SQL refactoring.
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
#include "services/abstract/category.h"
#include "services/abstract/feed.h"
#include "services/owncloud/owncloudserviceroot.h"
#include "services/owncloud/owncloudcategory.h"
#include "services/owncloud/owncloudfeed.h"
#include "services/owncloud/network/owncloudnetworkfactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/textfactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/application.h"
#include "miscellaneous/iconfactory.h"
@ -52,15 +57,15 @@ bool DatabaseQueries::markMessageImportant(QSqlDatabase db, int id, RootItem::Im
bool DatabaseQueries::markFeedsReadUnread(QSqlDatabase db, const QStringList &ids, int account_id, RootItem::ReadStatus read) {
QSqlQuery query_read_msg(db);
query_read_msg.prepare(QString("UPDATE Messages SET is_read = :read "
QSqlQuery q(db);
q.prepare(QString("UPDATE Messages SET is_read = :read "
"WHERE feed IN (%1) AND is_deleted = 0 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;").arg(ids.join(QSL(", "))));
query_read_msg.bindValue(QSL(":read"), read == RootItem::Read ? 1 : 0);
query_read_msg.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.bindValue(QSL(":read"), read == RootItem::Read ? 1 : 0);
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
return query_read_msg.exec();
return q.exec();
bool DatabaseQueries::markBinReadUnread(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, RootItem::ReadStatus read) {
@ -142,7 +147,7 @@ bool DatabaseQueries::purgeReadMessages(QSqlDatabase db) {
bool DatabaseQueries::purgeOldMessages(QSqlDatabase db, int older_than_days) {
QSqlQuery q = QSqlQuery(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
const qint64 since_epoch = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addDays(-older_than_days).toMSecsSinceEpoch();
@ -156,16 +161,16 @@ bool DatabaseQueries::purgeOldMessages(QSqlDatabase db, int older_than_days) {
bool DatabaseQueries::purgeRecycleBin(QSqlDatabase db) {
QSqlQuery query = QSqlQuery(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
query.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Messages WHERE is_important = :is_important AND is_deleted = :is_deleted;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":is_deleted"), 1);
q.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Messages WHERE is_important = :is_important AND is_deleted = :is_deleted;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":is_deleted"), 1);
// Remove only messages which are NOT starred.
query.bindValue(QSL(":is_important"), 0);
q.bindValue(QSL(":is_important"), 0);
return query.exec();
return q.exec();
QMap<int,int> DatabaseQueries::getMessageCountsForCategory(QSqlDatabase db, int custom_id, int account_id,
@ -211,27 +216,27 @@ QMap<int,int> DatabaseQueries::getMessageCountsForCategory(QSqlDatabase db, int
int DatabaseQueries::getMessageCountsForFeed(QSqlDatabase db, int feed_custom_id,
int account_id, bool including_total_counts, bool *ok) {
QSqlQuery query_all(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
if (including_total_counts) {
query_all.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
q.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
"WHERE feed = :feed AND is_deleted = 0 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;");
else {
query_all.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
q.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
"WHERE feed = :feed AND is_deleted = 0 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND is_read = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;");
query_all.bindValue(QSL(":feed"), feed_custom_id);
query_all.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.bindValue(QSL(":feed"), feed_custom_id);
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (query_all.exec() && query_all.next()) {
if (q.exec() && q.next()) {
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = true;
return query_all.value(0).toInt();
return q.value(0).toInt();
else {
if (ok != NULL) {
@ -243,26 +248,26 @@ int DatabaseQueries::getMessageCountsForFeed(QSqlDatabase db, int feed_custom_id
int DatabaseQueries::getMessageCountsForBin(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool including_total_counts, bool *ok) {
QSqlQuery query_all(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
if (including_total_counts) {
query_all.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
q.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
"WHERE is_deleted = 1 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;");
else {
query_all.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
q.prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Messages "
"WHERE is_read = 0 AND is_deleted = 1 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;");
query_all.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (query_all.exec() && query_all.next()) {
if (q.exec() && q.next()) {
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = true;
return query_all.value(0).toInt();
return q.value(0).toInt();
else {
if (ok != NULL) {
@ -560,20 +565,20 @@ int DatabaseQueries::updateMessages(QSqlDatabase db,
bool DatabaseQueries::cleanMessagesFromBin(QSqlDatabase db, bool clear_only_read, int account_id) {
QSqlQuery query_empty_bin(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
if (clear_only_read) {
query_empty_bin.prepare("UPDATE Messages SET is_pdeleted = 1 "
q.prepare("UPDATE Messages SET is_pdeleted = 1 "
"WHERE is_read = 1 AND is_deleted = 1 AND account_id = :account_id;");
else {
query_empty_bin.prepare(QSL("UPDATE Messages SET is_pdeleted = 1 WHERE is_deleted = 1 AND account_id = :account_id;"));
q.prepare(QSL("UPDATE Messages SET is_pdeleted = 1 WHERE is_deleted = 1 AND account_id = :account_id;"));
query_empty_bin.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
return query_empty_bin.exec();
return q.exec();
bool DatabaseQueries::deleteAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id) {
@ -604,25 +609,25 @@ bool DatabaseQueries::deleteAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id) {
bool DatabaseQueries::deleteAccountData(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool delete_messages_too) {
bool result = true;
QSqlQuery query(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
if (delete_messages_too) {
query.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Messages WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Messages WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
result &= query.exec();
result &= q.exec();
query.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Feeds WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Feeds WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
result &= query.exec();
result &= q.exec();
query.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Categories WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM Categories WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
result &= query.exec();
result &= q.exec();
return result;
@ -720,68 +725,255 @@ bool DatabaseQueries::storeAccountTree(QSqlDatabase db, RootItem *tree_root, int
QStringList DatabaseQueries::customIdsOfMessagesFromAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok) {
QSqlQuery query(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
QStringList ids;
query.prepare(QSL("SELECT custom_id FROM Messages WHERE is_deleted = 0 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.prepare(QSL("SELECT custom_id FROM Messages WHERE is_deleted = 0 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = query.exec();
*ok = q.exec();
else {
while (query.next()) {
while (q.next()) {
return ids;
QStringList DatabaseQueries::customIdsOfMessagesFromBin(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok) {
QSqlQuery query(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
QStringList ids;
query.prepare(QSL("SELECT custom_id FROM Messages WHERE is_deleted = 1 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.prepare(QSL("SELECT custom_id FROM Messages WHERE is_deleted = 1 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = query.exec();
*ok = q.exec();
else {
while (query.next()) {
while (q.next()) {
return ids;
QStringList DatabaseQueries::customIdsOfMessagesFromFeed(QSqlDatabase db, int feed_custom_id, int account_id, bool *ok) {
QSqlQuery query(db);
QSqlQuery q(db);
QStringList ids;
query.prepare(QSL("SELECT custom_id FROM Messages WHERE is_deleted = 0 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND feed = :feed AND account_id = :account_id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
query.bindValue(QSL(":feed"), feed_custom_id);
q.prepare(QSL("SELECT custom_id FROM Messages WHERE is_deleted = 0 AND is_pdeleted = 0 AND feed = :feed AND account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
q.bindValue(QSL(":feed"), feed_custom_id);
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = query.exec();
*ok = q.exec();
else {
while (query.next()) {
while (q.next()) {
return ids;
QList<ServiceRoot*> DatabaseQueries::getOwnCloudAccounts(QSqlDatabase db, bool *ok) {
QSqlQuery query(db);
QList<ServiceRoot*> roots;
if (query.exec("SELECT * FROM OwnCloudAccounts;")) {
while (query.next()) {
OwnCloudServiceRoot *root = new OwnCloudServiceRoot();
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = true;
else {
qWarning("OwnCloud: Getting list of activated accounts failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(query.lastError().text()));
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = false;
return roots;
bool DatabaseQueries::deleteOwnCloudAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id) {
QSqlQuery q(db);
q.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM OwnCloudAccounts WHERE id = :id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":id"), account_id);
return q.exec();
bool DatabaseQueries::overwriteOwnCloudAccount(QSqlDatabase db, const QString &username, const QString &password,
const QString &url, bool force_server_side_feed_update, int account_id) {
QSqlQuery query(db);
query.prepare("UPDATE OwnCloudAccounts "
"SET username = :username, password = :password, url = :url, force_update = :force_update "
"WHERE id = :id;");
query.bindValue(QSL(":username"), username);
query.bindValue(QSL(":password"), TextFactory::encrypt(password));
query.bindValue(QSL(":url"), url);
query.bindValue(QSL(":force_update"), force_server_side_feed_update ? 1 : 0);
query.bindValue(QSL(":id"), account_id);
if (query.exec()) {
return true;
else {
qWarning("ownCloud: Updating account failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(query.lastError().text()));
return false;
bool DatabaseQueries::createOwnCloudAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int id_to_assign, const QString &username,
const QString &password, const QString &url,
bool force_server_side_feed_update) {
QSqlQuery q(db);
q.prepare("INSERT INTO OwnCloudAccounts (id, username, password, url, force_update) "
"VALUES (:id, :username, :password, :url, :force_update);");
q.bindValue(QSL(":id"), id_to_assign);
q.bindValue(QSL(":username"), username);
q.bindValue(QSL(":password"), TextFactory::encrypt(password));
q.bindValue(QSL(":url"), url);
q.bindValue(QSL(":force_update"), force_server_side_feed_update ? 1 : 0);
if (q.exec()) {
return true;
else {
qWarning("ownCloud: Inserting of new account failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(q.lastError().text()));
return false;
int DatabaseQueries::createAccount(QSqlDatabase db, const QString &code, bool *ok) {
QSqlQuery q(db);
// First obtain the ID, which can be assigned to this new account.
if (!q.exec("SELECT max(id) FROM Accounts;") || !q.next()) {
qWarning("Getting max ID from Accounts table failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(q.lastError().text()));
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = false;
return 0;
int id_to_assign = q.value(0).toInt() + 1;
q.prepare(QSL("INSERT INTO Accounts (id, type) VALUES (:id, :type);"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":id"), id_to_assign);
q.bindValue(QSL(":type"), code);
if (q.exec()) {
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = true;
return id_to_assign;
else {
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = false;
qWarning("Inserting of new account failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(q.lastError().text()));
return 0;
Assignment DatabaseQueries::getOwnCloudCategories(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok) {
Assignment categories;
// Obtain data for categories from the database.
QSqlQuery q(db);
q.prepare(QSL("SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (!q.exec()) {
qFatal("ownCloud: Query for obtaining categories failed. Error message: '%s'.", qPrintable(q.lastError().text()));
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = false;
while (q.next()) {
AssignmentItem pair;
pair.first = q.value(CAT_DB_PARENT_ID_INDEX).toInt();
pair.second = new OwnCloudCategory(q.record());
categories << pair;
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = true;
return categories;
Assignment DatabaseQueries::getOwnCloudFeeds(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok) {
Assignment feeds;
QSqlQuery q(db);
q.prepare(QSL("SELECT * FROM Feeds WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
q.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (!q.exec()) {
qFatal("ownCloud: Query for obtaining feeds failed. Error message: '%s'.", qPrintable(q.lastError().text()));
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = false;
while (q.next()) {
AssignmentItem pair;
pair.first = q.value(FDS_DB_CATEGORY_INDEX).toInt();
pair.second = new OwnCloudFeed(q.record());
feeds << pair;
if (ok != NULL) {
*ok = true;
return feeds;
DatabaseQueries::DatabaseQueries() {
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#include "services/abstract/rootitem.h"
#include "services/abstract/serviceroot.h"
#include <QSqlQuery>
@ -57,6 +59,15 @@ class DatabaseQueries {
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok = NULL);
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromBin(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok = NULL);
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromFeed(QSqlDatabase db, int feed_custom_id, int account_id, bool *ok = NULL);
static QList<ServiceRoot*> getOwnCloudAccounts(QSqlDatabase db, bool *ok = NULL);
static bool deleteOwnCloudAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id);
static bool overwriteOwnCloudAccount(QSqlDatabase db, const QString &username, const QString &password,
const QString &url, bool force_server_side_feed_update, int account_id);
static bool createOwnCloudAccount(QSqlDatabase db, int id_to_assign, const QString &username, const QString &password,
const QString &url, bool force_server_side_feed_update);
static int createAccount(QSqlDatabase db, const QString &code, bool *ok = NULL);
static Assignment getOwnCloudCategories(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok = NULL);
static Assignment getOwnCloudFeeds(QSqlDatabase db, int account_id, bool *ok = NULL);
explicit DatabaseQueries();
@ -20,15 +20,11 @@
#include "definitions/definitions.h"
#include "miscellaneous/application.h"
#include "miscellaneous/iconfactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/databasequeries.h"
#include "services/owncloud/definitions.h"
#include "services/owncloud/owncloudserviceroot.h"
#include "services/owncloud/network/owncloudnetworkfactory.h"
#include "services/owncloud/gui/formeditowncloudaccount.h"
#include "gui/dialogs/formmain.h"
#include "miscellaneous/textfactory.h"
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QSqlError>
OwnCloudServiceEntryPoint::OwnCloudServiceEntryPoint() {
@ -45,28 +41,8 @@ ServiceRoot *OwnCloudServiceEntryPoint::createNewRoot() const {
QList<ServiceRoot*> OwnCloudServiceEntryPoint::initializeSubtree() const {
// Check DB if standard account is enabled.
QSqlDatabase database = qApp->database()->connection(QSL("OwnCloudServiceEntryPoint"), DatabaseFactory::FromSettings);
QSqlQuery query(database);
QList<ServiceRoot*> roots;
if (query.exec("SELECT * FROM OwnCloudAccounts;")) {
while (query.next()) {
OwnCloudServiceRoot *root = new OwnCloudServiceRoot();
else {
qWarning("OwnCloud: Getting list of activated accounts failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(query.lastError().text()));
return roots;
return DatabaseQueries::getOwnCloudAccounts(database);
bool OwnCloudServiceEntryPoint::isSingleInstanceService() const {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include "services/owncloud/owncloudserviceroot.h"
#include "definitions/definitions.h"
#include "miscellaneous/databasefactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/databasequeries.h"
#include "miscellaneous/application.h"
#include "miscellaneous/textfactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/iconfactory.h"
@ -30,9 +30,6 @@
#include "services/owncloud/network/owncloudnetworkfactory.h"
#include "services/owncloud/gui/formeditowncloudaccount.h"
#include <QSqlQuery>
#include <QSqlError>
OwnCloudServiceRoot::OwnCloudServiceRoot(RootItem *parent)
: ServiceRoot(parent), m_recycleBin(new OwnCloudRecycleBin(this)),
@ -60,14 +57,9 @@ bool OwnCloudServiceRoot::editViaGui() {
bool OwnCloudServiceRoot::deleteViaGui() {
QSqlDatabase connection = qApp->database()->connection(metaObject()->className(), DatabaseFactory::FromSettings);
QSqlQuery query(connection);
QSqlDatabase database = qApp->database()->connection(metaObject()->className(), DatabaseFactory::FromSettings);
query.prepare(QSL("DELETE FROM OwnCloudAccounts WHERE id = :id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":id"), accountId());
if (query.exec()) {
if (DatabaseQueries::deleteOwnCloudAccount(database, accountId())) {
return ServiceRoot::deleteViaGui();
else {
@ -179,62 +171,28 @@ void OwnCloudServiceRoot::saveAccountDataToDatabase() {
if (accountId() != NO_PARENT_CATEGORY) {
// We are overwritting previously saved data.
QSqlDatabase database = qApp->database()->connection(metaObject()->className(), DatabaseFactory::FromSettings);
QSqlQuery query(database);
query.prepare("UPDATE OwnCloudAccounts "
"SET username = :username, password = :password, url = :url, force_update = :force_update "
"WHERE id = :id;");
query.bindValue(QSL(":username"), m_network->authUsername());
query.bindValue(QSL(":password"), TextFactory::encrypt(m_network->authPassword()));
query.bindValue(QSL(":url"), m_network->url());
query.bindValue(QSL(":force_update"), (int) m_network->forceServerSideUpdate());
query.bindValue(QSL(":id"), accountId());
if (query.exec()) {
if (DatabaseQueries::overwriteOwnCloudAccount(database, m_network->authUsername(),
m_network->authPassword(), m_network->url(),
m_network->forceServerSideUpdate(), accountId())) {
itemChanged(QList<RootItem*>() << this);
else {
qWarning("ownCloud: Updating account failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(query.lastError().text()));
else {
// We are probably saving newly added account.
QSqlDatabase database = qApp->database()->connection(metaObject()->className(), DatabaseFactory::FromSettings);
QSqlQuery query(database);
// First obtain the ID, which can be assigned to this new account.
if (!query.exec("SELECT max(id) FROM Accounts;") || !query.next()) {
qWarning("ownCloud: Getting max ID from Accounts table failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(query.lastError().text()));
int id_to_assign = query.value(0).toInt() + 1;
bool saved = true;
query.prepare(QSL("INSERT INTO Accounts (id, type) VALUES (:id, :type);"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":id"), id_to_assign);
query.bindValue(QSL(":type"), code());
saved &= query.exec();
query.prepare("INSERT INTO OwnCloudAccounts (id, username, password, url, force_update) "
"VALUES (:id, :username, :password, :url, :force_update);");
query.bindValue(QSL(":id"), id_to_assign);
query.bindValue(QSL(":username"), m_network->authUsername());
query.bindValue(QSL(":password"), TextFactory::encrypt(m_network->authPassword()));
query.bindValue(QSL(":url"), m_network->url());
query.bindValue(QSL(":force_update"), (int) m_network->forceServerSideUpdate());
saved &= query.exec();
bool saved;
int id_to_assign = DatabaseQueries::createAccount(database, code(), &saved);
if (saved) {
if (DatabaseQueries::createOwnCloudAccount(database, id_to_assign, m_network->authUsername(),
m_network->authPassword(), m_network->url(),
m_network->forceServerSideUpdate())) {
else {
qWarning("ownCloud: Saving of new account failed: '%s'.", qPrintable(query.lastError().text()));
@ -258,44 +216,8 @@ RootItem *OwnCloudServiceRoot::obtainNewTreeForSyncIn() const {
void OwnCloudServiceRoot::loadFromDatabase() {
QSqlDatabase database = qApp->database()->connection(metaObject()->className(), DatabaseFactory::FromSettings);
Assignment categories;
Assignment feeds;
// Obtain data for categories from the database.
QSqlQuery query_categories(database);
query_categories.prepare(QSL("SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
query_categories.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), accountId());
if (!query_categories.exec()) {
qFatal("Query for obtaining categories failed. Error message: '%s'.", qPrintable(query_categories.lastError().text()));
while (query_categories.next()) {
AssignmentItem pair;
pair.first = query_categories.value(CAT_DB_PARENT_ID_INDEX).toInt();
pair.second = new OwnCloudCategory(query_categories.record());
categories << pair;
// All categories are now loaded.
QSqlQuery query_feeds(database);
query_feeds.prepare(QSL("SELECT * FROM Feeds WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
query_feeds.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), accountId());
if (!query_feeds.exec()) {
qFatal("Query for obtaining feeds failed. Error message: '%s'.", qPrintable(query_feeds.lastError().text()));
while (query_feeds.next()) {
AssignmentItem pair;
pair.first = query_feeds.value(FDS_DB_CATEGORY_INDEX).toInt();
pair.second = new OwnCloudFeed(query_feeds.record());
feeds << pair;
Assignment categories = DatabaseQueries::getOwnCloudCategories(database, accountId());
Assignment feeds = DatabaseQueries::getOwnCloudFeeds(database, accountId());
// All data are now obtained, lets create the hierarchy.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user