\nNaposledy jsem psal o čuňačení v MediaWiki asi před půl rokem, kdy jsem chtěl upozornit na to, že jsem přepracoval svoji původní šablonu Images tak, aby bylo možné používat výřezy z obrázků a stránek generovaných z DjVu a PDF dokumentů. Blogpost nebyl nijak extra hodnocen, takže mě vcelku nepřekvapuje, jak se do hlavní vývojové větve MediaWiki dostávají čím dál větší prasečiny.\n
","feed_id":"5903","feed_title":"abclinuxu - blogy","flavor_image":"","flavor_stream":"","guid":"{\"ver\":2,\"uid\":\"52\",\"hash\":\"SHA1:5b49e4d8f612984889ba25e7834e80604c795ff8\"}","id":6958843,"is_updated":false,"labels":[],"lang":"","link":"http://www.abclinuxu.cz/blog/kenyho_stesky/2021/1/cunacime-v-mediawiki-responzivni-obsah-ii","marked":false,"note":null,"published":false,"score":0,"tags":[""],"title":"Čuňačíme v MediaWiki - responzivní obsah II.","unread":true,"updated":1610044674}
time=" 34.361" type="debug" -> feed-downloader: Running filter script, it took 348 microseconds.
time=" 34.361" type="debug" -> feed-downloader: Hooking message took 4 microseconds.
time=" 34.361" type="debug" -> {"always_display_attachments":false,"attachments":[],"author":"kol-ouch","comments_count":0,"comments_link":"","content":"Ahoj, 1. 6. se blíží, tak začínám řešit co s bambilionem fotek na google photos. \n\s*Ads[\S\s]+Remove<\/a>[\S\s]+adv\/www\/delivery[\S\s]+?<\/div>/im, '');
return MessageObject.Accept;
Websites Scraping
> **Only proceed if you consider yourself to be a power user and you know what you are doing!**
RSS Guard offers extra advanced features which are inspired by [Liferea](https://lzone.de/liferea/).
You can select source type of each feed. If you select `URL`, then RSS Guard simply downloads feed file from given location and behaves like everyone would expect.
However, if you choose `Script` option, then you cannot provide URL of your feed and you rely on custom script to generate feed file and provide its contents to **standard output**. Resulting data written to standard output should be valid feed file, for example RSS or ATOM XML file.
`Fetch it now` button also works with `Script` option. Therefore, if your source script and (optional) post-process script in cooperation deliver a valid feed file to the output, then all important metadata, like title or icon of the feed, can be automagically discovered.

Any errors in your script must be written to **error output**.
Note that you must provide full execution line to your custom script, including interpreter binary path and name and all that must be written in special format `
###....`. The `#` character is there to separate interpreter and individual arguments. I had to select some character as separator because simply using space ` ` is not that easy as it might sound, as sometimes space could be a part of an argument itself.
Used script must return `0` as process exit code if everything went well, or non-zero exit code if some error happened.
Binary name (interpreter) must be provided in all cases, arguments do not have to be. Also be very carefully about arguments quoting. Some examples of valid and tested execution lines are:
| Command | Explanation |
| `bash#-c#curl https://github.com/martinrotter.atom` | Downloads ATOM feed file with Bash and Curl. |
| `Powershell#Invoke-WebRequest 'https://github.com/martinrotter.atom' \| Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content` | Downloads ATOM feed file with Powershell. |
| `php#tweeper.php#-v#0#https://twitter.com/NSACareers` | Scrape Twitter RSS feed file with [Tweeper](https://git.ao2.it/tweeper.git). Tweeper is utility which is able to produce RSS feed from Twitter and other similar social platforms. |
Note that the above examples are cross-platform and you can use the exact same command on Windows, Linux or Mac OS X, if your operating system is properly configured.
RSS Guard offers [placeholder](#userd-plac) `%data%` which is automatically replaced with full path to RSS Guard's [user data folder](#userd), allowing you to make your configuration fully portable. You can, therefore, use something like this as source script line: `bash#%data%/scripts/download-feed.sh`.
Also, working directory of process executing the script is set to point to RSS Guard's user data folder.
There are some examples of website scrapers [here](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/tree/master/resources/scripts/scrapers), most of them are written in Python 3, thus their execution line is similar to `python#script.py`. Make sure to examine each script for more information on how to use it.
After your source feed data are downloaded either via URL or custom script, you can optionally post-process the data with one more custom script, which will take **raw source data as input** and must produce processed valid feed data to **standard output** while printing all error messages to **error output**.
Format of post-process script execution line is the same as above.
Typical post-processing filter might do things like advanced CSS formatting, localization of content to another language, downloading of full articles, some kind of filtering or removing ads.
It's completely up to you if you decide to only use script as `Source` of the script or separate your custom functionality between `Source` script and `Post-process` script. Sometimes you might need different `Source` scripts for different online sources and the same `Post-process` script and vice versa.
### Notifications
RSS Guard allows you to configure behavior of desktop notifications. There is a number of events which can be configured:
* new (unread) messages downloaded,
* downloading of messages started,
* login OAuth tokens refreshed,
* new RSS Guard version available,
* ...
Your notification can also play `.wav` sounds which you can place under your [user data folder](#userd) and use them via special [placeholder](#userd-plac). Other audio formats are not supported.
### Database Backends
RSS Guard offers switchable database backends which hold your data. At this point, two backends are available:
* MariaDB,
* SQLite (default).
SQLite backend is very simple to use, no further configuration is needed and all your data is stored in single file
Check `About RSS Guard -> Resources` dialog to find more info on significant paths used. This backend offers "in-memory" database option, which automatically copies all your data into RAM when app starts and then works solely with that RAM data, which makes RSS Guard incredibly fast. Data is also written back to database file when app exits. Note that this option should be used very rarely because RSS Guard should be fast enough with classic SQLite persistent DB files. So only use this if your amounts of article data are huge and you know what you are doing.
MariaDB (MySQL) backend is there for users, who want to store their data in a centralized way. You can have single server in your network and use multiple RSS Guard instances to access the data.
For database-related configuration see `Settings -> Data storage` dialog.
### User Data Portability
One of the main goals of RSS Guard is to have local application data portable (relocatable) so that they can be use across all [supported operating systems](#sos).
RSS Guard is able to run in two modes.
Default mode is *"non-portable"* mode, where user data folder is placed in user-wide "config directory" (this is `C:\Users\\AppData\Local` on Windows). If subfolder with file
RSS Guard 4\data\config\config.ini
exists, then this user folder is used.
The other mode is that user data folder is placed in subfolder `data4` in the same directory as RSS Guard binary (`rssguard.exe` on Windows). This *"portable"* mode is automatically enabled if "non-portable" mode detection fails.
#### `%data%` placeholder
RSS Guard stores its data and settings in single folder. What exact folder it is is described [here](#portable-user-data). RSS Guard allows you to use the folder programmatically in some special contexts via `%data%` placeholder. You can use this placeholder in these RSS Guard contexts:
* Contents of your [message filters](Message-filters.md) - you can therefore place some scripts under your user data folder and include it via `JavaScript` into your message filter.
* Contents of each file included in your custom [skins](#skin). Note that in this case, the semantics of `%data%` are little changed and `%data%` points directly to base folder of your skin.
* `source` and `post-process script` attributes of for [scraping](#scrap) feed - you can use the placeholder to load scripts to generate/process feed from user data folder.
* Notifications also support the placeholder in path to audio files which are to be played when some event happens. For example you could place audio files in your data folder and then use them in notification with `%data%\audio\new-messages.wav`. See more about notifications [here](#notif).
### Built-in Web Browser with AdBlock
RSS Guard is distributed in two variants:
* **Standard package with WebEngine-based bundled message viewer**: This variant displays messages with their full formatting and layout in embedded Chromium-based web viewer. This variant of RSS Guard should be nice for everyone. Also, installation packages are relatively big.
* **Lite package with simple text-based message viewer**: This variant displays message in much simpler and more lightweight text-based component. All packages of this variant have `nowebengine` keyword in their names. Layout and formatting of displayed message is simplified, no big external web viewers are used, which results in much smaller installation packages, much smaller memory footprint and increased privacy of the user, because many web resources are not downloaded by default like pictures, JavaScript and so on. This variant of RSS Guard is meant for advanced users.
If you're not sure which version to use, **use the WebEngine-based RSS Guard**.
#### AdBlock
[Web-based variant](#webb) of RSS Guard offers ad-blocking functionality via [Adblocker](https://github.com/cliqz-oss/adblocker). Adblocker offers similar performance to [uBlock Origin](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock).
You need to have have [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) with [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com) (which is usually included in Node.js installer) installed to have ad-blocking in RSS Guard working. Also, the implementation requires additional [npm](https://www.npmjs.com) modules to be installed. You see the list of needed modules near the top of [this](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/blob/master/resources/scripts/adblock/adblock-server.js) file.
I understand that the above installation of needed dependencies is not trivial, but it is necessary evil to have up-to-date and modern implementation of AdBlock in RSS Guard. Previous `C++`-based implementation was buggy, quite slow and hard to maintain.
You can find elaborated lists of AdBlock rules [here](https://easylist.to). You can just copy direct hyperlinks to those lists and paste them into "Filter lists" textbox as seen below. Remember to always separate individual links with newlines. Same applies to "Custom filters" where you can insert individual filters, for example [filter](https://adblockplus.org/filter-cheatsheet) "idnes" to block all URLs with "idnes" in them.
The way ad-blocking internally works is that RSS Guard starts local HTTP browser which provides ad-blocking API, which is subsequently called by RSS Guard. There is some caching done in between, which speeds up some ad-blocking decisions.
## Minor Features
### Files Downloader
RSS Guard offers simple embedded file downloader.
You can right click on any item in embedded web browser and hit `Save as` button. RSS Guard will then automatically display downloader and will download your file. This feature works in both RSS Guard [variants](#webb).
You can download up to 6 files simultaneously.
### Labels
RSS Guard supports labels (tags). Arbitrary number of tags can be assigned to each and every message.
Also, note that tags in some plugins are [synchronizable](#sfrl). While labels are synchronized with these services, they sometimes cannot be directly created via RSS Guard and you have to create them via web interface of the respective service and then perform `Synchronize folders & other items` which will download newly created labels too.
You can easily add labels via `Labels` root item.
You can choose title and color of your new label.
You can easily (de)assign label to messages in message viewer.
Note that (de)assignments of labels to messages are synchronized back to supported servers in regular intervals.
Also, [message filters](#fltr) can assign or remove labels to/from messages.
### Skins
RSS Guard is skinable application. Its GUI can be almost completely styled with [stylesheets](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/stylesheet.html).
You can select style and skin in settings category `User interface`.
RSS Guard encapsulates styling capabilities via *skins* feature. Each skin is placed in its own folder and must contain several [files](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/tree/master/resources/skins/vergilius). There are some [built-in](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/tree/master/resources/skins) skins, but you can place your custom skins in your [user data folder](#userd). You can find exact path to your user data folder in `About` dialog. Note that there must be subfolder `skins`. Create it if it does not exist and place your custom skins inside.
So for example if your new skin is called `greenland`, you must place it in folder
As stated above, there are several files in each skin:
* `metadata.xml` - XML file with some basic information about the skin's name, author etc. Also,
* `theme.css` - [Qt stylesheet](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/stylesheet.html) file.
* `html_*.html` - These are (partial) HTML files which are used by RSS Guard in various situations like displaying article or error page.
### GUI Tweaking
RSS Guard's main window appearance can be tweaked in many ways. You can hide menu, toolbars, status bar, you can also change orientation of article viewer to suit widescreen devices.
### Command Line Interface
RSS Guard offers CLI (command line interface). For overview of its features, run `rssguard --help` in your terminal. You will see the overview of the interface.
rssguard [options] [url-1 ... url-n]
-l, --log Write application debug log to file. Note that
logging to file may slow application down.
-d, --data Use custom folder for user data and disable
single instance application mode.
-s, --no-single-instance Allow running of multiple application
-n, --no-debug-output Completely disable stdout/stderr outputs.
-?, -h, --help Displays help on commandline options.
--help-all Displays help including Qt specific options.
-v, --version Displays version information.
urls List of URL addresses pointing to individual
online feeds which should be added.
RSS Guard can add feeds passed as URLs via command line arguments. Feed URI [scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feed_URI_scheme) is supported, so that you can call RSS Guard like this:
rssguard.exe "feed://archlinux.org/feeds/news"
rssguard.exe "feed:https//archlinux.org/feeds/news"
rssguard.exe "https://archlinux.org/feeds/news"
So in order to comfortably add feed directly to RSS Guard from you browser without copying its URL manually, you have to "open" RSS Guard "with" feed URL passed as parameter. There are [extensions](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/open-with/) which can do it.
## For Contributors
### Donations
You can support author of RSS Guard via [donations](https://github.com/sponsors/martinrotter).
### Compiling RSS Guard
RSS Guard is C++ application and all common build instructions can be found in top of [project file](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/blob/master/build.pro).
### Plugin API
RSS Guard offers simple `C++` API for creating new service plugins. All base API classes are in folder [`abstract`](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/tree/master/src/librssguard/services/abstract). User must subclass and implement all interface classes:
| Class | Purpose |
| `ServiceEntryPoint` | Very base class which provides basic information about the plugin name, author etc. It also provides methods which are called when new account should be created and when existing accounts should be loaded from database. |
| `ServiceRoot` | This is the core "account" class which represents account node in feed's list and offers interface for all critical functionality of a plugin, including handlers which are called when starting/stoping a plugin, marking messages read/unread/starred/deleted, (de)assigning labels etc. |
API is reasonably simple to understand but relatively large. Sane default behavior is employed where it makes sense.
Perhaps the best approach to use when writing new plugin is to copy [existing](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/tree/master/src/librssguard/services/greader) one and start from there.
Note that RSS Guard can support loading of plugins from external libraries (dll, so, etc.) but the functionality must be polished because so far all plugins are directly bundled into the app as no one really requested run-time loading of plugins so far.
### Reporting Bugs or Feature Requests
Please report all issues/bugs/ideas to [Issues](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/issues) section. Describe your problem as precisely as possible, along with steps taken leading up to the issue occurring.
Also, for some broader questions or general ideas, use [discussions](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/discussions) rather than [issues](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/issues).
### Localization
RSS Guard currently includes [many localizations](http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/rssguard).
If you are interested in creating translations for RSS Guard, then do this:
1. Go [here](http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/rssguard) and check status of currently supported localizations.
2. [Login](http://www.transifex.com/signin) (you can use social networks to login) and work on existing translations. If no translation team for your country/language exists, then ask for creating of localization team via the website.
**All translators commit themselves to keep their translations up-to-date. If some translations are not updated by their authors regularly and only small number of strings is translated, then those translations along with their teams will be eventually REMOVED from the project!!! At least 50% of strings must be translated for translation to being added to project.**
### Migrating data
RSS Guard automatically migrates all your [user data](#userd) if you install newer minor version, for example if you update from `3.7.5` to `3.9.1`.
If you decide to upgrade to new major version, for example from `3.x.x` to `4.x.x`, then you cannot use your existing user data as major versions are declared as backwards incompatible, so such data transition are not supported.
### Migrating user data from `3.9.2` to `4.x.x`
> Only proceed if you consider yourself to be a SQL power user and you know what you are doing!
> Also, make sure that last RSS Guard from `3.x.x` line you used with your data was the most up-to-date `3.9.2` version.
Here is short DIY manual on how to manually update your `database.db` file to `4.x.x` format. Similar approach can be taken if you use `MariaDB` [database backend](#datab).
Here are SQLs for [old](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/blob/3.9.2/resources/sql/db_init_sqlite.sql) schema and [new](https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/blob/4.0.0/resources/sql/db_init_sqlite.sql) schema.
### Converting `*Accounts` tables
In `3.x.x` each plugin/account type had its own table where it kept your login usernames, service URLs etc. In `4.x.x` all plugins share one table `Accounts` and place account-specific data into `custom_data` column. You simply can take all rows from any `*Accounts` table (for example `TtRssAccounts`) and insert them into `Accounts`, keeping all columns their default values, except of `type`, which must have on of these values:
* `std-rss` - for standard RSS/ATOM feeds.
* `tt-rss` - for Tiny Tiny RSS.
* `owncloud` - for Nextcloud News.
* `greader` - For all Google Reader API services, including Inoreader.
* `feedly` - for Feedly.
* `gmail` - for Gmail.
Then you need to go to `Edit` dialog of your account in RSS Guard (once you complete this migration guide) and check for all missing login information etc.
Also, once you add any rows the `Accounts` table, your row will be assigned uniqued `id` value which is integer and is used as foreign key in other DB tables, via column `account_id`.
### Converting `Feeds` table
There are some changes in `Feeds` table:
* `url` column is now named `source`,
* `source_type`, `post_process`, `encoding`, `type`, `protected`, `username`, `password` columns are removed and their data are now stored in JSON-serialized form in new column `custom_data`. Here is sample value of `custom_data`:
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"password": "AwUujeO2efOgYpX3g1/zoOTp9JULcLTZzwfY",
"post_process": "",
"protected": false,
"source_type": 0,
"type": 3,
"username": ""
Pay attention to `account_id` column as this column is the ID of your accout as stated in the above [section](#accid).
### Converting `Messages` table
Columns were reordered and other than that new column `score` with sane default value was added. Therefore you can simply copy your data in a column-to-column mode.
Pay attention to `account_id` column as this column is the ID of your accout as stated in the above [section](#accid).
### Other tables
Other tables like `Labels` or `MessageFilters` are unchanged between these two major RSS Guard versions. But you might need to adjust `account_id` to match DB ID of your account.