AccountCheckModel(category)(feed)AdBlockDialogAdBlock configurationEnable AdBlockAdd your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line)Custom filtersAdd your custom filters here (one filter per line)&Help&עזרהFilter listsCannot enable AdBlockThere is some error in AdBlock component and it cannot be enabled. Check error message below (or application debug log) for more information.OK!There is error, check application log for more details and head to online documentation. Also make sure that Node.js is installed.
Error: %1ERROR!No additional info.It seems your AdBlock runs fine, but wait few seconds to be sure.There is error, check application log for more details and head to online documentation. Also make sure that Node.js is installed.AdBlockIconAdBlock lets you block unwanted content on web pagesShow AdBlock &settingsAdBlockManagerfailed to download filter list '%1'ApplicationApplication is already running.Output directory is not writable.Settings file not copied to output directory successfully.Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable.Cannot add feedFeed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds.Unread articles fetchedGo to changelogAdBlock needs to be configuredAdBlock component is not configured properly.Configure nowAuthenticationDetailsFormSome feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.Requires HTTP authenticationUsernamePasswordSet username to access the feed.Set password to access the feed.Username is ok or it is not needed.Username is empty.Password is ok or it is not needed.Password is empty.BaseLineEditShow/hide the passwordColorToolButtonClick me to change color!Select new colorDatabaseCleanerShrinking database file...Database file shrinked...Recycle bin purged...Purging recycle bin...Removing read articles...Read articles purged...Removing old articles...Old articles purged...Removing starred articles...Starred articles purged...DatabaseFactoryCannot connect to databaseConnection to your database was not established with error: '%1'. Falling back to SQLite.DiscoverFeedsButtonNot supportedGiven account does not support adding feeds.Feeds were detected, but no suitable accounts are configured.This website does not contain any feedsAdd one of %n feed(s)DownloadItemFilenameError opening output file: %1&Try again&Stop&Open fileSelect destination for downloaded fileError: %1Download directory couldn't be createdError when saving file: %1%1 of %2 (%3 per second) - %4%1 of %2 - download completedOpen &directoryCannot open fileCannot open output file. Open it manually.Cannot open directoryCannot open output directory. Open it manually.Download finishedFile '%1' is downloaded.
Click here to open parent directory.URL: %1Local file: %1Selection of local file cancelled.Open folderDownloadManagerClean up%n minutes remaining%n seconds remainingbyteskBMBGBDownloading %n file(s)...EmailRecipientControlToCcBccReply-toE-mail addressFeedno errorsauthentication errornetwork errorAuto-update status: %1
Active message filters: %2
Status: %3does not use auto-fetching of articlesDescribes feed auto-update status.uses global settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetch of articles)Describes feed auto-update status.uses global settings (global auto-fetching of articles is disabled)uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetching of new articles)Describes feed auto-update status.has new articlesparsing errorerrorFeedMessageViewerToolbar for feedsToolbar for articlesFeedReaderStarting auto-download of some feeds' articlesI will auto-download new articles for %n feed(s).Cannot fetch articles at this pointYou cannot fetch new articles now because another critical operation is ongoing.FeedlyAccountDetailsUsernameDeveloper access tokenGet token&LoginUsername for your accountNo test done yet.Here, results of connection test are shown.Your %1 build has official Feedly support. You do not have to use "developer acess token". You can therefore leave corresponding field empty.Your %1 does not offer official Feedly support, thus you must authorize via special authorization code called "developer access token". These tokens are usually valid only for 1 month and allow only 250 API calls each day.You did not grant access.There was error during testing.There is error. %1Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Your access was approved.Access granted.Login was successful.Some problems.Username cannot be empty.Username is okay.Access token is empty.Access token is okay.Error: '%1'Only download newest X articles per feedDownload unread articles onlyBeware of downloading too many articles, because Feedly permanently caches ALL articles of the feed, so you might end up with thousands of articles which you will never read anyway.FeedlyNetworkFeedly: authentication errorClick this to login again. Error is: '%1'Feedly: authorization deniedClick this to login again.LoginFeedsImportExportModelCategory FeedsModelTitleכותרתTitles of feeds/categories.כותרות של ערוצים/קטגוריות.RootשורשYou can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported.Cannot perform drag & drop operationCounts of unread/all mesages.FeedsToolBarToolbar spacerSearch feedsFeeds search boxFeedsViewCannot edit itemCannot delete itemContext menu for empty spaceSelected item cannot be edited because another critical operation is ongoing.Selected item cannot be deleted because another critical operation is ongoing.Context menu for categoriesSelected item cannot be edited, this is not (yet?) supported.Deleting "%1"You are about to completely delete item "%1".Are you sure?Cannot delete "%1"This item cannot be deleted because something critically failed. Submit bug report.This item cannot be deleted, because it does not support it
or this functionality is not implemented yet.Context menu for other itemsNot supportedSelected account does not support adding of new feeds.Selected account does not support adding of new categories.Context menu for recycle binsContext menu for accountsContext menu for labelContext menu for important articlesFormAboutInformationמידעLicensesרשיונותGNU GPL Licenseרשיון GNU GPLLicenses page is available only in English language.ChangelogChangelog page is available only in English language.License not found.רשיון לא נמצא.Changelog not found.About %1אודות %1Settings typeטיפוס הגדרותSettings fileקובץ הגדרותFULLY portableResources<body>%5 is a (very) tiny feed reader.<br><br>This software is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Contacts:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~e-mail</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~website</li></ul>You can obtain source code for %5 from its website.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body><b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (built on %2/%3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Build date:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (compiled against %7)<br>User skins root pathNOT portableMIT License (applies to boolinq source code)GNU GPL License (applies to RSS Guard; mimesis; Numix source codes)CUSTOMDatabase locationFormAccountDetailsEdit account '%1'Network proxyAdd new accountFormAddAccountAdd new accountFormAddEditEmailWrite e-mail messageContents of your e-mail message...Add new recipient.SubjectTitle of your messageE-mail NOT sentYour e-mail message wasn't sent.FormAddEditLabel...Name for your labelLabel's name cannot be empty.Perfect!Hot stuffCreate new labelEdit label '%1'FormBackupDatabaseSettingsBackup database/settingsBackup propertiesItems to backupDatabaseמסד נתוניםSettingsהגדרותBackup nameOperation resultsCommon name for backup filesNo operation executed yet.Backup was created successfully.Backup name cannot be empty.Backup name looks okay.Backup failed.Output directory&Select directoryBackup was created successfully and stored in target directory.Select destination directoryGood destination directory is specified.FormCategoryDetailsSelect parent item for your category.TitleכותרתDescriptionתיאורIconסמלSelect icon for your category.Add new categoryCategory name is ok.Category name is too short.Description is empty.The description is ok.Select icon file for the categoryImages (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga)Select iconCancelביטולLook in:Label to describe the folder for icon file selection dialog.Icon name:Icon type:Category titleSet title for your category.Category descriptionSet description for your category.Icon selectionLoad icon from file...Use default icon from icon themeParent folderEdit "%1"FormDatabaseCleanupCleanup database day(s)Database informationDatabase typeProgressI am ready.Database cleanup is running.Database cleanup is completed.Database cleanup failed.unknownTotal data sizeCleanup settingsOptimize database fileRemove all read articlesRemove all articles from recycle binRemove all articles older thanRemove all starred articlesFormDownloadAttachmentDownloading attachment...Downloaded: %1 kBFormEditFeedlyAccountService setupFormEditGmailAccountServer setupFormEditGreaderAccountServer setupFormEditOwnCloudAccountServer setupFormEditTtRssAccountServer setupFormFeedDetailsSelect the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings.Add new feedErrorCannot save changes: %1Auto-downloading of articlesEdit "%1"Fetch articles using global intervalFetch articles everyDisable auto-fetching of articlesFormMain&File&קובץ&Help&עזרה&View&תצוגה&Tools&כלים&Quitי&ציאה&Settings&הגדרותQuit the application.Display settings of the application.Switch fullscreen mode.No actions availableNo actions are available right now.Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden.Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories.Check if new update for the application is available for download.&About application&אודות יישוםDisplays extra info about this application.Hides or displays the main menu.Check for &updatesShow/hide&Feed list&Main menu&ToolbarsSwitch visibility of main toolbars.&Downloads&Cleanup database&Edit selected item&Delete selected itemMark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read.Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread.Deletes all messages from selected items.Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account.Displays all messages from selected item in a new "newspaper mode" tab. Note that messages are not set as read automatically.Deletes all messages from all items.Select &next itemSelect &previous item&Expand/collapse selected itemNo possible actions&Recycle bin(s)&Restore all recycle bins&Empty all recycle binsNo recycle bin&AccountsStatus bar&Edit selected account&Delete selected accountAdd new categoryAdd new feedNo actions possibleReport a &bug...Close all tabsClose all tabs except currentCannot cleanup databaseCannot cleanup database, because another critical action is running.&RestartGo to &next tabGo to &previous tab&Donate...Message &filtersAlternate row colors in listsDisplay &documentationMessage viewer toolbarsExpand/collapse selected item &recursively&Add item&Fullscreen&Fetch allFetch all feedsFetch &selectedFetch selected feedsMark articles &readMark selected articles readMark articles &unreadMark selected articles unreadSwitch &importanceSwitch importance of selected articles&Mark selected item read&Mark selected item unread&Delete articles&Clean selected itemOpen in &external browserOpen selected articles in external browserOpen in &internal browserOpen selected articles in internal browser&Mark all readView selected item in &newspaper mode&Clean all&Next article&Previous article&List headers&Restore settings&Backup settingsSwitch layoutSend via e-mailSend selected articles via e-mailShow unread items only&Add account&Restore articlesNext &unread articleStop ongoing fetchingNew browser tab&Enable article preview&Copy URLs of selected itemShow &unread articles only&Show tree expandersFetch feeds with &custom auto-download policyAutomatically &expand item when selectedClose opened modal dialogs first.F&eedsArt&icles&Web browser && tabsTa&bsFetching common dataFetched '%1'Text display in status bar when particular feed is updated.Minimize (or hide) main windowFormMessageFiltersManagerRemove selected&Check all&Uncheck allTitleכותרתJavaScript codeReadImportantURLAuthorמחברCreated onContentsתכניםScript outputDetailed &helpACCEPTEDREJECTEDyesnoCannot find 'clang-format'Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool was not found.ErrorScript was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool thrown error.Beautifier was running for too long timeScript was not beautified, is 'clang-format' installed?&New filter&TestProcess checked feeds&BeautifyCannot save new filter, error: '%1'.Context menuExisting articlesSample articleFilter articles like thisNew article filterEXISTING articles filtering error: '%1'.
Article will be %1.
Output (modified) article is:
Title = '%1'
URL = '%2'
Author = '%3'
Is read/important = '%4/%5'
Created on = '%6'
Contents = '%7'
RAW contents = '%8'SAMPLE article filtering error: '%1'.
Article filtersArticle filter detailsTitle of article filterYour JavaScript-based article filtering logicFormRestoreDatabaseSettingsRestore database/settingsOperation resultsRestore databaseRestore settingsNo operation executed yet.Restoration was initiated. Restart to proceed.You need to restart application for restoration process to finish.Source directory&Select directoryDatabase and/or settings were not copied to restoration directory successully.Select source directoryGood source directory is specified.RestartFormSettingsSettingsהגדרותCritical settings were changedChanged categories of settings:
%1.Some settings are changed and will be lostSome settings were changed and by cancelling this dialog, you would lose these changes.Do you really want to close this dialog without saving any settings?Some critical settings were changed and will be applied after the application gets restarted.
You have to restart manually.Do you want to restart now?FormStandardFeedDetailsGeneralכלליNetworkFormStandardImportExport&Select file&בחר קובץNo file is selected.No operation executed yet.Destination fileSource feeds && categoriesExport feedsSource fileTarget feeds && categoriesImport feedsOPML 2.0 files (*.opml)Select file for feeds exportFile is selected.Select file for feeds importCannot open source file.Feeds were loaded.Error, file is not well-formed. Select another file.Error occurred. File is not well-formed. Select another file.Feeds were exported successfully.Critical error occurred.Parsing data...Cannot write into destination file: '%1'.Root nodeSelect parent item for your feed.TXT files [one URL per line] (*.txt)Get online metadataMetadata for your feeds can be fetched online. Note that the action could take several minutes, depending on number of feeds.Do you want to fetch feed metadata online?&Export to file&Import from file&Check all feeds&Uncheck all feedsOperation resultFormTtRssFeedDetailsFeed addedGeneralכלליNetworkFeed was added, obtaining new tree of feeds now.API returned error code %1FormUpdateCurrent releaseAvailable releaseStatusunknownUnknown release.List with updates was not
downloaded successfully.New release available.Error: '%1'.No new release available.This release is not newer than
currently installed one.Check for updatesDownload new installation files.Cannot update applicationDownloaded %1% (update size is %2 kB).Downloading update...Downloaded successfullyError occuredאירעה שגיאהError occured during downloading of the package.Go to application websiteThis is new version which can be
downloaded.InstallCannot launch external updater. Update application manually.ChangelogAvailable filesDownload selected updateGo to application website to get update packages manually. (size Available update filesPackage was downloaded successfully.
You can install it now.GmailAccountDetailsUsernameOAuth 2.0 settingsClient IDClient secretRedirect URLGet my credentials&LoginNot tested yet.User-visible usernameNo username entered.Some username entered.You did not grant access.There was error during testing.Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Your access was approved.Empty value is entered.Some value is entered.There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as it preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave those fields empty and make sure to leave default value of redirect URL.You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.There is error: %1Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.Only download newest X articles per feedDownload unread articles onlyGmailNetworkFactoryClick this to login again. Error is: '%1'Click this to login again.No subjectGmail: authentication errorGmail: authorization deniedyou are not logged infailed to get metadataLoginGmailServiceRootInboxSentDraftsSpamAuthentication status: %1
Login tokens expiration: %2logged-inNOT logged-inSelect attachment destination fileWrite new e-mail messageReply to this messageGreaderAccountDetailsServiceURLAuthenticationUsernamePassword&Test setupPassword for your accountUsername for your accountURL of your server, without any service-specific pathNo test done yet.Here, results of connection test are shown.Network error: '%1'.Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password?You are good to go!Yeah.Username cannot be empty.Username is okay.Password cannot be empty.Password is okay.URL cannot be empty.URL is okay.Only download newest X articles per feedDownload unread articles onlyIntelligent synchronization algorithmFetch articles newer thanOAuth 2.0 settingsApp IDApp keyRedirect URLGet my own App IDSome feeds might contain tens of thousands of articles and downloading all of them could take great amount of time, so sometimes it is good to download only certain amount of newest messages.If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles.There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave all above fields to their default values even if they are empty.You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL.You did not grant access.There was error during testing.There is error. %1Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more.Your access was approved.Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used.Empty value is entered.Some value is entered.GreaderNetworklogin failedInoreader: authentication errorClick this to login again. Error is: '%1'Inoreader: authorization deniedClick this to login again.LoginGreaderServiceRootOther servicesHelpSpoilerView more information on thisIOFactoryCannot open file '%1' for reading.Cannot open file '%1' for writting.ImportantNodeImportant articlesYou can find all important articles here.LabelsMenuLabelsNo labels foundLabelsNodeLabelsYou can see all your labels (tags) here.New labelThis account does not allow you to create labels.Not allowedLocationLineEditWebsite address goes hereMariaDbDriverMySQL server works as expected.Selected database does not exist (yet). It will be created. It's okay.No MySQL server is running in the target destination.Access denied. Invalid username or password used.Unknown error: '%1'.MariaDBMessageBoxDo not show this dialog again.MessageBrowserYou clicked some link. You can download the link contents or open it in external web browser.What action do you want to take?Open in external browserDownloadAlways open links in external browser.Incorrect linkSelected hyperlink is invalid.Click this link to download it or open it with external browser.imageMessageCountSpinBox= unlimitedarticlearticlesMessagePreviewerMark article readMark article unreadSwitch article importanceMessageTextBrowserOpen with external toolMessagesForFiltersModelReadImportantIn recycle binTitleכותרתURLAuthorמחברScoreDateMessagesModelIdReadDeletedImportantFeedערוץTitleכותרתUrlAuthorמחברContentsתכניםPermanently deletedAttachmentsList of attachments.Account IDCustom IDCustom hashFeed IDHas enclosuresScoreDateLoading of articles from item '%1' failed.Loading of articles failed, maybe messages could not be downloaded.ID of the article.Is article read?Is article important?Is article deleted?Is article permanently deleted from recycle bin?ID of feed which this article belongs to.Title of the article.Url of the article.Author of the article.Creation date of the article.Contents of the article.Score of the article.Account ID of the article.Custom ID of the articleCustom hash of the article.Custom ID of feed of the article.Indication of enclosures presence within the article.MessagesToolBarNo extra highlightingToolbar spacerSearch articlesArticle search boxMenu for highlighting articlesHighlight unread articlesHighlight important articlesDisplay all articlesArticle highlighterMessagesViewProblem with starting external e-mail clientExternal e-mail client could not be started.Open with external toolCannot run external toolExternal tool '%1' could not be started.No external tools activatedContext menu for articlesNetworkFactoryprotocol errorNetwork status.שגיאת פרוטוקולhost not foundNetwork status.connection refusedNetwork status.connection timed outNetwork status.SSL handshake failedNetwork status.proxy server connection refusedNetwork status.temporary failureNetwork status.authentication failedNetwork status.proxy authentication requiredNetwork status.proxy server not foundNetwork status.content not foundNetwork status.unknown errorNetwork errorsNetwork status.access to content was deniedconnection timed out or was cancelledunknown contentNetwork status.NetworkProxyDetailsFormTypeProxy server type.טיפוסHostמארחHostname or IP of your proxy serverPortפורטUsernameYour username for proxy server authenticationPasswordYour password for proxy server authenticationNote that these settings are applied only on newly established connections.No proxySystem proxySocks5HttpNewspaperPreviewerFormShow more articles (%n remaining)Cannot show more articlesCannot show more articles because parent feed was removed.OAuth2ServiceClick here to login.Logging in via OAuth 2.0...Refreshing login tokens for '%1'...You have to login firstYou can close this window now. Go back to %1.Failed to start OAuth redirection listener. Maybe your rights are not high enough.LoginOwnCloudAccountDetailsURLSome feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.AuthenticationUsernamePassword&Test setupLeaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often.Password for your Nextcloud accountUsername for your Nextcloud accountURL of your Nextcloud server, without any API pathNo test done yet.Here, results of connection test are shown.= unlimitedNetwork error: '%1'.Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password?Installed version: %1, required at least: %2.Selected Nextcloud News server is running unsupported version.Nextcloud News server is okay.Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL?Username cannot be empty.Username is okay.Password cannot be empty.Password is okay.URL cannot be empty.URL is okay.Download unread articles onlyOnly download newest X articles per feedarticlesForce execution of server-side feeds updateQObjectLANG_ABBREVAbbreviation of language, e.g. en. Use ISO 639-1 code here combined with ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2) code. Examples: "cs", "en", "it", "cs_CZ", "en_GB", "en_US".heLANG_AUTHORName of translator - optional.מרטין רוטרLANG_EMAIL
+ %n other feeds.Load initial set of feedsThis service offers integration with Tiny Tiny RSS.
Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.
At least API level %1 is required.The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It is part of Nextcloud suite. This plugin implements %1 API.New version availableClick the bubble for more information.Passed external tool representation is not valid.Simple Gmail integration via JSON API. Allows sending e-mails too.Welcome to %1.
Please, check NEW stuff included in this
version by clicking this popup notification.Keep up with the topics and trends you care about, without the overwhelm.
Feedly is a secure space where you can privately organize and research the topics and trends that matter to you.Cannot insert article filter, because current database cannot return last inserted row ID.Fetching articles right nowLogin data refreshedNew %1 version is availableMiscellaneous eventsUnknown eventNew (unread) articles fetchedXML problem: %1Google Reader API is used by many online RSS readers.
List of supported readers:Login failedThis service offers integration with standard online RSS/RDF/ATOM/JSON feeds and podcasts.RecycleBinRecycle binRestore recycle binEmpty recycle binRecycle bin contains all deleted articles from all feeds.%n deleted article(s).RootItem%n unread article(s).Tooltip for "unread" column of feed list.ScriptExceptionscript line is not well-formedscript threw an errorscript's interpreter was not foundscript execution took too longunknown errorSearchTextWidgetSeach textFind previous occurenceFind next occurenceServiceRootSynchronize folders && other itemsSynchronize article cacheSettingsBrowserMailExternal web browser<html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html>Use custom external web browserWeb browser executableExecutable file of web browser&BrowseUse sample arguments forSelect browserNote that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message.External e-mail clientUse custom external e-mail clientE-mail client executableExecutable file of e-mail clientSelect clientPlaceholders:
• %1 - title of selected message,
• %2 - body of selected message.Select web browser executableExecutables (*)File filter for external browser selection dialog.
File filter for external e-mail selection dialog.Executables (*.*)Select e-mail executableOpera 12 or olderMozilla ThunderbirdWeb browser & e-mail & proxyExternal toolsOn this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs of selected messages.ExecutableParametersSelect external toolEnter parametersParameters passed to executableNetwork proxyEnter (optional) parameters separated by "%1":Always open hyperlinks in external web browser&Add tool&Edit selected tool&Delete selected toolSettingsDatabaseWARNING: Note that switching to another data storage type will NOT copy existing your data from currently active data storage to newly selected one.Database driverUse in-memory database as the working databaseUsage of in-memory working database has several advantages and pitfalls. Make sure that you are familiar with these before you turn this feature on. Advantages:
<li>higher speed for feed/message manipulations (especially with thousands of messages displayed),</li>
<li>whole database stored in RAM, thus your hard drive can rest more.</li>
<li>if application crashes, your changes from last session are lost,</li>
<li>application startup and shutdown can take little longer (max. 2 seconds).</li>
Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data.Hostnameשם מארחPortפורטUsernamePasswordTest setupNote that speed of used MySQL server and latency of used connection medium HEAVILY influences the final performance of this application. Using slow database connections leads to bad performance when browsing feeds or messages.Working databaseHostname is empty.Hostname looks ok.Username is empty.Username looks ok.Password is empty.Password looks ok.Working database is empty.Working database is ok.No connection test triggered so far.You did not executed any connection test yet.Hostname of your MySQL serverUsername to login withPassword for your usernameWorking database which you have full access to.Data storageNote that turning this option ON will make saving of new messages FASTER, but it might rarely cause some issues with messages saving.Use DB transactions when storing downloaded messagesSettingsDownloadsOpen download manager when new download is startedTarget directory for downloaded filesAsk for each individual downloaded fileSave all downloaded files toTarget directory where all downloaded files are saved&BrowseSelect downloads target directoryDownloadsSettingsFeedsMessagesFeed connection timeoutConnection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted. ms&Change fontFont previewHeight of image attachmentsFeed list fontDisplay placeholders to indicate locations of picturesSelect new fontFeedsערוציםArticlesRemove all read articles from all feeds on application exitDisplay real icons of feeds in list of articles instead of read/unread iconsBring application window to front once article is opened in external web browserArticle list fontArticle browser fontFeeds & articlesAuto-fetch articles for all feeds everyOnly auto-fetch articles if application is unfocusedArticle count format in feed listEnter format for count of articles displayed next to each feed/category in feed list. Use "%all" and "%unread" strings which are placeholders for the actual count of all (or unread) articles.Hide article counts if there are no unread articlesDisplay tooltips for feeds and articlesKeep article selection in the middle of the article list viewportFetch all articles on startup with initial delay ofFeed list row height (-1 = default)Allow only basic keyboard shortcuts for feed/article listDisplay attached pictures directly in articleArticle list row height (-1 = default)Use custom date/time formatIgnore changes in article body (text) when article is updated upstreamSettingsGeneralLaunch %1 on operating system startupCheck for updates on application startup (not supported on this platform)GeneralכלליSettingsGuiIcons && skinsIcon themeTray iconHide main window when it is minimizedStart application hiddenTabsכרטיסיותOpen new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab barHide tab bar if just one tab is visibleClose tabs withMiddle mouse button single-clickToolbarsToolbar for feeds listStatusbarToolbar button styleSelect toolbar to editNameVersionAuthorמחברE-mailIcon onlyText onlyText beside iconText under iconFollow OS styleUser interfaceממשק משתמשStyleSkinUse monochrome iconsystem icon themeLabel for disabling icon icon themeLeft mouse button double-clickDisplay count of unread messages(Your OS does not support tray icons at the moment.)Tray areaToolbar for articles listSettingsLocalizationLanguageשפהCodeAuthorמחברLocalizationSettingsNotificationsNotificationsEnable notificationsYou must have "tray icon" activated to have balloon notifications working.There are some built-in sounds. Just start typing ":" and they will show up.SettingsShortcutsKeyboard shortcutsShortcutCatcherReset to original shortcut.Clear current shortcut.Click and hit new shortcut.SingleNotificationEditorSoundFull path to your WAV sound file&Browse&PlayBalloon notificationSelect sound fileVolumeWAV files (*.wav);;MP3 files (*.mp3)SkinFactoryThis page was blocked by AdBlockBlocked URL: "%1"<br/>Used filter: "%2"SqliteDriverSQLite (embedded database)Database file not copied to output directory successfully.StandardCategoryErrorCannot save data for category, detailed information was logged via debug log.StandardFeedScriptLocal fileUnknownErrorCannot save data for feed: %1XML is not well-formed, %1XML feed file format unrecognizedCannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log.
Encoding: %2
Type: %3StandardFeedDetailsFormSelect parent item for your feed.TypeטיפוסSelect type of the standard feed.EncodingSelect encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding.TitleכותרתDescriptionתיאורFetch metadataFetch it nowIconסמלSelect icon for your feed.Feed titleכותרת ערוץSet title for your feed.Feed descriptionSet description for your feed.Icon selectionLoad icon from file...Use default icon from icon themeFetch icon from feedNo metadata fetched so far.Icon fetched successfully.Icon metadata fetched.No icon fetched.All metadata fetched successfully.Feed and icon metadata fetched.No metadata fetched.Feed name is ok.Feed name is too short.Description is empty.The description is ok.The URL is ok.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL is empty.Select icon file for the feedImages (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga)Select iconCancelביטולLook in:Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog.Icon name:Icon type:SourcePost-process scriptYou can use URL as a source of your feed or you can produce your feed with custom script. Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wish. These are advanced features and make sure to read the documentation before your use them.Full feed source identifierFull feed source identifier which can be URL.Full command to executeYou can enter full command including interpreter here.Here you can enter script executaion line, including interpreter.The source is ok.The source is empty.The source does not seem to use "#" separator for arguments.Command is ok.Command not seem to use "#" separator for arguments.Command is empty.Script failed: %1Network error: %1Error: %1Parent folderStandardServiceRootThis is obligatory service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds.Do you want to load initial set of feeds?Error when loading initial feedsFetch metadataExport feedsImport feedsThis new account does not include any feeds. You can now add default set of feeds.Cannot add itemCannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.Cannot add categoryCannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing.Import was completely successful.Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details.StatusBarFeed update progress barFile download progress barToolbar spacerSystemFactoryanonymous bytesSee new version infoSystemTrayIcon%1
Unread news: %2TabBarClose this tab.Close tabTabWidgetFeedsערוציםDisplays main menu.Main menuתפריט ראשיDownloadsNewspaper viewתצוגת עיתוןWeb browserBrowse your feeds and articlesTimeSpinBox%n hour(s)%n minute(s) and %n second(s)ToolBarEditorActivated actionsAvailable actionsInsert separatorInsert spacerSeparatorחוצץToolbar spacerMove action upMove action downAdd selected actionDelete selected actionDelete all actionsReset toolbarTrayIconMenuClose opened modal dialogs first.TtRssAccountDetailsSome feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported.AuthenticationUsernamePasswordRequires HTTP authentication&Test setupURLLeaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often.HTTP authentication usernameHTTP authentication passwordPassword for your TT-RSS accountUsername for your TT-RSS accountURL of your TT-RSS instance WITHOUT trailing "/api/" stringNo test done yet.Here, results of connection test are shown.API access on selected server is not enabled.Entered credentials are incorrect.Other error occurred, contact developers.Installed version: %1, required at least: %2.Selected Tiny Tiny RSS server is running unsupported version of API.Tiny Tiny RSS server is okay.Network error: '%1'.Network error, have you entered correct Tiny Tiny RSS API endpoint and password?Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL?Username cannot be empty.Username is okay.Password cannot be empty.Password is okay.Username is ok or it is not needed.Username is empty.Password is ok or it is not needed.Password is empty.URL cannot be empty.URL should NOT end with "/api/".URL is okay.Download unread articles onlyOnly download newest X articles per feedForce execution of server-side feeds updateTtRssFeedDetailsFormSelect parent item for your feed.URLFull feed URL including schemeProvide URL for your feed.The URL is ok.The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix.The URL is empty.Parent folderTtRssServiceRootCannot add itemCannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing.Username: %1
Server: %2
Last error: %3
Last login on: %4UnreadNodeUnread articlesYou can find all unread articles here.WebBrowserNavigation panelNo titleWebbrowser tab title when no title is available.אין כותרתBackForwardReloadStopOpen this website in system web browserWebFactoryWeb engine settingsAuto-load imagesJS enabledJS can open popup windowsJS can access clipboardHyperlinks can get focusLocal storage enabledLocal content can access remote URLsXSS auditing enabledSpatial navigation enabledLocal content can access local filesHyperlink auditing enabledAnimate scrollingError pages enabledPlugins enabledFullscreen enabledScreen capture enabledWebGL enabledAccelerate 2D canvasPrint element backgroundsAllow running insecure contentAllow geolocation on insecure originsNavigate to website manually%1 was unable to launch your web browser with the given URL, you need to open the below website URL in your web browser manually.WebViewerWritten by נכתב על ידיNewspaper viewתצוגת עיתוןunknown authorOpen link in external browserOpen with external toolNo external tools activated