diff --git a/localization/rssguard_cs.ts b/localization/rssguard_cs.ts index 97ea7ce3d..db8356cf6 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_cs.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_cs.ts @@ -198,47 +198,47 @@ AuthenticationDetails Form - + Formulář Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. - + Některé kanály vyžaduje autentizaci, a to včetně kanálů pro GMail. Je podporována autentizace BASIC, NTLM-2 a DIGEST-MD5. Requires HTTP authentication - + Vyžaduje HTTP autentizaci Username - + Uživatelské jméno Password - + Heslo Set username to access the feed. - + Nastavte uživatelské jméno pro tento kanál. Set password to access the feed. - + Nastavte heslo pro tento kanál. Username is ok or it is not needed. - + Uživatelské jméno je v pořádku nebo není třeba. Username is empty. - + Uživatelské jméno je prázdné. Password is ok or it is not needed. - + Heslo je v pořádku nebo není třeba. Password is empty. - + Heslo je prázdné. @@ -1608,11 +1608,11 @@ Založení vlastního "Application ID" se vysoce doporučuje. Cannot edit feed - + Nelze upravit kanál Feed was not edited due to error. - + Kanál nebyl upraven kvůli chybě. Edit '%1' @@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@ Musíte restartovat manuálně. General - + Obecné Network @@ -2464,7 +2464,7 @@ Musíte restartovat manuálně. Add new feed - + Přidat nový kanál @@ -2618,7 +2618,7 @@ Musíte restartovat manuálně. General - + Obecné Network @@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ Musíte restartovat manuálně. Add new feed - + Přidat nový kanál @@ -3007,11 +3007,11 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2 MessagesForFiltersModel Read - + Přečteno Important - + Důležité In recycle bin @@ -3019,19 +3019,19 @@ Tokeny vyprší: %2 Title - + Nadpis URL - + URL Author - + Autor Created on - + Vytvořeno @@ -4258,200 +4258,200 @@ Typ: %3 StandardFeedDetails Form - + Formulář Parent category - + Nadřazená kategorie Select parent item for your feed. - + Zvolte nadřazenou kategorii pro Váš kanál. Type - + Typ Select type of the standard feed. - + Zvolte typ standardního kanálu. Encoding - + Kódování Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. - + Zvolte kódování kanálu. Pokud si nejste jisti, tak zvolte kódování "UTF-8". Title - + Nadpis Description - + Popis URL - + URL Fetch metadata - + Načíst metadata Fetch it now - + Načíst nyní Icon - + Ikona Select icon for your feed. - + Zvolte ikonu pro Váš kanál. Feed title - + Název kanálu Set title for your feed. - + Zvolte název pro Váš kanál. Feed description - + Popis kanálu Set description for your feed. - + Zvolte popis Vašeho kanálu. Full feed url including scheme - + Plné url kanálu včetně schématu Set url for your feed. - + Zvolte url Vašeho kanálu. Icon selection - + Vybrat ikonu Load icon from file... - + Načíst ikonu ze souboru... Use default icon from icon theme - + Použít výchozí ikonu z tématu Fetch icon from feed - + Stáhnout ikonu online z kanálu No metadata fetched so far. - + Metadata doposud nenačtena. Icon fetched successfully. - + Ikona úspěšně stažena. Icon metadata fetched. - + Metadata ikony načtena. Result: %1. - + Výsledek: %1. Icon metadata not fetched. - + Metadata ikony nebyla načtena. Error: %1. - + Chyba: %1. No icon fetched. - + Ikona nestažena. All metadata fetched successfully. - + Metadata stažena úspěšně. Feed and icon metadata fetched. - + Metadata a ikona staženy. Feed or icon metadata not fetched. - + Metadata a ikona nebyly staženy. No metadata fetched. - + Žádná metadata nestažena. Feed name is ok. - + Název kanálu je v pořádku. Feed name is too short. - + Název kanálu je příliš krátký. Description is empty. - + Popis je prázdný. The description is ok. - + Popis je v pořádku. The URL is ok. - + URL je v pořádku. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. - + URL nemá standardní tvar. Začíná vaše URL na "http://" či "https://"? The URL is empty. - + URL je prázdná. Select icon file for the feed - + Vybrat ikonu pro kanál Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) - + Obrázky (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon - + Vybrat ikonu Cancel - + Zrušit Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. - + Hledat v: Icon name: - + Název ikony: Icon type: - + Typ ikony: @@ -4675,19 +4675,19 @@ Nepřečtené zprávy: %2 TtRssFeedDetails Form - + Formulář Parent category - + Nadřazená kategorie Select parent item for your feed. - + Zvolte nadřazenou kategorii pro Váš kanál. URL - + URL Full feed URL including scheme @@ -4699,15 +4699,15 @@ Nepřečtené zprávy: %2 The URL is ok. - + URL je v pořádku. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. - + URL nemá standardní tvar. Začíná vaše URL na "http://" či "https://"? The URL is empty. - + URL je prázdná. diff --git a/localization/rssguard_da.ts b/localization/rssguard_da.ts index c5cd19968..ddb7da4e6 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_da.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_da.ts @@ -202,43 +202,43 @@ Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. - + Nogle feeds kræver godkendelse, inklusiv GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 og DIGEST-MD5 godkendelse er understøttet. Requires HTTP authentication - + Kræver HTTP-godkendelse Username - + Brugernavn Password - + Kodeord Set username to access the feed. - + Indstil brugernavn for at få adgang til feedet. Set password to access the feed. - + Indstil adgangskode for at få adgang til feedet. Username is ok or it is not needed. - + Brugernavn er OK eller ikke nødvendigt. Username is empty. - + Brugernavn ikke angivet. Password is ok or it is not needed. - + Kodeord er OK eller ikke nødvendigt. Password is empty. - + Kodeordet er tomt. @@ -1599,11 +1599,11 @@ It is highly recommended to create your own "Application ID". Cannot edit feed - + Kan ikke redigere feed Feed was not edited due to error. - + Feed blev ikke redigeret på grund af en fejl. Edit '%1' @@ -2438,7 +2438,7 @@ Du skal genstarte programmet manuelt. General - + Generelt Network @@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ Du skal genstarte programmet manuelt. Add new feed - + Tilføj nyt feed @@ -2600,7 +2600,7 @@ Du skal genstarte programmet manuelt. General - + Generelt Network @@ -2608,7 +2608,7 @@ Du skal genstarte programmet manuelt. Add new feed - + Tilføj nyt feed @@ -2985,11 +2985,11 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 MessagesForFiltersModel Read - + Læst Important - + Vigtigt In recycle bin @@ -2997,19 +2997,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 Title - + Titel URL - + URL Author - + Udvikler Created on - + Oprettet den @@ -4214,7 +4214,7 @@ Type: %3 Parent category - + Forældrekategori Select parent item for your feed. @@ -4222,7 +4222,7 @@ Type: %3 Type - + Type Select type of the standard feed. @@ -4230,7 +4230,7 @@ Type: %3 Encoding - + Kodning Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. @@ -4238,47 +4238,47 @@ Type: %3 Title - + Titel Description - + Beskrivelse URL - + URL Fetch metadata - + Hent metadata Fetch it now - + Hent nu Icon - + Ikon Select icon for your feed. - + Vælg ikon til feed. Feed title - + Feedtitel Set title for your feed. - + Sæt feedtitel Feed description - + Feedbeskrivelse Set description for your feed. - + Angiv beskrivelse for dit feed. Full feed url including scheme @@ -4294,23 +4294,23 @@ Type: %3 Load icon from file... - + Indlæs et ikon fra en fil... Use default icon from icon theme - + Brug standardikonet fra ikontemaet Fetch icon from feed - + Hent ikon fra feed No metadata fetched so far. - + Indtil videre er der ikke hentet noget metadata. Icon fetched successfully. - + Ikon hentet succesfuldt. Icon metadata fetched. @@ -4318,7 +4318,7 @@ Type: %3 Result: %1. - + Resultat: %1. Icon metadata not fetched. @@ -4326,11 +4326,11 @@ Type: %3 Error: %1. - + Fejl: %1. No icon fetched. - + Ingen ikoner hentet All metadata fetched successfully. @@ -4338,7 +4338,7 @@ Type: %3 Feed and icon metadata fetched. - + Feed og ikon metadata hentet. Feed or icon metadata not fetched. @@ -4346,23 +4346,23 @@ Type: %3 No metadata fetched. - + Ingen metadata hentet. Feed name is ok. - + Feed navn er i orden. Feed name is too short. - + Feednavn er for kort. Description is empty. - + Ingen beskrivelse. The description is ok. - + Beskrivelsen er OK. The URL is ok. @@ -4378,32 +4378,32 @@ Type: %3 Select icon file for the feed - + Vælg ikonfil for dette feed Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) - + Billeder (*. Bmp *. Jpg *. Jpeg *. Png *. SVG *. TGA) Select icon - + Vælg ikon Cancel - + Annuller Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. - + Kig i: Icon name: - + Ikonnavn: Icon type: - + Ikontype: @@ -4631,7 +4631,7 @@ Ulæste nyheder: %2 Parent category - + Forældrekategori Select parent item for your feed. @@ -4639,7 +4639,7 @@ Ulæste nyheder: %2 URL - + URL Full feed URL including scheme diff --git a/localization/rssguard_de.ts b/localization/rssguard_de.ts index 23ddc6d15..ace434be5 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_de.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_de.ts @@ -198,47 +198,47 @@ AuthenticationDetails Form - + Formular Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. - + Bestimmte Feeds brauchen eine Authentifizierung, wie z.b. Gmail-Feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 und DIGEST-MD5 Authentifizierungsmechanismen werden unterstützt. Requires HTTP authentication - + Benötigt HTTP-Authentifizierung Username - + Benutzername Password - + Passwort Set username to access the feed. - + Benutzername zum Zugriff auf den Feed zu setzen. Set password to access the feed. - + Passwort zum Zugriff auf den Feed zu setzen. Username is ok or it is not needed. - + Benutzername ist in Ordnung oder wird nicht benötigt. Username is empty. - + Benutzername ist leer. Password is ok or it is not needed. - + Passwort ist in Ordnung oder wird nicht benötigt. Password is empty. - + Passwort ist leer. @@ -1600,11 +1600,11 @@ It is highly recommended to create your own "Application ID". Cannot edit feed - + Feed kann nicht bearbeitet werden Feed was not edited due to error. - + Feed wurde aufgrund eines Fehlers nicht bearbeitet. Edit '%1' @@ -2440,7 +2440,7 @@ Dieser Neustart muss manuell ausgeführt werden. General - + Generell Network @@ -2448,7 +2448,7 @@ Dieser Neustart muss manuell ausgeführt werden. Add new feed - + Neuen Feed hinzufügen @@ -2602,7 +2602,7 @@ Dieser Neustart muss manuell ausgeführt werden. General - + Generell Network @@ -2610,7 +2610,7 @@ Dieser Neustart muss manuell ausgeführt werden. Add new feed - + Neuen Feed hinzufügen @@ -2992,11 +2992,11 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2 MessagesForFiltersModel Read - + Lesen Important - + Wichtig In recycle bin @@ -3004,19 +3004,19 @@ Ablauf des Login tokens: %2 Title - + Name URL - + URL Author - + Autor Created on - + Erstellt am @@ -4237,91 +4237,91 @@ Typ: %3 StandardFeedDetails Form - + Formular Parent category - + Übergeordnete Kategorie Select parent item for your feed. - + Eintrag auswählen, unter dem die Kategorien und Feeds eingegliedert werden. Type - + Typ Select type of the standard feed. - + Typ des Feeds auswählen. Encoding - + Zeichenkodierung Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. - + Zeichenkodierung des Feeds auswählen. Falls Sie unsicher sind, wählen Sie einfach "UTF-8". Title - + Name Description - + Beschreibung URL - + URL Fetch metadata - + Metadaten abrufen Fetch it now - + Jetzt abrufen Icon - + Icon Select icon for your feed. - + Icon für den Feed auswählen. Feed title - + Name des Feeds Set title for your feed. - + Setzen Sie den Namen für den Feed. Feed description - + Beschreibung des Feeds Set description for your feed. - + Beschreibung für den Feed setzen. Full feed url including scheme - + Vollständiger Feed URL einschließliches eines Schemas Set url for your feed. - + URL für den Feed setzen. Icon selection - + Auswahl des Icons Load icon from file... - + Icon aus Datei laden... Use default icon from icon theme @@ -4329,108 +4329,108 @@ Typ: %3 Fetch icon from feed - + Icon aus Feed abrufen No metadata fetched so far. - + Bisher keine Metadaten abgerufen. Icon fetched successfully. - + Icon wurde erfolgreich abgerufen. Icon metadata fetched. - + Metadaten des Icons wurden abgerufen. Result: %1. - + Ergebnis: %1. Icon metadata not fetched. - + Die Metadaten des Icons wurde nicht abgerufen. Error: %1. - + Fehler: %1. No icon fetched. - + Es wurde kein Icon abgerufen. All metadata fetched successfully. - + Alle Metadaten wurden erfolgreich abgerufen. Feed and icon metadata fetched. - + Feed- und Icon-Metadaten wurden abgerufen. Feed or icon metadata not fetched. - + Die Metadaten von Feed oder Icon wurde nicht abgerufen. No metadata fetched. - + Keine Metadaten abgerufen. Feed name is ok. - + Feed-Name ist in Ordnung. Feed name is too short. - + Feed-Name ist zu kurz. Description is empty. - + Beschreibung ist leer. The description is ok. - + Die Beschreibung ist in Ordnung. The URL is ok. - + URL ist in Ordnung. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. - + Der URL folgt nicht dem üblichen Schema. Beginnt er mit dem Präfix "http://" oder "https://"? The URL is empty. - + Der URL ist leer. Select icon file for the feed - + Icon-Datei für den Feed auswählen Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) - + Graphiken (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon - + Icon auswählen Cancel - + Abbrechen Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. - + Suchen in: Icon name: - + Icon-Name: Icon type: - + Icon-Typ: @@ -4654,19 +4654,19 @@ Ungelesene Nachrichten: %2 TtRssFeedDetails Form - + Formular Parent category - + Übergeordnete Kategorie Select parent item for your feed. - + Eintrag auswählen, unter dem die Kategorien und Feeds eingegliedert werden. URL - + URL Full feed URL including scheme @@ -4678,15 +4678,15 @@ Ungelesene Nachrichten: %2 The URL is ok. - + URL ist in Ordnung. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. - + Der URL folgt nicht dem üblichen Schema. Beginnt er mit dem Präfix "http://" oder "https://"? The URL is empty. - + Der URL ist leer. diff --git a/localization/rssguard_es.ts b/localization/rssguard_es.ts index 385186c56..c119356f2 100755 --- a/localization/rssguard_es.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_es.ts @@ -198,47 +198,47 @@ AuthenticationDetails Form - + Formulario Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. - + Algunas fuentes necesitan autentificación, incluidas las fuentes GMail. Se admiten los sistemas de autentificación BASIC, NTLM-2 y DIGEST-MD5. Requires HTTP authentication - + Requiere autentificación por HTTP Username - + Nombre de usuario Password - + Contraseña Set username to access the feed. - + Asignar nombre de usuario para acceder a la fuente. Set password to access the feed. - + Asignar contraseña para acceder a la fuente. Username is ok or it is not needed. - + El nombre de usuario es válido o no se necesita. Username is empty. - + El campo del nombre de usuario está vacío. Password is ok or it is not needed. - + La contraseña es válida o no se necesita. Password is empty. - + El campo de la contraseña está vacío. @@ -1606,11 +1606,11 @@ Es muy recomendable crear su propia "ID de la Aplicación". Cannot edit feed - + No es posible editar la fuente Feed was not edited due to error. - + No se editó la fuente debido a un error. Edit '%1' @@ -2453,7 +2453,7 @@ La aplicación tiene que reiniciarla manualmente. General - + General Network @@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@ La aplicación tiene que reiniciarla manualmente. Add new feed - + Añadir nueva fuente @@ -2615,7 +2615,7 @@ La aplicación tiene que reiniciarla manualmente. General - + General Network @@ -2623,7 +2623,7 @@ La aplicación tiene que reiniciarla manualmente. Add new feed - + Añadir nueva fuente @@ -3006,11 +3006,11 @@ Expiración de testigos de ingreso: %2 MessagesForFiltersModel Read - + Leído Important - + Importante In recycle bin @@ -3018,19 +3018,19 @@ Expiración de testigos de ingreso: %2 Title - + Título URL - + Dirección URL Author - + Autor Created on - + Creado en @@ -4253,200 +4253,200 @@ Clase: %3 StandardFeedDetails Form - + Formulario Parent category - + Categoría principal Select parent item for your feed. - + Seleccionar elemento principal para su fuente. Type - + Tipo Select type of the standard feed. - + Seccionar tipo de fuente estándar. Encoding - + Codificación Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. - + Seleccionar la codificación para la fuente estándar. Si tiene dudas sobre la codificación, entonces seleccione la codificación "UTF-8". Title - + Título Description - + Descripción URL - + Dirección URL Fetch metadata - + Recuperar metadatos Fetch it now - + Recuperarlo ahora Icon - + Icono Select icon for your feed. - + Seleccionar icono para su fuente. Feed title - + Título de la fuente Set title for your feed. - + Asignar título a su fuente. Feed description - + Descripción de la fuente Set description for your feed. - + Asignar descripción a su fuente. Full feed url including scheme - + Dirección URL completa de la fuente incluido su esquema Set url for your feed. - + Asignar dirección URL a su fuente. Icon selection - + Selección del icono Load icon from file... - + Cargando icono desde el archivo... Use default icon from icon theme - + Utilizar icono predeterminado del tema de iconos Fetch icon from feed - + Recuperar iconos de la fuente. No metadata fetched so far. - + No se han recuperado metadatos hasta ahora. Icon fetched successfully. - + Se recuperaron los iconos satisfactoriamente. Icon metadata fetched. - + Se recuperaron los metadatos de los iconos. Result: %1. - + Resultado: %1. Icon metadata not fetched. - + No se recuperaron los metadatos de los iconos. Error: %1. - + Error: %1. No icon fetched. - + No se recuperaron los iconos. All metadata fetched successfully. - + Todos los metadatos se recuperaron satisfactoriamente. Feed and icon metadata fetched. - + Se recuperaron los metadatos de las fuentes y de los iconos. Feed or icon metadata not fetched. - + No se recuperaron los metadatos de las fuentes o de los iconos. No metadata fetched. - + No se recuperaron los metadatos. Feed name is ok. - + El nombre de la fuente es válido. Feed name is too short. - + El nombre de la fuente es muy corto. Description is empty. - + El campo de la descripción está vacío. The description is ok. - + La descripción es válida. The URL is ok. - + La dirección URL es válida. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. - + La dirección URL no cumple con el patrón estándar. ¿Su dirección URL comienza con el prefijo "http://" o "https://"? The URL is empty. - + El campo de la dirección URL está vacío. Select icon file for the feed - + Seleccionar archivo de icono para la fuente Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) - + Imágenes (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon - + Seleccionar icono Cancel - + Cancelar Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. - + Examinar: Icon name: - + Nombre del icono: Icon type: - + Tipo de icono: @@ -4670,19 +4670,19 @@ Noticias no leídas: %2 TtRssFeedDetails Form - + Formulario Parent category - + Categoría principal Select parent item for your feed. - + Seleccionar elemento principal para su fuente. URL - + Dirección URL Full feed URL including scheme @@ -4694,15 +4694,15 @@ Noticias no leídas: %2 The URL is ok. - + La dirección URL es válida. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. - + La dirección URL no cumple con el patrón estándar. ¿Su dirección URL comienza con el prefijo "http://" o "https://"? The URL is empty. - + El campo de la dirección URL está vacío. diff --git a/localization/rssguard_fi.ts b/localization/rssguard_fi.ts index b3612c1c5..135dba6a6 100755 --- a/localization/rssguard_fi.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_fi.ts @@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ Requires HTTP authentication - + Vaatii HTTP-tunnistautumisen Username - + Käyttäjätunnus Password - + Salasana Set username to access the feed. @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Username is empty. - + Käyttäjätunnus on tyhjä. Password is ok or it is not needed. @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ Password is empty. - + Salasana on tyhjä. @@ -1599,11 +1599,11 @@ It is highly recommended to create your own "Application ID". Cannot edit feed - + Syötettä ei voi muokata Feed was not edited due to error. - + Syötettä ei muokattu virheen takia. Edit '%1' @@ -2438,7 +2438,7 @@ Sinun tulee käynnistää sovellus uudelleen itse. General - + Yleiset Network @@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ Sinun tulee käynnistää sovellus uudelleen itse. Add new feed - + Lisää uusi syöte @@ -2600,7 +2600,7 @@ Sinun tulee käynnistää sovellus uudelleen itse. General - + Yleiset Network @@ -2608,7 +2608,7 @@ Sinun tulee käynnistää sovellus uudelleen itse. Add new feed - + Lisää uusi syöte @@ -3000,19 +3000,19 @@ Login tokens expiration: %2 Title - + Otsikko URL - + URL-osoite Author - + Tekijä Created on - + Luontiaika @@ -4216,7 +4216,7 @@ Tyyppi: %3 Parent category - + Ylätason luokka Select parent item for your feed. @@ -4224,151 +4224,151 @@ Tyyppi: %3 Type - + Tyyppi Select type of the standard feed. - + Valitse standardisyötteen tyyppi. Encoding - + Merkistö Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. - + Valitse standardisyötteen merkistö. Jos olet epävarma merkistöstä, valitse "UTF-8". Title - + Otsikko Description - + Kuvaus URL - + URL-osoite Fetch metadata - + Hae metatiedot Fetch it now - + Hae nyt Icon - + Kuvake Select icon for your feed. - + Valitse kuvake syötteelle. Feed title - + Syötteen otsikko Set title for your feed. - + Aseta otsikko syötteelle. Feed description - + Syötteen kuvaus Set description for your feed. - + Aseta kuvaus syötteelle. Full feed url including scheme - + Syötteen koko URL-osoite sisältäen skeeman Set url for your feed. - + Aseta URL-osoite syötteelle. Icon selection - + Kuvakkeen valinta Load icon from file... - + Lataa kuvake tiedostosta... Use default icon from icon theme - + Käytä kuvaketeeman oletuskuvaketta Fetch icon from feed - + Nouda kuvake syötteestä No metadata fetched so far. - + Metatietoja ei ole vielä noudettu. Icon fetched successfully. - + Kuvake noudettu onnistuneesti. Icon metadata fetched. - + Kuvakkeen metatiedot noudettu. Result: %1. - + Tulos: %1. Icon metadata not fetched. - + Kuvakkeen metatietoja ei noudettu. Error: %1. - + Virhe: %1. No icon fetched. - + Kuvaketta ei noudettu. All metadata fetched successfully. - + Kaikki metatiedot noudettu onnistuneesti. Feed and icon metadata fetched. - + Syötteen ja kuvakkeen metatiedot noudettu. Feed or icon metadata not fetched. - + Syötteen tai kuvakkeen metatietoja ei noudettu. No metadata fetched. - + Metatietoja ei noudettu. Feed name is ok. - + Syötteen nimi on OK. Feed name is too short. - + Syötteen nimi on liian lyhyt. Description is empty. - + Kuvaus on tyhjä. The description is ok. - + Kuvaus on OK. The URL is ok. - + URL-osoite on OK. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. @@ -4376,7 +4376,7 @@ Tyyppi: %3 The URL is empty. - + URL-osoite on tyhjä. Select icon file for the feed @@ -4384,15 +4384,15 @@ Tyyppi: %3 Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) - + Kuvat (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon - + Valitse kuvake Cancel - + Peruuta Look in: @@ -4401,11 +4401,11 @@ Tyyppi: %3 Icon name: - + Kuvakkeen nimi: Icon type: - + Kuvakkeen tyyppi: @@ -4632,7 +4632,7 @@ Unread news: %2 Parent category - + Ylätason luokka Select parent item for your feed. @@ -4640,7 +4640,7 @@ Unread news: %2 URL - + URL-osoite Full feed URL including scheme @@ -4652,7 +4652,7 @@ Unread news: %2 The URL is ok. - + URL-osoite on OK. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. @@ -4660,7 +4660,7 @@ Unread news: %2 The URL is empty. - + URL-osoite on tyhjä. diff --git a/localization/rssguard_pt.ts b/localization/rssguard_pt.ts index 17544a273..cfcad79da 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_pt.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_pt.ts @@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ ou esta função ainda não foi implementada. CUSTOM - + PERSONALIZADO @@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ ou esta função ainda não foi implementada. Get my credentials - + Obter minhas credenciais @@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ It is highly recommended to create your own "Application ID". Auto-updating - + Atualização automática Cannot edit feed @@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ It is highly recommended to create your own "Application ID". Edit '%1' - + Editar '%1' @@ -2034,7 +2034,7 @@ It is highly recommended to create your own "Application ID". Automatically &expand items when selected - + Automaticamente &expandir itens quando selecionados @@ -2181,37 +2181,39 @@ It is highly recommended to create your own "Application ID". &New filter - + &Novo filtro &Test - + &Testar Process checked feeds - + Processar feeds amarcados &Beautify - + Em&belezar Existing messages - + Mensagens existentes Cannot save new filter, error: '%1'. - + Não foi possível salvar o novo filtro, erro: '%1'. EXISTING messages filtering error: '%1'. - + Erro de filtragem de mensagens EXISTENTES: '%1'. + SAMPLE message filtering error: '%1'. - + Erro de filtragem de mensagens de AMOSTRA: '%1'. + @@ -2458,7 +2460,7 @@ Você precisa reiniciar manualmente. Network - + Rede Add new feed @@ -2620,7 +2622,7 @@ Você precisa reiniciar manualmente. Network - + Rede Add new feed @@ -3015,7 +3017,7 @@ Expiração dos tokens de login: %2 In recycle bin - + Na Lixeira Title @@ -4687,11 +4689,11 @@ Notícias não lidas: %2 Full feed URL including scheme - + URL completo do feed incluindo esquema Provide URL for your feed. - + Forneça o URL do seu feed. The URL is ok. diff --git a/localization/rssguard_sv.ts b/localization/rssguard_sv.ts index ba2d9cf0b..289f58b29 100644 --- a/localization/rssguard_sv.ts +++ b/localization/rssguard_sv.ts @@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ att funktionen inte är implementerad än. CUSTOM - + ANPASSAT @@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ att funktionen inte är implementerad än. Get my credentials - + Hämta mina inloggningsuppgifter @@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ Det rekommenderas starkt att du skapar ditt eget applikations-ID. Auto-updating - + Automatisk uppdatering Cannot edit feed @@ -1614,7 +1614,7 @@ Det rekommenderas starkt att du skapar ditt eget applikations-ID. Edit '%1' - + Redigera "%1" @@ -2034,7 +2034,7 @@ Det rekommenderas starkt att du skapar ditt eget applikations-ID. Automatically &expand items when selected - + Expandera automatiskt objekt vid markering @@ -2181,37 +2181,39 @@ Det rekommenderas starkt att du skapar ditt eget applikations-ID. &New filter - + &Nytt filter &Test - + &Testa Process checked feeds - + Bearbeta markerade flöden &Beautify - + &Försköna Existing messages - + Befintliga meddelanden Cannot save new filter, error: '%1'. - + Kan inte spara nytt filter, fel: "%1" EXISTING messages filtering error: '%1'. - + Filtreringsfel för BEFINTLIGA meddelande: "%1" + SAMPLE message filtering error: '%1'. - + Filtreringsfel för EXEMPEL-meddelande: "%1" + @@ -2458,7 +2460,7 @@ Du måste starta om manuellt. Network - + Nätverk Add new feed @@ -2620,7 +2622,7 @@ Du måste starta om manuellt. Network - + Nätverk Add new feed @@ -3014,7 +3016,7 @@ Inloggningstoken upphör: %2 In recycle bin - + I papperskorgen Title @@ -4687,11 +4689,11 @@ Olästa nyheter: %2 Full feed URL including scheme - + Fullständig flödes-URL inkluderingsscema Provide URL for your feed. - + Ange URL för ditt flöde. The URL is ok. diff --git a/src/librssguard/core/feeddownloader.cpp b/src/librssguard/core/feeddownloader.cpp index 465385339..f93e7eeca 100644 --- a/src/librssguard/core/feeddownloader.cpp +++ b/src/librssguard/core/feeddownloader.cpp @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ void FeedDownloader::updateOneFeed(Feed* feed) { continue; case MessageObject::FilteringAction::Ignore: + case MessageObject::FilteringAction::Purge: default: // Remove the message, we do not want it. remove_msg = true; diff --git a/src/librssguard/gui/dialogs/formmessagefiltersmanager.cpp b/src/librssguard/gui/dialogs/formmessagefiltersmanager.cpp index 150d65399..c51ab486d 100644 --- a/src/librssguard/gui/dialogs/formmessagefiltersmanager.cpp +++ b/src/librssguard/gui/dialogs/formmessagefiltersmanager.cpp @@ -280,8 +280,9 @@ void FormMessageFiltersManager::processCheckedFeeds() { if (result == MessageObject::FilteringAction::Purge) { remove_from_list = true; - // TODO: Purge the message completely. - // DatabaseQueries::purgeMessage(msg_id); + // Purge the message completely and remove leftovers. + DatabaseQueries::purgeMessage(database, msg->m_id); + DatabaseQueries::purgeLeftoverLabelAssignments(database, msg->m_accountId); } else if (result == MessageObject::FilteringAction::Ignore) { remove_from_list = true; diff --git a/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.cpp b/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.cpp index cd0f4f84c..6dfe29903 100755 --- a/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.cpp +++ b/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.cpp @@ -346,6 +346,16 @@ bool DatabaseQueries::restoreBin(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id) { return q.exec(); } +bool DatabaseQueries::purgeMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db, int message_id) { + QSqlQuery q(db); + + q.setForwardOnly(true); + q.prepare("DELETE FROM Messages WHERE id = :id;"); + q.bindValue(QSL(":id"), message_id); + + return q.exec(); +} + bool DatabaseQueries::purgeImportantMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db) { QSqlQuery q(db); @@ -895,8 +905,8 @@ int DatabaseQueries::updateMessages(QSqlDatabase db, // Used to insert new messages. query_insert.setForwardOnly(true); query_insert.prepare("INSERT INTO Messages " - "(feed, title, is_read, is_important, url, author, date_created, contents, enclosures, custom_id, custom_hash, account_id) " - "VALUES (:feed, :title, :is_read, :is_important, is_deleted = :is_deleted, :url, :author, :date_created, :contents, :enclosures, :custom_id, :custom_hash, :account_id);"); + "(feed, title, is_read, is_important, is_deleted, url, author, date_created, contents, enclosures, custom_id, custom_hash, account_id) " + "VALUES (:feed, :title, :is_read, :is_important, :is_deleted, :url, :author, :date_created, :contents, :enclosures, :custom_id, :custom_hash, :account_id);"); // Used to update existing messages. query_update.setForwardOnly(true); diff --git a/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.h b/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.h index 9f7fd322e..ffaa4e15e 100644 --- a/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.h +++ b/src/librssguard/miscellaneous/databasequeries.h @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class DatabaseQueries { static bool restoreBin(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id); // Purge database. + static bool purgeMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db, int message_id); static bool purgeImportantMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db); static bool purgeReadMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db); static bool purgeOldMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int older_than_days);