 &Show tree expanders 显示树形扩展程序 Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy 用自定义的自动下载策略获取Feeds Alternate row colors in lists 列表中替代行的颜色 Automatically &expand item when selected 选择时自动展开项目 Message viewer toolbars 消息查看器的工具条 Expand/collapse selected item &recursively 展开/折叠所选项目并递归 Close &current tab 关闭当前标签页 &Copy URLs of selected articles 复制所选文章的URL Open in internal browser (no new tab) 用内部浏览器打开(没有新标签页) &Sort alphabetically 按字母顺序排序 Move &up 向上移动 Move to &top 移至顶部 Move &down 向下移动 Move to &bottom 移至底部 Display application &log Display application &log Focus feeds search box Focus feeds search box Focus articles search box Focus articles search box Scroll &up browser Scroll &up browser Scroll &down browser Scroll &down browser Rearrange &subcategories alphabetically Rearrange &subcategories alphabetically Rearrange &feeds alphabetically Rearrange &feeds alphabetically Cleanup web cac&he Cleanup web cac&he You must add new account first You must add new account first You must add new account first. You must add new account first. Add new feed 添加 Feed No actions possible 没有可用操作 Cannot cleanup database 无法清理数据库 Cannot cleanup database, because another critical action is running. 另一项关键操作正在执行,无法清理数据库。 Close opened modal dialogs first. 请先关闭已打开的对话框。 Fetching common data 获取公共数据 Close dialogs 关闭对话框 FormMessageFiltersManager ACCEPTED 接受 REJECTED 拒绝 yes no Cannot find 'clang-format' 找不到 'clang-format' Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool was not found. 脚本未被美化,因为找不到 'clang-format' 工具。 Error 错误 Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool thrown error. 脚本未被美化,因为 'clang-format' 工具抛出了错误。 Beautifier was running for too long time 美化时间过长 Script was not beautified, is 'clang-format' installed? 脚本未被美化,是否安装了'clang-格式'? Cannot save new filter, error: '%1'. 不能保存新的过滤器,错误:'%1'。 Context menu 上下文菜单 Filter articles like this 筛选这样的文章 New article filter 新的文章过滤器 EXISTING articles filtering error: '%1'. EXISTING articles filtering error: '%1'. Article will be %1. 文章将为%1。 Output (modified) article is: Title = '%1' URL = '%2' Author = '%3' Is read/important = '%4/%5' Created on = '%6' Contents = '%7' RAW contents = '%8' Output (modified) article is: Title = '%1' URL = '%2' Author = '%3' Is read/important = '%4/%5' Created on = '%6' Contents = '%7' RAW contents = '%8' SAMPLE article filtering error: '%1'. SAMPLE article filtering error: '%1'. Are you sure? 你确定吗? Do you really want to remove selected filter? 你真的想移除所选的过滤器吗? Article filters 文章过滤器 &Check all 检查全部 &Uncheck all 取消全选 Remove selected 移除选中 &New filter 新的过滤器 Article filter details 文章过滤器的详细信息 Title 名称 Title of article filter 文章过滤器的名称 Pre-made filters Pre-made filters JavaScript code JavaScript 代码 Your JavaScript-based article filtering logic 你的基于JavaScript的文章过滤逻辑 &Test 检测 Process checked feeds 处理检查过的Feeds &Beautify 美化 Detailed &help 详细帮助 (&H) Existing articles 现有的文章 Sample article 样本文章 URL URL Author 作者 Created on 创建时间 Contents 内容 Read 已读 Important 重要 Script output 脚本输出 FormRestoreDatabaseSettings No operation executed yet. 尚未执行任何操作。 Restoration was initiated. Restart to proceed. 恢复已开始。重启应用程序以继续。 You need to restart application for restoration process to finish. 你需要重启应用程序以完成恢复。 Database and/or settings were not copied to restoration directory successully. 数据库或设置未能成功复制到恢复目录。 Select source directory 选择源目录 Good source directory is specified. 已指定合适的源目录。 Restart 重启 Restore database/settings 恢复数据库/设置 Operation results 运行结果 Source directory 源目录 &Select directory 选择目录 (&S) Restore database 恢复数据库 Restore settings 恢复设置 FormSettings Critical settings were changed 关键设置已更改 Changed categories of settings: %1. 有更改的设置分类: %1。 Some settings are changed and will be lost 某些设置已更改且将丢失 Some settings were changed and by cancelling this dialog, you would lose these changes. 某些设置已更改,如果你取消当前对话框,这些设置将丢失。 Do you really want to close this dialog without saving any settings? 你确定要不保存设置而关闭对话框吗? Some critical settings were changed and will be applied after the application gets restarted. You have to restart manually. 某些关键设置已更改,将在应用程序重启后生效。 请手动重启。 Do you want to restart now? 你确定要立即重启吗? Settings 设置 FormStandardFeedDetails General 一般 Network 网络 FormStandardImportExport No file is selected. 未选择文件。 No operation executed yet. 尚未执行任何操作。 Destination file 目标文件 Source feeds && categories 源 Feeds && 分类 Export feeds 导出 Feeds Source file 源文件 Target feeds && categories 目标 Feeds && 分类 Import feeds 导入 Feeds Command is ok. 命令是确定的。 Command is empty. 命令是空的。 Select file for feeds export 选择用于 Feeds 导出的文件 File is selected. 文件已选定。 Select file for feeds import 选择用于 Feeds 导入的文件 Feeds were loaded. Feeds 已载入。 Full command to execute 要执行的完整命令 You can enter full command including interpreter here. 你可以在这里输入完整的命令,包括解释器。 Here you can enter script executaion line, including interpreter. 在这里你可以输入脚本的执行行,包括解释器。 Some feeds were not loaded properly. Check log for more information. Some feeds were not loaded properly. Check log for more information. cannot open file cannot open file Feeds were exported successfully. Feeds 导出成功。 Critical error occurred. 发生严重错误。 Parsing data... 正在解析数据… OPML 2.0 files (*.opml *.xml) OPML 2.0 files (*.opml *.xml) Cannot write into destination file: '%1'. 无法写入目标文件:'%1'. TXT files [one URL per line] (*.txt) TXT 文件 [每行一个 URL] (*.txt) &Export to file 导出至文件 (&E) &Import from file 从文件导入 (&I) &Select file 选择文件 (&S) Fetch online metadata Fetch online metadata Do not fetch titles Do not fetch titles Do not fetch icons Do not fetch icons Optional post-processing script Optional post-processing script Root node 根节点 Select parent item for your feed. 为 Feed 选择上级项目。 Export icons 导出图标 &Check all feeds 检查所有Feeds &Uncheck all feeds 取消检查所有Feeds Operation result 运行结果 FormTtRssFeedDetails Feed added Feed 已添加 General 一般 Network 网络 Feed was added, obtaining new tree of feeds now. 添加了Feeds,现在获得了新的Feeds树。 API returned error code %1 API返回错误代码%1 FormTtRssNote Share note to "Published" feed 分享笔记到“已发布”的饲料 Cannot share note 不能分享笔记 There was an error, when trying to send your custom note. 在尝试发送您的定制笔记时,出现了一个错误。 Enter non-empty title. 输入非空的标题。 Enter valid URL. 输入有效的URL。 Title 名称 URL URL Content 内容简介 FormUpdate unknown Unknown release. 未知 List with updates was not downloaded successfully. 未能成功下载更新列表。 New release available. 新版本可用。 Error: '%1'. 错误:'%1'. No new release available. 暂无新版本。 This release is not newer than currently installed one. 此版本比当前版本更旧。 Download new installation files. 下载安装文件。 Cannot update application 无法更新应用 Downloaded %1% (update size is %2 kB). 已下载 %1%(更新总大小 %2 kB)。 Downloading update... 正在下载更新… Downloaded successfully 下载成功 Error occured 出错 Error occured during downloading of the package. 下载更新包时出错。 Go to application website 前往应用网站 This is new version which can be downloaded. 有新版本可供下载。 Install 安装 Cannot launch external updater. Update application manually. 无法启动外部更新程序,请手动更新应用。 Download selected update 下载所选更新 Go to application website to get update packages manually. 前往应用网站手动获取更新包。 (size (大小 Available update files 可用的更新文件 Package was downloaded successfully. You can install it now. 更新包下载成功,可供安装。 Check for updates 检查更新 Current release 当前版本 Available release 可用版本 Status 状态 Changelog 更新日志 Available files 可用的文件 GmailAccountDetails Not tested yet. 尚未测试。 User-visible username 显示的用户名 No username entered. 用户名未输入。 Some username entered. 用户名已输入。 You did not grant access. 未能获取权限。 There was error during testing. 测试时发生了错误。 Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more. 测试成功。你可能需要再次登录。 Your access was approved. 权限申请已被批准。 Empty value is entered. 未输入。 Some value is entered. 已输入。 There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as it preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave those fields empty and make sure to leave default value of redirect URL. 有一些预配置的OAuth令牌,所以你不必填写你的账户ID/密码,但强烈建议你获得自己的,因为预配置的令牌有有限的全球使用配额。如果你想使用预配置的令牌,只需将这些字段留空,并确保保留重定向URL的默认值。 You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL. 你必须填写你的账户ID/密码,也要填写正确的重定向URL。 There is error: %1 出现错误:%1 Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used. 将使用预先配置好的账户ID/密码。 Username 用户名 OAuth 2.0 settings OAuth 2.0 设置 Client ID 账户ID Client secret 账户密码 Redirect URL 重定向 URL Get my credentials 获取我的证书 Only download newest X articles per feed 仅下载 feed 最新的 X 个文章 &Login 登录 (&L) Download unread articles only 仅下载未读文章 GmailNetworkFactory Click this to login again. Error is: '%1' 点此重新登录,报错:'%1' Click this to login again. 点此重新登录。 No subject 无主题 Gmail: authentication error Gmail:身份认证错误 failed to download list of labels failed to download list of labels failed to download IDs of e-mail messages 未能下载电子邮件信息的ID Gmail: authorization denied Gmail:身份验证被拒绝 you are not logged in 您尚未登录 failed to get metadata 元数据获取失败 Login 登录 GmailServiceRoot Inbox 收件箱 Sent 已发送 Drafts 草稿 Spam 垃圾邮件 Reply to this e-mail message 回复此电子邮件信息 Authentication status: %1 Login tokens expiration: %2 认证状态:%1 Token 过期时间:%2 logged-in 已登录 NOT logged-in 未登录 Write new e-mail message 撰写新邮件 GreaderAccountDetails Password for your account 您的账户密码 Username for your account 你的账户用户名 URL of your server, without any service-specific path 你的服务器的URL,没有任何特定的服务路径 No test done yet. 尚未测试。 Here, results of connection test are shown. 此处为连接测试的结果。 Network error: '%1'. 网络错误:'%1'。 Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? 网络错误,你是否输入了正确的 Nextcloud 节点与密码? You are good to go! 你可以开始工作了! Yeah. 是的。 Username cannot be empty. 用户名不能为空。 Username is okay. 用户名可用。 Password cannot be empty. 密码不能为空。 Password is okay. 密码可用。 URL cannot be empty. URL 不能为空。 URL is okay. URL 可用。 Some feeds might contain tens of thousands of articles and downloading all of them could take great amount of time, so sometimes it is good to download only certain amount of newest messages. 一些Feeds可能包含数以万计的文章,下载所有的文章可能需要大量的时间,所以有时只下载一定数量的最新信息是最合适的。 If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles. 如果选择智能同步,则只下载尚未获取或更新的文章。网络使用大大减少,整体同步速度大大提高,但是如果 feed 包含大量文章,第一次提要获取可能会很慢。 There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave all above fields to their default values even if they are empty. 有一些预配置的OAuth令牌,所以你不必填写你的客户ID/secret,但强烈建议你获得自己的,因为预配置的令牌有有限的全球使用配额。如果你想使用预配置的令牌,只需将上述所有字段保留为默认值,即使它们是空的。 You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL. 你必须填写你的账户ID/密码,也要填写正确的重定向URL。 You did not grant access. 未能获取权限。 There was error during testing. 测试时发生了错误。 There is error. %1 错误如下:%1 Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more. 测试成功。你可能需要再次登录。 Your access was approved. 权限申请已被批准。 Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used. 将使用预先配置好的账户ID/密码。 Empty value is entered. 未输入。 Some value is entered. 已输入。 Service 服务 URL URL Download unread articles only 仅下载未读文章 Intelligent synchronization algorithm 智能同步算法 Fetch articles newer than 取回比以下时间更早的文章 Only download newest X articles per feed 仅下载 feed 最新的 X 个文章 Authentication 身份认证 Username 用户名 Password 密码 OAuth 2.0 settings OAuth 2.0 设置 App ID 应用程序ID App key 应用程序密码 Redirect URL 重定向 URL Get my own App ID 获得我自己的应用程序ID &Test setup 测试设置 GreaderNetwork login failed 登录失败 Inoreader: authentication error Inoreader:身份认证错误 Click this to login again. Error is: '%1' 点此重新登录,报错:'%1' Inoreader: authorization denied Inoreader:身份验证被拒绝 Click this to login again. 点此重新登录。 Login 登录 GreaderServiceRoot Other services 其他服务 HelpSpoiler View more information on this 浏览更多相关信息 IOFactory Cannot open file '%1' for reading. 无法读取文件 '%1'。 Cannot open file '%1' for writting. 无法写入文件 '%1'。 ImportantNode Important articles 重要条款 You can find all important articles here. 你可以在这里找到所有重要文章。 ItemDetails Form 表单 LabelsMenu Labels 标签 No labels found 未找到标签 LabelsNode Labels 标签 You can see all your labels (tags) here. 您可以在这里看到所有的标签(Tag)。 New label 新标签 This account does not allow you to create labels. 该账户不允许你创建标签。 Not allowed 不允许 LocationLineEdit Website address goes here 网站地址看这 MRichTextEdit Paragraph formatting Paragraph formatting Undo Undo Redo Redo Cut Cut Copy Copy Paste (CTRL+V) Paste (CTRL+V) Paste Paste Link (CTRL+L) Link (CTRL+L) Link Link Bold Bold Italic (CTRL+I) Italic (CTRL+I) Italic Italic Underline (CTRL+U) Underline (CTRL+U) Underline Underline Strike Out Strike Out Bullet list (CTRL+-) Bullet list (CTRL+-) Bullet list Bullet list Ordered list (CTRL+=) Ordered list (CTRL+=) Ordered list Ordered list Decrease indentation (CTRL+,) Decrease indentation (CTRL+,) Decrease indentation Decrease indentation Increase indentation (CTRL+.) Increase indentation (CTRL+.) Increase indentation Increase indentation Text foreground color Text foreground color Text background color Text background color Font size Font size Standard Standard Heading 1 Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 4 Monospace Monospace Remove character formatting Remove character formatting Remove all formatting Remove all formatting Edit document source Edit document source Clear all content Clear all content Document source Document source Create a link Create a link Link URL: Link URL: Select an image Select an image JPEG (*.jpg);; GIF (*.gif);; PNG (*.png);; BMP (*.bmp);; All (*) JPEG (*.jpg);; GIF (*.gif);; PNG (*.png);; BMP (*.bmp);; All (*) MariaDbDriver MySQL server works as expected. MySQL 服务器工作正常。 Selected database does not exist (yet). It will be created. It's okay. 所选数据库(尚)不存在,即将创建此数据库。 No MySQL server is running in the target destination. 目标位置没有正在运行的 MySQL 服务器。 Access denied. Invalid username or password used. 拒绝访问,用户名或密码无效。 Unknown error: '%1'. 未知错误:'%1'。 MessageBrowser You clicked some link. You can download the link contents or open it in external web browser. 你点击了某个链接,你可以下载链接内容或在外部浏览器打开。 What action do you want to take? 你想执行什么操作呢? Open in external browser 在外部浏览器中打开 Download 下载 Always open links in external browser. 总是在外部浏览器中打开链接。 Incorrect link 错误的链接 Selected hyperlink is invalid. 所选链接无效。 Click this link to download it or open it with external browser. 点击此链接以下载或者在外部浏览器打开。 image 图片 MessageCountSpinBox = unlimited = 不限 article 文章 articles 多文章 MessagePreviewer Mark article read 标记文章已读 Mark article unread 标记文章未读 Switch article importance 切换文章的重要性 MessageTextBrowser Open with external tool 使用外部工具打开 MessagesForFiltersModel Read 已读 Important 重要 In recycle bin 在回收站中 Title 名称 URL URL Author 作者 Score 分数 Date 日期 true true false false MessagesModel Id ID Read 已读 Deleted 已删除 Important 重要 Feed Feed Title 标题 Author 作者 Contents 内容 Permanently deleted 已永久删除 Attachments 附件 List of attachments. 附件列表。 Account ID 账户 ID Custom ID 自定义 ID Custom hash 自定义 hash Feed ID Feed ID Has enclosures 包含附件 Score 分数 Date 日期 Loading of articles failed, maybe messages could not be downloaded. 文章加载失败,可能是信息无法下载。 dot dot envelope envelope feed icon feed icon URL URL RTL RTL Assigned labels Assigned labels Assigned label IDs Assigned label IDs ID of the article. 文章的ID. Is article read? 文章是否已读? Is article important? 文章是否重要? Is article deleted? 文章是否删除? Is article permanently deleted from recycle bin? 文章是否从回收站永久删除? ID of feed which this article belongs to. 这篇文章所属的饲料ID。 Title of the article. 文章标题。 Url of the article. 文章的URL。 Author of the article. 本文作者。 Creation date of the article. 文章创作日期。 Contents of the article. 文章内容。 Score of the article. 文章的评分。 Account ID of the article. 文章的账户ID。 Custom ID of the article. 文章的自定义ID。 Custom hash of the article. 文章的自定义哈希值。 Name of feed of the article. 文章的饲料名称。 Indication of enclosures presence within the article. 指示物品中存在的附件。 Layout direction of the article Layout direction of the article Labels assigned to the article. Labels assigned to the article. Label IDs assigned to the article. Label IDs assigned to the article. %n months ago %n个月前 %n weeks ago %n周前 %n days ago %n天前 yesterday 昨天 %n hours ago %n小时前 %n minutes ago %n分钟前 just now 刚刚 Loading of articles from item '%1' failed 从项目'%1'加载文章失败 MessagesToolBar No extra highlighting 无额外高亮 Toolbar spacer 工具栏空白 Everywhere 全局 Titles only 仅标题 Search articles Search articles Article search box 文章搜索栏 Menu for highlighting articles 突出显示文章的菜单 Highlight unread articles 突出显示未读文章 Highlight important articles 突出显示重要文章 Menu for filtering articles 用于过滤文章的菜单 No extra filtering 无额外的过滤措施 Show unread articles 显示未读的文章 Show important articles 显示重要文章 Show today's articles 显示今天的文章 Show yesterday's articles 显示昨天的文章 Show articles in last 24 hours 显示最近24小时内的文章 Show articles in last 48 hours 显示最近48小时内的文章 Show this week's articles 显示本周的文章 Show last week's articles 显示上周的文章 Show articles with attachments 显示带有附件的文章 Show articles with some score 显示有一定分数的文章 Display all articles 显示所有文章 Article highlighter 文章高亮显示 Article list filter 文章列表过滤器 MessagesView Problem with starting external e-mail client 启动外部邮件客户端时出错 External e-mail client could not be started. 外部邮件客户端无法启动。 Open with external tool 使用外部工具打开 Cannot run external tool 无法运行外部工具 External tool '%1' could not be started. 外部工具 '%1' 无法启动。 No external tools activated 不启动外部工具 Context menu for articles 文章的右键菜单 MsgBox Do not show this dialog again. 不再显示此对话框。 NetworkFactory protocol error Network status. 协议错误 host not found Network status. 主机未找到 connection refused Network status. 连接被拒绝 connection timed out Network status. 连接超时 SSL handshake failed Network status. SSL 握手失败 proxy server connection refused Network status. 代理服务器拒绝连接 temporary failure Network status. 网络临时故障 authentication failed Network status. 身份认证失败 proxy authentication required Network status. 代理服务器需要身份认证 proxy server not found Network status. 代理服务器未找到 content not found Network status. URL 资源未找到 unknown error (%1) Network status. 未知错误 (%1) no errors Network status. 正常 access to content was denied 访问被拒绝 connection timed out or was cancelled 连接超时或被取消 unknown content Network status. 未知的响应 NetworkProxyDetails No proxy 无代理 System proxy 系统代理 Form 表单 Host 主机 Hostname or IP of your proxy server 代理服务器的主机名或 IP Port 端口 Username 用户名 Your username for proxy server authentication 代理服务器认证所需的用户名 Password 密码 Your password for proxy server authentication 代理服务器认证所需的密码 Note that these settings are applied only on newly established connections. 注意,这些设置只对新建立的连接有效。 Type Proxy server type. 类型 NewspaperPreviewer Show more articles (%n remaining) 显示更多文章 (剩余%n) Cannot show more articles 无法显示更多文章 Cannot show more articles because parent feed was removed. 无法显示更多的文章,因为父源已被删除。 NodeJs file not found 未找到文件 OAuth2Service Click here to login. 点此登录。 Logging in via OAuth 2.0... 通过 OAuth 2.0 登陆… Refreshing login tokens for '%1'... 正在为 '%1' 刷新登录 Token… You have to login first 必须先登录 You can close this window now. Go back to %1. 你现在可以关闭这个窗口。回到%1。 Failed to start OAuth redirection listener. Maybe your rights are not high enough. 启动OAuth重定向接听器失败。也许你的权限不够高。 Login 登录 OwnCloudAccountDetails Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often. 打开这个选项会导致Feeds的更新可能会慢得多,并可能经常超时。 Password for your Nextcloud account Nextcloud 账户密码 Username for your Nextcloud account Nextcloud 账户用户名 URL of your Nextcloud server, without any API path 指向你的 Nextcloud 服务器的 URL,不带任何 API 路径 No test done yet. 尚未测试。 Here, results of connection test are shown. 此处为连接测试的结果。 = unlimited = 不限 Network error: '%1'. 网络错误:'%1'。 Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? 网络错误,你是否输入了正确的 Nextcloud 节点与密码? Installed version: %1, required at least: %2. 安装的版本:%1,至少需要:%2。 Selected Nextcloud News server is running unsupported version. 此 Nextcloud News 服务器所运行的版本不受支持。 Nextcloud News server is okay. Nextcloud News 服务器可用。 Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL? 未知错误,请确认你是否输入了正确的 URL? Username cannot be empty. 用户名不能为空。 Username is okay. 用户名可用。 Password cannot be empty. 密码不能为空。 Password is okay. 密码可用。 URL cannot be empty. URL 不能为空。 URL is okay. URL 可用。 articles 文章 URL URL Download unread articles only 仅下载未读文章 Only download newest X articles per feed 仅下载 feed 最新的 X 个文章 Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. 某些 Feeds,例如 Gmail Feeds,需要身份认证,我们支持 BASIC, NTLM-2 和 DIGEST-MD5 认证方式。 Authentication 身份认证 Username 用户名 Password 密码 &Test setup 测试设置 Force execution of server-side feeds update 强制执行服务器端Feeds的更新 OwnCloudServiceRoot cannot get list of feeds, network error '%1' 无法获得Feeds清单,网络错误'%1' QObject LANG_ABBREV zh_CN LANG_AUTHOR Name of translator - optional. Hoilc + %n other feeds. + %n 其它 Feeds。 Load initial set of feeds 载入预设的 Feeds This service offers integration with Tiny Tiny RSS. Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible. At least API level %1 is required. 这项服务提供与Tiny Tiny RSS的整合。 Tiny Tiny RSS是一个开源的基于网络的新闻源(RSS/Atom)阅读器和聚合器,旨在让你从任何地方阅读新闻,同时感觉尽可能接近真实的桌面应用程序。 至少需要API级别%1。 The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It is part of Nextcloud suite. This plugin implements %1 API. News 应用是一个 RSS/Atom Feed 聚合器,是 Nextcloud 套件的一部分。此插件的 API 版本为 %1。 New version available 新版本可用 Click the bubble for more information. 点此气泡以获取更多信息。 Passed external tool representation is not valid. 被传递的外部工具无效。 Simple Gmail integration via JSON API. Allows sending e-mails too. 通过 JSON API 实现的简单 Gmail 集成,也可以发送邮件。 Keep up with the topics and trends you care about, without the overwhelm. Feedly is a secure space where you can privately organize and research the topics and trends that matter to you. 跟上您所关心的话题和趋势,而不会被淹没。 Feedly是一个安全的空间,你可以私下组织和研究与你有关的话题和趋势。 Cannot insert article filter, because current database cannot return last inserted row ID. 不能插入文章过滤器,因为当前数据库不能返回最后插入的行ID。 Fetching articles right now 正在获取文章 Login data refreshed 重新刷新登录数据 New %1 version is available 新的%1版本已经推出 Miscellaneous events 杂项活动 Node.js - package(s) updated Node.js - 更新了软件包(s) Node.js - package(s) failed to update Node.js - package(s) failed to update Unknown event 未知事件 New (unread) articles fetched 新的(未读)文章获取 XML problem: %1 XML问题:%1 JSON problem: %1 JSON问题:%1 Google Reader API is used by many online RSS readers. List of supported readers: Google Reader API被许多在线RSS阅读器使用。 支持的阅读器列表: and possibly others. and possibly others. Login failed 登录失败 This service offers integration with standard online RSS/RDF/ATOM/JSON feeds and podcasts. 这项服务提供与标准在线RSS/RDF/ATOM/JSON Feeds馈送和播客的整合。 Simplistic Reddit client. 简单的Reddit客户端。 interesting stuff 有趣的东西 interesting stuff (highlighted) 有趣的东西(突出显示) errored items 错误的项目 errored items (highlighted) 错误的项目(突出显示) items with new articles items with new articles items with new articles (highlighted) items with new articles (highlighted) OK-ish color 好的颜色 User-published articles 用户发表的文章 Published articles 发表的文章 top-left top-left top-right top-right bottom-left bottom-left bottom-right bottom-right Readability Packages for reader mode are installed 为阅读模式安装的软件包 You can now use reader mode! 你现在可以使用阅读模式了! Packages for reader mode are NOT installed 阅读模式的软件包没有安装 There is error: %1 出现错误:%1 Node.js libraries not installed 没有安装Node.js库 %1 will now install some needed libraries, this will take only a few seconds. You will be notified when installation is complete. %1现在将安装一些需要的库,这只需要几秒钟的时间。安装完成后,你会得到通知。 Node.js is not configured properly. Go to "Settings" -> "Node.js" and check if your Node.js is properly configured. Node.js没有被正确配置。进入 "设置"->"Node.js",检查你的Node.js是否被正确配置。 RecycleBin Recycle bin 回收站 Restore recycle bin 还原回收站 Empty recycle bin 清空回收站 Are you sure? 你确定吗? Do you really want to empty your recycle bin? Do you really want to empty your recycle bin? Recycle bin contains all deleted articles from all feeds. 回收站包含了所有Feeds中被删除的文章。 %n deleted article(s). 已删除了%n篇文章(s)。 RedditAccountDetails You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL. 你必须填写你的客户ID/密码,也要填写正确的重定向URL。 Not tested yet. 尚未测试。 User-visible username 显示的用户名 No username entered. 用户名未输入。 Some username entered. 用户名已输入。 You did not grant access. 未能获取权限。 There was error during testing. 测试时发生了错误。 There is error: %1 出现错误:%1 Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more. 测试成功。你可能需要再次登录。 Your access was approved. 权限申请已被批准。 Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used. 将使用预先配置好的客户ID/密码。 Empty value is entered. 未输入。 Some value is entered. 已输入。 Username 用户名 OAuth 2.0 settings OAuth 2.0 设置 Client ID 客户ID Client secret 账户密码 Redirect URL 重定向 URL Get my credentials 获取我的证书 Only download newest X articles per feed 仅下载 feed 最新的 X 个文章 &Login 登录 (&L) Download unread articles only 仅下载未读文章 RedditCategory Subscriptions 订阅 RedditNetworkFactory you are not logged in 您尚未登录 Reddit: authentication error Reddit: 认证错误 Click this to login again. Error is: '%1' 点此重新登录,报错:'%1' Login 登录 Reddit: authorization denied Reddit: 授权被拒绝 Click this to login again. 点此重新登录。 RedditServiceRoot Authentication status: %1 Login tokens expiration: %2 认证状态:%1 Token 过期时间:%2 logged-in 已登录 NOT logged-in 未登录 RootItem %n unread article(s). Tooltip for "unread" column of feed list. %n未读的文章(s)。 ScriptException script line is not well-formed 脚本行的格式不正确 script threw an error 脚本出现了一个错误 script's interpreter was not found 没有找到脚本的解释器 script execution took too long 脚本执行时间过长 unknown error 未知错误 Search Regular expression: %1 Regular expression: %1 SearchLineEdit Case-sensitive Case-sensitive Fixed text Fixed text Wildcard Wildcard Regular expression 正则表达式(Regex) SearchTextWidget Search text 搜索文本 Find previous occurence 查找上一个 Find next occurence 查找下一个 SearchsNode Regex queries Regex queries You can see all your permanent regex queries here. You can see all your permanent regex queries here. New regex query New regex query ServiceRoot Synchronize folders && other items 同步文件夹&&其他项目 Synchronize article cache 同步文章缓存 Number of feeds: %1 Number of categories: %2 Number of feeds: %1 Number of categories: %2 Error when fetching list of feeds 获取Feeds列表时出错 Feeds & categories for account '%1' were not fetched, error: %2 帐户'%1'的Feeds和类别没有被获取,错误:%2 SettingsBrowserMail Select web browser executable 选择浏览器的可执行文件 Executables (*) File filter for external browser selection dialog. ---------- File filter for external e-mail selection dialog. 可执行文件 (*) Executables (*.*) 可执行文件 (*.*) Select e-mail executable 选择邮件客户端的可执行文件 Opera 12 or older Opera 12 或更早版本 Enter (optional) parameters: 输入(可选)参数。 Executable 可执行文件 Network 网络 Do not accept any incoming cookies 不接受任何传入的cookies Enable HTTP/2 Enable HTTP/2 Custom "QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS" flags Custom "QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS" flags Disable cache Disable cache External web browser 外部浏览器 Always open hyperlinks in external web browser 始终在外部网络浏览器中打开超链接 <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>如果取消勾选,将使用系统默认浏览器</p></body></html> Use custom external web browser 使用自定义外部浏览器 Web browser executable 浏览器可执行文件 Executable file of web browser 浏览器可执行文件 &Browse 浏览 (&B) Parameters 参数 Parameters passed to executable 要传递给可执行文件的参数 Use sample arguments for 预设参数 Select browser 选择浏览器 Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message. 注意,"%1"(不包括双引号)代表所选消息的 URL。 External e-mail client 外部邮件客户端 Use custom external e-mail client 使用自定义的外部邮件客户端 E-mail client executable 邮件客户端的可执行文件 Executable file of e-mail client 邮件客户端的可执行文件 Select client 选择客户端 Placeholders: • %1 - title of selected message, • %2 - body of selected message. 占位符: • %1 - 所选消息的标题, • %2 - 所选消息的内容。 External tools 外部工具 &Add tool &添加工具 &Edit selected tool 编辑选定的工具 &Delete selected tool 删除所选工具 On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs. 在这一页,你可以设置一个可以打开URL的外部工具的列表。 Select external tool 选择外部工具 Enter parameters 输入参数 Network proxy 代理网络 Network & web & tools 网络&网络&工具 SettingsDatabase Note that speed of used MySQL server and latency of used connection medium HEAVILY influences the final performance of this application. Using slow database connections leads to bad performance when browsing feeds or messages. 注意,MySQL 服务器的性能和网络连接的延迟将严重影响应用的最终性能,性能或连接不佳的数据库将拖慢浏览Feeds 或消息时的速度。 Hostname is empty. 主机名为空。 Hostname looks ok. 主机名正常。 Username is empty. 用户名为空。 Username looks ok. 用户名正常。 Password is empty. 密码为空。 Password looks ok. 密码正常。 Working database is empty. 工作数据库为空。 Working database is ok. 工作数据库正常。 No connection test triggered so far. 尚未进行连接测试。 You did not executed any connection test yet. 您尚未进行过任何连接测试。 Hostname of your MySQL server MySQL 服务器主机名 Username to login with 用户名 Password for your username 密码 Working database which you have full access to. 拥有所有权限的工作数据库。 Usage of in-memory working database has several advantages and pitfalls. Make sure that you are familiar with these before you turn this feature on. Advantages: • higher speed for feed/message manipulations (especially with thousands of messages displayed), • whole database stored in RAM, thus your hard drive can rest more. Disadvantages: • if application crashes, your changes from last session are lost, • application startup and shutdown can take little longer (max. 2 seconds). Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data. 内存工作数据库的使用有几个优点和缺陷。优点: - 饲料/信息操作的速度更高(特别是在显示数千条信息时), - 整个数据库存储在RAM中,因此你的硬盘可以休息更多。 缺点: - 如果应用程序崩溃,你在上一个会话中的变化就会丢失, - 应用程序的启动和关闭可能需要更长的时间(最多2秒),本应用程序的作者不对丢失的数据负责。 Database driver 数据库驱动 Use in-memory database as the working database 使用内存数据库作为工作数据库 Hostname 主机名 Port 端口 Working database 工作数据库 Username 用户名 Password 密码 Test setup 测试配置 Data storage 数据存储 SettingsDownloads Select downloads target directory 选择下载目录 Open download manager when new download is started 开始下载时打开下载管理器 Target directory for downloaded files 文件下载目录 Save all downloaded files to 保存所有下载文件到 Target directory where all downloaded files are saved 所有下载文件保存到的目录 &Browse 浏览 (&B) Ask for each individual downloaded file 每次下载都询问 Downloads 下载 SettingsFeedsMessages Select new font 选择新字体 Enter format for count of articles displayed next to each feed/category in feed list. Use "%all" and "%unread" strings which are placeholders for the actual count of all (or unread) articles. 输入新闻源清单中每个新闻源/分类旁显示的消息数量的格式。 "%all" 和 "%unread" 分别代表所有消息数(或未读消息数)。 Note that enabling this might have drastic consequences on performance of article list with big number of articles. 请注意,如果启用这个功能,可能会对有大量文章的文章列表的性能产生巨大的影响。 days (turned off) 天(关闭) day(s) 天(s) = unchanged size =大小未变 PC restart needed PC restart needed Your PC needs to be restarted to make some of enabled features fully working. Your PC needs to be restarted to make some of enabled features fully working. Feed fetching 获取饲料 Fetch all articles on startup with initial delay of 在启动时获取所有文章,初始延迟为 Auto-fetch articles for all feeds every 每隔一段时间自动获取所有Feeds的文章 Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused 只在应用程序不集中时自动获取文章 Feed connection timeout Feed 连接超时时间 Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted. 为新消息下载预留的时间间隔,如果超出这个时间,下载将被中断。 ms 毫秒 Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds) Support very fast auto-fetching intervals (under 10 seconds) Avoid adding articles before this date into the database Avoid adding articles before this date into the database Feeds list Feeds列表 Row height 行高 Feed list font Feed 列表字体 Font preview 字体预览 &Change font 更改字体 (&C) Article count format 文章计数格式 Hide article counts if there are no unread articles 如果没有未读文章,隐藏文章计数 Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article list 只允许用基本的键盘快捷键来操作饲料/文章列表 Display tooltips for feeds and articles 显示Feeds和文章的工具提示 Articles 文章 Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exit 在应用程序退出时,从所有Feeds中删除所有已读文章 Ignore changes in article body when new articles are being fetched 在获取新文章时,忽略文章正文的变化 Internal article viewer 内部文章查看器 Unread article icon type Unread article icon type Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser 用外部网络浏览器打开文章后,将应用程序窗口移至前面 Article browser font 文章浏览器的字体 Fixup date/time of articles which are in the future 修正未来文章的日期/时间 Display attachments directly in article Display attachments directly in article Limit height of pictures 限制图片的高度 Keep article viewer always visible Keep article viewer always visible Articles list 文章列表 Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport 将文章选择保留在文章列表视窗的中间位置 Enable multiline items 启用多行项目 Top/bottom row padding 顶部/底部的行填充 Use custom date/time format 使用自定义日期/时间格式 Custom date/time format for today's articles 为今天的文章自定义日期/时间格式 Article list font 文章列表字体 Show relative time for articles not older than 显示相对时间的文章不早于 Feeds & articles Feeds&文章 SettingsGeneral (not supported on this platform) (当前平台上不支持) Launch %1 on operating system startup 系统启动时启动 %1 Check for %1 updates on application startup 检查应用程序启动时的%1更新 General 一般 SettingsGui Name 名称 Author 作者 Forced skin colors 强制皮肤颜色 Icon only 仅图标 Text only 仅文本 Text beside icon 文本位于图标右侧 Text under icon 文本位于图标下方 Follow OS style 使用系统风格 system icon theme Label for disabling icon theme. 系统图标主题 no icon theme 没有图标主题 (Your OS does not support tray icons at the moment.) (你的操作系统目前不支持托盘图标)。 Forced style 强制的风格 You can override some colors defined by your skin here. Some colors are used dynamically throughout the application. 你可以在这里覆盖一些由你的皮肤定义的颜色。有些颜色在整个应用程序中是动态使用的。 %1 Version: %2 Description: %3 %1 版本:%2 描述:%3 Fetch color from activated skin 从激活的皮肤中获取颜色 = default icon size = 默认图标大小 Icons && skins 图标 && 皮肤 Icon theme 图标主题 Style 风格 Skin 皮肤 Use skin colors 使用皮肤颜色 Custom skin colors 自定义皮肤颜色 Force custom skin colors 强制自定义皮肤颜色 Tray area 托盘区域 Tray icon 通知区域图标 Use monochrome icon 使用灰色图标 Display count of unread messages 显示未读邮件的数量 Hide main window when it is minimized 最小化时隐藏主窗口 Start application hidden 应用启动时隐藏主窗口 Task bar 任务栏 Tabs 标签页 Close tabs with 关闭标签页 Middle mouse button single-click 单击中键 Left mouse button double-click 双击左键 Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar 左键双击标签页栏以新建标签页 Hide tab bar if just one tab is visible 只有一个标签页时隐藏标签页栏 Toolbars 工具栏 Toolbar for feeds list 用于 Feeds 列表的工具栏 Toolbar for articles list 文章列表的工具栏 Statusbar 状态栏 Button style 按钮样式 Toolbar editor 工具栏编辑器 Icon size 图标大小 User interface 用户界面 SettingsLocalization Language 语言 Code 代码 Author 作者 Translation progress Translation progress Help us to improve %1 <a href="%2">translations</a>. Help us to improve %1 <a href="%2">translations</a>. Translators needed! Translators needed! The translation '%1' is incomplete and anyone able to help with translating %2 is greatly welcomed. The translation '%1' is incomplete and anyone able to help with translating %2 is greatly welcomed. Do you want to help with the translation now? Do you want to help with the translation now? Localization 本地化 SettingsNodejs What is Node.js? 什么是Node.js? Node.js is asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, designed to build scalable network applications. %1 integrates Node.js to bring some modern features like Adblock. Note that usually all required Node.js tools should be available via your "PATH" environment variable, so you do not have to specify full paths. Also, relaunch "Settings" dialog after you install Node.js. Node.js是异步事件驱动的JavaScript运行时间,旨在建立可扩展的网络应用。 %1集成了Node.js,带来了一些现代的功能,如Adblock。 注意,通常所有需要的Node.js工具都可以通过你的 "PATH "环境变量获得,所以你不需要指定完整的路径。 另外,在安装Node.js后,重新启动 "设置 "对话框。 Node.js has version %1. Node.js有%1的版本。 NPM has version %1. NPM的版本为%1。 You cannot choose file, you have to choose FOLDER. 你不能选择文件,你必须选择FOLDER。 Package folder is OK. 软件包文件夹是确定的。 Package folder will be created! 软件包文件夹将被创建! %1 automatically installs some Node.js packages so that you do not have to. %1 does not use global package folder because that requires administrator rights, therefore by default it uses subfolder placed in your "user data" folder. %1会自动安装一些Node.js包,这样你就不必安装了。%1不使用全局软件包文件夹,因为那需要管理员权限,因此默认情况下,它使用放在你的 "用户数据 "文件夹中的子文件夹。 Form 表单 Node.js executable Node.js可执行文件 &Browse 浏览 (&B) NPM executable NPM可执行文件 Package folder 软件包文件夹 &Download Node.js &下载 Node.js SettingsNotifications Enable notifications 启用通知 Balloon notifications type Balloon notifications type Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled) Native notifications (tray icon must be enabled) Custom notifications Custom notifications Position Position Screen Screen Notifications 通知 There are some built-in notification sounds. Just start typing ":" and they will show up. There are some built-in notification sounds. Just start typing ":" and they will show up. SettingsShortcuts Keyboard shortcuts 键盘快捷键 ShortcutCatcher Reset to original shortcut. 重置为默认快捷键。 Clear current shortcut. 清除当前快捷键。 Click and hit new shortcut. 点击此处,然后敲击新快捷键。 SingleNotificationEditor Select sound file 选择声音文件 WAV files (*.wav);;MP3 files (*.mp3) WAV文件(*.wav);;MP3文件(*.mp3) Balloon notification 气球通知 Sound 声音 Full path to your WAV sound file 你的WAV声音文件的完整路径 &Browse 浏览 (&B) &Play &播放 Volume 音量 SkinFactory This page was blocked by AdBlock 此页面已被 AdBlock 屏蔽 Blocked URL: "%1"<br/>Used filter: "%2" 被阻止的URL。"%1 "<br/>使用的过滤器。"%2" Written by 作者 unknown author 未知作者 Newspaper view 报纸模式 SqliteDriver cannot get native 'sqlite3' DB handle cannot get native 'sqlite3' DB handle SQLite (embedded database) SQLite(嵌入式数据库) Database file not copied to output directory successfully. 数据库文件未能成功复制到输出目录。 StandardCategory Cannot save data for category, detailed information was logged via debug log. 不能保存分类的数据,详细信息通过调试日志记录下来了。 Cannot save category data 无法保存分类数据 StandardFeed Encoding: %1 Type: %2 Post-processing script: %3 Encoding: %1 Type: %2 Post-processing script: %3 Script 脚本 Local file 本地文件 Unknown 不详 Cannot save data for feed: %1 无法保存饲料的数据。%1 JSON error '%1' JSON错误'%1 XML is not well-formed, %1 XML格式不正确,%1 XML feed file format unrecognized XML饲料文件格式未被识别 Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log. 不能移动饲料,详细信息通过调试日志记录下来。 Cannot save feed data 不能保存饲料数据 Cannot move feed 不能移动饲料 StandardFeedDetails Feed title Feed 名称 Set title for your feed. 填写 Feed 名称。 Feed description Feed 描述 Set description for your feed. 填写 Feed 描述。 Icon selection 图标选择 Load icon from file... 从文件载入图标… Use default icon from icon theme 使用主题的默认图标 Fetch icon from feed 从 Feed 获取图标 No metadata fetched so far. 尚未获取元数据。 Icon fetched successfully. 成功获取图标。 Icon metadata fetched. 图标元数据已获取。 No icon fetched. 未能获取图标。 All metadata fetched successfully. 成功获取元数据。 Feed and icon metadata fetched. Feed 与图片元数据已获取。 No metadata fetched. 未能获取元数据。 Feed name is ok. Feed 名称可用。 Feed name is too short. Feed 名称过短。 Description is empty. 描述为空。 The description is ok. 描述可用。 The URL is ok. URL 可用。 The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. URL 不符合标准,请确认是否以 "http://" 或 "https://" 开头。 The URL is empty. URL 为空。 Select icon file for the feed 为 Feed 选择图标文件 Images (%1) Images (%1) Select icon 选择图标 Cancel 取消 Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. 当前目录: Icon name: 图标名称: Icon type: 图标类型: Full feed source identifier 完整的进料源标识符 Full feed source identifier which can be URL. 完整的饲料来源标识符,可以是URL。 Full command to execute 要执行的完整命令 You can enter full command including interpreter here. 你可以在这里输入完整的命令,包括解释器。 The source is ok. 源码是确定的。 The source is empty. 源码是空的。 Command is ok. 命令是确定的。 Command is empty. 命令是空的。 Script failed: %1 脚本失败:%1 Network error: %1 网络错误:%1 Error: %1 错误:%1 What is post-processing script? 什么是后处理脚本? You can use URL as a source of your feed or you can produce your feed with custom script. Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wish. These are advanced features and make sure to read the documentation before your use them. 你可以使用URL作为你的feed的来源,或者你可以用自定义的脚本生成你的feed。这些都是高级功能,在你使用它们之前,请确保阅读文档。 Form 表单 Parent folder 上级文件夹 Select parent item for your feed. 为 Feed 选择上级项目。 Type 类型 Select type of the standard feed. 选择标准 Feed 的类型。 Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. 选择标准 Feed 的编码,如果你不确定,请选择 "UTF-8"。 Title 名称 Description 描述 Source 来源 Post-processing script 后处理脚本 Fetch metadata 获取元数据 Fetch it now 立即获取 Icon 图标 Select icon for your feed. 为你的 Feed 选择图标。 StandardServiceRoot Do you want to load initial set of feeds? 你想要载入预设的 Feeds 集吗? Error when loading initial feeds 载入预设 Feeds 时出错 Fetch metadata 获取元数据 Export feeds 导出 Feeds Import feeds 导入 Feeds This new account does not include any feeds. You can now add default set of feeds. 新账户不包含任何 Feeds,你现在可以添加预设的 Feeds 集合。 This is the obligatory service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds. This is the obligatory service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds. Cannot add item 无法添加项目 Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing. 另一项关键操作正在执行,无法添加 Feed。 Cannot add category 无法添加分类 Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing. 另一项关键操作正在执行,无法添加分类。 Import was completely successful. 导入成功。 Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details. 由于错误,一些Feeds/类别没有被导入,查看调试日志了解更多细节。 StatusBar Feed update progress bar Feed 更新进度条 File download progress bar 文件下载进度条 Toolbar spacer 工具栏空白 SystemFactory anonymous 匿名 bytes 字节 See new version info 查看新版本信息 SystemTrayIcon %1 Unread news: %2 %1 未读消息:%2 TabBar Close this tab. 关闭此标签页。 Close tab 关闭标签页 TabWidget Feeds Feeds Displays main menu. 显示主菜单。 Main menu 主菜单 Downloads 下载 Newspaper view 报纸模式 Web browser 浏览器 Browse your feeds and articles 浏览你的Feeds和文章 TextBrowserViewer image 图片 Enable external resources 启用外部资源 Open in external browser 在外部浏览器中打开 Download 下载 Open with external tool 使用外部工具打开 TimeSpinBox %n hour(s) %n 小时(s) %n minute(s) %n 分钟(s) and %n second(s) %n 秒(s) ToastNotification ... ... 11 11 TextLabel TextLabel PushButton PushButton Do it! Do it! ToolBarEditor Separator 分隔符 Toolbar spacer 工具栏空白 Activated actions 已激活的操作 Available actions 可用的操作 Move action up 向上移动 Move action down 向下移动 Insert separator 插入分隔符 Insert spacer 插入空白 Add selected action 添加所选操作 Delete selected action 删除所选操作 Delete all actions 删除所有操作 Reset toolbar 重置工具栏 TrayIconMenu Close opened modal dialogs first. 请先关闭已打开的对话框。 Close dialogs 关闭对话框 TtRssAccountDetails If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.<br/><br/>Also, make sure to install <a href="">api_newsplus</a> TT-RSS plugin to your server instance. If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.<br/><br/>Also, make sure to install <a href="">api_newsplus</a> TT-RSS plugin to your server instance. Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often. 启用此选项可能会使Feeds的更新变慢或经常超时。 HTTP authentication username HTTP 身份认证用户名 HTTP authentication password HTTP 身份认证密码 Password for your TT-RSS account TT-RSS 账户密码 Username for your TT-RSS account TT-RSS 账户用户名 URL of your TT-RSS instance WITHOUT trailing "/api/" string TT-RSS 实例的URL,不包括末尾的 "/api/" No test done yet. 尚未测试。 Here, results of connection test are shown. 此处为连接测试的结果。 API access on selected server is not enabled. 此服务器未启用 API 访问。 Entered credentials are incorrect. 用户名或密码错误。 Other error occurred, contact developers. 发生意外错误,请联系开发人员。 Installed version: %1, required at least: %2. 安装的版本:%1,至少需要:%2。 Selected Tiny Tiny RSS server is running unsupported version of API. 此 Tiny Tiny RSS 服务器的 API 版本过久,已不受支持。 Tiny Tiny RSS server is okay. Tiny Tiny RSS 服务器可用。 Network error: '%1'. 网络错误:'%1'。 Network error, have you entered correct Tiny Tiny RSS API endpoint and password? 网络错误,请确认你输入的 Tiny Tiny RSS 地址和密码是否正确? Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL? 未知错误,请确认你是否输入了正确的 URL? Username cannot be empty. 用户名不能为空。 Username is okay. 用户名可用。 Password cannot be empty. 密码不能为空。 Password is okay. 密码可用。 Username is ok or it is not needed. 用户名可用,即使不必要。 Username is empty. 用户名为空。 Password is ok or it is not needed. 密码可用,即使不必要。 Password is empty. 密码为空。 URL cannot be empty. URL 不能为空。 URL should NOT end with "/api/". URL 不应以 "/api/" 结尾。 URL is okay. URL 可用。 URL URL Download unread articles only 仅下载未读文章 Only download newest X articles per feed 仅下载 feed 最新的 X 个文章 Intelligent synchronization algorithm 智能同步算法 Force execution of server-side feeds update 强制执行服务器端Feeds的更新 Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. 某些 Feeds,例如 Gmail Feeds,需要身份认证,我们支持 BASIC, NTLM-2 和 DIGEST-MD5 认证方式。 Authentication 身份认证 Username 用户名 Password 密码 Requires HTTP authentication 需要 HTTP 身份认证 &Test setup 测试设置 TtRssFeed Share to published 分享到已发布的 TtRssFeedDetails Full feed URL including scheme 完整的馈送URL,包括方案 Provide URL for your feed. 为你的馈送提供URL。 The URL is ok. URL 可用。 The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. URL 不符合标准,请确认是否以 "http://" 或 "https://" 开头。 The URL is empty. URL 为空。 Form 表单 Parent folder 上级文件夹 Select parent item for your feed. 为 Feed 选择上级项目。 URL URL TtRssServiceRoot Cannot add item 无法添加项目 Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing. 另一项关键操作正在执行,无法添加 Feed。 Username: %1 Server: %2 Last error: %3 Last login on: %4 用户名:%1 服务器:%2 最近错误:%3 最近登录:%4 cannot get list of feeds, network error '%1' 无法获得Feeds清单,网络错误'%1' UnreadNode Unread articles 未读文章 You can find all unread articles here. 你可以在这里找到所有未读的文章。 WebBrowser Navigation panel 导航栏 View website in reader mode 以阅读模式查看网站 No title Webbrowser tab title when no title is available. 无标题 Reader mode failed for this website 该网站的阅读模式失败 Reader mode cannot be applied to current page. 阅读模式不能应用于当前页面。 Back 返回 Forward 前进 Reload 刷新 Stop 停止 Open this website in system web browser 用系统网页浏览器打开该网站 WebEngineViewer Open link in external browser 在外部浏览器中打开链接 Open with external tool 使用外部工具打开 No external tools activated 不启动外部工具 WebFactory Web engine settings Web 引擎设置 Auto-load images 自动加载图片 JS enabled 启用 JavaScript JS can open popup windows 允许 JS 弹出窗口 JS can access clipboard 允许 JS 访问剪切板 Hyperlinks can get focus 允许超链接获取焦点 Local storage enabled 启用本地存储 Local content can access remote URLs 允许本地内容访问远程 URL XSS auditing enabled 启用 XSS 审计 Spatial navigation enabled 启用空间导航 Local content can access local files 允许本地内容访问本地文件 Hyperlink auditing enabled 启用超链接审计 Animate scrolling 启用滚动动画 Error pages enabled 启用错误页面 Plugins enabled 启用插件 Fullscreen enabled 启用全屏 Screen capture enabled 启用屏幕截图 WebGL enabled 启用 WebGL Accelerate 2D canvas 加速 2D Canvas Print element backgrounds 显示元素背景 Allow running insecure content 允许显示不安全内容 Allow geolocation on insecure origins 允许来自不安全来源的地理位置 Web cache is going to be cleared Web cache is going to be cleared Do you really want to clear web cache? Do you really want to clear web cache? Navigate to website manually 导航至网站 %1 was unable to launch your web browser with the given URL, you need to open the below website URL in your web browser manually. %1无法用给定的URL启动你的网络浏览器,你需要在你的网络浏览器中手动打开以下网站URL。 JS can activate windows JS可以激活窗口 Show scrollbars 显示滚动条 Media playback with gestures 用手势播放媒体 WebRTC uses only public interfaces WebRTC只使用公共接口 JS can paste from clipboard JS可以从剪贴板上粘贴 DNS prefetch enabled 启用DNS预取功能 PDF viewer enabled 启用PDF查看器