diff --git a/resources/desktop/com.github.rssguard.appdata.xml b/resources/desktop/com.github.rssguard.appdata.xml
index e2cdd9c3e..0b36a564e 100644
--- a/resources/desktop/com.github.rssguard.appdata.xml
+++ b/resources/desktop/com.github.rssguard.appdata.xml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
diff --git a/resources/scripts/7za b/resources/scripts/7za
index 9c10723bf..47f412575 160000
--- a/resources/scripts/7za
+++ b/resources/scripts/7za
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 9c10723bfbaf6cb85107d6ee16e0324e9e487749
+Subproject commit 47f4125753452eff8800dbd6600c5a05540b15d9
diff --git a/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.cpp b/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.cpp
index e4f089e25..7d0773bb0 100755
--- a/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.cpp
+++ b/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.cpp
@@ -97,92 +97,56 @@ bool SqliteDriver::saveDatabase() {
QSqlDatabase SqliteDriver::connection(const QString& connection_name, DesiredStorageType desired_type) {
- if (desired_type == DatabaseDriver::DesiredStorageType::StrictlyInMemory ||
- (desired_type == DatabaseDriver::DesiredStorageType::FromSettings && m_inMemoryDatabase)) {
- // We request in-memory database (either user explicitly
- // needs in-memory database or it was enabled in the settings).
- if (!m_inMemoryDatabaseInitialized) {
- // It is not initialized yet.
- return initializeInMemoryDatabase();
+ bool want_in_memory = desired_type == DatabaseDriver::DesiredStorageType::StrictlyInMemory ||
+ (desired_type == DatabaseDriver::DesiredStorageType::FromSettings && m_inMemoryDatabase);
+ if ((want_in_memory && !m_inMemoryDatabaseInitialized) ||
+ (!want_in_memory && !m_fileBasedDatabaseInitialized)) {
+ return initializeDatabase(connection_name, want_in_memory);
+ }
+ else {
+ // No need to initialize.
+ QSqlDatabase database;
+ if (QSqlDatabase::contains(connection_name)) {
+ qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
+ << "SQLite connection"
+ << QUOTE_W_SPACE(connection_name)
+ << "is already active.";
+ // This database connection was added previously, no need to
+ // setup its properties.
+ database = QSqlDatabase::database(connection_name);
else {
- QSqlDatabase database;
+ database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(APP_DB_SQLITE_DRIVER, connection_name);
- if (QSqlDatabase::contains(connection_name)) {
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
- << "SQLite connection '"
- << connection_name
- << "' is already active.";
- // This database connection was added previously, no need to
- // setup its properties.
- database = QSqlDatabase::database(connection_name);
- }
- else {
- database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(APP_DB_SQLITE_DRIVER, connection_name);
+ if (want_in_memory) {
- if (!database.isOpen() && !database.open()) {
- qFatal("In-memory SQLite database was NOT opened. Delivered error message: '%s'.",
- qPrintable(database.lastError().text()));
- }
else {
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
- << "In-memory SQLite database connection '"
- << connection_name
- << "' seems to be established.";
- }
- return database;
- }
- }
- else {
- // We request file-based database.
- if (!m_fileBasedDatabaseInitialized) {
- // File-based database is not yet initialised.
- return initializeFileBasedDatabase(connection_name);
- }
- else {
- QSqlDatabase database;
- if (QSqlDatabase::contains(connection_name)) {
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
- << "SQLite connection '"
- << connection_name
- << "' is already active.";
- // This database connection was added previously, no need to
- // setup its properties.
- database = QSqlDatabase::database(connection_name);
- }
- else {
- // Database connection with this name does not exist
- // yet, add it and set it up.
- database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(APP_DB_SQLITE_DRIVER, connection_name);
const QDir db_path(m_databaseFilePath);
QFile db_file(db_path.absoluteFilePath(APP_DB_SQLITE_FILE));
- // Setup database file path.
- if (!database.isOpen() && !database.open()) {
- qFatal("File-based SQLite database was NOT opened. Delivered error message: '%s'.",
- qPrintable(database.lastError().text()));
- }
- else {
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
- << "File-based SQLite database connection '"
- << connection_name
- << "' to file '"
- << QDir::toNativeSeparators(database.databaseName())
- << "' seems to be established.";
- }
- return database;
+ if (!database.isOpen() && !database.open()) {
+ qFatal("SQLite database was NOT opened. Delivered error message: '%s'.",
+ qPrintable(database.lastError().text()));
+ }
+ else {
+ qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
+ << "SQLite database connection"
+ << QUOTE_W_SPACE(connection_name)
+ << "to file"
+ << QUOTE_W_SPACE(database.databaseName())
+ << "seems to be established.";
+ }
+ return database;
@@ -215,115 +179,46 @@ bool SqliteDriver::finishRestoration() {
return true;
-QSqlDatabase SqliteDriver::initializeInMemoryDatabase() {
- QSqlDatabase database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(APP_DB_SQLITE_DRIVER);
- database.setDatabaseName(QSL("file::memory:"));
- if (!database.open()) {
- qFatal("In-memory SQLite database was NOT opened. Delivered error message: '%s'",
- qPrintable(database.lastError().text()));
- }
- else {
- QSqlQuery query_db(database);
- query_db.setForwardOnly(true);
- setPragmas(query_db);
- // Sample query which checks for existence of tables.
- query_db.exec(QSL("SELECT inf_value FROM Information WHERE inf_key = 'schema_version'"));
- if (query_db.lastError().isValid()) {
- qWarningNN << LOGSEC_DB << "Error occurred. In-memory SQLite database is not initialized. Initializing now.";
- try {
- const QStringList statements = prepareScript(APP_SQL_PATH, APP_DB_SQLITE_INIT);
- for (const QString& statement : statements) {
- query_db.exec(statement);
- if (query_db.lastError().isValid()) {
- throw ApplicationException(query_db.lastError().text());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (const ApplicationException& ex) {
- qFatal("Error when running SQL scripts: %s.", qPrintable(ex.message()));
- }
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB << "In-memory SQLite database backend should be ready now.";
- }
- else {
- query_db.next();
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB << "In-memory SQLite database connection seems to be established.";
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB << "In-memory SQLite database has version '"
- << query_db.value(0).toString()
- << "'.";
- }
- // Loading messages from file-based database.
- QSqlDatabase file_database = connection(objectName(), DatabaseDriver::DesiredStorageType::StrictlyFileBased);
- QSqlQuery copy_contents(database);
- // Attach database.
- copy_contents.exec(QString("ATTACH DATABASE '%1' AS 'storage';").arg(file_database.databaseName()));
- // Copy all stuff.
- QStringList tables;
- if (copy_contents.exec(QSL("SELECT name FROM storage.sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"))) {
- while (copy_contents.next()) {
- tables.append(copy_contents.value(0).toString());
- }
- }
- else {
- qFatal("Cannot obtain list of table names from file-base SQLite database.");
- }
- for (const QString& table : tables) {
- copy_contents.exec(QString("INSERT INTO main.%1 SELECT * FROM storage.%1;").arg(table));
- }
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB << "Copying data from file-based database into working in-memory database.";
- // Detach database and finish.
- copy_contents.exec(QSL("DETACH 'storage'"));
- copy_contents.finish();
- query_db.finish();
- }
- // Everything is initialized now.
- m_inMemoryDatabaseInitialized = true;
- return database;
-QSqlDatabase SqliteDriver::initializeFileBasedDatabase(const QString& connection_name) {
+QSqlDatabase SqliteDriver::initializeDatabase(const QString& connection_name, bool in_memory) {
- // Prepare file paths.
- const QDir db_path(m_databaseFilePath);
- QFile db_file(db_path.absoluteFilePath(APP_DB_SQLITE_FILE));
+ QString db_file_name;
- // Check if database directory exists.
- if (!db_path.exists()) {
- if (!db_path.mkpath(db_path.absolutePath())) {
- // Failure when create database file path.
- qFatal("Directory '%s' for SQLite database file '%s' was NOT created."
- "This is HUGE problem.",
- qPrintable(db_path.absolutePath()),
- qPrintable(db_file.symLinkTarget()));
+ if (!in_memory) {
+ // Prepare file paths.
+ const QDir db_path(m_databaseFilePath);
+ QFile db_file(db_path.absoluteFilePath(APP_DB_SQLITE_FILE));
+ // Check if database directory exists.
+ if (!db_path.exists()) {
+ if (!db_path.mkpath(db_path.absolutePath())) {
+ // Failure when create database file path.
+ qFatal("Directory '%s' for SQLite database file '%s' was NOT created."
+ "This is HUGE problem.",
+ qPrintable(db_path.absolutePath()),
+ qPrintable(db_file.symLinkTarget()));
+ }
+ db_file_name = db_file.fileName();
+ }
+ else {
+ db_file_name = QSL("file::memory:");
// Folders are created. Create new QSQLDatabase object.
QSqlDatabase database;
database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(APP_DB_SQLITE_DRIVER, connection_name);
- database.setDatabaseName(db_file.fileName());
+ if (in_memory) {
+ }
+ database.setDatabaseName(db_file_name);
if (!database.open()) {
- qFatal("File-based SQLite database was NOT opened. Delivered error message: '%s'",
+ qFatal("SQLite database was NOT opened. Delivered error message: '%s'",
else {
@@ -334,7 +229,7 @@ QSqlDatabase SqliteDriver::initializeFileBasedDatabase(const QString& connection
// Sample query which checks for existence of tables.
if (!query_db.exec(QSL("SELECT inf_value FROM Information WHERE inf_key = 'schema_version'"))) {
- qWarningNN << LOGSEC_DB << "Error occurred. File-based SQLite database is not initialized. Initializing now.";
+ qWarningNN << LOGSEC_DB << "SQLite database is not initialized. Initializing now.";
try {
const QStringList statements = prepareScript(APP_SQL_PATH, APP_DB_SQLITE_INIT);
@@ -351,15 +246,12 @@ QSqlDatabase SqliteDriver::initializeFileBasedDatabase(const QString& connection
qFatal("Error when running SQL scripts: %s.", qPrintable(ex.message()));
- query_db.finish();
- qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB << "File-based SQLite database backend should be ready now.";
+ qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB << "SQLite database backend should be ready now.";
- else {
+ else if (!in_memory) {
const QString installed_db_schema = query_db.value(0).toString();
- query_db.finish();
if (installed_db_schema.toInt() < QString(APP_DB_SCHEMA_VERSION).toInt()) {
if (updateDatabaseSchema(database, installed_db_schema)) {
@@ -387,10 +279,53 @@ QSqlDatabase SqliteDriver::initializeFileBasedDatabase(const QString& connection
<< installed_db_schema
<< "'.";
+ else {
+ query_db.next();
+ qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
+ << "SQLite database has version"
+ << QUOTE_W_SPACE_DOT(query_db.value(0).toString());
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_memory) {
+ // Loading messages from file-based database.
+ QSqlDatabase file_database = connection(objectName(), DatabaseDriver::DesiredStorageType::StrictlyFileBased);
+ QSqlQuery copy_contents(database);
+ // Attach database.
+ copy_contents.exec(QString("ATTACH DATABASE '%1' AS 'storage';").arg(file_database.databaseName()));
+ // Copy all stuff.
+ QStringList tables;
+ if (copy_contents.exec(QSL("SELECT name FROM storage.sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table';"))) {
+ while (copy_contents.next()) {
+ tables.append(copy_contents.value(0).toString());
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ qFatal("Cannot obtain list of table names from file-based SQLite database.");
+ }
+ for (const QString& table : tables) {
+ copy_contents.exec(QString("INSERT INTO main.%1 SELECT * FROM storage.%1;").arg(table));
+ }
+ qDebugNN << LOGSEC_DB
+ << "Copying data from file-based database into working in-memory database.";
+ // Detach database and finish.
+ copy_contents.exec(QSL("DETACH 'storage'"));
// Everything is initialized now.
- m_fileBasedDatabaseInitialized = true;
+ if (in_memory) {
+ m_inMemoryDatabaseInitialized = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ m_fileBasedDatabaseInitialized = true;
+ }
return database;
diff --git a/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.h b/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.h
index 55e19104b..2413a7f95 100755
--- a/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.h
+++ b/src/librssguard/database/sqlitedriver.h
@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ class SqliteDriver : public DatabaseDriver {
virtual QString autoIncrementPrimaryKey() const;
- QSqlDatabase initializeInMemoryDatabase();
- QSqlDatabase initializeFileBasedDatabase(const QString& connection_name);
+ QSqlDatabase initializeDatabase(const QString& connection_name, bool in_memory);
bool updateDatabaseSchema(const QSqlDatabase& database, const QString& source_db_schema_version);
void setPragmas(QSqlQuery& query);
QString databaseFilePath() const;