diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 48d6f9873..addc04a20 100755
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -278,7 +278,6 @@ file( GLOB APP_SOURCES_GL
- "src/qt-json/*.cpp"
diff --git a/src/network-web/networkfactory.cpp b/src/network-web/networkfactory.cpp
index 54eb54ad8..e66a23b84 100755
--- a/src/network-web/networkfactory.cpp
+++ b/src/network-web/networkfactory.cpp
@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ NetworkResult NetworkFactory::uploadData(const QString &url, int timeout, const
QEventLoop loop;
NetworkResult result;
+ QString str(input_data);
downloader.appendRawHeader("Content-Type", input_content_type.toLocal8Bit());
if (set_basic_header) {
diff --git a/src/qt-json/json.cpp b/src/qt-json/json.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index e276ee2c6..000000000
--- a/src/qt-json/json.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
- * QtJson - A simple class for parsing JSON data into a QVariant hierarchies and vice-versa.
- * Copyright (C) 2011 Eeli Reilin
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
- * \file json.cpp
- */
-#include "json.h"
-namespace QtJson {
- static QString dateFormat, dateTimeFormat;
- static QString sanitizeString(QString str);
- static QByteArray join(const QList &list, const QByteArray &sep);
- static QVariant parseValue(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success);
- static QVariant parseObject(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success);
- static QVariant parseArray(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success);
- static QVariant parseString(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success);
- static QVariant parseNumber(const QString &json, int &index);
- static int lastIndexOfNumber(const QString &json, int index);
- static void eatWhitespace(const QString &json, int &index);
- static int lookAhead(const QString &json, int index);
- static int nextToken(const QString &json, int &index);
- template
- QByteArray serializeMap(const T &map, bool &success) {
- QByteArray str = "{";
- QList pairs;
- for (typename T::const_iterator it = map.begin(), itend = map.end(); it != itend; ++it) {
- QByteArray serializedValue = serialize(it.value());
- if (serializedValue.isNull()) {
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- pairs << sanitizeString(it.key()).toUtf8() + ":" + serializedValue;
- }
- str += join(pairs, ",");
- str += "}";
- return str;
- }
- void insert(QVariant &v, const QString &key, const QVariant &value);
- void append(QVariant &v, const QVariant &value);
- template
- void cloneMap(QVariant &json, const T &map) {
- for (typename T::const_iterator it = map.begin(), itend = map.end(); it != itend; ++it) {
- insert(json, it.key(), (*it));
- }
- }
- template
- void cloneList(QVariant &json, const T &list) {
- for (typename T::const_iterator it = list.begin(), itend = list.end(); it != itend; ++it) {
- append(json, (*it));
- }
- }
- /**
- * parse
- */
- QVariant parse(const QString &json) {
- bool success = true;
- return parse(json, success);
- }
- /**
- * parse
- */
- QVariant parse(const QString &json, bool &success) {
- success = true;
- // Return an empty QVariant if the JSON data is either null or empty
- if (!json.isNull() || !json.isEmpty()) {
- QString data = json;
- // We'll start from index 0
- int index = 0;
- // Parse the first value
- QVariant value = parseValue(data, index, success);
- // Return the parsed value
- return value;
- } else {
- // Return the empty QVariant
- return QVariant();
- }
- }
- /**
- * clone
- */
- QVariant clone(const QVariant &data) {
- QVariant v;
- if (data.type() == QVariant::Map) {
- cloneMap(v, data.toMap());
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::Hash) {
- cloneMap(v, data.toHash());
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::List) {
- cloneList(v, data.toList());
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::StringList) {
- cloneList(v, data.toStringList());
- } else {
- v = QVariant(data);
- }
- return v;
- }
- /**
- * insert value (map case)
- */
- void insert(QVariant &v, const QString &key, const QVariant &value) {
- if (!v.canConvert()) v = QVariantMap();
- QVariantMap *p = (QVariantMap *)v.data();
- p->insert(key, clone(value));
- }
- /**
- * append value (list case)
- */
- void append(QVariant &v, const QVariant &value) {
- if (!v.canConvert()) v = QVariantList();
- QVariantList *p = (QVariantList *)v.data();
- p->append(value);
- }
- QByteArray serialize(const QVariant &data) {
- bool success = true;
- return serialize(data, success);
- }
- QByteArray serialize(const QVariant &data, bool &success) {
- QByteArray str;
- success = true;
- if (!data.isValid()) { // invalid or null?
- str = "null";
- } else if ((data.type() == QVariant::List) ||
- (data.type() == QVariant::StringList)) { // variant is a list?
- QList values;
- const QVariantList list = data.toList();
- Q_FOREACH(const QVariant& v, list) {
- QByteArray serializedValue = serialize(v);
- if (serializedValue.isNull()) {
- success = false;
- break;
- }
- values << serializedValue;
- }
- str = "[" + join( values, "," ) + "]";
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::Hash) { // variant is a hash?
- str = serializeMap<>(data.toHash(), success);
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::Map) { // variant is a map?
- str = serializeMap<>(data.toMap(), success);
- } else if ((data.type() == QVariant::String) ||
- (data.type() == QVariant::ByteArray)) {// a string or a byte array?
- str = sanitizeString(data.toString()).toUtf8();
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::Double) { // double?
- double value = data.toDouble(&success);
- if (success) {
- str = QByteArray::number(value, 'g');
- if (!str.contains(".") && ! str.contains("e")) {
- str += ".0";
- }
- }
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::Bool) { // boolean value?
- str = data.toBool() ? "true" : "false";
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::ULongLong) { // large unsigned number?
- str = QByteArray::number(data.value());
- } else if (data.canConvert()) { // any signed number?
- str = QByteArray::number(data.value());
- } else if (data.canConvert()) { //TODO: this code is never executed because all smaller types can be converted to qlonglong
- str = QString::number(data.value()).toUtf8();
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::DateTime) { // datetime value?
- str = sanitizeString(dateTimeFormat.isEmpty()
- ? data.toDateTime().toString()
- : data.toDateTime().toString(dateTimeFormat)).toUtf8();
- } else if (data.type() == QVariant::Date) { // date value?
- str = sanitizeString(dateTimeFormat.isEmpty()
- ? data.toDate().toString()
- : data.toDate().toString(dateFormat)).toUtf8();
- } else if (data.canConvert()) { // can value be converted to string?
- // this will catch QUrl, ... (all other types which can be converted to string)
- str = sanitizeString(data.toString()).toUtf8();
- } else {
- success = false;
- }
- if (success) {
- return str;
- }
- return QByteArray();
- }
- QString serializeStr(const QVariant &data) {
- return QString::fromUtf8(serialize(data));
- }
- QString serializeStr(const QVariant &data, bool &success) {
- return QString::fromUtf8(serialize(data, success));
- }
- /**
- * \enum JsonToken
- */
- enum JsonToken {
- JsonTokenNone = 0,
- JsonTokenCurlyOpen = 1,
- JsonTokenCurlyClose = 2,
- JsonTokenSquaredOpen = 3,
- JsonTokenSquaredClose = 4,
- JsonTokenColon = 5,
- JsonTokenComma = 6,
- JsonTokenString = 7,
- JsonTokenNumber = 8,
- JsonTokenTrue = 9,
- JsonTokenFalse = 10,
- JsonTokenNull = 11
- };
- static QString sanitizeString(QString str) {
- str.replace(QLatin1String("\\"), QLatin1String("\\\\"));
- str.replace(QLatin1String("\""), QLatin1String("\\\""));
- str.replace(QLatin1String("\b"), QLatin1String("\\b"));
- str.replace(QLatin1String("\f"), QLatin1String("\\f"));
- str.replace(QLatin1String("\n"), QLatin1String("\\n"));
- str.replace(QLatin1String("\r"), QLatin1String("\\r"));
- str.replace(QLatin1String("\t"), QLatin1String("\\t"));
- return QString(QLatin1String("\"%1\"")).arg(str);
- }
- static QByteArray join(const QList &list, const QByteArray &sep) {
- QByteArray res;
- Q_FOREACH(const QByteArray &i, list) {
- if (!res.isEmpty()) {
- res += sep;
- }
- res += i;
- }
- return res;
- }
- /**
- * parseValue
- */
- static QVariant parseValue(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success) {
- // Determine what kind of data we should parse by
- // checking out the upcoming token
- switch(lookAhead(json, index)) {
- case JsonTokenString:
- return parseString(json, index, success);
- case JsonTokenNumber:
- return parseNumber(json, index);
- case JsonTokenCurlyOpen:
- return parseObject(json, index, success);
- case JsonTokenSquaredOpen:
- return parseArray(json, index, success);
- case JsonTokenTrue:
- nextToken(json, index);
- return QVariant(true);
- case JsonTokenFalse:
- nextToken(json, index);
- return QVariant(false);
- case JsonTokenNull:
- nextToken(json, index);
- return QVariant();
- case JsonTokenNone:
- break;
- }
- // If there were no tokens, flag the failure and return an empty QVariant
- success = false;
- return QVariant();
- }
- /**
- * parseObject
- */
- static QVariant parseObject(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success) {
- QVariantMap map;
- int token;
- // Get rid of the whitespace and increment index
- nextToken(json, index);
- // Loop through all of the key/value pairs of the object
- bool done = false;
- while (!done) {
- // Get the upcoming token
- token = lookAhead(json, index);
- if (token == JsonTokenNone) {
- success = false;
- return QVariantMap();
- } else if (token == JsonTokenComma) {
- nextToken(json, index);
- } else if (token == JsonTokenCurlyClose) {
- nextToken(json, index);
- return map;
- } else {
- // Parse the key/value pair's name
- QString name = parseString(json, index, success).toString();
- if (!success) {
- return QVariantMap();
- }
- // Get the next token
- token = nextToken(json, index);
- // If the next token is not a colon, flag the failure
- // return an empty QVariant
- if (token != JsonTokenColon) {
- success = false;
- return QVariant(QVariantMap());
- }
- // Parse the key/value pair's value
- QVariant value = parseValue(json, index, success);
- if (!success) {
- return QVariantMap();
- }
- // Assign the value to the key in the map
- map[name] = value;
- }
- }
- // Return the map successfully
- return QVariant(map);
- }
- /**
- * parseArray
- */
- static QVariant parseArray(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success) {
- QVariantList list;
- nextToken(json, index);
- bool done = false;
- while(!done) {
- int token = lookAhead(json, index);
- if (token == JsonTokenNone) {
- success = false;
- return QVariantList();
- } else if (token == JsonTokenComma) {
- nextToken(json, index);
- } else if (token == JsonTokenSquaredClose) {
- nextToken(json, index);
- break;
- } else {
- QVariant value = parseValue(json, index, success);
- if (!success) {
- return QVariantList();
- }
- list.push_back(value);
- }
- }
- return QVariant(list);
- }
- /**
- * parseString
- */
- static QVariant parseString(const QString &json, int &index, bool &success) {
- QString s;
- QChar c;
- eatWhitespace(json, index);
- c = json[index++];
- bool complete = false;
- while(!complete) {
- if (index == json.size()) {
- break;
- }
- c = json[index++];
- if (c == '\"') {
- complete = true;
- break;
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- if (index == json.size()) {
- break;
- }
- c = json[index++];
- if (c == '\"') {
- s.append('\"');
- } else if (c == '\\') {
- s.append('\\');
- } else if (c == '/') {
- s.append('/');
- } else if (c == 'b') {
- s.append('\b');
- } else if (c == 'f') {
- s.append('\f');
- } else if (c == 'n') {
- s.append('\n');
- } else if (c == 'r') {
- s.append('\r');
- } else if (c == 't') {
- s.append('\t');
- } else if (c == 'u') {
- int remainingLength = json.size() - index;
- if (remainingLength >= 4) {
- QString unicodeStr = json.mid(index, 4);
- int symbol = unicodeStr.toInt(0, 16);
- s.append(QChar(symbol));
- index += 4;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- s.append(c);
- }
- }
- if (!complete) {
- success = false;
- return QVariant();
- }
- return QVariant(s);
- }
- /**
- * parseNumber
- */
- static QVariant parseNumber(const QString &json, int &index) {
- eatWhitespace(json, index);
- int lastIndex = lastIndexOfNumber(json, index);
- int charLength = (lastIndex - index) + 1;
- QString numberStr;
- numberStr = json.mid(index, charLength);
- index = lastIndex + 1;
- bool ok;
- if (numberStr.contains('.')) {
- return QVariant(numberStr.toDouble(NULL));
- } else if (numberStr.startsWith('-')) {
- int i = numberStr.toInt(&ok);
- if (!ok) {
- qlonglong ll = numberStr.toLongLong(&ok);
- return ok ? ll : QVariant(numberStr);
- }
- return i;
- } else {
- uint u = numberStr.toUInt(&ok);
- if (!ok) {
- qulonglong ull = numberStr.toULongLong(&ok);
- return ok ? ull : QVariant(numberStr);
- }
- return u;
- }
- }
- /**
- * lastIndexOfNumber
- */
- static int lastIndexOfNumber(const QString &json, int index) {
- int lastIndex;
- for(lastIndex = index; lastIndex < json.size(); lastIndex++) {
- if (QString("0123456789+-.eE").indexOf(json[lastIndex]) == -1) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return lastIndex -1;
- }
- /**
- * eatWhitespace
- */
- static void eatWhitespace(const QString &json, int &index) {
- for(; index < json.size(); index++) {
- if (QString(" \t\n\r").indexOf(json[index]) == -1) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * lookAhead
- */
- static int lookAhead(const QString &json, int index) {
- int saveIndex = index;
- return nextToken(json, saveIndex);
- }
- /**
- * nextToken
- */
- static int nextToken(const QString &json, int &index) {
- eatWhitespace(json, index);
- if (index == json.size()) {
- return JsonTokenNone;
- }
- QChar c = json[index];
- index++;
- switch(c.toLatin1()) {
- case '{': return JsonTokenCurlyOpen;
- case '}': return JsonTokenCurlyClose;
- case '[': return JsonTokenSquaredOpen;
- case ']': return JsonTokenSquaredClose;
- case ',': return JsonTokenComma;
- case '"': return JsonTokenString;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- case '-': return JsonTokenNumber;
- case ':': return JsonTokenColon;
- }
- index--; // ^ WTF?
- int remainingLength = json.size() - index;
- // True
- if (remainingLength >= 4) {
- if (json[index] == 't' && json[index + 1] == 'r' &&
- json[index + 2] == 'u' && json[index + 3] == 'e') {
- index += 4;
- return JsonTokenTrue;
- }
- }
- // False
- if (remainingLength >= 5) {
- if (json[index] == 'f' && json[index + 1] == 'a' &&
- json[index + 2] == 'l' && json[index + 3] == 's' &&
- json[index + 4] == 'e') {
- index += 5;
- return JsonTokenFalse;
- }
- }
- // Null
- if (remainingLength >= 4) {
- if (json[index] == 'n' && json[index + 1] == 'u' &&
- json[index + 2] == 'l' && json[index + 3] == 'l') {
- index += 4;
- return JsonTokenNull;
- }
- }
- return JsonTokenNone;
- }
- void setDateTimeFormat(const QString &format) {
- dateTimeFormat = format;
- }
- void setDateFormat(const QString &format) {
- dateFormat = format;
- }
- QString getDateTimeFormat() {
- return dateTimeFormat;
- }
- QString getDateFormat() {
- return dateFormat;
- }
-} //end namespace
diff --git a/src/qt-json/json.h b/src/qt-json/json.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 8992508a2..000000000
--- a/src/qt-json/json.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
- * QtJson - A simple class for parsing JSON data into a QVariant hierarchies and vice-versa.
- * Copyright (C) 2011 Eeli Reilin
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
- * \file json.h
- */
-#ifndef JSON_H
-#define JSON_H
- * \namespace QtJson
- * \brief A JSON data parser
- *
- * Json parses a JSON data into a QVariant hierarchy.
- */
-namespace QtJson {
- typedef QVariantMap JsonObject;
- typedef QVariantList JsonArray;
- /**
- * Clone a JSON object (makes a deep copy)
- *
- * \param data The JSON object
- */
- QVariant clone(const QVariant &data);
- /**
- * Insert value to JSON object (QVariantMap)
- *
- * \param v The JSON object
- * \param key The key
- * \param value The value
- */
- void insert(QVariant &v, const QString &key, const QVariant &value);
- /**
- * Append value to JSON array (QVariantList)
- *
- * \param v The JSON array
- * \param value The value
- */
- void append(QVariant &v, const QVariant &value);
- /**
- * Parse a JSON string
- *
- * \param json The JSON data
- */
- QVariant parse(const QString &json);
- /**
- * Parse a JSON string
- *
- * \param json The JSON data
- * \param success The success of the parsing
- */
- QVariant parse(const QString &json, bool &success);
- /**
- * This method generates a textual JSON representation
- *
- * \param data The JSON data generated by the parser.
- *
- * \return QByteArray Textual JSON representation in UTF-8
- */
- QByteArray serialize(const QVariant &data);
- /**
- * This method generates a textual JSON representation
- *
- * \param data The JSON data generated by the parser.
- * \param success The success of the serialization
- *
- * \return QByteArray Textual JSON representation in UTF-8
- */
- QByteArray serialize(const QVariant &data, bool &success);
- /**
- * This method generates a textual JSON representation
- *
- * \param data The JSON data generated by the parser.
- *
- * \return QString Textual JSON representation
- */
- QString serializeStr(const QVariant &data);
- /**
- * This method generates a textual JSON representation
- *
- * \param data The JSON data generated by the parser.
- * \param success The success of the serialization
- *
- * \return QString Textual JSON representation
- */
- QString serializeStr(const QVariant &data, bool &success);
- /**
- * This method sets date(time) format to be used for QDateTime::toString
- * If QString is empty, Qt::TextDate is used.
- *
- * \param format The JSON data generated by the parser.
- */
- void setDateTimeFormat(const QString& format);
- void setDateFormat(const QString& format);
- /**
- * This method gets date(time) format to be used for QDateTime::toString
- * If QString is empty, Qt::TextDate is used.
- */
- QString getDateTimeFormat();
- QString getDateFormat();
- /**
- * QVariant based Json object
- */
- class Object : public QVariant {
- template
- Object& insertKey(Object* ptr, const QString& key) {
- T* p = (T*)ptr->data();
- if (!p->contains(key)) p->insert(key, QVariant());
- return *reinterpret_cast