// This file is part of RSS Guard. // // Copyright (C) 2011-2016 by Martin Rotter // // RSS Guard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // RSS Guard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with RSS Guard. If not, see . #include "core/feedsmodel.h" #include "definitions/definitions.h" #include "services/abstract/feed.h" #include "services/abstract/category.h" #include "services/abstract/serviceroot.h" #include "services/abstract/recyclebin.h" #include "services/standard/standardserviceroot.h" #include "miscellaneous/textfactory.h" #include "miscellaneous/databasefactory.h" #include "miscellaneous/databasecleaner.h" #include "miscellaneous/iconfactory.h" #include "miscellaneous/mutex.h" #include "gui/messagebox.h" #include "gui/statusbar.h" #include "gui/dialogs/formmain.h" #include "core/feeddownloader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FeedsModel::FeedsModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), m_autoUpdateTimer(new QTimer(this)), m_feedDownloaderThread(NULL), m_feedDownloader(NULL), m_dbCleanerThread(NULL), m_dbCleaner(NULL) { setObjectName(QSL("FeedsModel")); // Create root item. m_rootItem = new RootItem(); m_rootItem->setId(NO_PARENT_CATEGORY); //: Name of root item of feed list which can be seen in feed add/edit dialog. m_rootItem->setTitle(tr("Root")); m_rootItem->setIcon(qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("folder-root"))); // Setup icons. m_countsIcon = qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("mail-mark-unread")); //: Title text in the feed list header. m_headerData << tr("Title"); m_tooltipData << /*: Feed list header "titles" column tooltip.*/ tr("Titles of feeds/categories.") << /*: Feed list header "counts" column tooltip.*/ tr("Counts of unread/all meesages."); connect(m_autoUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(executeNextAutoUpdate())); updateAutoUpdateStatus(); } FeedsModel::~FeedsModel() { qDebug("Destroying FeedsModel instance."); foreach (ServiceRoot *account, serviceRoots()) { account->stop(); } // Delete all model items. delete m_rootItem; } void FeedsModel::quit() { if (m_autoUpdateTimer->isActive()) { m_autoUpdateTimer->stop(); } // Close worker threads. if (m_feedDownloaderThread != NULL && m_feedDownloaderThread->isRunning()) { qDebug("Quitting feed downloader thread."); m_feedDownloaderThread->quit(); if (!m_feedDownloaderThread->wait(CLOSE_LOCK_TIMEOUT)) { qCritical("Feed downloader thread is running despite it was told to quit. Terminating it."); m_feedDownloaderThread->terminate(); } } if (m_dbCleanerThread != NULL && m_dbCleanerThread->isRunning()) { qDebug("Quitting database cleaner thread."); m_dbCleanerThread->quit(); if (!m_dbCleanerThread->wait(CLOSE_LOCK_TIMEOUT)) { qCritical("Database cleaner thread is running despite it was told to quit. Terminating it."); m_dbCleanerThread->terminate(); } } // Close workers. if (m_feedDownloader != NULL) { qDebug("Feed downloader exists. Deleting it from memory."); m_feedDownloader->deleteLater(); } if (m_dbCleaner != NULL) { qDebug("Database cleaner exists. Deleting it from memory."); m_dbCleaner->deleteLater(); } if (qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), SETTING(Messages::ClearReadOnExit)).toBool()) { markItemCleared(m_rootItem, true); } } void FeedsModel::updateFeeds(const QList &feeds) { if (!qApp->feedUpdateLock()->tryLock()) { qApp->showGuiMessage(tr("Cannot update all items"), tr("You cannot update all items because another another critical operation is ongoing."), QSystemTrayIcon::Warning, qApp->mainForm(), true); return; } if (m_feedDownloader == NULL) { m_feedDownloader = new FeedDownloader(); m_feedDownloaderThread = new QThread(); // Downloader setup. qRegisterMetaType >("QList"); m_feedDownloader->moveToThread(m_feedDownloaderThread); connect(this, SIGNAL(feedsUpdateRequested(QList)), m_feedDownloader, SLOT(updateFeeds(QList))); connect(m_feedDownloaderThread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_feedDownloaderThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); connect(m_feedDownloader, SIGNAL(finished(FeedDownloadResults)), this, SLOT(onFeedUpdatesFinished(FeedDownloadResults))); connect(m_feedDownloader, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(onFeedUpdatesStarted())); connect(m_feedDownloader, SIGNAL(progress(const Feed*,int,int)), this, SLOT(onFeedUpdatesProgress(const Feed*,int,int))); // Connections are made, start the feed downloader thread. m_feedDownloaderThread->start(); } emit feedsUpdateRequested(feeds); } void FeedsModel::onFeedUpdatesStarted() { //: Text display in status bar when feed update is started. qApp->mainForm()->statusBar()->showProgressFeeds(0, tr("Feed update started")); } void FeedsModel::onFeedUpdatesProgress(const Feed *feed, int current, int total) { // Some feed got updated. qApp->mainForm()->statusBar()->showProgressFeeds((current * 100.0) / total, //: Text display in status bar when particular feed is updated. tr("Updated feed '%1'").arg(feed->title())); } void FeedsModel::onFeedUpdatesFinished(const FeedDownloadResults &results) { qApp->feedUpdateLock()->unlock(); qApp->mainForm()->statusBar()->clearProgressFeeds(); if (!results.updatedFeeds().isEmpty()) { // Now, inform about results via GUI message/notification. qApp->showGuiMessage(tr("New messages downloaded"), results.overview(10), QSystemTrayIcon::NoIcon, 0, false, qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("item-update-all"))); } emit feedsUpdateFinished(); } void FeedsModel::updateAllFeeds() { updateFeeds(m_rootItem->getSubTreeFeeds()); } DatabaseCleaner *FeedsModel::databaseCleaner() { if (m_dbCleaner == NULL) { m_dbCleaner = new DatabaseCleaner(); m_dbCleanerThread = new QThread(); // Downloader setup. qRegisterMetaType("CleanerOrders"); m_dbCleaner->moveToThread(m_dbCleanerThread); connect(m_dbCleanerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), m_dbCleanerThread, SLOT(deleteLater())); // Connections are made, start the feed downloader thread. m_dbCleanerThread->start(); } return m_dbCleaner; } QMimeData *FeedsModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const { QMimeData *mime_data = new QMimeData(); QByteArray encoded_data; QDataStream stream(&encoded_data, QIODevice::WriteOnly); foreach (const QModelIndex &index, indexes) { if (index.column() != 0) { continue; } RootItem *item_for_index = itemForIndex(index); if (item_for_index->kind() != RootItemKind::Root) { stream << (quintptr) item_for_index; } } mime_data->setData(MIME_TYPE_ITEM_POINTER, encoded_data); return mime_data; } QStringList FeedsModel::mimeTypes() const { return QStringList() << MIME_TYPE_ITEM_POINTER; } bool FeedsModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(row) Q_UNUSED(column) if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction) { return true; } else if (action != Qt::MoveAction) { return false; } QByteArray dragged_items_data = data->data(MIME_TYPE_ITEM_POINTER); if (dragged_items_data.isEmpty()) { return false; } else { QDataStream stream(&dragged_items_data, QIODevice::ReadOnly); while (!stream.atEnd()) { quintptr pointer_to_item; stream >> pointer_to_item; // We have item we want to drag, we also determine the target item. RootItem *dragged_item = (RootItem*) pointer_to_item; RootItem *target_item = itemForIndex(parent); ServiceRoot *dragged_item_root = dragged_item->getParentServiceRoot(); ServiceRoot *target_item_root = target_item->getParentServiceRoot(); if (dragged_item == target_item || dragged_item->parent() == target_item) { qDebug("Dragged item is equal to target item or its parent is equal to target item. Cancelling drag-drop action."); return false; } if (dragged_item_root != target_item_root) { // Transferring of items between different accounts is not possible. qApp->showGuiMessage(tr("Cannot perform drag & drop operation"), tr("You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported."), QSystemTrayIcon::Warning, qApp->mainForm(), true); qDebug("Dragged item cannot be dragged into different account. Cancelling drag-drop action."); return false; } if (dragged_item->performDragDropChange(target_item)) { // Drag & drop is supported by the dragged item and was // completed on data level and in item hierarchy. emit requireItemValidationAfterDragDrop(indexForItem(dragged_item)); } } return true; } return false; } Qt::DropActions FeedsModel::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::MoveAction; } Qt::ItemFlags FeedsModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { Qt::ItemFlags base_flags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index); const RootItem *item_for_index = itemForIndex(index); Qt::ItemFlags additional_flags = item_for_index->additionalFlags(); return base_flags | additional_flags; } void FeedsModel::executeNextAutoUpdate() { if (!qApp->feedUpdateLock()->tryLock()) { qDebug("Delaying scheduled feed auto-updates for one minute due to another running update."); // Cannot update, quit. return; } // If global auto-update is enabled and its interval counter reached zero, // then we need to restore it. if (m_globalAutoUpdateEnabled && --m_globalAutoUpdateRemainingInterval < 0) { // We should start next auto-update interval. m_globalAutoUpdateRemainingInterval = m_globalAutoUpdateInitialInterval; } qDebug("Starting auto-update event, pass %d/%d.", m_globalAutoUpdateRemainingInterval, m_globalAutoUpdateInitialInterval); // Pass needed interval data and lets the model decide which feeds // should be updated in this pass. QList feeds_for_update = feedsForScheduledUpdate(m_globalAutoUpdateEnabled && m_globalAutoUpdateRemainingInterval == 0); qApp->feedUpdateLock()->unlock(); if (!feeds_for_update.isEmpty()) { // Request update for given feeds. updateFeeds(feeds_for_update); // NOTE: OSD/bubble informing about performing // of scheduled update can be shown now. qApp->showGuiMessage(tr("Starting auto-update of some feeds"), tr("I will auto-update %n feed(s).", 0, feeds_for_update.size()), QSystemTrayIcon::Information); } } void FeedsModel::updateAutoUpdateStatus() { // Restore global intervals. // NOTE: Specific per-feed interval are left intact. m_globalAutoUpdateInitialInterval = qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Feeds), SETTING(Feeds::AutoUpdateInterval)).toInt(); m_globalAutoUpdateRemainingInterval = m_globalAutoUpdateInitialInterval; m_globalAutoUpdateEnabled = qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Feeds), SETTING(Feeds::AutoUpdateEnabled)).toBool(); // Start global auto-update timer if it is not running yet. // NOTE: The timer must run even if global auto-update // is not enabled because user can still enable auto-update // for individual feeds. if (!m_autoUpdateTimer->isActive()) { m_autoUpdateTimer->setInterval(AUTO_UPDATE_INTERVAL); m_autoUpdateTimer->start(); qDebug("Auto-update timer started with interval %d.", m_autoUpdateTimer->interval()); } else { qDebug("Auto-update timer is already running."); } } QVariant FeedsModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation != Qt::Horizontal) { return QVariant(); } switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: if (section == FDS_MODEL_TITLE_INDEX) { return m_headerData.at(FDS_MODEL_TITLE_INDEX); } else { return QVariant(); } case Qt::ToolTipRole: return m_tooltipData.at(section); case Qt::DecorationRole: if (section == FDS_MODEL_COUNTS_INDEX) { return m_countsIcon; } else { return QVariant(); } default: return QVariant(); } } QModelIndex FeedsModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent)) { return QModelIndex(); } RootItem *parent_item = itemForIndex(parent); RootItem *child_item = parent_item->child(row); if (child_item) { return createIndex(row, column, child_item); } else { return QModelIndex(); } } QModelIndex FeedsModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const { if (!child.isValid()) { return QModelIndex(); } RootItem *child_item = itemForIndex(child); RootItem *parent_item = child_item->parent(); if (parent_item == m_rootItem) { return QModelIndex(); } else { return createIndex(parent_item->row(), 0, parent_item); } } int FeedsModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (parent.column() > 0) { return 0; } else { return itemForIndex(parent)->childCount(); } } void FeedsModel::reloadCountsOfWholeModel() { m_rootItem->updateCounts(true); reloadWholeLayout(); notifyWithCounts(); } void FeedsModel::removeItem(const QModelIndex &index) { if (index.isValid()) { RootItem *deleting_item = itemForIndex(index); QModelIndex parent_index = index.parent(); RootItem *parent_item = deleting_item->parent(); beginRemoveRows(parent_index, index.row(), index.row()); parent_item->removeChild(deleting_item); endRemoveRows(); deleting_item->deleteLater(); notifyWithCounts(); } } void FeedsModel::removeItem(RootItem *deleting_item) { if (deleting_item != NULL) { QModelIndex index = indexForItem(deleting_item); QModelIndex parent_index = index.parent(); RootItem *parent_item = deleting_item->parent(); beginRemoveRows(parent_index, index.row(), index.row()); parent_item->removeChild(deleting_item); endRemoveRows(); deleting_item->deleteLater(); notifyWithCounts(); } } void FeedsModel::reassignNodeToNewParent(RootItem *original_node, RootItem *new_parent) { RootItem *original_parent = original_node->parent(); if (original_parent != new_parent) { if (original_parent != NULL) { int original_index_of_item = original_parent->childItems().indexOf(original_node); if (original_index_of_item >= 0) { // Remove the original item from the model... beginRemoveRows(indexForItem(original_parent), original_index_of_item, original_index_of_item); original_parent->removeChild(original_node); endRemoveRows(); } } int new_index_of_item = new_parent->childCount(); // ... and insert it under the new parent. beginInsertRows(indexForItem(new_parent), new_index_of_item, new_index_of_item); new_parent->appendChild(original_node); endInsertRows(); } } QList FeedsModel::serviceRoots() const { QList roots; foreach (RootItem *root, m_rootItem->childItems()) { if (root->kind() == RootItemKind::ServiceRoot) { roots.append(root->toServiceRoot()); } } return roots; } bool FeedsModel::containsServiceRootFromEntryPoint(const ServiceEntryPoint *point) const { foreach (const ServiceRoot *root, serviceRoots()) { if (root->code() == point->code()) { return true; } } return false; } StandardServiceRoot *FeedsModel::standardServiceRoot() const { foreach (ServiceRoot *root, serviceRoots()) { StandardServiceRoot *std_service_root; if ((std_service_root = dynamic_cast(root)) != NULL) { return std_service_root; } } return NULL; } QList FeedsModel::feedsForScheduledUpdate(bool auto_update_now) { QList feeds_for_update; foreach (Feed *feed, m_rootItem->getSubTreeFeeds()) { switch (feed->autoUpdateType()) { case Feed::DontAutoUpdate: // Do not auto-update this feed ever. continue; case Feed::DefaultAutoUpdate: if (auto_update_now) { feeds_for_update.append(feed); } break; case Feed::SpecificAutoUpdate: default: int remaining_interval = feed->autoUpdateRemainingInterval(); if (--remaining_interval <= 0) { // Interval of this feed passed, include this feed in the output list // and reset the interval. feeds_for_update.append(feed); feed->setAutoUpdateRemainingInterval(feed->autoUpdateInitialInterval()); } else { // Interval did not pass, set new decremented interval and do NOT // include this feed in the output list. feed->setAutoUpdateRemainingInterval(remaining_interval); } break; } } return feeds_for_update; } QList FeedsModel::messagesForItem(RootItem *item) const { return item->undeletedMessages(); } int FeedsModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return FEEDS_VIEW_COLUMN_COUNT; } RootItem *FeedsModel::itemForIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.isValid() && index.model() == this) { return static_cast(index.internalPointer()); } else { return m_rootItem; } } QModelIndex FeedsModel::indexForItem(const RootItem *item) const { if (item == NULL || item->kind() == RootItemKind::Root) { // Root item lies on invalid index. return QModelIndex(); } QStack chain; while (item->kind() != RootItemKind::Root) { chain.push(item); item = item->parent(); } // Now, we have complete chain list: parent --- ..... --- parent --- leaf (item). QModelIndex target_index = indexForItem(m_rootItem); // We go through the stack and create our target index. while (!chain.isEmpty()) { const RootItem *parent_item = chain.pop(); target_index = index(parent_item->parent()->childItems().indexOf(const_cast(parent_item)), 0, target_index); } return target_index; } bool FeedsModel::hasAnyFeedNewMessages() const { foreach (const Feed *feed, m_rootItem->getSubTreeFeeds()) { if (feed->status() == Feed::NewMessages) { return true; } } return false; } void FeedsModel::reloadChangedLayout(QModelIndexList list) { while (!list.isEmpty()) { QModelIndex indx = list.takeFirst(); if (indx.isValid()) { QModelIndex indx_parent = indx.parent(); // Underlying data are changed. emit dataChanged(index(indx.row(), 0, indx_parent), index(indx.row(), FDS_MODEL_COUNTS_INDEX, indx_parent)); list.append(indx_parent); } } } void FeedsModel::reloadChangedItem(RootItem *item) { QModelIndex index_item = indexForItem(item); reloadChangedLayout(QModelIndexList() << index_item); } void FeedsModel::notifyWithCounts() { if (SystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayActivated()) { qApp->trayIcon()->setNumber(countOfUnreadMessages(), hasAnyFeedNewMessages()); } } void FeedsModel::onItemDataChanged(const QList &items) { if (items.size() > RELOAD_MODEL_BORDER_NUM) { qDebug("There is request to reload feed model for more than %d items, reloading model fully.", RELOAD_MODEL_BORDER_NUM); reloadWholeLayout(); } else { qDebug("There is request to reload feed model, reloading the %d items individually.", items.size()); foreach (RootItem *item, items) { reloadChangedItem(item); } } notifyWithCounts(); } void FeedsModel::reloadWholeLayout() { emit layoutAboutToBeChanged(); emit layoutChanged(); } bool FeedsModel::addServiceAccount(ServiceRoot *root, bool freshly_activated) { int new_row_index = m_rootItem->childCount(); beginInsertRows(indexForItem(m_rootItem), new_row_index, new_row_index); m_rootItem->appendChild(root); endInsertRows(); // Connect. connect(root, SIGNAL(itemRemovalRequested(RootItem*)), this, SLOT(removeItem(RootItem*))); connect(root, SIGNAL(itemReassignmentRequested(RootItem*,RootItem*)), this, SLOT(reassignNodeToNewParent(RootItem*,RootItem*))); connect(root, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QList)), this, SLOT(onItemDataChanged(QList))); connect(root, SIGNAL(reloadMessageListRequested(bool)), this, SIGNAL(reloadMessageListRequested(bool))); connect(root, SIGNAL(itemExpandRequested(QList,bool)), this, SIGNAL(itemExpandRequested(QList,bool))); connect(root, SIGNAL(itemExpandStateSaveRequested(RootItem*)), this, SIGNAL(itemExpandStateSaveRequested(RootItem*))); root->start(freshly_activated); return true; } bool FeedsModel::restoreAllBins() { bool result = true; foreach (ServiceRoot *root, serviceRoots()) { RecycleBin *bin_of_root = root->recycleBin(); if (bin_of_root != NULL) { result &= bin_of_root->restore(); } } return result; } bool FeedsModel::emptyAllBins() { bool result = true; foreach (ServiceRoot *root, serviceRoots()) { RecycleBin *bin_of_root = root->recycleBin(); if (bin_of_root != NULL) { result &= bin_of_root->empty(); } } return result; } void FeedsModel::loadActivatedServiceAccounts() { // Iterate all globally available feed "service plugins". foreach (const ServiceEntryPoint *entry_point, qApp->feedServices()) { // Load all stored root nodes from the entry point and add those to the model. QList roots = entry_point->initializeSubtree(); foreach (ServiceRoot *root, roots) { addServiceAccount(root, false); } } if (qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Feeds), SETTING(Feeds::FeedsUpdateOnStartup)).toBool()) { qDebug("Requesting update for all feeds on application startup."); QTimer::singleShot(STARTUP_UPDATE_DELAY, this, SLOT(updateAllFeeds())); } } QList FeedsModel::feedsForIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const { return itemForIndex(index)->getSubTreeFeeds(); } bool FeedsModel::markItemRead(RootItem *item, RootItem::ReadStatus read) { return item->markAsReadUnread(read); } bool FeedsModel::markItemCleared(RootItem *item, bool clean_read_only) { return item->cleanMessages(clean_read_only); }