diff --git a/localization/rssguard_cs.ts b/localization/rssguard_cs.ts index 0b8df3eee..51bce1204 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_cs.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_cs.ts @@ -2436,39 +2436,39 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2 URL - + URL Only download newest X messages per feed - + Stahovat pouze X nejnovějších zpráv z kanálu = unlimited - + = neomezeno Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. - + Některé kanály vyžadují autentizaci, a to včetně kanálů pro GMail. Je podporována autentizace BASIC, NTLM-2 a DIGEST-MD5. Authentication - + Autentizace Username - + Uživatelské jméno Password - + Heslo Show password - + Zobrazit heslo &Test setup - + &Otestovat nastavení Password for your account @@ -2484,11 +2484,11 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2 No test done yet. - + Žádný test zatím neproveden. Here, results of connection test are shown. - + Zde jsou zobrazeny výsledky testu spojení. Limiting number of downloaded messages per feed makes updating of feeds faster, but if your feed contains bigger number of messages than specified limit, then some older messages might not be downloaded during feed update. @@ -2496,19 +2496,19 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2 = unlimited - + = neomezeno messages - + zpráv Network error: '%1'. - + Síťová chyba: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? - + Síťová chyba, máte zadáno správné uživatelské jméno a heslo. Je URL k vašemu serveru správně? You are good to go! @@ -2520,27 +2520,27 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2 Username cannot be empty. - + Login nemůže být prázdný. Username is okay. - + Login je v pořádku. Password cannot be empty. - + Heslo nemůže být prázdné. Password is okay. - + Heslo je v pořádku. URL cannot be empty. - + URL nemůže být prázdné. URL is okay. - + URL je v pořádku. @@ -3541,7 +3541,7 @@ na tuto bublinu. unknown error - + neznámá chyba diff --git a/localization/rssguard_da.ts b/localization/rssguard_da.ts index a1243b94d..29dee8012 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_da.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_da.ts @@ -2421,15 +2421,15 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 URL - + Webadresse Only download newest X messages per feed - + Hent kun de seneste X meddelelser per feed = unlimited - + = ubegrænset Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. @@ -2437,23 +2437,23 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 Authentication - + Godkendelse Username - + Brugernavn Password - + Adgangskode Show password - + Vis adgangskode &Test setup - + &Test opsætning Password for your account @@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 No test done yet. - + Endnu ikke testet. Here, results of connection test are shown. @@ -2481,19 +2481,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 = unlimited - + = ubegrænset messages - + meddelelser Network error: '%1'. - + Netværksfejl: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? - + Netværksfejl, har du indført den rigtige slutsti og kodeord til Nextcloud? You are good to go! @@ -2505,27 +2505,27 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 Username cannot be empty. - + Brugernavn skal udfyldes. Username is okay. - + Brugernavn er okay. Password cannot be empty. - + Kodeord kan ikke være tomt. Password is okay. - + Kodeord er okay. URL cannot be empty. - + Webadresse kan ikke være tom. URL is okay. - + URL er okay. @@ -3514,7 +3514,7 @@ version by clicking this popup notification. unknown error - + ukendt fejl diff --git a/localization/rssguard_de.ts b/localization/rssguard_de.ts index 2578265cc..af133eff5 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_de.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_de.ts @@ -2425,39 +2425,39 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2 URL - + URL Only download newest X messages per feed - + Nur die neuesten X messages pro Feed herunterladen = unlimited - + = unbegrenzt Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. - + Bestimmte Feeds brauchen eine Authentifizierung, wie z.b. Gmail-Feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 und DIGEST-MD5 Authentifizierungsmechanismen werden unterstützt. Authentication - + Authentifizierung Username - + Benutzername Password - + Passwort Show password - + Passwort anzeigen &Test setup - + Einstellungen &testen Password for your account @@ -2473,11 +2473,11 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2 No test done yet. - + Einstellungen wurden noch nicht getestet. Here, results of connection test are shown. - + Anzeige der Ergebnisse des Verbindungstests. Limiting number of downloaded messages per feed makes updating of feeds faster, but if your feed contains bigger number of messages than specified limit, then some older messages might not be downloaded during feed update. @@ -2485,15 +2485,15 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2 = unlimited - + = unbegrenzt messages - + Nachrichten Network error: '%1'. - + Netzwerkfehler: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? @@ -2509,27 +2509,27 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2 Username cannot be empty. - + Benutzername darf nicht leer sein. Username is okay. - + Benutzername ist in Ordnung. Password cannot be empty. - + Passwort darf nicht leer sein. Password is okay. - + Passwort ist in Ordnung. URL cannot be empty. - + URL darf nicht leer sein. URL is okay. - + URL ist in Ordnung. @@ -3523,7 +3523,7 @@ durch Klicken auf diese Benachrichtigung. unknown error - + unbekannter Fehler diff --git a/localization/rssguard_es.ts b/localization/rssguard_es.ts index d15096b1c..7048d00d9 100755 --- a/localization/rssguard_es.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_es.ts @@ -2437,39 +2437,39 @@ Expiración de testigos de ingreso: %2 URL - + Dirección URL Only download newest X messages per feed - + Sólo descargar X mensajes más nuevos por fuente = unlimited - + = sin limite Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. - + Algunas fuentes requieren autentificación, incluidas las fuentes GMail. Se admiten los sistemas de autentificación BASIC, NTLM-2 y DIGEST-MD5. Authentication - + Autentificación Username - + Nombre de usuario Password - + Contraseña Show password - + Mostrar contraseña &Test setup - + &Configuración de prueba Password for your account @@ -2485,11 +2485,11 @@ Expiración de testigos de ingreso: %2 No test done yet. - + No se ha hecho ninguna prueba todavía. Here, results of connection test are shown. - + Se muestran aquí los resultados de la prueba de conexión. Limiting number of downloaded messages per feed makes updating of feeds faster, but if your feed contains bigger number of messages than specified limit, then some older messages might not be downloaded during feed update. @@ -2497,19 +2497,19 @@ Expiración de testigos de ingreso: %2 = unlimited - + = sin límite messages - + mensajes Network error: '%1'. - + Error de red: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? - + Error de conexión, ¿ha ingresado correctamente el punto final y la contraseña de Nextcloud? You are good to go! @@ -2521,27 +2521,27 @@ Expiración de testigos de ingreso: %2 Username cannot be empty. - + El campo del nombre de usuario no puede estar vacío. Username is okay. - + El nombre de usuario es válido. Password cannot be empty. - + El campo de la contraseña no puede estar vacío. Password is okay. - + La contraseña es válida. URL cannot be empty. - + El campo de la dirección URL no puede estar vacío. URL is okay. - + La dirección URL es válida. @@ -3538,7 +3538,7 @@ versión pulsando en esta notificación emergente.. unknown error - + error desconocido diff --git a/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts b/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts index 756a3a6cf..1aa49b6ca 100755 --- a/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_pt_BR.ts @@ -2436,7 +2436,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2 GreaderAccountDetails Service - + Serviço URL @@ -2476,15 +2476,15 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2 Password for your account - + Senha para a sua conta Username for your account - + Nome de usuário para a sua conta URL of your server, without any service-specific path - + URL do seu servidor, sem nenhum caminho específico de serviço No test done yet. @@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2 Limiting number of downloaded messages per feed makes updating of feeds faster, but if your feed contains bigger number of messages than specified limit, then some older messages might not be downloaded during feed update. - + Limitar o número de mensagens baixadas por feed torna a atualização dos feeds mais rápida, mas se o seu feed contiver um número maior de mensagens do que o limite especificado, algumas mensagens podem não ser baixadas durante a atualização do feed. = unlimited @@ -2516,11 +2516,11 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2 You are good to go! - + Tudo pronto para continuar! Yeah. - + Legal Username cannot be empty. @@ -2551,7 +2551,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2 GreaderNetwork Unknown service - + Serviço desconhecido @@ -3265,7 +3265,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2 Failed to start OAuth redirection listener. Maybe your rights are not high enough. - + Falha ao iniciar escuta de redirecionamento OAuth. Talvez você não possua direitos suficientes. @@ -3489,7 +3489,7 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup. Google Reader API is used by many online RSS readers. This is here to support - + O API do Google Reader é usado por muitos leitores de RSS online. Isto está aqui para oferecer suporte @@ -3527,19 +3527,19 @@ versão, clicando nesta notificação popup. ScriptException script line is not well-formed - + a linha do script não está bem formada script threw an error - + o script gerou um erro script's interpreter was not found - + o intérprete do script não foi encontrado script execution took too long - + a execução do script demorou tempo demais unknown error @@ -4006,7 +4006,7 @@ Os autores deste aplicativo NÃO são responsáveis pela perda de dados. Display real icons of feeds in list of messages instead of read/unread icons - + Mostrar ícones reais dos feeds na lista de mensagens em vez dos ícones de lido/não lido @@ -4246,19 +4246,19 @@ Tipo: %3 Script - + Script Local file - + Arquivo local Unknown - + Desconhecido Metadata was not fetched. - + Os metadados não foram obtidos. @@ -4442,47 +4442,47 @@ Tipo: %3 Source - + Origem Post-process script - + Script de pós-processamento You can use URL as a source of your feed or you can produce your feed with custom script. Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wish. These are advanced features and make sure to read the documentation before your use them. - + Você pode usar o URL como fonte de seu feed ou pode produzir seu feed com um script personalizado. Além disso, você pode pós-processar os dados de feed gerados com outro script, se desejar. Estes são recursos avançados e certifique-se de ler a documentação antes de usá-los. Full feed source identifier - + Identificador completo de origem de feed Full feed source identifier which can be URL. - + Identificador completo de origem de feed que pode ser o URL. Full command to execute - + Comando completo para executar You can enter full command including interpreter here. - + Você pode entrar aqui o comando completo incluindo o interpretador. Here you can enter script executaion line, including interpreter. - + Aqui você pode inserir a linha de execução do script, incluindo o interpretador. The source is ok. - + A origem está correta. The source needs to include "#" separator. - + A origem precisa incluir o separador "#". The source is empty. - + A origem está vazia. diff --git a/localization/rssguard_ru.ts b/localization/rssguard_ru.ts index bd26af2c5..0818a2d0e 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_ru.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_ru.ts @@ -2475,15 +2475,15 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 Password for your account - + Пароль для вашей учетной записи Username for your account - + Имя пользователя для вашей учетной записи URL of your server, without any service-specific path - + URL вашего сервера, без указания пути к конкретной службе No test done yet. @@ -2495,7 +2495,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 Limiting number of downloaded messages per feed makes updating of feeds faster, but if your feed contains bigger number of messages than specified limit, then some older messages might not be downloaded during feed update. - + Ограничение количества загружаемых сообщений для одного канала ускоряет обновление каналов, но если ваш канал содержит большее количество сообщений, чем указанное ограничение, некоторые старые сообщения могут не загрузиться во время обновления канала. = unlimited @@ -2550,7 +2550,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 GreaderNetwork Unknown service - + Неизвестный сервис @@ -3265,7 +3265,7 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 Failed to start OAuth redirection listener. Maybe your rights are not high enough. - + Не удалось запустить OAuth redirect listener. Возможно, у вас не хватает прав. @@ -4250,11 +4250,11 @@ Type: %3 Script - + Скрипт Local file - + Локальный файл Unknown