Application Application is already running. DatabaseFactory MySQL server works as expected. No MySQL server is running in the target destination. Access denied. Invalid username or password used. Access to MySQL server was denied. Unknown error. Unknown MySQL error arised. FeedMessageViewer Toolbar for feeds Toolbar for messages Feed update started Text display in status bar when feed update is started. Updated feed '%1' Text display in status bar when particular feed is updated. Cannot defragment database Database cannot be defragmented because feed update is ongoing. Database defragmented Database was successfully defragmented. Database was not defragmented Database was not defragmented. This database backend does not support it or it cannot be defragmented now. FeedsImportExportModel (category) (feed) FeedsModel Root Name of root item of feed list which can be seen in feed add/edit dialog. Title Title text in the feed list header. Titles of feeds/categories. Feed list header "titles" column tooltip. Counts of unread/all meesages. Feed list header "counts" column tooltip. Invalid tree data. Import successfull, but some feeds/categories were not imported due to error. Import was completely successfull. FeedsModelCategory %1 (category)%2%3 Tooltip for standard feed. This category does not contain any nested items. %n unread message(s). Tooltip for "unread" column of feed list. FeedsModelFeed does not use auto-update Describes feed auto-update status. uses global settings Describes feed auto-update status. uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-update) Describes feed auto-update status. %1 (%2)%3 Network status: %6 Encoding: %4 Auto-update status: %5 Tooltip for feed. %n unread message(s). Tooltip for "unread" column of feed list. FeedsModelRecycleBin Recycle bin Recycle bin contains all deleted messages from all feeds. Recycle bin %1 %n deleted message(s). FeedsToolBar Toolbar spacer FeedsView Cannot update all items You cannot update all items because another feed update is ongoing. Cannot update selected items You cannot update selected items because another feed update is ongoing. Cannot add standard category You cannot add new standard category now because feed update is ongoing. Cannot add standard feed You cannot add new standard feed now because feed update is ongoing. Cannot edit item Selected item cannot be edited because feed update is ongoing. Cannot delete item Selected item cannot be deleted because feed update is ongoing. Deleting feed or category You are about to delete selected feed or category. Do you really want to delete selected item? Deletion of item failed. Selected item was not deleted due to error. Permanently delete messages You are about to permanenty delete all messages from your recycle bin. Do you really want to empty your recycle bin? Context menu for feeds Context menu for empty space Context menu for recycle bin FormAbout Information Licenses GNU GPL License (applies to RSS Guard source code) GNU GPL License BSD License (applies to QtSingleApplication source code) Licenses page is available only in English language. Changelog Changelog page is available only in English language. Paths Settings type Settings file Database root path About %1 About RSS Guard dialog title. License not found. Changelog not found. <b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (build on %2 with CMake %3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Build date:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (compiled against %7)<br> <body>%5 is a (very) tiny feed reader.<br><br>This software is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Contacts:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~email</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~website</li></ul>You can obtain source code for %5 from its website.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body> FULLY portable PARTIALLY portable FormBackupDatabaseSettings Backup database/settings &Select folder Backup properties Items to backup Database Settings Backup name Operation results Common name for backup files No operation executed yet. Backup was created successfully and stored in target folder. Backup was created successfully. Backup failed, database and/or settings is probably not backed. Backup failed. Check the output folder if your database and/or settings were backed or not. Also make sure that target foder is writable. Select destionation folder Good destination folder is specified. Backup name cannot be empty. Backup name looks okay. FormCategoryDetails Parent category Select parent item for your category. Title Description Icon Select icon for your category. Add new category Edit existing category Cannot add category Category was not added due to error. Cannot edit category Category was not edited due to error. Category name is ok. Category name is too short. Description is empty. The description is ok. Select icon file for the category Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon Cancel Look in: Label to describe the folder for icon file selection dialog. Icon name: Icon type: Category title Set title for your category. Category description Set description for your category. Icon selection Load icon from file... Do not use icon Use default icon FormFeedDetails Parent category Select parent item for your feed. Type Select type of the standard feed. Encoding Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. Auto-update Select the auto-update strategy for this feed. Default auto-update strategy means that the feed will be update in time intervals set in application settings. minutes Title Description URL Fetch it now Icon Select icon for your feed. Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Requires authentication Username Password Fetch metadata Add new feed Edit existing feed Feed name is ok. Feed name is too short. Description is empty. The description is ok. The url is ok. The url does not meet standard pattern. Does your url start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. The url is empty. Username is ok or it is not needed. Username is empty. Password is ok or it is not needed. Password is empty. Select icon file for the feed Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon Cancel Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. Icon name: Icon type: Cannot add feed Feed was not added due to error. Cannot edit feed Feed was not edited due to error. All metadata fetched successfully. Feed and icon metadata fetched. Result: %1. Feed or icon metatada not fetched. Error: %1. No metadata fetched. Feed title Set title for your feed. Feed description Set description for your feed. Full feed url including scheme Set url for your feed. Set username to access the feed. Set password to access the feed. Icon selection Load icon from file... Do not use icon Use default icon No metadata fetched so far. Auto-update using global interval Auto-update every Do not auto-update at all FormImportExport &Select file &Check all items &Uncheck all items Operation results No file is selected. No operation executed yet. Export feeds Destination file Source feeds && categories Source file Target feeds && categories Import feeds OPML 2.0 files (*.opml) Select file for feeds export File is selected. Select file for feeds import Cannot open source file. Feeds were loaded. Error, file is not well-formed. Select another file. Error occurred. File is not well-formed. Select another file. Feeds were exported successfully. Cannot write into destination file. Critical error occurred. FormMain &File &Help &View Show/hide &Tools &Web browser &Current tab Settings Fee&ds && categories Add &new feed/category &Messages &Recycle bin &Quit Quit the application. &Settings Display settings of the application. &About application Displays extra info about this application. &Fullscreen Switch fullscreen mode. &Add tab Add new web browser tab. &Close all tabs except current one Close all tabs except current one. &Close current tab Close current web browser tab. Update &all feeds Update &selected feeds &Edit selected feed/category &Delete selected feed/category Mark &selected messages as &read Mark &selected messages as &unread Switch &importance of selected messages &Mark selected feeds as read Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected feeds as read. &Mark selected feeds as unread Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected feeds as unread. &Delete selected messages &Clean selected feeds Deletes all messages from selected feeds. New &feed Add new feed. Open selected source articles in &external browser Open selected messages in &internal browser Open selected source articles in &internal browser New &category Add new category. No actions available No actions are available right now. &Mark all feeds as &read Marks all messages in all feeds read. This does not take message filters into account. View selected feeds in &newspaper mode Displays all messages from selected feeds/categories in a new "newspaper mode" tab. Note that messages are not set as read automatically. Switch visibility of main &window Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden. &Defragment database Defragment database file so that its size decreases. &Feed list Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories. &Clean all feeds Deletes all messages from all feeds. Select &next feed/category Select &previous feed/category Select &next message Select &previous message Check for &updates Check if new update for the application is available for download. &Main menu Hides or displays the main menu. Enable &JavaScript Enable external &plugins Auto-load &images Report a &bug (GitHub)... &Toolbars Switch visibility of main toolbars. &Feed/message list headers &Import feeds Imports feeds you want from selected file. &Export feeds Exports feeds you want to selected file. Report a bug (BitBucket)... &Donate via PayPal Display &wiki &Empty recycle bin &Restore all messages Restore &selected messages &Restart &Restore database/settings &Backup database/settings Cannot check for updates You cannot check for updates because feed update is ongoing. Cannot open external browser Cannot open external browser. Navigate to application website manually. FormRestoreDatabaseSettings Restore database/settings Operation results &Select folder Restore database Restore settings Restart No operation executed yet. Restoration was initiated. Restart to proceed. You need to restart application for restoration process to finish. Restoration was not initiated successfully. Database and/or settings were not copied to restoration folder successully. Select source folder Good source folder is specified. FormSettings Settings General General settings section. Data storage Keyboard shortcuts User interface Language Language settings section. ---------- Language column of language list. Web browser & proxy Feeds & messages Launch %1 on operating system startup Check for updates on application startup Remove junk Trolltech registry key (HKCUSoftwareTrolltech) whn application quits (Use at your own risk!) WARNING: Note that switching to another data storage type will NOT copy existing your data from currently active data storage to newly selected one. Database driver Use in-memory database as the working database Usage of in-memory working database has several advantages and pitfalls. Make sure that you are familiar with these before you turn this feature on. Advantages: <ul> <li>higher speed for feed/message manipulations (especially with thousands of messages displayed),</li> <li>whole database stored in RAM, thus your hard drive can rest more.</li> </ul> Disadvantages: <ul> <li>if application crashes, your changes from last session are lost,</li> <li>application startup and shutdown can take little longer (max. 2 seconds).</li> </ul> Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data. Hostname Port Username Password Test setup Note that speed of used MySQL server and latency of used connection medium HEAVILY influences the final performance of this application. Using slow database connections leads to bad performance when browsing feeds or messages. Icons && skins Icons Icon theme Skins Active skin: Selected skin: Tray area && notifications Tray icon Disable Hide main window when it is minimized Start application hidden Enable Tabs Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar Hide tab bar if just one tab is visible Close tabs with Right mouse button double-click Middle mouse button single-click Toolbars Toolbar for feeds list Toolbar for messages list Toolbar button style Select toolbar to edit Internal web browser Queue new tabs (with hyperlinks) after the active tab Enable JavaScript Enable external plugins based on NPAPI Auto-load images Enable mouse gestures Mouse gestures work with middle mouse button. Possible gestures are: <ul> <li>previous web page (drag mouse left),</li> <li>next web page (drag mouse right),</li> <li>reload current web page (drag mouse up),</li> <li>open new web browser tab (drag mouse down).</li> </ul> External web browser <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html> Custom external web browser Web browser executable Executable file of web browser ... Executable parameters Parameters to executable Use sample arguments for Select browser Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message. Proxy Type Proxy server type. Host Hostname or IP of your proxy server Your username for proxy server authentication Your password for proxy server authentication Display password Note that these settings are applied only on newly established connections. Feeds && categories Update all feed on application startup Auto-update all feeds every minutes Feed connection timeout Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted. ms Message count format in feed list Enter format for count of messages displayed next to each feed/category in feed list. Use "%all" and "%unread" strings which are placeholders for the actual count of all (or unread) messages. Messages Remove all read messages from all standard feeds on application exit Keep message selection in the middle of the message list viewport Use custom date/time format (overrides format loaded from active localization) Code Lang. code column of language list. Version Version column of skin list. Author Email Name Skin list name column. Select web browser executable Executables (*.*) File filter for external browser selection dialog. some keyboard shortcuts are not unique custom external browser is not set correctly Cannot save settings Some critical settings are not set. You must fix these settings in order confirm new settings. List of errors: %1. Critical settings were changed Some critical settings were changed and will be applied after the application gets restarted. You have to restart manually. Do you want to restart now? List of changes: %1. Opera 12 or older No proxy System proxy Socks5 Http language changed No connection test triggered so far. You did not executed any connection test yet. SQLite (embedded database) MySQL/MariaDB (dedicated database) Hostname of your MySQL server Username to login with Password for your username in-memory database switched data storage backend changed Hostname is empty. Hostname looks ok. Username is empty. Username looks ok. Password is empty. Password looks ok. (not supported on this platform) Disable (Tray icon is not available.) no icon theme Label for disabling icon theme. Icon only Text only Text beside icon Text under icon Follow OS style icon theme changed skin changed FormUpdate Check for updates Current release Available release Changes Status Update Download new installation files. unknown Unknown release. Error: '%1'. List with updates was not downloaded successfully. Checking for updates failed. New release available. This is new version which can be downloaded and installed. Download installation file for your OS. Installation file is not available directly. Go to application website to obtain it manually. Download update Go to application website No new release available. This release is not newer than currently installed one. No new update available. Downloaded %1% (update size is %2 kB). Downloading update... Downloaded successfully Package was downloaded successfully. Install update Error occured Error occured during downloading of the package. Cannot update application Cannot launch external updater. Update application manually. Cannot navigate to installation file. Check new installation downloads manually on project website. LocationLineEdit Website address goes here MessagesModel Id Tooltip for ID of message. Read Tooltip for "read" column in msg list. Deleted Tooltip for "deleted" column in msg list. Important Tooltip for "important" column in msg list. Feed Tooltip for name of feed for message. Title Tooltip for title of message. Url Tooltip for url of message. Author Tooltip for author of message. Created on Tooltip for creation date of message. Contents Tooltip for contents of message. Id of the message. Is message read? Is message deleted? Is message important? Id of feed which this message belongs to. Title of the message. Url of the message. Author of the message. Creation date of the message. Contents of the message. MessagesToolBar Toolbar spacer Search messages Message search box Menu for highlighting messages No extra highlighting Highlight unread messages Highlight important messages Display all messages Message highlighter MessagesView Context menu for messages Problem with starting external web browser External web browser could not be started. Meesage without URL Message '%s' does not contain URL. NetworkFactory protocol error Network status. host not found Network status. connection refused Network status. connection timed out Network status. SSL handshake failed Network status. proxy server connection refused Network status. temporary failure Network status. authentication failed Network status. proxy authentication required Network status. proxy server not found Network status. no errors Network status. uknown content Network status. content not found Network status. unknown error Network status. QObject LANG_NAME Name of language, e.g. English. English (USA) LANG_ABBREV Abbreviation of language, e.g. en. Use ISO 639-1 code here combined with ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2) code. Examples: "cs_CZ", "en_GB", "en_US". en_US LANG_VERSION Version of your translation, e.g. 1.0. 1.33.7 LANG_AUTHOR Name of translator - optional. Martin Rotter LANG_EMAIL Email of translator - optional. ShortcutCatcher Reset to original shortcut. Clear current shortcut. Click and hit new shortcut. StatusBar Fullscreen mode Switch application between fulscreen/normal states right from this status bar icon. SystemFactory New version available Click the bubble for more information. SystemTrayIcon %1 Unread news: %2 TabBar Close this tab. Close tab TabWidget Open new web browser tab. Displays main menu. Main menu Feeds Browse your feeds and messages Web browser Web browser default tab title. ToolBarEditor Activated actions Available actions Insert separator Insert spacer Separator Toolbar spacer TrayIconMenu Close opened modal dialogs first. WebBrowser Navigation panel Zoom Decrease zoom. Reset zoom to default. Increase zoom. Back Go back. Forward Go forward. Reload Reload current web page. Stop Stop web page loading. No title Webbrowser tab title when no title is available. Written by uknown author Newspaper view WebView Reload web page Reload current web page. Copy selection Copies current selection into the clipboard. Copy link url Copy link url to clipboard. Copy image Copy image to clipboard. Copy image url Copy image url to clipboard. Open link in new tab Open this hyperlink in new tab. Follow link Open the hyperlink in this tab. Open link in external browser Open the hyperlink in external browser. Open image in new tab Open this image in this tab. Error page Page not found Check your internet connection or website address This failure can be caused by:<br><ul><li>non-functional internet connection,</li><li>incorrect website address,</li><li>bad proxy server settings,</li><li>target destination outage,</li><li>many other things.</li></ul> Web browser Image Hyperlink