diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml
index 4afbbf65f..ed0b5b798 100755
--- a/.appveyor.yml
+++ b/.appveyor.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ clone_depth: 1
clone_folder: C:\rssguard
- QTDIR: 'C:\Qt\5.9\msvc2017_64'
+ QTDIR: 'C:\Qt\5.12\msvc2017_64'
QMAKESPEC: win32-msvc
COMPILERBAT: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"'
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 12e1d3544..d320ac293 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -23,5 +23,4 @@
# Other files.
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_cs.ts b/localization/qtbase_cs.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0781a7d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_cs.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7147 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Zavřít kartu
+ Services
+ Služby
+ Hide %1
+ Skrýt %1
+ Hide Others
+ Skrýt ostatní
+ Show All
+ Ukázat vše
+ Preferences...
+ Nastavení...
+ Quit %1
+ Ukončit %1
+ About %1
+ O %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Časový limit pro socket operaci byl překročen
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Tato socket operace není podporována
+ Host not found
+ Nepodařilo se najít počítač
+ Connection refused
+ Spojení bylo odmítnuto
+ Connection timed out
+ Časový limit pro spojení byl překročen
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Při navázaném spojení došlo k dalšímu pokusu o spojení
+ Socket is not connected
+ Socket není spojen
+ Network unreachable
+ Síť není dosažitelná
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ &Vybrat vše
+ &Step up
+ &Krok nahoru
+ Step &down
+ Krok &dolů
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ Stisknout
+ Increase
+ Zvětšit
+ Decrease
+ Zmenšit
+ ShowMenu
+ Ukázat nabídku
+ SetFocus
+ Nastavit zaměření
+ Toggle
+ Přepnout
+ Scroll Left
+ Projíždět doleva
+ Scroll Right
+ Projíždět doprava
+ Scroll Up
+ Projíždět nahoru
+ Scroll Down
+ Projíždět dolů
+ Previous Page
+ Předchozí strana
+ Next Page
+ Další strana
+ Triggers the action
+ Spouští činnost
+ Increase the value
+ Zvýšit hodnotu
+ Decrease the value
+ Snížit hodnotu
+ Shows the menu
+ Ukáže nabídku
+ Sets the focus
+ Nastaví zaměření
+ Toggles the state
+ Přepne stav
+ Scrolls to the left
+ Projíždí doleva
+ Scrolls to the right
+ Projíždí doprava
+ Scrolls up
+ Projíždí nahoru
+ Scrolls down
+ Projíždí dolů
+ Goes back a page
+ Jde zpět o stranu
+ Goes to the next page
+ Jde na další stranu
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ Ano
+ Yes to All
+ Ano, vše
+ No
+ Ne
+ No to All
+ Ne, žádné
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ Použití '%1' vyžaduje Qt %2; bylo ale nalezeno Qt %3.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Nekompatibilní knihovna Qt
+ QAxSelect
+ Select ActiveX Control
+ Vybrat prvek ActiveX
+ OK
+ OK
+ &Cancel
+ &Zrušit
+ COM &Object:
+ COM-&Objekt:
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ O Qt
+ About
+ O
+ Config
+ Nastavení
+ Preference
+ Nastavení
+ Options
+ Volby
+ Setting
+ Nastavení
+ Setup
+ Nastavení
+ Quit
+ Ukončit
+ Exit
+ Ukončit
+ Cut
+ Vyjmout
+ Copy
+ Kopírovat
+ Paste
+ Vložit
+ Select All
+ Vybrat vše
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ Neukládat
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ &Odstín:
+ &Sat:
+ &Sytost:
+ &Val:
+ &Hodnota:
+ &Red:
+ &Červená:
+ &Green:
+ &Zelená:
+ Bl&ue:
+ &Modrá:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ A&lfa kanál:
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Ukazovátko na %1, %2
+Stiskněte Esc pro zrušení
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ &Zvolit barvu obrazovky
+ Cursor at %1, %2, color: %3
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Ukazatel na %1, %2, barva: %3
+Stiskněte Esc pro zrušení
+ Select Color
+ Vybrat barvu
+ Pick Screen Color
+ Zvolit barvu obrazovky
+ &Basic colors
+ Základní &barvy
+ &Custom colors
+ &Uživatelem stanovené barvy
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Přidat k uživatelem stanoveným barvám
+ QComboBox
+ False
+ Nesprávný
+ True
+ Pravdivý
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ Otevřít rozbalovací seznam
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Zobrazit informace o verzi.
+ Displays this help.
+ Zobrazit tuto nápovědu.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Neznámá volba '%1'.
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Neznámé volby: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Chybějící hodnota po '%1'.
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ Neočekávaná hodnota po '%1'.
+ [options]
+ [volby]
+ Usage: %1
+ Použití: %1
+ Options:
+ Volby:
+ Arguments:
+ Argumenty:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: Neplatný údaj u klíče (prázdný)
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: Nepodařilo se vytvořit klíč
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: Vyvolání ftok se nezdařilo
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ Úloha
+ Job Control
+ Ovládání úlohy
+ Scheduled printing:
+ Naplánovaný tisk:
+ Billing information:
+ Vyúčtování:
+ Job priority:
+ Přednost úlohy:
+ Banner Pages
+ Úvodní stránky
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ Konec:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ Začátek:
+ Print Immediately
+ Vytisknout okamžitě
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ Pozdržet na neurčito
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Den (06:00 až 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Noc (18:00 až 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Druhá směna (16:00 až 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Třetí směna (10:00 až 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ Sobota a neděle
+ Specific Time
+ Určitý čas
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Žádný
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Standardní
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Neutajovaný
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Důvěrný
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Utajovaný
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Tajný
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Přísně tajný
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepodařilo se navázat spojení
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ 'autocommit' se nepodařilo nastavit
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo připravit
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Proměnnou se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Datový záznam %1 se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Další datový záznam se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ Unable to fetch first
+ První datový záznam se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDateTimeEdit
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ Co je toto?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ &Uložit
+ Save
+ Uložit
+ Open
+ Otevřít
+ &Cancel
+ &Zrušit
+ Cancel
+ Zrušit
+ &Close
+ &Zavřít
+ Close
+ Zavřít
+ Apply
+ Použít
+ Reset
+ Vrátit
+ Help
+ Nápověda
+ Don't Save
+ Neukládat
+ Close without Saving
+ Zavřít bez uložení
+ Discard
+ Zahodit
+ &Yes
+ &Ano
+ Yes to &All
+ Ano, &vše
+ &No
+ &Ne
+ N&o to All
+ N&e, žádné
+ Save All
+ Uložit vše
+ Abort
+ Zrušit
+ Retry
+ Opakovat
+ Ignore
+ Ignorovat
+ Restore Defaults
+ Obnovit výchozí
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Název
+ Size
+ Velikost
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Druh
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Typ
+ Date Modified
+ Datum změny
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ Operace byla zrušena
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ Adresy IPv6 pro DNS servery nejsou v současnosti podporovány
+ Invalid domain name
+ Neplatný název domény
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ Zatím ještě není na Androidu podporováno
+ Resolver functions not found
+ Funkce pro překlad adres nenalezeny
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ Inicializace překladače adres se nezdařila
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers is currently not supported
+ Adresy IPv6 pro DNS servery nejsou v současnosti podporovány
+ Server could not process query
+ Serveru se dotaz nepodařilo zpracovat
+ Server failure
+ Neúspěch serveru
+ Non existent domain
+ Neexistující doména
+ Server refused to answer
+ Server odmítl odpovědět
+ Invalid reply received
+ Přijata neplatná odpověď
+ Could not expand domain name
+ Nepodařilo se rozvinout název domény
+ Nepodařilo se rozšířit název domény
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ Záznam neplatné adresy IPv4
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ Záznam neplatné adresy IPv6
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ Záznam kanonického názvu je neplatný
+ Invalid name server record
+ Záznam názvového serveru je neplatný
+ Invalid pointer record
+ Záznam ukazatele je neplatný
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ Záznam směrování pošty je neplatný
+ Invalid service record
+ Záznam služby je neplatný
+ Invalid text record
+ Záznam textu je neplatný
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ Knihovnu překladače adres nelze nahrát: Žádná podpora pro nahrání běhové knihovny
+ No hostname given
+ Nebyl zadán název serveru
+ Invalid hostname
+ Neplatný název serveru
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ Počítač %1 se nepodařilo nalézt.
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ Uvolnit
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ Zruší ukotvení a znovupřipojí kotvící prvek
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ Zavřít
+ Closes the dock widget
+ Zavře kotvící prvek
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Hlášení o odladění:
+ Warning:
+ Varování:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Kritická chyba:
+ &Show this message again
+ Toto hlášení &ukázat ještě jednou
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ Cílový soubor je týž soubor.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ Zdrojový soubor neexistuje.
+ Destination file exists
+ Cílový soubor již existuje
+ Error while renaming.
+ Chyba při přejmenovávání.
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ Nelze obnovit z %1: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ Nepřejmenuje sekvenční soubor pomocí kopie bloku
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Nelze odstranit zdrojový soubor
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ %1 se nepodařilo otevřít pro čtení
+ Cannot open for output
+ Nepodařilo se otevřít pro zápis
+ Failure to write block
+ Datový blok se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ %1 se nepodařilo zřídit pro výstup
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ Není dostupný žádný souborový stroj nebo stroj nepodporuje UnMapExtension
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ Hledat v:
+ Back
+ Zpět
+ Go back
+ Jít zpět
+ Forward
+ Dopředu
+ Go forward
+ Jít dopředu
+ Parent Directory
+ Nadřazený adresář
+ Go to the parent directory
+ Jít do rodičovského adresáře
+ Create New Folder
+ Vytvořit novou složku
+ Create a New Folder
+ Vytvořit novou složku
+ List View
+ Pohled se seznamem
+ Change to list view mode
+ Změnit na režim pohledu se seznamem
+ Detail View
+ Podrobný pohled
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Změnit na režim s podrobným pohledem
+ Sidebar
+ Postranní panel
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ Seznam míst a záložek
+ Files
+ Soubory
+ Files of type:
+ Soubory typu:
+ Find Directory
+ Najít adresář
+ Open
+ Otevřít
+ Save As
+ Uložit jako
+ Directory:
+ Adresář:
+ File &name:
+ Název &souboru:
+ &Open
+ &Otevřít
+ &Choose
+ &Vybrat
+ &Save
+ &Uložit
+ All Files (*)
+ Všechny soubory (*)
+ Show
+ Ukázat
+ &Rename
+ &Přejmenovat
+ &Delete
+ &Smazat
+ Show &hidden files
+ &Ukázat skryté soubory
+ &New Folder
+ &Nová složka
+ All files (*)
+ Všechny soubory (*)
+ Directories
+ Adresáře
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Adresář se nepodařilo nalézt.
+Ověřte, prosím, že byl zadán správný název adresáře.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ Soubor %1 již existuje.
+Chcete jej nahradit?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Soubor se nepodařilo nalézt.
+Ověřte, prosím, že byl zadán správný název souboru.
+ New Folder
+ Nová složka
+ Delete
+ Smazat
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ '%1' je chráněn proti zápisu.
+Přesto chcete soubor smazat?
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Jste si jistý, že %1 chcete smazat?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Adresář se nepodařilo smazat.
+ Recent Places
+ Naposledy navštívené
+ Remove
+ Odstranit
+ My Computer
+ Můj počítač
+ Drive
+ Disková jednotka
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ Soubor %1
+ File
+ Soubor
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Souborová složka
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Složka
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ Přezdívka
+ Alias
+ Mac OS X Finder
+ Přezdívka
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Zkratka
+ Unknown
+ Neznámý
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Up
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 TB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 bytů
+ Invalid filename
+ Neplatný název souboru
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>Název "%1" nelze použít.</b><p>Zkuste použít jiný název, s menším počtem znaků nebo bez zvláštních znaků.
+ Name
+ Název
+ Size
+ Velikost
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Druh
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Typ
+ Date Modified
+ Datum změny
+ My Computer
+ Můj počítač
+ Computer
+ Počítač
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 byt(ů)
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ Normální
+ Bold
+ Tučné
+ Demi Bold
+ Polotučné
+ Black
+ Černé
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Polotučné
+ Light
+ Jemné
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ Normální
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ Střední
+ Thin
+ Tenké
+ Extra Light
+ Velice lehké
+ Extra Bold
+ Velice tučné
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Velice
+ Italic
+ Kurzíva
+ Oblique
+ Skloněné
+ Any
+ Všechna
+ Latin
+ Latinské
+ Greek
+ Řecké
+ Cyrillic
+ Cyrilské
+ Armenian
+ Arménské
+ Hebrew
+ Hebrejské
+ Arabic
+ Arabské
+ Syriac
+ Syrské
+ Thaana
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Bengálské
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Tamilské
+ Telugu
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Sinhálské
+ Thai
+ Thajské
+ Lao
+ Laoské
+ Tibetan
+ Tibetské
+ Myanmar
+ Myanmar
+ Georgian
+ Gruzínské
+ Khmer
+ Khmerské
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Čínské zjednodušené
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Čínské tradiční
+ Japanese
+ Japonské
+ Korean
+ Korejské
+ Vietnamese
+ Větnamské
+ Symbol
+ Symbol
+ Ogham
+ Ogamské
+ Runic
+ Runové
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Vybrat písmo
+ &Font
+ &Sada písma
+ Font st&yle
+ Řez pís&ma
+ &Size
+ &Velikost
+ Effects
+ Efekty
+ Stri&keout
+ Pře&škrtnout
+ &Underline
+ &Podtrhnout
+ Sample
+ Vzorek
+ Wr&iting System
+ &Písmo
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Žádné spojení
+ Host %1 not found
+ Počítač %1 se nepodařilo nalézt
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Spojení s počítačem %1 odmítnuto
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Časový limit pro spojení s počítačem '%1' byl překročen
+ Connected to host %1
+ Spojeno s počítačem %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ Datové spojení bylo odmítnuto
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Spojení s počítačem se nezdařilo:
+ Login failed:
+ Přihlášení se nezdařilo:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Obsah adresářů nelze ukázat:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Změna adresáře se nezdařila:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Stažení souboru se nezdařilo:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Nahrání souboru se nezdařilo:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Odstranění souboru se nezdařilo:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Vytvoření adresářů se nezdařilo:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Odstranění adresáře se nezdařilo:
+ Connection closed
+ Spojení ukončeno
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ &Uložit
+ &Cancel
+ &Zrušit
+ &Close
+ &Zavřít
+ Close without Saving
+ Zavřít bez uložení
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ Nebyl zadán název pro hostitelský počítač
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ Nebyl zadán název pro hostitelský počítač
+ Invalid hostname
+ Neplatný název pro hostitelský počítač
+ Unknown address type
+ Neznámý typ adresy
+ Host not found
+ Nepodařilo se najít počítač
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Neznámá chyba (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ Počítač %1 se nepodařilo nalézt
+ Connection refused
+ Spojení bylo odmítnuto
+ Connection closed
+ Spojení ukončeno
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Proxy server požaduje autentizaci
+ Host requires authentication
+ Hostitelský počítač požaduje autentizaci
+ Data corrupted
+ Data jsou poškozena
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Byl zadán neznámý protokol
+ SSL handshake failed
+ Během startu SSL protokolu se vyskytla chyba
+ Too many redirects
+ Příliš mnoho přesměrování
+ Insecure redirect
+ Nezabezpečené přesměrování
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Žádná HTTP odpověď od proxy serveru
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Chyba při vyhodnocení autentizačního požadavku proxy serveru
+ Authentication required
+ Požadována autentizace
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Proxy server odmítl spojení
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Chyba při spojení s proxy serverem
+ Proxy server not found
+ Nepodařilo se najít žádný proxy server
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Proxy server odmítl navázání spojení
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ Při spojení s proxy serverem byl překročen časový limit
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ Proxy server předčasně ukončil spojení
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Nepodařilo se otevřít spojení s databází
+ Could not start transaction
+ Nepodařilo se spustit žádnou transakci
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Nepodařilo se vytvořit žádný BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Nepodařilo se zapsat BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Nepodařilo se otevřít BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ BLOB se nepodařilo přečíst
+ Could not find array
+ Nepodařilo se najít pole
+ Could not get array data
+ Nepodařilo se přečíst data pole
+ Could not get query info
+ Požadované informace k vyhledávání nejsou k dispozici
+ Could not start transaction
+ Nepodařilo se spustit žádnou transakci
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Přidělení příkazu se nezdařilo
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo připravit
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Nepodařilo se získat žádný popis vstupního příkazu
+ Could not describe statement
+ Nepodařilo se získat žádný popis příkazu
+ Unable to close statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo zavřít
+ Unable to execute query
+ Dotaz se nepodařilo provést
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Další prvek se nepodařilo vyzvednout
+ Could not get statement info
+ K dispozici není žádná informace k příkazu
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Přístup odepřen
+ Too many open files
+ Příliš mnoho otevřených souborů
+ No such file or directory
+ Nepodařilo se najít žádný takový soubor nebo adresář
+ No space left on device
+ Na zařízení není žádný volný úložný prostor
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ file to open is a directory
+ Soubor k otevření je adresářem
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ Neplatné zařízení
+ File not found
+ Soubor nebyl nalezen
+ Unsupported image format
+ Nepodporovaný formát obrázku
+ Unable to read image data
+ Nelze přečíst data obrazu
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ Device is not set
+ Zařízení není nastaveno
+ Device not writable
+ Zařízení není zapisovatelné
+ Unsupported image format
+ Nepodporovaný formát obrázku
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Zadejte hodnotu:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ žádná chyba
+ unterminated object
+ Neukončený objekt
+ missing name separator
+ Chybějící oddělovač názvu
+ unterminated array
+ Neukončené pole
+ missing value separator
+ Chybějící oddělovač hodnoty
+ illegal value
+ Neplatná hodnota
+ invalid termination by number
+ Neplatné ukončení podle čísla
+ illegal number
+ Neplatné číslo
+ invalid escape sequence
+ Neplatná úniková posloupnost
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ Neplatný řetězec UTF8
+ unterminated string
+ Nekončící řetězec
+ object is missing after a comma
+ Objekt chybí po čárce
+ too deeply nested document
+ Příliš hluboko zanořený dokument
+ too large document
+ Příliš velký dokument
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ Neplatná/chybná data za koncem dokumentu
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ Stiskněte klávesovou zkratku
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' není objekt ELF (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ '%1' není objekt ELF
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' je neplatný objekt ELF (%2)
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ Ověřovací data přídavného modulu nesouhlasí v '%1'
+ Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'
+ Nepodařilo se získat popisná data přídavného modulu z '%1'
+ The shared library was not found.
+ Nepodařilo se nalézt sdílenou knihovnu.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ Soubor '%1' není platným přídavným modulem Qt.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ Přídavný modul '%1' používá neslučitelnou Qt knihovnu. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Přídavný modul '%1' používá neslučitelnou Qt knihovnu. (Knihovny vytvořené v režimu ladění a vydání nemohou být používány společně.)
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Knihovnu %1 nelze nahrát: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Knihovnu %1 nelze vyjmout: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ Symbol "%1" nelze v %2 vyřešit: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ '%1' není platným spustitelným souborem Mach-O (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ Soubor je poškozen
+ file too small
+ Soubor je příliš malý
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ Žádná vhodná architektura ve spustitelném souboru (fat binary)
+ invalid magic %1
+ Neplatné magické číslo %1
+ wrong architecture
+ Nesprává architektura
+ not a dynamic library
+ Není dynamická knihovna
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ '%1' není přídavný modul Qt
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Zpět
+ &Redo
+ &Znovu
+ Cu&t
+ &Vyjmout
+ &Copy
+ &Kopírovat
+ &Paste
+ &Vložit
+ Delete
+ Smazat
+ Select All
+ Vybrat vše
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: Chybný název
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: Přístup odepřen
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: Adresa se již používá
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Neznámá chyba %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: Spojení bylo odmítnuto
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: Spojení bylo protější stranou uzavřeno
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: Neplatný název
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: Chyba při přístupu k socketu
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: Chyba socketu - potíže se zdrojem
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: Překročení času při operaci se socketem
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: Datagram je příliš veliký
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: Chyba spojení
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: Tato operace se socketem není podporována
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: Operace není povolena, když je socket v tomto stavu
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: Neznámá chyba
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Neznámá chyba %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: Přístup odepřen
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Při navázaném spojení došlo k dalšímu pokusu o spojení
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ Nepodařilo se přidělit objekt MYSQL
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ Nepodařilo se otevřít spojení s databází '%1'
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepodařilo se navázat spojení
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo spustit
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Nepodařilo se natáhnout žádná data
+ Unable to execute query
+ Dotaz se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to store result
+ Výsledek se nepodařilo uložit
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Další dotaz nelze provést
+ Unable to store next result
+ Další výsledek nelze uložit
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo připravit
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo znovu nastavit
+ Unable to bind value
+ Pro hodnotu se nepodařilo vytvořit vazbu
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Pro výstupní hodnoty se nepodařilo vytvořit vazbu
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Výsledky příkazu se nepodařilo uložit
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (Bez názvu)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Zmenšit
+ Maximize
+ Zvětšit
+ Unshade
+ Odvinout
+ Shade
+ Navinout
+ Restore Down
+ Obnovit menší
+ Restore
+ Obnovit
+ Close
+ Zavřít
+ Help
+ Nápověda
+ Menu
+ Nabídka
+ &Restore
+ &Obnovit
+ &Move
+ Po&sunout
+ &Size
+ Změnit &velikost
+ Mi&nimize
+ Zmen&šit
+ Ma&ximize
+ Zvě&tšit
+ Stay on &Top
+ Zůstat v &popředí
+ &Close
+ &Zavřít
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Ukázat podrobnosti...
+ Hide Details...
+ Skrýt podrobnosti...
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt je sadou softwarových nástrojů C++ určených pro víceplatformní vývoj aplikací.</p><p>Qt poskytuje snadnou přenositelnost a jednotný zdrojový kód pro většinu počítačových operačních systémů. Qt je rovněž dostupné pro vestavěný Linux a další vestavěn a mobilní operační systémy.</p><p>Qt je dostupné s třemi rozdílnými licencemi, aby vyhovělo širokým řadám našich uživatelů.</p><p>Qt s naší obchodní licenční smlouvou je vhodné pro vývoj soukromého/obchodního software, u kterého si nepřejete sdílet jakýkoli zdrojový kód se třetími stranami anebo z jiného důvodu nemůžete vyhovět podmínkám GNU LGPL ve verzi 2.1 nebo GNU GPL ve verzi 3.0.</p><p>Qt s licencí GNU LGPL ve verzi 3 je vhodné pro vývoj Qt aplikací za předpokladu, že můžete souhlasit s požadavky a podmínkami GNU LGPL verze 2.1.</p><p>Podívejte se, prosím, na <a href="http://%2/">%2</a>, kde najdete přehled licencování Qt.</p><p>Autorské právo (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd a/nebo její dceřinná(é) společnost(i) a další přispěvatelé.</p><p>Qt a logo Qt jsou obchodní značky Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt je vyvíjeno jako projekt s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem. Další informace najdete na <a href="http://%3/">%3</a>.</p>
+ OK
+ OK
+ Help
+ Nápověda
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>O Qt</h3><p>Tento program používá Qt-verze %1.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications where you wish to use such applications in combination with software subject to the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0 or where you are otherwise willing to comply with the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://qt.io/licensing/">qt.io/licensing</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>Qt is developed as an open source project on <a href="http://qt-project.org/">qt-project.org</a>.</p><p>Qt is a Digia product. See <a href="http://qt.io/">qt.io</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt je sadou softwarových nástrojů C++ určených pro víceplatformní vývoj aplikací.</p><p>Qt poskytuje snadnou přenositelnost a jednotný zdrojový kód pro MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux a všechny hlavní prodejní varianty systému Unix. Qt je rovněž dostupné pro vestavěná zařízení jako Qt pro Embedded Linux a Qt pro Windows CE.</p><p>Qt je dostupné s třemi rozdílnými licencemi, aby vyhovělo širokým řadám našich uživatelů.</p>Qt s naší obchodní licenční smlouvou je vhodné pro vývoj soukromého/obchodního software, u kterého si nepřejete sdílet jakýkoli zdrojový kód se třetími stranami anebo z jiného důvodu nemůžete vyhovět podmínkám GNU LGPL ve verzi 2.1 nebo GNU GPL ve verzi 3.0.</p><p>Qt s licencí GNU LGPL ve verzi 2.1 je vhodné pro vývoj Qt aplikací (soukromých nebo s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem) za předpokladu, že můžete souhlasit s požadavky a podmínkami GNU LGPL verze 2.1.</p><p>Qt s licencí GNU General Public License ve verzi 3.0 je vhodné pro vývoj aplikací Qt, u nichž si přejete použít takovou aplikaci ve spojení se software, který podléhá požadavkům GNU GPL ve verzi 3.0, nebo kde jste jinak ochotni souhlasit s podmínkami GNU GPL ve verzi 3.0.</p><p>Více informací najdete na <a href="http://qt.io/licensing/">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a>.</p><p>Autorské právo (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd a/nebo její dceřinná(é) společnost(i) a další přispěvatelé.</p><p>Qt a logo Qt jsou obchodní značky Digia Plc a/nebo její dceřinná(é) společnost(i).</p><p>Qt je vyvíjeno jako projekt s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem na <a href="http://qt-project.org/">qt-project.org</a>.</p><p>Qt je výrobkem společnosti Digia. Další informace najdete na <a href="http://qt.io/">qt.io</a>. href="http://qt.io/">qt.nokia.com</a>.</p>
+ About Qt
+ O Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Neblokující socket se nepodařilo spustit
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Socket pro vysílání se nepodařilo spustit
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Vyzkoušelo se použít IPv6 socket na systému bez podpory IPv6
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Vzdálený počítač uzavřel spojení
+ Network operation timed out
+ Časový limit pro síťovou operaci byl překročen
+ Out of resources
+ Nejsou dostupné žádné zdroje
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Nepodporovaná socket operace
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Protokol tohoto typu není podporován
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Neplatný deskriptor socketu
+ Host unreachable
+ Cílový počítač je nedosažitelný
+ Network unreachable
+ Síť je nedosažitelná
+ Permission denied
+ Přístup odepřen
+ Connection timed out
+ Časový limit pro spojení byl překročen
+ Connection refused
+ Spojení bylo odmítnuto
+ The bound address is already in use
+ Uvedená adresa se už používá
+ The address is not available
+ Adresa není dostupná
+ The address is protected
+ Adresa je chráněna
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Datagram byl pro odeslání příliš veliký
+ Unable to send a message
+ Nepodařilo se odeslat hlášení
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Zprávu se nepodařilo přijmout
+ Unable to write
+ Nepodařilo se zapsat
+ Network error
+ Síťová chyba
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Na tomto portu již naslouchá jiný socket
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operace mimo socket
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Tuto operaci nelze s tímto typem proxy provést
+ Temporary error
+ Dočasná chyba
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ Při restartování bylo síťové spojení přerušeno
+ Connection reset by peer
+ Spojení restartováno protějškem
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ %1 se nepodařilo otevřít
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ Neplatný URI: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Při zápisu do souboru %1: %2 nastala chyba
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Chyba socketu u %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ Vzdálený počítač předčasně ukončil spojení s %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Požadavek na otevření souboru přes síť %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ %1 se nepodařilo otevřít: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Při zápisu do souboru %1: %2 nastala chyba
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ %1 nelze otevřít: Jedná se o adresář
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Při čtení ze souboru %1 nastala chyba: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nepodařilo se najít žádný vhodný proxy server
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ %1 nelze otevřít: Jedná se o adresář
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Přihlášení do %1 se nezdařilo: Je požadována autentizace
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Při stahování %1 se vyskytla chyba: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Při nahrávání %1 se vyskytla chyba: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ Přístup k síti není dovolen.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2
+ Při stahování %1 se vyskytla chyba - Odpověď serveru je: %2
+ Background request not allowed.
+ Požadavek na pozadí nepovolen.
+ Network session error.
+ Chyba při spojení přes síť.
+ backend start error.
+ Chyba spuštění podpůrné vrstvy.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Síť dočasně vypadla.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Protokol "%1" není znám
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ Při přenosu %1 se vyskytla chyba - Odpověď serveru je: %2
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operace byla zrušena
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nepodařilo se najít žádný vhodný proxy server
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nepodařilo se najít žádný vhodný proxy server
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operace byla zrušena
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ Neplatné nastavení.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ Neznámá chyba při spojení přes síť.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ Spojení bylo zrušeno buď uživatelem nebo operačním systémem.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ Požadovaná operace není systémem podporována.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ Zadané nastavení nelze použít.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ Toulání se (roaming) bylo buď zrušeno, nebo zde není možné.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Spuštění se nezdařilo
+ Unable to logon
+ Přihlášení se nezdařilo
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo spustit
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Nepodařilo se spojit sloupec pro provedení příkazu dávkového zpracování
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Příkaz pro dávkové zpracování se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to goto next
+ Nelze jít k dalšímu prvku
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Přidělení příkazu se nepodařilo
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo připravit
+ Unable to get statement type
+ Nepodařilo se získat typ příkazu
+ Unable to bind value
+ Hodnotu se nepodařilo spojit
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo provést
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepodařilo se navázat spojení
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ Nepodařilo se navázat spojení, protože ovladač nutnou funkcionalitu plně nepodporuje
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ 'autocommit', automatické zapsání, se nepodařilo zastavit
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ 'autocommit' se nepodařilo povolit
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Poslední datový záznam se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' se nepodařilo nastavit jako příkaz vlastnosti . Ověřte, prosím, nastavení svého ODBC ovladače
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to fetch
+ Nepodařilo se natáhnout žádná data
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Další datový záznam se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ Unable to fetch first
+ První datový záznam se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ Předchozí datový záznam se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo spustit
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Proměnnou se nepodařilo provést
+ QObject
+ Could not read image data
+ Nepodařilo se přečíst data obrazu
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Postupné zařízení (např. socket - komunikační kanál) pro čtení obrazu nepodporováno
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ Vyhledání souboru/zařízení pro čtení obrazu se nezdařilo
+ Image mHeader read failed
+ Čtení mHeader obrazu se nezdařilo
+ Image type not supported
+ Typ obrazu nepodporován
+ Image dpeth not valid
+ Hloubka obrazu neplatná
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ Nepodařilo se vyhledat zápatí čtení obrazu
+ Could not read footer
+ Nepodařilo se přečíst zápatí
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ Typ obrazu (non-TrueVision 2.0) nepodporován
+ Could not reset to read data
+ Nepodařilo se nastavit znovu na čtení dat
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepodařilo se navázat spojení
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo spustit
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Registrace se nezdařila
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ Registraci se nepodařilo zrušit
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ Nepodařilo se vytvořit žádný dotaz
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo připravit
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Formulář
+ Paper
+ Papír
+ Page size:
+ Velikost stran:
+ Width:
+ Šířka:
+ Height:
+ Výška:
+ Paper source:
+ Zdroj papíru:
+ Orientation
+ Zaměření
+ Portrait
+ Formát na výšku
+ Landscape
+ Formát na šířku
+ Reverse landscape
+ Obrácený formát na šířku
+ Reverse portrait
+ Obrácený formát na výšku
+ Margins
+ Okraje
+ top margin
+ Horní okraj
+ left margin
+ Levý okraj
+ right margin
+ Pravý okraj
+ bottom margin
+ Dolní okraj
+ Centimeters (cm)
+ Centimetry (cm)
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Milimetry (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Palce (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Body (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Custom
+ Stanovený uživatelem
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ in
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ Page Layout
+ Rozvržení stran
+ Page order:
+ Pořadí stran:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ Stran na list:
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ Vlastní (%1 mm x %2 mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ Vlastní (%1 pt x %2 pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ Vlastní (%1 in x %2 in)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ Vlastní (%1 pc x %2 pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ Vlastní (%1 DD x %2 DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ Vlastní (%1 CC x %2 CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 in
+ A0
+ A0
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+ A2
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+ A4
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+ A5
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+ A6
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+ A7
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+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
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+ A10
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+ B0
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+ B4
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+ B6
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+ B7
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+ B8
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+ B9
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+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Legal
+ US Legal
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ Vlastní
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 malý
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
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+ JIS B0
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+ JIS B5
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+ JIS B6
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+ JIS B7
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+ JIS B8
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+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Legal Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Small
+ Letter malý
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Architect A
+ Architect A
+ Architect B
+ Architect B
+ Architect C
+ Architect C
+ Architect D
+ Architect D
+ Architect E
+ Architect E
+ Note
+ Note
+ Quarto
+ Kvartový formát
+ Statement
+ Statement
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Korespondenční lístek
+ Double Postcard
+ Dvojitý korespondenční lístek
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K velký
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold německý (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Fan-fold německý Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Envelope B4
+ Obálka B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Obálka B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Obálka B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Obálka C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Obálka C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Obálka C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Obálka C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Obálka C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Obálka C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Obálka C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Obálka C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Obálka C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Obálka DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Obálka US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Obálka US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Obálka US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Obálka US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Obálka US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Obálka Monarch
+ Envelope Personal
+ Obálka osobní
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Obálka růžička 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Obálka růžička 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Obálka pozvánka
+ Envelope Italian
+ Obálka italská
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Obálka Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Obálka Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Obálka PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Obálka PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Obálka PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Obálka PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Obálka PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Obálka PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Obálka PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Obálka PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Obálka PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Obálka PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ Obálka ty 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Uložit
+ Save All
+ Uložit vše
+ Open
+ Otevřít
+ &Yes
+ &Ano
+ Yes to &All
+ Ano, &vše
+ &No
+ &Ne
+ N&o to All
+ N&e, žádné
+ Abort
+ Zrušit
+ Retry
+ Opakovat
+ Ignore
+ Ignorovat
+ Close
+ Zavřít
+ Cancel
+ Zrušit
+ Discard
+ Zahodit
+ Help
+ Nápověda
+ Apply
+ Použít
+ Reset
+ Vrátit
+ Restore Defaults
+ Obnovit výchozí
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Přídavný modul nebyl nahrán.
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Tisk
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ C5E
+ C5E
+ Executive
+ US Executive
+ Folio
+ Folio
+ Ledger
+ US Ledger
+ Legal
+ US Legal
+ Letter
+ US Letter
+ Tabloid
+ US Tabloid
+ US Common #10 Envelope
+ US běžná #10 obálka
+ Custom
+ Stanovený uživatelem
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ Zleva doprava, shora dolů
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ Zleva doprava, zdola nahoru
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ Zprava doleva, zdola nahoru
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ Zprava doleva, shora dolů
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ Zdola nahoru, zleva doprava
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ Zdola nahoru, zprava doleva
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ Shora dolů, zleva doprava
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ Shora dolů, zprava doleva
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ Všechny strany
+ Odd Pages
+ Liché strany
+ Even Pages
+ Sudé strany
+ &Options >>
+ &Nastavení >>
+ &Print
+ &Tisk
+ &Options <<
+ &Nastavení <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Tisk do souboru (PDF)
+ Local file
+ Místní soubor
+ Write PDF file
+ Zapsat soubor PDF
+ Print To File ...
+ Tisk do souboru...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 je adresář.
+Zvolte, prosím, pro soubor jiný název.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Soubor %1 je chráněn proti zápisu.
+Zvolte, prosím, pro soubor jiný název.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ Soubor %1 již existuje.
+Má se přepsat?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ Volby 'Stran na list' a 'Sada stran' nelze použít zároveň.
+Vypněte, prosím, jednu z voleb.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ Údaj pro první stranu nesmí být větší než údaj pro poslední stranu.
+ OK
+ OK
+ Automatic
+ Automaticky
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Nastavení strany
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Náhled tisku
+ Next page
+ Další strana
+ Previous page
+ Předchozí strana
+ First page
+ První strana
+ Last page
+ Poslední strana
+ Fit width
+ Přizpůsobit šířku
+ Fit page
+ Přizpůsobit stranu
+ Zoom in
+ Zvětšit
+ Zoom out
+ Zmenšit
+ Portrait
+ Formát na výšku
+ Landscape
+ Formát na šířku
+ Show single page
+ Ukázat jednotlivé strany
+ Show facing pages
+ Ukázat strany ležící naproti
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Ukázat přehled všech stran
+ Print
+ Tisk
+ Page setup
+ Nastavení strany
+ Export to PDF
+ Exportovat do PDF
+ Export to PostScript
+ Exportovat do PostScriptu
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ Vlastnosti tiskárny
+ Job Options
+ Volby pro úlohy
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Formulář
+ Page
+ Strana
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Formulář
+ Copies
+ Počet exemplářů
+ Print range
+ Tisk oblasti
+ Print all
+ Tisknout vše
+ Pages from
+ Strany od
+ to
+ do
+ Current Page
+ Nynější strana
+ Selection
+ Výběr
+ Output Settings
+ Nastavení výstupu
+ Copies:
+ Počet exemplářů:
+ Collate
+ Srovnat
+ Reverse
+ Obrácený
+ Options
+ Volby
+ Color Mode
+ Barevný režim
+ Color
+ Barva
+ Grayscale
+ Odstíny šedi
+ Duplex Printing
+ Oboustranný tisk
+ None
+ Žádný
+ Long side
+ Dlouhá strana
+ Short side
+ Krátká strana
+ Page Set:
+ Sada stran:
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Formulář
+ Printer
+ Tiskárna
+ &Name:
+ &Název:
+ P&roperties
+ &Vlastnosti
+ Location:
+ Umístění:
+ Preview
+ Náhled
+ Type:
+ Typ:
+ Output &file:
+ Výstupní &soubor:
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Error reading from process
+ Čtení z procesu se nezdařilo
+ Error writing to process
+ Zápis do procesu se nezdařil
+ Process crashed
+ Proces spadl
+ Process failed to start
+ Spuštění procesu se nezdařilo
+ No program defined
+ Nestanoven žádný program
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Vstupní přesměrování se nepodařilo otevřít pro čtení
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Výstupní přesměrování se nepodařilo otevřít pro zápis
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Potíže se zdroji (selhání rozcestí - "fork failure"): %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ Překročení času u procesu
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ Proces se nepodařilo spustit: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Zrušit
+ QQnxFileDialogHelper
+ OK
+ OK
+ All files (*.*)
+ Všechny soubory (*.*)
+ QQnxFilePicker
+ Pick a file
+ Zvolte soubor
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ žádná chyba
+ disabled feature used
+ byla použita zakázaná vlastnost
+ bad char class syntax
+ nesprávná syntax pro třídu znaků
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ nesprávná syntax pro dopředný výrok (lookahead)
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ zpětné výroky (lookbehind) nejsou podporovány, viz QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ nesprávná syntax pro opakování
+ invalid octal value
+ neplatná osmičková hodnota
+ missing left delim
+ chybějící levý oddělovač
+ unexpected end
+ neočekávaný konec
+ met internal limit
+ dosažena vnitřní mez
+ invalid interval
+ neplatný interval
+ invalid category
+ neplatná kategorie
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ žádná chyba
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ na konci vzoru
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c na konci vzoru
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ Nerozpoznaný znak následuje \
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ operátor ?
+ Nesprávné pořadí čísel v kvantifikátoru {}
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ Příliš velké číslo v kvantifikátoru {}
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ Chybějící ukončení ] pro třídu znaků
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ Neplatná úniková posloupnost ve třídě znaků
+ range out of order in character class
+ Nesprávné pořadí mezí rozsahu ve třídě znaků
+ nothing to repeat
+ Nic k opakování
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ Vnitřní chyba: neočekávané opakování
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ Nerozpoznaný znak po (? nebo (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ Pojmenované třídy POSIX jsou podporovány jen uvnitř třídy
+ missing )
+ Chybí )
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ Odkaz na neexistující podvzor
+ erroffset passed as NULL
+ erroffset by předán jako NULL
+ unknown option bit(s) set
+ Nastavena neznámá volba
+ missing ) after comment
+ Chybí ) po poznámce
+ regular expression is too large
+ Regulární výraz je příliš velký
+ failed to get memory
+ Nepodařilo se získat paměť
+ unmatched parentheses
+ Nespářené závorky
+ internal error: code overflow
+ Vnitřní chyba: přetečení kódu
+ unrecognized character after (?<
+ Nerozpoznaný znak po (?<
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ Zpětný výrok (lookbehind) není pevné délky
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ Chybné číslo nebo název po (?(
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ Závislá skupina obsahuje více než dvě větve
+ assertion expected after (?(
+ Výrok očekáván po (?(
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ Číslice (?R nebo (?[+-] musí následovat )
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ Neznámý název třídy POSIX
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ collating ?
+ Prvky řazení POSIXu nejsou podporovány
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support
+ Tato verze PCRE není sestavena s podporou PCRE_UTF8
+ character value in \x{...} sequence is too large
+ Hodnota znaku v sekvenci \x{...} je příliš velká
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ Neplatná podmínka (?(0)
+ \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
+ \C nepovoleno v tvrzení zpětného výroku (lookbehind)
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE nepodporuje \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, nebo \u
+ number after (?C is > 255
+ Číslo po (?C je > 255
+ closing ) for (?C expected
+ Očekávána uzavírající ) pro (?C
+ recursive call could loop indefinitely
+ Rekurzivní volání by mohlo zůstat ve smyčce neurčitě dlouho
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ Nerozpoznaný znak po (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ Chyba ve skladbě názvu podvzoru (chybějící ukončení)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name
+ Dva pojmenované podvzory mají stejný název
+ invalid UTF-8 string
+ Neplatný řetězec UTF-8
+ support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled
+ Qt bylo sestaveno bez podpory pro \P, \p a \X
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ Chybně utvořená sekvence \P nebo \p
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ Neznámý název vlastnosti po \P nebo \p
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)
+ Název podvzoru je příliš dlouhý (nejvíce může mít 32 znaků)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)
+ Příliš mnoho pojmenovaných podvzorů (nejvíce je 10000)
+ octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)
+ Osmičková hodnota je větší než \377 (ne v režimu UTF-8)
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ Vnitřní chyba: Přeběh při sestavování
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ Vnitřní chyba: Předtím načtený odkazovaný podvzor nenalezen
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ Skupina DEFINE obsahuje více než jednu větev
+ repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
+ Opakování skupiny DEFINE není povoleno
+ inconsistent NEWLINE options
+ Nekonzistentní volby NEWLINE
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ \g není následováno názvem/číslem ve složených či špičatých závorkách anebo uvozovkách, ani prostým číslem
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ Číslovaný odkaz nesmí být nulový
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ Argument není povolen pro (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), nebo (*COMMIT)
+ (*VERB) not recognized
+ (*VERB) nerozpoznán
+ number is too big
+ Číslo je příliš velké
+ subpattern name expected
+ Očekáván název podvzoru
+ digit expected after (?+
+ Po (?+ očekávána číslice
+ ] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode
+ ] je neplatný datový znak v režimu kompatibility JavaScriptu
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ Odlišné názvy podvzorů téhož čísla nejsou povoleny
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) musí mít argument
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support
+ Tato verze PCRE není sestavena s podporou PCRE_UCP
+ \c must be followed by an ASCII character
+ \c musí být následováno znakem ASCII
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ \k není následováno názvem ve složených či špičatých závorkách anebo uvozovkách
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ Vnitřní chyba: neznámý opcode v find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N není ve třídě podporováno
+ too many forward references
+ Příliš mnoho dopředných odkazů
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ Nedovolený kódový bod Unicode (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ invalid UTF-16 string
+ Neplatný řetězec UTF-16
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ Název je příliš dlouhý v (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), nebo (*THEN)
+ character value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ Hodnota znaku v sekvenci \u.... je příliš velká
+ invalid UTF-32 string
+ Neplatný řetězec UTF-32
+ setting UTF is disabled by the application
+ Nastavení UTF je zakázáno programem
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ \x{} obsahuje znak, který není šestnáctkovým (hexadecimálním) číslem (chybí uzavírající závorky?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ \x{} obsahuje znak, který není osmičkovým (oktalovým) číslem (chybí uzavírající závorky?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ Chybí otevírající závorka po \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ Příliš hluboko zanořené závorky
+ invalid range in character class
+ Neplatný rozsah ve třídě znaků
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ Název skupiny nesmí začínat číslem
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ Příliš hluboko zanořené závorky(kontrola zásobníku)
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ Chybí číslice v \x{} nebo \o{}
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Nepodařilo se otevřít spojení s databází
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo spustit
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Výsledek se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo provést
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Nepodařilo se otevřít spojení s databází
+ Error closing database
+ Nepodařilo se uzavřít spojení s datatabází
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo spustit
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo zapsat
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Transakci se nepodařilo vrátit
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Řádek se nepodařilo natáhnout
+ No query
+ Žádný požadavek
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ Více příkazů naráz se nepodařilo provést
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Příkaz se nepodařilo znovu nastavit
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Parametry se nepodařilo spojit
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Počet parametrů není správný
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ Stávající soubor %1 není zapisovatelný
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ Název souboru označuje adresář
+ Writing canceled by application
+ Zápis zrušen programem
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Projíždět až sem
+ Left edge
+ Levý okraj
+ Top
+ Začátek
+ Right edge
+ Pravý okraj
+ Bottom
+ Konec
+ Page left
+ O stranu doleva
+ Page up
+ O stranu nahoru
+ Page right
+ O stranu doprava
+ Page down
+ O stranu dolů
+ Scroll left
+ Projíždět doleva
+ Scroll up
+ Projíždět nahoru
+ Scroll right
+ Projíždět doprava
+ Scroll down
+ Projíždět dolů
+ QSctpSocket
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Vzdálený počítač uzavřel spojení
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: Nepodařilo se nastavit klíč při uzamknutí
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: Údaj o velikosti vytvoření je menší než nula
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: Uzamknutí nelze provést
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: Odemknutí nelze provést
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: Přístup odepřen
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: Již existuje
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: Neexistuje
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: Nejsou již použitelné zdroje
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: Neznámá chyba %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: Neplatný údaj u klíče (prázdný)
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: Neplatný název
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: Soubor s unixovým klíčem neexistuje
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: Vyvolání ftok se nezdařilo
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: Nepodařilo se vytvořit klíč
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: Bylo dosaženo systémem podmíněné meze velikosti
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: Nepřipojen
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: Neplatná velikost
+ %1: key error
+ %1: Chybný klíč
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: Vyhledání velikosti se nezdařilo
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Mezerník
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Zpět-Tab
+ Backspace
+ Backspace
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Insert
+ Del
+ Delete
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Print
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Home
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ Vlevo
+ Up
+ Nahoru
+ Right
+ Vpravo
+ Down
+ Dolů
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ CapsLock
+ NumLock
+ NumLock
+ ScrollLock
+ ScrollLock
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ Help
+ Nápověda
+ Back
+ Zpět
+ Forward
+ Dopředu
+ Stop
+ Stop
+ Refresh
+ Obnovit
+ Volume Down
+ Hlasitost -
+ Volume Mute
+ Ztlumit hlasitost
+ Volume Up
+ Hlasitost +
+ Bass Boost
+ Zesílení basů
+ Bass Up
+ Basy +
+ Bass Down
+ Basy -
+ Treble Up
+ Výšky +
+ Treble Down
+ Výšky -
+ Media Play
+ Přehrávání
+ Media Stop
+ Zastavit přehrávání
+ Media Previous
+ Předchozí
+ Media Next
+ Další
+ Media Record
+ Nahrát
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Pozastavení přehrávání
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Přepnout přehrávat/pozastavit
+ Home Page
+ Domovská stránka
+ Favorites
+ Oblíbené
+ Search
+ Hledat
+ Standby
+ V pohotovosti
+ Open URL
+ Otevřít URL
+ Launch Mail
+ Spustit e-mail
+ Launch Media
+ Spustit přehrávač
+ Launch (0)
+ Spustit (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Spustit (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Spustit (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Spustit (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Spustit (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Spustit (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Spustit (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Spustit (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Spustit (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Spustit (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Spustit (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Spustit (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Spustit (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Spustit (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Spustit (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Spustit (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Zvýšit jas obrazovky
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Snížit jas obrazovky
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Zapnout/Vypnout podsvícení klávesnice
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Zvýšit jas klávesnice
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Snížit jas klávesnice
+ Power Off
+ Vypnout
+ Wake Up
+ Probudit
+ Eject
+ Vysunout
+ Screensaver
+ Spořič/Šetřič obrazovky
+ Internet
+ Sleep
+ Režim spánku
+ LightBulb
+ Osvětlení
+ Shop
+ Obchod
+ History
+ Průběh
+ Add Favorite
+ Přidat záložku
+ Hot Links
+ Doporučené odkazy
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Upravit jas
+ Finance
+ Finance
+ Community
+ Společenství
+ Audio Rewind
+ Zvuk přetočit zpět
+ Back Forward
+ Zpět dopředu
+ Application Left
+ Aplikace vlevo
+ Application Right
+ Aplikace vpravo
+ Book
+ Kniha
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Kalkulačka
+ Clear
+ Smazat
+ Clear Grab
+ Smazat přístup
+ Close
+ Zavřít
+ Copy
+ Kopírovat
+ Cut
+ Vyjmout
+ Display
+ Zobrazit
+ Documents
+ Dokumenty
+ Spreadsheet
+ Tabulkový dokument
+ Browser
+ Prohlížeč
+ Game
+ Hra
+ Go
+ Do toho
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Odhlásit se
+ Market
+ Trh
+ Meeting
+ Setkání
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Nabídka klávesnice
+ Menu PB
+ Nabídka PB
+ My Sites
+ Moje místa
+ News
+ Zprávy
+ Home Office
+ Domácí kancelář
+ Option
+ Volba
+ Paste
+ Vložit
+ Phone
+ Telefon
+ Reply
+ Odpovědět
+ Reload
+ Nahrát znovu
+ Rotate Windows
+ Otáčet okny
+ Rotation PB
+ Otáčení PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Otáčení KB
+ Save
+ Uložit
+ Send
+ Poslat
+ Spellchecker
+ Ověření pravopisu
+ Split Screen
+ Rozdělit obrazovku
+ Support
+ Podpora
+ Task Panel
+ Panel s úkoly
+ Terminal
+ Terminál
+ Tools
+ Nástroje
+ Travel
+ Cestování
+ Video
+ Video
+ Word Processor
+ Zpracování textu
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Přiblížit
+ Zoom Out
+ Oddálit
+ Away
+ Pryč
+ Messenger
+ Posel
+ WebCam
+ Internetová kamera
+ Mail Forward
+ Předání dál
+ Pictures
+ Obrázky
+ Music
+ Hudba
+ Battery
+ Baterie
+ Bluetooth
+ Modrozub
+ Wireless
+ Bezdrát
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Ultra široké pásmo
+ Audio Forward
+ Zvuk přetočit dopředu
+ Audio Repeat
+ Opakovat zvuk
+ Audio Random Play
+ Zvuk přehrávat náhodně
+ Subtitle
+ Titulky
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Změnit zvukovou stopu
+ Time
+ Čas
+ Select
+ Vybrat
+ View
+ Pohled
+ Top Menu
+ Pruh nabídky
+ Suspend
+ Uspat
+ Hibernate
+ Hibernovat
+ Media Rewind
+ Přetočit médium zpět
+ Media Fast Forward
+ Přetočit médium vpřed
+ Power Down
+ Vypnout
+ Microphone Mute
+ Ztlumit mikrofon
+ Red
+ Červená
+ Green
+ Zelená
+ Yellow
+ Žlutá
+ Blue
+ Modrá
+ Channel Up
+ Další kanál
+ Channel Down
+ Předchozí kanál
+ Guide
+ Návod
+ Info
+ Informace
+ Settings
+ Nastavení
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ Mikrofon hlasitěji
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ Mikrofon slaběji
+ New
+ Nový
+ Open
+ Otevřít
+ Find
+ Najít
+ Undo
+ Zpět
+ Redo
+ Znovu
+ Print Screen
+ Print Screen
+ Page Up
+ Page Up
+ Page Down
+ Obraz dolů
+ Caps Lock
+ Caps Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Zahlen-Feststelltaste
+ Scroll Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Insert
+ Insert
+ Delete
+ Delete
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ Žádost systému
+ Yes
+ Ano
+ No
+ Ne
+ Context1
+ Kontext1
+ Context2
+ Kontext2
+ Context3
+ Kontext3
+ Context4
+ Kontext4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Volání
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Zavěsit
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Přepnout volat/zavěsit
+ Flip
+ Obrátit
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Hlasové vytáčení
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Opakované vytáčení posledního čísla
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Závěrka kamery
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Zaostření kamery
+ Kanji
+ Kandži
+ Muhenkan
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Rómadži
+ Hiragana
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Zámek
+ Kana Shift
+ Kana Posun
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu Posun
+ Eisu toggle
+ Eisu Přepínač
+ Code input
+ Vstup pro kód
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Více návrhů
+ Previous Candidate
+ Předchozí návrh
+ Hangul
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangul začátek
+ Hangul End
+ Hangul konec
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Hangul zvláštní
+ Cancel
+ Zrušit
+ Printer
+ Tiskárna
+ Execute
+ Provést
+ Play
+ Přehrát
+ Zoom
+ Zvětšení
+ Exit
+ Ukončit
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ Přepínač vstupního zařízení (touchpad)
+ Touchpad On
+ Vstupní zařízení (touchpad) zapnuto
+ Touchpad Off
+ Vstupní zařízení (touchpad) vypnuto
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ Num
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Proxy server odmítl navázání spojení
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ Proxy server předčasně ukončil spojení
+ Proxy host not found
+ Proxy server se nepodařilo najit
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Při spojení s proxy serverem byl překročen časový limit
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Autentizace u proxy serveru se nezdařila
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ Autentizace u proxy serveru se nezdařila: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ Chyba protokolu (SOCKS verze 5)
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Všeobecná chyba při spojení s SOCKSv5 serverem
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ SOCKSv5 server odmítl spojení
+ TTL expired
+ Síť není dosažitelná
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ Tento SOCKSv5 příkaz není podporován
+ Address type not supported
+ Tento typ adresy není podporován
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Byl obdržen neznámý chybový kód od SOCKSv5 proxy serveru: 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ Časový limit pro síťovou operaci byl překročen
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ Neplatná role
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Titulkový pruh
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Pruh nabídky
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Posuvník
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ Úchop
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Zvuk
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Ukazovátko myši
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Vsuvka pro text
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Oznámení
+ window
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Okno
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Plnič
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Vyskakovací nabídka
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Položka v nabídce
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Nástrojová rada
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Program
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Dokument
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Panel
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Graf
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Dialog
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ Rámeček
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Oddělovač
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Nástrojový pruh
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Stavový řádek
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Tabulka
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Záhlaví sloupce
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Záhlaví řádku
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Sloupec
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Řádek
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Buňka
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Odkaz
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Bublinová nápověda
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ Pomocník
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Seznam
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Položka seznamu
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Strom
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Položka stromu
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Karta strany
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Strana vlastnosti
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Ukazatel
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Grafika
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Textové pole
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Text
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Tlačítko
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Zaškrtávací pole
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Přepínač
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Rozbalovací seznam
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Ukazatel postupu
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Číselník
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Pole s klávesovou zkratkou
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Posuvník
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Přírůstkové pole
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Plátno
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Animace
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Rovnice
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Tlačítko, které rozbalí okno
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Tlačítko s nabídkou
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ Tlačítko, které rozbalí okno, jež ukazuje mřížku
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ Prázdný prostor
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Seznam karet stran
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Hodiny
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Dělitel oken
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Panel s více vrstvami
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Webový dokument
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Odstavec
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Část
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Výběr barvy
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Zápatí
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Formulář
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Nadpis
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Poznámka
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Doplňující obsah
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Neznámý
+ QSslDiffieHellmanParameter
+ No error
+ Žádná chyba
+ Invalid input data
+ Neplatná vstupní data
+ The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafe
+ Zadané parametry Diffie-Hellman jsou považovány za nebezpečné
+ QSslSocket
+ No error
+ Žádná chyba
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ Osvědčení od vydavatele se nepodařilo nalézt
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ Podpis osvědčení se nepodařilo rozluštit
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ Veřejný klíč v osvědčení se nepodařilo přečíst
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ Podpis osvědčení je neplatný
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ Osvědčení ještě není platné
+ The certificate has expired
+ Platnost osvědčení uplynula
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ Pole osvědčení 'notBefore' obsahuje neplatný čas
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ Pole osvědčení 'notAfter' obsahuje neplatný čas
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Osvědčení je podepsáno samo sebou, a proto není důvěryhodné
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Kořenové osvědčení řetězce osvědčení je podepsáno samo sebou, a proto není důvěryhodné
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ Osvědčení od vydavatele místně nalezeného osvědčení se nepodařilo najít
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Žádný z osvědčení se nepodařilo ověřit
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ Jedno z osvědčení osvědčovacího místa (CA) je neplatné
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ Délka cesty 'basicConstraints'byla překročena
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ Poskytnuté osvědčení nelze v tomto případě použít; není vhodné pro tento účel
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ Kořenové osvědčení osvědčovacího místa není pro tento případ důvěryhodné
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ Kořenové osvědčení osvědčovacího místa odmítá tento případ na základě zvláštního označení
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ Osvědčení sledovaného vydavatele bylo odmítnuto, protože jeho předmětný název neodpovídá názvu vydavatele současného osvědčení
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ Osvědčení sledovaného vydavatele bylo odmítnuto, protože název vydavatele a sériové číslo jsou přítomny a neodpovídají identifikátoru osvědčovacího místa současného osvědčení
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ Protější místo neudalo žádné osvědčení
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ Název hostitelského počítače neodpovídá žádnému z hostitelů platných pro toto osvědčení, kteří jsou na seznamu
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ Osvědčení protějšího místa je na černé listině
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ Chyba při nastavování elipsovitých křivek (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Nepodařilo se vytvořit žádný kontext SSL (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ Nepodporovaný protokol
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Neplatný či prázdný seznam se šifrovacími klíči (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Bez klíče nelze poskytnout žádné osvědčení k volnému použití, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Nepodařilo se nahrát místní osvědčení, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Soukromý klíč se nepodařilo nahrát, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ Soukromý klíč nedosvědčuje veřejný klíč, %1
+ Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid
+ Parametry Diffie-Hellman nejsou platné
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ Používaná verze OpenSSL je příliš stará. Je potřeba verze 1.0.2 nebo novější
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Nepodařilo se vytvořit sezení SSL, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Nepodařilo se vytvořit sezení SSL: %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ Nelze inicializovat SSL Context: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Data se nepodařilo zapsat: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ Data se nepodařilo rozluštit: %1
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ Spojení TLS/SSL bylo zavřeno
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Při čtení se vyskytla chyba: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Během startu SSL protokolu se vyskytla chyba: %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ Desktop
+ Documents
+ Dokumenty
+ Fonts
+ Písma
+ Applications
+ Programy
+ Music
+ Hudba
+ Movies
+ Filmy
+ Pictures
+ Obrázky
+ Temporary Directory
+ Dočasný adresář
+ Home
+ Home
+ Application Data
+ Data aplikací
+ Application Configuration
+ Nastavení programu
+ Cache
+ Vyrovnávací paměť
+ Shared Data
+ Sdílená data
+ Runtime
+ Běhový čas
+ Configuration
+ Nastavení
+ Shared Configuration
+ Sdílené nastavení
+ Shared Cache
+ Sdílená vyrovnávací paměť
+ Download
+ Stahování
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ Chybí počáteční stav složeného stavu '%1'
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ Chybí výchozí stav ve vývoji stavu '%1'
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ Cíl a zdroj přechodu ze stavu '%1' nemají žádný společný původ
+ Unknown error
+ Neznámá chyba
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: Přístup odepřen
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: Již existuje
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: Neexistuje
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: Nejsou již použitelné zdroje
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: Neznámá chyba %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Nepodařilo se otevřít spojení s databází
+ Unable to use database
+ Databázi se nepodařilo použít
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Projíždět doleva
+ Scroll Right
+ Projíždět doprava
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Tato socket operace není podporována
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ Nepodařilo se přečíst data obrazu
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Postupné zařízení (např. socket - komunikační kanál) pro čtení obrazu nepodporováno
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ Vyhledání souboru/zařízení pro čtení obrazu se nezdařilo
+ Image header read failed
+ Nepodařilo se přečíst hlavičku obrazu
+ Image type not supported
+ Typ obrazu nepodporován
+ Image depth not valid
+ Hloubka obrazu nepodporována
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ Nepodařilo se vyhledat zápatí čtení obrazu
+ Could not read footer
+ Nepodařilo se přečíst zápatí
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ Typ obrazu (non-TrueVision 2.0) nepodporován
+ Could not reset to read data
+ Nepodařilo se nastavit znovu na čtení dat
+ QUdpSocket
+ Unable to send a datagram
+ Nepodařilo se odeslat datové schéma
+ No datagram available for reading
+ Žádné datové schéma dostupné pro čtení
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ Zpět %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Zpět
+ Redo %1
+ Znovu %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Znovu
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <prázdný>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ Zpět %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Zpět
+ Redo %1
+ Znovu %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Znovu
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM Značka zleva doprava
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Značka zprava doleva
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Nulová mezera spojovací
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Nulová mezera nespojovací
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Nulová mezera
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Začátek vložení zleva doprava
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Začátek vložení zprava doleva
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Začátek přepsání zleva doprava
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Začátek přepsání zprava doleva
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Konec vložení/přepsání směru
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI zleva doprava oddělit
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI zprava doleva oddělit
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ FSI první silný oddělit
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ PDI Pop směrově oddělit
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Vložit kontrolní znak Unicode
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Co je toto?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Zpět
+ &Redo
+ &Znovu
+ Cu&t
+ Vyj&mout
+ &Copy
+ &Kopírovat
+ Copy &Link Location
+ &Kopírovat adresu odkazu
+ &Paste
+ &Vložit
+ Delete
+ Smazat
+ Select All
+ Vybrat vše
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Qt nemůže nahrát přídavný modul platformy direct2d, protože verze Direct2D na tomto systému je příliš stará. Nejmenší systémový požadavek na přídavný modul pro tuto platformu je Windows 7 SP1 s Platform Update.
+Nejnižší požadovaná verze Direct2D je %1.%2.%3.%4. Verze Direct2D nainstalovaná na tomto systému je %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ Nelze nahrát přídavný modul platformy direct2d
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Jít zpět
+ < &Back
+ < &Zpět
+ Continue
+ Pokračovat
+ &Next
+ &Další
+ &Next >
+ &Další >
+ Commit
+ Použít
+ Done
+ Hotovo
+ &Finish
+ Do&končit
+ Cancel
+ Zrušit
+ Help
+ Nápověda
+ &Help
+ &Nápověda
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ žádná chyba
+ error triggered by consumer
+ chyba spuštěná spotřebitelem
+ unexpected end of file
+ neočekávaný konec souboru
+ more than one document type definition
+ více definicí typu dokumentu
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ při vyhodnocení prvku se vyskytla chyba
+ tag mismatch
+ Značky prvků nejsou vkládány správně
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ při vyhodnocení obsahu se vyskytla chyba
+ unexpected character
+ neočekávaný znak
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ neplatný název pro pokyn pro zpracování
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ chybějící verze při čtení deklarace XML
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ nesprávná hodnota vlastnosti standalone
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ chybějící deklarace kódování nebo deklarace samostatnosti při čtení deklarace XML
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ chybějící deklarace samostatnosti při čtení deklarace XML
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ při vyhodnocení definice typu dokumentu se vyskytla chyba
+ letter is expected
+ na tomto místě je potřeba písmeno
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ při vyhodnocení poznámky se vyskytla chyba
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ při vyhodnocení odkazu se vyskytla chyba
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ v DTD nejsou dovoleny žádné odkazy na vnitřní obecnou entitu
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ v hodnotě vlastnosti nejsou dovoleny žádné odkazy na vnější obecnou entitu
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ v DTD nejsou dovoleny žádné odkazy na vnější obecnou entitu
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ používán nevyhodnocený odkaz na entitu v nesprávné souvislosti
+ recursive entities
+ rekurzivní entity
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ Chyba v deklaraci textu vnější entity
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Přebytečný obsah za koncem dokumentu.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Neplatná hodnota entity.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Neplatný znak XML.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Sled znaků ']]>' není v obsahu povolen.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Byl nalezen obsah s neplatným kódováním.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Předpona jmenného prostoru '%1' nebyla prohlášena
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Neplatná deklarace jmenného prostoru.
+ Attribute redefined.
+ Vlastnost byla nově vymezena.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ Vlastnost '%1' nově vymezena.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ '%1' není platným znakem v údaji veřejného id, který je tvořen písmeny.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Neplatný údaj o verzi XML.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ Tato verze XML není podporována.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ Pseudovlastnost standalone musí následovat bezprostředně po kódování.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 není platným názvem pro kódování.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ Kódování %1 není podporováno
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Hodnota pro vlastnost standalone může být pouze "ano" nebo "ne".
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Deklarace XML obsahuje neplatnou vlastnost.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Předčasný konec dokumentu.
+ Invalid document.
+ Neplatný dokument.
+ Expected
+ Bylo
+ , but got '
+ očekáváno, namísto toho obdrženo '
+ Unexpected '
+ Na tomto místě neplatný '
+ Expected character data.
+ Byly očekávány údaje o znacích.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Byla zjištěna rekurzivní entita.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Očekáván otevírající prvek.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ Deklarace parametrické entity nesmí obsahovat NDATA.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ Deklarace XML se nenachází na začátku dokumentu.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 není platným názvem pokynu pro zpracování.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Název pokynu pro zpracování je neplatný.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 není platným údajem VEŘEJNÉHO identifikátoru (id).
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Neplatný název XML.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Počet otevírajících prvků neodpovídá počtu zavírajících prvků.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Entita '%1' není prohlášena.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Odkaz na nevyhodnocenou entitu '%1'.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ V hodnotě vlastnosti byla odkazována entita '%1'.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Odkaz na neplatný znak.
+ QtAndroidDialogHelpers::QAndroidPlatformMessageDialogHelper
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Uložit
+ Open
+ Otevřít
+ Cancel
+ Zrušit
+ Close
+ Zavřít
+ Apply
+ Použít
+ Reset
+ Nastavit znovu
+ Help
+ Nápověda
+ Discard
+ Zahodit změny
+ Yes
+ Ano
+ Yes to All
+ Ano, vše
+ No
+ Ne
+ No to All
+ Ne, žádné
+ Save All
+ Uložit vše
+ Abort
+ Zrušit
+ Retry
+ Opakovat
+ Ignore
+ Ignorovat
+ Restore Defaults
+ Obnovit výchozí
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_da.ts b/localization/qtbase_da.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f4db83c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_da.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7105 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Luk faneblad
+ Services
+ Tjenester
+ Hide %1
+ Skjul %1
+ Hide Others
+ Skjul andre
+ Show All
+ Vis alle
+ Preferences...
+ Præferencer...
+ Quit %1
+ Afslut %1
+ About %1
+ Om %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Socket-handlingen fik timeout
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Handling på socket understøttes ikke
+ Host not found
+ Værten blev ikke fundet
+ Connection refused
+ Forbindelsen blev afvist
+ Connection timed out
+ Forbindelsen fik timeout
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Prøver at oprette forbindelse mens forbindelse er under oprettelse
+ Socket is not connected
+ Socket er ikke forbundet
+ Network unreachable
+ Netværket kan ikke tilgås
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ &Markér alt
+ &Step up
+ &Trin op
+ Step &down
+ Trin &ned
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ Tryk på
+ Increase
+ Forøg
+ Decrease
+ Formindsk
+ ShowMenu
+ Vis menu
+ SetFocus
+ SætFokus
+ Toggle
+ Til/fra
+ Scroll Left
+ Rul til venstre
+ Scroll Right
+ Rul til højre
+ Scroll Up
+ Rul op
+ Scroll Down
+ Rul ned
+ Previous Page
+ Forrige side
+ Next Page
+ Næste side
+ Triggers the action
+ Udløser handlingen
+ Increase the value
+ Forøg værdien
+ Decrease the value
+ Formindsk værdien
+ Shows the menu
+ Viser menuen
+ Sets the focus
+ Sæt fokussen
+ Toggles the state
+ Slår tilstanden til/fra
+ Scrolls to the left
+ Ruller til venstre
+ Scrolls to the right
+ Ruller til højre
+ Scrolls up
+ Ruller op
+ Scrolls down
+ Ruller ned
+ Goes back a page
+ Går en side tilbage
+ Goes to the next page
+ Går til den næste side
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ Yes to All
+ Ja til alle
+ No
+ Nej
+ No to All
+ Nej til alle
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ Eksekverbar '%1' kræver Qt %2, fandt Qt %3.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Fejl om inkompatibelt Qt-bibliotek
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ Om Qt
+ About
+ Om
+ Config
+ Konfig
+ Preference
+ Præference
+ Options
+ Valgmuligheder
+ Setting
+ Indstilling
+ Setup
+ Opsætning
+ Quit
+ Afslut
+ Exit
+ Afslut
+ Cut
+ Klip
+ Copy
+ Kopiér
+ Paste
+ Sæt ind
+ Select All
+ Markér alt
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ Gem ikke
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ Farveton&e:
+ &Sat:
+ &Mætning:
+ &Val:
+ &Værdi:
+ &Red:
+ &Rød:
+ &Green:
+ &Grøn:
+ Bl&ue:
+ Bl&å:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Al&fa-kanal:
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Markør ved %1, %2
+Tryk på ESC for at annullere
+ Select Color
+ Vælg farve
+ &Basic colors
+ &Grundlæggende farver
+ &Custom colors
+ &Brugerdefineret farver
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Føj til brugerdefineret farver
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ &Vælg farve på skærmen
+ QComboBox
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ Åbn komboboksens valg-pop op
+ False
+ Falsk
+ True
+ Sand
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Viser versionsinformation.
+ Displays this help.
+ Viser denne hjælp.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Ukendt valgmulighed '%1'.
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Ukendte valgmuligheder: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Manglende værdi efter '%1'.
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ Uventet værdi efter '%1'.
+ [options]
+ [valgmuligheder]
+ Usage: %1
+ Brug: %1
+ Options:
+ Valgmuligheder:
+ Arguments:
+ Argumenter:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: nøglen er tom
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: kunne ikke lave nøglen
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: ftok fejlede
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ Job
+ Job Control
+ Jobstyring
+ Scheduled printing:
+ Planlagt udskrivning:
+ Billing information:
+ Betalingsinformation:
+ Job priority:
+ Jobprioritet:
+ Banner Pages
+ Bannersider
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ Slut:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ Start:
+ Print Immediately
+ Udskriv med det samme
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ Hold på ubestemt tid
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Dag (06:00 til 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Nat (18:00 til 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Andet skiftehold (16:00 til 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Tredje skiftehold (00:00 til 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ Weekend (lørdag til søndag)
+ Specific Time
+ Bestemt tid
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Intet
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Standard
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Uklassificeret
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Fortroligt
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Klassificeret
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Hemmeligt
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Top hemmeligt
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Kunne ikke sætte auto-gennemfør
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere udsagn
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunne ikke forberede udsagn
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Kunne ikke binde variablen
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Kunne ikke hente record'en %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Kunne ikke hente næste
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Kunne ikke hente første
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ Hvad er det?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Navn
+ Size
+ Størrelse
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Type
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Type
+ Date Modified
+ Ændringsdato
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ Handlingen blev annulleret
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ IPv6-adresser for navneservere understøttes ikke på nuværende tidspunkt
+ Invalid domain name
+ Ugyldigt domænenavn
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ Endnu ikke understøttet på Android
+ Resolver functions not found
+ Løser-funktioner ikke fundet
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ Løser initialisering fejlede
+ Server could not process query
+ Serveren kunne ikke behandle forespørgsel
+ Server failure
+ Serverfejl
+ Non existent domain
+ Ikke eksisterende domæne
+ Server refused to answer
+ Serveren nægtede at svare
+ Invalid reply received
+ Ugyldigt svar modtaget
+ Could not expand domain name
+ Kunne ikke udvide domænenavn
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ Ugyldig IPv4-adresse-record
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ Ugyldig IPv6-adresse-record
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ Ugyldig kanonisk navn-record
+ Invalid name server record
+ Ugyldig navneserver-record
+ Invalid pointer record
+ Ugyldig pointer-record
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ Ugyldig mail exchange-record
+ Invalid service record
+ Ugyldig service-record
+ Invalid text record
+ Ugyldig tekst-record
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ Løser-bibliotek kan ikke indlæses: ingen understøttelse af rumtime-bibliotek indlæsning
+ No hostname given
+ Intet værtsnavn givet
+ Invalid hostname
+ Ugyldigt værtsnavn
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ Værten %1 kunne ikke findes.
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ Flyd
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ Frigør og gentilkobler dok-widget'en
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ Luk
+ Closes the dock widget
+ Lukker dok-widget'en
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Fejlretningsmeddelelse:
+ Warning:
+ Advarsel:
+ Critical Error:
+ Kritisk fejl:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Fatal fejl:
+ Information:
+ Information:
+ &Show this message again
+ &Vis denne meddelelse igen
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ Destinationsfilen er den samme fil.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ Kildefilen findes ikke.
+ Destination file exists
+ Destinationsfilen findes
+ Error while renaming: %1
+ Fejl under omdøbning: %1
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ Kunne ikke genskabe fra %1: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ Vil ikke omdøbe fortløbende fil ved brug af blokkopiering
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Kan ikke fjerne kildefilen
+ Cannot open destination file: %1
+ Kan ikke åbne destinationsfilen: %1
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ Kan ikke åbne %1 for input
+ Cannot open for output
+ Kan ikke åbne for output
+ Failure to write block
+ Kunne ikke skrive blok
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ Kan ikke oprette %1 for output
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ Ingen tilgængelig fil-motor eller motor understøtter ikke UnMapExtension
+ No file engine available
+ Ingen tilgængelig fil-motor
+ QFileDialog
+ All Files (*)
+ Alle filer (*)
+ Look in:
+ Kig i:
+ Back
+ Tilbage
+ Go back
+ Gå tilbage
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Venstre
+ Forward
+ Frem
+ Go forward
+ Gå fremad
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Højre
+ Parent Directory
+ Ovenliggende mappe
+ Go to the parent directory
+ Gå til den overliggende mappe
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Op
+ Create New Folder
+ Opret ny mappe
+ Create a New Folder
+ Opret en ny mappe
+ List View
+ Listevisning
+ Change to list view mode
+ Skift til listevisningstilstand
+ Detail View
+ Detaljeret visning
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Skift til detaljeret visningstilstand
+ Sidebar
+ Sidebjælke
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ Liste med steder og bogmærker
+ Files
+ Filer
+ Files of type:
+ Filer af type:
+ Find Directory
+ Find mappe
+ Open
+ Åbn
+ Save As
+ Gem som
+ Directory:
+ Mappe:
+ File &name:
+ &Filnavn:
+ &Open
+ &Åbn
+ &Choose
+ &Vælg
+ &Save
+ &Gem
+ Show
+ Vis
+ &Rename
+ &Omdøb
+ &Delete
+ &Slet
+ Show &hidden files
+ Vis s&kjulte filer
+ &New Folder
+ &Ny mappe
+ All files (*)
+ Alle filer (*)
+ Directories
+ Mapper
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Mappen blev ikke fundet.
+Kontrollér, at det korrekte mappenavn blev givet.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 findes allerede.
+Vil du erstatte den?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Filen blev ikke fundet.
+Kontrollér, at det korrekte filnavn blev givet.
+ New Folder
+ Ny mappe
+ Delete
+ Slet
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ '%1' er skrivebeskyttet.
+Vil du slette den alligevel?
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Er du sikker på, at du vil slette '%1'?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Kunne ikke slette mappen.
+ Recent Places
+ Nylige steder
+ Remove
+ Fjern
+ My Computer
+ Denne Computer
+ Drive
+ Drev
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ %1-fil
+ File
+ Fil
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Filmappe
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Mappe
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ Alias
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Genvej
+ Unknown
+ Ukendt
+ QFileSystemModel
+ Invalid filename
+ Ugyldigt filnavn
+ <b>The name "%1" cannot be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuation marks.
+ <b>Navnet "%1" kan ikke bruges.</b><p>Prøv et andet navn, med færre tegn eller ingen tegnsætningstegn.
+ Name
+ Navn
+ Size
+ Størrelse
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Type
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Type
+ Date Modified
+ Ændringsdato
+ My Computer
+ Denne Computer
+ Computer
+ Computer
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ Normal
+ Bold
+ Fed
+ Demi Bold
+ Semi fed
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ Medium
+ Black
+ Sort
+ Light
+ Let
+ Thin
+ Tynd
+ Extra Light
+ Ekstra let
+ Extra Bold
+ Ekstra fed
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Ekstra
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Semi
+ Italic
+ Kursiv
+ Oblique
+ Skæv
+ Any
+ Vilkårligt
+ Latin
+ Latinsk
+ Greek
+ Græsk
+ Cyrillic
+ Kyrillisk
+ Armenian
+ Armensk
+ Hebrew
+ Hebraisk
+ Arabic
+ Arabisk
+ Syriac
+ Syrisk
+ Thaana
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Bengalsk
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Orija
+ Tamil
+ Tamilsk
+ Telugu
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Kannaresisk
+ Malayalam
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Sinhala
+ Thai
+ Thailandsk
+ Lao
+ Laotisk
+ Tibetan
+ Tibetansk
+ Myanmar
+ Myanmar
+ Georgian
+ Georgisk
+ Khmer
+ Khmer
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Kinesisk (forenklet)
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Kinesisk (traditionelt)
+ Japanese
+ Japansk
+ Korean
+ Koreansk
+ Vietnamese
+ Vietnamesisk
+ Symbol
+ Symboler
+ Ogham
+ Ogham
+ Runic
+ Runer
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Vælg skrifttype
+ &Font
+ S&krifttype
+ Font st&yle
+ Skrifts&til
+ &Size
+ &Størrelse
+ Effects
+ Effekter
+ Stri&keout
+ &Gennemstreget
+ &Underline
+ &Understreget
+ Sample
+ Prøve
+ Wr&iting System
+ Skr&ivesystem
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Ikke forbundet
+ Host %1 not found
+ Værten %1 blev ikke fundet
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Forbindelse til værten %1 afvist
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Forbindelsen fik timeout til værten %1
+ Connected to host %1
+ Forbundet til værten %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ Dataforbindelsen blev afvist
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Forbindelsen til værten fejlede:
+ Login failed:
+ Login fejlede:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Mappevisning fejlede:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Ændring af mappe fejlede:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Download af fil fejlede:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Upload af fil fejlede:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Fjernelse af fil fejlede:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Oprettelse af mappe fejlede:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Fjernelse af mappe fejlede:
+ Connection closed
+ Forbindelsen lukket
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ &Gem
+ &Cancel
+ &Annuller
+ &Close
+ &Luk
+ Close without Saving
+ Luk uden at gemme
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ Intet værtsnavn givet
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ Intet værtsnavn givet
+ Invalid hostname
+ Ugyldigt værtsnavn
+ Unknown address type
+ Ukendt adressetype
+ Host not found
+ Værten blev ikke fundet
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Ukendt fejl (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ Værten %1 blev ikke fundet
+ Connection refused
+ Forbindelsen blev afvist
+ Connection closed
+ Forbindelsen blev lukket
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Proxyen kræver autentifikation
+ Host requires authentication
+ Værten kræver autentifikation
+ Data corrupted
+ Data er ødelagt
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Ukendt protokol angivet
+ SSL handshake failed
+ SSL-håndtryk fejlede
+ Too many redirects
+ For mange omdirigeringer
+ Insecure redirect
+ Usikker omdirigering
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Modtog ikke HTTP-svar fra proxyen
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Fejl under fortolkning af autentifikationsanmodning fra proxyen
+ Authentication required
+ Autentifikation kræves
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Proxyen nægtede forbindelsen
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Fejl under kommunikation med HTTP-proxyen
+ Proxy server not found
+ Proxy-serveren blev ikke fundet
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Proxy-forbindelsen blev afvist
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ Proxy-serverforbindelsen fik timeout
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ Proxy-forbindelsen lukkede i utide
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Fejl ved åbning af databasen
+ Could not start transaction
+ Kunne ikke påbegynde transaktionen
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Kunne ikke oprette BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Kunne ikke skrive BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Kunne ikke åbne BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Kunne ikke læse BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ Kunne ikke finde array
+ Could not get array data
+ Kunne ikke hente array-data
+ Could not get query info
+ Kunne ikke hente forespørgselsinfo
+ Could not start transaction
+ Kunne ikke påbegynde transaktion
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Kunne ikke allokere udsagn
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Kunne ikke forberede udsagn
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Kunne ikke beskrive input-udsagn
+ Could not describe statement
+ Kunne ikke beskrive udsagn
+ Unable to close statement
+ Kunne ikke lukke udsagn
+ Unable to execute query
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere forespørgsel
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Kunne ikke hente næste punkt
+ Could not get statement info
+ Kunne ikke hente udsagnsinformation
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Tilladelse nægtet
+ Too many open files
+ For mange åbne filer
+ No such file or directory
+ Filen eller mappen findes ikke
+ No space left on device
+ Ingen ledig plads på enheden
+ file to open is a directory
+ filen der skal åbnes er en mappe
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ Ugyldig enhed
+ File not found
+ Filen blev ikke fundet
+ Unsupported image format
+ Billedformatet understøttes ikke
+ Unable to read image data
+ Kunne ikke læse billeddata
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ Device is not set
+ Enheden er ikke sat
+ Cannot open device for writing: %1
+ Kan ikke åbne enhed til skrivning: %1
+ Device not writable
+ Der kan ikke skrives til enheden
+ Unsupported image format
+ Billedformatet understøttes ikke
+ Image is empty
+ Billedet er tomt
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Indtast en værdi:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ der opstod ingen fejl
+ unterminated object
+ utermineret objekt
+ missing name separator
+ manglende navneseparator
+ unterminated array
+ utermineret array
+ missing value separator
+ manglende værdiseparator
+ illegal value
+ forbudt værdi
+ invalid termination by number
+ ugyldig terminering af nummer
+ illegal number
+ forbudt nummer
+ invalid escape sequence
+ ugyldig undvigesekvens
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ ugyldig UTF8-streng
+ unterminated string
+ utermineret streng
+ object is missing after a comma
+ objekt mangler efter et komma
+ too deeply nested document
+ dokument er indlejret for dybt
+ too large document
+ for stort dokument
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ affald ved slutningen af dokumentet
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ Tryk på genvej
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' er ikke et ELF-objekt (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ '%1' er ikke et ELF-objekt
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' er et ugyldigt ELF-objekt (%2)
+ odd cpu architecture
+ besynderlig cpu-arkitektur
+ wrong cpu architecture
+ forkert cpu-arkitektur
+ odd endianness
+ besynderlig byterækkefølge
+ unexpected e_shsize
+ uventet e_shsize
+ unexpected e_shentsize
+ uventet e_shentsize
+ announced %n section(s), each %1 byte(s), exceed file size
+ annocerede %n sektion, på hver %1 byte(s), overskredet filstørrelse
+ annocerede %n sektioner, på hver %1 byte(s), overskredet filstørrelse
+ shstrtab section header seems to be at %1
+ shstrtab-sektionshoved ser ud til at være ved %1
+ string table seems to be at %1
+ strengtabel ser ud til at være ved %1
+ section name %1 of %2 behind end of file
+ sektionsnavn %1 af %2 efter filens slutning
+ empty .rodata. not a library.
+ tom .rodata. ikke et bibliotek.
+ missing section data. This is not a library.
+ manglende sektionsdata. Dette er ikke et bibliotek.
+ Out of memory while loading plugin '%1'.
+ Løb tør for hukommelse under indlæsning af pluginet '%1'.
+ Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'
+ Kunne ikke udtrække plugin-metadata fra '%1'
+ The shared library was not found.
+ Det delte bibliotek blev ikke fundet.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ Filen '%1' er ikke et gyldigt Qt-plugin.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ Pluginet '%1' bruger inkompatibelt Qt-bibliotek. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Pluginet '%1' bruger inkompatibelt Qt-bibliotek. (kan ikke blande debug- og release-biblioteker).
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Kan ikke indlæse biblioteket %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Kan ikke afregistrere biblioteket %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ Kan ikke løse symbolet "%1" i %2: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ '%1' er ikke en gyldig Mach-O-binær (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ filen er ødelagt
+ file too small
+ filen er for lille
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ ingen egnede arkitektur i fat-binær
+ invalid magic %1
+ ugyldig magisk %1
+ wrong architecture
+ forkert arkitektur
+ not a dynamic library
+ ikke et dynamisk bibliotek
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ '%1' er ikke et Qt-plugin
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Fortryd
+ &Redo
+ &Omgør
+ Cu&t
+ K&lip
+ &Copy
+ &Kopiér
+ &Paste
+ &Sæt ind
+ Delete
+ Slet
+ Select All
+ Markér alt
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: navnefejl
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: tilladelse nægtet
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: adresse i brug
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: ukendt fejl %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: forbindelsen blev afvist
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: fjern lukkede
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: ugyldigt navn
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: socket adgangsfejl
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: socket ressourcefejl
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: socket-handlingen fik timeout
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: datagram er for stort
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: forbindelsesfejl
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: socket-handlingen understøttes ikke
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: handlingen er ikke tilladt når socket er i denne tilstand
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: ukendt fejl
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Prøver at oprette forbindelse mens forbindelse er under oprettelse
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: ukendt fejl %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: adgang nægtet
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ Kunne ikke allokere et MYSQL-objekt
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ Kunne ikke åbne databasen '%1'
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunne ikke påbegynde transaktionen
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Kunne ikke hente data
+ Unable to execute query
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere forespørgsel
+ Unable to store result
+ Kunne ikke lagre resultatet
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere næste forespørgsel
+ Unable to store next result
+ Kunne ikke lagre næste resultat
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunne ikke forberede udsagn
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Kunne ikke nulstille udsagn
+ Unable to bind value
+ Kunne ikke binde værdi
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere udsagn
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Kunne ikke binde ud-værdier
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Kunne ikke lagre udsagnsresultater
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (unavngivet)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Minimer
+ Maximize
+ Maksimer
+ Unshade
+ Rul ud
+ Shade
+ Rul sammen
+ Restore Down
+ Genskab ned
+ Restore
+ Genskab
+ Close
+ Luk
+ Help
+ Hjælp
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ &Restore
+ &Genskab
+ &Move
+ &Flyt
+ &Size
+ &Størrelse
+ Mi&nimize
+ Mi&nimer
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ksimer
+ Stay on &Top
+ Altid &øverst
+ &Close
+ &Luk
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Vis detaljer...
+ Hide Details...
+ Skjul detaljer...
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>Om Qt</h3><p>Dette program bruger Qt version %1.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt er et C++-værktøjskit til programudvikling på tværs af platforme.</p><p>Qt giver enkelt-kilde portability på tværs af alle større skrivebordsstyresystemer. Det er også tilgængeligt til Embedded Linux og andre indlejrede og mobile styresystemer.</p><p>Qt er tilgængelig under tre forskellige licenseringsmuligheder, designet til at rumme behovene af vores forskellige brugere.</p><p>Qt licenseret under vores kommercielle licensaftale er passende til udvikling af proprietær/kommerciel software, hvor du ikke vil dele kildekode med tredjeparter eller på anden måde ikke kan efterleve vilkårene i GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licenseret under GNU LGPL version 3 er passende til udvikling af Qt-programmer, på forudsætning af at du kan efterleve vilkårene og betingelserne i GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Se venligst <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for en oversigt af Qt-licensering.</p><p>Ophavsret (C) %1 Qt Company Ltd og andre bidragydere.</p><p>Qt og Qt-logoet er varemærker tilhørende Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt er Qt Company Ltd-produktet, udviklet som et open source projekt. Se <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for mere information.</p>
+ About Qt
+ Om Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Kunne ikke initialisere ikke-blokerende socket
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Kunne ikke initialisere broadcast-socket
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Forsøg på at bruge IPv6-socket på en platform uden IPv6-understøttelse
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Fjern-værten lukkede forbindelsen
+ Network operation timed out
+ Netværkshandlingen fik timeout
+ Out of resources
+ Ikke flere ressourcer
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Socket-handlingen understøttes ikke
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Protokoltypen understøttes ikke
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Ugyldig socket-deskriptor
+ Host unreachable
+ Værten kan ikke tilgås
+ Network unreachable
+ Netværket kan ikke tilgås
+ Permission denied
+ Tilladelse nægtet
+ Connection timed out
+ Forbindelsen fik timeout
+ Connection refused
+ Forbindelsen blev afvist
+ The bound address is already in use
+ Den bundne adresse er allerede i brug
+ The address is not available
+ Adressen er ikke tilgængelig
+ The address is protected
+ Adressen er beskyttet
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Datagrammet var for stort til at blive sendt
+ Unable to send a message
+ Kunne ikke sende en meddelelse
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Kunne ikke modtage en meddelelse
+ Unable to write
+ Kunne ikke skrive
+ Network error
+ Netværksfejl
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ En anden socket lytter allerede på den samme port
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Handling på ikke-socket
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Proxytypen er ugyldig for denne handling
+ Temporary error
+ Midlertidig fejl
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ Netværket droppede forbindelsen ved nulstilling
+ Connection reset by peer
+ Forbindelsen blev nulstillet af peer
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ Fejl under åbning af %1
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ Ugyldig URI: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Skrivefejl ved skrivning til %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Socket-fejl på %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ Fjern-værten lukkede forbindelsen i utide på %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Anmodning om at åbne ikke-lokal fil %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Fejl ved åbning af %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Skrivefejl ved skrivning til %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ Kan ikke åbne %1: stien er en mappe
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Læsefejl ved læsning fra %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Der blev ikke fundet en egnet proxy
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ Kan ikke åbne %1: er en mappe
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Logning til %1 fejlede: autentifikation kræves
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Fejl under download af %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Fejl under upload af %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ Netværksadgang er deaktiveret.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ Fejl ved overførsel af %1 - serveren svarede: %2
+ Background request not allowed.
+ Baggrundsanmodning ikke tilladt.
+ Network session error.
+ Netværkssessionsfejl.
+ backend start error.
+ backend startfejl.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Midlertidig netværksfejl.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Protokollen "%1" er ukendt
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Handlingen blev annulleret
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Der blev ikke fundet en egnet proxy
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Handlingen blev annulleret
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ Ugyldig konfiguration.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ Ukendt sessionsfejl.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ Sessionen blev afbrudt af brugeren eller systemet.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ Den anmodede handling understøttes ikke af systemet.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ Den angivne konfiguration kan ikke bruges.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ Roaming blev afbrudt eller er ikke mulig.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Kunne ikke initialisere
+ Unable to logon
+ Kunne ikke logge ind
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunne ikke påbegynde transaktionen
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Kunne ikke binde kolonne til batch-eksekvering
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere batch-udsagn
+ Unable to goto next
+ Kunne ikke gå til næste
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Kunne ikke allokere udsagn
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunne ikke forberede udsagn
+ Unable to get statement type
+ Kunne ikke hente udsagnstype
+ Unable to bind value
+ Kunne ikke binde værdi
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere udsagn
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunne ikke oprette forbindelsen
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ Kunne ikke oprette forbindelsen - driveren understøtter ikke alle de krævede funktionaliteter
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ Kunne ikke deaktivere auto-gennemfør
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ Kunne ikke aktivere auto-gennemfør
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Kunne ikke hente sidste
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: kunne ikke sætte 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' som udsagnsattribut. Tjek venligst din ODBC-driverkonfiguration
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere udsagn
+ Unable to fetch
+ Kunne ikke hente
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Kunne ikke hente næste
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Kunne ikke hente første
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ Kunne ikke hente forrige
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunne ikke forberede udsagn
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Kunne ikke binde variablen
+ QPPDOptionsModel
+ Name
+ Navn
+ Value
+ Værdi
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunne ikke oprette forbindelse
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Kunne ikke påbegynde transaktionen
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Kunne ikke tilmelde
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ Kunne ikke afmelde
+ QPSQLResult
+ Query results lost - probably discarded on executing another SQL query.
+ Forespørgselsresultater tabt - formodentligt forkastet ved eksekvering af en anden SQL-forespørgsel.
+ Unable to create query
+ Kunne ikke oprette forespørgsel
+ Unable to get result
+ Kunne ikke hente resultat
+ Unable to send query
+ Kunne ikke sende forespørgsel
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunne ikke forberede udsagn
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Form
+ Paper
+ Papir
+ Page size:
+ Sidestørrelse:
+ Width:
+ Bredde:
+ Height:
+ Højde:
+ Paper source:
+ Papirkilde:
+ Orientation
+ Orientering
+ Portrait
+ Portræt
+ Landscape
+ Landskab
+ Reverse landscape
+ Omvendt landskab
+ Reverse portrait
+ Omvendt portræt
+ Margins
+ Margener
+ top margin
+ øverste margen
+ left margin
+ venstre margen
+ right margin
+ højre margen
+ bottom margin
+ nederste margen
+ Page Layout
+ Sidelayout
+ Page order:
+ Sideorden:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ Sider pr. ark:
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Millimeter (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Tommer (tommer)
+ Points (pt)
+ Punkter (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Custom
+ Brugerdefineret
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ tommer
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ Brugerdefineret (%1 mm x %2 mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ Brugerdefineret (%1 pt x %2 pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ Brugerdefineret (%1 tommer x %2 tommer)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ Brugerdefineret (%1 pc x %2 pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ Brugerdefineret (%1 DD x %2 DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ Brugerdefineret (%1 CC x %2 CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 tommer
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7,5 x 10 tommer)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Executive (7,25 x 10,5 tommer)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8,27 x 13 tommer)
+ Legal
+ Juridisk
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Brev/ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Tabloid/ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Ledger/ANSI B
+ Custom
+ Brugerdefineret
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 ekstra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 ekstra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 lille
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 ekstra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 ekstra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Juridisk ekstra
+ Letter Extra
+ Brev ekstra
+ Letter Plus
+ Brev plus
+ Letter Small
+ Brev lille
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Tabloid ekstra
+ Architect A
+ Arkitekt A
+ Architect B
+ Arkitekt B
+ Architect C
+ Arkitekt C
+ Architect D
+ Arkitekt D
+ Architect E
+ Arkitekt E
+ Note
+ Notits
+ Quarto
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Erklæring
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Postkort
+ Double Postcard
+ Dobbelt postkort
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K stor
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold US (14,875 x 11 tommer)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold tysk (8,5 x 12 tommer)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Fan-fold tysk juridisk (8,5 x 13 tommer)
+ Envelope B4
+ Konvolut B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Konvolut B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Konvolut B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Konvolut C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Konvolut C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Konvolut C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Konvolut C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Konvolut C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Konvolut C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Konvolut C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Konvolut C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Konvolut C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Konvolut DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Konvolut US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Konvolut US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Konvolut US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Konvolut US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Konvolut US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Konvolut monark
+ Envelope Personal
+ Konvolut personlig
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Konvolut chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Konvolut chou 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Konvolut invitation
+ Envelope Italian
+ Konvolut italiensk
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Konvolut kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Konvolut kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Konvolut PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Konvolut PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Konvolut PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Konvolut PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Konvolut PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Konvolut PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Konvolut PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Konvolut PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Konvolut PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Konvolut PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ Konvolut you 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Gem
+ Save All
+ Gem alle
+ Open
+ Åbn
+ &Yes
+ &Ja
+ Yes to &All
+ Ja til &alle
+ &No
+ &Nej
+ N&o to All
+ Ne&j til alle
+ Abort
+ Afbryd
+ Retry
+ Prøv igen
+ Ignore
+ Ignorer
+ Close
+ Luk
+ Cancel
+ Annuller
+ Discard
+ Forkast
+ Help
+ Hjælp
+ Apply
+ Anvend
+ Reset
+ Nulstil
+ Restore Defaults
+ Genskab standarder
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Pluginet blev ikke indlæst.
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Udskriv
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ Venstre til højre, øverst til nederst
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ Venstre til højre, nederst til øverst
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ Højre til venstre, nederst til øverst
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ Højre til venstre, øverst til nederst
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ Nederst til øverst, venstre til højre
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ Nederst til øverst, højre til venstre
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ Øverst til nederst, venstre til højre
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ Øverst til nederst, højre til venstre
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ Alle sider
+ Odd Pages
+ Ulige sider
+ Even Pages
+ Lige sider
+ &Options >>
+ &Valgmuligheder >>
+ &Print
+ &Udskriv
+ &Options <<
+ &Valgmuligheder <<
+ Invalid Pages Definition
+ Ugyldig sider-definition
+ %1 does not follow the correct syntax. Please use ',' to separate ranges and pages, '-' to define ranges and make sure ranges do not intersect with each other.
+ %1 følger ikke den korrekte syntaks. Brug venligst ',' til at separere områder og sider, '-' til at angive områder og sørge for at områder ikke krydser hinanden.
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Udskriv til fil (PDF)
+ Local file
+ Lokal fil
+ Write PDF file
+ Skriv PDF-fil
+ Print To File ...
+ Udskriv til fil...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 er en mappe.
+Vælg venligst et andet filnavn.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Der kan ikke skrives til filen %1.
+Vælg venligst et andet filnavn.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 findes allerede.
+Vil du overskrive den?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ Valgmuligheder 'Sider pr. ark' og 'Sidesæt' kan ikke bruges sammen.
+Slå venligst en at disse valgmuligheder fra.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ 'Fra'-værdien kan ikke være større end 'Til'-værdien.
+ OK
+ OK
+ Automatic
+ Automatisk
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Sideopsætning
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Forhåndsvis udskrift
+ Next page
+ Næste side
+ Previous page
+ Forrige side
+ First page
+ Første side
+ Last page
+ Sidste side
+ Fit width
+ Tilpas bredde
+ Fit page
+ Tilpas side
+ Zoom in
+ Zoom ind
+ Zoom out
+ Zoom ud
+ Portrait
+ Portræt
+ Landscape
+ Landskab
+ Show single page
+ Vis enkelt side
+ Show facing pages
+ Vis sideopslag
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Vis oversigt af alle sider
+ Print
+ Udskriv
+ Page setup
+ Sideopsætning
+ Export to PDF
+ Eksportér til PDF
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ Printeregenskaber
+ Job Options
+ Job-valgmuligheder
+ Advanced Option Conflicts
+ Konflikter i avancerede valgmuligheder
+ There are conflicts in some advanced options. Do you want to fix them?
+ Der er konflikter i nogle avancerede valgmuligheder. Vil du rette dem?
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Udformning
+ Page
+ Side
+ Advanced
+ Avanceret
+ There are conflicts in some options. Please fix them.
+ Der er konflikter i nogle valgmuligheder. Ret dem venligst.
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Form
+ Copies
+ Kopier
+ Print range
+ Udskriftsområde
+ Print all
+ Udskriv alle
+ Pages from
+ Sider fra
+ to
+ til
+ Current Page
+ Nuværende side
+ Selection
+ Valg
+ Page Set:
+ Sidesæt:
+ Output Settings
+ Outputindstillinger
+ Copies:
+ Kopier:
+ Collate
+ Sætvis
+ Reverse
+ Omvendt
+ Options
+ Valgmuligheder
+ Color Mode
+ Farvetilstand
+ Color
+ Farve
+ Grayscale
+ Gråtone
+ Duplex Printing
+ Dupleksudskrivning
+ None
+ Ingen
+ Long side
+ Lang side
+ Short side
+ Kort side
+ Pages
+ Sider
+ Specify pages or ranges separated by commas. Ranges are specified by two numbers separated by a hyphen. E.g: 3,5-7,9 prints pages 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
+ Angiv sider eller områder separeret med kommaer. Områder angives med to tal separeret med en bindestreg. F.eks.: 3,5-7,9 udskriver siderne 3, 5, 6, 7 og 9.
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Udformning
+ Printer
+ Printer
+ &Name:
+ &Navn:
+ P&roperties
+ &Egenskaber
+ Location:
+ Placering:
+ Preview
+ Forhåndsvis
+ Type:
+ Type:
+ Output &file:
+ Output&fil:
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Process failed to start
+ Processen kunne ikke starte
+ Process crashed
+ Processen holdt op med at virke
+ Process operation timed out
+ Proceshandlingen fik timeout
+ Error reading from process
+ Fejl ved læsning fra proces
+ Error writing to process
+ Fejl ved skrivning til proces
+ No program defined
+ Intet program defineret
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Kunne ikke åbne input-omdirigering for læsning
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Ressourcefejl (fork fejl): %1
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Kunne ikke åbne output-omdirigering for skrivning
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ Processen kunne ikke starte: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Annuller
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ der opstod ingen fejl
+ disabled feature used
+ deaktiveret facilitet blev brugt
+ bad char class syntax
+ dårlig tegnklasse-syntaks
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ dårlig fremadseende syntaks
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ lookbehinds understøttes ikke, se QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ dårlig gentagelsessyntaks
+ invalid octal value
+ ugyldigt oktal-værdi
+ missing left delim
+ manglende venstre afgrænser
+ unexpected end
+ uventet afslutning
+ met internal limit
+ mødte intern grænse
+ invalid interval
+ ugyldigt interval
+ invalid category
+ ugyldig kategori
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ ingen fejl
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ i slutningen af mønster
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c i slutningen af mønster
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ ikke-genkendt tegn efterfølger \
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ numre udenfor rækkefølge i {}-kvantor
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ nummer for stort i {}-kvantor
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ manglende afsluttende ] for tegnklasse
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ ugyldig undvigesekvens i tegnklasse
+ range out of order in character class
+ område udenfor rækkefølge i tegnklasse
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ intern fejl: uventet gentag
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ ikke genkendt tegn efter (? eller (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ POSIX-navngivne klasser understøttes kun inden i en klasse
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ reference til ikke-eksisterende undermønster
+ regular expression is too large
+ regulært udtryk er for stort
+ internal error: code overflow
+ intern fejl: kodeoverløb
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ lookbehind-påstand er ikke fast længde
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ forkert udformet nummer eller navn efter (?(
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ betinget gruppe indeholder mere end to grene
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ (?R eller (?[+-]cifre skal efterfølges af )
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ ukendt POSIX-klassenavn
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ POSIX-arrangerende elementer understøttes ikke
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ ugyldig betingelse (?(0)
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE understøtter ikke \L, \l, \N{navn}, \U eller \u
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ ikke genkendt tegn efter (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ syntaksfejl i undermønsternavn (manglende terminator)
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ forkert udformet \P- eller \p-sekvens
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ ukendt egenskabsnavn efter \P eller \p
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ intern fejl: overløb kompileringsarbejdsområde
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ intern fejl: tidligere tjekket, refereret undermønster ikke fundet
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ DEFINE-gruppe indeholder mere end én gren
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ \g efterfølges ikke af et navn/nummer i klammer, vinkelklammer, citationstegn eller af et almindeligt nummer
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ en nummereret reference må ikke være nul
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ et argument er ikke tilladt for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL) eller (*COMMIT)
+ number is too big
+ nummer er for stort
+ subpattern name expected
+ undermønsternavn ventet
+ digit expected after (?+
+ ciffer ventet efter (?+
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ forskellige navne til undermønstre af det samme nummer er ikke tilladt
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) skal have et argument
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ \k efterfølges ikke af et navn i klammer, vinkelklammer eller citationstegn
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ intern fejl: ukendt opcode i find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N understøttes ikke i en klasse
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ ikke tilladt unicode-kodepunkt (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ navn er for langt i (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP) eller (*THEN)
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ ikke-heksadecimal-tegn i \x{} (lukkende klamme mangler?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ ikke-oktal-tegn i \o{} (lukkende klamme mangler?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ manglende åbningsklamme efter \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ parenteser er indlejret for dybt
+ invalid range in character class
+ ugyldigt område i tegnklasse
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ gruppenavn skal begynde med et ikke-ciffer
+ quantifier does not follow a repeatable item
+ kvantor følger ikke punktum der kan gentages
+ missing closing parenthesis
+ manglende lukkende parenteser
+ pattern passed as NULL
+ mønster givet som NULL
+ unrecognised compile-time option bit(s)
+ Ikke-genkendt kompileringstid-valgmulighedsbit
+ missing ) after (?# comment
+ manglende ) efter (?#-kommentar
+ failed to allocate heap memory
+ kunne ikke allokere heap-hukommelse
+ unmatched closing parenthesis
+ umatchede lukkende parenteser
+ letter or underscore expected after (?< or (?'
+ bogstav eller understregning ventet efter (?< eller (?'
+ assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C)
+ påstand ventet efter (?( eller (?(?C)
+ internal error in pcre2_study(): should not occur
+ intern fejl i pcre2_study(): burde ikke ske
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode support
+ denne version af PCRE2 har ikke Unicode-understøttelse
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ parenteser er indlejret for dybt (staktjek)
+ character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too large
+ tegn-kodepunktsværdi i \x{} eller \o{} er for stor
+ \C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion
+ \C er ikke tilladt i en lookbehind-påstand
+ number after (?C is greater than 255
+ nummer efter (?C er større end 255
+ closing parenthesis for (?C expected
+ lukkende parentes for (?C ventet
+ invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) name
+ ugyldig undvigesekvens i (*VERB)-navn
+ two named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set)
+ to navngivne undermønstre har det samme navn (PCRE2_DUPNAMES ikke sat)
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \X
+ denne version af PCRE2 har ikke understøttelse af \P, \p eller \X
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 10000 characters)
+ undermønsternavn er for langt (maksimum 10000 tegn)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 256)
+ for mange navngivne undermønstre (maksimum 256)
+ octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode
+ oktal-værdi er større end \377 i 8-bit ikke-UTF-8-tilstand
+ internal error: unknown newline setting
+ intern fejl: ukendt newline-indstilling
+ (*VERB) not recognized or malformed
+ (*VERB) ikke genkendt eller forkert udformet
+ \c must be followed by a printable ASCII character
+ \c skal efterfølges af et udskrivningsbart ASCII-tegn
+ \c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_?
+ \c skal efterfølges af et bogstav eller en af [\]^_?
+ using UTF is disabled by the application
+ brug af UTF er deaktiveret af programmet
+ using UCP is disabled by the application
+ brug af UCP er deaktiveret af programmet
+ character code point value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ tegn-kodepunktsværdi i \u....-sekvens er for lang
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ cifre mangler i \x{} eller \o{}
+ syntax error in (?(VERSION condition
+ syntaksfejl i (?(VERSION-betingelse
+ internal error: unknown opcode in auto_possessify()
+ intern fejl: ukendt opcode i auto_possessify()
+ missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argument
+ manglende terminerende afgrænser for callout med streng-argument
+ unrecognized string delimiter follows (?C
+ ikke-genkendt strengafgrænser efterfølger (?C
+ using \C is disabled by the application
+ brug af \C er deaktiveret af programmet
+ (?| and/or (?J: or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nested
+ (?|- og/eller (?J:- eller (?x:-parenteser er indlejret for dybt
+ using \C is disabled in this PCRE2 library
+ brug af \C er deaktiveret i dette PCRE2-bibliotek
+ regular expression is too complicated
+ regulært udtryk er for komplikeret
+ lookbehind assertion is too long
+ lookbehind-påstand er for lang
+ pattern string is longer than the limit set by the application
+ mønsterstreng er længere end grænsen som er sat af programmet
+ no match
+ ingen match
+ partial match
+ delvist match
+ UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at end
+ UTF-8-fejl: 1 byte mangler ved slutningen
+ UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-fejl: 2 bytes mangler ved slutningen
+ UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-fejl: 3 bytes mangler ved slutningen
+ UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-fejl: 4 bytes mangler ved slutningen
+ UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-fejl: 5 bytes mangler ved slutningen
+ UTF-8 error: byte 2 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-fejl: byte 2 top-bit ikke 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 3 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-fejl: byte 3 top-bit ikke 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 4 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-fejl: byte 4 top-bit ikke 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 5 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-fejl: byte 5 top-bit ikke 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 6 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-fejl: byte 6 top-bit ikke 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8-fejl: 5-byte-tegn er ikke tilladt (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8-fejl: 6-byte-tegn er ikke tilladt (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ UTF-8-fejl: kodepunkter større end 0x10ffff er ikke defineret
+ UTF-8 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ UTF-8-fejl: kodepunkter 0xd800-0xdfff er ikke defineret
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-fejl: for lang 2-byte-sekvens
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-fejl: for lang 3-byte-sekvens
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-fejl: for lang 4-byte-sekvens
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-fejl: for lang 5-byte-sekvens
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-fejl: for lang 6-byte-sekvens
+ UTF-8 error: isolated byte with 0x80 bit set
+ UTF-8-fejl: isoleret byte med 0x80 bit sat
+ UTF-8 error: illegal byte (0xfe or 0xff)
+ UTF-8-fejl: ulovlig byte (0xfe eller 0xff)
+ UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at end
+ UTF-16-fejl: manglende lav surrogat ved slutning
+ UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogate
+ UTF-16-fejl: ugyldig lav surrogat
+ UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogate
+ UTF-16-fejl: isoleret lav surrogat
+ UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ UTF-32-fejl: kodepunkter 0xd800-0xdfff er ikke defineret
+ UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ UTF-32-fejl: kodepunkter større end 0x10ffff er ikke defineret
+ bad data value
+ dårlig dataværdi
+ patterns do not all use the same character tables
+ mønstre bruger ikke allesammen de samme tegntabeller
+ magic number missing
+ magisk nummer mangler
+ pattern compiled in wrong mode: 8/16/32-bit error
+ mønster kompileret i forkert tilstand: 8/16/32-bit-fejl
+ bad offset value
+ dårlig offset-værdi
+ bad option value
+ dårlig valgmulighed-værdi
+ invalid replacement string
+ ugyldig erstatningsstreng
+ bad offset into UTF string
+ dårlig offset ind i UTF-streng
+ callout error code
+ callout-fejlkode
+ invalid data in workspace for DFA restart
+ ugyldig data i arbejdsområde for DFA-genstart
+ too much recursion for DFA matching
+ for meget rekursion for DFA-matching
+ backreference condition or recursion test is not supported for DFA matching
+ tilbagereference-betingelse eller rekursionstest understøttes ikke for DFA-matching
+ function is not supported for DFA matching
+ funktion understøttes ikke for DFA-matching
+ pattern contains an item that is not supported for DFA matching
+ mønster indeholder et punkt som ikke understøttes for DFA-matching
+ workspace size exceeded in DFA matching
+ arbejdsområdestørrelse overskredet i DFA-matching
+ internal error - pattern overwritten?
+ intern fejl - mønster overskrevet?
+ bad JIT option
+ dårlig JIT-valgmulighed
+ JIT stack limit reached
+ JIT-stakgrænse nået
+ match limit exceeded
+ matchgrænse overskredet
+ no more memory
+ ikke mere hukommelse
+ unknown substring
+ ukendt understreng
+ non-unique substring name
+ ikke-unik understrengsnavn
+ NULL argument passed
+ NULL-argument givet
+ nested recursion at the same subject position
+ indlejret rekursion ved den samme subjektplacering
+ recursion limit exceeded
+ rekusionsgrænse overskredet
+ requested value is not available
+ anmodet værdi er ikke tilgængelig
+ requested value is not set
+ anmodet værdi er ikke sat
+ offset limit set without PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT
+ offset-grænse sat uden PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT
+ bad escape sequence in replacement string
+ dårlig undvigesekvens i erstatningsstreng
+ expected closing curly bracket in replacement string
+ ventede lukkende krøllet parentes i erstatningsstreng
+ bad substitution in replacement string
+ dårlig udskiftning i erstatningsstreng
+ match with end before start is not supported
+ match med slutning inden start understøttes ikke
+ too many replacements (more than INT_MAX)
+ for mange erstatninger (flere end INT_MAX)
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Fejl ved åbning af databasen
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunne ikke påbegynde transaktionen
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Kunne ikke hente resultater
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere udsagn
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Fejl ved åbning af databasen
+ Error closing database
+ Fejl ved lukning af databasen
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunne ikke påbegynde transaktionen
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunne ikke gennemføre transaktionen
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunne ikke tilbagetrække transaktionen
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Kunne ikke hente række
+ No query
+ Ingen forespørgsel
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere udsagn
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ Kunne ikke eksekvere flere udsagn på samme tid
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Kunne ikke nulstille udsagn
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Kunne ikke binde parametre
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Uoverensstemmende parameter antal
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ Der kan ikke skrives til den eksisterende fil %1
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ Filnavnet refererer til en mappe
+ QSaveFile cannot open '%1' without direct write fallback enabled: path contains an Alternate Data Stream specifier
+ QSaveFile kan ikke åbne '%1' uden direkte skrive-fallback er aktiveret: stien indeholder en alternativ datastrøm-angiver
+ Writing canceled by application
+ Skrivning annulleret af program
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Rul her
+ Left edge
+ Venstre kant
+ Top
+ Øverst
+ Right edge
+ Højre kant
+ Bottom
+ Nederst
+ Page left
+ Side til venstre
+ Page up
+ Side op
+ Page right
+ Side til højre
+ Page down
+ Side ned
+ Scroll left
+ Rul til venstre
+ Scroll up
+ Rul op
+ Scroll right
+ Rul til højre
+ Scroll down
+ Rul ned
+ QSctpSocket
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Fjern-værten lukkede forbindelsen
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: kunne ikke sætte nøgle på lås
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: oprettelsesstørrelse er mindre end 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: kunne ikke låse
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: kunne ikke låse op
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: nøglen er tom
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: dårligt navn
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: UNIX-nøglefil findes ikke
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: ftok fejlede
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: kunne ikke lave nøgle
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: system-pålagte størrelsesrestriktioner
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: ikke tilkoblet
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: tilladelse nægtet
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: findes allerede
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: findes ikke
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: ikke flere ressourcer
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: ukendt fejl %2
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: ugyldig størrelse
+ %1: key error
+ %1: nøglefejl
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: størrelsesforespørgsel fejlede
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Mellemrum
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tabulator
+ Backtab
+ Tilbage-tabulator
+ Backspace
+ Tilbage
+ Return
+ Retur
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Ins
+ Del
+ Del
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Udskriv
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Home
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ Venstre
+ Up
+ Op
+ Right
+ Højre
+ Down
+ Ned
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ CapsLock
+ NumLock
+ NumLock
+ ScrollLock
+ ScrollLock
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ Help
+ Hjælp
+ Back
+ Tilbage
+ Forward
+ Fremad
+ Stop
+ Stop
+ Refresh
+ Opdater
+ Volume Down
+ Lydstyrke ned
+ Volume Mute
+ Lydstyrke mute
+ Volume Up
+ Lydstyrke op
+ Bass Boost
+ Bas boost
+ Bass Up
+ Bas op
+ Bass Down
+ Bas ned
+ Treble Up
+ Diskant op
+ Treble Down
+ Diskant ned
+ Media Play
+ Medie afspil
+ Media Stop
+ Medie stop
+ Media Previous
+ Medie forrige
+ Media Next
+ Medie næste
+ Media Record
+ Medie optag
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Medie pause
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Medie afspil/pause til/fra
+ Home Page
+ Startside
+ Favorites
+ Favoritter
+ Search
+ Søg
+ Standby
+ Standby
+ Open URL
+ Åbn URL
+ Launch Mail
+ Start mail
+ Launch Media
+ Start medie
+ Launch (0)
+ Start (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Start (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Start (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Start (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Start (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Start (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Start (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Start (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Start (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Start (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Start (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Start (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Start (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Start (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Start (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Start (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Skærm lysstyrke op
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Skærm lysstyrke ned
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Tastaturlys til/fra
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Tastatur lysstyrke op
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Tastatur lysstyrke ned
+ Power Off
+ Sluk computer
+ Wake Up
+ Vågn op
+ Eject
+ Skub ud
+ Screensaver
+ Pauseskærm
+ Sleep
+ Sov
+ LightBulb
+ Pære
+ Shop
+ Shop
+ History
+ Historik
+ Add Favorite
+ Tilføj favorit
+ Hot Links
+ Hotte links
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Juster lysstyrke
+ Finance
+ Finans
+ Community
+ Fællesskab
+ Media Rewind
+ Medie spol tilbage
+ Back Forward
+ Tilbage fremad
+ Application Left
+ Program venstre
+ Application Right
+ Program højre
+ Book
+ Bog
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Lommeregner
+ Clear
+ Ryd
+ Clear Grab
+ Clear Grab
+ Close
+ Luk
+ Copy
+ Kopiér
+ Cut
+ Klip
+ Display
+ Skærm
+ Documents
+ Dokumenter
+ Spreadsheet
+ Regneark
+ Browser
+ Browser
+ Game
+ Spil
+ Go
+ Gå
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Log af
+ Market
+ Marked
+ Meeting
+ Møde
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Tastaturmenu
+ Menu PB
+ Menu PB
+ My Sites
+ Mine steder
+ News
+ Nyheder
+ Home Office
+ Hjemmekontor
+ Option
+ Valgmulighed
+ Paste
+ Sæt ind
+ Phone
+ Telefon
+ Reply
+ Svar
+ Reload
+ Genindlæs
+ Rotate Windows
+ Roter vinduer
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Rotation KB
+ Save
+ Gem
+ Send
+ Send
+ Spellchecker
+ Stavekontrol
+ Split Screen
+ Opdel skærm
+ Support
+ Support
+ Task Panel
+ Opgavepanel
+ Terminal
+ Terminal
+ Tools
+ Værktøjer
+ Travel
+ Rejse
+ Video
+ Video
+ Word Processor
+ Tekstbehandling
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Zoom ind
+ Zoom Out
+ Zoom ud
+ Away
+ Væk
+ Messenger
+ Messenger
+ WebCam
+ Webcam
+ Mail Forward
+ Mail Forward
+ Pictures
+ Billeder
+ Music
+ Musik
+ Battery
+ Batteri
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ Trådlås
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Media Fast Forward
+ Medie spol fremad
+ Audio Repeat
+ Lyd gentag
+ Audio Random Play
+ Lyd tilfældig afspil
+ Subtitle
+ Undertekst
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Lyd gennemløb spor
+ Time
+ Tid
+ Hibernate
+ Dvale
+ View
+ Vis
+ Top Menu
+ Topmenu
+ Power Down
+ Sluk
+ Suspend
+ Hvile
+ Microphone Mute
+ Mikrofon mute
+ Red
+ Rød
+ Green
+ Grøn
+ Yellow
+ Gul
+ Blue
+ Blå
+ Channel Up
+ Kanal op
+ Channel Down
+ Kanal ned
+ Guide
+ Guide
+ Info
+ Info
+ Settings
+ Indstillinger
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ Mikrofon lydstyrke op
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ Mikrofon lydstyrke ned
+ New
+ Ny
+ Open
+ Åbn
+ Find
+ Find
+ Undo
+ Fortryd
+ Redo
+ Omgør
+ Print Screen
+ Print Screen
+ Page Up
+ Side op
+ Page Down
+ Side ned
+ Caps Lock
+ Caps Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Insert
+ Indsæt
+ Delete
+ Slet
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ System Request
+ Select
+ Vælg
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ No
+ Nej
+ Context1
+ Kontekst1
+ Context2
+ Kontekst2
+ Context3
+ Kontekst3
+ Context4
+ Kontekst4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Ring op
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Læg på
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Ring op/læg på til/fra
+ Flip
+ Vend
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Stemmeopkald
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Sidste kaldte nummer
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Kameralukker
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Kamerafokus
+ Kanji
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana lås
+ Kana Shift
+ Kana skift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu skift
+ Eisu toggle
+ Eisu til/fra
+ Code input
+ Kodeinput
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Flere kandidat
+ Previous Candidate
+ Forrige kandidat
+ Hangul
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangul start
+ Hangul End
+ Hangul slut
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul præ-Hanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul post-Hanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Hangul speciel
+ Cancel
+ Annuller
+ Printer
+ Printer
+ Execute
+ Eksekver
+ Play
+ Afspil
+ Zoom
+ Zoom
+ Exit
+ Afslut
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ Pegeplade til/fra
+ Touchpad On
+ Pegeplade til
+ Touchpad Off
+ Pegeplade fra
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Skift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ Num
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Proxy-forbindelsen blev nægtet
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ Proxy-forbindelsen lukkede i utide
+ Proxy host not found
+ Proxy-værten blev ikke fundet
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Proxy-forbindelsen fik timeout
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Proxy-autentifikation fejlede
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ Proxy-autentifikation fejlede: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ SOCKS version 5 protokolfejl
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ General SOCKSv5 serverfejl
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ Forbindelse ikke tilladt a SOCKSv5-server
+ TTL expired
+ TTL udløbet
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ SOCKSv5-kommando understøttes ikke
+ Address type not supported
+ Adressetypen understøttes ikke
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Ukendt SOCKSv5-proxy fejlkode 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ Netværkshandlingen fik timeout
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ ugyldig rolle
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ titellinje
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ menulinje
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ rullebjælke
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ greb
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lyd
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ markør
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tekstmarkør
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ beskedmeddelelse
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ ramme
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ udfylder
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pop op-menu
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ menupunkt
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ værktøjstip
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ program
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dokument
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ panel
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ graf
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dialog
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ separator
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ værktøjslinje
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ statuslinje
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tabel
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ kolonnehoved
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ rækkehoved
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ kolonne
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ række
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ celle
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ link
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ hjælp-ballon
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ assistent
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ liste
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ listepunkt
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ træ
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ træpunkt
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sidefaneblad
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ egenskabsside
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ indikator
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ grafik
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ etiket
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tekst
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ trykknap
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ afkrydsningsboks
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ radioknap
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ komboboks
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ fremgangslinje
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ drejeskive
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ genvejstastfelt
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ skyder
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ rotationsboks
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lærred
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ animation
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ligning
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ knap med rullegardin
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ knapmenu
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ knap med rullegardinsgitter
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ mellemrum
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sidefanebladsliste
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ur
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ adskiller
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ laglagt rude
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ webdokument
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ afsnit
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sektion
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ farvevælger
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sidefod
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ formular
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ overskrift
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ bemærkning
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ supplerende indhold
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ukendt
+ QSslDiffieHellmanParameter
+ No error
+ Ingen fejl
+ Invalid input data
+ Ugyldig inputdata
+ The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafe
+ De givne Diffie-Hellman-parametre skønnes usikre
+ QSslSocket
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ Fejl under indstilling af de elliptiske kurver (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Fejl under oprettelse af SSL-kontekst (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ protokollen understøttes ikke
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Ugyldig eller tom chifferliste (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Kan ikke give et certifikat uden nøgle, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Fejl under indlæsning af lokalt certifikat, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Fejl under indlæsning af privat nøgle, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ Privat nøgle certificere ikke offentlig nøgle, %1
+ Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid
+ Diffie-Hellman-parametre er ikke gyldige
+ OpenSSL version with disabled elliptic curves
+ OpenSSL-version med deaktiveret elliptiske kurver
+ Error when setting the OpenSSL configuration (%1)
+ Fejl under indstilling af OpenSSL-konfigurationen (%1)
+ Expecting QByteArray for %1
+ Forventer QByteArray for %1
+ An error occurred attempting to set %1 to %2
+ Der opstod en fejl under forsøg på at sætte %1 til %2
+ Wrong value for %1 (%2)
+ Forkert værdi til %1 (%2)
+ Unrecognized command %1 = %2
+ Ikke-genkendt kommando %1 = %2
+ SSL_CONF_finish() failed
+ SSL_CONF_finish() fejlede
+ SSL_CONF_CTX_new() failed
+ SSL_CONF_CTX_new() fejlede
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ OpenSSL-version for gammel, skal mindst være v1.0.2
+ No error
+ Ingen fejl
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ Udstedercertifikatet kunne ikke findes
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ Certifikatsignaturen kunne ikke dekrypteres
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ Den offentlige nøgle i certifikatet kunne ikke læses
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ Signaturen på certifikatet er ugyldigt
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ Certifikatet er endnu ikke gyldigt
+ The certificate has expired
+ Certifikatet er udløbet
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ Certifikatets notBefore-felt indeholder en ugyldig tid
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ Certifikatets notAfter-felt indeholder en ugyldig tid
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Certifikatet er selv-signeret, og ikke betroet
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Rod-certifikatet af certifikatskæden er selv-signeret, og ikke betroet
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ Udstedercertifikatet af en lokalt opslået certifikat kunne ikke findes
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Ingen certifikater kunne verificeres
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ Et af CA-certifikaterne er ugyldigt
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ Stilængde-parameteren basicConstraints er blevet overskredet
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ Det givet certifikat er uegnet til dette formål
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ Rod-CA-certifikatet er ikke betroet til dette formål
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ Rod-CA-certifikatet er markeret til at afvise det specifikke formål
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ Det nuværende kandidat-udstedercertifikat blev afvist fordi dets subjektnavn ikke matchede udstedernavnet på det nuværende certifikat
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ Det nuværende kandidat-udstedercertifikat blev afvist fordi dets udstedernavn og serienummer var tilstede og ikke matchede myndighedsnøgle-identifikatoren på det nuværende certifikat
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ Peer'en præsenterede ikke noget certifikat
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ Værtsnavnet matchede ikke nogen af de gyldige værter for dette certifikat
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ Peer-certifikatet er sortlistet
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ TLS-/SSL-forbindelsen er blevet lukket
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Fejl under oprettelse af SSL-session, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Fejl under oprettelse af SSL-session: %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ Kunne ikke initialisere SSL-kontekst: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Kunne ikke skrive data: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ Kunne ikke dekryptere data: %1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Fejl under læsning af: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Fejl under SSL-håndtryk: %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ Skrivebord
+ Documents
+ Dokumenter
+ Fonts
+ Skrifttyper
+ Applications
+ Programmer
+ Music
+ Musik
+ Movies
+ Film
+ Pictures
+ Billeder
+ Temporary Directory
+ Midlertidig mappe
+ Home
+ Hjem
+ Cache
+ Mellemlager
+ Shared Data
+ Delte data
+ Runtime
+ Runtime
+ Configuration
+ Konfiguration
+ Shared Configuration
+ Delte konfiguration
+ Shared Cache
+ Delte mellemlager
+ Download
+ Download
+ Application Data
+ Programdata
+ Application Configuration
+ Programkonfiguration
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ Manglende indledende tilstand i den sammensatte tilstand '%1'
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ Manglende standardtilstand i historiktilstanden '%1'
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ Ingen fælles forfader for mål og kilde af overgang fra tilstanden '%1'
+ Unknown error
+ Ukendt fejl
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: tilladelse nægtet
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: findes allerede
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: findes ikke
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: ikke flere ressourcer
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: ukendt fejl %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Kunne ikke åbne forbindelsen
+ Unable to use database
+ Kunne ikke bruge databasen
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Rul til venstre
+ Scroll Right
+ Rul til højre
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Handling på socket understøttes ikke
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ Kunne ikke læse billeddata
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Fortløbende enhed (såsom socket) for billedlæsning understøttes ikke
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ Søgefil/enhed for billedlæsning fejlede
+ Image header read failed
+ Billedfilhoved læsefejl
+ Image type not supported
+ Billedtypen understøttes ikke
+ Image depth not valid
+ Billeddybden er ikke gyldig
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ Kunne ikke søge til billedlæsningsfilfod
+ Could not read footer
+ Kunne ikke læse filfod
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ Billedtype (ikke-TrueVision 2.0) understøttes ikke
+ Could not reset to read data
+ Kunne ikke nulstille læsedata
+ QUdpSocket
+ Unable to send a datagram
+ Kunne ikke sende et datagram
+ No datagram available for reading
+ Intet tilgængeligt datagram til læsning
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ Fortryd %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Fortryd
+ Redo %1
+ Omgør %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Omgør
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <tom>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ Fortryd %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Fortryd
+ Redo %1
+ Omgør %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Omgør
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM Left-to-right mark (venstre-til-højre-mærkat)
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Right-to-left mark (højre-til-venstre-mærkat)
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner (nul-bredde-sammenslutter)
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner (nul-bredde-ikke-sammenslutter)
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Zero width space (nul med mellemrum)
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding (start på venstre-til-højre-indlejring)
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding (start på højre-til-venstre-indlejring)
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override (start på venstre-til-højre-tilsidesætning)
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override (start på højre-til-venstre-tilsidesætning)
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Pop directional formatting (glem retningsformatering)
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate (venstre-til-højre-isolering)
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate (højre-til-venstre-indlejring)
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate (første stærke isolering)
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate (glem retningsisolering)
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Indsæt unicode-kontroltegn
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Hvad er det?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Fortryd
+ &Redo
+ &Omgør
+ Cu&t
+ K&lip
+ &Copy
+ &Kopiér
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Kopiér l&inkplacering
+ &Paste
+ &Sæt ind
+ Delete
+ Slet
+ Select All
+ Markér alt
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1. The Direct2D version on this system is %2.
+ Qt kan ikke indlæse direct2d-platform-pluginet fordi Direct2D-versionen på dette system er for gammel. Minimum systemkrav for dette platform-plugin er Windows 7 SP1 med platformsopdatering.
+Direct2D-versionen skal minimum være %1. Direct2D-versionen på dette system er %2.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ Kan ikke indlæse direct2d-platform-plugin
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Gå tilbage
+ < &Back
+ < &Tilbage
+ Continue
+ Fortsæt
+ &Next
+ &Næste
+ &Next >
+ &Næste >
+ Commit
+ Gennemfør
+ Done
+ Færdig
+ &Finish
+ &Slut
+ Cancel
+ Annuller
+ Help
+ Hjælp
+ &Help
+ &Hjælp
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ der opstod ingen fejl
+ error triggered by consumer
+ fejl udløst af forbruger
+ unexpected end of file
+ uventet afslutning på fil
+ more than one document type definition
+ mere end én dokumenttypedefinition
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ fejl under fortolkning af element
+ tag mismatch
+ uoverensstemmende tag
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ fejl under fortolkning af indhold
+ unexpected character
+ uventet tegn
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ ugyldigt navn for behandlende instruktion
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ version ventet under læsning af XML-deklarationen
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ forkert værdi for selvstændig deklaration
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ kodningsdeklaration eller selvstændig deklaration ventet ved læsning af XML-deklarationen
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ selvstændig deklaration ventet ved læsning af XML-deklarationen
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ fejl under fortolkning af dokumenttypedefinition
+ letter is expected
+ bogstav er ventet
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ fejl under fortolkning af kommentar
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ fejl under fortolkning af reference
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ intern generel entitetsreference ikke tilladt i DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ eksternt fortolket generel entitetsreference ikke tilladt i attributværdi
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ eksternt fortolket generel entitetsreference ikke tilladt i DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ ufortolket enhedsreference i forkert kontekst
+ recursive entities
+ rekursive entiteter
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ fejl i tekstdeklaration på en ekstern entitet
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Ekstra indhold sidst i dokumentet.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Ugyldig entitetværdi.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Ugyldigt XML-tegn.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Sekvensen ']]>' ikke tilladt i indhold.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Mødte forkert kodet indhold.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Navnerumspræfikset '%1' ikke deklareret
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Ulovligt navnerumsdeklaration.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ Attributten '%1' redefineret.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Uventet tegn '%1' i offentlig id-literal.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Ugyldig XML-versionsstreng.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ XML-versionen understøttes ikke.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ Den selvstændige pseudo-attribut skal optræde efter kodningen.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 er et ugyldigt kodningsnavn.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ Kodningen %1 understøttes ikke
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Selvstændig accepterer kun ja eller nej.
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Ugyldig attribut i XML-deklaration.
+ Premature end of document.
+ For tidlig slutning på dokument.
+ Invalid document.
+ Ugyldigt dokument.
+ '%1'
+ expected
+ '<first option>'
+ '%1'
+ %1 or '%2'
+ expected
+ <first option>, '<second option>'
+ %1 eller '%2'
+ %1, '%2'
+ expected
+ <options so far>, '<next option>'
+ %1, '%2'
+ %1, or '%2'
+ expected
+ <options so far>, or '<final option>'
+ %1 eller '%2'
+ Expected %1, but got '%2'.
+ Ventede %1, men fik '%2'.
+ Unexpected '%1'.
+ Uventet '%1'.
+ Expected character data.
+ Ventet tegndata.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Rekursiv entitet registreret.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Start-tag ventet.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ NDATA i parameterentitetsdeklaration.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ XML-deklaration ikke i start af dokument.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 er et ugyldigt behandlende instruktionsnavn.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Ugyldigt behandlende instruktionsnavn.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 er en ugyldig PUBLIC-identifikator.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Ugyldigt XML-navn.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Uoverensstemmende åbnende og afsluttende tag.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Entiteten '%1' ikke deklareret.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Reference to ufortolket entitet '%1'.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Reference til ekstern enhed '%1' i attributværdi.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Ugyldig tegnreference.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_de.ts b/localization/qtbase_de.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fe47fdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_de.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7490 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Schließen
+ Services
+ Dienste
+ Hide %1
+ %1 ausblenden
+ Hide Others
+ Andere ausblenden
+ Show All
+ Alle anzeigen
+ Preferences...
+ Einstellungen...
+ Quit %1
+ %1 beenden
+ About %1
+ Über %1
+ Print Device Input Slot
+ Automatic
+ Automatisch
+ Print Device Output Bin
+ Automatic
+ Automatisch
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Zeitüberschreitung bei Socket-Operation
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Diese Socket-Operation wird nicht unterstützt
+ Host not found
+ Rechner konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ Connection refused
+ Verbindung verweigert
+ Connection timed out
+ Das Zeitlimit für die Verbindung wurde überschritten
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Versuch der Verbindungsaufnahme während bereits eine andere Verbindungsaufnahme läuft
+ Socket is not connected
+ Der Socket ist nicht verbunden
+ Network unreachable
+ Das Netzwerk ist nicht erreichbar
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ &Alles auswählen
+ &Step up
+ &Inkrementieren
+ Step &down
+ &Dekrementieren
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ Drücken
+ Increase
+ Erhöhen
+ Decrease
+ Senken
+ ShowMenu
+ Menü anzeigen
+ SetFocus
+ Fokus setzen
+ Toggle
+ Umschalten
+ Scroll Left
+ Nach links scrollen
+ Scroll Right
+ Nach rechts scrollen
+ Scroll Up
+ Nach oben scrollen
+ Scroll Down
+ Nach unten scrollen
+ Previous Page
+ Vorige Seite
+ Next Page
+ Nächste Seite
+ Triggers the action
+ Aktion auslösen
+ Increase the value
+ Wert erhöhen
+ Decrease the value
+ Wert absenken
+ Shows the menu
+ Zeigt das Menü an
+ Sets the focus
+ Setzt den Fokus
+ Toggles the state
+ Schaltet den Zustand um
+ Scrolls to the left
+ Scrollt nach links
+ Scrolls to the right
+ Scrollt nach rechts
+ Scrolls up
+ Scrollt nach oben
+ Scrolls down
+ Scrollt nach unten
+ Goes back a page
+ Geht zur vorigen Seite
+ Goes to the next page
+ Geht zur nächsten Seite
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ Yes to All
+ Ja, alle
+ No
+ Nein
+ No to All
+ Nein, keine
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ Die Anwendung '%1' benötigt Qt %2; es wurde aber Qt %3 gefunden.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Die Qt-Bibliothek ist inkompatibel
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ Über Qt
+ About
+ Über
+ Config
+ Konfiguration
+ Preference
+ Einstellung
+ Options
+ Optionen
+ Setting
+ Einstellung
+ Setup
+ Einrichten
+ Quit
+ Beenden
+ Exit
+ Verlassen
+ Cut
+ Ausschneiden
+ Copy
+ Kopieren
+ Paste
+ Einfügen
+ Select All
+ Alles auswählen
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ Nicht speichern
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ Farb&ton:
+ &Sat:
+ &Sättigung:
+ &Val:
+ &Helligkeit:
+ &Red:
+ &Rot:
+ &Green:
+ &Grün:
+ Bl&ue:
+ Bla&u:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ A&lphakanal:
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Cursor bei %1, %2
+Drücken Sie ESC, um abzubrechen
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ &Farbe vom Bildschirm wählen
+ Select Color
+ Farbauswahl
+ &Basic colors
+ Grundfar&ben
+ &Custom colors
+ &Benutzerdefinierte Farben
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ Zu benutzerdefinierten Farben &hinzufügen
+ QComboBox
+ False
+ Falsch
+ True
+ Wahr
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ Öffnet das Auswahlfenster der Combobox
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Zeigt Versionsinformation an.
+ Displays this help.
+ Zeigt diese Hilfe an.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Unbekannte Option '%1'.
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Unbekannte Optionen: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Nach '%1' fehlt der Wert.
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ Wert unerwartet nach '%1'.
+ [options]
+ [Optionen]
+ Usage: %1
+ Aufruf: %1
+ Options:
+ Optionen:
+ Arguments:
+ Argumente:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: Ungültige Schlüsselangabe (leer)
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: Es kann kein Schlüssel erzeugt werden
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: ftok-Aufruf ist fehlgeschlagen
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ Druckauftrag
+ Job Control
+ Einstellungen zum Druckauftrag
+ Scheduled printing:
+ Zum Drucken vorgesehen:
+ Billing information:
+ Rechnungsinformation:
+ Job priority:
+ Priorität des Druckauftrags:
+ Banner Pages
+ Kopfseiten
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ Ende:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ Anfang:
+ Print Immediately
+ Sofort ausdrucken
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ Unbegrenzt vorhalten
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Tagsüber (06:00 bis 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Nachts (18:00 bis 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Zweite Schicht (16:00 bis 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Dritte Schicht (00:00 bis 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ Wochenende (Samstag bis Sonntag)
+ Specific Time
+ Zu festgelegter Zeit
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Keine
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Vorgabe
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Öffentlich
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Vertraulich
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Nicht öffentlich
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Geheim
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Streng geheim
+ QCupsPrinterSupport
+ Authentication Needed
+ Authentifizierung erforderlich
+ Authentication needed to use %1.
+ Die Benutzung von %1 erfordert eine Authentifizierung.
+ Authentication needed to use %1 on %2.
+ Die Benutzung von %1 auf %2 erfordert eine Authentifizierung.
+ Username:
+ Benutzername:
+ Password:
+ Passwort:
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Es kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion kann nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden (Operation 'rollback' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ 'autocommit' kann nicht aktiviert werden
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Der Befehl kann nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Der Befehl kann nicht vorbereitet werden
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Die Variable kann nicht gebunden werden
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Der Datensatz %1 kann nicht abgeholt werden
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Der nächste Datensatz kann nicht abgeholt werden
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Der erste Datensatz kann nicht abgeholt werden
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ Direkthilfe
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Name
+ Size
+ Größe
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Art
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Typ
+ Date Modified
+ Änderungsdatum
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ Operation abgebrochen
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ Invalid domain name
+ Ungültiger Domain-Name
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ Nicht unterstützt auf Android
+ Resolver functions not found
+ Die Resolver-Funktionen konnten nicht gefunden werden
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ Die Initialisierung des Resolvers schlug fehl
+ Server could not process query
+ Der Server konnte die Anfrage nicht verarbeiten
+ Server failure
+ Serverausfall
+ Non existent domain
+ Domain existiert nicht
+ Server refused to answer
+ Der Server verweigerte die Antwort
+ Invalid reply received
+ Ungültige Antwort erhalten
+ Could not expand domain name
+ Der Domain-Name konnte nicht expandiert werden
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ Ungültiger IPv4-Adressdatensatz
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ Ungültiger IPv6-Adressdatensatz
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ Ungültigen Datensatz für kanonischen Namen erhalten
+ Invalid name server record
+ Ungültigen Datensatz des Name-Servers erhalten
+ Invalid pointer record
+ Ungültigen Datensatz für Verweis erhalten
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ Ungültigen Datensatz für E-Mail-Austausch erhalten
+ Invalid service record
+ Ungültigen Datensatz für Dienst erhalten
+ Invalid text record
+ Ungültigen Datensatz für Text erhalten
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ Die Resolver-Bibliothek konnte nicht geladen werden. Das Laden zur Laufzeit wird nicht unterstützt
+ No hostname given
+ Es wurde kein Hostname angegeben
+ Invalid hostname
+ Ungültiger Hostname
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ Host %1 konnte nicht gefunden werden.
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ IPv6-Adressen für DNS-Server werden gegenwärtig nicht unterstützt
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ Lösen
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ Löst das Dock-Widget und verankert es wieder
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ Schließen
+ Closes the dock widget
+ Schließt das Dock-Widget
+ QDtls
+ Invalid (empty) secret
+ Ungültiges (leeres) Secret
+ Invalid address
+ Ungültige Adresse
+ Multicast and broadcast addresses are not supported
+ Multicast- und Broadcast-Adressen werden nicht unterstützt
+ Cannot set peer after handshake started
+ Nach Beginn des Handshake kann keine Gegenseite gesetzt werden
+ Cannot set verification name after handshake started
+ Nach Beginn des Handshake kann kein Prüfname gesetzt werden
+ Cannot set configuration after handshake started
+ Nach Beginn des Handshake kann keine Konfiguration gesetzt werden
+ Cannot start/continue handshake, invalid handshake state
+ Der Handshake kann nicht begonnen oder fortgesetzt werden; er befindet sich in einem ungültigen Zustand
+ Invalid (nullptr) socket
+ Ungültiger (nullptr) Socket
+ To start a handshake, DTLS server requires non-empty datagram (client hello)
+ Der DTLS-Server verlangt ein nicht-leeres Datagram (client hello), um einen Handshake zu beginnen
+ Cannot start handshake, already done/in progress
+ Es kann kein Handshake begonnen werden, da er bereits läuft oder beendet wurde
+ No handshake in progress, nothing to abort
+ Es kann nichts abgebrochen werden, da kein Handshake läuft
+ To start a handshake you must set peer's address and port first
+ Adresse und Port der Gegenseite müssen gesetzt werden, um einen Handshake zu beginnen
+ A valid QUdpSocket and non-empty datagram are needed to continue the handshake
+ Eine gültige Instanz von QUdpSocket und ein nicht-leeres Datagram sind erforderlich, um den Handshake fortzusetzen
+ Cannot continue handshake, not in InProgress state
+ Der Handshake kann nicht fortgesetzt werden, nicht im Status InProgress
+ Cannot resume, not in VerificationError state
+ Kann nicht fortsetzen, nicht im Status VerificationError
+ Cannot send shutdown alert, not encrypted
+ Es kann keine shutdown Benachrichtigung gesendet werden, fehlende Verschlüsselung
+ Cannot write a datagram, not in encrypted state
+ Es kann kein Datagram geschrieben werden, fehlende Verschlüsselung
+ Cannot read a datagram, not in encrypted state
+ Es kann kein Datagram gelesen werden, fehlende Verschlüsselung
+ %1 failed
+ %1: Some function
+ %1 schlug fehl
+ Invalid SslMode, SslServerMode or SslClientMode expected
+ Ungültiger SslMode, es wird SslServerMode oder SslClientMode erwartet
+ Invalid protocol version, DTLS protocol expected
+ Ungültige Protokollversion, es wird DTLS-Protokoll erwartet
+ BIO_ADD_new failed, cannot start handshake
+ BIO_ADD_new schlug fehl, es kann kein Handshake begonnen werden
+ Cannot start the handshake, verified client hello expected
+ Der Handshake kann nicht begonnen werden; es ist ein verifiziertes client hello erforderlich
+ Error while writing: %1
+ Beim Schreiben ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Beim Lesen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %1
+ Peer verification failed
+ Die Überprüfung der Gegenseite schlug fehl
+ The DTLS connection has been closed
+ Die DTLS-Verbindung wurde geschlossen
+ The DTLS connection has been shutdown
+ Die DTLS-Verbindung wurde beendet
+ QDtlsClientVerifier
+ A valid UDP socket, non-empty datagram, valid address/port were expected
+ Es werden ein gültiger UDP-Socket, ein nicht leeres Datagram, eine gültige Adresse sowie ein gültiger Port vorausgesetzt
+ BIO_ADDR_new failed, ignoring client hello
+ BIO_ADDR_new schlug fehl, die Hello-Nachricht des Client wird ignoriert
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Debug-Ausgabe:
+ Warning:
+ Warnung:
+ Critical Error:
+ Kritischer Fehler:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Fataler Fehler:
+ Information:
+ Information:
+ &Show this message again
+ Diese Meldung wieder an&zeigen
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ Die Zieldatei ist dieselbe Datei.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ Die Quelldatei existiert nicht.
+ Destination file exists
+ Die Zieldatei existiert bereits
+ Error while renaming: %1
+ Fehler beim Umbenennen: %1
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ Die Datei konnte nicht von %1 wieder hergestellt werden: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ Eine sequentielle Datei wird nicht durch blockweises Kopieren umbenannt
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Die Quelldatei kann nicht entfernt werden
+ Cannot open destination file: %1
+ Die Zieldatei kann nicht geöffnet werden: %1
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ %1 kann nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden
+ Cannot open for output: %1
+ Kann nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet werden: %1
+ Failure to write block
+ Der Datenblock konnte nicht geschrieben werden
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ %1 kann nicht erstellt werden
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ Es ist kein Backend verfügbar oder das gegenwärtig aktive Backend unterstützt die UnMap-Erweiterung nicht
+ No file engine available
+ Es ist kein Backend verfügbar
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ Suchen in:
+ Back
+ Zurück
+ Go back
+ Zurück
+ Forward
+ Vorwärts
+ Go forward
+ Vor
+ Parent Directory
+ Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis
+ Go to the parent directory
+ Gehe zum übergeordneten Verzeichnis
+ Create New Folder
+ Neuen Ordner erstellen
+ Create a New Folder
+ Neuen Ordner erstellen
+ List View
+ Liste
+ Change to list view mode
+ Wechsle zu Listenansicht
+ Detail View
+ Details
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Wechsle zu Detailansicht
+ Sidebar
+ Seitenleiste
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ Liste der Orte und Lesezeichen
+ Files
+ Dateien
+ Files of type:
+ Dateien des Typs:
+ Find Directory
+ Verzeichnis suchen
+ Open
+ Öffnen
+ Save As
+ Speichern unter
+ Directory:
+ Verzeichnis:
+ File &name:
+ Datei&name:
+ &Open
+ &Öffnen
+ &Choose
+ &Auswählen
+ &Save
+ S&peichern
+ All Files (*)
+ Alle Dateien (*)
+ Show
+ Anzeigen
+ &Rename
+ &Umbenennen
+ &Delete
+ &Löschen
+ Show &hidden files
+ &Versteckte Dateien anzeigen
+ &New Folder
+ &Neues Verzeichnis
+ All files (*)
+ Alle Dateien (*)
+ Directories
+ Verzeichnisse
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Das Verzeichnis konnte nicht gefunden werden.
+Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Verzeichnisname richtig ist.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ Die Datei %1 existiert bereits.
+Soll sie überschrieben werden?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Die Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden.
+Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Dateiname richtig ist.
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ '%1' ist schreibgeschützt.
+Möchten Sie die Datei trotzdem löschen?
+ New Folder
+ Neues Verzeichnis
+ Delete
+ Löschen
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie '%1' löschen möchten?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Das Verzeichnis konnte nicht gelöscht werden.
+ Recent Places
+ Zuletzt besucht
+ Remove
+ Löschen
+ My Computer
+ Mein Computer
+ Drive
+ Laufwerk
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ %1-Datei
+ File
+ Datei
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Ordner
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Verzeichnis
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ Alias
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Symbolischer Link
+ Unknown
+ Unbekannt
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Up
+ QFileSystemModel
+ Invalid filename
+ Ungültiger Dateiname
+ <b>The name "%1" cannot be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuation marks.
+ <b>Der Name "%1" kann nicht verwendet werden.</b><p>Versuchen Sie, die Satzzeichen zu entfernen oder einen kürzeren Namen zu verwenden.
+ Name
+ Name
+ Size
+ Größe
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Art
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Typ
+ Date Modified
+ Änderungsdatum
+ My Computer
+ Mein Computer
+ Computer
+ Computer
+ QFontDatabase
+ Bold
+ Fett
+ Demi Bold
+ Halbfett
+ Black
+ Schwarz
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Halb
+ Light
+ Leicht
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ Normal
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ Mittel
+ Thin
+ Dünn
+ Extra Light
+ Sehr dünn
+ Extra Bold
+ Sehr fett
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Sehr
+ Italic
+ Kursiv
+ Oblique
+ Schräggestellt
+ Any
+ Alle
+ Latin
+ Lateinisch
+ Greek
+ Griechisch
+ Cyrillic
+ Kyrillisch
+ Armenian
+ Armenisch
+ Hebrew
+ Hebräisch
+ Arabic
+ Arabisch
+ Syriac
+ Syrisch
+ Thaana
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Bengalisch
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Tamilisch
+ Telugu
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Sinhala
+ Thai
+ Thailändisch
+ Lao
+ Laotisch
+ Tibetan
+ Tibetisch
+ Myanmar
+ Myanmar
+ Georgian
+ Georgisch
+ Khmer
+ Khmer
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Chinesisch (Kurzzeichen)
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Chinesisch (Langzeichen)
+ Japanese
+ Japanisch
+ Korean
+ Koreanisch
+ Vietnamese
+ Vietnamesisch
+ Symbol
+ Symbol
+ Ogham
+ Ogham
+ Runic
+ Runen
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Schriftart auswählen
+ &Font
+ &Schriftart
+ Font st&yle
+ Schrifts&til
+ &Size
+ &Größe
+ Effects
+ Effekte
+ Stri&keout
+ Durch&gestrichen
+ &Underline
+ &Unterstrichen
+ Sample
+ Beispiel
+ Wr&iting System
+ &Schriftsystem
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Keine Verbindung
+ Host %1 not found
+ Host %1 konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Verbindung mit %1 verweigert
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Das Zeitlimit für die Verbindung zu '%1' wurde überschritten
+ Connected to host %1
+ Verbunden mit Rechner %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ Datenverbindung verweigert
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Verbindung mit Rechner ist fehlgeschlagen:
+ Login failed:
+ Anmeldung ist fehlgeschlagen:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Der Inhalt des Verzeichnisses konnte nicht angezeigt werden:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Das Ändern des Verzeichnisses schlug fehl:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Das Herunterladen der Datei schlug fehl:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Das Hochladen der Datei schlug fehl:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Das Löschen der Datei schlug fehl:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Das Erstellen des Verzeichnisses schlug fehl:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Das Löschen des Verzeichnisses schlug fehl:
+ Connection closed
+ Verbindung beendet
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ S&peichern
+ &Cancel
+ &Abbrechen
+ &Close
+ Schl&ießen
+ Close without Saving
+ Schließen ohne zu Speichern
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ Es wurde kein Hostname angegeben
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ Es wurde kein Hostname angegeben
+ Invalid hostname
+ Ungültiger Hostname
+ Unknown address type
+ Unbekannter Adresstyp
+ Host not found
+ Host konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Unbekannter Fehler (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ Host %1 konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ Connection refused
+ Verbindung verweigert
+ Connection closed
+ Verbindung beendet
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Proxy-Authentifizierung erforderlich
+ Host requires authentication
+ Der Host verlangt eine Authentifizierung
+ Data corrupted
+ Die Daten sind verfälscht
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Unbekanntes Protokoll angegeben
+ SSL handshake failed
+ Im Ablauf des SSL-Protokolls ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.
+ Too many redirects
+ Zu viele Weiterleitungen
+ Insecure redirect
+ Unsichere Weiterleitung
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Keine HTTP-Antwort vom Proxy-Server
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Fehler beim Auswerten der Authentifizierungsanforderung des Proxy-Servers
+ Authentication required
+ Authentifizierung erforderlich
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Der Proxy-Server hat den Aufbau einer Verbindung verweigert
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Fehler bei der Kommunikation mit dem Proxy-Server
+ Proxy server not found
+ Es konnte kein Proxy-Server gefunden werden
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Der Proxy-Server hat den Aufbau einer Verbindung verweigert
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ Bei der Verbindung mit dem Proxy-Server wurde ein Zeitlimit überschritten
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ Der Proxy-Server hat die Verbindung vorzeitig beendet
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Die Datenbankverbindung konnte nicht geöffnet werden
+ Could not start transaction
+ Es konnte keine Transaktion gestartet werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht rückgängig gemacht werden (Operation 'rollback' fehlgeschlagen)
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Es konnte kein BLOB erzeugt werden
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Der BLOB konnte nicht geschrieben werden
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Der BLOB konnte nicht geöffnet werden
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Der BLOB konnte nicht gelesen werden
+ Could not find array
+ Das Feld konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ Could not get array data
+ Die Daten des Feldes konnten nicht gelesen werden
+ Could not get query info
+ Die erforderlichen Informationen zur Abfrage sind nicht verfügbar
+ Could not start transaction
+ Es konnte keine Transaktion gestartet werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Die Allokation des Befehls ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht initialisiert werden
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Es konnte keine Beschreibung des Eingabebefehls erhalten werden
+ Could not describe statement
+ Es konnte keine Beschreibung des Befehls erhalten werden
+ Unable to close statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht geschlossen werden
+ Unable to execute query
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Das nächste Element konnte nicht abgeholt werden
+ Could not get statement info
+ Es ist keine Information zum Befehl verfügbar
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Zugriff verweigert
+ Too many open files
+ Zu viele Dateien geöffnet
+ No such file or directory
+ Die Datei oder das Verzeichnis konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ No space left on device
+ Kein freier Speicherplatz auf dem Gerät vorhanden
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ file to open is a directory
+ die zu öffnende Datei ist ein Verzeichnis
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ Ungültiges Gerät
+ File not found
+ Datei nicht gefunden
+ Unsupported image format
+ Dieser Typ von Bilddaten wird nicht unterstützt
+ Unable to read image data
+ Die Bilddaten konnten nicht gelesen werden
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ Device is not set
+ Kein Ausgabegerät
+ Cannot open device for writing: %1
+ Das Gerät kann nicht zum Schreiben geöffnet werden: %1
+ Device not writable
+ Kann nicht auf Ausgabegerät schreiben
+ Unsupported image format
+ Dieser Typ von Bilddaten wird nicht unterstützt
+ Image is empty
+ Das Bild ist leer
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Geben Sie einen Wert ein:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ kein Fehler
+ unterminated object
+ Nicht abgeschlossenes Objekt
+ missing name separator
+ Trennzeichen für Namen fehlt
+ unterminated array
+ Nicht abgeschlossenes Feld
+ missing value separator
+ Trennzeichen für Wert fehlt
+ illegal value
+ Ungültiger Wert
+ invalid termination by number
+ ?
+ Ungültiger Abschluß durch Zahl
+ illegal number
+ Ungültige Zahl
+ invalid escape sequence
+ Ungültige Escape-Sequenz
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ Ungültige UTF8-Zeichenkette
+ unterminated string
+ Nicht abgeschlossene Zeichenkette
+ object is missing after a comma
+ Objekt fehlt nach Komma
+ too deeply nested document
+ Das Dokument ist zu tief geschachtelt
+ too large document
+ zu großes Dokument
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ Überzähliger Inhalt nach Ende des Dokuments
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ Geben Sie ein Tastenkürzel ein
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' ist keine ELF-Objektdatei (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ '%1' ist keine ELF-Objektdatei
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' ist keine gültige ELF-Objektdatei (%2)
+ odd cpu architecture
+ Unbekannte CPU-Architektur
+ wrong cpu architecture
+ Falsche CPU-Architektur
+ odd endianness
+ Unbekannte Byte-Reihenfolge
+ unexpected e_shsize
+ e_shsize unerwartet
+ unexpected e_shentsize
+ e_shentsize unerwartet
+ announced %n section(s), each %1 byte(s), exceed file size
+ Die angekündigte Sektion (%1 Byte) überschreitet die Dateigröße
+ Die angekündigten %n Sektionen (jede %1 Byte) überschreiten die Dateigröße
+ shstrtab section header seems to be at %1
+ Der Beginn der shstrtab-Sektion ist wahrscheinlich bei %1
+ string table seems to be at %1
+ Die Zeichenkettentabelle ist wahrscheinlich bei %1
+ section name %1 of %2 behind end of file
+ Der Sektionsname %1 von %2 ist hinter dem Dateiende
+ empty .rodata. not a library.
+ Leerer .rodata.-Abschnitt; dies scheint keine Bibliothek zu sein.
+ missing section data. This is not a library.
+ Fehlende Daten der Sektion; dies scheint keine Bibliothek zu sein.
+ Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'
+ Die Metadaten des Plugins '%1' konnten nicht bestimmt werden
+ The shared library was not found.
+ Die dynamische Bibliothek konnte nicht gefunden werden.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ Die Datei '%1' ist kein gültiges Qt-Plugin.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ Das Plugin '%1' verwendet eine inkompatible Qt-Bibliothek. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Das Plugin '%1' verwendet eine inkompatible Qt-Bibliothek. (Im Debug-Modus erstellte und im Release-Modus erstellte Bibliotheken können nicht zusammen verwendet werden.)
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Die Bibliothek %1 kann nicht geladen werden: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Die Bibliothek %1 kann nicht entladen werden: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ Das Symbol "%1" kann in %2 nicht aufgelöst werden: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ '%1' ist keine gültige ausführbare Datei des Typs Mach-O (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ Datei beschädigt
+ file too small
+ Datei zu klein
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ Keine passende Architektur in ausführbarer Datei (fat binary)
+ invalid magic %1
+ Ungültiger Magic-Code: %1
+ wrong architecture
+ Falsche Architektur
+ not a dynamic library
+ Keine dynamische Bibliothek
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ '%1' ist kein Qt-Plugin
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Rückgängig
+ &Redo
+ Wieder&herstellen
+ Cu&t
+ &Ausschneiden
+ &Copy
+ &Kopieren
+ &Paste
+ Einf&ügen
+ Delete
+ Löschen
+ Select All
+ Alles auswählen
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: Fehlerhafter Name
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: Zugriff verweigert
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: Die Adresse wird bereits verwendet
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Unbekannter Fehler %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: Der Verbindungsaufbau wurde verweigert
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: Die Verbindung wurde von der Gegenseite geschlossen
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: Ungültiger Name
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: Fehler beim Zugriff auf den Socket
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: Socket-Fehler (Ressourcenproblem)
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: Zeitüberschreitung bei Socket-Operation
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: Das Datagramm ist zu groß
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: Verbindungsfehler
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: Diese Socket-Operation wird nicht unterstützt
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: Diese Operation ist in diesem Socket-Status nicht zulässig
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: Unbekannter Fehler
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Unbekannter Fehler %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: Zugriff verweigert
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Versuch der Verbindungsaufnahme während bereits eine andere Verbindungsaufnahme läuft
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ Es konnte kein MYSQL-Objekt erstellt werden
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ Die Datenbank '%1' kann nicht geöffnet werden
+ Unable to connect
+ Es kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Es kann keine Transaktion gestartet werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion kann nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden (Operation 'rollback' fehlgeschlagen)
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Es konnten keine Daten abgeholt werden
+ Unable to execute query
+ Die Abfrage konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to store result
+ Das Ergebnis konnte nicht gespeichert werden
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Die folgende Abfrage kann nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to store next result
+ Das folgende Ergebnis kann nicht gespeichert werden
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht initialisiert werden
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht zurückgesetzt werden
+ Unable to bind value
+ Der Wert konnte nicht gebunden werden
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Die Ausgabewerte konnten nicht gebunden werden
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Die Ergebnisse des Befehls konnten nicht gespeichert werden
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (Unbenannt)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Minimieren
+ Maximize
+ Maximieren
+ Unshade
+ Herabrollen
+ Shade
+ Aufrollen
+ Restore Down
+ Wiederherstellen
+ Restore
+ Wiederherstellen
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ Help
+ Hilfe
+ Menu
+ Menü
+ &Restore
+ Wieder&herstellen
+ &Move
+ Ver&schieben
+ &Size
+ &Größe
+ Mi&nimize
+ M&inimieren
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ximieren
+ Stay on &Top
+ Im &Vordergrund bleiben
+ &Close
+ Schl&ießen
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Details einblenden...
+ Hide Details...
+ Details ausblenden...
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>Über Qt</h3><p>Dieses Programm verwendet Qt Version %1.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under multiple licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of GNU (L)GPL.</p><p>Qt licensed under GNU (L)GPL is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the respective licenses.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ Leave this text untranslated or include a verbatim copy of it below and note that it is the authoritative version in case of doubt.
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under multiple licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of GNU (L)GPL.</p><p>Qt licensed under GNU (L)GPL is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the respective licenses.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ About Qt
+ Über Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Der nichtblockierende Socket konnte nicht initialisiert werden
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Der Broadcast-Socket konnte nicht initialisiert werden
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Es wurde versucht, einen IPv6-Socket auf einem System ohne IPv6-Unterstützung zu verwenden
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Der entfernte Rechner hat die Verbindung geschlossen
+ Network operation timed out
+ Das Zeitlimit für die Operation wurde überschritten
+ Out of resources
+ Keine Ressourcen verfügbar
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Socket-Operation nicht unterstützt
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Das Protokoll wird nicht unterstützt
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Ungültiger Socket-Deskriptor
+ Host unreachable
+ Der Host kann nicht erreicht werden
+ Network unreachable
+ Das Netzwerk ist nicht erreichbar
+ Permission denied
+ Zugriff verweigert
+ Connection timed out
+ Das Zeitlimit für die Verbindung wurde überschritten
+ Connection refused
+ Verbindung verweigert
+ The bound address is already in use
+ Die angegebene Adresse ist bereits in Gebrauch
+ The address is not available
+ Die Adresse ist nicht verfügbar
+ The address is protected
+ Die Adresse ist geschützt
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Das Datagram konnte nicht gesendet werden, weil es zu groß ist
+ Unable to send a message
+ Die Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Die Nachricht konnte nicht empfangen werden
+ Unable to write
+ Der Schreibvorgang konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Network error
+ Netzwerkfehler
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Auf diesem Port hört bereits ein anderer Socket
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operation kann nur auf einen Socket angewandt werden
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Die Operation kann mit dem Proxy-Typ nicht durchgeführt werden
+ Temporary error
+ Vorübergehender Fehler
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ Beim Rücksetzen wurde die Verbindung getrennt
+ Connection reset by peer
+ Verbindung durch Gegenseite zurückgesetzt
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ %1 konnte nicht geöffnet werden
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ Ungültiger URI: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Fehler beim Schreiben zu %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Socket-Fehler bei %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ Der Host hat die Verbindung zu %1 vorzeitig beendet
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Anforderung zum Öffnen einer Datei über Netzwerk %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ %1 konnte nicht geöffnet werden: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Fehler beim Schreiben zur Datei %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ %1 kann nicht geöffnet werden: Der Pfad spezifiziert ein Verzeichnis
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Beim Lesen von der Datei %1 trat ein Fehler auf: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Es konnte kein geeigneter Proxy-Server gefunden werden
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ %1 kann nicht geöffnet werden: Es handelt sich um ein Verzeichnis
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Die Anmeldung bei %1 ist fehlgeschlagen: Es ist eine Authentifizierung erforderlich
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Beim Herunterladen von %1 trat ein Fehler auf: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Beim Hochladen von %1 trat ein Fehler auf: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ Der Zugriff auf das Netzwerk ist nicht gestattet.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Background request not allowed.
+ Hintergrundabfrage nicht zulässig.
+ Network session error.
+ Fehler bei Netzwerkverbindung.
+ backend start error.
+ Fehler beim Starten des Backends.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Das Netzwerk ist vorübergehend ausgefallen.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Das Protokoll "%1" ist unbekannt
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ Bei der Übertragung von %1 trat ein Fehler auf - Die Antwort des Servers ist: %2
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operation abgebrochen
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Es konnte kein geeigneter Proxy-Server gefunden werden
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operation abgebrochen
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ Ungültige Konfiguration.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ Unbekannter Fehler bei Netzwerkverbindung.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ Die Verbindung wurde vom Benutzer oder vom Betriebssystem unterbrochen.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ Die angeforderte Operation wird vom System nicht unterstützt.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ Die angegebene Konfiguration kann nicht verwendet werden.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ Das Roaming wurde abgebrochen oder ist hier nicht möglich.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Initialisierung fehlgeschlagen
+ Unable to logon
+ Logon-Vorgang fehlgeschlagen
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Es konnte keine Transaktion gestartet werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht rückgängig gemacht werden (Operation 'rollback' fehlgeschlagen)
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Die Spalte konnte nicht für den Stapelverarbeitungs-Befehl gebunden werden
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Der Stapelverarbeitungs-Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to goto next
+ Kann nicht zum nächsten Element gehen
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Die Allokation des Befehls ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht initialisiert werden
+ Unable to get statement type
+ Der Anweisungstyp kann nicht bestimmt werden
+ Unable to bind value
+ Der Wert konnte nicht gebunden werden
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Es kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ Es kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden weil der Treiber die benötigte Funktionalität nicht vollständig unterstützt
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ 'autocommit' konnte nicht deaktiviert werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht rückgängig gemacht werden (Operation 'rollback' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ 'autocommit' konnte nicht aktiviert werden
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Der letzte Datensatz konnte nicht abgeholt werden
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' konnte nicht als Attribut des Befehls gesetzt werden. Bitte prüfen Sie die Konfiguration Ihres ODBC-Treibers
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to fetch
+ Es konnten keine Daten abgeholt werden
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Der nächste Datensatz konnte nicht abgeholt werden
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Der erste Datensatz konnte nicht abgeholt werden
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ Der vorherige Datensatz konnte nicht abgeholt werden
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht initialisiert werden
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Die Variable konnte nicht gebunden werden
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Es kann keine Verbindung aufgebaut werden
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Es konnte keine Transaktion gestartet werden
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht rückgängig gemacht werden (Operation 'rollback' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Die Registrierung ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ Die Registrierung konnte nicht aufgehoben werden
+ QPSQLResult
+ Query results lost - probably discarded on executing another SQL query.
+ Die Ergebnisse der Abfrage sind nicht länger verfügbar - wahrscheinlich wurden sie durch Ausführung einer anderen SQL-Abfrage gelöscht.
+ Unable to create query
+ Es konnte keine Abfrage erzeugt werden
+ Unable to get result
+ Es kann kein Ergebnis erhalten werden
+ Unable to send query
+ Die Abfrage kann nicht gesendet werden
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht initialisiert werden
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Formular
+ Paper
+ Papier
+ Page size:
+ Seitengröße:
+ Width:
+ Breite:
+ Height:
+ Höhe:
+ Paper source:
+ Papierquelle:
+ Orientation
+ Ausrichtung
+ Portrait
+ Hochformat
+ Landscape
+ Querformat
+ Reverse landscape
+ Umgekehrtes Querformat
+ Reverse portrait
+ Umgekehrtes Hochformat
+ Margins
+ Ränder
+ top margin
+ Oberer Rand
+ left margin
+ Linker Rand
+ right margin
+ Rechter Rand
+ bottom margin
+ Unterer Rand
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Millimeter (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Zoll (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Punkte (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Custom
+ Benutzerdefiniert
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ Zoll
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ Page Layout
+ Seitenaufbau
+ Page order:
+ Reihenfolge der Seiten:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ Seiten pro Blatt:
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ Benutzerdefiniert (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ Benutzerdefiniert (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ Benutzerdefiniert (%1 Zoll x %2 Zoll)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ Benutzerdefiniert (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ Benutzerdefiniert (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ Benutzerdefiniert (%1CC x %2CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 Zoll
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7,5 x 10 Zoll)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Executive (7,25 x 10,5 Zoll)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8,27 x 13 Zoll)
+ Legal
+ Legal
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ Benutzerdefiniert
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 Klein
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Legal Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Small
+ Letter Klein
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Architect A
+ Architect A
+ Architect B
+ Architect B
+ Architect C
+ Architect C
+ Architect D
+ Architect D
+ Architect E
+ Architect E
+ Note
+ Note
+ Quarto
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Statement
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Postkarte
+ Double Postcard
+ Doppelpostkarte
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K Groß
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Endlosdruckpapier US (14,875 x 11 Zoll)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Endlosdruckpapier Deutsch (8,5 x 12 Zoll)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Endlosdruckpapier Deutsch Legal (8,5 x 13 Zoll)
+ Envelope B4
+ Umschlag B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Umschlag B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Umschlag B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Umschlag C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Umschlag C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Umschlag C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Umschlag C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Umschlag C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Umschlag C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Umschlag C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Umschlag C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Umschlag C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Umschlag DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Umschlag US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Umschlag US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Umschlag US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Umschlag US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Umschlag US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Umschlag Monarch
+ Envelope Personal
+ Umschlag Personal
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Umschlag Chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Umschlag Chou 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Umschlag Einladung
+ Envelope Italian
+ Umschlag Italienisch
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Umschlag Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Umschlag Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Umschlag PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Umschlag PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Umschlag PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Umschlag PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Umschlag PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Umschlag PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Umschlag PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Umschlag PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Umschlag PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Umschlag PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ Umschlag You 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Speichern
+ Save All
+ Alles speichern
+ Open
+ Öffnen
+ &Yes
+ &Ja
+ Yes to &All
+ Ja, &alle
+ &No
+ &Nein
+ N&o to All
+ N&ein, keine
+ Abort
+ Abbrechen
+ Retry
+ Wiederholen
+ Ignore
+ Ignorieren
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Discard
+ Verwerfen
+ Help
+ Hilfe
+ Apply
+ Anwenden
+ Reset
+ Zurücksetzen
+ Restore Defaults
+ Voreinstellungen
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Das Plugin wurde nicht geladen.
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Drucken
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ Von links nach rechts, von oben nach unten
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ Von links nach rechts, von unten nach oben
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ Von rechts nach links, von unten nach oben
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ Von rechts nach links, von oben nach unten
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ Von unten nach oben, von links nach rechts
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ Von unten nach oben, von rechts nach links
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ Von oben nach unten, von links nach rechts
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ Von oben nach unten, von rechts nach links
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ Alle Seiten
+ Odd Pages
+ Ungerade Seiten
+ Even Pages
+ Gerade Seiten
+ &Options >>
+ &Einstellungen >>
+ &Print
+ &Drucken
+ &Options <<
+ &Einstellungen <<
+ Invalid Pages Definition
+ Ungültige Seitendefinition
+ %1 does not follow the correct syntax. Please use ',' to separate ranges and pages, '-' to define ranges and make sure ranges do not intersect with each other.
+ %1 entspricht nicht der richtigen Schreibweise. Bitte benutzen Sie ',' um Bereiche und Seitennummern voneinander abzugrenzen, '-' um Bereiche festzulegen, und stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Bereiche nicht überschneiden.
+ Duplex Settings Conflicts
+ Widersprüchliche Duplexeinstellungen
+ There are conflicts in duplex settings. Do you want to fix them?
+ Die Duplexeinstellungen sind widersprüchlich. Möchten Sie diese korrigieren?
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ In PDF-Datei drucken
+ Local file
+ Lokale Datei
+ Write PDF file
+ PDF-Datei schreiben
+ Print To File ...
+ In Datei drucken ...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 ist ein Verzeichnis.
+Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Dateinamen.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Die Datei %1 ist schreibgeschützt.
+Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Dateinamen.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ Die Datei %1 existiert bereits.
+Soll sie überschrieben werden?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ Die Einstellungen "Seiten pro Blatt" und "Seiten-Satz" können nicht zusammen verwendet werden.
+Bitte deaktivieren Sie eine der beiden.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ Die Angabe für die erste Seite darf nicht größer sein als die für die letzte Seite.
+ OK
+ OK
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Seite einrichten
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Druckvorschau
+ Next page
+ Nächste Seite
+ Previous page
+ Vorige Seite
+ First page
+ Erste Seite
+ Last page
+ Letzte Seite
+ Fit width
+ Breite anpassen
+ Fit page
+ Seite anpassen
+ Zoom in
+ Vergrößern
+ Zoom out
+ Verkleinern
+ Portrait
+ Hochformat
+ Landscape
+ Querformat
+ Show single page
+ Einzelne Seite anzeigen
+ Show facing pages
+ Gegenüberliegende Seiten anzeigen
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Übersicht aller Seiten
+ Print
+ Drucken
+ Page setup
+ Seite einrichten
+ Export to PDF
+ PDF exportieren
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ Druckereigenschaften
+ Job Options
+ Einstellungen zum Druckauftrag
+ Page Setup Conflicts
+ Widersprüchliche Seiteneinstellungen
+ There are conflicts in page setup options. Do you want to fix them?
+ Die Seiteneinstellungen sind widersprüchlich. Möchten Sie diese korrigieren?
+ Advanced Option Conflicts
+ Widersprüchliche erweiterte Einstellungen
+ There are conflicts in some advanced options. Do you want to fix them?
+ Die erweiterten Einstellungen sind widersprüchlich. Möchten Sie diese korrigieren?
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Formular
+ Page
+ Seite
+ Advanced
+ Erweitert
+ There are conflicts in some options. Please fix them.
+ Einige Einstellungen sind widersprüchlich. Bitte korrigieren Sie diese.
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Formular
+ Copies
+ Anzahl Exemplare
+ Print range
+ Bereich drucken
+ Print all
+ Alles drucken
+ Pages from
+ Seiten von
+ to
+ bis
+ Current Page
+ Aktuelle Seite
+ Selection
+ Auswahl
+ Output Settings
+ Ausgabeeinstellungen
+ Copies:
+ Anzahl Exemplare:
+ Collate
+ Sortieren
+ Reverse
+ Umgekehrt
+ Options
+ Optionen
+ Color Mode
+ Farbmodus
+ Color
+ Farbe
+ Grayscale
+ Graustufen
+ Duplex Printing
+ Duplexdruck
+ None
+ Kein
+ Long side
+ Lange Seite
+ Short side
+ Kurze Seite
+ Page Set:
+ Seiten-Satz:
+ Pages
+ Seiten
+ Specify pages or ranges separated by commas. Ranges are specified by two numbers separated by a hyphen. E.g: 3,5-7,9 prints pages 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
+ Geben Sie die Seiten oder Bereiche durch Kommata getrennt ein. Bereiche werden durch zwei durch einen Bindestrich getrennte Zahlen festgelegt. Beispiel: 3,5-7,9 druckt die Seiten 3, 5, 6, 7 und 9.
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Formular
+ Printer
+ Drucker
+ &Name:
+ &Name:
+ P&roperties
+ &Eigenschaften
+ Location:
+ Standort:
+ Preview
+ Vorschau
+ Type:
+ Typ:
+ Output &file:
+ Ausgabe&datei:
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Error reading from process
+ Das Lesen vom Prozess ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Error writing to process
+ Das Schreiben zum Prozess ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Process crashed
+ Der Prozess ist abgestürzt
+ Process failed to start
+ Das Starten des Prozesses ist fehlgeschlagen
+ No program defined
+ Es wurde kein Programm angegeben
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Die Eingabeumleitung konnte nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Die Ausgabeumleitung konnte nicht zum Lesen geöffnet werden
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Ressourcenproblem ("fork failure"): %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ Zeitüberschreitung
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ Das Starten des Prozesses ist fehlgeschlagen: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ kein Fehler
+ disabled feature used
+ deaktivierte Eigenschaft wurde benutzt
+ bad char class syntax
+ falsche Syntax für Zeichenklasse
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ falsche Syntax für Lookahead
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ lookbehinds nicht unterstützt, siehe QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ falsche Syntax für Wiederholungen
+ invalid octal value
+ ungültiger Oktal-Wert
+ missing left delim
+ fehlende linke Begrenzung
+ unexpected end
+ unerwartetes Ende
+ met internal limit
+ internes Limit erreicht
+ invalid interval
+ ungültiges Intervall
+ invalid category
+ ungültige Kategorie
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ kein Fehler
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ am Ende des Musters
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c am Ende des Musters
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ Nicht erkanntes Zeichen nach \
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ falsche Reihenfolge der Zahlen bei {}-Angabe
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ zu große Zahl bei {}-Angabe
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ schließende eckige Klammer fehlt bei Zeichenklasse
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ ungültige Escape-Sequenz in Zeichenklasse
+ range out of order in character class
+ ungültiger Bereich in Zeichenklasse
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ interner Fehler: Wiederholung nicht erwartet
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ Zeichen nicht erkannt nach (? oder (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ nach POSIX benannte Klassen sind nur innerhalb einer Klasse unterstützt
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ Referenz auf nicht existentes Untermuster
+ regular expression is too large
+ regulärer Ausdruck zu groß
+ internal error: code overflow
+ interner Fehler: Code-Überlauf
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ lookbehind assertion hat keine feste Länge
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ Name oder Nummer nach (?( ungültig
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ bedingte Gruppe enthält mehr als zwei Verzweigungen
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ (?R oder (?[+-]Ziffern erfordert schließende Klammer
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ unbekannter POSIX-Klassenname
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ POSIX-Sortierfolgen werden nicht unterstützt
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ ungültige Bedingung (?(0)
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE unterstützt \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, oder \u nicht
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ Zeichen nicht erkannt nach (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ Syntaxfehler in Name des Untermusters (fehlendes Trennzeichen)
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ fehlerhafte \P- oder \p-Sequenz
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ unbekannter Eigenschaftsname nach \P oder \p
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ interner Fehler: Überlauf im Kompilierbereich
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ interner Fehler: bereits überprüfte Referenz auf Untermuster nicht gefunden
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ DEFINE-Gruppe enthält mehr als eine Verzweigung
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ auf \g folgt weder in Anführungszeichen, geschweifte oder eckige Klammern eingeschlossene Zahl oder Name noch eine einfache Zahl
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ eine nummerierte Referenz darf nicht Null sein
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ Argumente für (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), oder (*COMMIT) nicht zulässig
+ number is too big
+ zu große Zahl
+ subpattern name expected
+ Name des Untermusters erwartet
+ digit expected after (?+
+ Ziffer erwartet nach (?+
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ verschiedene Namen für Untermuster mit derselben Nummer sind nicht zulässig
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) erfordert ein Argument
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ auf \k folgt kein in Anführungszeichen, geschweifte oder eckige Klammern eingeschlossener Name
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ interner Fehler: Unbekannter Operationscode in find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N ist innerhalb einer Klasse nicht unterstützt
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ nicht zulässiger Unicode-Code-Point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ Name zu lang in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), oder (*THEN)
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ \x{} enthält ein Zeichen, das keine Hexadezimalziffer ist (fehlt eventuell eine schließende Klammer?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ \o{} enthält ein Zeichen, das keine Oktalziffer ist (fehlt eventuell eine schließende Klammer?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ öffnende Klammer fehlt nach \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ Klammern zu tief geschachtelt
+ invalid range in character class
+ ungültiger Bereich in Zeichenklasse
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ Gruppenname darf nicht mit einer Ziffer beginnen
+ quantifier does not follow a repeatable item
+ Quantifizierer folgt auf nicht-wiederholbares Item
+ missing closing parenthesis
+ fehlende schließende Klammer
+ pattern passed as NULL
+ NULL als Muster übergeben
+ unrecognised compile-time option bit(s)
+ unbekannte Bits bei Kompilierungsoption gesetzt
+ missing ) after (?# comment
+ ) fehlt nach (?# Kommentar
+ failed to allocate heap memory
+ es konnte kein Heap-Speicher alloziiert werden
+ unmatched closing parenthesis
+ überzählige schließende Klammer
+ letter or underscore expected after (?< or (?'
+ auf (?< oder (?' muss ein Buchstabe oder Unterstrichzeichen folgen
+ assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C)
+ if /else
+ auf (?( oder (?(?C) muss eine Bedingung folgen
+ internal error in pcre2_study(): should not occur
+ interner Fehler in pcre2_study(): Sollte nicht auftreten
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode support
+ diese Version von PCRE2 unterstützt Unicode nicht
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ Klammern zu tief geschachtelt (Stack-Prüfung)
+ character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too large
+ Zeichencode in \x{} oder \o{} ist zu groß
+ \C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion
+ \C ist in einer Lookbehind-Bedingung nicht zulässig
+ number after (?C is greater than 255
+ die auf (?C folgende Zahl ist größer als 255
+ closing parenthesis for (?C expected
+ schließende Klammer für (?C erwartet
+ invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) name
+ ungültige Escape-Sequenz in (*VERB)-Name
+ two named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set)
+ zwei benannnte Untermuster haben einen identischen Namen (PCRE2_DUPNAMES ist nicht gesetzt)
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \X
+ diese Version von PCRE2 unterstützt \P, \p, oder \X nicht
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 10000 characters)
+ Name des Untermusters ist zu lang (höchstens 10000 Zeichen)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 256)
+ zuviele benannte Untermuster (höchstens 256)
+ octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode
+ oktaler Wert ist größer als \377 (nicht im UTF8-Modus)
+ internal error: unknown newline setting
+ interner Fehler: Unbekannte Zeilenende-Einstellung
+ (*VERB) not recognized or malformed
+ (*VERB) nicht erkannt oder fehlerhaft
+ \c must be followed by a printable ASCII character
+ auf \c muss ein druckbares ASCII-Zeichen folgen
+ \c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_?
+ auf \c muss ein Buchstabe oder eines der Zeichen [\]^_? folgen
+ using UTF is disabled by the application
+ UTF-Verwendung durch die Anwendung deaktiviert
+ using UCP is disabled by the application
+ UCP-Verwendung ist durch die Anwendung deaktiviert
+ character code point value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ Zeichencode in \u...-Sequenz ist zu groß
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ fehlende Ziffern in \x{} oder \o{}
+ syntax error in (?(VERSION condition
+ Syntaxfehler in (?(VERSION-Bedingung
+ internal error: unknown opcode in auto_possessify()
+ interner Fehler: Unbekannter Operationscode in auto_possessify()
+ missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argument
+ fehlender abschließender Begrenzer für callout mit Zeichenketten-Argument
+ unrecognized string delimiter follows (?C
+ auf (?C folgt ein unbekannter Zeichenketten-Begrenzer
+ using \C is disabled by the application
+ die Verwendung von \C ist durch die Anwendung deaktiviert
+ (?| and/or (?J: or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nested
+ (?| und/oder (?J: oder (?x: Klammern sind zu tief geschachtelt
+ using \C is disabled in this PCRE2 library
+ die Verwendung von \C ist in dieser PCRE2-Bibliothek deaktiviert
+ regular expression is too complicated
+ regulärer Ausdruck zu kompliziert
+ lookbehind assertion is too long
+ lookbehind-Bedingung ist zu lang
+ pattern string is longer than the limit set by the application
+ Länge des Musters überschreitet das von der Anwendung gesetzte Limit
+ no match
+ keine Übereinstimmung
+ partial match
+ teilweise Übereinstimmung
+ UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at end
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Am Ende fehlt 1 Byte
+ UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Am Ende fehlen 2 Bytes
+ UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Am Ende fehlen 3 Bytes
+ UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Am Ende fehlen 4 Bytes
+ UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Am Ende fehlen 5 Bytes
+ UTF-8 error: byte 2 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Die höchsten Bits des zweiten Bytes entsprechen nicht 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 3 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Die höchsten Bits des dritten Bytes entsprechen nicht 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 4 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Die höchsten Bits des vierten Bytes entsprechen nicht 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 5 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Die höchsten Bits des fünften Bytes entsprechen nicht 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 6 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Die höchsten Bits des sechsten Bytes entsprechen nicht 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8-Fehler: 5-Byte-Zeichen sind nicht zulässig (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8-Fehler: 6-Byte-Zeichen sind nicht zulässig (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Zeichencodes größer als 0x10ffff sind nicht definiert
+ UTF-8 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Zeichencodes von 0xd800-0xdfff sind nicht definiert
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Überlange 2-Byte-Sequenz
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Überlange 3-Byte-Sequenz
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Überlange 4-Byte-Sequenz
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Überlange 5-Byte-Sequenz
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequence
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Überlange 6-Byte-Sequenz
+ UTF-8 error: isolated byte with 0x80 bit set
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Einzeln stehendes Byte mit gesetztem Bit 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: illegal byte (0xfe or 0xff)
+ UTF-8-Fehler: Unzulässiges Byte (xfe or 0xff)
+ UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at end
+ UTF-16-Fehler: Low surrogate fehlt am Ende
+ UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogate
+ UTF-16-Fehler: Ungültiges low surrogate
+ UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogate
+ UTF-16-Fehler: Einzeln stehendes low surrogate
+ UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ UTF-32-Fehler: Zeichencodes von 0xd800-0xdfff sind nicht definiert
+ UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ UTF-32-Fehler: Zeichencodes größer als 0x10ffff sind nicht definiert
+ bad data value
+ ungültiger Datenwert
+ patterns do not all use the same character tables
+ Muster verwenden verschiedene Zeichentabellen
+ magic number missing
+ magische Zahl fehlt
+ pattern compiled in wrong mode: 8/16/32-bit error
+ das Muster wurde im falschen Modus kompiliert: 8/16/32-Bit-Fehler
+ bad offset value
+ ungültiger Offset-Wert
+ bad option value
+ ungültiger Optionswert
+ invalid replacement string
+ ungültige Ersetzungszeichenkette
+ bad offset into UTF string
+ ungültiger Offset in die UTF-Zeichenkette
+ callout error code
+ callout-Fehlercode
+ invalid data in workspace for DFA restart
+ ungültige Daten im Arbeitsbereich für DFA-Neustart
+ too much recursion for DFA matching
+ zu tiefe Rekursion für DFA-Matching
+ backreference condition or recursion test is not supported for DFA matching
+ DFA-Matching unterstützt keine Rückreferenzen oder Rekursionstests
+ function is not supported for DFA matching
+ DFA-Matching unterstützt diese Funktion nicht
+ pattern contains an item that is not supported for DFA matching
+ dieses Muster enthält ein Item, das von DFA-Matching nicht unterstützt wird
+ workspace size exceeded in DFA matching
+ Größe des Arbeitsbereiches bei DFA-Matching überschritten
+ internal error - pattern overwritten?
+ interner Fehler - Muster überschrieben?
+ bad JIT option
+ ungültige JIT-Option
+ JIT stack limit reached
+ obere Grenze des JIT-Stapelspeichers erreicht
+ match limit exceeded
+ Match-Limit überschritten
+ no more memory
+ kein Speicher mehr
+ unknown substring
+ unbekannter Substring
+ non-unique substring name
+ Name des Substrings ist nicht eindeutig
+ NULL argument passed
+ NULL-Argument übergeben
+ nested recursion at the same subject position
+ geschachtelte Rekursion an gleicher Subjektposition
+ recursion limit exceeded
+ Rekursionslimit überschritten
+ requested value is not available
+ angeforderter Wert nicht verfügbar
+ requested value is not set
+ angeforderter Wert nicht gesetzt
+ offset limit set without PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT
+ Offset-Limit ohne PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT gesetzt
+ bad escape sequence in replacement string
+ ungültige Escape-Sequenz in Ersetzungszeichenkette
+ expected closing curly bracket in replacement string
+ schließende geschweifte Klammer in Ersetzungszeichenkette erwartet
+ bad substitution in replacement string
+ ungültige Substitution in Ersetzungszeichenkette
+ match with end before start is not supported
+ ein Match mit einem sich vor dem Anfang befindenden Ende wird nicht unterstützt
+ too many replacements (more than INT_MAX)
+ zuviele Ersetzungen (mehr als INT_MAX)
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Die Datenbankverbindung konnte nicht geöffnet werden
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Es konnte keine Transaktion gestartet werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Das Ergebnis konnte nicht abgeholt werden
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Die Datenbankverbindung konnte nicht geöffnet werden
+ Error closing database
+ Die Datenbankverbindung konnte nicht geschlossen werden
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Es konnte keine Transaktion gestartet werden
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden (Operation 'commit' fehlgeschlagen)
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Die Transaktion konnte nicht rückgängig gemacht werden (Operation 'rollback' fehlgeschlagen)
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Der Datensatz konnte nicht abgeholt werden
+ No query
+ Kein Abfrage
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ Es können nicht mehrere Befehle gleichzeitig ausgeführt werden
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Der Befehl konnte nicht zurückgesetzt werden
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Die Parameter konnten nicht gebunden werden
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Die Anzahl der Parameter ist falsch
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ Die existierende Datei %1 ist nicht schreibbar
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ Dateiname bezeichnet ein Verzeichnis
+ QSaveFile cannot open '%1' without direct write fallback enabled: path contains an Alternate Data Stream specifier
+ QSaveFile kann '%1' ohne den Direct-Write-Fallback nicht öffnen; der Pfad enthält eine Alternate-Data-Stream-Angabe
+ Writing canceled by application
+ Das Schreiben wurde von der Anwendung abgebrochen
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Hierher scrollen
+ Left edge
+ Linker Rand
+ Top
+ Anfang
+ Right edge
+ Rechter Rand
+ Bottom
+ Ende
+ Page left
+ Eine Seite nach links
+ Page up
+ Eine Seite nach oben
+ Page right
+ Eine Seite nach rechts
+ Page down
+ Eine Seite nach unten
+ Scroll left
+ Nach links scrollen
+ Scroll up
+ Nach oben scrollen
+ Scroll right
+ Nach rechts scrollen
+ Scroll down
+ Nach unten scrollen
+ QSctpSocket
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Der entfernte Rechner hat die Verbindung geschlossen
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: Es kann kein Schlüssel für die Sperrung gesetzt werden
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: Die Größenangabe für die Erzeugung ist kleiner als Null
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: Sperrung fehlgeschlagen
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: Die Sperrung konnte nicht aufgehoben werden
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: Zugriff verweigert
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: existiert bereits
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: existiert nicht
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: Keine Ressourcen mehr verfügbar
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: Unbekannter Fehler %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: Ungültige Schlüsselangabe (leer)
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: Ungültiger Name
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: Die Unix-Schlüsseldatei existiert nicht
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: ftok-Aufruf ist fehlgeschlagen
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: Es kann kein Schlüssel erzeugt werden
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: Ein systembedingtes Limit der Größe wurde erreicht
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: nicht verbunden
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: Ungültige Größe
+ %1: key error
+ %1: Fehlerhafter Schlüssel
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: Die Abfrage der Größe ist fehlgeschlagen
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Leertaste
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Rück-Tab
+ Backspace
+ Rücktaste
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Einfg
+ Del
+ Entf
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Druck
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Pos1
+ End
+ Ende
+ Left
+ Links
+ Up
+ Hoch
+ Right
+ Rechts
+ Down
+ Herunter
+ PgUp
+ Bild aufwärts
+ PgDown
+ Bild abwärts
+ CapsLock
+ Feststelltaste
+ NumLock
+ Zahlen-Feststelltaste
+ ScrollLock
+ Rollen-Feststelltaste
+ Menu
+ Menü
+ Help
+ Hilfe
+ Back
+ Zurück
+ Forward
+ Vorwärts
+ Stop
+ Abbrechen
+ Refresh
+ Aktualisieren
+ Volume Down
+ Lautstärke -
+ Volume Mute
+ Ton aus
+ Volume Up
+ Lautstärke +
+ Bass Boost
+ Bass-Boost
+ Bass Up
+ Bass +
+ Bass Down
+ Bass -
+ Treble Up
+ Höhen +
+ Treble Down
+ Höhen -
+ Media Play
+ Wiedergabe
+ Media Stop
+ Stopp
+ Media Previous
+ Vorheriger
+ Media Next
+ Nächster
+ Media Record
+ Aufzeichnen
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Pause
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Wiedergabe/Pause
+ Home Page
+ Startseite
+ Favorites
+ Favoriten
+ Search
+ Suchen
+ Standby
+ Standby
+ Open URL
+ URL öffnen
+ Launch Mail
+ Mail starten
+ Launch Media
+ Medienspieler starten
+ Launch (0)
+ (0) starten
+ Launch (1)
+ (1) starten
+ Launch (2)
+ (2) starten
+ Launch (3)
+ (3) starten
+ Launch (4)
+ (4) starten
+ Launch (5)
+ (5) starten
+ Launch (6)
+ (6) starten
+ Launch (7)
+ (7) starten
+ Launch (8)
+ (8) starten
+ Launch (9)
+ (9) starten
+ Launch (A)
+ (A) starten
+ Launch (B)
+ (B) starten
+ Launch (C)
+ (C) starten
+ Launch (D)
+ (D) starten
+ Launch (E)
+ (E) starten
+ Launch (F)
+ (F) starten
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Monitor heller
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Monitor dunkler
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Tastaturbeleuchtung Ein/Aus
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Tastaturbeleuchtung heller
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Tastaturbeleuchtung dunkler
+ Power Off
+ Ausschalten
+ Wake Up
+ Aufwecken
+ Eject
+ Auswerfen
+ Screensaver
+ Bildschirmschoner
+ Internet
+ Sleep
+ Schlafmodus
+ LightBulb
+ Beleuchtung
+ Shop
+ Shop
+ History
+ Verlauf
+ Add Favorite
+ Lesezeichen hinzufügen
+ Hot Links
+ Empfohlene Verweise
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Helligkeit einstellen
+ Finance
+ Finanzen
+ Community
+ Community
+ Back Forward
+ Hinterstes nach vorn
+ Application Left
+ Anwendung links
+ Application Right
+ Anwendung rechts
+ Book
+ Buch
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Rechner
+ Clear
+ Löschen
+ Clear Grab
+ Zugriff löschen
+ Close
+ Schließen
+ Copy
+ Kopieren
+ Cut
+ Ausschneiden
+ Display
+ Anzeigen
+ Documents
+ Dokumente
+ Spreadsheet
+ Tabellenkalkulation
+ Browser
+ Browser
+ Game
+ Spiel
+ Go
+ Los
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Logoff
+ Market
+ Markt
+ Meeting
+ Meeting
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Tastaturmenü
+ Menu PB
+ Menü PB
+ My Sites
+ Meine Orte
+ News
+ Nachrichten
+ Home Office
+ Home Office
+ Option
+ Option
+ Paste
+ Einfügen
+ Phone
+ Telefon
+ Reply
+ Antworten
+ Reload
+ Neu laden
+ Rotate Windows
+ Fenster rotieren
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Rotation KB
+ Save
+ Speichern
+ Send
+ Senden
+ Spellchecker
+ Rechtschreibprüfung
+ Split Screen
+ Bildschirm teilen
+ Support
+ Hilfe
+ Task Panel
+ Task-Leiste
+ Terminal
+ Terminal
+ Tools
+ Werkzeuge
+ Travel
+ Reise
+ Video
+ Video
+ Word Processor
+ Textverarbeitung
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Vergrößern
+ Zoom Out
+ Verkleinern
+ Away
+ Abwesend
+ Messenger
+ Messenger
+ WebCam
+ WebCam
+ Mail Forward
+ Weiterleitung
+ Pictures
+ Bilder
+ Music
+ Musik
+ Battery
+ Batterie
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ Drahtlos
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Audio Repeat
+ Audio wiederholen
+ Audio Random Play
+ Audio zufällige Auswahl spielen
+ Subtitle
+ Untertitel
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Audiotitel wiederholen
+ Time
+ Zeit
+ Select
+ Auswählen
+ View
+ Ansicht
+ Top Menu
+ Hauptmenü
+ Suspend
+ Pause
+ Hibernate
+ Hibernate
+ Media Rewind
+ Medium zurückspulen
+ Media Fast Forward
+ Medium vorspulen
+ Power Down
+ Ausschalten
+ Microphone Mute
+ Mikrofon stummschalten
+ Red
+ Rot
+ Green
+ Grün
+ Yellow
+ Gelb
+ Blue
+ Blau
+ Channel Up
+ nächster Kanal
+ Channel Down
+ vorangehender Kanal
+ Guide
+ Anleitung
+ Info
+ Information
+ Settings
+ Einstellungen
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ Mikrofon lauter
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ Mikrofon leiser
+ New
+ Neu
+ Open
+ Öffnen
+ Find
+ Suchen
+ Undo
+ Rückgängig
+ Redo
+ Wiederherstellen
+ Print Screen
+ Bildschirm drucken
+ Page Up
+ Bild aufwärts
+ Page Down
+ Bild abwärts
+ Caps Lock
+ Feststelltaste
+ Num Lock
+ Zahlen-Feststelltaste
+ Number Lock
+ Zahlen-Feststelltaste
+ Scroll Lock
+ Rollen-Feststelltaste
+ Insert
+ Einfügen
+ Delete
+ Löschen
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ System Request
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ No
+ Nein
+ Context1
+ Kontext1
+ Context2
+ Kontext2
+ Context3
+ Kontext3
+ Context4
+ Kontext4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Anruf
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Auflegen
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Anrufen/Aufhängen
+ Flip
+ Umdrehen
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Sprachwahl
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Wahlwiederholung
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Auslöser
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Scharfstellen
+ Kanji
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Shift
+ Kana Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu toggle
+ Eisu toggle
+ Code input
+ Code-Eingabe
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Mehrere Vorschläge
+ Previous Candidate
+ Vorheriger Vorschlag
+ Hangul
+ Hangeul
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangeul Anfang
+ Hangul End
+ Hangeul Ende
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangeul-Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangeul-Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangeul-Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangeul-Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangeul-Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangeul-PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangeul-PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Hangeul Special
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Printer
+ Drucker
+ Execute
+ Ausführen
+ Play
+ Abspielen
+ Zoom
+ Vergrößern
+ Exit
+ Verlassen
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ Touchpad-Umschalter
+ Touchpad On
+ Touchpad an
+ Touchpad Off
+ Touchpad aus
+ Ctrl
+ Strg
+ Shift
+ Umschalt
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ Zahlenblock
+ +
+ Key separator in shortcut string
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Der Proxy-Server hat den Aufbau einer Verbindung verweigert
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ Der Proxy-Server hat die Verbindung vorzeitig beendet
+ Proxy host not found
+ Der Proxy-Server konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Bei der Verbindung mit dem Proxy-Server wurde ein Zeitlimit überschritten
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Die Authentifizierung beim Proxy-Server ist fehlgeschlagen
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ Die Authentifizierung beim Proxy-Server ist fehlgeschlagen: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ Protokoll-Fehler (SOCKS Version 5)
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Allgemeiner Fehler bei der Kommunikation mit dem SOCKSv5-Server
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ Der SOCKSv5-Server hat die Verbindung verweigert
+ TTL expired
+ Die Lebensdauer (TTL) ist verstrichen
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ Dieses SOCKSv5-Kommando wird nicht unterstützt
+ Address type not supported
+ Dieser Adresstyp wird nicht unterstützt
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Unbekannten Fehlercode vom SOCKSv5-Proxy-Server erhalten: 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ Das Zeitlimit für die Operation wurde überschritten
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ ungültige Rolle
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Titelleiste
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Menüleiste
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Bildlaufleiste
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ Griff
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Akustisches Signal
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Mauszeiger
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Einfügemarke
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Benachrichtigung
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Füller
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Menü
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Menüeintrag
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Tooltip
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Anwendung
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Dokument
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Panel
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Diagramm
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Dialog
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ Rahmen
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Separator
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Werkzeugleiste
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Statuszeile
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Tabelle
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Spaltentitel
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Zeilentitel
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Spalte
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Zeile
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ Zelle
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Verweis
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Ballonhilfe
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ Assistent
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Liste
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Listenelement
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Baum
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Baumelement
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Seitenreiter
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Eigenschaftsseite
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Indikator
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ graphisch
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Textfeld
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Text
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Schaltfläche
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Checkbox
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Radioknopf
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Auswahlfeld
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Fortschrittsanzeige
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Skala
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Feld mit Tastenverknüpfung
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Schieber
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Zahlenfeld
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Zeichenfläche
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Animation
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Gleichung
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Schaltfläche, die ein Fenster ausklappt
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ Schaltfläche, die ein Fenster ausklappt, was ein Gitter zeigt
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ Leerraum
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Schaltfläche mit Menü
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Liste von Seitenreitern
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Uhr
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Fensterteiler
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Panel mit mehreren Schichten
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Web-Dokument
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Absatz
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Abschnitt
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Farbauswahl
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Fußzeile
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Formular
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Kopfzeile
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Hinweis
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Ergänzender Inhalt
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ unbekannt
+ QSslDiffieHellmanParameter
+ No error
+ Kein Fehler
+ Invalid input data
+ Ungültige Eingabedaten
+ The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafe
+ Die angegebenen Diffie-Hellman-Parameter wurden als unsicher eingeschätzt
+ QSslSocket
+ No error
+ Kein Fehler
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ Das Zertifikat des Ausstellers konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ Die Signatur des Zertifikats konnte nicht entschlüsselt werden
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ Der öffentliche Schlüssel konnte nicht gelesen werden
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ Die Signatur des Zertifikats ist ungültig
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ Das Zertifikat ist noch nicht gültig
+ The certificate has expired
+ Die Gültigkeit des Zertifikats ist abgelaufen
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ Das Feld 'notBefore' des Zertifikats enthält eine ungültige Zeit
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ Das Feld 'notAfter' des Zertifikats enthält eine ungültige Zeit
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Das Zertifikat ist selbstsigniert und daher nicht vertrauenswürdig
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Das oberste Zertifikat der Kette ist selbstsigniert und daher nicht vertrauenswürdig
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ Das Zertifikat des Ausstellers eines lokal gefundenen Zertifikats konnte nicht gefunden werden
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Keines der Zertifikate konnte verifiziert werden
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ Eines der Zertifikate der Zertifizierungsstelle ist ungültig
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ Die Länge des basicConstraints-Pfades wurde überschritten
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ Das angegebene Zertifikat kann in diesem Fall nicht verwendet werden
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ Das oberste Zertifikat der Zertifizierungsstelle ist für diesen Fall nicht vertrauenswürdig
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ Das oberste Zertifikat der Zertifizierungsstelle weist diesen Fall aufgrund einer speziellen Kennzeichnung zurück
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ Das Zertifikat des betrachteten Ausstellers wurde zurückgewiesen da sein Subjektname nicht dem Namen des Austellers des aktuellen Zertifikats entspricht
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ Das Zertifikat des betrachteten Ausstellers wurde zurückgewiesen da Ausstellername und Seriennummer vorhanden sind und nicht dem Bezeichner der Zertifizierungsstelle des aktuellen Zertifikats entsprechen
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ Die Gegenstelle hat kein Zertifikat angegeben
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ Der Name des Hosts ist keiner aus der Liste der für dieses Zertifikat gültigen Hosts
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ Das Zertifikat der Gegenstelle ist in einer Schwarzen Liste enthalten
+ No OCSP status response found
+ Es wurde keine OCSP-Status-Antwort gefunden
+ The OCSP status request had invalid syntax
+ Die OCSP Status-Anforderung hatte eine ungültige Syntax
+ OCSP response contains an unexpected number of SingleResponse structures
+ Die OCSP-Antwort enthält eine unerwartete Anzahl von SingleResponse-Strukturen
+ OCSP responder reached an inconsistent internal state
+ Der OCSP-Responder ist in einen inkonsistenten internen Zustand gelangt
+ OCSP responder was unable to return a status for the requested certificate
+ Der OCSP-Responder konnte keinen Status für das angeforderte Zertifikat zurückgeben
+ The server requires the client to sign the OCSP request in order to construct a response
+ Der Server verlangt, dass der Client die OCSP-Anforderung signiert, um eine Antwort zu erstellen
+ The client is not authorized to request OCSP status from this server
+ Der Client ist nicht berechtigt, einen OCSP-Status von diesem Server anzufordern
+ OCSP responder's identity cannot be verified
+ Die Identität des OCSP-Responders konnte nicht verifiziert werden
+ The identity of a certificate in an OCSP response cannot be established
+ Die Identität eines Zertifikats in einer OCSP-Antwort konnte nicht bestimmt werden
+ The certificate status response has expired
+ Die Gültigkeit der Status-Antwort des Zertifikats ist abgelaufen
+ The certificate's status is unknown
+ Der Status des Zertifikats ist unbekannt
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Es konnte keine SSL-Kontextstruktur erzeugt werden (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ Nicht unterstütztes Protokoll
+ Error while setting the minimal protocol version
+ Fehler beim Setzen der minimalen Protokollversion
+ Error while setting the maximum protocol version
+ Fehler beim Setzen der maximalen Protokollversion
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Ungültige oder leere Schlüsselliste (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Ohne Schlüssel kann kein Zertifikat zur Verfügung gestellt werden, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Das lokale Zertifikat konnte nicht geladen werden, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Der private Schlüssel konnte nicht geladen werden, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ Der private Schlüssel passt nicht zum öffentlichen Schlüssel, %1
+ Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid
+ Die Diffie-Hellman-Parameter sind ungültig
+ OpenSSL version with disabled elliptic curves
+ Elliptische Kurven sind in dieser Version von OpenSSL nicht verfügbar
+ Error when setting the OpenSSL configuration (%1)
+ Fehler beim Setzen der OpenSSL-Konfiguration (%1)
+ Expecting QByteArray for %1
+ Es wird der Typ QByteArray für %1 erwartet
+ An error occurred attempting to set %1 to %2
+ Beim Setzen von %1 auf %2 trat ein Fehler auf
+ Wrong value for %1 (%2)
+ Falscher Wert für %1 (%2)
+ Unrecognized command %1 = %2
+ Nicht erkanntes Kommando %1 = %2
+ SSL_CONF_finish() failed
+ SSL_CONF_finish() schlug fehl
+ SSL_CONF_CTX_new() failed
+ SSL_CONF_CTX_new() schlug fehl
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ Die verwendete Version von OpenSSL ist zu alt, es muss v1.0.2 oder neuer sein
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ Fehler beim Setzen der elliptischen Kurven (%1)
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Es konnte keine SSL-Sitzung erzeugt werden, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Es konnte keine SSL-Sitzung erzeugt werden: %1
+ Server-side QSslSocket does not support OCSP stapling
+ Der serverseitige QSslSocket unterstützt das Anheften von OCSP nicht
+ Failed to enable OCSP stapling
+ Das OCSP-Anheften konnte nicht aktiviert werden
+ Client-side sockets do not send OCSP responses
+ Die clientseitigen Sockets senden keine OCSP-Antworten
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ Der SSL-Kontext konnte nicht initialisiert werden: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Die Daten konnten nicht geschrieben werden: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ Die Daten konnten nicht entschlüsselt werden: %1
+ Failed to decode OCSP response
+ Die OCSP-Antworten konnten nicht dekodiert werden
+ Failed to extract basic OCSP response
+ Es konnte keine grundlegende OCSP-Antwort extrahiert werden
+ No certificate verification store, cannot verify OCSP response
+ Es ist kein Store zur Zertifikatsverifikation vorhanden; die OCSP-Antwort kann nicht überprüft werden
+ Failed to decode a SingleResponse from OCSP status response
+ Es konnte keine SingleResponse aus der OCSP-Status-Antwort dekodiert werden
+ Failed to extract 'this update time' from the SingleResponse
+ 'this update time' konnte nicht aus der SingleResponse extrahiert werden
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ Die TLS/SSL-Verbindung wurde geschlossen
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Beim Lesen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Im Ablauf des SSL-Protokolls ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %1
+ DTLS server requires a 'VerifyNone' mode with your version of OpenSSL
+ Der DTLS-Server verlangt für Ihre Version der OpenSSL-Bibliothek den 'VerifyNone'-Modus
+ TLS initialization failed
+ Die Initialisierung von TLS schlug fehl
+ Attempted to use an unsupported protocol.
+ Es wurde versucht, ein nicht unterstütztes Protokoll zu verwenden.
+ Insufficient memory
+ Zu wenig Speicher
+ Internal error
+ Interner Fehler
+ An internal handle was invalid
+ Ein interner Handle war ungültig
+ An internal token was invalid
+ Ein internes Token war ungültig
+ Access denied
+ Zugriff verweigert
+ No authority could be contacted for authorization
+ Es konnte keine Authentifizierungsstelle für eine Autorisierung erreicht werden
+ No credentials
+ Keine Zugangsdaten
+ The target is unknown or unreachable
+ Das Ziel ist unbekannt oder nicht erreichbar
+ An unsupported function was requested
+ Es wurde eine nicht unterstützte Funktion angefordert
+ The hostname provided does not match the one received from the peer
+ Der angegebene Hostname entspricht nicht dem der Gegenseite
+ No common protocol exists between the client and the server
+ Es gibt kein gemeinsames Protokoll zwischen Client und Server
+ Unexpected or badly-formatted message received
+ Die Nachricht ist unerwartet oder in einem fehlerhaften Format
+ The data could not be encrypted
+ Die Daten konnten nicht verschlüsselt werden
+ No cipher suites in common
+ Keine gemeinsamen Cipher Suites
+ The credentials were not recognized / Invalid argument
+ Die Zugangsdaten wurden nicht erkannt / Ungültiges Argument
+ The message was tampered with, damaged or out of sequence.
+ Die Nachricht wurde korrumpiert, beschädigt oder erscheint außerhalb der Reihenfolge.
+ A message was received out of sequence.
+ Die Nachricht wurde außerhalb der Reihenfolge empfangen.
+ Unknown error occurred: %1
+ Es ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten: %1
+ Invalid protocol chosen
+ Es wurde ein ungültiges Protokoll gewählt
+ The certificate provided cannot be used for a client.
+ Das bereitgestellte Zertifikat kann nicht für einen Client verwendet werden.
+ The certificate provided cannot be used for a server.
+ Das bereitgestellte Zertifikat kann nicht für einen Server verwendet werden.
+ Server did not accept any certificate we could present.
+ Der Server hat keines der angegebenen Zertifikate akzeptiert.
+ Algorithm mismatch
+ Algorithmen stimmen nicht überein
+ Handshake failed: %1
+ Der Handshake schlug fehl: %1
+ Failed to query the TLS context: %1
+ Der TLS-Kontext konnte nicht abgefragt werden: %1
+ Did not get the required attributes for the connection.
+ Die für die Verbindung erforderlichen Attribute konnten nicht erhalten werden.
+ Unwanted protocol was negotiated
+ Es wurde ein unerwünschtes Protokoll ausgehandelt
+ Renegotiation was unsuccessful: %1
+ Die Neuverhandlung schlug fehl: %1
+ Schannel failed to encrypt data: %1
+ Schannel konnte die Daten nicht verschlüsseln: %1
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key
+ Es kann kein Zertifikat ohne Schlüssel bereitgestellt werden
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ Desktop
+ Documents
+ Dokumente
+ Fonts
+ Schriftarten
+ Applications
+ Anwendungen
+ Music
+ Musik
+ Movies
+ Filme
+ Pictures
+ Bilder
+ Temporary Directory
+ Temporäres Verzeichnis
+ Home
+ Benutzerverzeichnis
+ Application Data
+ Anwendungsdaten
+ Application Configuration
+ Anwendungskonfiguration
+ Cache
+ Zwischenspeicher
+ Shared Data
+ Gemeinsame Daten
+ Runtime
+ Laufzeit
+ Configuration
+ Konfiguration
+ Shared Configuration
+ Gemeinsame Konfiguration
+ Shared Cache
+ Gemeinsamer Zwischenspeicher
+ Download
+ Download
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ Der Anfangszustand des zusammengesetzten Zustands '%1' fehlt
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ Der Anfangszustand im Verlauf bei Zustand '%1' fehlt
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ Die Ziele und die Quelle des Übergangs vom Zustand '%1' haben keinen gemeinsamen Ursprung
+ Unknown error
+ Unbekannter Fehler
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: Zugriff verweigert
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: Existiert bereits
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: Nicht existent
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: Keine Ressourcen mehr verfügbar
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: Unbekannter Fehler %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Die Datenbankverbindung kann nicht geöffnet werden
+ Unable to use database
+ Die Datenbank kann nicht verwendet werden
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Nach links scrollen
+ Scroll Right
+ Nach rechts scrollen
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Diese Socket-Operation wird nicht unterstützt
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ Die Bilddaten konnten nicht gelesen werden
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Das Lesen von Bilddaten von sequentiellen Geräten (zum Beispiel Sockets) wird nicht unterstützt
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ Die Positionierung einer Datei/eines Eingabegeräts für das Lesen der Bilddaten schlug fehl
+ Image header read failed
+ Das Lesen der Kopfdaten des Bildes schlug fehl
+ Image type not supported
+ Dieser Typ von Bilddaten wird nicht unterstützt
+ Image depth not valid
+ Ungültige Tiefenangabe in Bilddaten
+ Image size exceeds limit
+ Das Bild ist zu groß
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ Die Positionierung auf dem Endelement der Bilddaten schlug fehl
+ Could not read footer
+ Das Endelement konnte nicht gelesen werden
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ Dieser Typ von Bilddaten (nicht TrueVision 2.0) wird nicht unterstützt
+ Could not reset to read data
+ Die Positionierung zum Lesen der Daten schlug fehl
+ QUdpSocket
+ Unable to send a datagram
+ Es konnte kein Datagramm gesendet werden
+ No datagram available for reading
+ Es steht kein Datagramm zum Lesen bereit
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ %1 rückgängig machen
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Rückgängig
+ Redo %1
+ %1 wiederherstellen
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Wiederherstellen
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <leer>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ %1 rückgängig machen
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Rückgängig
+ Redo %1
+ %1 wiederherstellen
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Wiederherstellen
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Unicode-Kontrollzeichen einfügen
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Direkthilfe
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Rückgängig
+ &Redo
+ Wieder&herstellen
+ Cu&t
+ &Ausschneiden
+ &Copy
+ &Kopieren
+ Copy &Link Location
+ &Link-Adresse kopieren
+ &Paste
+ Einf&ügen
+ Delete
+ Löschen
+ Select All
+ Alles auswählen
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1. The Direct2D version on this system is %2.
+ Qt kann das Direct2D-Plattform-Plugin nicht laden, weil die auf dem System installierte Version von Direct2D veraltet ist. Dieses Plattform-Plugin erfordert mindestens Windows 7 SP1 mit Plattform Update.
+Die minimal erforderliche Version von Direct2D ist %1 Die auf diesem System installierte Version von Direct2D ist %2.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ Direct2D-Plattform-Plugin kann nicht geladen werden
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Zurück
+ < &Back
+ < &Zurück
+ Continue
+ Weiter
+ &Next
+ &Weiter
+ &Next >
+ &Weiter >
+ Commit
+ Anwenden
+ Done
+ Fertig
+ &Finish
+ Ab&schließen
+ Cancel
+ Abbrechen
+ Help
+ Hilfe
+ &Help
+ &Hilfe
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ kein Fehler
+ error triggered by consumer
+ Konsument löste Fehler aus
+ unexpected end of file
+ unerwartetes Ende der Datei
+ more than one document type definition
+ mehrere Dokumenttypdefinitionen
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ Fehler beim Parsen eines Elements
+ tag mismatch
+ Element-Tags sind nicht richtig geschachtelt
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ Fehler beim Parsen des Inhalts eines Elements
+ unexpected character
+ unerwartetes Zeichen
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ kein gültiger Name für eine Processing-Instruktion
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ fehlende Version beim Parsen der XML-Deklaration
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ falscher Wert für die Standalone-Deklaration
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ fehlende Kodierung-Deklaration oder Standalone-Deklaration beim Parsen der XML-Deklaration
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ fehlende Standalone-Deklaration beim Parsen der XML Deklaration
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ Fehler beim Parsen der Dokumenttypdefinition
+ letter is expected
+ ein Buchstabe ist an dieser Stelle erforderlich
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ Fehler beim Parsen eines Kommentars
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ Fehler beim Parsen einer Referenz
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ in einer DTD ist keine interne allgemeine Entity-Referenz erlaubt
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ in einem Attribut-Wert sind keine externen Entity-Referenzen erlaubt
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ in der DTD sind keine externen Entity-Referenzen erlaubt
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ nicht-analysierte Entity-Referenz im falschen Kontext verwendet
+ recursive entities
+ rekursive Entity
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ Fehler in der Text-Deklaration einer externen Entity
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Überzähliger Inhalt nach Ende des Dokuments.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Ungültiger Entity-Wert.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Ungültiges XML-Zeichen.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Im Inhalt ist die Zeichenfolge ']]>' nicht erlaubt.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Es wurde Inhalt mit einer ungültigen Kodierung gefunden.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Der Namensraum-Präfix '%1' wurde nicht deklariert
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Ungültige Namensraum-Deklaration.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ Attribut '%1' mehrfach definiert.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ '%1' ist kein gültiges Zeichen in einer public-id-Angabe.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Ungültige XML-Versionsangabe.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ Diese XML-Version wird nicht unterstützt.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ Das Standalone-Pseudoattribut muss der Kodierung unmittelbar folgen.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 ist kein gültiger Name für die Kodierung.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ Die Kodierung %1 wird nicht unterstützt
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Der Wert für das 'Standalone'-Attribut kann nur 'yes' oder 'no' sein.
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Die XML-Deklaration enthält ein ungültiges Attribut.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Vorzeitiges Ende des Dokuments.
+ Invalid document.
+ Ungültiges Dokument.
+ '%1'
+ expected
+ '<first option>'
+ '%1'
+ %1 or '%2'
+ expected
+ <first option>, '<second option>'
+ %1 oder '%2'
+ %1, '%2'
+ expected
+ <options so far>, '<next option>'
+ %1, '%2'
+ %1, or '%2'
+ expected
+ <options so far>, or '<final option>'
+ %1 oder '%2'
+ Expected %1, but got '%2'.
+ %1 erwartet, jedoch '%2' erhalten.
+ Unexpected '%1'.
+ Unerwartet '%1'.
+ Expected character data.
+ Es wurden Zeichendaten erwartet.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Es wurde eine rekursive Entity festgestellt.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Öffnendes Element erwartet.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ Eine Parameter-Entity-Deklaration darf kein NDATA enthalten.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ Die XML-Deklaration befindet sich nicht am Anfang des Dokuments.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 ist kein gültiger Name für eine Prozessing-Instruktion.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Der Name der Prozessing-Instruktion ist ungültig.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 ist keine gültige Angabe für eine PUBLIC-Id.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Ungültiger XML-Name.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Die Anzahl der öffnenden Elemente stimmt nicht mit der Anzahl der schließenden Elemente überein.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Die Entity '%1' ist nicht deklariert.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Es wurde die ungeparste Entity '%1' referenziert.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Im Attributwert wurde die externe Entity '%1' referenziert.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Ungültige Zeichenreferenz.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_es.ts b/localization/qtbase_es.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae5965a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_es.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6760 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Cerrar pestaña
+ Services
+ Servicios
+ Hide %1
+ Ocultar %1
+ Hide Others
+ Ocultar otros
+ Show All
+ Mostrar todo
+ Preferences...
+ Preferencias…
+ Quit %1
+ Salir de %1
+ About %1
+ Acerca de %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Operación socket expirada
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ La operación no está soportada por el socket
+ Host not found
+ Equipo no encontrado
+ Connection refused
+ Conexión rechazada
+ Connection timed out
+ Tiempo de espera por la conexión expirado
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Intentando conectar mientras la conexión está en progreso
+ Socket is not connected
+ El socket no está conectado
+ Network unreachable
+ Red no disponible
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ &Seleccionar todo
+ &Step up
+ &Aumentar
+ Step &down
+ Re&ducir
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ Pulsar
+ Increase
+ Incrementar
+ Decrease
+ Decrementar
+ ShowMenu
+ MostrarMenú
+ SetFocus
+ PonerFoco
+ Toggle
+ Conmutar
+ Scroll Left
+ Desplazar hacia la izquierda
+ Scroll Right
+ Desplazar hacia la derecha
+ Scroll Up
+ Desplazar hacia arriba
+ Scroll Down
+ Desplazar hacia abajo
+ Previous Page
+ Página anterior
+ Next Page
+ Página siguiente
+ Triggers the action
+ Desencadena la acción
+ Increase the value
+ Incrementa el valor
+ Decrease the value
+ Decrementa el valor
+ Shows the menu
+ Muestra el menú
+ Sets the focus
+ Pone el foco
+ Toggles the state
+ Conmuta el estado
+ Scrolls to the left
+ Desplazar hacia la izquierda
+ Scrolls to the right
+ Desplazar hacia la derecha
+ Scrolls up
+ Desplazar hacia arriba
+ Scrolls down
+ Desplazar hacia abajo
+ Goes back a page
+ Retrocede una página
+ Goes to the next page
+ Va a la página siguiente
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ Sí
+ Yes to All
+ Sí a todo
+ No
+ No
+ No to All
+ No a todo
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ El ejecutable «%1» requiere Qt %2 (se encontró Qt %3).
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Error: Biblioteca Qt incompatible
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ Acerca de Qt
+ About
+ Acerca de
+ Config
+ Configuración
+ Preference
+ Preferencia
+ Options
+ Opciones
+ Setting
+ Ajuste
+ Setup
+ Configuración
+ Quit
+ Salir
+ Exit
+ Salir
+ Cut
+ Cortar
+ Copy
+ Copiar
+ Paste
+ Pegar
+ Select All
+ Seleccionar todo
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ No guardar
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ &Tono:
+ &Sat:
+ &Saturación:
+ &Val:
+ &Valor:
+ &Red:
+ &Rojo:
+ &Green:
+ &Verde:
+ Bl&ue:
+ Az&ul:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Canal a&lfa:
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Cursor en %1, %2
+Presiona ESC para cancelar
+ Select Color
+ Selecciona color
+ &Basic colors
+ Colores &básicos
+ &Custom colors
+ &Colores personalizados
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Añadir a los colores personalizados
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ Tomar un color de la &pantalla
+ QComboBox
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ Abrir el menú desplegable del combo box
+ False
+ Falso
+ True
+ Verdadero
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Muestra la información de versión.
+ Displays this help.
+ Muestra esta ayuda.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Opción desconocida «%1».
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Opciones desconocidas: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Falta valor tras «%1».
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ Valor inesperado tras «%1».
+ [options]
+ [opciones]
+ Usage: %1
+ Uso: %1
+ Options:
+ Opciones:
+ Arguments:
+ Argumentos:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: la clave está vacía
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: no se puede crear la clave
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: ftok ha fallado
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ Trabajo
+ Job Control
+ Control de Trabajos
+ Scheduled printing:
+ Impresión programada:
+ Billing information:
+ Información de facturación:
+ Job priority:
+ Prioridad del trabajo:
+ Banner Pages
+ Páginas de cabecera
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ Final:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ Inicial:
+ Print Immediately
+ Imprimir inmediatamente
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ Mantener indefinidamente
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Día (06:00 a 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Noche (18:00 a 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Segundo cambio (16:00 a 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Tercer cambio (00:00 a 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ Fin de semana (Sábado a Domingo)
+ Specific Time
+ Hora específica
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Ninguna
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Estándar
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Sin clasificar
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Confidencial
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Clasificado
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Secreto
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Alto secreto
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Imposible establecer una conexión
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Incapaz de enviar la transacción
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Incapaz de anular la transacción
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Incapaz de activar el envío automático
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Imposible ejecutar la instrucción
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Imposible preparar la instrucción
+ Unable to bind variable
+ No es posible ligar la variable
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Imposible obtener el registro %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Imposible recuperar el siguiente
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Imposible recuperar el primero
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ Aceptar
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ ¿Qué es esto?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ Aceptar
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Size
+ Tamaño
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Clase
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipo
+ Date Modified
+ Última modificación
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ Operación cancelada
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ Las direcciones IPv6 para los servidores de nombres no están actualmente soportadas
+ Invalid domain name
+ Nombre de dominio inválido
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ No está soportado todavía en Android
+ Resolver functions not found
+ Funciones de resolución no encontradas
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ Inicialización del Resolver fallada
+ Server could not process query
+ El Servidor no pudo procesar la consulta
+ Server failure
+ Fallo del Servidor
+ Non existent domain
+ Dominio no existente
+ Server refused to answer
+ El Servidor rechazó contestar
+ Invalid reply received
+ Respuesta inválida recibida
+ Could not expand domain name
+ No se pudo expandir el nombre del dominio
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ Registro de dirección IPv4 inválida
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ Registro de dirección IPv6 inválida
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ Registro de nombre canónico inválido
+ Invalid name server record
+ Registro de servidor de nombres inválido
+ Invalid pointer record
+ Registro de puntero inválido
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ Registro de intercambio de correo inválido
+ Invalid service record
+ Registro de servicio inválido
+ Invalid text record
+ Registro de texto inválido
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ La biblioteca de resolución no pudo ser cargada: No runtime library loading support
+ No hostname given
+ No se dio nombre de equipo
+ Invalid hostname
+ Nombre de equipo inválido
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ Nombre de equipo %1 no pudo ser encontrado.
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ Flotante
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ Desacopla y vuelve a adjuntar el widget acoplable
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ Cerrar
+ Closes the dock widget
+ Cierra el widget acoplable
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Mensaje de depuración:
+ Warning:
+ Aviso:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Error fatal:
+ &Show this message again
+ Mo&strar este mensaje de nuevo
+ &OK
+ &Aceptar
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ El fichero de destino es el mismo.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ El archivo de origen no existe.
+ Destination file exists
+ El archivo de destino ya existe
+ Error while renaming.
+ Error durante el renombrado.
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ No fue posible restaurar desde %1: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ No será renombrado el archivo secuencial usando copia por bloques
+ Cannot remove source file
+ No se puede eliminar el archivo de origen
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ No se puede abrir %1 para escritura
+ Cannot open for output
+ No se puede abrir para salida
+ Failure to write block
+ Fallo al escribir un bloque
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ No se puede crear %1 para escritura
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ No hay un motor de archivos disponible o el motor no soporta UnMapExtension
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ Ver en:
+ Back
+ Atrás
+ Go back
+ Ir atrás
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Izquierda
+ Forward
+ Siguiente
+ Go forward
+ Ir hacia delante
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Derecha
+ Parent Directory
+ Directorio superior
+ Go to the parent directory
+ r al directorio superior
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Arriba
+ Create New Folder
+ Crear nueva carpeta
+ Create a New Folder
+ Crear una nueva carpeta
+ List View
+ Vista de lista
+ Change to list view mode
+ Cambiar el modo de vista de la lista
+ Detail View
+ Vista detallada
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Cambiar a modo de vista detallada
+ Sidebar
+ Barra lateral
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ Lista de lugares y marcadores
+ Files
+ Archivos
+ Files of type:
+ Ficheros de tipo:
+ Find Directory
+ Buscar directorio
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ Save As
+ Guardar como
+ Directory:
+ Directorio:
+ File &name:
+ &Nombre de fichero:
+ &Open
+ &Abrir
+ &Choose
+ &Seleccionar
+ &Save
+ &Guardar
+ All Files (*)
+ Todos los ficheros (*)
+ Show
+ Mostrar
+ &Rename
+ Cambia&r de nombre
+ &Delete
+ &Borrar
+ Show &hidden files
+ Mostrar los fic&heros ocultos
+ &New Folder
+ &Nueva carpeta
+ All files (*)
+ Todos los archivos (*)
+ Directories
+ Directorios
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Directorio no encontrado.
+Verifique que el nombre del directorio es correcto.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ El fichero %1 ya existe.
+¿Desea reemplazarlo?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Fichero no encontrado.
+Verifique que el nombre del fichero es correcto.
+ New Folder
+ Nueva carpeta
+ Delete
+ Borrar
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ «%1» está protegido contra escritura.
+¿Desea borrarlo de todas formas?
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar «%1»?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ No fue posible borrar el directorio.
+ Recent Places
+ Lugares recientes
+ Remove
+ Eliminar
+ My Computer
+ Mi equipo
+ Drive
+ Unidad
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ Archivo %1
+ File
+ Archivo
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Nueva carpeta
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Carpeta
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ Alias
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Acceso directo
+ Unknown
+ Desconocido
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 TiB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 GiB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 MiB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 KiB
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 bytes
+ Invalid filename
+ Nombre de fichero no válido
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>No se puede utilizar el nombre «%1».</b><p>Intente usar otro nombre con menos caracteres o sin signos de puntuación.
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Size
+ Tamaño
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Clase
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipo
+ Date Modified
+ Última modificación
+ My Computer
+ Mi Equipo
+ Computer
+ Equipo
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 byte(s)
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ Normal
+ Bold
+ Negrita
+ Demi Bold
+ Seminegrita
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ Mediana
+ Black
+ Negra
+ Light
+ Ligera
+ Thin
+ Delgada
+ Extra Light
+ ExtraDelgada
+ Extra Bold
+ ExtraNegrita
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Extra
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Semi
+ Italic
+ Cursiva
+ Oblique
+ Oblǐcua
+ Any
+ Cualquiera
+ Latin
+ Latín
+ Greek
+ Griego
+ Cyrillic
+ Cirílico
+ Armenian
+ Armenio
+ Hebrew
+ Hebreo
+ Arabic
+ Árabe
+ Syriac
+ Siríaco
+ Thaana
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Bengali
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Tamil
+ Telugu
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Canarés
+ Malayalam
+ Malabar
+ Sinhala
+ Cingalés
+ Thai
+ Tailandés
+ Lao
+ Lao
+ Tibetan
+ Tibetano
+ Myanmar
+ Birmano
+ Georgian
+ Georgiano
+ Khmer
+ Jemer
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Chino Simplificado
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Chino Tradicional
+ Japanese
+ Japonés
+ Korean
+ Coreano
+ Vietnamese
+ Vietnamita
+ Symbol
+ Símbolo
+ Ogham
+ Ogam
+ Runic
+ Rúnico
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Seleccionar un tipo de letra
+ &Font
+ &Tipo de letra
+ Font st&yle
+ &Estilo del tipo de letra
+ &Size
+ &Tamaño
+ Effects
+ Efectos
+ Stri&keout
+ &Tachado
+ &Underline
+ S&ubrayado
+ Sample
+ Muestra
+ Wr&iting System
+ Sistema de escr&itura
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ No conectado
+ Host %1 not found
+ Equipo %1 no encontrado
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Conexión rechazada al equipo %1
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Tiempo de espera expirado al conectar al servidor %1
+ Connected to host %1
+ Conectado al equipo %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ Conexión de datos denegada
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ La conexión con el equipo ha fallado:
+ Login failed:
+ Identificación fallida:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ El listado del directorio ha fallado:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Fallo del cambio de directorio:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Fallo de la descarga del fichero:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ El envío del fichero ha fallado:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Eliminación de fichero fallida:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Fallo de la creación de un directorio:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Eliminación de directorio fallida:
+ Connection closed
+ Conexión cerrada
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &Aceptar
+ &Save
+ &Guardar
+ &Cancel
+ &Cancelar
+ &Close
+ &Cerrar
+ Close without Saving
+ Cerrar sin guardar
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ No se dio nombre de equipo
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ No se dio nombre de equipo
+ Invalid hostname
+ Nombre de equipo inválido
+ Unknown address type
+ Dirección de tipo desconocido
+ Host not found
+ Equipo no encontrado
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Error desconocido (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ Equipo %1 no encontrado
+ Connection refused
+ Conexión rechazada
+ Connection closed
+ Conexión cerrada
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ El proxy requiere autenticación
+ Host requires authentication
+ El servidor requiere autenticación
+ Data corrupted
+ Datos corruptos
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Protocolo especificado desconocido
+ SSL handshake failed
+ Falló el handshake SSL
+ Too many redirects
+ Demasiadas redirecciones
+ Insecure redirect
+ Redirección insegura
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Respuesta HTTP no recibida del proxy
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Error durante el análisis sintáctico de la petición de autenticación del proxy
+ Authentication required
+ Se precisa autenticación
+ Proxy denied connection
+ El proxy denegó la conexión
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Error comunicando con el proxy HTTP
+ Proxy server not found
+ Servidor proxy no encontrado
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Conexión con proxy rechazada
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ El tiempo de conexión con el servidor proxy ha expirado
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ La conexión con el proxy se cerró prematuramente
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Error al abrir la base de datos
+ Could not start transaction
+ No fue posible iniciar la transacción
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Incapaz de enviar la transacción
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Incapaz de anular la transacción
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Imposible crear un BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Imposible escribir el BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Imposible abrir el BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Imposible leer el BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ No fue posible encontrar la tabla
+ Could not get array data
+ No fue posible obtener los datos de la tabla
+ Could not get query info
+ No fue posible obtener información sobre la consulta
+ Could not start transaction
+ No fue posible iniciar la transacción
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Incapaz de enviar la transacción
+ Could not allocate statement
+ No fue posible asignar la instrucción
+ Could not prepare statement
+ No fue posible preparar la instrucción
+ Could not describe input statement
+ No fue posible describir la instrucción de entrada
+ Could not describe statement
+ No fue posible describir la instrucción
+ Unable to close statement
+ No fue posible cerrar la instrucción
+ Unable to execute query
+ No fue posible ejecutar la consulta
+ Could not fetch next item
+ No fue posible obtener el elemento siguiente
+ Could not get statement info
+ No fue posible obtener información sobre la instrucción
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Permiso denegado
+ Too many open files
+ Demasiados ficheros abiertos simultáneamente
+ No such file or directory
+ No hay ningún fichero o directorio con ese nombre
+ No space left on device
+ No queda espacio en el dispositivo
+ file to open is a directory
+ el archivo a abrir es un directorio
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ Dispositivo inválido
+ File not found
+ Archivo no encontrado
+ Unsupported image format
+ Formato de imagen no soportado
+ Unable to read image data
+ No se puede leer los datos de la imagen
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ Device is not set
+ El dispositivo no está listo
+ Device not writable
+ Dispositivo no escribible
+ Unsupported image format
+ Formato de imagen no soportado
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Introduzca un valor:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ no se ha producido ningún error
+ unterminated object
+ objeto no terminado
+ missing name separator
+ falta separador de nombre
+ unterminated array
+ array no terminado
+ missing value separator
+ falta separador de valores
+ illegal value
+ valor ilegal
+ invalid termination by number
+ terminación inválida por número
+ illegal number
+ número ilegal
+ invalid escape sequence
+ secuencia de escape inválida
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ cadena de texto UTF8 inválida
+ unterminated string
+ cadena de texto no terminada
+ object is missing after a comma
+ falta el objeto tras la coma
+ too deeply nested document
+ documento con demasiados elementos anidados
+ too large document
+ documento demasiado grande
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ basura al final del documento
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ Presione el atajo de teclado
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ «%1» no es un objeto ELF (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ «%1» no es un objeto ELF
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ «%1» es un inválido objeto ELF (%2)
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ Los datos de verificación del complemento no coinciden en «%1»
+ The shared library was not found.
+ No se ha encontrado la biblioteca compartida.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ El fichero «%1» no es un complemento de Qt válido.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ El complemento «%1» usa una biblioteca Qt incompatible. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ El complemento «%1» usa una biblioteca Qt incompatible. (No se pueden mezclar las bibliotecas de «depuración» y de «distribución».)
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ No se puede cargar la biblioteca %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ No se puede descargar la biblioteca %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ No se puede resolver el símbolo %1 en %2: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ «%1» es un binario Mach-O inválido (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ el archivo está corrupto
+ file too small
+ archivo demasiado pequeño
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ no hay una arquitectura válida en el fat binary
+ invalid magic %1
+ Magic inválido %1
+ wrong architecture
+ arquitectura incorrecta
+ not a dynamic library
+ no es una biblioteca dinámica
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ «%1» no es un plugin de Qt
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Deshacer
+ &Redo
+ &Rehacer
+ Cu&t
+ Cor&tar
+ &Copy
+ &Copiar
+ &Paste
+ &Pegar
+ Delete
+ Borrar
+ Select All
+ Seleccionar todo
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: Error de nombre
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: Permiso denegado
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: Dirección en uso
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Error desconocido %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: Conexión rechazada
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: Conexión cerrada
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: Nombre inválido
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: Error de acceso al socket
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: Error en el recurso del socket
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: El tiempo de espera en la operación con el socket ha expirado
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: Datagrama demasiado grande
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: Error de conexión
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: La operación con el socket no está soportada
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: Operación no permitida cuando el socket se encuentra en este estado
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: Error desconocido
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Intentando conectar mientras la conexión está en progreso
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Error desconocido %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: Acceso denegado
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ No ha sido posible reservar un objeto MYSQL
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ No se puede abrir la base de datos «%1»
+ Unable to connect
+ No es posible establecer una conexión
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ No es posible iniciar la transacción
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ No es posible enviar la transacción
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ No es posible anular la transacción
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ No es posible obtener los datos
+ Unable to execute query
+ No es posible ejecutar la consulta
+ Unable to store result
+ No es posible almacenar el resultado
+ Unable to execute next query
+ No se puede ejecutar la siguiente consulta
+ Unable to store next result
+ No se puede almacenar el siguiente resultado
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ No es posible preparar la instrucción
+ Unable to reset statement
+ No es posible reinicializar la instrucción
+ Unable to bind value
+ No es posible ligar el valor
+ Unable to execute statement
+ No es posible ejecutar la instrucción
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ No es posible ligar los valores de salida
+ Unable to store statement results
+ No es posible almacenar los resultados de la instrucción
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (Sin título)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Minimizar
+ Maximize
+ Maximizar
+ Unshade
+ Des-colapsar
+ Shade
+ Colapsar
+ Restore Down
+ Restaurar abajo
+ Restore
+ Restaurar
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ Menu
+ Menú
+ &Restore
+ &Restaurar
+ &Move
+ &Mover
+ &Size
+ Redimen&sionar
+ Mi&nimize
+ Mi&nimizar
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ximizar
+ Stay on &Top
+ Permanecer en &primer plano
+ &Close
+ &Cerrar
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Mostrar los detalles...
+ Hide Details...
+ Ocultar los detalles...
+ OK
+ Aceptar
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>Acerca de Qt</h3><p>Este programa usa Qt versión %1.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ About Qt
+ Acerca de Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Imposible inicializar el socket no bloqueante
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Imposible inicializar el socket de difusión
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Intento de usar un socket IPv6 sobre una plataforma que no contempla IPv6
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ El equipo remoto ha cerrado la conexión
+ Network operation timed out
+ La operación de red ha expirado
+ Out of resources
+ Insuficientes recursos
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Operación socket no admitida
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Tipo de protocolo no admitido
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Descriptor de socket no válido
+ Host unreachable
+ Equipo inaccesible
+ Network unreachable
+ Red inalcanzable
+ Permission denied
+ Permiso denegado
+ Connection timed out
+ Conexión expirada
+ Connection refused
+ Conexión rechazada
+ The bound address is already in use
+ La dirección enlazada ya está en uso
+ The address is not available
+ La dirección no está disponible
+ The address is protected
+ La dirección está protegida
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ El datagrama era demasiado grande para poder ser enviado
+ Unable to send a message
+ Imposible enviar un mensaje
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Imposible recibir un mensaje
+ Unable to write
+ Imposible escribir
+ Network error
+ Error de red
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Ya hay otro socket escuchando por el mismo puerto
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operación sobre un no-socket
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ El tipo de proxy es inváildo para esta operación
+ Temporary error
+ Error temporal
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ La red cerró la conexión al resetear
+ Connection reset by peer
+ Conexión reiniciada
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ Error abriendo %1
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ URI inválida: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Error de escritura escribiendo en %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Error de socket en %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ El equipo remoto cerró la conexión prematuramente en %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Petición para abrir el archivo no local %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Error abriendo %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Error de escritura al escribir en %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ No se puede abrir %1: La ruta es un directorio
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Error de lectura leyendo de %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Proxy válido no encontrado
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ No se puede abrir %1: es un directorio
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Fallo al hacer login en %1: autenticación requerida
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Error mientras se estaba descargando %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Error mientras se mandaba %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ Acceso a la red deshabilitado.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ Error transfiriendo %1- el servidor respondió: %2
+ Background request not allowed.
+ Petición en segundo plano no permitida.
+ Network session error.
+ Error de sesión de red.
+ backend start error.
+ error de iniciación de backend.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Fallo temporal de red.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Protocolo %1 desconocido
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operación cancelada
+ No suitable proxy found
+ No se encontró un proxy válido
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operación cancelada
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ Configuración inválida.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ Error de sesión desconocido.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ La sesión fue abortada por el usuario o el sistema.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ La operación solicitada no está soportada por el sistema.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ La configuración especificada no puede ser usada.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ El Roaming fue abortado o no es posible.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ La inicialización ha fallado
+ Unable to logon
+ No es posible abrir sesión
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ No es posible iniciar la transacción
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ No es posible enviar la transacción
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ No se puede revertir la transacción
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ No es posible ligar la columna para una ejecución por lotes
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ No es posible ejecutar la instrucción por lotes
+ Unable to goto next
+ No es posible pasar al siguiente
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ No es posible asignar la instrucción
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ No es posible preparar la instrucción
+ Unable to get statement type
+ No se ha podido obtener el tipo de instrucción
+ Unable to bind value
+ No es posible ligar el valor
+ Unable to execute statement
+ No es posible ejecutar la instrucción
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ No es posible establecer una conexión
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ No se puede conectar - El driver no soporta toda la funcionalidad requerida
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ No es posible inhabilitar el envío automático
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ No es posible enviar la transacción
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ No es posible anular la transacción
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ No es posible habilitar el envío automático
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ No se ha podido recuperar el último
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: No es posible establecer «SQL_CURSOR_STATIC» como atributo de instrucción. Compruebe la configuración de su controlador ODBC
+ Unable to execute statement
+ No es posible ejecutar la instrucción
+ Unable to fetch
+ No se ha podido recuperar
+ Unable to fetch next
+ No es posible obtener el siguiente
+ Unable to fetch first
+ No se ha podido recuperar el primero
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ No se ha podido recuperar el previo
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ No es posible preparar la instrucción
+ Unable to bind variable
+ No es posible ligar la variable
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ No es posible establecer conexión
+ Could not begin transaction
+ No fue posible iniciar la transacción
+ Could not commit transaction
+ No fue posible enviar la transacción
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ No fue posible anular la transacción
+ Unable to subscribe
+ No se ha podido dar de subscribir
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ No se ha podido de-subscribir
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ No es posible crear la consulta
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ No se ha podido preparar la instrucción
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Formulario
+ Paper
+ Papel
+ Page size:
+ Tamaño de página:
+ Width:
+ Ancho:
+ Height:
+ Alto:
+ Paper source:
+ Fuente del papel:
+ Orientation
+ Orientación
+ Portrait
+ Vertical
+ Landscape
+ Apaisado
+ Reverse landscape
+ Apaisado invertido
+ Reverse portrait
+ Vertical invertido
+ Margins
+ Márgenes
+ top margin
+ Margen superior
+ left margin
+ Margen izquierdo
+ right margin
+ Margen derecho
+ bottom margin
+ Margen inferior
+ Page Layout
+ Diseño de página
+ Page order:
+ Orden de páginas:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ Páginas por hoja:
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Milímetros (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Pulgadas (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Puntos (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Picas (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Custom
+ Personalizado
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ in
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ Personalizado (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ Personalizado (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ Personalizado (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ Personalizado (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ Personalizado (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ Personalizado (%1CC x %2CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 in
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Ejecutivo (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Ejecutivo (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Legal
+ Legal
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Carta / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Tabloide / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Libro mayor / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ Personalizado
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 Pequeño
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Legal extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Carta extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Carta plus
+ Letter Small
+ Carta pequeña
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Tabloide extra
+ Architect A
+ Arquitecto A
+ Architect B
+ Arquitecto B
+ Architect C
+ Arquitecto C
+ Architect D
+ Arquitecto C
+ Architect E
+ Arquitecto E
+ Note
+ Nota
+ Quarto
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Declaración
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Tarjeta postal
+ Double Postcard
+ Tarjeta postal doble
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K grande
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Pliegue de ventilador EEUU (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Pliegue de ventilador Alemán (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Pliegue de ventilador Alemán Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Envelope B4
+ Sobre B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Sobre B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Sobre B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Sobre C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Sobre C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Sobre C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Sobre C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Sobre C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Sobre C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Sobre C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Sobre C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Sobre C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Sobre DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Sobre EEUU 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Sobre EEUU 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Sobre EEUU 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Sobre EEUU 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Sobre EEUU 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Sobre Monarca
+ Envelope Personal
+ Sobre Personal
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Sobre Cho 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Sobre Cho 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Sobre invitación
+ Envelope Italian
+ Sobre Italiano
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Sobre Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Sobre Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Sobre PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Sobre PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Sobre PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Sobre PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Sobre PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Sobre PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Sobre PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Sobre PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Sobre PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Sobre PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ Sobre You 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ Aceptar
+ Save
+ Guardar
+ Save All
+ Guardar todo
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ &Yes
+ &Sí
+ Yes to &All
+ Sí a &todo
+ &No
+ &No
+ N&o to All
+ N&o a todo
+ Abort
+ Interrumpir
+ Retry
+ Reintentar
+ Ignore
+ Ignorar
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Discard
+ Descartar
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ Apply
+ Aplicar
+ Reset
+ Reinicializar
+ Restore Defaults
+ Restaurar los valores predeterminados
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ El complemento no fue cargado.
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Imprimir
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ Izquierda a derecha, arriba a abajo
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ Izquierda a derecha, abajo a arriba
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ Derecha a izquierda, abajo a arriba
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ Derecha A izquierda, arriba a abajo
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ Abajo a arriba, izquierda a derecha
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ Abajo a arriba, derecha a izquierda
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ Arriba a abajo, izquierda a derecha
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ Arriba a abajo, derecha a izquierda
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ Todas las páginas
+ Odd Pages
+ Páginas impares
+ Even Pages
+ Páginas pares
+ &Options >>
+ &Opciones >>
+ &Print
+ Im&primir
+ &Options <<
+ &Opciones <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Imprimir a archivo (PDF)
+ Local file
+ Archivo local
+ Write PDF file
+ Escribir archivo PDF
+ Print To File ...
+ Imprimir a fichero...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 es un directorio.
+Elija un nombre de fichero diferente.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ No se puede escribir en el fichero %1.
+Elija un nombre de fichero diferente.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 ya existe.
+¿Desea sobrescribirlo?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ Opciones «Páginas por Hoja» y «Set de Páginas» No pueden ser usadas a la vez.
+Por favor desactiva una de las opciones.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ El campo «De» no puede ser mayor que el valor del campo «A».
+ OK
+ Aceptar
+ Automatic
+ Automático
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Configuración de página
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Previsualizar impresión
+ Next page
+ Página siguiente
+ Previous page
+ Página anterior
+ First page
+ Primera página
+ Last page
+ Última página
+ Fit width
+ Ajustar ancho
+ Fit page
+ Ajustar página
+ Zoom in
+ Acercar
+ Zoom out
+ Alejar
+ Portrait
+ Vertical
+ Landscape
+ Apaisado
+ Show single page
+ Mostrar página única
+ Show facing pages
+ Mostrar páginas enfrentadas
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Mostrar una vista de todas las páginas
+ Print
+ Imprimir
+ Page setup
+ Configuración de página
+ Export to PDF
+ Exportar a PDF
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ Propiedades de impresora
+ Job Options
+ Opciones de trabajo
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Formulario
+ Page
+ Página
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Formulario
+ Copies
+ Copias
+ Print range
+ Imprimir el intervalo
+ Print all
+ Imprimir todo
+ Pages from
+ Páginas desde
+ to
+ a
+ Current Page
+ Página Actual
+ Selection
+ Selección
+ Page Set:
+ Set de páginas:
+ Output Settings
+ Configuración de salida
+ Copies:
+ Copias:
+ Collate
+ Recopilar
+ Reverse
+ Inverso
+ Options
+ Opciones
+ Color Mode
+ Modo de color
+ Color
+ Color
+ Grayscale
+ Escala de grises
+ Duplex Printing
+ Impresión a doble cara
+ None
+ Ninguno
+ Long side
+ Lado largo
+ Short side
+ Lado corto
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Formulario
+ Printer
+ Impresora
+ &Name:
+ &Nombre:
+ P&roperties
+ P&ropiedades
+ Location:
+ Ubicación:
+ Preview
+ Previsualización
+ Type:
+ Tipo:
+ Output &file:
+ &Fichero de salida:
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Process failed to start
+ El proceso no se ha podido iniciar
+ Process crashed
+ Fallo en el proceso
+ Process operation timed out
+ Tiempo de espera para la operación con el proceso ha expirado
+ Error reading from process
+ Error leyendo del proceso
+ Error writing to process
+ Error escribiendo al proceso
+ No program defined
+ No se ha definido un proceso
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ No se puede abrir la redirección de entrada para lectura
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Error de recurso (fallo al bifurcar el proceso): %1
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ No se puede abrir la redirección de salida para escritura
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ El proceso no se ha podido iniciar: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ QQnxFileDialogHelper
+ All files (*.*)
+ Todos los archivos (*.*)
+ QQnxFilePicker
+ Pick a file
+ Seleccione un archivo
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ no se ha producido ningún error
+ disabled feature used
+ se ha usado una característica no habilitada
+ bad char class syntax
+ sintaxis no válida para clase de caracteres
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ sintaxis no válida para lookahead
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ los lookbehinds no están soportados, mire QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ sintaxis no válida para repetición
+ invalid octal value
+ valor octal no válido
+ missing left delim
+ falta el delimitador izquierdo
+ unexpected end
+ fin inesperado
+ met internal limit
+ se alcanzó el límite interno
+ invalid interval
+ intervalo inválido
+ invalid category
+ categoría inválida
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ no hay errores
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ al final del patrón
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c al final del patrón
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ carácter no reconocido tras \
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ números no ordenados en el cuantificador {}
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ número demasiado grande en el cuantificador {}
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ falta el terminador ] para la clase carácter
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ secuencia de escape inválida en clase carácter
+ range out of order in character class
+ rango fuera de servicio in clase carácter
+ nothing to repeat
+ nada que repetir
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ error interno: repetición inesperada
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ carácter no reconocido tras (? o (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ nombre POSIX de clases sólo están soportados dentro de una clase
+ missing )
+ falta un )
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ referencia a un subpatrón inexistente
+ erroffset passed as NULL
+ erroffset pasada como NULL
+ unknown option bit(s) set
+ bit(s) de opción desconocido establecidos
+ missing ) after comment
+ falta ) tras el comentario
+ regular expression is too large
+ la expresión regular es muy grande
+ failed to get memory
+ fallo al obtener la memoria
+ unmatched parentheses
+ paréntesis sin pareja
+ internal error: code overflow
+ error interno: código desbordado
+ unrecognized character after (?<
+ carácter no reconocido tras (?<
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ la aserción lookbehind no tiene tamaño fijo
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ nombre o número mal formado tras (?(
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ el grupo condicional contiene más de dos ramificaciones
+ assertion expected after (?(
+ afirmación esperada tras (?(
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ (?R o (?[+-]dígitos deben ser seguidos por )
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ nombre de clase POSIX desconocido
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ elementos de clasificación POSIX no están soportados
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support
+ esta versión de PCRE no está compilada con soporte PCRE_UTF8
+ character value in \x{...} sequence is too large
+ valor carácter en \x{...} la secuencia es muy grande
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ condición inválida (?(0)
+ \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
+ \C no permitida en afirmaciones lookbehind
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE no soporta \L, \l, \N{nombre}, \U o \u
+ number after (?C is > 255
+ número mayor que 255 tras (?C
+ closing ) for (?C expected
+ cierre de paréntesis ) esperado para (?C
+ recursive call could loop indefinitely
+ llamada recursiva puede entrar en un bucle infinito
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ carácter nor reconocido tras (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ error de sintaxis en el subpatrón (falta el terminador)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name
+ dos subpatrones con nombre tienen el mismo nombre
+ invalid UTF-8 string
+ cadena de texto UTF-8 inválida
+ support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled
+ no se ha compilado el soporte para \P, \p y \X
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ secuencia \P o \p mal formada
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ nombre de propiedad desconocido tras \P o \p
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)
+ el nombre de subpatrón es demasiado grande (máximo de 32 caracteres)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)
+ demasiados subpatrones con nombre (el máximo es 10000)
+ octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)
+ valor octal es mayor que \377 (no está en modo UTF-8)
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ error interno: espacio de trabajo rebasado durante compilación
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ error interno: subpatrón previamente referenciado no encontrado
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ el grupo DEFINE contiene más de una bifurcación
+ repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
+ la repetición de un grupo DEFINE no está permitida
+ inconsistent NEWLINE options
+ opciones para NEWLINE inconsistentes
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ \g no está seguido por un nombre/número entre llaves, entre símbolos de ángulo o entre comillas o un número simple
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ una referencia numerada no puede ser cero
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ un argumento no está permitido para (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL) o (*COMMIT)
+ (*VERB) not recognized
+ (*VERB) no está reconocido
+ number is too big
+ el número es muy grande
+ subpattern name expected
+ se esperaba un nombre de subpatrón
+ digit expected after (?+
+ se esperaba un dígito tras (?+
+ ] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode
+ ] es un carácter inválido en el modo de compatibilidad con JavaScript
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ no están permitidos los nombres diferentes para subpatrones del mismo número
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) debe tener un argumento
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support
+ esta versión de PCRE no está compilada con soporte PCRE_UCP
+ \c must be followed by an ASCII character
+ \c debe ser seguido por un carácter ASCII
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ \k no está seguido de unas llaves, mayor-que/menor-que o un nombre entre comillas
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ error interno: código de operación desconocido in find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N no está soportado en una clase
+ too many forward references
+ demasiadas referencias adelantadas
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ código Unicode no permitido (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ invalid UTF-16 string
+ cadena de texto UTF-16 inválida
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ nombre demasiado grande en (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP) o (*THEN)
+ character value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ valor de carácter en \u... la secuencia es demasiado larga
+ invalid UTF-32 string
+ cadena de texto UTF-32 inválida
+ setting UTF is disabled by the application
+ usar UTF está deshabilitado por la aplicación
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ carácter no hexadecimal en \x{} (¿es posible que se haya olvidado el carácter «}»?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ carácter no octal en \o{} (¿es posible que se haya olvidado el carácter «}»?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ falta una llave tras \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ paréntesis tiene demasiados elementos anidados
+ invalid range in character class
+ rango inválido en la clase carácter
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ nombre de grupo debe de empezar por un carácter no dígito
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ demasiados paréntesis han sido anidados (chequeo de pila)
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ faltan dígitos en \x{} o \o{}
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Error al abrir la base de datos
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ No es posible iniciar la transacción
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ No es posible enviar la transacción
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ No es posible anular la transacción
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ No es posible obtener los resultados
+ Unable to execute statement
+ No es posible ejecutar la instrucción
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Error al abrir la base de datos
+ Error closing database
+ Error al cerrar la base de datos
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ No es posible iniciar la transacción
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ No es posible enviar la transacción
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ No se ha podido revertir la transacción
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ No es posible obtener la fila
+ No query
+ Consulta vacía
+ Unable to execute statement
+ No es posible ejecutar la instrucción
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ No es posible ejecutar múltiples instrucciones al mismo tiempo
+ Unable to reset statement
+ No es posible reinicializar la instrucción
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ No es posible ligar los parámetros
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Número de parámetros incorrecto
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ El archivo existente %1 no es grabable
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ El nombre de archivo se refiere a un directorio
+ Writing canceled by application
+ Escritura cancelada por la aplicación
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Desplazar hasta aquí
+ Left edge
+ Borde izquierdo
+ Top
+ Parte superior
+ Right edge
+ Borde derecho
+ Bottom
+ Parte inferior
+ Page left
+ Una página a la izquierda
+ Page up
+ Una página hacia arriba
+ Page right
+ Una página a la derecha
+ Page down
+ Una página hacia abajo
+ Scroll left
+ Desplazar hacia la izquierda
+ Scroll up
+ Desplazar hacia arriba
+ Scroll right
+ Desplazar hacia la derecha
+ Scroll down
+ Desplazar hacia abajo
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: no se ha podido poner clave en bloqueo
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: el tamaño de creación is menor que 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: no se ha podido bloquear
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: no se ha podido desbloquear
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: la clave está vacía
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: nombre inválido
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: el archivo clave UNIX no existe
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: ftok falló
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: imposible crear clave
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: el sistema ha impuesto restricciones de tamaño
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: no adjuntado
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: permiso denegado
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: ya existe
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: no existe
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: falta de recursos
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: error desconocido %2
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: tamaño inválido
+ %1: key error
+ %1: error de clave
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: la consulta del tamaño falló
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Espacio
+ Esc
+ Escape
+ Tab
+ Tabulador
+ Backtab
+ Tabulador hacia atrás
+ Backspace
+ Borrar
+ Return
+ Retorno
+ Enter
+ Intro
+ Ins
+ Insertar
+ Del
+ Suprimir
+ Pause
+ Pausa
+ Print
+ Imprimir pantalla
+ SysReq
+ PetSis
+ Home
+ Inicio
+ End
+ Fin
+ Left
+ Izquierda
+ Up
+ Arriba
+ Right
+ Derecha
+ Down
+ Abajo
+ PgUp
+ Re Pág
+ PgDown
+ Av Pág
+ CapsLock
+ Bloq Mayús
+ NumLock
+ Bloqueo Numérico
+ ScrollLock
+ Bloqueo Desplazamiento
+ Menu
+ Menú
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ Back
+ Anterior
+ Forward
+ Siguiente
+ Stop
+ Detener
+ Refresh
+ Actualizar
+ Volume Down
+ Bajar el volumen
+ Volume Mute
+ Silenciar
+ Volume Up
+ Subir el volumen
+ Bass Boost
+ Potenciar los graves
+ Bass Up
+ Subir los graves
+ Bass Down
+ Bajar los graves
+ Treble Up
+ Subir los agudos
+ Treble Down
+ Bajar los agudos
+ Media Play
+ Reproducir el medio
+ Media Stop
+ Detener el medio
+ Media Previous
+ Medio anterior
+ Media Next
+ Siguiente medio
+ Media Record
+ Grabar medio
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Pausar Medio
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Reproducir/Pausar Medio
+ Home Page
+ Página de inicio
+ Favorites
+ Favoritos
+ Search
+ Búsqueda
+ Standby
+ Reposo
+ Open URL
+ Abrir URL
+ Launch Mail
+ Lanzar correo
+ Launch Media
+ Lanzar medio
+ Launch (0)
+ Lanzar (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Lanzar (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Lanzar (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Lanzar (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Lanzar (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Lanzar (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Lanzar (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Lanzar (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Lanzar (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Lanzar (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Lanzar (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Lanzar (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Lanzar (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Lanzar (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Lanzar (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Lanzar (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Subir brillo del monitor
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Bajar brillo del monitor
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Luces del teclado encendidas/apagadas
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Subir brillo del teclado
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Bajar brillo del teclado
+ Power Off
+ Apagar
+ Wake Up
+ Despertar
+ Eject
+ Expulsar
+ Screensaver
+ Salvapantallas
+ Sleep
+ Dormir
+ LightBulb
+ Bombilla
+ Shop
+ Tienda
+ History
+ Historial
+ Add Favorite
+ Añadir favorito
+ Hot Links
+ Enlaces directos
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Ajustar brillo
+ Finance
+ Finanzas
+ Community
+ Comunidad
+ Media Rewind
+ Rebobinar medio
+ Back Forward
+ De vuelta atrás
+ Application Left
+ Aplicación izquierda
+ Application Right
+ Aplicación derecha
+ Book
+ Libro
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Calculadora
+ Clear
+ Limpiar
+ Clear Grab
+ Eliminar Bloqueo
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ Copy
+ Copiar
+ Cut
+ Cortar
+ Display
+ Monitor
+ Documents
+ Documentos
+ Spreadsheet
+ Hoja de Cálculo
+ Browser
+ Navegador
+ Game
+ Juego
+ Go
+ Ir
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Cerrar sesión
+ Market
+ Mercado
+ Meeting
+ Reunión
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Menú de teclado
+ Menu PB
+ Menú PB
+ My Sites
+ Mis Sitios
+ News
+ Noticias
+ Home Office
+ Oficina en casa
+ Option
+ Opción
+ Paste
+ Pegar
+ Phone
+ Teléfono
+ Reply
+ Responder
+ Reload
+ Recargar
+ Rotate Windows
+ Rotar ventanas
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotar PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Rotar KB
+ Save
+ Guardar
+ Send
+ Enviar
+ Spellchecker
+ Corrector ortográfico
+ Split Screen
+ Pantalla partida
+ Support
+ Soporte
+ Task Panel
+ Panel de tareas
+ Terminal
+ Terminal
+ Tools
+ Herramientas
+ Travel
+ Viajar
+ Video
+ Vídeo
+ Word Processor
+ Procesador de textos
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Acercar
+ Zoom Out
+ Alejar
+ Away
+ Ausente
+ Messenger
+ Mensajero
+ WebCam
+ Cámara web
+ Mail Forward
+ Reenviar correo
+ Pictures
+ Fotos
+ Music
+ Música
+ Battery
+ Batería
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ Conexión inalámbrica
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Ultra banda ancha
+ Media Fast Forward
+ Avance rápido el medio
+ Audio Repeat
+ Repetición de audio
+ Audio Random Play
+ Reproducción aleatoria de audio
+ Subtitle
+ Subtítulos
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Repetir pistas de audio
+ Time
+ Hora
+ Hibernate
+ Hibernar
+ View
+ Vista
+ Top Menu
+ Menú Superior
+ Power Down
+ Apagar
+ Suspend
+ Suspender
+ Microphone Mute
+ Silenciar micrófono
+ Red
+ Rojo
+ Green
+ Verde
+ Yellow
+ Amarillo
+ Blue
+ Azul
+ Channel Up
+ Canal arriba
+ Channel Down
+ Canal abajo
+ Guide
+ Guía
+ Info
+ Información
+ Settings
+ Ajustes
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ Subir volumen del micrófono
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ Bajar volumen del micrófono
+ New
+ Nuevo
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ Find
+ Buscar
+ Undo
+ Deshacer
+ Redo
+ Rehacer
+ Print Screen
+ Imprimir pantalla
+ Page Up
+ Retroceder página
+ Page Down
+ Avanzar página
+ Caps Lock
+ Bloqueo de mayúsculas
+ Num Lock
+ Bloqueo numérico
+ Number Lock
+ Bloqueo numérico
+ Scroll Lock
+ Bloqueo del desplazamiento
+ Insert
+ Insertar
+ Delete
+ Borrar
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ Petición del sistema
+ Select
+ Seleccionar
+ Yes
+ Sí
+ No
+ No
+ Context1
+ Contexto1
+ Context2
+ Contexto2
+ Context3
+ Contexto3
+ Context4
+ Contexto4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Llamar
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Descolgar
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Alternar llamar/colgar
+ Flip
+ Voltear
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Marcación por voz
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Re-llamar último número
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Obturador de cámara
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Enfoque de cámara
+ Kanji
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Bloqueo Kana
+ Kana Shift
+ Cambio Kana
+ Eisu Shift
+ Cambio Eisu
+ Eisu toggle
+ Alternar Eisu
+ Code input
+ Introducción de Código
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Candidatos Múltiples
+ Previous Candidate
+ Candidato Anterior
+ Hangul
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Inicio Hangul
+ Hangul End
+ Final Hangul
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Hanga
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Hangul Especial
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Printer
+ Impresora
+ Execute
+ Ejecutar
+ Play
+ Reproducir
+ Zoom
+ Acercar
+ Exit
+ Salir
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ Alternar teclado táctil
+ Touchpad On
+ Encender teclado táctil
+ Touchpad Off
+ Apagar teclado táctil
+ Ctrl
+ Control
+ Shift
+ Mayúsculas
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ Núm
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Conexión al proxy rechazada
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ La conexión con el proxy se cerró prematuramente
+ Proxy host not found
+ El servidor no se ha encontrado
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ El tiempo de conexión al proxy expiró
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ La autenticación del proxy falló
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ La autenticación del proxy falló: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ SOCK versión 5 error de protocolo
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Fallo general del servidor SOCKSv5
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ Conexión no permitida por el servidor SOCKSv5
+ TTL expired
+ TTL expirado
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ Comando no soportado por SOCKSv5
+ Address type not supported
+ Tipo de dirección no soportada
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Código de error de SOCKSv5 proxy desconocido 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ El tiempo de espera por la operación de red ha expirado
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ rol inválido
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra de título
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra de menú
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra de desplazamiento
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ control
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sonido
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ cursor
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ símbolo de intercalación de texto
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ mensaje de alerta
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ marco
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ relleno
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ menú contextual
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ elemento de menú
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ información contextual
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ aplicación
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ documento
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ panel
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ gráfico
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ diálogo
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ separador
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra de herramientas
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra de estado
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tabla
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ encabezado de columna
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ encabezado de fila
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ columna
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ fila
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ celda
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ enlace
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ globo de ayuda
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ asistente
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lista
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ elementos de lista
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ árbol
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ elemento de árbol
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pestaña
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ página de propiedades
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ indicador
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ gráfico
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ etiqueta
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ texto
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ botón pulsable
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ casilla de verificación
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ botón de radio
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ caja combinada
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra de progreso
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ marcador
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ campo de acceso rápido
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ deslizador
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ cuadro de giro
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lienzo
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ animación
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ecuación
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ botón con desplegable
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ botón de menú
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ botón con cuadrícula desplegable
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ espacio
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lista de pestañas
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ reloj
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ delimitador
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ panel de capas
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ documento web
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ párrafo
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sección
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ selector de color
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pie de página
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ formulario
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ encabezado
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ nota
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ contenido complementario
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ desconocido
+ QSslSocket
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ Error estableciendo curvas elípticas (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Error al crear el contexto SSL (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ protocolo no soportado
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Lista de cifras vacía o no válida (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ No se puede proporcionar un certificado sin clave, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Error al cargar el certificado local, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Error al cargar la clave privada, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ La clave privada no certifica la clave pública, %1
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ Versión de OpenSSL demasiado vieja, se necesita al menos v1.0.2
+ No error
+ No hay errores
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ El certificado del emisor no puede ser encontrado
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ La firma del certificado no puede ser descifrada
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ La clave pública del certificado no puede ser leída
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ La firma del certificado es inválida
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ El certificado no es todavía válido
+ The certificate has expired
+ El certificado ha caducado
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ El campo notBefore del certificado contiene una hora no válida
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ El campo notAfter del certificado contiene una hora inválida
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ El certificado está autofirmado, y es no confiable
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ El certificado raíz de la cadena de certificado está autofirmado, y no es confiable
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ El emisor del certificado de un certificado encontrado localmente no ha podido ser hallado
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Ningún certificado pudo ser verificado
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ Uno de los certificados CA es inválido
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ El tamaño del parámetro de ruta basicConstraints ha sido excedido
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ El certificado suministrado no es adecuado para este propósito
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ La raíz del certificado CA no es confiable para este propósito
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ La raíz del certificado CA está marcado para rechazar el propósito especificado
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ El emisor del candidato actual ha sido rechazado porque el nombre del tema no coincide con el nombre del emisor del actual certificado
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ El emisor del candidato actual ha sido rechazado porque el nombre del emisor y su número de serie no está presente y no coincide con la clave de la autoridad identificadora del actual certificado
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ El punto no está presente en ningún certificado
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ El nombre de equipo no coincidió con ninguno de los equipos válidos para este certificado
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ El certificado del punto está en la lista negra
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ La conexión TLS/SSL ha sido cerrada
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Error al crear la sesión SSL, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Error al crear la sesión SSL: %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ Ha sido imposible iniciar el contexto SSL: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ No es posible escribir los datos: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ No ha sido posible descifrar los datos: %1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Error al leer: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Error durante el handshake SSL: %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ Escritorio
+ Documents
+ Documentos
+ Fonts
+ Fuentes
+ Applications
+ Aplicaciones
+ Music
+ Música
+ Movies
+ Películas
+ Pictures
+ Fotos
+ Temporary Directory
+ Directorio temporal
+ Home
+ Inicio
+ Cache
+ Caché
+ Shared Data
+ Datos compartidos
+ Runtime
+ Tiempo de ejecución
+ Configuration
+ Configuración
+ Shared Configuration
+ Configuración compartida
+ Shared Cache
+ Caché compartida
+ Download
+ Descargar
+ Application Data
+ Datos de aplicación
+ Application Configuration
+ Configuración de aplicación
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ Falta el el estado inicial en el campo compuesto «%1»
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ Falta el estado por defecto en el estado de historia «%1»
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ No hay un antepasado común para los destinos y origen de la transición desde el estado «%1»
+ Unknown error
+ Error desconocido
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: permiso denegado
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: ya existe
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: no existe
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: falta de recursos
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: error desconocido %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ No es posible abrir la conexión
+ Unable to use database
+ No es posible utilizar la base de datos
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Desplazar hacia la izquierda
+ Scroll Right
+ Desplazar hacia la derecha
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Operación en el socket no soportada
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ No se pueden leer los datos de la imagen
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Los dispositivos secuenciales (por ejemplo socket) no están soportados para lectura de imagen
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ Falló el acceso aleatorio para lectura imágenes en archivo/dispositivo
+ Image header read failed
+ La lectura de la cabecera de imagen falló
+ Image type not supported
+ El tipo de imagen no está soportado
+ Image depth not valid
+ Profundidad de imagen no válida
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ No se puede acceder al pie de página de la imagen
+ Could not read footer
+ No se puede leer el pie de página
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ El tipo de imagen (no TrueVision 2.0) no está soportado
+ Could not reset to read data
+ No se puede reiniciar la lectura de datos
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ Deshacer %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Deshacer
+ Redo %1
+ Rehacer %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Rehacer
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <vacío>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ Deshacer %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Deshacer
+ Redo %1
+ Rehacer %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Rehacer
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM Marca de-izquierda-a-derecha
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Marca de-derecha-a-izquierda
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Insertar carácter de control Unicode
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ ¿Qué es esto?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Deshacer
+ &Redo
+ &Rehacer
+ Cu&t
+ Cor&tar
+ &Copy
+ &Copiar
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Copiar la ubicación del en&lace
+ &Paste
+ &Pegar
+ Delete
+ Borrar
+ Select All
+ Seleccionar todo
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Qt no puede cargar el plugin de plataforma direct2d porque la versión de Direct2D es demasiado antigua. El requisito mínimo de para este plugin de plataforma es Windows 7 SP1 con la Actualización de plataforma.
+La versión mínima de Direct2D requerida es %1.%2.%3.%4. Y la versión de Direct2D instalada en el sistema es %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ No se puede cargar el plugin de plataforma direct2d
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Ir atrás
+ < &Back
+ < &Atrás
+ Continue
+ Continuar
+ &Next
+ Siguie&nte
+ &Next >
+ Siguie&nte >
+ Commit
+ Enviar
+ Done
+ Hecho
+ &Finish
+ &Finalizar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ &Help
+ &Ayuda
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ no se ha producido ningún error
+ error triggered by consumer
+ error debido al consumidor
+ unexpected end of file
+ fin de fichero inesperado
+ more than one document type definition
+ más de una definición de tipo de documento
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ se ha producido un error durante el análisis de un elemento
+ tag mismatch
+ etiqueta desequilibrada
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ se ha producido un error durante el análisis del contenido
+ unexpected character
+ carácter inesperado
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ nombre de instrucción de tratamiento no válido
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ se esperaba la versión al leer la declaración XML
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ valor erróneo para la declaración independiente
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ se esperaba una declaración de codificación o declaración autónoma al leer la declaración XML
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ se esperaba una declaración independiente al leer la declaración XML
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ se ha producido un error durante el análisis de la definición de tipo de documento
+ letter is expected
+ se esperaba una letra
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ se ha producido un error durante el análisis de un comentario
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ se ha producido un error durante el análisis de una referencia
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ no se permiten referencias a entidades internas generales en la DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ no se permiten referencias a entidades externas generales ya analizadas en el valor de un atributo
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ no se permiten referencias a entidades externas generales ya analizadas en la DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ referencia a entidad no analizada en un contexto no válido
+ recursive entities
+ entidades recursivas
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ error en la declaración de texto de una entidad externa
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Contenido extra al final del documento.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Valor de la entidad no válido.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Carácter XML no válido.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Secuencia «]]>» no permitida en el contenido.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Contenido codificado incorrectamente encontrado.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Prefijo de espacio de nombres «%1» no declarado
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Declaración de espacio de nombres ilegal.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ El atributo «%1» está redefinido.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Carácter «%1» inesperado en un literal de identificación público.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Cadena de versión XML no válida.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ Versión XML no soportada.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ El pseudoatributo «standalone» debe aparece después de la codificación.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 es un nombre de codificación no válido.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ No se admite la codificación %1
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ «Standalone» sólo acepta «sí» o «no».
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Atributo no válido en la declaración XML.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Final prematuro del documento.
+ Invalid document.
+ Documento no válido.
+ Expected
+ Se esperaba
+ , but got '
+ , pero se ha recibido '
+ Unexpected '
+ No se esperaba '
+ Expected character data.
+ Se esperaban datos de carácter.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Detectada entidad recursiva.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Se esperaba etiqueta de inicio.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ NDATA en una declaración de entidad parámetro.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ La declaración XML no está al principio del documento.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 es un nombre de instrucción de procesamiento no válido.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Nombre de instrucción de procesamiento no válido.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 no es un identificador PUBLIC válido.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Nombre XML no válido.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Las etiquetas de apertura y cierre no coinciden.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Entidad «%1» no declarada.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Referencia a una entidad no analizada «%1».
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Referencia a una entidad externa «%1» en el valor del atributo.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Referencia un carácter no válido.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_fr.ts b/localization/qtbase_fr.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc6c3c504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_fr.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6632 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Fermer l'onglet
+ Services
+ Services
+ Hide %1
+ Masquer %1
+ Hide Others
+ Masquer les autres
+ Show All
+ Tout afficher
+ Preferences...
+ Préférences...
+ Quit %1
+ Quitter %1
+ About %1
+ À propos de %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ L'opération socket a expirée
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ L'opération sur la socket n'est pas supportée
+ Host not found
+ Hôte introuvable
+ Connection refused
+ Connexion refusée
+ Connection timed out
+ Connexion expirée
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Tentative de connexion alors qu'une autre connexion est en cours
+ Socket is not connected
+ Le socket n'est pas connectée
+ Network unreachable
+ Le réseau n'est pas accessible
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ Tout &sélectionner
+ &Step up
+ &Augmenter
+ Step &down
+ &Diminuer
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ Appuyer
+ Increase
+ Augmenter
+ Decrease
+ Diminuer
+ ShowMenu
+ Afficher le menu
+ SetFocus
+ Définir le focus
+ Toggle
+ Basculer
+ Scroll Left
+ Défiler vers la gauche
+ Scroll Right
+ Défiler vers la droite
+ Scroll Up
+ Défiler vers le haut
+ Scroll Down
+ Défiler vers le bas
+ Previous Page
+ Page précédente
+ Next Page
+ Page suivante
+ Triggers the action
+ Déclenche l'action
+ Increase the value
+ Augmenter la valeur
+ Decrease the value
+ Diminuer la valeur
+ Shows the menu
+ Affiche le menu
+ Sets the focus
+ Donne le focus
+ Toggles the state
+ Bascule l'état
+ Scrolls to the left
+ Défile vers la gauche
+ Scrolls to the right
+ Défile vers la droite
+ Scrolls up
+ Défile vers le haut
+ Scrolls down
+ Défile vers le bas
+ Goes back a page
+ Revient à la page précédente
+ Goes to the next page
+ Va à la page suivante
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ Oui
+ Yes to All
+ Oui à tous
+ No
+ Non
+ No to All
+ Non à tous
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ L'exécutable "%1" requiert Qt %2 (Qt %3 trouvé).
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Erreur de bibliothèque Qt incompatible
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ À propos de Qt
+ About
+ À propos
+ Config
+ Configuration
+ Preference
+ Préférence
+ Options
+ Options
+ Setting
+ Paramètre
+ Setup
+ Réglage
+ Quit
+ Quitter
+ Exit
+ Quitter
+ Cut
+ Couper
+ Copy
+ Copier
+ Paste
+ Coller
+ Select All
+ Tout sélectionner
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ Ne pas enregistrer
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ &Teinte :
+ &Sat:
+ &Sat :
+ &Val:
+ &Val :
+ &Red:
+ &Rouge :
+ &Green:
+ &Vert :
+ Bl&ue:
+ Ble&u :
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Canal a&lpha :
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML :
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Curseur à %1, %2
+Appuyer sur Échap pour annuler
+ Select Color
+ Sélectionner une couleur
+ &Basic colors
+ Couleurs de &base
+ &Custom colors
+ &Couleurs personnalisées
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Ajouter aux couleurs personnalisées
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ &Sélectionner une couleur à l'écran
+ QComboBox
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ Ouvrir la liste déroulante
+ False
+ Faux
+ True
+ Vrai
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Afficher les informations de version.
+ Displays this help.
+ Afficher cette aide.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Option inconnue "%1".
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Options inconnues : %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Valeur manquante après "%1".
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ Valeur inattendue après "%1".
+ [options]
+ [options]
+ Usage: %1
+ Utilisation : %1
+ Options:
+ Options :
+ Arguments:
+ Arguments :
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1 : la clé est vide
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1 : impossible de créer la clé
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1 : ftok a échoué
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ Tâche
+ Job Control
+ Contrôle des tâches
+ Scheduled printing:
+ Impressions planifiées :
+ Billing information:
+ Informations de facturation :
+ Job priority:
+ Priorité de la tâche :
+ Banner Pages
+ Pages de garde
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ Finales :
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ Premières :
+ Print Immediately
+ Imprimer immédiatement
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ Attendre indéfiniment
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Jour (de 06:00 à 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Nuit (de 18:00 à 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Deuxième quart (de 16:00 à 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Troisième quart (de 00:00 à 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ Week-end (de samedi à dimanche)
+ Specific Time
+ Temps spécifique
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Aucun
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Standard
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Non classifié
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Confidentiel
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Classifié
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Secret
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Top secret
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Impossible de se connecter
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Impossible d'activer l'autocommit
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossible d'exécuter la requête
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossible de préparer la requête
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Impossible d'utiliser la variable
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Impossible de récupérer l'enregistrement %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Impossible de récupérer le suivant
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Impossible de récupérer le premier
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Nom
+ Size
+ Taille
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Type
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Type
+ Date Modified
+ Dernière modification
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ Opération annulée
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ Invalid domain name
+ Nom de domaine invalide
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ Pas encore pris en charge sur Android
+ Resolver functions not found
+ Fonctions du résolveur introuvables
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ L'initialisation du résolveur a échoué
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers is currently not supported
+ Les adresses IPv6 pour les serveurs de noms ne sont pas encore supportées
+ Server could not process query
+ Le serveur n'a pas pu traiter la requête
+ Server failure
+ Échec du serveur
+ Non existent domain
+ Le domaine n'existe pas
+ Server refused to answer
+ Le serveur ne répond pas
+ Invalid reply received
+ La réponse reçue est invalide
+ Could not expand domain name
+ Impossible de développer le nom de domaine
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ L'enregistrement d'adresse IPv4 est invalide
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ L'enregistrement d'adresse IPv6 est invalide
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ L'enregistrement du nom canonique est invalide
+ Invalid name server record
+ L'enregistrement du nom de serveur est invalide
+ Invalid pointer record
+ L'enregistrement pointeur est invalide
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ L'enregistrement du serveur de mail est invalide
+ Invalid service record
+ L'enregistrement service est invalide
+ Invalid text record
+ L'enregistrement texte est invalide
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ La bibliothèque du résolveur ne peut pas être chargée : le chargement de bibliothèque à l'exécution n'est pas supporté
+ No hostname given
+ Aucun nom d'hôte n'a été donné
+ Invalid hostname
+ Nom d'hôte invalide
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ Détacher
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ Détache et ré-attache le widget attaché
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ Fermer
+ Closes the dock widget
+ Ferme le widget attaché
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Message de débogage :
+ Warning:
+ Avertissement :
+ Fatal Error:
+ Erreur fatale :
+ &Show this message again
+ &Afficher ce message de nouveau
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ Le fichier de destination est le même fichier.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ Le fichier source n'existe pas.
+ Destination file exists
+ Le fichier destination existe
+ Error while renaming.
+ Erreur lors du renommage.
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ Impossible de restaurer à partir de %1 : %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ Le fichier séquentiel ne sera pas renommé avec la copie par blocs
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Impossible de supprimer le fichier source
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ Impossible d'ouvrir %1 en lecture
+ Cannot open for output
+ Impossible d'ouvrir en écriture
+ Failure to write block
+ Impossible d'écrire un bloc
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ Impossible de créer %1 en écriture
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ Aucun moteur de fichier disponible ou celui-ci ne supporte pas UnMapExtension
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ Voir dans :
+ Back
+ Précédent
+ Go back
+ Aller à l'élément précédent
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Gauche
+ Forward
+ Suivant
+ Go forward
+ Va à l'élément suivant
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Droite
+ Parent Directory
+ Dossier parent
+ Go to the parent directory
+ Va au dossier parent
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Haut
+ Create New Folder
+ Créer un nouveau dossier
+ Create a New Folder
+ Crée un nouveau dossier
+ List View
+ Vue en liste
+ Change to list view mode
+ Affiche la vue sous forme de liste
+ Detail View
+ Vue détaillée
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Affichage la vue sous forme détaillée
+ Sidebar
+ Barre latérale
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ Liste des emplacements et des favoris
+ Files
+ Fichiers
+ Files of type:
+ Fichiers de type :
+ Find Directory
+ Chercher dans le dossier
+ Open
+ Ouvrir
+ Save As
+ Enregistrer sous
+ Directory:
+ Dossier :
+ File &name:
+ &Nom de fichier :
+ &Open
+ &Ouvrir
+ &Choose
+ &Choisir
+ &Save
+ &Enregistrer
+ All Files (*)
+ Tous les fichiers (*)
+ Show
+ Afficher
+ &Rename
+ &Renommer
+ &Delete
+ Suppri&mer
+ Show &hidden files
+ Afficher les fic&hiers cachés
+ &New Folder
+ &Nouveau dossier
+ All files (*)
+ Tous les fichiers (*)
+ Directories
+ Dossiers
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Dossier introuvable.
+Veuillez vérifier que le nom du dossier est correct.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ Le fichier %1 existe déjà
+Voulez-vous l'écraser ?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Fichier introuvable.
+Veuillez vérifier que le nom du fichier est correct.
+ New Folder
+ Nouveau dossier
+ Delete
+ Supprimer
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ "%1" est protégé en écriture.
+Voulez-vous quand même le supprimer ?
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer "%1" ?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Impossible de supprimer le dossier.
+ Recent Places
+ Emplacements récents
+ Remove
+ Supprimer
+ My Computer
+ Poste de travail
+ Drive
+ Disque
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ Fichier %1
+ File
+ Fichier
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Dossier
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Dossier
+ Alias
+ Mac OS X Finder
+ Alias
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Raccourci
+ Unknown
+ Inconnu
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 To
+ %1 GB
+ %1 Go
+ %1 MB
+ %1 Mo
+ %1 KB
+ %1 Ko
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 octets
+ Invalid filename
+ Nom de fichier invalide
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>Le nom "%1" ne peut pas être utilisé.</b><p>Essayez un autre nom avec moins de caractères ou sans ponctuation.
+ Name
+ Nom
+ Size
+ Taille
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Type
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Type
+ Date Modified
+ Dernière modification
+ My Computer
+ Poste de travail
+ Computer
+ Ordinateur
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 octet(s)
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ Normal
+ Bold
+ Gras
+ Demi Bold
+ Demi-gras
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ Moyen
+ Black
+ Extra-gras
+ Light
+ Maigre
+ Thin
+ Mince
+ Extra Light
+ Très léger
+ Extra Bold
+ Très gras
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Très
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Demi
+ Italic
+ Italique
+ Oblique
+ Oblique
+ Normal
+ Normal
+ Any
+ Tous
+ Latin
+ Latin
+ Greek
+ Grec
+ Cyrillic
+ Cyrillique
+ Armenian
+ Arménien
+ Hebrew
+ Hébreu
+ Arabic
+ Arabe
+ Syriac
+ Syriaque
+ Thaana
+ Thâna
+ Devanagari
+ Dévanagari
+ Bengali
+ Bengali
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Tamoul
+ Telugu
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Sinhala
+ Thai
+ Thaï
+ Lao
+ Lao
+ Tibetan
+ Tibétain
+ Myanmar
+ Myanmar
+ Georgian
+ Géorgien
+ Khmer
+ Khmer
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Chinois simplifié
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Chinois traditionnel
+ Japanese
+ Japonais
+ Korean
+ Coréen
+ Vietnamese
+ Vietnamien
+ Symbol
+ Symbole
+ Ogham
+ Ogham
+ Runic
+ Runique
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Choisir une police
+ &Font
+ &Police
+ Font st&yle
+ St&yle de police
+ &Size
+ &Taille
+ Effects
+ Effets
+ Stri&keout
+ &Barré
+ &Underline
+ &Souligné
+ Sample
+ Exemple
+ Wr&iting System
+ &Système d'écriture
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Non connecté
+ Host %1 not found
+ L'hôte %1 est introuvable
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ La connexion à l'hôte %1 est refusée
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ La connexion à l'hôte %1 a expirée
+ Connected to host %1
+ Connecté à l'hôte %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ La connexion de données est refusée
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Échec de la connexion à l'hôte :
+ Login failed:
+ Échec de l'identification :
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Échec du listage du dossier :
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Échec du changement de dossier :
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Échec du téléchargement du fichier :
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Échec de l'envoi du fichier :
+ Removing file failed:
+ Échec de la suppression du fichier :
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Échec de la création du dossier :
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Échec de la suppression du dossier :
+ Connection closed
+ La connexion est fermée
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ &Enregistrer
+ &Cancel
+ &Annuler
+ &Close
+ &Fermer
+ Close without Saving
+ Fermer sans enregistrer
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ Aucun nom d'hôte n'a été donné
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ Aucun nom d'hôte n'a été donné
+ Invalid hostname
+ Nom d'hôte invalide
+ Unknown address type
+ Adresse de type inconnu
+ Host not found
+ Hôte introuvable
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Erreur inconnue (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ L'hôte %1 est introuvable
+ Connection refused
+ Connexion refusée
+ Connection closed
+ Connexion fermée
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Le proxy requiert une authentification
+ Host requires authentication
+ L'hôte requiert une authentification
+ Data corrupted
+ Les données sont corrompues
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Le protocole spécifié est inconnu
+ SSL handshake failed
+ Le handshake SSL a échoué
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Pas de réponse HTTP de la part du proxy
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Erreur d'analyse de la reqête d'authentification depuis le proxy
+ Authentication required
+ Authentification requise
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Le proxy a rejeté la connexion
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Erreur de communication avec le proxy HTTP
+ Proxy server not found
+ Le serveur proxy est introuvable
+ Proxy connection refused
+ La connexion au proxy est refusée
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ La connexion au serveur proxy est expirée
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ La connexion au serveur proxy a été fermée prématurément
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Erreur lors de l'ouverture de la base de données
+ Could not start transaction
+ Impossible de démarrer la transaction
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Impossible de créer un BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Impossible d'écrire le BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Impossible d'ouvrir le BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Impossible de lire le BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ Impossible de trouver le tableau
+ Could not get array data
+ Impossible de trouver le tableau de données
+ Could not get query info
+ Impossible d'avoir les informations sur la requête
+ Could not start transaction
+ Impossible de démarrer la transaction
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Impossible d'allouer la requête
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Impossible de préparer la requête
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Impossible de décrire la requête
+ Could not describe statement
+ Impossible de décrire la requête
+ Unable to close statement
+ Impossible de fermer la requête
+ Unable to execute query
+ Impossible d'exécuter la requête
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Impossible de récuperer l'élément suivant
+ Could not get statement info
+ Impossible d'avoir les informations sur la requête
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Autorisation refusée
+ Too many open files
+ Trop de fichiers ouverts simultanément
+ No such file or directory
+ Aucun fichier ou dossier
+ No space left on device
+ Aucun espace disponible sur le disque
+ file to open is a directory
+ le fichier à ouvrir est un répertoire
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ Cible non valide
+ File not found
+ Fichier non trouvé
+ Unsupported image format
+ Format d'image non supporté
+ Unable to read image data
+ Impossible de lire les données de l'image
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ Device is not set
+ La cible n'est pas prête
+ Device not writable
+ La cible n'est pas accessible en écriture
+ Unsupported image format
+ Format d'image non supporté
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Entrer une valeur :
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ aucune erreur ne s'est produite
+ unterminated object
+ l'objet n'est pas terminé
+ missing name separator
+ le séparateur de nom est manquant
+ unterminated array
+ le tableau n'est pas terminé
+ missing value separator
+ le séparateur de valeur est manquant
+ illegal value
+ la valeur n'est pas autorisée
+ invalid termination by number
+ terminer par un nombre est invalide
+ illegal number
+ le nombre n'est pas autorisé
+ invalid escape sequence
+ la séquence d'échappement est invalide
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ la chaîne UTF8 est invalide
+ unterminated string
+ la chaîne n'est pas terminée
+ object is missing after a comma
+ un objet est manquant après la virgule
+ too deeply nested document
+ le document est imbriqué trop profondément
+ too large document
+ le document est trop long
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ données invalides à la fin du document
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ Appuyez sur le raccourci
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ "%1" n'est pas un objet ELF (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ "%1" n'est pas un objet ELF
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ "%1" n'est pas un objet ELF valide (%2)
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ Les données de vérification du plugin sont différentes dans "%1"
+ The shared library was not found.
+ La bibliothèque partagée est introuvable.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ Le fichier "%1" n'est pas un plugin Qt valide.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ Le plugin "%1" utilise une bibliothèque Qt incompatible. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Le plugin "%1" utilise une bibliothèque Qt incompatible. (Il est impossible de mélanger des bibliothèques compilées en Debug et Release.)
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Impossible de charger la bibliothèque %1 : %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Impossible de libérer la bibliothèque %1 : %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ Impossible de résoudre le symbole "%1" dans %2 : %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ "%1" n'est pas un binaire Mach-O valide (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ le fichier est corrompu
+ file too small
+ le fichier est trop petit
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ aucune architecture n'est adaptée au binaire fat
+ invalid magic %1
+ le nombre magique %1 est invalide
+ wrong architecture
+ l'architecture n'est pas correcte
+ not a dynamic library
+ la bibliothèque n'est pas une bibliothèque dynamique
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ "%1" n'est pas un plugin Qt
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Annuler
+ &Redo
+ &Rétablir
+ Cu&t
+ Co&uper
+ &Copy
+ Cop&ier
+ &Paste
+ Co&ller
+ Delete
+ Supprimer
+ Select All
+ Tout sélectionner
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1 : Erreur de nom
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1 : Permission refusée
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1 : Adresse déjà utilisée
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1 : Erreur inconnue %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1 : Connexion refusée
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1 : Connexion fermée
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1 : Nom invalide
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1 : Erreur d'accès à la socket
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1 : Erreur de ressource de la socket
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1 : L'opération socket est expirée
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1 : Le datagramme est trop grand
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1 : Erreur de connexion
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1 : L'opération n'est pas supportée
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1 : L'opération n'est pas permise lorsque la socket est dans cet état
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1 : L'erreur est inconnue
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Tentative de connexion alors qu'une autre connexion est en cours
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1 : Erreur inconnue %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1 : Autorisation refusée
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ Impossible d'ouvrir la base de données "%1"
+ Unable to connect
+ Impossible de se connecter
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossible de démarrer la transaction
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Impossible de récupérer des données
+ Unable to execute query
+ Impossible d'exécuter la requête
+ Unable to store result
+ Impossible de stocker le résultat
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Impossible d'exécuter la prochaine requête
+ Unable to store next result
+ Impossible de stocker le prochain résultat
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossible de préparer l'instruction
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Impossible de réinitialiser l'instruction
+ Unable to bind value
+ Impossible d'attacher la valeur
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossible d'exécuter la requête
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Impossible d'attacher les valeurs de sortie
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Impossible de stocker les résultats de la requête
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (Sans titre)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Réduire
+ Maximize
+ Agrandir
+ Unshade
+ Restaurer
+ Shade
+ Ombrer
+ Restore Down
+ Restaurer en bas
+ Restore
+ Restaurer
+ Close
+ Fermer
+ Help
+ Aide
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ &Restore
+ &Restaurer
+ &Move
+ &Déplacer
+ &Size
+ &Taille
+ Mi&nimize
+ Réd&uire
+ Ma&ximize
+ A&grandir
+ Stay on &Top
+ &Laisser au premier plan
+ &Close
+ &Fermer
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Montrer les détails...
+ Hide Details...
+ Masquer les détails...
+ OK
+ OK
+ Help
+ Aide
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>À propos de Qt</h3><p>Ce programme utilise la version %1 de Qt.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt est dédié au développement d'applications C++ multiplateformes.</p><p>Qt offre un code source unique compatible avec les principaux systèmes d'exploitation "de bureau" (Linux, Mac, Windows). Qt est également compatible avec des systèmes d'exploitation embarqués de type Linux ou autres.</p><p>Qt est utilisable sous les termes de trois types de licence différents, afin de répondre aux besoins d'un maximum d'utilisateurs.</p><p>La licence commerciale de Qt est appropriée pour le développement de logiciels propriétaires/commerciaux pour lesquels vous ne souhaitez pas partager le code source avec des tierces parties ou pour lesquels les termes de la licence GNU LGPL version 3 ou GNU LGPL version 2.1 ne vous conviennent pas.</p><p>La licence GNU LGPL version 3 de Qt est appropriée pour le développement d'applications Qt si vous acceptez les termes et conditions de la licence GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>La licence GNU LGPL version 2.1 est appropriée pour le développement d'applications Qt si vous acceptez les termes et conditions de la licence GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Veuillez consulter <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> pour le détail des différents types de licence Qt.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 "The Qt Company Ltd" et autres contributeurs.</p><p>Qt et le logo Qt sont des marques de "The Qt Company Ltd".</p><p>Qt est le produit de "The Qt Company Ltd", développé sous forme de projet open source. Veuillez trouver de plus amples information à <a href="http://%3/">%3</a>.</p>
+ About Qt
+ À propos de Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Impossible d'initialiser la socket asynchrone
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Impossible d'initialiser la socket en broadcast
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Tentative d'utiliser une socket IPv6 sur une plateforme qui ne supporte pas IPv6
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ L'hôte distant a fermé la connexion
+ Network operation timed out
+ L'opération réseau est expirée
+ Out of resources
+ Manque de ressources
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ L'opération socket n'est pas supportée
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Le protocol n'est pas géré
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Le descripteur de socket est invalide
+ Host unreachable
+ L'hôte n'est pas accessible
+ Network unreachable
+ Le réseau ne répond pas
+ Permission denied
+ Autorisation refusée
+ Connection timed out
+ Connexion expirée
+ Connection refused
+ Connexion refusée
+ The bound address is already in use
+ L'adresse liée est déjà utilisée
+ The address is not available
+ L'adresse n'est pas disponible
+ The address is protected
+ L'adresse est protégée
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Le datagramme était trop grand pour être envoyé
+ Unable to send a message
+ Impossible d'envoyer un message
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Impossible de recevoir un message
+ Unable to write
+ Impossible d'écrire
+ Network error
+ Erreur réseau
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Une autre socket écoute déjà sur le même port
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operation sur une non-socket
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Le type de proxy est invalide pour cette opération
+ Temporary error
+ Erreur temporaire
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ Erreur lors de l'ouverture de %1
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ URI invalide : %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Erreur lors de l'écriture dans %1 : %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Erreur de socket sur %1 : %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ L'hôte distant a fermé sa connexion de façon prématurée sur %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Requête d'ouverture de fichier distant %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Erreur lors de l'ouverture de %1 : %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Erreur d'écriture de %1 : %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ Impossible d'ouvrir %1 : le chemin est un dossier
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Erreur de lecture de %1 : %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Aucun proxy trouvé
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ Impossible d'ouvrir %1 : le chemin est un dossier
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ La connexion à %1 a échoué : authentification requise
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Erreur lors du téléchargement de %1 : %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Erreur lors de l'envoi de %1 : %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ L'accès au réseau est désactivé.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2
+ Erreur lors du téléchargement de %1 - le serveur a répondu : %2
+ Background request not allowed.
+ La requête en arrière-plan n'est pas autorisée.
+ Network session error.
+ Erreur de session réseau.
+ backend start error.
+ erreur de démarrage du backend.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Erreur réseau temporaire.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Le protocole "%1" est inconnu
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ L'opération est annulée
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Aucun proxy trouvé
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ L'opération est annulée
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ La configuration est invalide.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ Erreur de session inconnue.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ La session a été annulée par l'utilisateur ou le système.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ L'opération requise n'est pas supportée par le système.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ La configuration spécifiée ne peut pas être utilisée.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ Le roaming a été annulé ou est impossible.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Impossible d'initialiser
+ Unable to logon
+ Impossible d'ouvrir une session
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossible de démarrer la transaction
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible d'enregistrer la transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Impossible d'attacher la colonne pour une exécution en batch
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Impossible d'exécuter l'instruction batch
+ Unable to goto next
+ Impossible de passer au suivant
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Impossible d'allouer l'instruction
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossible de préparer l'instruction
+ Unable to get statement type
+ Impossible d'obtenir le type de l'instruction
+ Unable to bind value
+ Impossible d'attacher la valeur
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossible d'exéctuer l'instruction
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Impossible de se connecter
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ Impossible de se connecter - Le pilote ne supporte pas toutes les fonctionnalités nécessaires
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ Impossible de désactiver l'autocommit
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ Impossible d'activer l'autocommit
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Impossible de récupérer le dernier
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset : Impossible d'utiliser "SQL_CURSOR_STATIC" comme attribut de requête. Veuillez vérifier la configuration de votre pilote ODBC
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossible d'exécuter l'instruction
+ Unable to fetch
+ Impossible de récupérer
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Impossible de récupérer le suivant
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Impossible de récupérer le premier
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ Impossible de récupérer le précédent
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossible de préparer l'instruction
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Impossible d'attacher la variable
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Impossible de se connecter
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Impossible de démarrer la transaction
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Impossible de s'inscrire
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ Impossible de se désinscrire
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ Impossible de créer la requête
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossible de préparer l'instruction
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ Paper
+ Papier
+ Page size:
+ Dimensions :
+ Width:
+ Largeur :
+ Height:
+ Hauteur :
+ Paper source:
+ Source du papier :
+ Orientation
+ Orientation
+ Portrait
+ Portrait
+ Landscape
+ Paysage
+ Reverse landscape
+ Paysage inversé
+ Reverse portrait
+ Portrait inversé
+ Margins
+ Marges
+ top margin
+ marge haute
+ left margin
+ marge gauche
+ right margin
+ marge droite
+ bottom margin
+ marge basse
+ Page Layout
+ Mise en page
+ Page order:
+ Ordre des pages :
+ Pages per sheet:
+ Pages par feuille :
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Millimètres (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Pouces (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Points (pts)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Cicéro (CC)
+ Custom
+ Personnalisée
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ po
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ Personnalisée (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ Personnalisée (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ Personnalisée (%1po x %2po)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ Personnalisée (%1pc %2pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ Personnalisée (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ Personnalisée (%1CC x %2CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 po
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
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+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 po)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 po)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 po)
+ Legal
+ Legal
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Lettre / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Tabloïd / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ Personnalisée
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 Small
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
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+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
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+ JIS B2
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+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Legal Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Legal Extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Small
+ Letter Small
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Tabloïd Extra
+ Architect A
+ Architect A
+ Architect B
+ Architect B
+ Architect C
+ Architect C
+ Architect D
+ Architect D
+ Architect E
+ Architect E
+ Note
+ Note
+ Quarto
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Statement
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Carte postale
+ Double Postcard
+ Carte postale double
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K Big
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fanfold US (14.875 x 11 po)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fanfold allemand (8.5 x 12 po)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Legal Fanfold allemand (8.5 x 13 po)
+ Envelope B4
+ Enveloppe B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Enveloppe B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Enveloppe B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Enveloppe C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Enveloppe C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Enveloppe C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Enveloppe C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Enveloppe C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Enveloppe C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Enveloppe C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Enveloppe C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Enveloppe C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Enveloppe DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Enveloppe US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Enveloppe US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Enveloppe US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Enveloppe US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Enveloppe US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Enveloppe Monarch
+ Envelope Personal
+ Enveloppe Personelle
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Enveloppe Chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Enveloppe Chou 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Enveloppe Invitation
+ Envelope Italian
+ Enveloppe italienne
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Enveloppe Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Enveloppe Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Enveloppe PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Enveloppe PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Enveloppe PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Enveloppe PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Enveloppe PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Enveloppe PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Enveloppe PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Enveloppe PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Enveloppe PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Enveloppe PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ Enveloppe You 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Enregistrer
+ Save All
+ Tout enregistrer
+ Open
+ Ouvrir
+ &Yes
+ &Oui
+ Yes to &All
+ Oui à &tout
+ &No
+ &Non
+ N&o to All
+ Non à to&ut
+ Abort
+ Abandonner
+ Retry
+ Réessayer
+ Ignore
+ Ignorer
+ Close
+ Fermer
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
+ Discard
+ Ne pas tenir compte
+ Help
+ Aide
+ Apply
+ Appliquer
+ Reset
+ Réinitialiser
+ Restore Defaults
+ Restaurer les valeurs par défaut
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Le plugin n'a pas été chargé.
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Imprimer
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ De gauche à droite puis de haut en bas
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ De gauche à droite puis de bas en haut
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ De droite à gauche puis de bas en haut
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ De droite à gauche puis de haut en bas
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ De bas en haut puis de gauche à droite
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ De bas en haut puis de droite à gauche
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ De haut en bas puis de gauche à droite
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ De haut en bas puis de droite à gauche
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ Toutes les pages
+ Odd Pages
+ Pages impaires
+ Even Pages
+ Pages paires
+ &Options >>
+ &Options >>
+ &Print
+ Im&primer
+ &Options <<
+ &Options <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Imprimer dans un fichier (PDF)
+ Local file
+ Fichier local
+ Write PDF file
+ Imprime dans un fichier PDF
+ Print To File ...
+ Imprimer dans un fichier...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 est un dossier.
+Veuillez choisir un nom de fichier différent.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier %1.
+Veuillez choisir un nom de fichier différent.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 existe.
+Voulez-vous l'écraser ?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ Les options "Pages par feuille" et "Configuration de la page" ne peuvent pas être utilisées ensemble.
+Veuillez désactiver l'une de ces options.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ La valeur "De" ne peut pas être plus grande que la valeur "à".
+ OK
+ OK
+ Automatic
+ Automatique
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Mise en page
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Aperçu avant impression
+ Next page
+ Page suivante
+ Previous page
+ Page précédente
+ First page
+ Première page
+ Last page
+ Dernière page
+ Fit width
+ Ajuster la largeur
+ Fit page
+ Ajuster la page
+ Zoom in
+ Zoom avant
+ Zoom out
+ Zoom arrière
+ Portrait
+ Portrait
+ Landscape
+ Paysage
+ Show single page
+ Afficher une seule page
+ Show facing pages
+ Afficher deux pages
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Afficher un aperçu de toutes les pages
+ Print
+ Imprimer
+ Page setup
+ Mise en page
+ Export to PDF
+ Exporter vers PDF
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Job Options
+ Options de la tâche
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ Page
+ Page
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ Copies
+ Copies
+ Print range
+ Imprimer la sélection
+ Print all
+ Imprimer tout
+ Pages from
+ Pages de
+ to
+ à
+ Current Page
+ Page courante
+ Selection
+ Sélection
+ Page Set:
+ Configuration de la page :
+ Output Settings
+ Paramètres de sortie
+ Copies:
+ Copies :
+ Collate
+ Assembler
+ Reverse
+ Ordre inverse
+ Options
+ Options
+ Color Mode
+ Mode de couleur
+ Color
+ Couleur
+ Grayscale
+ Dégradé de gris
+ Duplex Printing
+ Impression recto-verso
+ None
+ Non
+ Long side
+ Côté long
+ Short side
+ Côté court
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Formulaire
+ Printer
+ Imprimante
+ &Name:
+ &Nom :
+ P&roperties
+ P&ropriétés
+ Location:
+ Emplacement :
+ Preview
+ Aperçu
+ Type:
+ Type :
+ Output &file:
+ &Fichier de sortie :
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Error reading from process
+ Erreur de lecture depuis le processus
+ Error writing to process
+ Erreur d'écriture vers le processus
+ Process crashed
+ Le processus a planté
+ Process failed to start (spawned process exited with code 127)
+ Le processus n'a pu démarrer (le processus généré a terminé avec le code 127)
+ No program defined
+ Aucun programme n'est défini
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Impossible d'ouvrir la redirection d'entrée en lecture
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Impossible d'ouvrir la redirection de sortie en écriture
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Erreur de ressouce (échec du fork) : %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ L'opération de processus a expiré
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ Le démarrage du processus a échoué : %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
+ QQnxFileDialogHelper
+ All files (*.*)
+ Tous les fichiers (*.*)
+ QQnxFilePicker
+ Pick a file
+ Choisir un fichier
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ aucune erreur ne s'est produite
+ disabled feature used
+ l'option est désactivée
+ bad char class syntax
+ la syntaxe est invalide pour la classe de caractère
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ la syntaxe du lookahead est invalide
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ la fonctionnalité lookbehinds n'est pas supportée, voir le rapport de bug QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ la syntaxe de la répétition est invalide
+ invalid octal value
+ la valeur octale est invalide
+ missing left delim
+ le délémiteur gauche est manquant
+ unexpected end
+ la fin est inattendue
+ met internal limit
+ limite interne atteinte
+ invalid interval
+ l'intervalle est invalide
+ invalid category
+ la catégorie est invalide
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ aucune erreur
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ à la fin du motif
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c à la fin du motif
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ le caractère suivant le \ n'a pas été reconnu
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ les valeurs sont incorrectes dans le quantifieur {}
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ le nombre dans le quantifieur {} est trop grand
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ la classe de caractères ne se termine pas par ]
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ la classe de caractères contient une séquence d'échappement invalide
+ range out of order in character class
+ la classe de caractères contient une valeur incorrecte
+ nothing to repeat
+ il n'y a rien à répéter
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ erreur interne : répétition inattendue
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ le caractère après (? ou (?- n'est pas reconnu
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ les classes POSIX nommées sont supportées uniquement dans une classe
+ missing )
+ le caractère ) est manquant
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ référence à un sous-motif inexistant
+ erroffset passed as NULL
+ le paramètre erroffset est passé à NULL
+ unknown option bit(s) set
+ l'option définie est inconnue
+ missing ) after comment
+ le caractère ) est manquant après le commentaire
+ regular expression is too large
+ l'expression régulière est trop large
+ failed to get memory
+ impossible de récupérer la mémoire
+ unmatched parentheses
+ les parenthèses ne correspondent pas
+ internal error: code overflow
+ erreur interne : débordement du code
+ unrecognized character after (?<
+ le caractère après (?< n'est pas reconnu
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ l'assertion lookbehind n'est pas de longueur fixe
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ le nombre ou le nom après (?( n'est pas formé correctement
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ le groupe conditionnel contient plus de deux branches
+ assertion expected after (?(
+ une assertion est attendue après (?(
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ les chiffres dans (?R ou (?[+-] doivent être suivis par )
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ le nom de la classes POSIX est inconnu
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ Les éléments d'assemblage POSIX ne sont pas pris en charge
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support
+ cette version de PCRE n'est pas compilée avec le support de PCRE_UTF8
+ character value in \x{...} sequence is too large
+ les valeurs de caractères dans la séquence \x{...} est trop large
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ la condition (?(0) est invalide
+ \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
+ \C n'est pas autorisé dans une assertion de type lookbehind
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE ne supporte pas \L, \l, \N{name}, \U ou \u
+ number after (?C is > 255
+ le nombre après (?C est supérieur à 255
+ closing ) for (?C expected
+ une parenthèse fermante ) est attendue pour (?C
+ recursive call could loop indefinitely
+ un appel récursif ne peut pas boucler indéfiniment
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ le caractère après (?P n'est pas reconnu
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ erreur de syntaxe dans le nom du sous-motif (la terminaison est manquante)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name
+ deux sous-motifs nommés possèdent le même nom
+ invalid UTF-8 string
+ la chaîne UTF-8 est invalide
+ support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled
+ le support de \P, \p et \X n'a pas été compilé
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ la séquence \P ou \p n'est pas formée correctement
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ le nom de propriété après \P ou \p est inconnu
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)
+ le nom du sous-motif est trop long (maximum 32 caractères)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)
+ il y a trop de sous-motifs nommés (maximum 10000)
+ octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)
+ la valeur octale est plus grande que \377 (pas dans le mode UTF-8)
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ erreur interne : dépassement de l'espace de travail de compilation
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ erreur interne : le sous-motif référencé qui a déjà été vérifié n'a pas été trouvé
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ le groupe DEFINE contient plus d'une branche
+ repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
+ la répétion d'un groupe DEFINE n'est pas autorisée
+ inconsistent NEWLINE options
+ les options de NEWLINE ne sont pas compatibles
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ \g n'est pas suivi par un nom ou un nombre entre crochets, entre crochets droits ou entre guillemets ou par un nombre plein
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ une référence numérique ne doit pas être zéro
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ un argument n'est pas autorisé pour (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL) ou (*COMMIT)
+ (*VERB) not recognized
+ (*VERB) n'est pas reconnu
+ number is too big
+ le nombre est trop grand
+ subpattern name expected
+ un nom de sous-motif est attendu
+ digit expected after (?+
+ un chiffre est attendu après (?+
+ ] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode
+ le caractère ] n'est pas une donnée valide dans le mode de compatibilité avec le JavaScript
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ des noms différents pour des sous-motifs ayant le même nombre n'est pas autorisé
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) doit avoir un argument
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support
+ cette version de PCRE n'est pas compilée avec le support de PCRE_UCP
+ \c must be followed by an ASCII character
+ \c doit être suivi par un caractère ASCII
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ \k n'est pas suivi par un nom entre crochets, entre crochets droits ou entre guillemets
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ erreur interne : l'opcode dans find_fixedlenght() est inconnu
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N n'est pas supporté dans une classe
+ too many forward references
+ il y a trop de références en avant
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ le code point Unicode (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff) n'est pas autorisé
+ invalid UTF-16 string
+ la chaîne UTF-16 est invalide
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ le nom dans (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP) ou (*THEN) est trop long
+ character value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ la valeur dans la séquence \u... est trop longue
+ invalid UTF-32 string
+ la chaîne UTF-32 est invalide
+ setting UTF is disabled by the application
+ l'application ne permet pas d'utiliser UTF
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ caractère non-hexa dans \x{} (accolade fermante manquante ?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ caractère non-octal dans \o{} (accolade fermante manquante ?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ accolade ouvrante manquante après \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ les parenthèses sont trop profondément imbriquées
+ invalid range in character class
+ intervalle invalide dans la classe de caractères
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ le nom du groupe ne doit pas commencer par un chiffre
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ les parenthèses sont trop profondément imbriquées (vérification de la pile)
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ chiffres manquants dans \x{} ou \o{}
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Erreur lors de l'ouverture de la base de données
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossible de démarrer la transaction
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Impossible de récupérer les résultats
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossible d'exécuter l'instruction
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Erreur lors de l'ouverture de la base de données
+ Error closing database
+ Erreur lors de la fermeture de la base de données
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossible de démarrer la transaction
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossible de soumettre la transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossible d'annuler la transaction
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Impossible de récupérer la ligne
+ No query
+ Pas de requête
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossible d'exécuter l'instruction
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ Impossible d'exécuter plusieurs instructions à la fois
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Impossible de réinitialiser la requête
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Impossible d'attacher les paramètres
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Nombre de paramètres incorrect
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ Le fichier existant %1 n'est pas accessible en écriture
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ Le nom de fichier est associé à un répertoire
+ Writing canceled by application
+ L'écriture a été annulée par l'application
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Défiler jusqu'ici
+ Left edge
+ Bord gauche
+ Top
+ Haut
+ Right edge
+ Bord droit
+ Bottom
+ Bas
+ Page left
+ Page précédente
+ Page up
+ Page précédente
+ Page right
+ Page suivante
+ Page down
+ Page suivante
+ Scroll left
+ Défiler vers la gauche
+ Scroll up
+ Défiler vers le haut
+ Scroll right
+ Défiler vers la droite
+ Scroll down
+ Défiler vers le bas
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1 : impossible d'affecter la clé au verrou
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1 : taille de création est inférieur à 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1 : impossible de vérrouiller
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1 : impossible de déverrouiller
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1 : la clé est vide
+ %1: bad name
+ %1 : nom incorrect
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1 : le fichier de clés UNIX n'existe pas
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1 : ftok a échoué
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1 : impossible de créer la clé
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1 : le système impose des restrictions sur la taille
+ %1: not attached
+ %1 : n'est attaché
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1 : permission refusée
+ %1: already exists
+ %1 : existe déjà
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1 : n'existe pas
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1 : manque de ressources
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1 : erreur inconnue %2
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1 : la taille est invalide
+ %1: key error
+ %1 : erreur de clé
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1 : la requête de taille a échoué
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Espace
+ Esc
+ Échap
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Tab arr
+ Backspace
+ Effacement
+ Return
+ Retour
+ Enter
+ Entrée
+ Ins
+ Inser
+ Del
+ Suppr
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Imprimer
+ SysReq
+ Syst
+ Home
+ Début
+ End
+ Fin
+ Left
+ Gauche
+ Up
+ Haut
+ Right
+ Droite
+ Down
+ Bas
+ PgUp
+ Page préc
+ PgDown
+ Page suiv
+ CapsLock
+ Verr maj
+ NumLock
+ Verr num
+ ScrollLock
+ Arrêt défil
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ Help
+ Aide
+ Back
+ Précédent
+ Forward
+ Suivant
+ Stop
+ Arrêter
+ Refresh
+ Rafraîchir
+ Volume Down
+ Volume bas
+ Volume Mute
+ Volume muet
+ Volume Up
+ Volume haut
+ Bass Boost
+ Graves fort
+ Bass Up
+ Graves haut
+ Bass Down
+ Graves bas
+ Treble Up
+ Aigus haut
+ Treble Down
+ Aigus bas
+ Media Play
+ Média lecture
+ Media Stop
+ Média arrêt
+ Media Previous
+ Média précédent
+ Media Next
+ Média suivant
+ Media Record
+ Média enregistrer
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Média pause
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Média Lecture/Pause
+ Home Page
+ Page d'accueil
+ Favorites
+ Favoris
+ Search
+ Recherche
+ Standby
+ Attente
+ Open URL
+ Ouvrir URL
+ Launch Mail
+ Lancer Boîte mail
+ Launch Media
+ Lancer média
+ Launch (0)
+ Lancer (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Lancer (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Lancer (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Lancer (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Lancer (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Lancer (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Lancer (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Lancer (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Lancer (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Lancer (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Lancer (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Lancer (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Lancer (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Lancer (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Lancer (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Lancer (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Luminosité moniteur haut
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Luminosité moniteur bas
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Lumière clavier On/Off
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Luminosité clavier haut
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Luminosité clavier bas
+ Power Off
+ Éteindre
+ Wake Up
+ Réveiller
+ Eject
+ Éjecter
+ Screensaver
+ Économiseur d'écran
+ Sleep
+ Veille
+ LightBulb
+ Ampoule
+ Shop
+ Magasin
+ History
+ Historique
+ Add Favorite
+ Ajouter favori
+ Hot Links
+ Derniers favoris
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Régler luminosité
+ Finance
+ Finances
+ Community
+ Communauté
+ Media Rewind
+ Rembobiner
+ Back Forward
+ Retour avant
+ Application Left
+ Application gauche
+ Application Right
+ Application droite
+ Book
+ Livre
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Calculatrice
+ Clear
+ Effacer
+ Clear Grab
+ Effacer la poignée
+ Close
+ Fermer
+ Copy
+ Copier
+ Cut
+ Couper
+ Display
+ Affichage
+ Documents
+ Documents
+ Spreadsheet
+ Feuille de calcul
+ Browser
+ Navigateur
+ Game
+ Jeu
+ Go
+ Aller
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Fermer session
+ Market
+ Marché
+ Meeting
+ Réunion
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Menu clavier
+ Menu PB
+ Menu PB
+ My Sites
+ Mes sites
+ News
+ Actualités
+ Home Office
+ Bureau à domicile
+ Option
+ Option
+ Paste
+ Coller
+ Phone
+ Téléphone
+ Reply
+ Répondre
+ Reload
+ Recharger
+ Rotate Windows
+ Tourner la fenêtre
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Rotation KB
+ Save
+ Enregistrer
+ Send
+ Envoyer
+ Spellchecker
+ Correcteur orthographique
+ Split Screen
+ Partager l'écran
+ Support
+ Support technique
+ Task Panel
+ Panneau de tâches
+ Terminal
+ Terminal
+ Tools
+ Outils
+ Travel
+ Voyager
+ Video
+ Vidéo
+ Word Processor
+ Traitement de texte
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Zoom avant
+ Zoom Out
+ Zoom arrière
+ Away
+ Absent
+ Messenger
+ Messagerie instantanée
+ WebCam
+ WebCam
+ Mail Forward
+ Faire suivre l'e-mail
+ Pictures
+ Images
+ Music
+ Musique
+ Battery
+ Batterie
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ Sans fil
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Bande ultralarge
+ Media Fast Forward
+ Avance rapide
+ Audio Repeat
+ Audio répéter
+ Audio Random Play
+ Audio lecture aléatoire
+ Subtitle
+ Sous-titre
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Audio répéter la piste
+ Time
+ Heure
+ Hibernate
+ Veille prolongée
+ View
+ Affichage
+ Top Menu
+ Haut du menu
+ Power Down
+ Éteindre
+ Suspend
+ Suspendre
+ Microphone Mute
+ Désactiver le microphone
+ Red
+ Rouge
+ Green
+ Vert
+ Yellow
+ Jaune
+ Blue
+ Bleu
+ Channel Up
+ Chaîne suivante
+ Channel Down
+ Chaîne précédente
+ Guide
+ Guide
+ Info
+ Info
+ Settings
+ Paramètres
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ Augmenter le son du microphone
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ Diminuer le son du microphone
+ New
+ Nouveau
+ Open
+ Ouvrir
+ Find
+ Trouver
+ Undo
+ Annuler
+ Redo
+ Rétablir
+ Print Screen
+ Imprimer écran
+ Page Up
+ Page haut
+ Page Down
+ Page bas
+ Caps Lock
+ Verr Maj
+ Num Lock
+ Verr num
+ Number Lock
+ Verrouillage numérique
+ Scroll Lock
+ Arrêt défilement
+ Insert
+ Insérer
+ Delete
+ Supprimer
+ Escape
+ Échapement
+ System Request
+ Requète système
+ Select
+ Sélectionner
+ Yes
+ Oui
+ No
+ Non
+ Context1
+ Contexte1
+ Context2
+ Contexte2
+ Context3
+ Contexte3
+ Context4
+ Contexte4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Appeler
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Raccrocher
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Décrocher/Raccrocher
+ Flip
+ Retourner
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Commande vocale
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Bis
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Prendre photo
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Focus appareil photo
+ Kanji
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Shift
+ Kana Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu toggle
+ Eisu toggle
+ Code input
+ Entrée le code
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Candidat multiple
+ Previous Candidate
+ Candidat précédent
+ Hangul
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangul début
+ Hangul End
+ Hangul Fin
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Hangul Special
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
+ Printer
+ Imprimante
+ Execute
+ Exécuter
+ Play
+ Lecture
+ Zoom
+ Zoom
+ Exit
+ Quitter
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ Basculer la plage tactile
+ Touchpad On
+ Activer la plage tactile
+ Touchpad Off
+ Désactiver la plage tactile
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Maj
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Méta
+ Num
+ Num
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ La connexion au proxy est refusée
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ La connexion au serveur proxy a été fermée prématurément
+ Proxy host not found
+ L'hôte proxy est introuvable
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ La connexion au proxy est expirée
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ L'authentification proxy a échoué
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ L'authentification proxy a échoué : %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ Erreur de protocole SOCKS version 5
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Erreur générale du serveur SOCKSv5
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ La connexion est refusée par le serveur SOCKSv5
+ TTL expired
+ Le TTL a expiré
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ La commande SOCKSv5 n'est pas supportée
+ Address type not supported
+ Le type d'adresse n'est pas supporté
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Erreur proxy SOCKSv5 inconnue : 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ L'opération réseau a expiré
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ rôle invalide
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barre de titre
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barre de menu
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Barre de défillement
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ poignée
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ son
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ curseur
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ curseur texte
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ message d'alerte
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ cadre
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ remplissage
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ menu popup
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ élément de menu
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ info-bulle
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ application
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ document
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ panneau
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ graphique
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dialogue
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ séparateur
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barre d'outils
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barre de status
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ table
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ en-tête de colonne
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ en-tête de ligne
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ colonne
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ ligne
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ cellule
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lien
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ bulle d'aide
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ assistant
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ liste
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ élément de liste
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ arbre
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ élément d'un arbre
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ onglet de page
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ page de propriété
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ indicateur
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ graphique
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ label
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ texte
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ bouton
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ boîte à cocher
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ bouton radio
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ boîte déroulante
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barre de progression
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ clavier
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ champ de raccourci
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ slider
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ zone de sélection numérique
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ canvas
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ animation
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ équation
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barre de défillement
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ bouton de menu
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ bouton avec menu déroulant affichant une grille
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ espacement
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ liste d'onglets de page
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ horloge
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ séparateur
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ volet en couche
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ document web
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ paragraphe
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ section
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ choix de couleur
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pied de page
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ formulaire
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ en-tête
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ note
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ contenu additionnel
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ inconnu
+ QSslSocket
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ La définition des courbes elliptiques a provoqué une erreur (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Erreur lors de la création du contexte SSL (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ protocole non supporté
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ La liste de chiffrements est invalide ou vide (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Impossible de fournir un certificat sans clé, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Erreur lors du chargement du certificat local, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Erreur lors du chargement de la clé privée, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ La clé privée ne certifie pas la clé publique, %1
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ La version de OpenSSL est trop ancienne, requiert au moins v1.0.2
+ No error
+ Aucune erreur
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ Le certificat de l'émetteur est introuvable
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ La signature du certificat n'a pas pu être décryptée
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ La clé publique du certificat n'a pas pu être lue
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ La signature du certificat n'est pas valide
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ Le certificat n'est pas encore valide
+ The certificate has expired
+ Le certificat a expiré
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ Le champ notBefore du certificat inclut une heure invalide
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ Le champ notAfter du certificat inclut une heure invalide
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Le certificat est auto-signé et non approuvé
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Le certificat racine de la chaîne de certificats est auto-signé et non approuvé
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ Le certificat de l'émetteur d'un certificat converti localement est introuvable
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Aucun certificat n'a pu être vérifié
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ L'un des certificats CA n'est pas valide
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ Le paramètre de longueur du chemin basicConstraints a été dépassé
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ Le certificat fourni ne convient pas pour cet objectif
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ Le certificat CA racine n'est pas sécurisé pour cet objectif
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ Le certificat CA racine est marqué pour rejeter l'objectif spécifié
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ Le certificat de l'émetteur candidat actuel a été rejeté car le nom de son sujet ne correspondait pas au nom de l'émetteur du certificat actuel
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ Le certificat de l'émetteur candidat actuel a été rejeté car le nom de son sujet et son numéro de série étaient présents et ne correspondaient pas à l'identifiant de la clé d'autorité du certificat actuel
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ Le peer ne contient aucun certificat
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ Le nom d'hôte ne correspondait à aucun des hôtes valides pour ce certificat
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ Le certificat du peer est sur liste noire
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Erreur lors de la création de la session SSL, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Erreur lors de la création de la session SSL : %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ Impossible d'initialiser le contexte SSL : %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Impossible d'écrire les données : %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ Impossible de décrypter les données : %1
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ La connexion TLS/SSL a été fermée
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Erreur lors de la lecture : %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Erreur lors de la connexion SSL : %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ Bureau
+ Documents
+ Documents
+ Fonts
+ Polices
+ Applications
+ Applications
+ Music
+ Musique
+ Movies
+ Films
+ Pictures
+ Images
+ Temporary Directory
+ Dossier temporaire
+ Home
+ Début
+ Cache
+ Cache
+ Shared Data
+ Données partagées
+ Runtime
+ Exécution
+ Configuration
+ Configuration
+ Shared Configuration
+ Configuration partagée
+ Shared Cache
+ Cache partagé
+ Download
+ Téléchargement
+ Application Data
+ Données d'applications
+ Application Configuration
+ Configuration de l'application
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ L'état initial est manquant dans l'état composé "%1"
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ L'état par défaut est manquant dans l'état de l'historique "%1"
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ Aucun ancêtre commun pour les cibles et la source de la transition depuis l'état "%1"
+ Unknown error
+ Erreur inconnue
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1 : permission refusée
+ %1: already exists
+ %1 : existe déjà
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1 : n'existe pas
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1 : manque de ressources
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1 : erreur inconnue %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Impossible d'ouvrir la connexion
+ Unable to use database
+ Impossible d'utiliser la base de données
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Défiler vers la gauche
+ Scroll Right
+ Défiler vers la droite
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Opération sur le socket non supportée
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ Impossible de lire les données de l'image
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Les périphériques séquentiels (par exemple un socket) pour la lecture d'image ne sont pas supportés
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ La recherche d'un fichier/périphérique pour la lecture d'image a échoué
+ Image header read failed
+ La lecture de l'en-tête de l'image a échoué
+ Image type not supported
+ Le type d'image n'est pas supporté
+ Image depth not valid
+ La profondeur de l'image n'est pas valide
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ Impossible de trouver le pied de page de l'image lue
+ Could not read footer
+ Impossible de lire le pied de page
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ Le type d'image (non-TrueVision 2.0) n'est pas supporté
+ Could not reset to read data
+ Impossible de réinitialiser pour lire les données
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ Annuler %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Annuler
+ Redo %1
+ Rétablir %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Rétablir
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <vide>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ Annuler %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Annuler
+ Redo %1
+ Rétablir %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Rétablir
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Insérer caractère de contrôle Unicode
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Annuler
+ &Redo
+ &Rétablir
+ Cu&t
+ Co&uper
+ &Copy
+ Cop&ier
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Copier l'adresse du &lien
+ &Paste
+ Co&ller
+ Delete
+ Supprimer
+ Select All
+ Tout sélectionner
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Qt ne peut pas charger le plugin direct2d parceque la version système de Direct2D est trop ancienne. Le support système minimal requis pour ce plugin est Windows 7 SP1 avec Mise à jour de plateforme.
+La version Direct2D minimale requise est %1.%2.%3.%4. La version Direct2D courante est %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ Impossible de charger le plugin direct2d
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Aller au précédent
+ < &Back
+ < &Précédent
+ Continue
+ Continuer
+ &Next
+ &Suivant >
+ &Next >
+ &Suivant >
+ Commit
+ Soumettre
+ Done
+ Terminer
+ &Finish
+ &Terminer
+ Cancel
+ Annuler
+ Help
+ Aide
+ &Help
+ &Aide
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ aucune erreur ne s'est produite
+ error triggered by consumer
+ erreur déclenchée par le consommateur
+ unexpected end of file
+ fin de fichier inattendue
+ more than one document type definition
+ plus d'une définition de type de document
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ une erreur s'est produite pendant l'analyse syntaxique de l'élement
+ tag mismatch
+ le tag ne correspond pas
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ une erreur s'est produite pendant l'analyse syntaxique du contenu
+ unexpected character
+ caractère inattendu
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ le nom d'instruction est invalide
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ une version est attendue dans la déclaration XML
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ valeur incorrecte pour une déclaration "standalone"
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ déclaration d'encodage ou déclaration "standalone" attendue lors de la lecture de la déclaration XML
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ déclaration "standalone" attendue lors de la lecture de la déclaration XML
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ une erreur s'est produite pendant l'analyse syntaxique de la définition du type de document
+ letter is expected
+ une lettre est attendue
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ une erreur s'est produite pendant l'analyse syntaxique du commentaire
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ une erreur s'est produite pendant l'analyse syntaxique d'une référence
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ référence à une entité générale interne non autorisée dans la DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ référence à une entité générale externe non autorisée dans la valeur d'attribut
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ référence à une entité générale externe non autorisée dans le DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ référence à une entité non analysée dans le mauvais contexte
+ recursive entities
+ entités récursives
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ erreur dans la déclaration texte d'une entité externe
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Contenu superflu à la fin du document.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ La valeur de l'entité est invalide.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Le caractère XML est invalide.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ La séquence "]]>" n'est pas autorisée dans le contenu.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Du contenu avec un encodage incorrect a été rencontré.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Le préfixe d'espace de noms "%1" n'a pas été déclaré
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ La déclaration d'espace de noms n'est pas correcte.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ L'attribut '%1' est redéfini.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Le caractère "%1" est inattendu pour une valeur d'identifiant public.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ La chaîne de version XML est invalide.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ La version XML n'est pas supportée.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ Le pseudo-attribut "standalone" doit apparaître après l'encodage.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 n'est pas un nom d'encodage valide.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ %1 n'est pas un encodage supporté
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Les seules valeurs possibles pour "standalone" sont "yes" ou "no".
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ L'attribut dans la déclaration XML est invalide.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Fin de document inattendue.
+ Invalid document.
+ Le document est invalide.
+ Expected
+ Attendu
+ , but got '
+ , mais trouvé '
+ Unexpected '
+ Inattendu '
+ Expected character data.
+ Des données texte sont attendues.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Une entité récursive est détectée.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Un tag de départ est attendu.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ NDATA dans une déclaration de paramètre d'entité.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ La déclaration XML doit être en début de document.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 n'est pas un nom d'instruction valide.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Le nom d'instruction est invalide.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 n'est pas un identifiant PUBLIC valide.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Le nom XML est invalide.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Les tags ouvrant et fermants ne correspondent pas.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ L'entité "%1" n'est pas déclarée.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ La référence à l'entité "%1" n'est pas analysée.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ La référence à l'entité externe "%1" comme valeur d'attribut.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Référence à un caractère invalide.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_he.ts b/localization/qtbase_he.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..050ae5e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_he.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6646 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ סגור כרטיסייה
+ Services
+ שירותים
+ Hide %1
+ הסתר את %1
+ Hide Others
+ הסתר את האחרים
+ Show All
+ הצג הכל
+ Preferences...
+ העדפות...
+ Quit %1
+ צא מתוך %1
+ About %1
+ אודות %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ פג זמן פעולת שקע
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ פעולה על שקע אינה נתמכת
+ Host not found
+ מארח לא נמצא
+ Connection refused
+ חיבור נדחה
+ Connection timed out
+ פג זמן חיבור
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ ניסיון להתחבר כאשר התחברות בתהליך
+ Socket is not connected
+ שקע לא מחובר
+ Network unreachable
+ רשת לא ניתנת להשגה
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ &בחר הכל
+ &Step up
+ הע&לה
+ Step &down
+ הו&רד
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ לחץ
+ Increase
+ הגבר
+ Decrease
+ הנמך
+ ShowMenu
+ הצג תפריט
+ SetFocus
+ קבע מיקוד
+ Toggle
+ הדלק/כבה
+ Scroll Left
+ גלול שמאלה
+ Scroll Right
+ גלול ימינה
+ Scroll Up
+ גלול מעלה
+ Scroll Down
+ גלול מטה
+ Previous Page
+ דף קודם
+ Next Page
+ דף הבא
+ Triggers the action
+ מתניע את הפעולה
+ Increase the value
+ מגביר את הערך
+ Decrease the value
+ מנמיך את הערך
+ Shows the menu
+ מציג את התפריט
+ Sets the focus
+ קובע את המיקוד
+ Toggles the state
+ משנה את המצב
+ Scrolls to the left
+ גולל שמאלה
+ Scrolls to the right
+ גולל ימינה
+ Scrolls up
+ גולל מעלה
+ Scrolls down
+ גולל מטה
+ Goes back a page
+ הולך דף אחורה
+ Goes to the next page
+ הולך לדף הבא
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ כן
+ Yes to All
+ כן להכל
+ No
+ לא
+ No to All
+ לא להכל
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ קובץ הפעלה "%1" דורש את Qt %2, נמצא Qt %3.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ שגיאת תאימות ספריית Qt
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ אודות Qt
+ About
+ שירותים
+ Config
+ הגדרות
+ Preference
+ העדפות
+ Options
+ אפשרויות
+ Setting
+ הגדרות
+ Setup
+ תצורה
+ Quit
+ יציאה
+ Exit
+ יציאה
+ Cut
+ גזור
+ Copy
+ העתק
+ Paste
+ הדבק
+ Select All
+ בחר הכל
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ אל תשמור
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ &גוון:
+ &Sat:
+ &רוויה:
+ &Val:
+ &ערך:
+ &Red:
+ &אדום:
+ &Green:
+ ירו&ק:
+ Bl&ue:
+ &כחול:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ ע&רוץ אלפא:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ סמן במיקום %1, %2
+הקש ESC לביטול
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ &בחר צבע מסך
+ Select Color
+ בחר צבע
+ &Basic colors
+ &צבעים בסיסיים
+ &Custom colors
+ צבעים &מותאמים אישית
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &הוסף לצבעים מותאמים אישית
+ QComboBox
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ פתח את חלונית הבחירה של תיבת הבחירה
+ False
+ שקר
+ True
+ אמת
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Displays this help.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ [options]
+ Usage: %1
+ Options:
+ Arguments:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: המפתח הוא ריק
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: אין אפשרות ליצור מפתח
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: פעולת ftok נכשלה
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ משימה
+ Job Control
+ בקרת משימות
+ Scheduled printing:
+ הדפסה מתוזמנת:
+ Billing information:
+ מידע חיוב:
+ Job priority:
+ עדיפות משימה:
+ Banner Pages
+ עמודי באנר
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ בסיום:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ בהתחלה:
+ Print Immediately
+ הדפס מיד
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ השהה ללא הגבלת זמן
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ יום (06:00 עד 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ לילה (18:00 עד 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ משמרת שניה (16:00 עד 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ משמרת שלישית (00:00 עד 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ סוף שבוע (שבת עד ראשון)
+ Specific Time
+ זמן מוגדר
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ ללא
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ תקני
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ בלתי מסווג
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ חסוי
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ מסווג
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ סודי
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ סודי ביותר
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ אין אפשרות להתחבר
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ אין אפשרות לקבוע ביצוע ממוכן
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראה
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ אין אפשרות להכין הוראה
+ Unable to bind variable
+ אין אפשרות לכרוך משתנה
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ אין אפשרות להביא את הרשומה %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ אין אפשרות להביא את הבא
+ Unable to fetch first
+ אין אפשרות להביא את הראשון
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ אישור
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ לפני הצהריים
+ am
+ לפני הצהריים
+ PM
+ אחרי הצהריים
+ pm
+ אחרי הצהריים
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ מה זה?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ אישור
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ שם
+ Size
+ גודל
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ סוג
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ סוג
+ Date Modified
+ תאריך שינוי
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ פעולה בוטלה
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ כתובות IPv6 עבור שרתי שמות לא נתמכות כרגע
+ Invalid domain name
+ שם מתחם לא תקין
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ עדיין לא נתמך באנדרואיד
+ Resolver functions not found
+ פונקציות מפענח לא נמצאו
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ אתחול מפענח נכשל
+ Server could not process query
+ שרת נכשל בעיבוד הבקשה
+ Server failure
+ כשל שרת
+ Non existent domain
+ שם מתחם לא קיים
+ Server refused to answer
+ שרת סירב לענות
+ Invalid reply received
+ התקבל תגובה לא תקינה
+ Could not expand domain name
+ לא ניתן להרחיב את שם המתחם
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ רשומת כתובת IPv4 לא תקינה
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ רשומת כתובת IPv6 לא תקינה
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ רשומת שם קאנוני לא תקינה
+ Invalid name server record
+ רשומת שרת שמות לא תקינה
+ Invalid pointer record
+ רשומת הצבעה לא תקינה
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ רשומת שרת דואר לא תקינה
+ Invalid service record
+ רשומת שירות לא תקינה
+ Invalid text record
+ רשומת טקסט לא תקינה
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ לא ניתן לטעון ספריית מפענח שמות: אין תמיכה בטעינת ספריות בזמן ריצה
+ No hostname given
+ לא ניתן שם מארח
+ Invalid hostname
+ שם מארח לא תקין
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ מארח %1 לא נמצא.
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ הצף
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ מפריד ומחבר מחדש את רכיב ה־dock
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ סגור
+ Closes the dock widget
+ סוגר את רכיב ה־dock
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ הודעת דיבאג:
+ Warning:
+ אזהרה:
+ Fatal Error:
+ שגיאה קריטית:
+ &Show this message again
+ &הצג הודעה זו שנית
+ &OK
+ &אישור
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ קובץ יעד הוא אותו קובץ.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ קובץ מקור לא קיים.
+ Destination file exists
+ קובץ יעד קיים
+ Error while renaming.
+ שגיאה בשינוי שם.
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ לא ניתן לשחזר מתוך %1: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ לא יתבצע שינוי שם לקובץ סדרתי באמצעות העתקת בלוק
+ Cannot remove source file
+ אין אפשרות להסיר קובץ מקור
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ אין אפשרות לפתוח את %1 לקריאה
+ Cannot open for output
+ אין אפשרות לפתוח לכתיבה
+ Failure to write block
+ אין אפשרות לכתוב בלוק
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ אין אפשרות ליצור את %1 לכתיבה
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ אין מנוע קבצים זמין או שהמנוע אינו תומך UnMapExtension
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ חפש בתוך:
+ Back
+ אחורה
+ Go back
+ לך אחורה
+ Alt+Left
+ Forward
+ קדימה
+ Go forward
+ לך קדימה
+ Alt+Right
+ Parent Directory
+ ספרייה מעלה
+ Go to the parent directory
+ לך אל ספרייה מעלה
+ Alt+Up
+ Create New Folder
+ צור תיקייה חדשה
+ Create a New Folder
+ צור תיקייה חדשה
+ List View
+ תצוגת רשימה
+ Change to list view mode
+ החלף למצב תצוגת רשימה
+ Detail View
+ תצוגת פרטים
+ Change to detail view mode
+ החלף למצב תצוגת פרטים
+ Sidebar
+ סרגל צד
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ רשימת מיקומים וסימניות
+ Files
+ קבצים
+ Files of type:
+ קבצים מסוג:
+ Find Directory
+ חפש ספרייה
+ Open
+ פתיחה
+ Save As
+ שמירה בשם
+ Directory:
+ ספרייה:
+ File &name:
+ &שם קובץ:
+ &Open
+ &פתח
+ &Choose
+ בח&ר
+ &Save
+ &שמור
+ All Files (*)
+ כל הקבצים (*)
+ Show
+ הצג
+ &Rename
+ ש&נה שם
+ &Delete
+ &מחק
+ Show &hidden files
+ ה&צג קבצים מוסתרים
+ &New Folder
+ תיקייה &חדשה
+ All files (*)
+ כל הקבצים (*)
+ Directories
+ ספריות
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+ספרייה לא נמצאה.
+אנא ודא כי ניתן שם ספרייה מדויק.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 כבר קיים.
+האם ברצונך להחליף אותו?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+הקובץ לא נמצא.
+אנא ודא כי שם הקובץ הנכון הוזן.
+ New Folder
+ תיקייה חדשה
+ Delete
+ מחק
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ %1 מוגן בפני כתיבה.
+האם ברצונך למחוק אותו בכל זאת?
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ האם אתה בטוח כי ברצונך למחוק את '%1'?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ אין אפשרות למחוק ספרייה.
+ Recent Places
+ מיקומים אחרונים
+ Remove
+ הסר
+ My Computer
+ המחשב שלי
+ Drive
+ כונן
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ קובץ %1
+ File
+ קובץ
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ תיקיית קבצים
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ תיקייה
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ כינוי
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ קיצור דרך
+ Unknown
+ לא ידוע
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 ט"ב
+ %1 GB
+ %1 ג"ב
+ %1 MB
+ %1 מ"ב
+ %1 KB
+ %1 ק"ב
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 בתים
+ Invalid filename
+ שם קובץ לא תקין
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>אין אפשרות להשתמש בשם "%1".</b><p>נסה שם אחר, עם פחות תווים או בלי סימני פיסוק.
+ Name
+ שם
+ Size
+ גודל
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ סוג
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ סוג
+ Date Modified
+ תאריך שינוי
+ My Computer
+ המחשב שלי
+ Computer
+ מחשב
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 בתים
+ QFontDatabase
+ Bold
+ מודגש
+ Demi Bold
+ מודגש למחצה
+ Black
+ שחור
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ למחצה
+ Light
+ קל
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ רגיל
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ בינוני
+ Thin
+ רזה
+ Extra Light
+ קל מאד
+ Extra Bold
+ מודגש מאד
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ מאד
+ Italic
+ נטוי
+ Oblique
+ אלכסוני
+ Any
+ כולם
+ Latin
+ לטינית
+ Greek
+ יוונית
+ Cyrillic
+ קירילית
+ Armenian
+ ארמנית
+ Hebrew
+ עברית
+ Arabic
+ ערבית
+ Syriac
+ סורית
+ Thaana
+ טאנה
+ Devanagari
+ דוונאגרי
+ Bengali
+ בנגלית
+ Gurmukhi
+ גורמוכי
+ Gujarati
+ גוג'ראטית
+ Oriya
+ אוריה
+ Tamil
+ טמילית
+ Telugu
+ טלוגו
+ Kannada
+ קאנאדה
+ Malayalam
+ מליאלאם
+ Sinhala
+ סינהלזית
+ Thai
+ תאילנדית
+ Lao
+ לאו
+ Tibetan
+ טיבטי
+ Myanmar
+ מיאנמר
+ Georgian
+ גרוזינית
+ Khmer
+ חמר
+ Simplified Chinese
+ סינית מפושטת
+ Traditional Chinese
+ סינית מסורתית
+ Japanese
+ יפנית
+ Korean
+ קוריאנית
+ Vietnamese
+ ויאטנמית
+ Symbol
+ סימנים
+ Ogham
+ אוגם
+ Runic
+ רוני
+ N'Ko
+ נ'קו
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ בחר גופן
+ &Font
+ &גופן
+ Font st&yle
+ &סגנון גופן
+ &Size
+ גו&דל
+ Effects
+ אפקטים
+ Stri&keout
+ קו &חוצה
+ &Underline
+ קו &תחתי
+ Sample
+ דוגמה
+ Wr&iting System
+ &מערכת כתיבה
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ לא מחובר
+ Host %1 not found
+ מארח %1 לא נמצא
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ חיבור אל מארח %1 נדחה
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ זמן חיבור אל מארח %1 פקע
+ Connected to host %1
+ מחובר אל מארח %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ חיבור נתונים נדחה
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ חיבור אל מארח נכשל:
+ Login failed:
+ התחברות נכשלה:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ קבלת רשימת הקבצים מתוך ספרייה נכשלה:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ שינוי ספרייה נכשל:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ הורדת קובץ נכשלה:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ העלאת קובץ נכשלה:
+ Removing file failed:
+ הסרת קובץ נכשלה:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ יצירת ספרייה נכשלה:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ הסרת ספרייה נכשלה:
+ Connection closed
+ חיבור נסגר
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &אישור
+ &Save
+ &שמור
+ &Cancel
+ &ביטול
+ &Close
+ &סגור
+ Close without Saving
+ סגור ללא שמירה
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ לא ניתן שם מארח
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ לא ניתן שם מארח
+ Invalid hostname
+ שם מארח לא תקין
+ Unknown address type
+ טיפוס כתובת לא מוכר
+ Host not found
+ מארח לא נמצא
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ מארח %1 לא נמצא
+ Connection refused
+ חיבור נדחה
+ Connection closed
+ חיבור נסגר
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ תם זמן פעולת שקע
+ Host requires authentication
+ מארח דורש אימות
+ Data corrupted
+ מידע משובש
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ צוין פרוטוקול לא מוכר
+ SSL handshake failed
+ לחיצת ידיים של SSL נכשלה
+ Too many redirects
+ יותר מדי הפניות חוזרות
+ Insecure redirect
+ הפנייה חוזרת לא מאובטחת
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ לא התקבלה תשובת HTTP מהשרת המתווך
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ שגיאה בפענוח בקשת האימות מהשרת המתווך
+ Authentication required
+ נדרש אימות
+ Proxy denied connection
+ שרת מתווך דחה חיבור
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ שגיאה בהתקשורות עם שרת מתווך של HTTP
+ Proxy server not found
+ שרת מתווך לא נמצא
+ Proxy connection refused
+ חיבור שרת מתווך נדחה
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ פג זמן חיבור שרת מתווך
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ חיבור שרת מתווך נסגר בטרם עת
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ שגיאה בפתיחת מסד נתונים
+ Could not start transaction
+ אין אפשרות להפעיל טרנזקציה
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ אין אפשרות ליצור BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ אין אפשרות לכתוב BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ אין אפשרות לפתוח BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ אין אפשרות לקרוא BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ אין אפשרות למצוא מערך נתונים
+ Could not get array data
+ אין אפשרות להשיג מידע מערך נתונים
+ Could not get query info
+ אין אפשרות להשיג מידע שאילתא
+ Could not start transaction
+ אין אפשרות להפעיל טרנזקציה
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Could not allocate statement
+ אין אפשרות להקצות הוראה
+ Could not prepare statement
+ אין אפשרות להכין הוראה
+ Could not describe input statement
+ אין אפשרות לתאר הוראת קלט
+ Could not describe statement
+ אין אפשרות לתאר הוראה
+ Unable to close statement
+ אין אפשרות לסגור הוראה
+ Unable to execute query
+ אין אפשרות לבצע שאילתא
+ Could not fetch next item
+ אין אפשרות להביא את הפריט הבא
+ Could not get statement info
+ אין אפשרות להשיג מידע הוראה
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ הרשאה נדחתה
+ Too many open files
+ יותר מדי קבצים פתוחים
+ No such file or directory
+ לא קיים קובץ או ספרייה
+ No space left on device
+ לא נשאר מקום בהתקן
+ file to open is a directory
+ קובץ לפתיחה הוא ספרייה
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ התקן לא תקין
+ File not found
+ קובץ לא נמצא
+ Unsupported image format
+ פורמט תמונה לא נתמך
+ Unable to read image data
+ לא ניתן לקרוא מידע תמונה
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ Device is not set
+ התקן אינו מוגדר
+ Device not writable
+ התקן לא ניתן לכתיבה
+ Unsupported image format
+ פורמט תמונה לא נתמך
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ הכנס ערך:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ לא אירעה כל שגיאה
+ unterminated object
+ אובייקט ללא סיום
+ missing name separator
+ חסר מפריד שם
+ unterminated array
+ מערך ללא סיום
+ missing value separator
+ חסר מפריד ערך
+ illegal value
+ ערך לא חוקי
+ invalid termination by number
+ סיום לא תקין באמצעות מספר
+ illegal number
+ מספר לא חוקי
+ invalid escape sequence
+ רצף escape לא תקין
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ מחרוזת UTF8 לא תקינה
+ unterminated string
+ מחרוזת ללא סיום
+ object is missing after a comma
+ חסר אובייקט אחרי פסיק
+ too deeply nested document
+ מסמך עם קינון עמוק מדי
+ too large document
+ מסמך גדול מדי
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ זבל בסוף המסמך
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ לחץ על קיצור דרך
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' אינו אובייקט ELF (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ '%1' אינו אובייקט ELF
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' אינו אובייקט ELF תקין (%2)
+ Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'
+ שגיאה בחילוץ מטה־מידע של תוסף מתוך '%1'
+ The shared library was not found.
+ הספרייה המשותפת לא נמצאה.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ הקובץ '%1' אינו תוסף Qt תקין.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ התוסף '%1' משתמש בספריית Qt שאינה תואמת (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ התוסף '%1' משתמש בספריית Qt שאינה תואמת (לא ניתן לערבב ספריית debug וספריית release.)
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ אין אפשרות לטעון ספרייה %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ אין אפשרות לפרוק ספרייה %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ אין אפשרות לפתור סמל "%1" בתוך %2: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ '%1' אינו קובץ הרצה Mach-O תקין (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ קובץ פגום
+ file too small
+ קובץ קטן מדי
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ אין ארכיטקטורה מתאימה בבינארי שמן
+ invalid magic %1
+ ערך magic לא תקין %1
+ wrong architecture
+ ארכיטקטורה שגויה
+ not a dynamic library
+ לא ספרייה דינאמית
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ '%1' אינו תוסף Qt
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &בטל
+ &Redo
+ בצע &שוב
+ Cu&t
+ &גזור
+ &Copy
+ הע&תק
+ &Paste
+ ה&דבק
+ Delete
+ מחק
+ Select All
+ בחר הכל
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: שגיאת שם
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: הרשאה נדחתה
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: כתובת בשימוש
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: שגיאה לא מוכרת %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: חיבור נדחה
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: קצה מרוחק סגר
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: שם לא תקין
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: שגיאת גישה לשקע
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: שגיאת משאב שקע
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: תם זמן פעולת שקע
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: צרור נתונים גדול מדי
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: שגיאת חיבור
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: פעולת השקע אינה נתמכת
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: פעולה לא מורשית בזמן ששקע במצב זה
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ ניסיון להתחבר כאשר התחברות בתהליך
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: שגיאה לא מוכרת %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: גישה נדחתה
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ לא ניתן להקצות אובייקט MYSQL
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ לא ניתן לפתוח מסד נתונים '%1'
+ Unable to connect
+ אין אפשרות להתחבר
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ אין אפשרות להתחיל טרנזקציה
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ אין אפשרות להביא נתונים
+ Unable to execute query
+ אין אפשרות לבצע שאילתא
+ Unable to store result
+ אין אפשרות לאחסן תוצאה
+ Unable to execute next query
+ אין אפשרות לבצע שאילתא באה
+ Unable to store next result
+ אין אפשרות לאחסן תוצאה באה
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ אין אפשרות להכין הוראה
+ Unable to reset statement
+ אין אפשרות לאפס הוראה
+ Unable to bind value
+ אין אפשרות לכרוך ערך
+ Unable to execute statement
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראה
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ אין אפשרות לכרוך outvalues
+ Unable to store statement results
+ אין אפשרות לאחסן תוצאות הוראה
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (ללא שם)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ מזער
+ Maximize
+ הגדל
+ Unshade
+ בטל הצללה
+ Shade
+ הצלל
+ Restore Down
+ שחזר למטה
+ Restore
+ שחזר
+ Close
+ סגור
+ Help
+ עזרה
+ Menu
+ תפריט
+ &Restore
+ ש&חזר
+ &Move
+ ה&זז
+ &Size
+ גו&דל
+ Mi&nimize
+ &מזער
+ Ma&ximize
+ &הגדל
+ Stay on &Top
+ &תמיד עליון
+ &Close
+ &סגור
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ הצג פרטים...
+ Hide Details...
+ הסתר פרטים...
+ OK
+ אישור
+ Help
+ עזרה
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>אודות Qt</h3><p>תוכנית זו משתמשת ב־Qt גירסה %1.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt הינה ערכת כלי C++ עבור פיתוח יישומים חוצי-פלטפורמה.</p><p>Qt מספקת ניידות קוד-בודד על פני כל מערכות ההפעלה הגדולות לשולחן העבודה. Qt גם כן זמינה עבור Embedded Linux וגם מערכות הפעלה משובצות וניידות אחרות.</p><p>Qt זמינה תחת שלוש אפשרויות רישוי שונות המיועדות להתאים לצרכים של המשתמשים השונים שלנו.</p><p>Qt אשר רשויה תחת הסכם ההרשאה המסחרי שלנו הינה מתאימה לצורך פיתוח של תכנות קנייניות/מסחריות כאשר אין ברצונך לשתף שום קוד מקור עם צדדים שלישיים או שבמובן אחר לא יכול להיענות עם התנאים של GNU LGPL גירסה 3.</p><p>Qt אשר רשויה תחת הרשיון GNU LGPL גירסה 3 הינה מתאימה לצורך פיתוח של יישומי Qt בתנאי שביכולתך להיענות עם התנאים והסייגים של הרשיון GNU LGPL גירסה 3.</p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ About Qt
+ אודות Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ אין אפשרות לאתחל שקע לא-חוסם
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ אין אפשרות לאתחל שקע broadcast
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ ניסיון להשתמש בשקע IPv6 על פלטפורמה אשר לא תומכת IPv6
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ המארח המרוחק סגר את החיבור
+ Network operation timed out
+ תם זמן פעולת רשת
+ Out of resources
+ לא נותרו משאבים
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ פעולת שקע לא נתמכת
+ Protocol type not supported
+ טיפוס פרוטוקול לא נתמך
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ מתאר שקע לא תקין
+ Host unreachable
+ מארח לא ניתן להשגה
+ Network unreachable
+ רשת לא ניתנת להשגה
+ Permission denied
+ הרשאה נדחתה
+ Connection timed out
+ פג זמן חיבור
+ Connection refused
+ חיבור נדחה
+ The bound address is already in use
+ הכתובת הכרוכה כבר מצויה בשימוש
+ The address is not available
+ הכתובת אינה זמינה
+ The address is protected
+ הכתובת מוגנת
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ צרור הנתונים היה גדול מדי בכדי להישלח
+ Unable to send a message
+ אין אפשרות לשלוח הודעה
+ Unable to receive a message
+ אין אפשרות לקבל הודעה
+ Unable to write
+ אין אפשרות לכתוב
+ Network error
+ שגיאת רשת
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ שקע אחר כבר מאזין על אותו הפורט
+ Operation on non-socket
+ פעולה על אובייקט שאינו שקע
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ טיפוס שרת מתווך אינו תקין לפעולה זו
+ Temporary error
+ שגיאה זמנית
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ רשת ניתקה את החיבור בעת אתחול
+ Connection reset by peer
+ חיבור נותק בידי הצד השני
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ שגיאה בפתיחת %1
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ כתובת URI לא תקינה: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ שגיאת כתיבה בעת כתיבה אל %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ שגיאת שקע על %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ מארח מרוחק סגר בטרם עת את החיבור על %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ בקשה לפתיחת קובץ שאינו מקומי %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ שגיאה בפתיחת %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ שגיאת כתיבה בעת כתיבה אל %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ אין אפשרות לפתוח את %1: נתיב הינו ספרייה
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ שגיאת קריאה בעת קריאה מתוך %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ לא נמצא שרת מתווך מתאים
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ אין אפשרות לפתוח את %1: הינו ספרייה
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ כניסה אל %1 נכשלה: נדרש אימות
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ שגיאה במהלך הורדת %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ שגיאה במהלך העלאת %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ גישת רשת הינה מנוטרלת.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Background request not allowed.
+ בקשת רקע לא מורשית.
+ Network session error.
+ שגיאת פגישת רשת.
+ backend start error.
+ שגיאת התחלת מגשר עורפי.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ כשל רשת זמני.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ פרוטוקול "%1" אינו מוכר
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ שגיאה בהעברת %1 - שרת ענה: %2
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ פעולה בוטלה
+ No suitable proxy found
+ לא נמצא שרת מתווך מתאים
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ פעולה בוטלה
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ תצורה לא תקינה.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ שגיאת פגישה לא מוכרת.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ הפגישה בוטלה על ידי משתמש או מערכת.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ הפעולה המבוקשת אינה נתמכת על ידי המערכת.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ התצורה אשר צוינה לא שמישה.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ נדידה בוטלה או אינה אפשרית.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ אין אפשרות לאתחל
+ Unable to logon
+ אין אפשרות להתחבר
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ אין אפשרות להתחיל טרנזקציה
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ אין אפשרות לכרוך טור עבור הרצת אצווה
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראת אצווה
+ Unable to goto next
+ אין אפשרות להמשיך הלאה
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ אין אפשרות להקצות הוראה
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ אין אפשרות להכין הוראה
+ Unable to get statement type
+ אין אפשרות להשיג טיפוס הוראה
+ Unable to bind value
+ אין אפשרות לכרוך ערך
+ Unable to execute statement
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראה
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ אין אפשרות להתחבר
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ אין אפשרות להתחבר - דרייבר לא תומך בכל התפקודיות הנדרשת
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ אין אפשרות לנטרל ביצוע ממוכן
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ אין אפשרות לאפשר ביצוע ממוכן
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ אין אפשרות להביא את האחרון
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: לא ניתן לקבוע את 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' כתכונת הוראה. נא לבדוק את תצורת דרייבר ה־ODBC
+ Unable to execute statement
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראה
+ Unable to fetch
+ אין אפשרות להביא
+ Unable to fetch next
+ אין אפשרות להביא את הבא
+ Unable to fetch first
+ אין אפשרות להביא את הראשון
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ אין אפשרות להביא את הקודם
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ אין אפשרות להכין הוראה
+ Unable to bind variable
+ אין אפשרות לכרוך משתנה
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ אין אפשרות להתחבר
+ Could not begin transaction
+ אין אפשרות להתחיל טרנזקציה
+ Could not commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ Unable to subscribe
+ אין אפשרות להירשם
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ אין אפשרות לבטל הרשמה
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ אין אפשרות ליצור שאילתא
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ אין אפשרות להכין הוראה
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ טופס
+ Paper
+ נייר
+ Page size:
+ מידת עמוד:
+ Width:
+ רוחב:
+ Height:
+ גובה:
+ Paper source:
+ מקור נייר:
+ Orientation
+ כיוון הדפסה
+ Portrait
+ לאורך
+ Landscape
+ לרוחב
+ Reverse landscape
+ במהופך לרוחב
+ Reverse portrait
+ במהופך לאורך
+ Margins
+ שוליים
+ top margin
+ קצה עליון
+ left margin
+ קצה שמאלי
+ right margin
+ קצה ימני
+ bottom margin
+ קצה תחתון
+ Page Layout
+ פריסת עמוד
+ Page order:
+ סדר עמודים:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ עמודים לגליון:
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ מילימטרים (מ״מ)
+ Inches (in)
+ אינצ'ים (אינ)
+ Points (pt)
+ נקודות (נק)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ פיקה (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ דידוט (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ סיסרו (CC)
+ Custom
+ מותאם
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ מ״מ
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ נקודות
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ אינץ׳
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ פיקה
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ דידוט
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ סיסרו
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ מותאם אישית (%1 מ״מ x %2 מ״מ)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ מותאם אישית (%1 נק' x %2 נ')
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ מותאם אישית (%1 אינץ׳ x %2 אינץ׳)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ מותאם אישית (%1 פיקה x %2 פיקה)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ מותאם אישית (%1 DD x %2 DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ מותאם אישית (%1 CC x %2 CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 אינץ׳
+ A0
+ A1
+ A2
+ A3
+ A4
+ A5
+ A6
+ A7
+ A8
+ A9
+ A10
+ B0
+ B1
+ B2
+ B3
+ B4
+ B5
+ B6
+ B7
+ B8
+ B9
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Legal
+ משפטי
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ מותאם
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Small
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Architect A
+ Architect B
+ Architect C
+ Architect D
+ Architect E
+ Note
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Double Postcard
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Envelope B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Envelope Personal
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Envelope Italian
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ אישור
+ Save
+ שמור
+ Save All
+ שמור הכל
+ Open
+ פתיחה
+ &Yes
+ &כן
+ Yes to &All
+ כן ל&הכל
+ &No
+ &לא
+ N&o to All
+ ל&א להכל
+ Abort
+ בטל
+ Retry
+ נסה שוב
+ Ignore
+ התעלם
+ Close
+ סגור
+ Cancel
+ ביטול
+ Discard
+ שכח
+ Help
+ עזרה
+ Apply
+ החל
+ Reset
+ אפס
+ Restore Defaults
+ שחזר ברירות מחדל
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ התוסף לא נטען.
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ הדפסה
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ משמאל לימין, ממעלה למטה
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ משמאל לימין, ממטה למעלה
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ מימין לשמאל, ממטה למעלה
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ מימין לשמאל, ממעלה למטה
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ ממטה למעלה, משמאל לימין
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ ממטה למעלה, מימין לשמאל
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ ממעלה למטה, משמאל לימין
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ ממעלה למטה, מימין לשמאל
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ כל העמודים
+ Odd Pages
+ עמודים אי זוגיים
+ Even Pages
+ עמודים זוגיים
+ &Options >>
+ &אפשרויות >>
+ &Print
+ &הדפס
+ &Options <<
+ &אפשרויות <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ הדפס לקובץ (PDF)
+ Local file
+ קובץ מקומי
+ Write PDF file
+ כתיבה אל קובץ PDF
+ Print To File ...
+ הדפסה אל קובץ...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 הינו ספרייה.
+אנא בחר שם קובץ אחר.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ הקובץ %1 אינו בר כתיבה.
+אנא בחר שם קובץ אחר.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 כבר קיים.
+האם ברצונך להחליף אותו?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ לא ניתן להשתמש באפשרויות 'עמודים לגליון' ו'אוסף עמודים' יחד.
+נא כבה אחת מהאפשרויות הנ"ל.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ ערך התחלה לא יכול להיות גדול מערך סיום.
+ OK
+ אישור
+ Automatic
+ אוטומטי
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ הגדרת עמוד
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ תצוגה מקדימה
+ Next page
+ עמוד הבא
+ Previous page
+ עמוד קודם
+ First page
+ עמוד ראשון
+ Last page
+ עמוד אחרון
+ Fit width
+ התאם רוחב
+ Fit page
+ התאם עמוד
+ Zoom in
+ זום פנימה
+ Zoom out
+ זום החוצה
+ Portrait
+ לאורך
+ Landscape
+ לרוחב
+ Show single page
+ הצג עמוד בודד
+ Show facing pages
+ הצג עמודים facing
+ Show overview of all pages
+ הצג סקירה כללית של כל העמודים
+ Print
+ הדפסה
+ Page setup
+ הגדרת עמוד
+ Export to PDF
+ יצא ל־PDF
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ מאפייני מדפסת
+ Job Options
+ אפשרויות עבודה
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ טופס
+ Page
+ עמוד
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ טופס
+ Copies
+ עותקים
+ Print range
+ טווח הדפסה
+ Print all
+ הדפס הכל
+ Pages from
+ מעמוד
+ to
+ עד
+ Current Page
+ עמוד נוכחי
+ Selection
+ בחירה
+ Page Set:
+ אוסף עמודים:
+ Output Settings
+ הגדרות פלט
+ Copies:
+ עותקים:
+ Collate
+ השווה
+ Reverse
+ הפוך
+ Options
+ אפשרויות
+ Color Mode
+ מצב צבע
+ Color
+ צבע
+ Grayscale
+ גווני אפור
+ Duplex Printing
+ הדפסה דו כיוונית
+ None
+ ללא
+ Long side
+ צד ארוך
+ Short side
+ צד קצר
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ טופס
+ Printer
+ מדפסת
+ &Name:
+ &שם:
+ P&roperties
+ &מאפיינים
+ Location:
+ מיקום:
+ Preview
+ תצוגה מקדימה
+ Type:
+ טיפוס:
+ Output &file:
+ &קובץ פלט:
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Error reading from process
+ שגיאה בקריאה מתהליך
+ Error writing to process
+ שגיאה בכתיבה אל תהליך
+ Process crashed
+ תהליך קרס
+ Process failed to start
+ תהליך נכשל בעליה
+ No program defined
+ לא הוגדרה תוכנית
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ לא ניתן לפתוח הפניית קלט לקריאה
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ לא ניתן לפתוח הפניית פלט לכתיבה
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ שגיאת משאב (כשלון fork): %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ תם זמן פעולת תהליך
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ תהליך נכשל בעליה: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ ביטול
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ לא אירעה כל שגיאה
+ disabled feature used
+ נעשה שימוש בתכונה מנוטרלת
+ bad char class syntax
+ תחביר רע למחלקת תו
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ תחביר lookahead שגוי
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ סריקה לאחור לא נתמכת, ראה QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ תחביר הישנות שגוי
+ invalid octal value
+ ערך אוקטלי לא תקין
+ missing left delim
+ חסר תוחם שמאלי
+ unexpected end
+ סוף לא צפוי
+ met internal limit
+ גבול פנימי עבר
+ invalid interval
+ פרק זמן לא תקין
+ invalid category
+ קטגוריה לא תקינה
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ אין שגיאה
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ בסוף תבנית
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c בסוף תבנית
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ תו לא מזוהה אחרי \
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ מספרים פגומים במכמת {}
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ מספר גדול מדי במכמת {}
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ חסר ] סוגר למחלקת תוים
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ רצף escape לא תקין במחלקת תוים
+ range out of order in character class
+ טווח פגום במחלקת תוים
+ nothing to repeat
+ אין על מה לחזור
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ שגיאה פנימית: חזרה לא צפויה
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ תו לא מזוהה אחרי (? או (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ מחלקות עם שמות POSIX נתמכות רק בתוך מחלקה
+ missing )
+ חסר )
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ הפניה אל תת תבנית לא קיימת
+ erroffset passed as NULL
+ erroffset מועבר בתור NULL
+ unknown option bit(s) set
+ נקבעו ביט(ים) לא ידועים של אפשרויות
+ missing ) after comment
+ חסר ) אחרי הערה
+ regular expression is too large
+ ביטוי רגולארי גדול מדי
+ failed to get memory
+ כשלון בהקצאת זכרון
+ unmatched parentheses
+ סוגריים לא מתואמים
+ internal error: code overflow
+ שגיאה פנימית: חריגה בקוד
+ unrecognized character after (?<
+ תו לא מזוהה אחרי )?>
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ דרישת מבט לאחור אינה באורך קבוע
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ מספר או שם מעוות אחרי (?(
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ קבוצת תנאי מכילה יותר משני ענפים
+ assertion expected after (?(
+ צפויה דרישה אחרי (?(
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ (?R או (?[+-] ספרות חייב להיסגר באמצעות )
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ שם מחלקת POSIX לא ידוע
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ אלמנטים להתאמה של POSIX לא נתמכים
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support
+ גירסה זו של PCRE אינה מהודרת עם תמיכת PCRE_UTF8
+ character value in \x{...} sequence is too large
+ ערך תו בתוך רצף \x{...} הינו גדול מדי
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ תנאי לא תקין (?(0)
+ \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
+ \C אסור בדרישת מבט לאחור
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE לא תומך בצירופים \L, \l, N{name}, \U, או \u
+ number after (?C is > 255
+ מספר אחרי (?C הוא גדול מ־255
+ closing ) for (?C expected
+ נדרש ) סוגר עבור (?C
+ recursive call could loop indefinitely
+ קריאה רקורסיבית עלולה להיכנס ללולאה אינסופית
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ תו לא מזוהה אחרי (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ שגיאת תחביר בשם תת תבנית (חסר סיום)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name
+ לשתי תתי תבניות יש את אותו השם
+ invalid UTF-8 string
+ מחרוזת UTF-8 לא תקינה
+ support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled
+ תמיכה עבור \P, \p, ו־\X לא הודרה
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ רצף \P או \p מעוות
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ שם תכונה לא ידוע אחרי \P או \p
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)
+ שם תת תבנית ארוך מדי (לכל היותר 32 תוים)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)
+ יותר מדי שמות תתי תבניות (לכל היותר 10,000)
+ octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)
+ ערך אוקטאלי גדול מ־\377 (לא במצב UTF-8)
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ שגיאה פנימית: נדרס שטח העבודה להידור
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ שגיאה פנימית: תת תבנית עם הפניה שנבדקה בעבר לא נמצאה
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ קבוצת DEFINE מכילה יותר מענף אחד
+ repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
+ חזרה על קבוצת DEFINE אינה מורשית
+ inconsistent NEWLINE options
+ אפשרויות NEWLINE לא עקביות
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ אחרי \g אין סוגר משולש או מסולסל, או שם\מספר עם גרשיים או מספר פשוט
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ הפניה ממוספרת לא יכולה להיות אפס
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ אין אפשרות להעביר ארגומנט עבור (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL) או (*COMMIT)
+ (*VERB) not recognized
+ (*VERB) לא מזוהה
+ number is too big
+ מספר גדול מדי
+ subpattern name expected
+ צפוי שם תת תבנית
+ digit expected after (?+
+ צפויה ספרה אחרי (?+
+ ] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode
+ ] הוא תו מידע לא תקין במצב תאימות JavaScript
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ שמות שונים לתתי תבניות של אותו המספר אסורים
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ חייב להיות ארגומנט עבור (*MARK)
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support
+ גירסה זו של PCRE אינה מהודרת עם תמיכת PCRE_UCP
+ \c must be followed by an ASCII character
+ אחרי \c חייב להיות תו ASCII
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ אחרי \k אין סוגר מסולסל, משולש או שם עם גרשיים
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ שגיאה פנימית: opcode לא ידוע עבור find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N לא נתמך במחלקה
+ too many forward references
+ יותר מדי הפניות קדימה
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ invalid UTF-16 string
+ מחרוזת UTF-16 לא תקינה
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ שם ארוך מדי בתוך (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), או (*THEN)
+ character value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ ערך תו ברצף \u... הוא גדול מדי
+ invalid UTF-32 string
+ מחרוזת UTF-32 לא תקינה
+ setting UTF is disabled by the application
+ היישום מונע קביעת UTF
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ תו שאינו הקסאדצימאלי בתוך \x{} (חסר סוגר ימני?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ תו שאינו אוקטאלי בתוך \o{} (חסר סוגר ימני?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ חסר סוגר פותח אחרי \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ סוגריים מקוננים עמוק מדי
+ invalid range in character class
+ טווח לא תקין במחלקת תוים
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ שם קבוצה חיב להתחיל עם תו שאינו ספרה
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ סוגריים מקוננים עמוק מדי (בדיקת מחסנית)
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ ספרות חסרות בתוך \x{} או \o{}
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ שגיאה בפתיחת מסד נתונים
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ אין אפשרות להתחיל טרנזקציה
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ אין אפשרות להביא תוצאות
+ Unable to execute statement
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראה
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ שגיאה בפתיחת מסד נתונים
+ Error closing database
+ שגיאה בסגירת מסד נתונים
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ אין אפשרות להתחיל טרנזקציה
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ אין אפשרות לבצע טרנזקציה
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ אין אפשרות להחזיר לאחור טרנזקציה
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ אין אפשרות להביא שורה
+ No query
+ אין שאילתא
+ Unable to execute statement
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראה
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ אין אפשרות לבצע הוראות מרובות בבת אחת
+ Unable to reset statement
+ אין אפשרות לאפס הוראה
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ אין אפשרות לכרוך פרמטרים
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ ספירת פרמטרים לא מתאימה
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ קובץ קיים %1 אינו בר כתיבה
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ שם קובץ מפנה לספרייה
+ Writing canceled by application
+ כתיבה התבטלה ע״י היישום
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ גלול לכאן
+ Left edge
+ קצה שמאלי
+ Top
+ קצה עליון
+ Right edge
+ קצה ימני
+ Bottom
+ קצה תחתון
+ Page left
+ עמוד שמאלה
+ Page up
+ עמוד מעלה
+ Page right
+ עמוד ימינה
+ Page down
+ עמוד מטה
+ Scroll left
+ גלול שמאלה
+ Scroll up
+ גלול מעלה
+ Scroll right
+ גלול ימינה
+ Scroll down
+ גלול מטה
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: לא ניתן לקבוע מפתח במנעול
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: גודל יצירה הוא פחות מ־0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: אין אפשרות לנעול
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: אין אפשרות לבטל נעילה
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: הרשאה נדחתה
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: כבר קיים
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: לא קיים
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: לא נותרו משאבים
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: שגיאה לא מוכרת %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: מפתח ריק
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: שם לא טוב
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: קובץ מפתח UNIX לא קיים
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: ftok נכשלה
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: אין אפשרות לייצר מפתח
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: מגבלות גודל נקבעו ע״י המערכת
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: לא מחובר
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: גודל לא תקין
+ %1: key error
+ %1: שגיאת מפתח
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: שאילתת גודל נכשלה
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ רווח
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Backtab
+ Backspace
+ Backspace
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Ins
+ Del
+ Del
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Print
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Home
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ שמאלה
+ Up
+ למעלה
+ Right
+ ימינה
+ Down
+ למטה
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ CapsLock
+ NumLock
+ NumLock
+ ScrollLock
+ ScrollLock
+ Menu
+ תפריט
+ Help
+ עזרה
+ Back
+ אחורה
+ Forward
+ קדימה
+ Stop
+ עצור
+ Refresh
+ רענן
+ Volume Down
+ עוצמת שמע: הנמך
+ Volume Mute
+ עוצמת שמע: השתק
+ Volume Up
+ עוצמת שמע: הגבר
+ Bass Boost
+ בס: הרם
+ Bass Up
+ בס: הגבר
+ Bass Down
+ בס: הנמך
+ Treble Up
+ טרבל: הגבר
+ Treble Down
+ טרבל: הנמך
+ Media Play
+ מדיה: נגן
+ Media Stop
+ מדיה: עצור
+ Media Previous
+ מדיה: קודם
+ Media Next
+ מדיה: הבא
+ Media Record
+ מדיה: הקלט
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ מדיה: השהה
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ מדיה: נגן/השהה
+ Home Page
+ דף בית
+ Favorites
+ מועדפים
+ Search
+ חפש
+ Standby
+ Standby
+ Open URL
+ פתח URL
+ Launch Mail
+ שגר דואר
+ Launch Media
+ שגר מדיה
+ Launch (0)
+ שגר (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ שגר (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ שגר (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ שגר (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ שגר (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ שגר (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ שגר (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ שגר (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ שגר (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ שגר (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ שגר (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ שגר (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ שגר (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ שגר (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ שגר (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ שגר (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ בהירות צג: הגבר
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ בהירות צג: הנמך
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ אור מקלדת: דלוק/כבוי
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ בהירות מקלדת: הגבר
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ בהירות מקלדת: הנמך
+ Power Off
+ כיבוי
+ Wake Up
+ התעורר
+ Eject
+ Eject
+ Screensaver
+ שומר מסך
+ Sleep
+ תנומה
+ LightBulb
+ נורה
+ Shop
+ חנות
+ History
+ היסטוריה
+ Add Favorite
+ הוסף מועדף
+ Hot Links
+ קישורים חמים
+ Adjust Brightness
+ התאם בהירות
+ Finance
+ פיננסים
+ Community
+ קהילה
+ Media Rewind
+ מדיה העבר אחורה
+ Back Forward
+ העברה אחורה
+ Application Left
+ יישום שמאלה
+ Application Right
+ יישום ימינה
+ Book
+ ספר
+ CD
+ תקליטור
+ Calculator
+ מחשבון
+ Clear
+ נקה
+ Clear Grab
+ ניקוי גרירה
+ Close
+ סגור
+ Copy
+ העתק
+ Cut
+ גזור
+ Display
+ תצוגה
+ Documents
+ מסמכים
+ Spreadsheet
+ גיליון אלקטרוני
+ Browser
+ דפדפן
+ Game
+ משחק
+ Go
+ המשך
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ התנתק
+ Market
+ שוק
+ Meeting
+ פגישה
+ Keyboard Menu
+ תפריט מקלדת
+ Menu PB
+ תפריט PB
+ My Sites
+ האתרים שלי
+ News
+ חדשות
+ Home Office
+ משרד ביתי
+ Option
+ אפשרות
+ Paste
+ הדבק
+ Phone
+ טלפון
+ Reply
+ מענה
+ Reload
+ טען מחדש
+ Rotate Windows
+ סובב חלונות
+ Rotation PB
+ סיבוב PB
+ Rotation KB
+ סיבוב KB
+ Save
+ שמור
+ Send
+ שלח
+ Spellchecker
+ בודק איות
+ Split Screen
+ פצל מסך
+ Support
+ תמיכה
+ Task Panel
+ לוח משימות
+ Terminal
+ מסוף
+ Tools
+ כלים
+ Travel
+ מסע
+ Video
+ וידאו
+ Word Processor
+ מעבד תמלילים
+ XFer
+ העבר
+ Zoom In
+ זום פנימה
+ Zoom Out
+ זום החוצה
+ Away
+ רחוק
+ Messenger
+ מסרים מיידיים
+ WebCam
+ מצלמת רשת
+ Mail Forward
+ העברת דואר
+ Pictures
+ תמונות
+ Music
+ מוזיקה
+ Battery
+ סוללה
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ אלחוטי
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ פס אולטרה רחב
+ Media Fast Forward
+ מדיה העבר קדימה
+ Audio Repeat
+ שמע: חזור
+ Audio Random Play
+ שמע: נגינה אקראית
+ Subtitle
+ כתוביות
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ שמע: חזרה על רצועה
+ Time
+ זמן
+ Hibernate
+ דומם
+ View
+ תצוגה
+ Top Menu
+ תפריט עליון
+ Power Down
+ כיבוי
+ Suspend
+ השהה
+ Microphone Mute
+ מיקרופון השתק
+ Red
+ אדום
+ Green
+ ירוק
+ Yellow
+ צהוב
+ Blue
+ כחול
+ Channel Up
+ ערוץ מעלה
+ Channel Down
+ ערוץ מטה
+ Guide
+ מדריך
+ Info
+ מידע
+ Settings
+ הגדרות
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ מיקרופון הגבר עוצמה
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ מיקרופון הנמך עוצמה
+ New
+ חדש
+ Open
+ פתח
+ Find
+ חפש
+ Undo
+ בטל
+ Redo
+ בצע שוב
+ Print Screen
+ Print Screen
+ Page Up
+ Page Up
+ Page Down
+ Page Down
+ Caps Lock
+ Caps Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Insert
+ Insert
+ Delete
+ Delete
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ System Request
+ Select
+ בחר
+ Yes
+ כן
+ No
+ לא
+ Context1
+ הקשר1
+ Context2
+ הקשר2
+ Context3
+ הקשר3
+ Context4
+ הקשר4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ התקשר
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ נתק
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ התקשר/נתק
+ Flip
+ הפוך
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ חיוג קולי
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ חיוג חוזר
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ צַמְצָם מצלמה
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ מוקד מצלמה
+ Kanji
+ קאנג'י
+ Muhenkan
+ מוהנקאן
+ Henkan
+ הנקאן
+ Romaji
+ רומאנג'י
+ Hiragana
+ היראגאנה
+ Katakana
+ קאטאקאנה
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ היראגאנה קטאטקאנה
+ Zenkaku
+ זנקאקו
+ Hankaku
+ האנקאקו
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ זנקאקו האנקאקו
+ Touroku
+ טואורוקו
+ Massyo
+ מאסיו
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu toggle
+ Code input
+ קלט קוד
+ Multiple Candidate
+ מספר מועמדים
+ Previous Candidate
+ מועמד קודם
+ Hangul
+ האנגול
+ Hangul Start
+ האנגול התחלה
+ Hangul End
+ האנגול סיום
+ Hangul Hanja
+ האנגול האנג'ה
+ Hangul Jamo
+ האנגול ג'אמו
+ Hangul Romaja
+ האנגול רומאג'ה
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ האנגול ג'אונג'ה
+ Hangul Banja
+ האנגול באנג'ה
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ האנגול לפני האנג'ה
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ האנגול אחרי האנג'ה
+ Hangul Special
+ האנגול מיוחד
+ Cancel
+ ביטול
+ Printer
+ מדפסת
+ Execute
+ הפעל
+ Play
+ נגן
+ Zoom
+ זום
+ Exit
+ יציאה
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ הפעל/כבה משטח מגע
+ Touchpad On
+ הפעל משטח מגע
+ Touchpad Off
+ כבה משטח מגע
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ מטא
+ Num
+ מספר
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ החיבור אל שרת מתווך נדחה
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ החיבור אל שרת מתווך נסגר בטרם עת
+ Proxy host not found
+ מארח שרת מתווך לא נמצא
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ פג זמן חיבור אל שרת מתווך
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ אימות שרת מתווך נכשל
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ אימות שרת מתווך נכשל: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ שגיאת פרוטוקול SOCKS גירסה 5
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ כשל שרת SOCKSv5 כללי
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ שרת SOCKSv5 לא מאפשר חיבור
+ TTL expired
+ רשת לא ניתנת להשגה
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ פקודת SOCKSv5 לא נתמכת
+ Address type not supported
+ טיפוס כתובת לא נתמך
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ קוד שגיאת שרת מתווך SOCKSv5 לא מוכר 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ תם זמן פעולת רשת
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ תפקיד לא תקין
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ פס כותרת
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ שורת תפריטים
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ פס גלילה
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ החזקה לשינוי גודל
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ צליל
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ סמן
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ סמן טקסט
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ הודעת אזהרה
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ מסגרת
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ממלא
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תפריט קופץ
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ פריט תפריט
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ חלונית עזרה
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ יישום
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ מסמך
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ פאנל
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תרשים
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ דו שיח
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ מפריד
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ סרגל כלים
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ שורת מצב
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ טבלה
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ כותרת עמודה
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ כותרת שורה
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ עמודה
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ שורה
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ תא
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ קישור
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ בלון עזרה
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ מסייע
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ רשימה
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ פריט רשימה
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ עץ
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ פריט עץ
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ לשונית עמוד
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ עמוד תכונות
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ מציין
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ גרפי
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תוית
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ טקסט
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ כפתור לחיצה
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תיבת סימון
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ כפתור רדיו
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תיבת בחירה
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ סרגל התקדמות
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ חוגה
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ שדה מקש קיצור
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ מחוון
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תיבת בחירת מספר
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ אריג
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ הנפשה
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ משוואה
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ כפתור עם תפריט
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תפריט כפתור
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ כפתור עם רשת קופצת
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ רווח
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ רשימת כרטיסיות עמוד
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ שעון
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ מפצל
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ משטח שכבתי
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ מסמך רשת
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ פיסקה
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ מקטע
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ בוחר צבע
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ הערת שוליים
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ טופס
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ כותרת
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ הערה
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ תוכן משלים
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ לא מוכר
+ QSslSocket
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ שגיאה בקביעת עקומים אליפטיים (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ שגיאה ביצירת הקשר SSL (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ פרוטוקול לא נתמך
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ רשימת צופן לא תקינה או ריקה (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ אין אפשרות לספק תעודה בלי מפתח, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ שגיאה בטעינת תעודה מקומית, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ שגיאה בטעינת מפתח פרטי, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ מפתח פרטי לא מסמיך מפתח ציבורי, %1
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ גירסת OpenSSL ישנה מדי, נדרשת לפחות v1.0.2
+ No error
+ אין שגיאה
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ אין אפשרות למצוא את תעודת המנפיק
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ חתימת תעודה לא ניתנת לפיענוח
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ אין אפשרות לקרוא את המפתח הציבורי בתעודה
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ החתימה של התעודה אינה תקינה
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ התעודה עדיין אינה תקפה
+ The certificate has expired
+ התעודה פקעה
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ שדה notBefore של התעודה מכיל זמן לא תקין
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ שדה notAfter של התעודה מכיל זמן לא תקין
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ התעודה חתומה באופן-עצמי, ולא מהימנה
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ תעודת השורש של שרשרת התעודות היא בעלת חתימה עצמית, ולא אמינה
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ תעודת המנפיק של תעודה בחיפוש מקומי לא נמצא
+ No certificates could be verified
+ לא ניתן לאמת תעודות
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ אחת מתעודות CA אינה תקינה
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ חריגה מפרמטר אורך הנתיב basicConstraints
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ התעודה שסופקה אינה מתאימה למטרה זו
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ תעודת CA השורש אינה אמינה למטרה זו
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ תעודת CA השורש מסומנת לדחיית המטרה המוגדרת
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ תעודת המנפיק של התעודה הנוכחית נדחתה כיוון ששם הנושא לא תואם לשם המנפיק של התעודה הנוכחית
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ תעודת המנפיק של התעודה הנוכחית נדחתה כיוון ששם המנפיק והמספר הסידורי נמצאים ואינם תואמים למזהה מפתח האמינות של התעודה הנוכחית
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ העמית לא הציג שום תעודה
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ שם המארח אינו תואם אף אחד מהמארחים החוקיים עבור תעודה זו
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ תעודת העמית מצויה ברשימה שחורה
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ שגיאה ביצירת פגישת SSL, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ שגיאה ביצירת פגישת SSL: %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ אין אפשרות לאתחל הקשר SSL: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ אין אפשרות לרשום נתונים: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ אין אפשרות לפענח נתונים: %1
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ חיבור TLS/SSL נסגר
+ Error while reading: %1
+ שגיאה במהלך קריאה: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ שגיאה בעת לחיצת יד SSL: %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ שולחן עבודה
+ Documents
+ מסמכים
+ Fonts
+ גופנים
+ Applications
+ יישומים
+ Music
+ מוזיקה
+ Movies
+ סרטים
+ Pictures
+ תמונות
+ Temporary Directory
+ ספרייה זמנית
+ Home
+ בית
+ Cache
+ מטמון
+ Shared Data
+ מידע משותף
+ Runtime
+ זמן ריצה
+ Configuration
+ תצורה
+ Shared Configuration
+ תצורה משותפת
+ Shared Cache
+ מטמון משותף
+ Download
+ הורדה
+ Application Data
+ נתוני יישומים
+ Application Configuration
+ תצורת יישומים
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ חסר מצב ראשוני במצב מורכב '%1'
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ חסר מצב ברירת מחדל במצב הסטוריה '%1'
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ אין אב משותף ליעדים והמקור של המעבר ממצב '%1'
+ Unknown error
+ שגיאה לא מוכרת
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: הרשאה נדחתה
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: כבר קיים
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: לא קיים
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: לא נותרו משאבים
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: שגיאה לא מוכרת %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ אין אפשרות לפתוח חיבור
+ Unable to use database
+ אין אפשרות להשתמש במסד נתונים
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ גלול שמאלה
+ Scroll Right
+ גלול ימינה
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ פעולה על שקע אינה נתמכת
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ אין אפשרות לקרוא נתוני תמונה
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ התקן סדרתי (לדוגמה socket) לקריאת תמונה אינו נתמך
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ סריקת קובץ/התקן לקריאת תמונה נכשלה
+ Image header read failed
+ שגיאה בקריאת כותרת תמונה
+ Image type not supported
+ טיפוס תמונה לא נתמך
+ Image depth not valid
+ עומק תמונה לא תקין
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ לא ניתן לסרוק לסיומת קריאת תמונה
+ Could not read footer
+ לא ניתן לקרוא סיומת
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ סוג תמונה (לא TrueVision 2.0) לא נתמך
+ Could not reset to read data
+ אין אפשרות לאתחל ע״מ לקרוא מידע
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ בטל %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ בטל
+ Redo %1
+ בצע שוב %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ בצע שוב
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <ריק>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ בטל %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ בטל
+ Redo %1
+ בצע שוב %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ בצע שוב
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ הוסף תו בקרה של Unicode
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ מה זה?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &בטל
+ &Redo
+ בצע &שוב
+ Cu&t
+ &גזור
+ &Copy
+ הע&תק
+ Copy &Link Location
+ העתק כתובת &קישור
+ &Paste
+ ה&דבק
+ Delete
+ מחק
+ Select All
+ בחר הכל
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Qt לא יכולה לטעון את תוסף הפלטפורמה direct2d מכיוון שגירסת Direct2D במערכת זו ישנה מדי. גירסת המערכת המינימאלית עבור תוסף פלטפורמה זה היא חלונות 7 SP1 עם Platform Update.
+גירסת Direct2D המינימאלית הנדרשת היא %1.%2.%3.%4. גירסת Direct2D במערכת זו היא %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ אין אפשרות לטעון את תוסף הפלטפורמה direct2d
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ אחורה
+ < &Back
+ < &אחורה
+ Continue
+ המשך
+ &Next
+ &קדימה
+ &Next >
+ &קדימה >
+ Commit
+ בצע
+ Done
+ סיום
+ &Finish
+ &סיים
+ Cancel
+ ביטול
+ Help
+ עזרה
+ &Help
+ &עזרה
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ לא אירעה כל שגיאה
+ error triggered by consumer
+ נגרמה שגיאה על ידי הצרכן
+ unexpected end of file
+ סוף קובץ לא צפוי
+ more than one document type definition
+ יותר מאשר הגדרת טיפוס מסמך אחת
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ אירעה שגיאה במהלך פענוח מרכיב
+ tag mismatch
+ אי-התאמה בתגית
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ אירעה שגיאה במהלך פענוח תוכן
+ unexpected character
+ תו לא צפוי
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ שם לא תקין עבור הוראת העיבוד
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ צפויה גירסה במהלך קריאת הצהרת XML
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ ערך שגוי עבור ההגדרה העצמאית
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ צפויה הצהרה על קידוד או הצהרה עצמאית במהלך קריאת הצהרת XML
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ צפויה הצהרה עצמאית במהלך קריאת הצהרת XML
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ אירעה שגיאה במהלך פענוח הגדרת טיפוס מסמך
+ letter is expected
+ צפויה אות
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ אירעה שגיאה במהלך פענוח הערה
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ אירעה שגיאה במהלך פענוח התייחסות
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ התייחסות לישות כללית פנימית אסורה בתוך DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ התייחסות לישות כללית מפוענחת חיצונית אסורה בתוך ערך מאפיין
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ התייחסות לישות כללית מפוענחת חיצונית אסורה בתוך DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ התייחסות לישות לא מפוענחת בהקשר שגוי
+ recursive entities
+ ישויות רקורסיביות
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ שגיאה בהצהרת טקסט של ישות חיצונית
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ תוכן נוסף בסוף מסמך.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ ערך ישות לא תקין.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ תו XML לא תקין.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ רצף ']]>' אסור בתוכן.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ נמצא תוכן בקידוד לא נכון.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ קידומת namespace '%1' לא הוצהרה
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ הצהרת namespace לא חוקית.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ תכונה '%1' הוגדרה מחדש.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ תו לא צפוי '%1' בליטראל מזהה ציבורי.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ מחרוזת גירסת XML לא תקינה.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ גירסת XML לא נתמכת.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ מאפיין הדמה standalone חייב להופיע אחרי הקידוד.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 אינו שם קידוד תקין.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ קידוד %1 אינו נתמך
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Standalone מקבל רק כן או לא.
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ מאפיין לא תקין בתוך הצהרת XML.
+ Premature end of document.
+ סיום מסמך מוקדם מדי.
+ Invalid document.
+ מסמך לא תקין.
+ Expected
+ צפוי
+ , but got '
+ , אך נמצא '
+ Unexpected '
+ לא צפוי '
+ Expected character data.
+ צפוי מידע תו.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ נמצאה ישות רקורסיבית.
+ Start tag expected.
+ צפוי תג התחלה.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ NDATA בהצהרת יישות פרמטר.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ הצהרת XML לא בתחילת מסמך.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 הוא שם לא תקין להוראת עיבוד.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ שם לא תקין להוראת עיבוד.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 הוא מזהה PUBLIC לא חוקי.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ שם XML לא תקין.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ חוסר התאמה בין תג פותח לסוגר.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ ישות '%1' לא מוצהרת.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ התייחסות אל ישות לא מפוענחת '%1'.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ התייחסות אל ישות חיצונית '%1' בתוך ערך מאפיין.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ התייחסות לתו לא תקינה.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_it.ts b/localization/qtbase_it.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f59c6d47a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_it.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6994 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Chiudi scheda
+ Services
+ Servizi
+ Hide %1
+ Nascondi %1
+ Hide Others
+ Nascondi gli altri
+ Show All
+ Mostra tutto
+ Preferences...
+ Preferenze...
+ Quit %1
+ Esci da %1
+ About %1
+ Informazioni su %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Operazione sul socket scaduta
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Operazione sul socket non supportata
+ Host not found
+ Host non trovato
+ Connection refused
+ Connessione rifiutata
+ Connection timed out
+ Connessione scaduta
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Tentativo di connessione mentre una connessione è ancora in corso
+ Socket is not connected
+ Socket non connesso
+ Network unreachable
+ Rete non raggiungibile
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ &Seleziona tutto
+ &Step up
+ &Aumenta
+ Step &down
+ &Diminuisci
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ Premi
+ Increase
+ Incrementa
+ Decrease
+ Decrementa
+ ShowMenu
+ MostraMenu
+ SetFocus
+ ImpostaFuoco
+ Toggle
+ Commuta
+ Scroll Left
+ Scorri a sinistra
+ Scroll Right
+ Scorri a destra
+ Scroll Up
+ Scorri in alto
+ Scroll Down
+ Scorri in basso
+ Previous Page
+ Pagina precedente
+ Next Page
+ Pagina successiva
+ Triggers the action
+ Attiva l'azione
+ Increase the value
+ Incrementa il valore
+ Decrease the value
+ Decrementa il valore
+ Shows the menu
+ Mostra il menu
+ Sets the focus
+ Imposta il focus
+ Toggles the state
+ Commuta lo stato
+ Scrolls to the left
+ Scorre a sinistra
+ Scrolls to the right
+ Scorre a destra
+ Scrolls up
+ Scorre in alto
+ Scrolls down
+ Scorre in basso
+ Goes back a page
+ Va indietro di una pagina
+ Goes to the next page
+ Va alla pagina successiva
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ Sì
+ Yes to All
+ Sì a tutti
+ No
+ No
+ No to All
+ No a tutti
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ L'eseguibile '%1' richiede Qt %2, trovata Qt %3.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Errore: libreria Qt non compatibile
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ Informazioni su Qt
+ About
+ Informazioni
+ Config
+ Configurazione
+ Preference
+ Preferenza
+ Options
+ Opzioni
+ Setting
+ Impostazione
+ Setup
+ Impostazione
+ Quit
+ Uscita
+ Exit
+ Esci
+ Cut
+ Taglia
+ Copy
+ Copia
+ Paste
+ Incolla
+ Select All
+ Seleziona tutto
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ Non salvare
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ Tint&a:
+ &Sat:
+ &Sat:
+ &Val:
+ &Val:
+ &Red:
+ &Rosso:
+ &Green:
+ &Verde:
+ Bl&ue:
+ Bl&u:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Canale a&lfa:
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Cursore su %1, %2
+Premi ESC per annullare
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ &Preleva un colore dallo schermo
+ Cursor at %1, %2, color: %3
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Cursore su %1, %2, colore: %3
+Premi ESC per annullare
+ Select Color
+ Seleziona colore
+ Pick Screen Color
+ Scegli il colore dello schermo
+ &Basic colors
+ Colori di &base
+ &Custom colors
+ &Colori personalizzati
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Aggiungi ai colori personalizzati
+ QComboBox
+ False
+ Falso
+ True
+ Vero
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ Apri il menu a tendina
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Mostra le informazioni sulla versione.
+ Displays this help.
+ Mostra questa guida.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Opzione sconosciuta '%1'.
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Opzioni sconosciute: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Valore mancante dopo '%1'.
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ Valore non previsto dopo '%1'.
+ [options]
+ [opzioni]
+ Usage: %1
+ Utilizzo: %1
+ Options:
+ Opzioni:
+ Arguments:
+ Parametri:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: la chiave è vuota
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: impossibile creare la chiave
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: ftok non riuscito
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ Processo
+ Job Control
+ Controllo del processo
+ Scheduled printing:
+ Pianificazione della stampa:
+ Billing information:
+ Informazioni di resoconto:
+ Job priority:
+ Priorità del processo:
+ Banner Pages
+ Pagine di separazione
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ Fine:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ Inizio:
+ Print Immediately
+ Stampa immediatamente
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ Trattieni indefinitamente
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Giorno (dalle 06:00 alle 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Notte (dalle 18:00 alle 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Secondo turno (dalle 16:00 alle 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Terzo turno (dalle 00:00 alle 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ Finesettimana (da sabato a domenica)
+ Specific Time
+ Orario specifico
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Nessuno
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Standard
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Non classificato
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Confidenziale
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Classificato
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Segreto
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Segretissimo
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Connessione non riuscita
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Impossibile impostare l'autocommit
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossibile eseguire il comando
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossibile preparare il comando
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Impossibile effettuare il bind della variabile
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Impossibile ottenere il record %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Impossibile recuperare il successivo
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Impossibile recuperare il primo
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDateTimeEdit
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ Che cos'è?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ &Salva
+ Save
+ Salva
+ Open
+ Apri
+ &Cancel
+ &Annulla
+ Cancel
+ Annulla
+ &Close
+ &Chiudi
+ Close
+ Chiudi
+ Apply
+ Applica
+ Reset
+ Ripristina
+ Help
+ Aiuto
+ Don't Save
+ Non salvare
+ Close without Saving
+ Chiudi senza salvare
+ Discard
+ Tralascia
+ &Yes
+ &Sì
+ Yes to &All
+ Sì &a tutti
+ &No
+ &No
+ N&o to All
+ N&o a tutti
+ Save All
+ Salva tutti
+ Abort
+ Interrompi
+ Retry
+ Riprova
+ Ignore
+ Ignora
+ Restore Defaults
+ Ripristina valori predefiniti
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Size
+ Dimensione
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Tipo
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipo
+ Date Modified
+ Data di modifica
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ Operazione annullata
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ Gli indirizzi IPv6 per i server di risoluzione dei nomi non sono al momento supportati
+ Invalid domain name
+ Nome di dominio non valido
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ Non ancora supportato su Android
+ Resolver functions not found
+ Funzioni di risoluzione non trovate
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ Inizializzazione del risolutore non riuscita
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers is currently not supported
+ Gli indirizzi IPv6 per i server di risoluzione dei nomi non sono al momento supportati
+ Server could not process query
+ Il server non può elaborare la query
+ Server failure
+ Errore del server
+ Non existent domain
+ Dominio non esistente
+ Server refused to answer
+ Il server si è rifiutato di rispondere
+ Invalid reply received
+ Ricevuta una risposta non valida
+ Could not expand domain name
+ Impossibile espandere il nome del dominio
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ Record di tipo indirizzo IPv4 non valido
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ Record di tipo indirizzo IPv6 non valido
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ Record di tipo nome canonico non valido
+ Invalid name server record
+ Record di tipo nome del server non valido
+ Invalid pointer record
+ Record di tipo puntatore non valido
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ Record di tipo mail exchange non valido
+ Invalid service record
+ Record di tipo servizio non valido
+ Invalid text record
+ Record di tipo testo non valido
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ La libreria di risoluzione non può essere caricata. Nessun supporto per il caricamento di librerie
+ No hostname given
+ Nessun nome host inserito
+ Invalid hostname
+ Nome dell'host non valido
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ L'host %1 non è stato trovato.
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ Fluttua
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ Separa e ri-collega l'oggetto contenitore
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ Chiudi
+ Closes the dock widget
+ Chiudi l'oggetto contenitore
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Messaggio di debug:
+ Warning:
+ Avvertimento:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Errore fatale:
+ &Show this message again
+ Mo&stra ancora questo messaggio
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ Il file di destinazione è lo stesso file.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ Il file di origine non esiste.
+ Destination file exists
+ Il file di destinazione esiste
+ Error while renaming.
+ Errore durante la rinomina.
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ Impossibile ripristinare da %1: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ Impossibile rinominare un file sequenziale usando una copia a blocchi
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Impossibile rimuovere il file di origine
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ Impossibile aprire %1 per l'input
+ Cannot open for output
+ Impossibile aprire per l'output
+ Failure to write block
+ Scrittura del blocco non riuscita
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ Impossibile creare %1 per l'output
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ Nessun file engine disponibile o l'engine non supporta UnMapExtension
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ Cerca in:
+ Back
+ Indietro
+ Go back
+ Vai indietro
+ Forward
+ Vai avanti
+ Go forward
+ Avanti
+ Parent Directory
+ Cartella superiore
+ Go to the parent directory
+ Vai alla cartella superiore
+ Create New Folder
+ Crea nuova cartella
+ Create a New Folder
+ Crea una nuova cartella
+ List View
+ Vista a elenco
+ Change to list view mode
+ Passa alla modalità vista a elenco
+ Detail View
+ Vista dettagliata
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Passa alla modalità vista dettagliata
+ Sidebar
+ Barra laterale
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ Lista di risorse e segnalibri
+ Files
+ File
+ Files of type:
+ File di tipo:
+ Find Directory
+ Trova cartella
+ Open
+ Apri
+ Save As
+ Salva come
+ Directory:
+ Cartella:
+ File &name:
+ &Nome del file:
+ &Open
+ &Apri
+ &Choose
+ S&cegli
+ &Save
+ &Salva
+ All Files (*)
+ Tutti i file (*)
+ Show
+ Mostra
+ &Rename
+ &Rinomina
+ &Delete
+ &Elimina
+ Show &hidden files
+ Mostra i &file nascosti
+ &New Folder
+ &Nuova cartella
+ All files (*)
+ Tutti i file (*)
+ Directories
+ Cartelle
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Cartella non trovata.
+Verifica che sia stato inserito il nome corretto della cartella.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 esiste già.
+Vuoi sostituirlo?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+File non trovato.
+Verifica che sia stato inserito il nome corretto del file.
+ New Folder
+ Nuova cartella
+ Delete
+ Elimina
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ '%1' è protetto da scrittura.
+Vuoi eliminarlo comunque?
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Sei sicuro di voler eliminare '%1'?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Impossibile rimuovere la cartella.
+ Recent Places
+ Risorse recenti
+ Remove
+ Elimina
+ My Computer
+ Il mio computer
+ Drive
+ Unità
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ File %1
+ File
+ File
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Cartella di file
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Cartella
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ Alias
+ Alias
+ Mac OS X Finder
+ Alias
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Scorciatoia
+ Unknown
+ Sconosciuto
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Sinistra
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Destra
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Su
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 TB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 byte
+ Invalid filename
+ Nome del file non valido
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>Il nome "%1" non può essere usato.</b><p>Prova ad utilizzare un altro nome, con meno caratteri o senza punteggiatura.
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Size
+ Dimensione
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Tipo
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipo
+ Date Modified
+ Data di modifica
+ My Computer
+ Il mio computer
+ Computer
+ Computer
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 byte
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ Normale
+ Bold
+ Grassetto
+ Demi Bold
+ Semigrassetto
+ Black
+ Marcato
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Semi
+ Light
+ Leggero
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ Normale
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ Medio
+ Thin
+ Sottile
+ Extra Light
+ Chiarissimo
+ Extra Bold
+ Nerissimo
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Extra
+ Italic
+ Corsivo
+ Oblique
+ Obliquo
+ Any
+ Qualsiasi
+ Latin
+ Latino
+ Greek
+ Greco
+ Cyrillic
+ Cirillico
+ Armenian
+ Armeno
+ Hebrew
+ Ebraico
+ Arabic
+ Arabo
+ Syriac
+ Siriaco
+ Thaana
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Bengalese
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Tamil
+ Telugu
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Singalese
+ Thai
+ Thailandese
+ Lao
+ Lao
+ Tibetan
+ Tibetano
+ Myanmar
+ Birmano
+ Georgian
+ Georgiano
+ Khmer
+ Khmer
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Cinese semplificato
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Cinese tradizionale
+ Japanese
+ Giapponese
+ Korean
+ Coreano
+ Vietnamese
+ Vietnamita
+ Symbol
+ Simbolo
+ Ogham
+ Ogamico
+ Runic
+ Runico
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Seleziona carattere
+ &Font
+ &Carattere
+ Font st&yle
+ St&ile del carattere
+ &Size
+ Dimen&sione
+ Effects
+ Effetti
+ Stri&keout
+ Ba&rrato
+ &Underline
+ Sottolineat&o
+ Sample
+ Esempio
+ Wr&iting System
+ Sistema di scr&ittura
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Non connesso
+ Host %1 not found
+ Host %1 non trovato
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Connessione all'host %1 rifiutata
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Connessione all'host %1 scaduta
+ Connected to host %1
+ Connesso all'host %1
+ Connection refused for data connection
+ Connessione rifiutata per trasferimento dati
+ Data Connection refused
+ Connessione dati rifiutata
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Connessione all'host non riuscita:
+ Login failed:
+ Login non riuscito:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Recupero del contenuto della cartella non riuscito:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Cambio della cartella non riuscito:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Scaricamento del file non riuscito:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Caricamento del file non riuscito:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Eliminazione del file non riuscita:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Creazione della cartella non riuscita:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Eliminazione della cartella non riuscita:
+ Connection closed
+ Connessione interrotta
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ &Salva
+ &Cancel
+ &Annulla
+ &Close
+ &Chiudi
+ Close without Saving
+ Chiudi senza salvare
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ Nessun nome host inserito
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ Nessun nome host inserito
+ Invalid hostname
+ Nome dell'host non valido
+ Unknown address type
+ Tipo di indirizzo sconosciuto
+ Host not found
+ Host non trovato
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Errore sconosciuto (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ Host %1 non trovato
+ Connection refused
+ Connessione rifiutata
+ Connection closed
+ Connessione interrotta
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Il proxy richiede autenticazione
+ Host requires authentication
+ L'host richiede autenticazione
+ Data corrupted
+ Dati corrotti
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Protocollo sconosciuto specificato
+ SSL handshake failed
+ Handshake SSL non riuscito
+ Too many redirects
+ Troppi reindirizzamenti
+ Insecure redirect
+ Reindirizzamento non sicuro
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Non è stata ricevuta una risposta HTTP dal proxy
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Errore analizzando la richiesta di autenticazione ricevuta dal proxy
+ Authentication required
+ Autenticazione richiesta
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Il proxy ha rifiutato la connessione
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Errore di comunicazione con il proxy HTTP
+ Proxy server not found
+ Server proxy non trovato
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Connessione al proxy rifiutata
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ La connessione al server proxy è scaduta
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ La connessione al proxy si è interrotta prematuramente
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Errore di apertura del database
+ Could not start transaction
+ Impossibile avviare la transazione
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Impossibile creare il BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Impossibile scrivere il BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Impossibile aprire il BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Impossibile leggere il BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ Array non trovato
+ Could not get array data
+ Impossibile ottenere i dati dell'array
+ Could not get query info
+ Impossibile ottenere le informazione della query
+ Could not start transaction
+ Impossibile avviare la transazione
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Impossibile allocare il comando
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Impossibile preparare il comando
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Impossibile descrivere il comando di input
+ Could not describe statement
+ Impossibile descrivere il comando
+ Unable to close statement
+ Impossibile chiudere il comando
+ Unable to execute query
+ Impossibile eseguire la query
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Impossibile recuperare l'elemento successivo
+ Could not get statement info
+ Impossibile ottenere le informazione del comando
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Permesso negato
+ Too many open files
+ Troppi file aperti
+ No such file or directory
+ File o cartella non trovati
+ No space left on device
+ Spazio esaurito sul dispositivo
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ file to open is a directory
+ il file da aprire è una cartella
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ Dispositivo non valido
+ File not found
+ File non trovato
+ Unsupported image format
+ Formato di immagine non supportato
+ Unable to read image data
+ Impossibile leggere i dati dell'immagine
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ Device is not set
+ Il dispositivo non è impostato
+ Device not writable
+ Dispositivo non scrivibile
+ Unsupported image format
+ Formato di immagine non supportato
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Inserisci un valore:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ nessun errore rilevato
+ unterminated object
+ oggetto non terminato
+ missing name separator
+ separatore del nome mancante
+ unterminated array
+ array non terminato
+ missing value separator
+ separatore del valore mancante
+ illegal value
+ valore non valido
+ invalid termination by number
+ ?
+ terminazione con un numero non valida
+ illegal number
+ numero non valido
+ invalid escape sequence
+ sequenza di escape non valida
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ stringa UTF8 non valida
+ unterminated string
+ stringa non terminata
+ object is missing after a comma
+ oggetto mancante dopo una virgola
+ too deeply nested document
+ documento annidato troppo profondamente
+ too large document
+ documento troppo grande
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ contenuti spurî alla fine del documento
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ Premi scorciatoia
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' non è un oggetto ELF (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ '%1' non è un oggetto ELF
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' è un oggetto ELF non valido (%2)
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ Dati di verifica del plugin non corrispondenti in '%1'
+ Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'
+ Estrazione dei metadati del plugin non riuscita da '%1'
+ The shared library was not found.
+ La libreria dinamica non è stata trovata.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ Il file '%1' non è un plugin Qt valido.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ Il plugin '%1' usa una versione di Qt incompatibile (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Il plugin '%1' usa una versione di Qt incompatibile (non si possono usare librerie di debug e di release assieme)
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Impossibile caricare la libreria %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Impossibile rilasciare la libreria %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ Impossibile risolvere il simbolo "%1" in %2: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ '%1' è un binario Mach-O non valido (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ il file è danneggiato
+ file too small
+ il file è troppo piccolo
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ nessuna architettura appropriata nel fat binary
+ invalid magic %1
+ magic %1 non valido
+ wrong architecture
+ architettura errata
+ not a dynamic library
+ non è una libreria dinamica
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ '%1' non è un plugin Qt
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ Ann&ulla
+ &Redo
+ &Rifai
+ Cu&t
+ &Taglia
+ &Copy
+ &Copia
+ &Paste
+ &Incolla
+ Delete
+ Elimina
+ Select All
+ Seleziona tutto
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: errore nel nome
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: permesso negato
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: indirizzo già in uso
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: errore sconosciuto %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: connessione rifiutata
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: connessione interrotta
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: nome non valido
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: errore di accesso al socket
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: errore di risorsa del socket
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: operazione sul socket scaduta
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: pacchetto troppo grande
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: errore di connessione
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: operazione sul socket non supportata
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: operazione non permessa quando il socket è in questo stato
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: errore sconosciuto
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: errore sconosciuto %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: accesso negato
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Tentativo di connessione mentre una connessione è ancora in corso
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to open database '
+ Impossibile aprire il database '
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ Impossibile allocare un oggetto MYSQL
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ Impossibile aprire il database '%1'
+ Unable to connect
+ Connessione non riuscita
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossibile iniziare la transazione
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Impossibile ottenere i dati
+ Unable to execute query
+ Impossibile eseguire la query
+ Unable to store result
+ Impossibile memorizzare il risultato
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Impossibile eseguire la prossima query
+ Unable to store next result
+ Impossibile memorizzare il prossimo risultato
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossibile preparare il comando
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Impossibile azzerare il comando
+ Unable to bind value
+ Impossibile effettuare il bind del valore
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossibile eseguire il comando
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Impossibile agganciare i valore di uscita
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Impossibile memorizzare i risultati del comando
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (Senza titolo)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Minimizza
+ Maximize
+ Massimizza
+ Unshade
+ Srotola
+ Shade
+ Arrotola
+ Restore Down
+ Ripristina in basso
+ Restore
+ Ripristina
+ Close
+ Chiudi
+ Help
+ Aiuto
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ &Restore
+ &Ripristina
+ &Move
+ &Sposta
+ &Size
+ Dimen&sione
+ Mi&nimize
+ Mi&nimizza
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ssimizza
+ Stay on &Top
+ Sempre in &primo piano
+ &Close
+ &Chiudi
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Mostra dettagli...
+ Hide Details...
+ Nascondi dettagli...
+ OK
+ OK
+ Help
+ Aiuto
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>Informazioni su Qt</h3><p>Questo programma usa la versione %1 di Qt.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ About Qt
+ Informazioni su Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Impossibile inizializzare un socket non bloccante
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Impossibile inizializzare un socket broadcast
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Tentativo di utilizzo di un socket IPv6 su una piattaforma che non supporta IPv6
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ L'host remoto ha chiuso la connessione
+ Network operation timed out
+ Operazione di rete scaduta
+ Out of resources
+ Risorse esaurite
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Operazione su socket non supportata
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Tipo di protocollo non supportato
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Descrittore del socket non valido
+ Host unreachable
+ Host non raggiungibile
+ Network unreachable
+ Rete non raggiungibile
+ Permission denied
+ Permesso negato
+ Connection timed out
+ Connessione scaduta
+ Connection refused
+ Connessione rifiutata
+ The bound address is already in use
+ L'indirizzo selezionato è già in uso
+ The address is not available
+ L'indirizzo non è disponibile
+ The address is protected
+ L'indirizzo è protetto
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Il pacchetto è troppo grande per l'invio
+ Unable to send a message
+ Impossibile inviare un messaggio
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Impossibile ricevere un messaggio
+ Unable to write
+ Impossibile scrivere
+ Network error
+ Errore di rete
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Un altro socket è già in ascolto sulla stessa porta
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operazione su un non-socket
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Il tipo di proxy non è valido per questa operazione
+ Temporary error
+ Errore temporaneo
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ Connection reset by peer
+ Connessione annullata dalla controparte
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ Errore durante l'apertura di %1
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ URI non valido: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Errore di scrittura su %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Errore del socket su %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ L'host remoto ha chiuso la connessione prematuramente su %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Richiesta di apertura di un file non locale %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Errore durante l'apertura di %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Errore di scrittura su %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ Impossibile aprire %1: il percorso è una cartella
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Errore di lettura da %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nessun proxy adatto trovato
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ Impossibile aprire %1: è una cartella
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Log su %1 non riuscito: richiesta autenticazione
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Errore durante lo scaricamento di %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Errore durante il caricamento di %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ Accesso alla rete disabilitato.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2
+ Errore durante lo scaricamento %1 - il server ha risposto: %2
+ Background request not allowed.
+ Richiesta in background non permessa.
+ Network session error.
+ Errore della sessione di rete.
+ backend start error.
+ errore di avvio del backend.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Errore temporaneo della rete.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Il protocollo "%1" è sconosciuto
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ Errore durante il trasferimento di %1 - il server ha risposto: %2
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operazione annullata
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nessun proxy adatto trovato
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImplPrivate
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nessun proxy adatto trovato
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operazione annullata
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ Configurazione non valida.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ Errore sconosciuto di sessione.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ La sessione è stata interrotta dall'utente o dal sistema.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ L'operazione richiesta non è supportata dal sistema.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ La configurazione specificata non può essere utilizzata.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ Roaming interrotto o non possibile.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Impossibile inizializzare
+ Unable to logon
+ Autenticazione non riuscita
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossibile iniziare la transazione
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Impossibile effettuare il bind della colonna per l'esecuzione non interattiva
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Impossibile eseguire il comando non interattivo
+ Unable to goto next
+ Impossibile andare al successivo
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Impossibile allocare il comando
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossibile preparare il comando
+ Unable to get statement type
+ Impossibile recuperare il tipo di comando
+ Unable to bind value
+ Impossibile effettuare il bind del valore
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossibile eseguire il comando
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Connessione non riuscita
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ Connessione non riuscita - il driver non supporta tutte le funzionalità richieste
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ Impossibile disabilitare l'autocommit
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ Impossibile abilitare l'autocommit
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Impossibile ottenere l'ultimo
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: Impossibile impostare 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' come attributo del comando. Verifica la configurazione del driver ODBC
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossibile eseguire l'istruzione
+ Unable to fetch
+ Impossibile ottenere i dati
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Impossibile ottenere il successivo
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Impossibile ottenere il primo
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ Impossibile ottenere il precedente
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossibile preparare l'istruzione
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Impossibile agganciare la variabile
+ QPPDOptionsModel
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Value
+ Valore
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Connessione non riuscita
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Impossibile avviare la transazione
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Registrazione non riuscita
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ Deregistrazione non riuscita
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ Impossibile creare la query
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Impossibile preparare l'istruzione
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Modulo
+ Paper
+ Carta
+ Page size:
+ Dimensione della pagina:
+ Width:
+ Larghezza:
+ Height:
+ Altezza:
+ Paper source:
+ Alimentazione della carta:
+ Orientation
+ Orientamento
+ Portrait
+ Verticale
+ Landscape
+ Orizzontale
+ Reverse landscape
+ Orizzontale inverso
+ Reverse portrait
+ Verticale inverso
+ Margins
+ Margini
+ top margin
+ margine superiore
+ left margin
+ margine sinistro
+ right margin
+ margine destro
+ bottom margin
+ margine inferiore
+ Centimeters (cm)
+ Centimetri (cm)
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Millimetri (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Pollici (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Punti (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Custom
+ Personalizzata
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ in
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ Page Layout
+ Impaginazione
+ Page order:
+ Ordine delle pagine:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ Pagine per foglio:
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ Personalizzata (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ Personalizzata (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ Personalizzata (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ Personalizzata (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ Personalizzata (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ Personalizzata (%1CC x %2CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 pollici
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Esecutivo (7.5 x 10 pollici)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Esecutivo (7.25 x 10.5 pollici)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 pollici)
+ Legal
+ Legale
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Lettera / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Libro mastro / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ Personalizzata
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 Piccolo
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Legale extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Lettera extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Lettera plus
+ Letter Small
+ Lettera piccola
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Tabloid extra
+ Architect A
+ Architetto A
+ Architect B
+ Architetto B
+ Architect C
+ Architetto C
+ Architect D
+ Architetto D
+ Architect E
+ Architetto E
+ Note
+ Nota
+ Quarto
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Dichiarazione
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Cartolina
+ Double Postcard
+ Cartolina doppia
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K Grande
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Pieghevole US (14.875 x 11 pollici)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Pieghevole tedesco (8.5 x 12 pollici)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Pieghevole tedesco legale (8.5 x 13 pollici)
+ Envelope B4
+ Busta B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Busta B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Busta B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Busta C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Busta C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Busta C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Busta C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Busta C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Busta C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Busta C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Busta C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Busta C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Busta DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Busta US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Busta US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Busta US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Busta US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Busta US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Busta Monarch
+ Envelope Personal
+ Busta personale
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Busta Chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Busta Chou 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Busta invito
+ Envelope Italian
+ Busta italiana
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Busta Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Busta Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Busta PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Busta PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Busta PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Busta PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Busta PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Busta PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Busta PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Busta PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Busta PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Busta PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ Busta You 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Salva
+ Save All
+ Salva tutti
+ Open
+ Apri
+ &Yes
+ &Sì
+ Yes to &All
+ Sì &a tutti
+ &No
+ &No
+ N&o to All
+ N&o a tutti
+ Abort
+ Interrompi
+ Retry
+ Riprova
+ Ignore
+ Ignora
+ Close
+ Chiudi
+ Cancel
+ Annulla
+ Discard
+ Tralascia
+ Help
+ Aiuto
+ Apply
+ Applica
+ Reset
+ Ripristina
+ Restore Defaults
+ Ripristina valori predefiniti
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Il plugin non è stata caricato.
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Stampa
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ C5E
+ C5E
+ Executive
+ Esecutivo
+ Folio
+ Foglio
+ Ledger
+ Registro
+ Legal
+ Legale
+ Letter
+ Lettera
+ Tabloid
+ Tabloid
+ US Common #10 Envelope
+ Busta comune #10 USA
+ Custom
+ Personalizzato
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ Da sinistra a destra, dall'alto verso il basso
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ Da sinistra a destra, dal basso verso l'alto
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ Da destra a sinistra, dal basso verso l'alto
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ Da destra a sinistra, dall'alto verso il basso
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ Dal basso verso l'alto, da sinistra a destra
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ Dal basso verso l'alto, da destra a sinistra
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ Dall'alto verso il basso, da sinistra a destra
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ Dall'alto verso il basso, da destra a sinistra
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ Tutte le pagine
+ Odd Pages
+ Pagine dispari
+ Even Pages
+ Pagine pari
+ &Options >>
+ &Opzioni >>
+ &Print
+ Stam&pa
+ &Options <<
+ &Opzioni <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Stampa su file (PDF)
+ Local file
+ File locale
+ Write PDF file
+ Scrivi file PDF
+ Print To File ...
+ Stampa su file...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 è una cartella.
+Seleziona un nome diverso per il file.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Il file %1 non è scrivibile.
+Seleziona un nome diverso per il file.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 esiste già.
+Vuoi sostituirlo?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ Le opzioni 'pagine per foglio' e 'insieme di pagine' non possono essere utilizzate insieme.
+Disattiva una di queste opzioni.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ Il valore di "Da" non può essere maggiore del valore di "A".
+ OK
+ OK
+ Automatic
+ Automatico
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Impostazione pagina
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Anteprima di stampa
+ Next page
+ Pagina successiva
+ Previous page
+ Pagina precedente
+ First page
+ Prima pagina
+ Last page
+ Ultima pagina
+ Fit width
+ Adatta alla larghezza
+ Fit page
+ Adatta alla pagina
+ Zoom in
+ Ingrandisci
+ Zoom out
+ Rimpicciolisci
+ Portrait
+ Verticale
+ Landscape
+ Orizzontale
+ Show single page
+ Mostra pagina singola
+ Show facing pages
+ Mostra pagine affiancate
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Mostra anteprima di tutte le pagine
+ Print
+ Stampa
+ Page setup
+ Impostazione pagina
+ Export to PDF
+ Esporta come PDF
+ Export to PostScript
+ Esporta come PostScript
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ Proprietà della stampante
+ Job Options
+ Opzioni del processo
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Modulo
+ Page
+ Pagina
+ Advanced
+ Avanzate
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Modulo
+ Copies
+ Copie
+ Print range
+ Stampa intervallo
+ Print all
+ Stampa tutto
+ Pages from
+ Pagine da
+ to
+ a
+ Current Page
+ Pagina corrente
+ Selection
+ Selezione
+ Output Settings
+ Impostazioni di uscita
+ Copies:
+ Copie:
+ Collate
+ Fascicola
+ Reverse
+ Ordine inverso
+ Options
+ Opzioni
+ Color Mode
+ Modalità colore
+ Color
+ Colore
+ Grayscale
+ Scala di grigi
+ Duplex Printing
+ Stampa fronte/retro
+ None
+ Nessuno
+ Long side
+ Lato lungo
+ Short side
+ Lato corto
+ Page Set:
+ Insieme di pagine:
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Modulo
+ Printer
+ Stampante
+ &Name:
+ &Nome:
+ P&roperties
+ P&roprietà
+ Location:
+ Posizione:
+ Preview
+ Anteprima
+ Type:
+ Tipo:
+ Output &file:
+ &File di output:
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Error reading from process
+ Errore di lettura dal processo
+ Error writing to process
+ Errore di scrittura sul processo
+ Process crashed
+ Il processo è andato in crash
+ Process failed to start
+ Avvio del processo non riuscito
+ No program defined
+ Nessun programma definito
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Impossibile aprire la redirezione dell'input per la lettura
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Impossibile aprire la redirezione dell'output per la scrittura
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Errore di risorsa (fork non riuscito): %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ Operazione del processo scaduta
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ Avvio del processo non riuscito: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Annulla
+ QQnxFileDialogHelper
+ OK
+ OK
+ All files (*.*)
+ Tutti i file (*.*)
+ QQnxFilePicker
+ Pick a file
+ Scegli un file
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ nessun errore rilevato
+ disabled feature used
+ usata funzionalità disabilitata
+ bad char class syntax
+ sintassi della classe di caratteri non corretta
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ sintassi della ricerca in avanti non corretta
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ ricerca all'indietro non supportata, vedi QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ sintassi di ripetizione non corretta
+ invalid octal value
+ valore ottale non valido
+ missing left delim
+ delimitatore sinistro mancante
+ unexpected end
+ fine non prevista
+ met internal limit
+ raggiunto limite interno
+ invalid interval
+ intervallo non valido
+ invalid category
+ categoria non valida
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ nessun errore
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ alla fine del pattern
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c alla fine del pattern
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ carattere non riconosciuto dopo \
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ numeri fuori sequenza nel quantificatore {}
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ numero troppo grande nel quantificatore {}
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ terminatore ] mancante per la classe di caratteri
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ sequenza di escape non valida nella classe di caratteri
+ range out of order in character class
+ intervallo fuori sequenza nella classe di caratteri
+ nothing to repeat
+ nulla da ripetere
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ errore interno: ripetizione imprevista
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ carattere non riconosciuto dopo (? o (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ le classi di tipo POSIX sono supportate solo all'interno di una classe
+ missing )
+ ) mancante
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ riferimento a sotto-pattern non esistente
+ erroffset passed as NULL
+ erroffset passato come NULL
+ unknown option bit(s) set
+ impostati bit sconosciuti per l'opzione
+ missing ) after comment
+ ) mancante dopo il commento
+ regular expression is too large
+ l'espressione regolare è troppo grande
+ failed to get memory
+ impossibile ottenere la memoria
+ unmatched parentheses
+ parentesi non corrispondenti
+ internal error: code overflow
+ errore interno: overflow del codice
+ unrecognized character after (?<
+ carattere non riconosciuto dopo (?<
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ l'asserzione di ricerca all'indietro non è a lunghezza fissa
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ numero o nome maldefinito dopo (?(
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ il gruppo condizionale contiene più di due diramazioni
+ assertion expected after (?(
+ asserzione prevista dopo (?(
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ (?R o (?[+-]cifre devono essere seguite da )
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ nome di classe POSIX sconosciuto
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ gli elementi POSIX di raccoglimento non sono supportati
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support
+ questa versione di PCRE non è compilata con il supporto PCRE_UTF8
+ character value in \x{...} sequence is too large
+ il valore del carattere nella sequenza \x{...} è troppo grande
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ condizione (?(0) non valida
+ \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
+ \C non consentito in una asserzione lookbehind
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE non supporta \L, \l, \N{nome}, \U, o \u
+ number after (?C is > 255
+ il numero dopo (?C è > 255
+ closing ) for (?C expected
+ prevista ) di chiusura per (?C
+ recursive call could loop indefinitely
+ la chiamata ricorsiva potrebbe entrare in un loop infinito
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ carattere non riconosciuto dopo (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ errore di sintassi nel nome del sotto-pattern (terminatore mancante)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name
+ due sotto-pattern con nome hanno lo stesso nome
+ invalid UTF-8 string
+ stringa UTF-8 non valida
+ support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled
+ il supporto per \P, \p e \X non è stato compilato
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ sequenza \P o \p malformata
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ nome della proprietà sconosciuto dopo \P o \p
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)
+ il nome del sotto-pattern è troppo lungo (massimo 32 caratteri)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)
+ troppi sotto-pattern con nome (massimo 10000)
+ octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)
+ il valore ottale è maggiore di \377 (non in modalità UTF-8)
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ errore interno: sconfinamento nella compilazione dello spazio di lavoro
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ errore interno: riferimento non trovato al sotto-modello verificato in precedenza
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ il gruppo DEFINE contiene più di un ramo
+ repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
+ la ripetizione di un gruppo DEFINE non è consentita
+ inconsistent NEWLINE options
+ opzioni NEWLINE inconsistenti
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ \g non è seguito da un nome/numero tra parentesi, parentesi graffe o tra virgolette o da un numero semplice
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ un riferimento numerato non deve essere pari a zero
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ un parametro non è consentito per (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), o (*COMMIT)
+ (*VERB) not recognized
+ (*VERBO) non riconosciuto
+ number is too big
+ il numero è troppo grande
+ subpattern name expected
+ previsto nome del sotto-pattern
+ digit expected after (?+
+ cifra prevista dopo (?+
+ ] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode
+ ] è un carattere non valido nella modalità di compatibilità JavaScript
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ nomi diversi per sotto-pattern dello stesso numero non sono consentiti
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) deve avere un parametro
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support
+ questa versione di PCRE non è compilata con il supporto PCRE_UCP
+ \c must be followed by an ASCII character
+ \c deve essere seguito da un carattere ASCII
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ \k non è seguito da un nome tra parentesi, parentesi graffe o virgolette
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ errore interno: opcode sconosciuto in find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N non è supportato in una classe
+ too many forward references
+ troppi riferimenti in avanti
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ code point Unicode non consentito (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ invalid UTF-16 string
+ stringa UTF-16 non valida
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ nome troppo lungo in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), o (*THEN)
+ character value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ valore del carattere troppo grande nella sequenza \u....
+ invalid UTF-32 string
+ stringa UTF-32 non valida
+ setting UTF is disabled by the application
+ l'impostazione di UTF è stata disabilitata dall'applicazione
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ carattere non esadecimale in \x{} (parentesi chiusa mancante?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ carattere non ottale in \o{} (parentesi chiusa mancante?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ parentesi aperta mancante dopo \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ le parentesi sono annidate troppo profondamente
+ invalid range in character class
+ intervallo non valido nella classe di caratteri
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ il nome del gruppo non deve iniziare con una cifra
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ le parentesi sono annidate troppo profondamente (verifica dello stack)
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ cifre mancanti in \x{} o \o{}
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Errore di apertura del database
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossibile iniziare la transazione
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Impossibile ottenere i risultati
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossibile eseguire il comando
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Errore di apertura del database
+ Error closing database
+ Errore di chiusura del database
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Impossibile iniziare la transazione
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Impossibile effettuare la transazione
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Impossibile annullare la transazione
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Impossibile ottenere la riga
+ No query
+ Nessuna query
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Impossibile eseguire il comando
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ Impossibile eseguire più comandi alla volta
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Impossibile reinizializzare il comando
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Impossibile effettuare il bind dei parametri
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Numero di parametri non corrispondente
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ Il file esistente %1 non è scrivibile
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ Il nome di file fa riferimento ad una cartella
+ Writing canceled by application
+ La scrittura è stata annullata dall'applicazione
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Scorri qui
+ Left edge
+ Margine sinistro
+ Top
+ Cima
+ Right edge
+ Margine destro
+ Bottom
+ Fondo
+ Page left
+ Pagina a sinistra
+ Page up
+ Pagina su
+ Page right
+ Pagina a destra
+ Page down
+ Pagina giù
+ Scroll left
+ Scorri a sinistra
+ Scroll up
+ Scorri in alto
+ Scroll right
+ Scorri a destra
+ Scroll down
+ Scorri in basso
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: impossibile impostare la chiave sul lock
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: la dimensione di creazione è minore di 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: impossibile bloccare
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: impossibile sbloccare
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: permesso negato
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: esiste già
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: non esiste
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: risorse esaurite
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: errore sconosciuto %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: la chiave è vuota
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: nome non valido
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: il file della chiave UNIX non esiste
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: ftok non riuscito
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: impossibile creare la chiave
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: il sistema impone restrizioni di dimensione
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: non collegato
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: dimensione non valida
+ %1: key error
+ %1: errore della chiave
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: query della dimensione non riuscita
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Spazio
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Tab indietro
+ Backspace
+ Backspace
+ Return
+ Invio
+ Enter
+ Invio
+ Ins
+ Ins
+ Del
+ Canc
+ Pause
+ Pausa
+ Print
+ Stampa
+ SysReq
+ R Sist
+ Home
+ ↖
+ End
+ Fine
+ Left
+ Sinistra
+ Up
+ Su
+ Right
+ Destra
+ Down
+ Giù
+ PgUp
+ Pag↑
+ PgDown
+ Pag↓
+ CapsLock
+ Bloc Maiusc
+ NumLock
+ Bloc Num
+ ScrollLock
+ Bloc Scorr
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ Help
+ Aiuto
+ Back
+ Indietro
+ Forward
+ Avanti
+ Stop
+ Stop
+ Refresh
+ Aggiorna
+ Volume Down
+ Diminuisci il volume
+ Volume Mute
+ Muto
+ Volume Up
+ Aumenta il volume
+ Bass Boost
+ Amplifica i bassi
+ Bass Up
+ Più bassi
+ Bass Down
+ Meno bassi
+ Treble Up
+ Più alti
+ Treble Down
+ Meno alti
+ Media Play
+ Riproduci media
+ Media Stop
+ Interrompi media
+ Media Previous
+ Media precedente
+ Media Next
+ Media successivo
+ Media Record
+ Registrazione
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Pausa
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Pausa/riproduci
+ Home Page
+ Pagina iniziale
+ Favorites
+ Preferiti
+ Search
+ Ricerca
+ Standby
+ Standby
+ Open URL
+ Apri URL
+ Launch Mail
+ Avvia mail
+ Launch Media
+ Avvia media
+ Launch (0)
+ Avvia (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Avvia (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Avvia (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Avvia (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Avvia (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Avvia (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Avvia (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Avvia (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Avvia (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Avvia (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Avvia (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Avvia (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Avvia (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Avvia (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Avvia (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Avvia (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Aumenta luminosità dello schermo
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Diminuisci luminosità dello schermo
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Attiva/disattiva illuminazione tastiera
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Aumenta luminosità della tastiera
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Diminuisci luminosità della tastiera
+ Power Off
+ Spegni
+ Wake Up
+ Risveglia
+ Eject
+ Espelli
+ Screensaver
+ Salvaschermo
+ Sleep
+ Sospendi
+ LightBulb
+ Lampadina
+ Shop
+ Negozio
+ History
+ Cronologia
+ Add Favorite
+ Aggiungi preferito
+ Hot Links
+ Collegamenti
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Regola luminosità
+ Finance
+ Finanza
+ Community
+ Comunità
+ Audio Rewind
+ Riavvolgi audio
+ Back Forward
+ Indietro veloce
+ Application Left
+ Applicazione a sinistra
+ Application Right
+ Applicazione a destra
+ Book
+ Libro
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Calcolatrice
+ Clear
+ Pulisci
+ Clear Grab
+ Pulisci cattura
+ Close
+ Chiudi
+ Copy
+ Copia
+ Cut
+ Taglia
+ Display
+ Mostra
+ Documents
+ Documenti
+ Spreadsheet
+ Foglio di calcolo
+ Browser
+ Browser
+ Game
+ Gioco
+ Go
+ Vai
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Termina sessione
+ Market
+ Market
+ Meeting
+ Riunione
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Menu della tastiera
+ Menu PB
+ Menu PB
+ My Sites
+ I miei siti
+ News
+ Notizie
+ Home Office
+ Ufficio
+ Option
+ Opzione
+ Paste
+ Incolla
+ Phone
+ Telefono
+ Reply
+ Rispondi
+ Reload
+ Ricarica
+ Rotate Windows
+ Ruota finestre
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotazione PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Rotazione KB
+ Save
+ Salva
+ Send
+ Invia
+ Spellchecker
+ Controllo ortografico
+ Split Screen
+ Dividi schermo
+ Support
+ Supporto
+ Task Panel
+ Pannello attività
+ Terminal
+ Terminale
+ Tools
+ Strumenti
+ Travel
+ Viaggi
+ Video
+ Video
+ Word Processor
+ Elaboratore di testi
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Ingrandisci
+ Zoom Out
+ Rimpicciolisci
+ Away
+ Assente
+ Messenger
+ Messenger
+ WebCam
+ WebCam
+ Mail Forward
+ Inoltra messaggio di posta
+ Pictures
+ Immagini
+ Music
+ Musica
+ Battery
+ Batteria
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ Wireless
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Banda ultra larga
+ Audio Forward
+ Avanzamento audio
+ Audio Repeat
+ Ripeti audio
+ Audio Random Play
+ Riproduzione audio casuale
+ Subtitle
+ Sottotitolo
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Ripeti in ciclo le tracce audio
+ Time
+ Ora
+ Select
+ Seleziona
+ View
+ Vista
+ Top Menu
+ Menu principale
+ Suspend
+ Sospensione
+ Hibernate
+ Ibernazione
+ Media Rewind
+ Riavvolgi media
+ Media Fast Forward
+ Avanti veloce media
+ Power Down
+ Microphone Mute
+ Microfono muto
+ Red
+ Rosso
+ Green
+ Verde
+ Yellow
+ Giallo
+ Blue
+ Blu
+ Channel Up
+ Channel Down
+ Guide
+ Guida
+ Info
+ Info
+ Settings
+ Impostazioni
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ Aumenta il volume del microfono
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ Diminuisci il volume del microfono
+ New
+ Nuovo
+ Open
+ Apri
+ Find
+ Trova
+ Undo
+ Annulla
+ Redo
+ Rifai
+ Print Screen
+ Stampa schermo
+ Page Up
+ Pagina precedente
+ Page Down
+ Pagina successiva
+ Caps Lock
+ Bloc Maiusc
+ Num Lock
+ Bloc Num
+ Number Lock
+ Blocco numeri
+ Scroll Lock
+ Bloc Scorr
+ Insert
+ Inserisci
+ Delete
+ Cancella
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ Richiesta di sistema
+ Yes
+ Sì
+ No
+ No
+ Context1
+ Contesto1
+ Context2
+ Contesto2
+ Context3
+ Contesto3
+ Context4
+ Contesto4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Chiama
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Riaggancia
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Chiama/riaggancia
+ Flip
+ Gira
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Composizione vocale
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Richiama l'ultimo numero
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Scatta
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Metti a fuoco
+ Kanji
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Blocca Kana
+ Kana Shift
+ Shift Kana
+ Eisu Shift
+ Shift Eisu
+ Eisu toggle
+ Commuta Eisu
+ Code input
+ Immissione codice
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Candidati multipli
+ Previous Candidate
+ Candidato precedente
+ Hangul
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Avvio Hangul
+ Hangul End
+ Fine Hangul
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Hangul speciale
+ Cancel
+ Annulla
+ Printer
+ Stampante
+ Execute
+ Esegui
+ Play
+ Riproduci
+ Zoom
+ Ingrandisci
+ Exit
+ Esci
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ Touchpad On
+ Touchpad Off
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ Num
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Connessione al proxy rifiutata
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ La connessione al proxy si è interrotta prematuramente
+ Proxy host not found
+ Host proxy non trovato
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Connessione al proxy scaduta
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Autenticazione al proxy non riuscita
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ Autenticazione al proxy non riuscita: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ Errore del protocollo SOCKS versione 5
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Errore generico del server SOCKv5
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ Connessione non consentita dal server SOCKSv5
+ TTL expired
+ TTL scaduto
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ Comando SOCKSv5 non supportato
+ Address type not supported
+ Tipo di indirizzo non supportato
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Codice di errore proxy SOCKSv5 0x%1 sconosciuto
+ Network operation timed out
+ Operazione di rete scaduta
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ ruolo non valido
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra del titolo
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra del menu
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra di scorrimento
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ maniglia
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ suono
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ cursore
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ cursore del testo
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ messaggio di avviso
+ window
+ Role of an accessible object
+ finestra
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ riempitore
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ menu a comparsa
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ voce di menu
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ suggerimento
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ applicazione
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ documento
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pannello
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ grafico
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ finestra di dialogo
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ cornice
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ separatore
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra degli strumenti
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra di stato
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tabella
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ intestazione della colonna
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ intestazione della riga
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ colonna
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ riga
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ cella
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ collegamento
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ fumetto di aiuto
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ assistente
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lista
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ elemento della lista
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ albero
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ elemento dell'albero
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ scheda
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pagina delle proprietà
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ indicatore
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ grafico
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ etichetta
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ testo
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pulsante
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ casella di spunta
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ casella a scelta singola
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ casella combinata
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ barra di avanzamento
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ quadrante
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ campo di scorciatoia
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ regolatore
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ casella numerica
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ superficie
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ animazione
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ equazione
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pulsante con elenco a comparsa
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pulsante con menu
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ pulsante con griglia a comparsa
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ spazio
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lista schede della pagina
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ orologio
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ divisore
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pannello stratificato
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ documento web
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ paragrafo
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sezione
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ selettore di colore
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ piè di pagina
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ modulo
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ intestazione
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ nota
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ contenuto complementare
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sconosciuto
+ QSslSocket
+ No error
+ Nessun errore
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ Il certificato dell'emittente non è stato trovato
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ La firma del certificato non può essere decifrata
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ La chiave pubblica del certificato non può essere letta
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ La firma del certificato non è valida
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ Il certificato non è ancora valido
+ The certificate has expired
+ Il certificato è scaduto
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ Il campo notBefore del certificato contiene una data non valida
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ Il campo notAfter del certificato contiene una data non valida
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Il certificato è auto-firmato e non affidabile
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Il certificato principale della catena di certificati è auto-firmato e non affidabile
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ Il certificato dell'emittente di un certificato cercato localmente non può essere trovato
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Nessun certificato può essere verificato
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ Uno dei certificati dell'autorità di certificazione non è valido
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ La lunghezza del percorso del parametro basicConstraints è stata superata
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ Il certificato fornito non è adatto per questo scopo
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ Il certificato principale dell'autorità di certificazione non è affidabile per questo scopo
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ Il certificato principale dell'autorità di certificazione è contrassegnato per rifiutare lo scopo specifico
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ Il certificato dell'emittente attualmente candidato è stato rifiutato perché il nome del suo oggetto non corrisponde al nome dell'emittente del certificato attuale
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ Il certificato dell'emittente attualmente candidato è stato rifiutato perché erano presenti il nome dell'emittente e il numero di serie, e non corrispondevano all'identificativo della chiave di autorità del certificato attuale
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ La controparte non ha presentato alcun certificato
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ Il nome dell'host non coincide con nessuno degli host validi per questo certificato
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ Il certificato della controparte è nella lista nera
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ Errore durante l'impostazione delle curve ellittiche (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Errore di creazione del contesto SSL (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ protocollo non supportato
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Elenco di cifrari non valido o vuoto (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Impossibile fornire un certificato senza chiave, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Errore di caricamento del certificato, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Errore di caricamento della chiave privata, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ La chiave privata non certifica la chiave pubblica %1
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ Versione di OpenSSL troppo vecchia, è richiesta almeno v1.0.2
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Errore di creazione della sessione SSL, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Errore di creazione della sessione SSL: %1
+ Unable to init Ssl Context: %1
+ Impossibile inizializzare il contesto SSL: %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ Impossibile inizializzare il contesto SSL: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Impossibile scrivere i dati: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ Impossibile decifrare i dati: %1
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ La connessione TLS/SSL è stata chiusa
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Errore di lettura: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Errore durante l'handshake SSL: %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ Scrivania
+ Documents
+ Documenti
+ Fonts
+ Caratteri
+ Applications
+ Applicazioni
+ Music
+ Musica
+ Movies
+ Video
+ Pictures
+ Immagini
+ Temporary Directory
+ Cartella temporanea
+ Home
+ Home
+ Application Data
+ Dati dell'applicazione
+ Application Configuration
+ Configurazione dell'applicazione
+ Cache
+ Cache
+ Shared Data
+ Dati condivisi
+ Runtime
+ Esecuzione
+ Configuration
+ Configurazione
+ Shared Configuration
+ Configurazione condivisa
+ Shared Cache
+ Cache condivisa
+ Download
+ Scaricati
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ Stato iniziale mancante nello stato composito '%1'
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ Stato predefinito mancante nello stato storico '%1'
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ Nessun antenato comune per le destinazioni e l'origine della transizione dallo stato '%1'
+ Unknown error
+ Errore sconosciuto
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: permesso negato
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: esiste già
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: non esiste
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: risorse esaurite
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: errore sconosciuto %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Impossibile stabilire una connessione
+ Unable to use database
+ Impossibile usare il database
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Scorri a sinistra
+ Scroll Right
+ Scorri a destra
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Operazione sul socket non supportata
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ Impossibile leggere i dati dell'immagine
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Il dispositivo sequenziale (ad es. socket) per la lettura dell'immagine non è supportato
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ La ricerca su file/dispositivo per la lettura dell'immagine non è riuscita
+ Image header read failed
+ La lettura dell'intestazione dell'immagine non è riuscita
+ Image type not supported
+ Tipo di immagine non supportato
+ Image depth not valid
+ La profondità dell'immagine non è valida
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ Impossibile saltare al fondo del file dell'immagine
+ Could not read footer
+ Impossibile leggere il fondo
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ Il tipo di immagine (non-TrueVision 2.0) non è supportato
+ Could not reset to read data
+ Impossibile reinizializzare per la lettura dei dati
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ Annulla %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Annulla
+ Redo %1
+ Rifai %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Rifai
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <vuoto>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ Annulla %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Annulla
+ Redo %1
+ Rifai %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Rifai
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM indicatore di direzione da sinistra a destra
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM indicatore di direzione da destra a sinistra
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ carattere congiungente di ampiezza zero
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ carattere non congiungente di ampiezza zero
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP spazio di ampiezza zero
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE inizio incorporamento da sinistra a destra
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE inizio incorporamento da destra a sinistra
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO inizio forzatura da sinistra a destra
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO inizio forzatura da destra a sinistra
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF ripristina impostazioni di direzione del testo
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI Isolato da sinistra a destra
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI Isolato da destra a sinistra
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Inserisci carattere di controllo Unicode
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Che cos'è?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ Ann&ulla
+ &Redo
+ &Rifai
+ Cu&t
+ &Taglia
+ &Copy
+ &Copia
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Copia il co&llegamento
+ &Paste
+ &Incolla
+ Delete
+ Elimina
+ Select All
+ Seleziona tutto
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Qt non può caricare il plugin di piattaforma direct2d perché la versione di Direct2D nel sistema è troppo vecchia. Il requisito minimo per questo plugin di piattaforma è Windows 7 SP1 con Platform Update.
+La versione minima di Direct2D richiesta è %1.%2.%3.%4. La versione di Direct2D in questo sistema è %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ Impossibile caricare il plugin di piattaforma direct2d
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Indietro
+ < &Back
+ < &Precedente
+ Continue
+ Continua
+ &Next
+ &Successivo
+ &Next >
+ &Successivo >
+ Commit
+ Applica
+ Done
+ Fatto
+ &Finish
+ &Fine
+ Cancel
+ Annulla
+ Help
+ Aiuto
+ &Help
+ &Aiuto
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ nessun errore rilevato
+ error triggered by consumer
+ errore causato dal consumatore
+ unexpected end of file
+ fine del file inattesa
+ more than one document type definition
+ definizione di più di un tipo di documento
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ errore durante l'analisi dell'elemento
+ tag mismatch
+ tag non corrispondente
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ errore durante l'analisi del contenuto
+ unexpected character
+ carattere non previsto
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ nome non valido per l'istruzione di elaborazione
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ prevista versione nella lettura della dichiarazione XML
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ valore errato per la dichiarazione standalone
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ prevista dichiarazione di codifica o dichiarazione standalone durante la lettura della dichiarazione XML
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ prevista dichiarazione standalone durante la lettura della dichiarazione XML
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ si è verificato un errore nell'analisi della definizione del documento
+ letter is expected
+ lettera prevista
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ errore durante l'analisi del commento
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ errore durante l'analisi del riferimento
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ riferimento all'entità generale interna non consentito nella DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ riferimento ad entità esterna generale analizzata non consentito in un valore di attributo
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ riferimento a entità esterna generale analizzata non consetito nella DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ riferimento ad entità non analizzato nel contesto errato
+ recursive entities
+ entità ricorsive
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ errore nella dichiarazione testuale di una entità esterna
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Contenuti aggiuntivi alla fine del documento.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Valore dell'entità non valido.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Carattere XML non valido.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ La sequenza ']]>' non è permessa nel contenuto.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Rilevato contenuto non codificato correttamente.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Il prefisso '%1' del namespace non è stato dichiarato
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Dichiarazione di namespace non valida.
+ Attribute redefined.
+ Attributo ridefinito.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ Attributo '%1' ridefinito.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Carattere inatteso '%1' in letterale identificativo pubblico.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Stringa di versione XML non valida.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ Versione di XML non supportata.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ Lo pseudo-attributo standalone deve comparire dopo la codifica.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 è un nome di codifica non valido.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ La codifica %1 non è supportata
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Standalone accetta solo si o no.
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Attributo non valido nella dichiarazione XML.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Fine del documento prematura.
+ Invalid document.
+ Documento non valido.
+ Expected
+ Previsto
+ , but got '
+ , ma ottenuto '
+ Unexpected '
+ Imprevisto '
+ Expected character data.
+ Previsti dati a carattere.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Entità ricorsiva rilevata.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Previsto tag di inizio.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ NDATA nella dichiarazione dell'entità del parametro.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ Dichiarazione XML non all'inizio del documento.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 non è un nome di elaborazione dell'istruzione valido.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ nome non valido per l'istruzione di elaborazione.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 è un identificatore PUBLIC non valido.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Nome XML non valido.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Apertura e chiusura del tag non corrispondenti.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ L'entità '%1' non è stata dichiarata.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Riferimento all'entità '%1' non analizzata.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Riferimento all'entità esterna '%1' nel valore dell'attributo.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Riferimento al carattere non valido.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_ja.ts b/localization/qtbase_ja.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12734b260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_ja.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6656 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ タブを閉じる
+ Services
+ サービス
+ Hide %1
+ %1 を隠す
+ Hide Others
+ ほかを隠す
+ Show All
+ すべて表示
+ Preferences...
+ 設定...
+ Quit %1
+ %1 を終了
+ About %1
+ %1 について
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ ソケット操作がタイムアウトしました
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ このソケットへのこの操作はサポートされていません
+ Host not found
+ ホストが見つかりません
+ Connection refused
+ 接続が拒否されました
+ Connection timed out
+ 接続がタイムアウトしました
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ 接続の実行中に接続を試みました
+ Socket is not connected
+ ソケットが接続されていません
+ Network unreachable
+ ネットワークへ到達できません
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ すべてを選択(&S)
+ &Step up
+ 上(&S)
+ Step &down
+ 下(&D)
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ 押す
+ Increase
+ 増加
+ Decrease
+ 減少
+ ShowMenu
+ メニューの表示
+ SetFocus
+ フォーカスをセット
+ Toggle
+ 反転
+ Scroll Left
+ 左へスクロール
+ Scroll Right
+ 右へスクロール
+ Scroll Up
+ 上へスクロール
+ Scroll Down
+ 下へスクロール
+ Previous Page
+ 前のページ
+ Next Page
+ 次のページ
+ Triggers the action
+ アクションを実行する
+ Increase the value
+ 値を増加させる
+ Decrease the value
+ 値を減少させる
+ Shows the menu
+ メニューを表示する
+ Sets the focus
+ フォーカスをセットする
+ Toggles the state
+ 状態を反転させる
+ Scrolls to the left
+ 左へスクロール
+ Scrolls to the right
+ 右へスクロール
+ Scrolls up
+ 上へスクロール
+ Scrolls down
+ 下へスクロール
+ Goes back a page
+ 前のページへ戻る
+ Goes to the next page
+ 次のページへ進む
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ はい
+ Yes to All
+ 全てはい
+ No
+ いいえ
+ No to All
+ 全ていいえ
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ 実行可能ファイル '%1' には Qt %2 が必要ですが Qt %3 が見つかりました。
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ 互換性のない Qt ライブラリエラー
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ Qt について
+ About
+ について
+ Config
+ コンフィグ
+ Preference
+ 環境設定
+ Options
+ オプション
+ Setting
+ 設定
+ Setup
+ セットアップ
+ Quit
+ 終了
+ Exit
+ 終了
+ Cut
+ 切り取り
+ Copy
+ コピー
+ Paste
+ 貼り付け
+ Select All
+ すべてを選択
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ 保存しない
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ 色相(&E):
+ &Sat:
+ 彩度(&S):
+ &Val:
+ 明度(&V):
+ &Red:
+ 赤(&R):
+ &Green:
+ 緑(&G):
+ Bl&ue:
+ 青(&U):
+ A&lpha channel:
+ アルファチャネル(&L):
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ カーソル位置 %1, %2
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ スクリーンの色を取得(&P)
+ Select Color
+ 色を選択
+ &Basic colors
+ 基本カラー(&B)
+ &Custom colors
+ カスタムカラー(&C)
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ カスタムカラーに追加(&A)
+ QComboBox
+ False
+ 偽
+ True
+ 真
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ コンボボックスの選択用ポップアップを開く
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ バージョン情報を表示する。
+ Displays this help.
+ このヘルプを表示する。
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ '%1' は未知のオプションです。
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ 未知のオプション: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ '%1' の後の値が欠けています。
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ '%1' の後が予期せぬ値です。
+ [options]
+ [オプション]
+ Usage: %1
+ 使い方: %1
+ Options:
+ オプション:
+ Arguments:
+ 引数:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: キーが空です
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: キーを作成できません
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: ftok に失敗しました
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ ジョブ
+ Job Control
+ ジョブコントロール
+ Scheduled printing:
+ 印刷スケジュール:
+ Billing information:
+ 課金情報:
+ Job priority:
+ ジョブ優先度:
+ Banner Pages
+ バナーページ
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ 終了バナー:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ 開始バナー:
+ Print Immediately
+ すぐに印刷
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ 待機
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ 昼間 (06:00 から 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ 夜間 (18:00 から 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ 第2直 (16:00 から 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ 第3直 (0:00 から 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ 週末 (土曜日から日曜日)
+ Specific Time
+ 指定時刻
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ なし
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 標準
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 機密扱いなし
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 内密
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 機密扱い
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 機密
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 最高機密
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ 接続できません
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできません
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ 自動コミットを設定できません
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ ステートメントを実行できません
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ プリペアドステートメントを作成できません
+ Unable to bind variable
+ 変数をバインドできません
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ レコード %1 をフェッチできません
+ Unable to fetch next
+ 次のレコードをフェッチできません
+ Unable to fetch first
+ 最初のレコードをフェッチできません
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ 午前
+ am
+ 午前
+ PM
+ 午後
+ pm
+ 午後
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ ヒント
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ 名前
+ Size
+ サイズ
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ 種類
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ タイプ
+ Date Modified
+ 更新日
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ 操作がキャンセルされました
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ IPv6 アドレスでのネームサーバの指定は現在サポートされていません
+ Invalid domain name
+ 無効なドメイン名
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ Android はまだサポートされていません
+ Resolver functions not found
+ リゾルバ関数が見つかりません
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ リゾルバの初期化に失敗しました
+ Server could not process query
+ サーバが問い合わせを処理できませんでした
+ Server failure
+ サーバが失敗しました
+ Non existent domain
+ 存在しないドメイン
+ Server refused to answer
+ サーバが返答を拒否しました
+ Invalid reply received
+ 無効な返答を受け取りました
+ Could not expand domain name
+ ドメイン名を展開できませんでした
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ 無効な IPv4 アドレスレコードです
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ 無効な IPv6 アドレスレコードです
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ 無効な別名(CNAME)レコードです
+ Invalid name server record
+ 無効なネームサーバ(NS)レコードです
+ Invalid pointer record
+ 無効な PTR レコードです
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ 無効な MX レコードです
+ Invalid service record
+ 無効な SRV レコードです
+ Invalid text record
+ 無効なテキスト(TXT)レコードです
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ リゾルバライブラリがロードできません: ランタイムライブラリのロードがサポートされていません
+ No hostname given
+ ホストネームが与えられていません
+ Invalid hostname
+ 無効なホスト名
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ ホスト %1 が見つけられませんでした。
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ フロート
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ ドックウィジェットのドッキング解除やドッキングを行う
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ 閉じる
+ Closes the dock widget
+ ドックウィジェットを閉じる
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ デバッグメッセージ:
+ Warning:
+ 警告:
+ Fatal Error:
+ 致命的なエラー:
+ &Show this message again
+ 次回もこのメッセージを表示する(&S)
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ コピー先のファイルが同じファイルです。
+ Source file does not exist.
+ コピー元のファイルが存在しません。
+ Destination file exists
+ コピー先のファイルは既に存在しています
+ Error while renaming.
+ 名前の変更中にエラーが発生しました。
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ %1 から復元できませんでした: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ ブロックコピーを用いてシーケンシャルファイルの名前を変更することはできません
+ Cannot remove source file
+ 元のファイルを削除できません
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ コピー元ファイル %1 を読み込み用に開けません
+ Cannot open for output
+ コピー先のファイルを開けません
+ Failure to write block
+ 書き込みに失敗しました
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ コピー先として %1 を作成できません
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ ファイルエンジンが見つからないか、UnMapExtension をサポートしていません
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ アドレス:
+ Back
+ 戻る
+ Go back
+ 戻る
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Left
+ Forward
+ 進む
+ Go forward
+ 進む
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Right
+ Parent Directory
+ 親ディレクトリ
+ Go to the parent directory
+ 親ディレクトリへ移動
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Up
+ Create New Folder
+ 新しいフォルダの作成
+ Create a New Folder
+ 新しいフォルダの作成
+ List View
+ 一覧表示
+ Change to list view mode
+ リスト表示モードへ変更
+ Detail View
+ 詳細表示
+ Change to detail view mode
+ 詳細表示モードへ変更
+ Sidebar
+ サイドバー
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ アドレスやブックマークのリスト
+ Files
+ ファイル
+ Files of type:
+ ファイルの種類:
+ Find Directory
+ ディレクトリの検索
+ Open
+ 開く
+ Save As
+ 名前を付けて保存
+ Directory:
+ ディレクトリ:
+ File &name:
+ ファイル名(&N):
+ &Open
+ 開く(&O)
+ &Choose
+ 選択(&C)
+ &Save
+ 保存(&S)
+ All Files (*)
+ すべてのファイル(*)
+ Show
+ 表示
+ &Rename
+ 名前の変更(&R)
+ &Delete
+ 削除(&D)
+ Show &hidden files
+ 隠しファイルの表示(&H)
+ &New Folder
+ 新しいフォルダ(&N)
+ All files (*)
+ すべてのファイル(*)
+ Directories
+ ディレクトリ
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 は既に存在します。
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+ New Folder
+ 新しいフォルダ
+ Delete
+ 削除
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ '%1' は書き込みが禁止されています。
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ '%1' を本当に削除しますか?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ ディレクトリを削除できませんでした。
+ Recent Places
+ 履歴
+ Remove
+ 削除
+ My Computer
+ マイコンピュータ
+ Drive
+ ドライブ
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ %1 ファイル
+ File
+ ファイル
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ ファイルフォルダ
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ フォルダ
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ エイリアス
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ ショートカット
+ Unknown
+ 不明
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 TB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 バイト
+ Invalid filename
+ 無効なファイル名
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>ファイル名 "%1" は使用できません。</b><p>名前を短くしたり、アクセント記号などを削除して再度試してください。
+ Name
+ 名前
+ Size
+ サイズ
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ 種類
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ タイプ
+ Date Modified
+ 更新日
+ My Computer
+ マイコンピュータ
+ Computer
+ コンピュータ
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 バイト
+ QFontDatabase
+ Bold
+ 太字
+ Demi Bold
+ 中太
+ Black
+ 超極太
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ 中
+ Light
+ 細字
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ 標準
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ 中字
+ Thin
+ 超極細
+ Extra Light
+ 極細
+ Extra Bold
+ 極太
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ 極
+ Italic
+ 斜体
+ Oblique
+ 斜体
+ Any
+ すべて
+ Latin
+ ラテン
+ Greek
+ ギリシャ
+ Cyrillic
+ キリル
+ Armenian
+ アルメニア
+ Hebrew
+ ヘブライ
+ Arabic
+ アラビア
+ Syriac
+ シリア
+ Thaana
+ ターナ
+ Devanagari
+ デーヴァナーガリー
+ Bengali
+ ベンガル
+ Gurmukhi
+ グルムキー
+ Gujarati
+ グジャラート
+ Oriya
+ オリヤー
+ Tamil
+ タミル
+ Telugu
+ テルグ
+ Kannada
+ カンナダ
+ Malayalam
+ マラヤーラム
+ Sinhala
+ シンハラ
+ Thai
+ タイ
+ Lao
+ ラーオ
+ Tibetan
+ チベット
+ Myanmar
+ ビルマ
+ Georgian
+ グルジア
+ Khmer
+ クメール
+ Simplified Chinese
+ 簡体中国
+ Traditional Chinese
+ 繁体中国
+ Japanese
+ 日本
+ Korean
+ ハングル
+ Vietnamese
+ ベトナム
+ Symbol
+ 記号
+ Ogham
+ オガム
+ Runic
+ ルーン
+ N'Ko
+ ンコ
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ フォントの選択
+ &Font
+ フォント(&F)
+ Font st&yle
+ フォントスタイル(&Y)
+ &Size
+ サイズ(&S)
+ Effects
+ 文字飾り
+ Stri&keout
+ 取り消し線(&K)
+ &Underline
+ 下線(&U)
+ Sample
+ サンプル
+ Wr&iting System
+ 言語(&I)
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ 未接続です
+ Host %1 not found
+ ホスト %1 が見つかりません
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ ホスト %1 への接続が拒否されました
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ ホスト %1 への接続がタイムアウトしました
+ Connected to host %1
+ ホスト %1 に接続しました
+ Data Connection refused
+ データ接続が拒否されました
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ ホストへの接続に失敗しました:
+ Login failed:
+ ログインに失敗しました:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ ディレクトリのファイル一覧が取得できません:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ ディレクトリの変更に失敗しました:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ ファイルのダウンロードに失敗しました:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ ファイルのアップロードに失敗しました:
+ Removing file failed:
+ ファイルの削除に失敗しました:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ ディレクトリの作成に失敗しました:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ ディレクトリの削除に失敗しました:
+ Connection closed
+ 接続が閉じられました
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ 保存(&S)
+ &Cancel
+ キャンセル(&C)
+ &Close
+ 閉じる(&C)
+ Close without Saving
+ 保存せずに閉じる
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ ホストネームが与えられていません
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ ホストネームが与えられていません
+ Invalid hostname
+ 無効なホスト名
+ Unknown address type
+ 未知のアドレス型です
+ Host not found
+ ホストが見つかりません
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ 未知のエラー (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ ホスト %1 が見つかりません
+ Connection refused
+ 接続が拒否されました
+ Connection closed
+ 接続が閉じられました
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ プロキシでの認証が必要です
+ Host requires authentication
+ ホストの認証が必要です
+ Data corrupted
+ データが破損しています
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ 未対応のプロトコルです
+ SSL handshake failed
+ SSLのハンドシェークに失敗しました
+ Too many redirects
+ リダイレクトが多すぎます
+ Insecure redirect
+ 安全ではないリダイレクト
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ プロキシからHTTPレスポンスを受信できませんでした
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ プロキシからの認証要求のパースに失敗しました
+ Authentication required
+ 認証が必要です
+ Proxy denied connection
+ プロキシが接続を拒否しました
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ HTTP プロキシとの通信にて、エラーが発生しました
+ Proxy server not found
+ プロキシサーバが見つかりません
+ Proxy connection refused
+ プロキシが接続を拒否しました
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ プロキシとの接続がタイムアウトしました
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ プロキシの接続が通信の終了前に切断されました
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ データベースのオープン時にエラーが発生しました
+ Could not start transaction
+ トランザクションを開始できませんでした
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできません
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ バイナリラージオブジェクト(BLOB)を作成できません
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ バイナリラージオブジェクト(BLOB)を書き込めません
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ バイナリラージオブジェクト(BLOB)を開けません
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ バイナリラージオブジェクト(BLOB)を読み込めません
+ Could not find array
+ 配列が見つけられませんでした
+ Could not get array data
+ 配列データを取得できませんでした
+ Could not get query info
+ クエリー情報を取得できませんでした
+ Could not start transaction
+ トランザクションを開始できませんでした
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Could not allocate statement
+ ステートメントの領域を確保できませんでした
+ Could not prepare statement
+ プリペアドステートメントを作成できませんでした
+ Could not describe input statement
+ INPUT ステートメントの情報を取得できませんでした
+ Could not describe statement
+ ステートメントの情報を取得できませんでした
+ Unable to close statement
+ ステートメントをクローズできません
+ Unable to execute query
+ クエリーを実行できません
+ Could not fetch next item
+ 次のレコードをフェッチできませんでした
+ Could not get statement info
+ ステートメントの情報を取得できませんでした
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ 許可されていません
+ Too many open files
+ 開かれたファイルが多すぎます
+ No such file or directory
+ そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません
+ No space left on device
+ デバイスに空き容量がありません
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ file to open is a directory
+ ディレクトリを開こうとしました
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ 無効なデバイス
+ File not found
+ ファイルが見つかりません
+ Unsupported image format
+ サポートされていない画像形式です
+ Unable to read image data
+ 画像データを読み込めません
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ Device is not set
+ デバイスがセットされていません
+ Device not writable
+ デバイスに書き込めません
+ Unsupported image format
+ サポートされていない画像形式です
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ 値を入力:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ エラーは発生しませんでした
+ unterminated object
+ 閉じられていないオブジェクトです
+ missing name separator
+ 名前の区切りがありません
+ unterminated array
+ 閉じられていない配列です
+ missing value separator
+ 値の区切りがありません
+ illegal value
+ 無効な値です
+ invalid termination by number
+ 数値による終端は無効です
+ illegal number
+ 無効な数字です
+ invalid escape sequence
+ 無効なエスケープシーケンスです
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ 無効な UTF-8 文字列です
+ unterminated string
+ 閉じられていない文字列です
+ object is missing after a comma
+ コンマの後にオブジェクトがありません
+ too deeply nested document
+ ドキュメントのネストが深すぎます
+ too large document
+ ドキュメントが大きすぎます
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ ドキュメントの末尾にゴミがあります
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ ショートカットを押してください
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' は ELF オブジェクトではありません(%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ '%1' は ELF オブジェクトではありません
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' は無効な ELF オブジェクトです(%2)
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ '%1' でプラグイン検証データが一致しません
+ The shared library was not found.
+ 共有ライブラリが見つかりませんでした。
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ ファイル '%1' は有効な Qt プラグインではありません。
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ プラグイン '%1' は、互換性のない Qt ライブラリを使用しています。(%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ プラグイン '%1' はこの Qt と互換性のないライブラリを使用しています。 (デバック版とリリース版のライブラリを同時に使用することはできません)
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ ライブラリ %1 を読み込めません: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ ライブラリ %1 を解放できません: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ %2 に含まれる識別子 "%1" を解決できません: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ '%1' は有効な Mach-O バイナリ(%2)ではありません
+ file is corrupt
+ ファイルが破損しています
+ file too small
+ ファイルが小さすぎます
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ ファットバイナリに適切なアーキテクチャが含まれていません
+ invalid magic %1
+ 無効なマジック %1
+ wrong architecture
+ アーキテクチャが異なります
+ not a dynamic library
+ ダイナミックライブラリではありません
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ '%1' は Qt のプラグインではありません
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ 元に戻す(&U)
+ &Redo
+ やり直す(&R)
+ Cu&t
+ 切り取り(&T)
+ &Copy
+ コピー(&C)
+ &Paste
+ 貼り付け(&P)
+ Delete
+ 削除
+ Select All
+ すべてを選択
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: 名前の解決に失敗
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: 許可されていません
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: アドレスは既に使用されています
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: 未知のエラー %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: 接続が拒否されました
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: リモートにより接続が閉じられました
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: 無効な名前です
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: ソケットアクセスのエラーです
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: ソケットリソースのエラーです
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: ソケット操作がタイムアウトしました
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: データグラムが大きすぎます
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: 接続のエラーが発生しました
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: そのソケット操作はサポートされていません
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: ソケットがこの状態の場合、この操作は許可されていません
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: 未知のエラーです
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ 接続の実行中に接続を試みました
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: 未知のエラー %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: アクセスが拒否されました
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ MYSQL オブジェクトを配置できません
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ データベース '%1' を開けません
+ Unable to connect
+ 接続できません
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ トランザクションを開始できません
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできません
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ データをフェッチできません
+ Unable to execute query
+ クエリーを実行できません
+ Unable to store result
+ 実行結果を記録できません
+ Unable to execute next query
+ 次のクエリーを実行できません
+ Unable to store next result
+ 次の結果を記録できません
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ プリペアドステートメントを作成できません
+ Unable to reset statement
+ ステートメントをリセットできません
+ Unable to bind value
+ 値をバインドできません
+ Unable to execute statement
+ ステートメントを実行できません
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ 出力値をバインドできません
+ Unable to store statement results
+ ステートメントの実行結果を記録できません
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (タイトルなし)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ 最小化
+ Maximize
+ 最大化
+ Unshade
+ 展開する
+ Shade
+ 折りたたむ
+ Restore Down
+ 元に戻す
+ Restore
+ 元に戻す
+ Close
+ 閉じる
+ Help
+ ヘルプ
+ Menu
+ メニュー
+ &Restore
+ 元に戻す(&R)
+ &Move
+ 移動(&M)
+ &Size
+ サイズ(&S)
+ Mi&nimize
+ 最小化(&N)
+ Ma&ximize
+ 最大化(&X)
+ Stay on &Top
+ 常に手前に表示(&T)
+ &Close
+ 閉じる(&C)
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ 詳細を表示...
+ Hide Details...
+ 詳細を隠す...
+ OK
+ OK
+ Help
+ ヘルプ
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>Qt について</h3><p>このプログラムは Qt バージョン %1 を使用しています。</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt はクロスプラットフォームアプリケーション開発用の C++ ツールキットです。</p><p>Qt はすべての主なデスクトップオペレーティングシステムにまたがってシングルソースポータビリティを提供します。また、組込み Linux やその他の組込み・モバイルオペレーティングシステムにも対応しています。</p><p>Qt はさまざまなユーザの需要に応えるために、3つの異なるライセンスで提供されています。</p><p>いかなるソースも第三者と共有したくない場合や GNU LGPL v3 や GNU LGPL v2.1 の条件に従うことができないようなプロプライエタリ/商用ソフトウェアの開発には商用ライセンス版の Qt の利用が適切です。</p><p>GNU LGPL v3 の条件に応じることができるのであれば GNU LGPL v3 版の Qt の利用が適切です。</p><p>GNU LGPL v2.1 の条件に応じることができるのであれば GNU LGPL v2.1 版の Qt の利用が適切です。</p><p>Qt のライセンスについての概要は <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> をご覧ください。</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt および Qt のロゴは The Qt Company Ltd の商標です。</p><p>Qt はオープンソースプロジェクトとして開発されている The Qt Company Ltd の製品です。詳細は <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> をご覧ください。</p>
+ About Qt
+ Qt について
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ 非ブロック型ソケットを初期化できません
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ ブロードキャストソケットを初期化できません
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ IPv6 がサポートされていないプラットフォームで IPv6 ソケットを使用しようとしています
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ リモートホストは接続を閉じました
+ Network operation timed out
+ ネットワーク操作がタイムアウトしました
+ Out of resources
+ リソースが足りません
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ サポートされていないソケットの操作です
+ Protocol type not supported
+ サポートされていないプロトコル型です
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ 無効なソケット記述子です
+ Host unreachable
+ ホストへ到達できません
+ Network unreachable
+ ネットワークへ到達できません
+ Permission denied
+ 許可されていません
+ Connection timed out
+ 接続がタイムアウトしました
+ Connection refused
+ 接続を拒否されました
+ The bound address is already in use
+ バインドアドレスは既に使われています
+ The address is not available
+ そのアドレスは使用できません
+ The address is protected
+ そのアドレスへのアクセス権がありません
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ データグラムが大きすぎるため送信できませんでした
+ Unable to send a message
+ メッセージを送信できません
+ Unable to receive a message
+ メッセージを受信できません
+ Unable to write
+ 書き込みができません
+ Network error
+ ネットワークエラー
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ 別のソケットが同じポートで既に待ち受けています
+ Operation on non-socket
+ 非ソケットに対する操作です
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ このプロキシは、この操作に対応していません
+ Temporary error
+ 一時エラー
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ %1 オープン時のエラー
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ 無効なURIです: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ %1 への書き込み時にエラーが発生しました: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ %1 のソケットにおいてエラーが発生しました: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ リモートホスト %1 との接続が通信の終了前に切断されました
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ 非ローカルファイル %1 をオープンするよう要求されましたが、ローカルファイルのみオープンできます
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ %1 のオープン時にエラーが発生しました: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ %1 への書き込み時にエラーが発生しました: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ %1 を開けません。指定されたパスはディレクトリです
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ %1 の読み込み時にエラーが発生しました: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ 適切なプロキシが見つかりません
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ %1 を開けません: 指定されたパスはディレクトリです
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ %1 へのログインに失敗しました: 認証が必要です
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ %1 のダウンロード中にエラーが発生しました: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ %1 のアップロード中にエラーが発生しました: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ ネットワークへのアクセスが無効になっています。
+ QNetworkReply
+ Background request not allowed.
+ バックグランドでの要求は許可されていません。
+ Network session error.
+ ネットワークセッションエラー。
+ backend start error.
+ バックエンド開始時のエラー。
+ Temporary network failure.
+ 一時的なネットワークの失敗。
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ プロトコル "%1" はサポートされていません
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ %1 転送中のエラー。サーバーの応答: %2
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ 操作はキャンセルされました
+ No suitable proxy found
+ 適切なプロキシが見つかりません
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ 操作がキャンセルされました
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ 無効な設定です。
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ 未知のセッションエラーです。
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ このセッションはユーザもしくはシステムによって停止されました。
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ 要求された操作はこのシステムではサポートされていません。
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ この設定は利用できません。
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ ローミングは停止されたか利用できません。
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ 初期化できません
+ Unable to logon
+ ログオンできません
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ トランザクションを開始できません
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできません
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ バッチ処理用にフィールドをバインドできません
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ バッチステートメントを実行できません
+ Unable to goto next
+ 次のレコードへ進めません
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ ステートメントの領域を確保できません
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ プリペアドステートメントを作成できません
+ Unable to get statement type
+ ステートメントの型を取得できません
+ Unable to bind value
+ 値をバインドできません
+ Unable to execute statement
+ ステートメントを実行できません
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ 接続できません
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ 接続できません - ドライバは必要なすべての機能をサポートしていません
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ 自動コミットを無効にできません
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできません
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ 自動コミットを有効にできません
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ ラストレコードをフェッチできません
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: ステートメントの属性として 'SQL_CURSOR_STATUS' を設定できません。ODBC ドライバの構成を確認してください
+ Unable to execute statement
+ ステートメントを実行できません
+ Unable to fetch
+ フェッチできません
+ Unable to fetch next
+ 次のレコードをフェッチできません
+ Unable to fetch first
+ 最初のレコードをフェッチできません
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ 前のレコードをフェッチできません
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ プリペアドステートメントを作成できません
+ Unable to bind variable
+ 変数をバインドできません
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ 接続できません
+ Could not begin transaction
+ トランザクションを開始できませんでした
+ Could not commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできませんでした
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできませんでした
+ Unable to subscribe
+ サブスクライブできません
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ サブスクリプションを削除できません
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ クエリーを作成できません
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ プリペアドステートメントを作成できません
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ 書式設定
+ Paper
+ 用紙
+ Page size:
+ 用紙サイズ:
+ Width:
+ 幅:
+ Height:
+ 高さ:
+ Paper source:
+ 給紙装置:
+ Orientation
+ 印刷の向き
+ Portrait
+ 縦 (ポートレート)
+ Landscape
+ 横 (ランドスケープ)
+ Reverse landscape
+ 横 反転 (リバースランドスケープ)
+ Reverse portrait
+ 縦 反転 (リバースポートレート)
+ Margins
+ 余白
+ top margin
+ 上端余白
+ left margin
+ 左端余白
+ right margin
+ 右端余白
+ bottom margin
+ 下端余白
+ Page Layout
+ ページレイアウト
+ Page order:
+ ページの順序:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ シートごとのページ数:
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ ミリメートル (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ インチ (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ ポイント (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ パイカ (pc)
+ Didot (DD)
+ ディドー (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ シセロ (CC)
+ Custom
+ カスタム
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ in
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ pc
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ カスタム (%1mm × %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ カスタム (%1pt × %2pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ カスタム (%1in × %2in)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ カスタム (%1pc × %2pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ カスタム (%1DD × %2DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ カスタム (%1CC × %2CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 × %2in
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ エグゼクティヴ (7.5 × 10in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ エグゼクティヴ (7.25 × 10.5in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ フォリオ (8.27 × 13in)
+ Legal
+ リーガルサイズ
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ レター / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ タブロイド / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ レジャー / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ カスタム
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 Small
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ リーガル Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ レター Extra
+ Letter Plus
+ レター Plus
+ Letter Small
+ レター Small
+ Tabloid Extra
+ タブロイド・エクストラ
+ Architect A
+ Architect B
+ Architect C
+ Architect D
+ Architect E
+ Note
+ ノート
+ Quarto
+ クォート
+ Statement
+ ステイトメント
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ ポストカード
+ Double Postcard
+ ダブルポストカード
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K(大)
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ US ファンフォールド (14.875 × 11in)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ ドイツファンフォールド (8.5 × 12in)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ ドイツリーガルファンフォールド (8.5 × 13in)
+ Envelope B4
+ B4 封筒
+ Envelope B5
+ B5 封筒
+ Envelope B6
+ B6 封筒
+ Envelope C0
+ C0 封筒
+ Envelope C1
+ C1 封筒
+ Envelope C2
+ C2 封筒
+ Envelope C3
+ C3 封筒
+ Envelope C4
+ C4 封筒
+ Envelope C5
+ C5 封筒
+ Envelope C6
+ C6 封筒
+ Envelope C65
+ C65 封筒
+ Envelope C7
+ C7 封筒
+ Envelope DL
+ DL 封筒
+ Envelope US 9
+ US 封筒 #9
+ Envelope US 10
+ US 封筒 #10
+ Envelope US 11
+ US 封筒 #11
+ Envelope US 12
+ US 封筒 #12
+ Envelope US 14
+ US 封筒 #14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ 封筒モナーク
+ Envelope Personal
+ 個人用封筒
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ 長形3号封筒
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ 長形4号封筒
+ Envelope Invite
+ 招待状用封筒
+ Envelope Italian
+ 封筒イタリア
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ 角形2号封筒
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ 角形3号封筒
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ PRC 封筒 #1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ PRC 封筒 #2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ PRC 封筒 #3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ PRC 封筒 #4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ PRC 封筒 #5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ PRC 封筒 #6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ PRC 封筒 #7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ PRC 封筒 #8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ PRC 封筒 #9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ PRC 封筒 #10
+ Envelope You 4
+ 洋形4号封筒
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ 保存
+ Save All
+ すべて保存
+ Open
+ 開く
+ &Yes
+ はい(&Y)
+ Yes to &All
+ 全てはい(&A)
+ &No
+ いいえ(&N)
+ N&o to All
+ 全ていいえ(&O)
+ Abort
+ 中止
+ Retry
+ 再試行
+ Ignore
+ 無視
+ Close
+ 閉じる
+ Cancel
+ キャンセル
+ Discard
+ 変更を破棄
+ Help
+ ヘルプ
+ Apply
+ 適用
+ Reset
+ リセット
+ Restore Defaults
+ デフォルトに戻す
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ そのプラグインはロードされていません。
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ 印刷
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ 左から右、上から下
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ 左から右、下から上
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ 右から左、下から上
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ 右から左、上から下
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ 下から上、左から右
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ 下から上、右から左
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ 上から下、左から右
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ 上から下、右から左
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ 全てのページ
+ Odd Pages
+ 奇数ページ
+ Even Pages
+ 偶数ページ
+ &Options >>
+ オプション(&O) >>
+ &Print
+ 印刷(&P)
+ &Options <<
+ オプション(&O) <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ PDF ファイルに出力
+ Local file
+ ローカルファイル
+ Write PDF file
+ PDF ファイルへ書き込み
+ Print To File ...
+ ファイルへ出力...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 はディレクトリです。
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ ファイル %1 は書き込み可能ではありません。
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 は既に存在します。
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ 「シートごとのページ数」と「ページセット」オプションは同時には使用できません。
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ 印刷開始ページ番号は、印刷終了ページ番号より小さくなければなりません。
+ OK
+ OK
+ Automatic
+ 自動
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ ページ設定
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ 印刷のプレビュー
+ Next page
+ 次のページ
+ Previous page
+ 前のページ
+ First page
+ 最初のページ
+ Last page
+ 最後のページ
+ Fit width
+ 幅をあわせる
+ Fit page
+ ページ全体を表示
+ Zoom in
+ 拡大
+ Zoom out
+ 縮小
+ Portrait
+ 縦
+ Landscape
+ 横
+ Show single page
+ 単一ページで表示する
+ Show facing pages
+ 見開きページで表示する
+ Show overview of all pages
+ すべてのページの概要を表示する
+ Print
+ 印刷
+ Page setup
+ ページ設定
+ Export to PDF
+ PDF に出力
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ プリンタのプロパティ
+ Job Options
+ ジョブオプション
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ 書式
+ Page
+ ページ
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ 書式
+ Copies
+ 印刷部数
+ Print range
+ 印刷範囲
+ Print all
+ すべて印刷
+ Pages from
+ 先頭のページ
+ to
+ 末尾のページ
+ Current Page
+ 現在のページ
+ Selection
+ 選択した部分を印刷
+ Page Set:
+ ページセット:
+ Output Settings
+ 出力設定
+ Copies:
+ 印刷部数:
+ Collate
+ 丁合い
+ Reverse
+ 逆順
+ Options
+ オプション
+ Color Mode
+ カラーモード
+ Color
+ カラー
+ Grayscale
+ グレースケール
+ Duplex Printing
+ 両面印刷
+ None
+ なし
+ Long side
+ 長辺綴じ
+ Short side
+ 短辺綴じ
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ 書式
+ Printer
+ プリンタ
+ &Name:
+ 名前(&N):
+ P&roperties
+ プロパティ(&R)
+ Location:
+ 設置場所:
+ Preview
+ プレビュー
+ Type:
+ タイプ:
+ Output &file:
+ 出力ファイル名(&F):
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Error reading from process
+ プロセスからの読み込みにおいてエラーが発生しました
+ Error writing to process
+ プロセスへの書き込みにおいてエラーが発生しました
+ Process crashed
+ プロセスがクラッシュしました
+ Process failed to start
+ プロセスの起動に失敗しました
+ Process failed to start (spawned process exited with code 127)
+ プロセスの起動に失敗しました(子プロセスはエラーコード 127 で終了しました)
+ No program defined
+ プログラムが指定されていません
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ 読み込み用に入力リダイレクトを開けませんでした
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ 書き込み用に出力リダイレクトを開けませんでした
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ リソースエラー (fork に失敗しました): %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ プロセス処理がタイムアウトしました
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ プロセスの起動に失敗しました: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ キャンセル
+ QQnxFileDialogHelper
+ All files (*.*)
+ すべてのファイル(*.*)
+ QQnxFilePicker
+ Pick a file
+ ファイルの選択
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ エラーは発生しませんでした
+ disabled feature used
+ 無効な機能が使用されました
+ bad char class syntax
+ 不正な文字クラス構文
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ 不正なlookahead構文
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ lookbehind はサポートされていません。QTBUG-2371 を参照してください
+ bad repetition syntax
+ 不正なrepetition構文
+ invalid octal value
+ 無効な8進値
+ missing left delim
+ 左の区切り文字がありません
+ unexpected end
+ 予期しない末尾です
+ met internal limit
+ 内部制限を満たしました
+ invalid interval
+ 無効な間隔
+ invalid category
+ 無効なカテゴリー
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ エラーはありません
+ \ at end of pattern
+ パターンの終端に \ があります
+ \c at end of pattern
+ パターンの終端に \c があります
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ 認識できない文字が \\ の後にあります
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ 量指定子 {} の中にある数値の順番が間違っています
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ 量指定子 {} の中にある数値が大きすぎます
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ 文字クラスを閉じる ] がありません
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ 文字クラス内に無効なエスケープシーケンスがあります
+ range out of order in character class
+ 文字クラスの範囲の順番が間違っています
+ nothing to repeat
+ 繰り返すものがありません
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ 内部エラー: 予期しない繰り返し
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ 認識できない文字が (? か (?- の後にあります
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ POSIX の名前付きクラスは文字クラスの中でだけサポートされています
+ missing )
+ ) がありません
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ 存在しないサブパターンを参照しています
+ erroffset passed as NULL
+ erroffset に NULL が渡されました
+ unknown option bit(s) set
+ 未知のオプションビットセットです
+ missing ) after comment
+ コメントの後に ) がありません
+ regular expression is too large
+ 正規表現が大きすぎます
+ failed to get memory
+ メモリの確保に失敗しました
+ unmatched parentheses
+ 括弧の対応が取れていません
+ internal error: code overflow
+ 内部エラー: コードオーバーフロー
+ unrecognized character after (?<
+ 認識できない文字が (?< の後にあります
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ 戻り読み(lookbehind)アサーションが固定長ではありません
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ 不正な数値あるいは名前が (?( の後にあります
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ 条件付きグループに3つ以上の枝があります
+ assertion expected after (?(
+ (?( の後にアサーションがありません
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ (?R や (?[+-]数字 の後には ) が必要です
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ 未知の POSIX クラスの名前です
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ POSIX の照合順序の要素はサポートされていません
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support
+ このバージョンの PCRE は PCRE_UTF8 サポート込みでコンパイルされていません
+ character value in \x{...} sequence is too large
+ \x{...} シーケンス内の文字の値が大きすぎます
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ 無効な条件です (?(0)
+ \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
+ 戻り読み(lookbehind)アサーションで \c は許可されていません
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE は \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, \u をサポートしていません
+ number after (?C is > 255
+ (?C の後の数値が 255 よりも大きいです
+ closing ) for (?C expected
+ (?C を閉じる ) がありません
+ recursive call could loop indefinitely
+ 再起呼び出しが無限ループとなる可能性があります
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ 認識できない文字が (?P の後にあります
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ サブパターン名に構文エラーがあります(終端文字がありません)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name
+ 二つの名前付きサブパターンの名前が同じです
+ invalid UTF-8 string
+ 無効な UTF-8 文字列です
+ support for \P, \p, and \X has not been compiled
+ \P, \p, \X のサポートはコンパイル時に外されています
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ 不正な \P あるいは \p のシーケンスです
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ \P あるいは \p の後に未知のプロパティ名があります
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 32 characters)
+ サブパターン名が長すぎます(最長32文字です)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 10000)
+ 名前付きサブパターンが多すぎます(10000個以下にしてください)
+ octal value is greater than \377 (not in UTF-8 mode)
+ 8進数の値が \377 よりも大きいです(非 UTF-8 モード時)
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ 内部エラー: コンパイル作業領域をオーバーランしました
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ 内部エラー: 直前にチェックしたサブパターンへのリファレンスが見つかりません
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ DEFINE グループが2つ以上の枝があります
+ repeating a DEFINE group is not allowed
+ DEFINE グループの繰り返しは許可されていません
+ inconsistent NEWLINE options
+ NEWLINE オプションが矛盾しています
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ \g の後に波括弧 {} や山括弧 <> や引用符 ' でくくられた名前や数値、あるいはただの数字がありません
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ 数値での参照に 0 は使用できません
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), (*COMMIT) の引数は一つではありません
+ (*VERB) not recognized
+ (*VERB) を認識できません
+ number is too big
+ 数値が大きすぎます
+ subpattern name expected
+ サブパターンに名前が必要です
+ digit expected after (?+
+ (?+ の後に数字が必要です
+ ] is an invalid data character in JavaScript compatibility mode
+ JavaScript 互換モードでは ] は無効なデータ文字です
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ 同じ番号のサブパターンの名前が違うことは許可されていません
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) には引数が一つ必要です
+ this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UCP support
+ このバージョンの PCRE は PCRE_UCP サポート込みでコンパイルされていません
+ \c must be followed by an ASCII character
+ \c の後には ASCII 文字が必要です
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ \g の後に波括弧 {} や山括弧 <> や引用符 ' でくくられた名前がありません
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ 内部エラー: find_fixedlength() で未知のオペコード
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ 文字クラスで \N はサポートされていません
+ too many forward references
+ 前方参照が多すぎます
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ 許可されていないコードの Unicode です(>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ invalid UTF-16 string
+ 無効な UTF-16 文字列です
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), (*THEN) の名前が長すぎます
+ character value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ \u... シーケンスの文字の値が大きすぎます
+ invalid UTF-32 string
+ 無効な UTF-32 文字列です
+ setting UTF is disabled by the application
+ UTF の設定はアプリケーションにより禁止されています
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ \x{} シーケンス内に16進数ではない文字があります(括弧を閉じ忘れていませんか?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ \o{} シーケンス内に8進数ではない文字があります(括弧を閉じ忘れていませんか?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ \o の後に開き括弧がありません
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ 括弧のネストが深すぎます
+ invalid range in character class
+ 文字クラス内に無効な範囲があります
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ グループ名を数字で始めることはできません
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ 括弧のネストが深すぎます (スタックチェック)
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ \x{} または \o{} 内に数字がありません
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ データベースのオープン時にエラーが発生しました
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ トランザクションを開始できません
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできません
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ 実行結果をフェッチできません
+ Unable to execute statement
+ ステートメントを実行できません
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ データベースのオープン時にエラーが発生しました
+ Error closing database
+ データベースのクローズ時にエラーが発生しました
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ トランザクションを開始できません
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ トランザクションをコミットできません
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ トランザクションをロールバックできません
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ レコードをフェッチできません
+ No query
+ クエリーがありません
+ Unable to execute statement
+ ステートメントを実行できません
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ 一度に複数ステートメントを実行することはできません
+ Unable to reset statement
+ ステートメントをリセットできません
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ パラメータをバインドできません
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ パラメータの数が合っていません
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ 既存のファイル %1 は書き込み可能ではありません
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ ファイルではなくディレクトリを参照しています
+ Writing canceled by application
+ アプリケーションによって書き込みがキャンセルされました
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ ここにスクロール
+ Left edge
+ 左端にスクロール
+ Top
+ 上端にスクロール
+ Right edge
+ 右端にスクロール
+ Bottom
+ 下端にスクロール
+ Page left
+ 1ページ左へスクロール
+ Page up
+ 1ページ戻る
+ Page right
+ 1ページ右へスクロール
+ Page down
+ 1ページ進む
+ Scroll left
+ 左へスクロール
+ Scroll up
+ 上へスクロール
+ Scroll right
+ 右へスクロール
+ Scroll down
+ 下へスクロール
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: ロックするためのキーを設定できません
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: 0 より小さいサイズの共有メモリは作成できません
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: ロックできません
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: アンロックできません
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: 許可されていません
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: 既に存在します
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: 存在しません
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: リソース不足です
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: 未知のエラー %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: キーが空です
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: 無効な名前です
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: UNIX key file が存在しません
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: ftok に失敗しました
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: キーを作成できません
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: 指定されたサイズはシステムにより拒否されました
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: アタッチしていません
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: 無効なサイズです
+ %1: key error
+ %1: キーにエラーが発生しました
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: サイズのクエリーに失敗しました
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Space
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Backtab
+ Backspace
+ Backspae
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Ins
+ Del
+ Del
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Print
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Home
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ ←
+ Up
+ ↑
+ Right
+ →
+ Down
+ ↓
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ CapsLock
+ NumLock
+ NumLock
+ ScrollLock
+ ScrollLock
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ Help
+ Help
+ Back
+ 戻る
+ Forward
+ 進む
+ Stop
+ 停止
+ Refresh
+ 更新
+ Volume Down
+ 音量を下げる
+ Volume Mute
+ 消音
+ Volume Up
+ 音量を上げる
+ Bass Boost
+ 低音ブースト
+ Bass Up
+ 低音を上げる
+ Bass Down
+ 低音を下げる
+ Treble Up
+ 高音を上げる
+ Treble Down
+ 高音を下げる
+ Media Play
+ メディアの再生
+ Media Stop
+ メディアの停止
+ Media Previous
+ 前のメディア
+ Media Next
+ 次のメディア
+ Media Record
+ メディアの録音
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ メディアの一時停止
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ メディアの再生と一時停止の切り替え
+ Home Page
+ ホームページ
+ Favorites
+ お気に入り
+ Search
+ 検索
+ Standby
+ スタンバイ
+ Open URL
+ URL を開く
+ Launch Mail
+ メールの起動
+ Launch Media
+ メディアの起動
+ Launch (0)
+ (0)の起動
+ Launch (1)
+ (1)の起動
+ Launch (2)
+ (2)の起動
+ Launch (3)
+ (3)の起動
+ Launch (4)
+ (4)の起動
+ Launch (5)
+ (5)の起動
+ Launch (6)
+ (6)の起動
+ Launch (7)
+ (7)の起動
+ Launch (8)
+ (8)の起動
+ Launch (9)
+ (9)の起動
+ Launch (A)
+ (A)の起動
+ Launch (B)
+ (B)の起動
+ Launch (C)
+ (C)の起動
+ Launch (D)
+ (D)の起動
+ Launch (E)
+ (E)の起動
+ Launch (F)
+ (F)の起動
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ モニタの輝度を上げる
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ モニタの輝度を下げる
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ キーボードライトのオン・オフ
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ キーボードの輝度を上げる
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ キーボードの輝度を下げる
+ Power Off
+ 電源オフ
+ Wake Up
+ 起動
+ Eject
+ 取り出し
+ Screensaver
+ スクリーンセーバ
+ Sleep
+ スリープ
+ LightBulb
+ ライト
+ Shop
+ ショップ
+ History
+ 履歴
+ Add Favorite
+ お気に入りに追加
+ Hot Links
+ 人気のリンク
+ Adjust Brightness
+ 輝度の調整
+ Finance
+ ファイナンス
+ Community
+ コミュニティ
+ Back Forward
+ 戻る
+ Application Left
+ 次のアプリケーション
+ Application Right
+ 前のアプリケーション
+ Book
+ 書籍
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ 電卓
+ Clear
+ クリア
+ Clear Grab
+ グラブのクリア
+ Close
+ 閉じる
+ Copy
+ コピー
+ Cut
+ 切り取り
+ Display
+ ディスプレイ
+ Documents
+ ドキュメント
+ Spreadsheet
+ スプレッドシート
+ Browser
+ ブラウザ
+ Game
+ ゲーム
+ Go
+ 確定
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ ログオフ
+ Market
+ マーケット
+ Meeting
+ 会議
+ Keyboard Menu
+ キーボードメニュー
+ Menu PB
+ PB メニュー
+ My Sites
+ マイサイト
+ News
+ ニュース
+ Home Office
+ ホームオフィス
+ Option
+ オプション
+ Paste
+ 貼り付け
+ Phone
+ 電話
+ Reply
+ 返信
+ Reload
+ リロード
+ Rotate Windows
+ ウィンドウ切り替え
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Save
+ 保存
+ Send
+ 送信
+ Spellchecker
+ スペルチェッカー
+ Split Screen
+ 画面の分割
+ Support
+ サポート
+ Task Panel
+ タスクパネル
+ Terminal
+ 端末
+ Tools
+ ツール
+ Travel
+ 旅行
+ Video
+ 動画
+ Word Processor
+ ワードプロセッサ
+ XFer
+ 変換
+ Zoom In
+ 拡大
+ Zoom Out
+ 縮小
+ Away
+ 離席
+ Messenger
+ メッセンジャー
+ WebCam
+ Webカメラ
+ Mail Forward
+ メールの転送
+ Pictures
+ 画像
+ Music
+ 音楽
+ Battery
+ バッテリ
+ Bluetooth
+ ブルートゥース
+ Wireless
+ 無線
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ 超広帯域無線(UWB)
+ Audio Repeat
+ オーディオの繰り返し
+ Audio Random Play
+ オーディオのランダム再生
+ Subtitle
+ 字幕
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Time
+ 時間
+ Select
+ 選択
+ View
+ 表示
+ Top Menu
+ トップメニュー
+ Suspend
+ サスペンド
+ Hibernate
+ 休止
+ Media Rewind
+ メディアの早戻し
+ Media Fast Forward
+ メディアの早送り
+ Power Down
+ 電源オフ
+ Microphone Mute
+ マイクをミュート
+ Red
+ 赤
+ Green
+ 緑
+ Yellow
+ 黄色
+ Blue
+ 青
+ Channel Up
+ チャンネルアップ
+ Channel Down
+ チャンネルダウン
+ Guide
+ ガイド
+ Info
+ 情報
+ Settings
+ 設定
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ マイクの音量を上げる
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ マイクの音量を下げる
+ New
+ 新規
+ Open
+ 開く
+ Find
+ 検索
+ Undo
+ 元に戻す
+ Redo
+ やり直す
+ Print Screen
+ プリントスクリーン
+ Page Up
+ ページアップ
+ Page Down
+ ページダウン
+ Caps Lock
+ キャプスロック
+ Num Lock
+ ナムロック
+ Number Lock
+ ナンバーロック
+ Scroll Lock
+ スクロールロック
+ Insert
+ 挿入
+ Delete
+ 削除
+ Escape
+ エスケープ
+ System Request
+ システムリクエスト
+ Yes
+ はい
+ No
+ いいえ
+ Context1
+ コンテキスト1
+ Context2
+ コンテキスト2
+ Context3
+ コンテキスト3
+ Context4
+ コンテキスト4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ 通話
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ 終話
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ 通話/終話の切替
+ Flip
+ フリップ
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ ボイスダイアル
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ 直前の番号にリダイヤル
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ カメラシャッター
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ カメラフォーカス
+ Kanji
+ 漢字
+ Muhenkan
+ 無変換
+ Henkan
+ 変換
+ Romaji
+ ローマ字
+ Hiragana
+ ひらがな
+ Katakana
+ カタカナ
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ ひらがな/カタカナ
+ Zenkaku
+ 全角
+ Hankaku
+ 半角
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ 全角/半角
+ Touroku
+ 単語登録
+ Massyo
+ 単語抹消
+ Kana Lock
+ カナロック
+ Kana Shift
+ カナシフト
+ Eisu Shift
+ 英数シフト
+ Eisu toggle
+ 英数
+ Code input
+ コード入力
+ Multiple Candidate
+ 全候補
+ Previous Candidate
+ 前候補
+ Hangul
+ ハングル
+ Hangul Start
+ ハングル 入力開始
+ Hangul End
+ ハングル 入力終了
+ Hangul Hanja
+ ハングル 漢字
+ Hangul Jamo
+ ハングル 字母
+ Hangul Romaja
+ ハングル ローマ字入力
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ ハングル Jeonja モード
+ Hangul Banja
+ ハングル Banja モード
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ ハングル 漢字前変換
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ ハングル 漢字後変換
+ Hangul Special
+ ハングル スペシャル
+ Cancel
+ キャンセル
+ Printer
+ プリンタ
+ Execute
+ 実行
+ Play
+ 再生
+ Zoom
+ 拡大・縮小
+ Exit
+ 終了
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ タッチパッドのオン/オフ
+ Touchpad On
+ タッチパッドをオン
+ Touchpad Off
+ タッチパッドをオフ
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ Num
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ プロキシへの接続が拒否されました
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ プロキシの接続が通信の終了前に切断されました
+ Proxy host not found
+ プロキシホストが見つかりません
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ プロキシとの接続がタイムアウトしました
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ プロキシでの認証に失敗しました
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ プロキシでの認証に失敗しました: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ SOCKS バージョン 5 プロトコルのエラーです
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ SOCKS バージョン 5 サーバのエラーです
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ SOCKS バージョン 5 サーバより接続を拒否されました
+ TTL expired
+ ネットワークへ到達できません
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ この SOCKSv5 コマンドはサポートされていません
+ Address type not supported
+ 指定されたアドレスタイプはサポートされていません
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ 未知の SOCKSv5 プロキシエラーです: 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ ネットワーク操作がタイムアウトしました
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ 無効なロール
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ タイトルバー
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ メニューバー
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ スクロールバー
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ グリップ
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ サウンド
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ カーソル
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ キャレット
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 警告メッセージ
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ 枠
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ フィルタ
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ポップアップメニュー
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ メニューアイテム
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ツールチップ
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ アプリケーション
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ドキュメント
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ パネル
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ チャート
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ダイアログ
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 仕切り
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ツールバー
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ステータスバー
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ テーブル
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ 列ヘッダ
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ 行ヘッダ
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ 列
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ 行
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ セル
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ リンク
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ヘルプバルーン
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ アシスタント
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ リスト
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ リストアイテム
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ツリー
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ツリーアイテム
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ページタブ
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ プロパティページ
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ インジケーター
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ グラフィック
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ラベル
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ テキスト
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ プッシュボタン
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ チェックボックス
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ラジオボタン
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ コンボボックス
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ プログレスバー
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ダイアル
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ホットキー領域
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ スライダー
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ スピンボックス
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ キャンバス
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ アニメーション
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 数式
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ドロップダウン付きボタン
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ボタンメニュー
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ ドロップダウングリッド付きボタン
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ スペース
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ページタブのリスト
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ クロック
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 仕切り
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 階層ペイン
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ Webドキュメント
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 段落
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 章
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 色の選択
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ フッタ
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ フォーム
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ ヘッダ
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 注釈
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 補足的なコンテンツ
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 不明
+ QSslSocket
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ 楕円曲線(%1)の設定時にエラーが発生しました
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ SSL context の作成に失敗しました (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ サポートされていないプロトコル
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ 暗号方式リストが不正または空です (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ 秘密鍵のない証明書は利用できません: %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ ローカルの証明書をロードできません。 %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ 秘密鍵をロードできません。 %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ 秘密鍵が公開鍵を認証していません。 %1
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ OpenSSL のバージョンが古すぎます。v1.0.2 以上が必要です
+ No error
+ エラーはありません
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ 発行者証明書が見つけられませんでした
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ 証明書の署名が復号できません
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ 証明書の公開鍵が読めません
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ 証明書の署名が不正です
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ 証明書が有効ではありません
+ The certificate has expired
+ 証明書の有効期限が切れています
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ 証明書の notBefore フィールドに不正な時刻が含まれています
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ 証明書の notAfter フィールドに不正な時刻が含まれています
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ この証明書は自己証明書であり、信頼されていません
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ 証明書チェインのルート証明書が自己証明書であり、信頼されていません
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ ローカルで発見した証明書の発行者証明書が見つけられませんでした
+ No certificates could be verified
+ どの証明書も検証できませんでした
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ CA 証明書に不正な証明書があります
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ 基本制約(basicConstraints)で制限されたパスの長さを超えています
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ 与えられた証明書はこの目的には利用できません
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ ルートCA証明書はこの目的には信頼されていません
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ ルートCA証明書を指定された目的に使用することは拒否されています
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ 更新用に準備された発行者証明書は、その所有者名が現在の証明書の発行者名と異なるため拒否されました
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ 更新用に準備された発行者証明書は、その発行者名とシリアル番号が現在の証明書の機関鍵識別子と異なるため拒否されました
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ 通信相手は証明書を提示しませんでした
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ ホスト名がこの証明書のどの有効なホストとも一致しませんでした
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ 通信相手の証明書がブラックリストに載っています
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ SSL セッションを作成できません。 %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ SSL セッションを作成できません: %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ SSL コンテキストを初期化できません: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ データを書き込みできません: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ データを解読できません: %1
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ TLS/SSL 接続が閉じられました
+ Error while reading: %1
+ 読み込み時にエラーが発生しました: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ SSL ハンドシェーク時にエラーが発生しました: %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ デスクトップ
+ Documents
+ ドキュメント
+ Fonts
+ フォント
+ Applications
+ アプリケーション
+ Music
+ 音楽
+ Movies
+ ムービー
+ Pictures
+ 画像
+ Temporary Directory
+ 一時ディレクトリ
+ Home
+ ホーム
+ Application Data
+ アプリケーションデータ
+ Application Configuration
+ アプリケーション設定
+ Cache
+ キャッシュ
+ Shared Data
+ 共有データ
+ Runtime
+ ランタイム
+ Configuration
+ 設定
+ Shared Configuration
+ 共有設定
+ Shared Cache
+ 共有キャッシュ
+ Download
+ ダウンロード
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ 複合ステート '%1' に初期ステートが見つかりません
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ ヒストリーステート '%1' にデフォルトステートが見つかりません
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ ステート '%1' からの遷移のソースおよびターゲットに共通した祖先がありません
+ Unknown error
+ 未知のエラー
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: 許可されていません
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: 既に存在します
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: 存在しません
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: リソース不足です
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: 未知のエラーです %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ 接続を開けません
+ Unable to use database
+ データベースを使用できません
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ 左へスクロール
+ Scroll Right
+ 右へスクロール
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ このソケットへのこの操作はサポートされていません
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ 画像データを読み込めません
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ (ソケットなどの)シーケンシャルデバイスからの画像の読み込みはサポートしていません
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ 画像読み込み中にファイル/デバイスのシークに失敗しました
+ Image header read failed
+ 画像ヘッダの読み込みに失敗しました
+ Image type not supported
+ サポートされていない型の画像です
+ Image depth not valid
+ 画像のデプスが不正です
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ 画像のフッタ読み込み時にシークできませんでした
+ Could not read footer
+ フッタを読み込めませんでした
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ (TrueVision 2.0 ではない)型の画像はサポートされていません
+ Could not reset to read data
+ 読み込んだデータをリセットできませんでした
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ %1 を元に戻す
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ 元に戻す
+ Redo %1
+ %1 をやり直す
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ やり直す
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <空>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ %1 を元に戻す
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ 元に戻す
+ Redo %1
+ %1 をやり直す
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ やり直す
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM(Left-to-right mark)
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM(Right-to-left mark)
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ(幅0の接続文字)
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ(幅0の非接続文字)
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP(幅0の空白)
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE(Start of left-to-right embedding)
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE(Start of right-to-left embedding)
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO(Start of left-to-right override)
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO(Start of right-to-left override)
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF(Pop directional formatting)
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI(Left-to-right isolate)
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI(Right-to-left isolate)
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ FSI(First strong isolate)
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ PDI(Pop directional isolate)
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Unicode制御文字を挿入
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ ヒント
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ 元に戻す(&U)
+ &Redo
+ やり直す(&R)
+ Cu&t
+ 切り取り(&T)
+ &Copy
+ コピー(&C)
+ Copy &Link Location
+ リンクの場所をコピー(&L)
+ &Paste
+ 貼り付け(&P)
+ Delete
+ 削除
+ Select All
+ すべてを選択
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ システムの Direct2D のバージョンが古すぎるため、direct2d プラットフォームプラグインを読み込めません。このプラットフォームプラグインにはプラットフォーム更新プログラムを適用した Windows 7 SP1 以降が必要です。
+最低動作環境となる Direct2D のバージョン: %1.%2.%3.%4、システムの Direct2D のバージョン: %5.%6.%7.%8。
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ direct2d プラットフォームプラグインをロードできません
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ 戻る
+ < &Back
+ < 戻る(&B)
+ Continue
+ 続き
+ &Next
+ 次へ(&N)
+ &Next >
+ 次へ(&N) >
+ Commit
+ 適用
+ Done
+ 終了
+ &Finish
+ 完了(&F)
+ Cancel
+ キャンセル
+ Help
+ ヘルプ
+ &Help
+ ヘルプ(&H)
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ エラーは発生しませんでした
+ error triggered by consumer
+ コンシューマによってエラーが誘発されました
+ unexpected end of file
+ 予期しないファイルの終りです
+ more than one document type definition
+ ドキュメントタイプの定義が複数あります
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ 要素の解析中にエラーが発生しました
+ tag mismatch
+ タグが一致しません
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ コンテンツの解析中にエラーが発生しました
+ unexpected character
+ 予期しない文字です
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ 無効な処理命令名です
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ XML 宣言にはバージョンが必要です
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ スタンドアロン宣言として正しくない値です
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ XML宣言にはエンコーディング宣言かスタンドアローン宣言が必要です
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ XML宣言にはスタンドアローン宣言が必要です
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ ドキュメントタイプの定義を解析中にエラーが発生しました
+ letter is expected
+ 文字が必要です
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ コメントの解析中にエラーが発生しました
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ 参照の解析中にエラーが発生しました
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ DTDでの内部一般実体への参照は許可されていません
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ 属性値での外部一般解析対象実体への参照は許可されていません
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ DTDでの外部一般解析対象実体への参照は許可されていません
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ 不正な文脈で解析対象外実体を参照しました
+ recursive entities
+ 実体が再帰しています
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ 外部実体のテキスト宣言にエラーがあります
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ ドキュメントの末尾に余計なものがついています。
+ Invalid entity value.
+ 実体の値が無効です。
+ Invalid XML character.
+ 無効な XML 文字です。
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ このコンテンツでは、']]>' は許可されていません。
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ 正しくないエンコードの文脈に遭遇しました。
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ 名前空間のブリフィックス '%1' は宣言されていません
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ 無効な名前空間の宣言です。
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ 属性 '%1' が再度定義されています。
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ 公開 ID に使用できない文字 '%1' が使用されています。
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ 無効な XML バージョン指定です。
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ この XML のバージョンはサポートされていません。
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ 仮想属性指定は、エンコーディング指定の後にのみ使用できます。
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 は無効なエンコーディングの名前です。
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ エンコーディング '%1' はサポートされていません
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ standalone には yes または no のみ指定できます。
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ XML 宣言に無効な属性があります。
+ Premature end of document.
+ ドキュメントが途中で終わっています。
+ Invalid document.
+ 無効なドキュメントです。
+ Expected
+ 予期していた表現は、
+ , but got '
+ ですが、取得した表現は以下のものでした '
+ Unexpected '
+ 予期していなかった表現 '
+ Expected character data.
+ 予期していた文字列。
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ 再帰しているエンティティを発見しました。
+ Start tag expected.
+ 開始タグを予期していましたが、見つかりません。
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ パラメータ実体の宣言において NDATA があります。
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ XML 宣言がドキュメントの先頭にありません。
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 は無効な処理命令名です。
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ 無効な処理命令名です。
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 は、公開 (PUBLIC) 識別子として無効です。
+ Invalid XML name.
+ 無効な XML 名です。
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ 開始タグと、終了タグがマッチしません。
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ 実体 '%1' は宣言されていません。
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ 解析対象外実体 '%1' を参照しています。
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ 属性値として、外部実体 '%1' を参照しています。
+ Invalid character reference.
+ 無効な文字への参照です。
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_lt.ts b/localization/qtbase_lt.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b16471f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_lt.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,10250 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Užverti kortelę
+ Debugger::JSAgentWatchData
+ [Array of length %1]
+ [masyvas, kurio ilgis %1]
+ <undefined>
+ <neapibrėžta>
+ FakeReply
+ Fake error !
+ Fiktyvi klaida!
+ Fake error!
+ Fiktyvi klaida!
+ Invalid URL
+ Netinkamas URL adresas
+ Services
+ Tarnybos
+ Hide %1
+ Nerodyti „%1“
+ Hide Others
+ Nerodyti kitų
+ Show All
+ Rodyti visas programas
+ Preferences...
+ Nuostatos…
+ Quit %1
+ Baigti „%1“ darbą
+ About %1
+ Apie „%1“
+ Phonon::
+ Notifications
+ Pranešimai
+ Music
+ Muzika
+ Video
+ Video
+ Communication
+ Komunikavimas
+ Games
+ Žaidimai
+ Accessibility
+ Prieiga neįgaliesiems
+ Phonon::AudioOutput
+ <html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html>
+ <html>Garso atkūrimo įrenginys <b>%1</b> neveikia.<br/>Bus naudojamas <b>%2</b>.</html>
+ <html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html>
+ <html>Bus naudojamas garso atkūrimo įrenginys <b>%1</b>,<br/>ką tik tapęs prieinamu ir turintis aukštesnį prioritetą.</html>
+ Revert back to device '%1'
+ Toliau naudoti įrenginį „%1“
+ <html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which has higher preference or is specifically configured for this stream.</html>
+ <html>Bus naudojamas garso atkūrimo įrenginys <b>%1</b>,<br/>turintis aukštesnį prioritetą arba sukonfigūruotas būtent šiam srautui atkurti.</html>
+ Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend
+ Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed.
+ Some video features have been disabled.
+ Dėmesio! Panašu, jog neįdiegtas „gstreamer0.10-plugins-good“ paketas.
+ Kai kurios vaizdo galimybės išjungtos.
+ Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed.
+ All audio and video support has been disabled
+ Dėmesio! Panašu, jog neįdiegti baziniai „GStreamer“ papildiniai.
+ Visas garso ir vaizdo palaikymas išjungtas.
+ Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject
+ Cannot start playback.
+Check your GStreamer installation and make sure you
+have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.
+ Nepavyko pradėti atkūrimo.
+Patikrinkite „GStreamer“ įdiegtį ir įsitikinkite, jog yra
+įdiegtas paketas „libgstreamer-plugins-base“.
+ Missing codec helper script assistant.
+ Trūksta kodekų pagelbiklio scenarijaus.
+ Plugin codec installation failed for codec: %0
+ Kodeko papildinio įdiegimas nepavyko kodekui: %0
+ A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0
+ Trūksta būtino kodeko. Šiam turiniui atkurti būtina įdiegti šiuos kodekus: %0
+ Could not open media source.
+ Nepavyko atverti medijos šaltinio.
+ Invalid source type.
+ Netinkamas šaltinio tipas.
+ Could not locate media source.
+ Nepavyko rasti medijos šaltinio.
+ Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.
+ Nepavyko atverti garso įrenginio. Įrenginys jau naudojamas.
+ Could not decode media source.
+ Nepavyko dekoduoti medijos šaltinio.
+ Phonon::MMF
+ Audio Output
+ Garso išvestis
+ The audio output device
+ Garso išvesties įrenginys
+ No error
+ Klaidų nėra
+ Not found
+ Nerastas
+ Out of memory
+ Pritrūko atminties
+ Not supported
+ Nepalaikomas
+ Overflow
+ Perpildymas
+ Underflow
+ Atvirkštinis perpildymas
+ Already exists
+ Jau yra
+ Path not found
+ Kelias nerastas
+ In use
+ Naudojamas
+ Not ready
+ Nepasiruošęs
+ Access denied
+ Prieiga uždrausta
+ Could not connect
+ Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio
+ Disconnected
+ Atsijungta
+ Permission denied
+ Nepakanka teisių
+ Insufficient bandwidth
+ Nepakankamas pralaidumas
+ Network unavailable
+ Tinklas nepasiekiamas
+ Network communication error
+ Tinklo ryšio klaida
+ Streaming not supported
+ Srautinis duomenų siuntimas nepalaikomas
+ Server alert
+ Serverio įspėjimas
+ Invalid protocol
+ Netinkamas protokolas
+ Invalid URL
+ Netinkamas URL adresas
+ Multicast error
+ Transliavimo grupiniu adresu klaida
+ Proxy server error
+ Įgaliotojo serverio klaida
+ Proxy server not supported
+ Įgaliotasis serveris nepalaikomas
+ Audio output error
+ Garso išvesties klaida
+ Video output error
+ Vaizdo išvesties klaida
+ Decoder error
+ Dekoderio klaida
+ Audio or video components could not be played
+ Nepavyko atkurti garso arba vaizdo komponentų
+ DRM error
+ Skaitmeninio teisių valdymo (DRM) klaida
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Nežinoma klaida (%1)
+ Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer
+ Not ready to play
+ Nepasiruošta atkūrimui
+ Error opening file
+ Klaida atveriant failą
+ Error opening URL
+ Klaida atveriant URL adresą
+ Error opening resource
+ Klaida atveriant išteklių
+ Error opening source: resource not opened
+ Klaida atveriant šaltinį: neatvertas išteklius
+ Setting volume failed
+ Nustatyti garsumo nepavyko
+ Loading clip failed
+ Įkelti įrašo nepavyko
+ Playback complete
+ Atkūrimas baigtas
+ Download error
+ Parsiuntimo klaida
+ Phonon::MMF::AbstractVideoPlayer
+ Pause failed
+ Pristabdyti nepavyko
+ Seek failed
+ Pereiti į kitą įrašo vietą nepavyko
+ Getting position failed
+ Gauti vietos nepavyko
+ Opening clip failed
+ Atverti įrašo nepavyko
+ Phonon::MMF::AudioEqualizer
+ %1 Hz
+ %1 Hz
+ Phonon::MMF::AudioPlayer
+ Getting position failed
+ Gauti vietos nepavyko
+ Phonon::MMF::DsaVideoPlayer
+ Video display error
+ Vaizdo atvaizdavimo klaida
+ Phonon::MMF::EffectFactory
+ Enabled
+ Įjungtas
+ Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb
+ Decay HF ratio (%)
+ DecayHFRatio: Ratio of high-frequency decay time to the value specified by DecayTime.
+ Slopimo AD santykis (%)
+ Decay time (ms)
+ DecayTime: Time over which reverberation is diminished.
+ Slopimo trukmė (ms)
+ Density (%)
+ Density Delay between first and subsequent reflections. Note that the S60 platform documentation does not make clear the distinction between this value and the Diffusion value.
+ Tankis (%)
+ Diffusion (%)
+ Diffusion: Delay between first and subsequent reflections. Note that the S60 platform documentation does not make clear the distinction between this value and the Density value.
+ Difuzija (%)
+ Reflections delay (ms)
+ ReflectionsDelay: Amount of delay between the arrival of the direct path from the source and the arrival of the first reflection.
+ Atspindžių vėlavimas (ms)
+ Reflections level (mB)
+ ReflectionsLevel: Amplitude of reflections. This value is corrected by the RoomLevel to give the final reflection amplitude.
+ Atspindžių lygis (mB)
+ Reverb delay (ms)
+ ReverbDelay: Amount of time between arrival of the first reflection and start of the late reverberation.
+ Aido vėlavimas (ms)
+ Reverb level (mB)
+ ReverbLevel: Amplitude of reverberations. This value is corrected by the RoomLevel to give the final reverberation amplitude.
+ Aido lygis (mB)
+ Room HF level
+ RoomHFLevel: Amplitude of low-pass filter used to attenuate the high frequency component of reflected sound.
+ Kambario AD lygis
+ Room level (mB)
+ RoomLevel: Master volume control for all reflected sound.
+ Kambario lygis (mB)
+ Phonon::MMF::MediaObject
+ Error opening source: type not supported
+ Klaida atveriant šaltinį: tipas nepalaikomas
+ Error opening source: resource is compressed
+ Klaida atveriant šaltinį: išteklius suglaudintas
+ Error opening source: resource not valid
+ Klaida atveriant šaltinį: išteklius netinkamas
+ Error opening source: media type could not be determined
+ Klaida atveriant šaltinį: nepavyko nustatyti medijos tipo
+ Failed to set requested IAP
+ Nepavyko nustatyti prašomo interneto paslaugos teikėjo
+ Phonon::MMF::StereoWidening
+ Level (%)
+ Lygis (%)
+ Phonon::MMF::SurfaceVideoPlayer
+ Video display error
+ Vaizdo atvaizdavimo klaida
+ Phonon::VolumeSlider
+ Volume: %1%
+ Garsis: %1%
+ Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%. The rightmost is %1%
+ Šio šliaužiklio pagalba galite keisti garsį. Kairiausioji pozicija lygi 0%, dešiniausioji – %1%
+ Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%
+ Šio šliaužiklio pagalba galite keisti garsį. Kairiausioji pozicija lygi 0%, dešiniausioji – %1%
+ Muted
+ Nutildytas
+ Q3Accel
+ %1, %2 not defined
+ %1, %2 neapibrėžtas
+ Ambiguous %1 not handled
+ Nevienareikšmė kombinacija %1 neapdorota
+ Q3DataTable
+ True
+ Taip
+ False
+ Ne
+ Insert
+ Įterpti
+ Update
+ Atnaujinti
+ Delete
+ Pašalinti
+ Q3FileDialog
+ Copy or Move a File
+ Failo kopijavimas arba perkėlimas
+ Read: %1
+ Skaitomas: %1
+ Write: %1
+ Rašomas: %1
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ All Files (*)
+ Visi failai (*)
+ Name
+ Vardas
+ Size
+ Dydis
+ Type
+ Tipas
+ Date
+ Data
+ Attributes
+ Atributai
+ &OK
+ &Gerai
+ Look &in:
+ &Vieta:
+ File &name:
+ &Failo vardas:
+ File &type:
+ Failo &tipas:
+ Back
+ Atgal
+ One directory up
+ Vienu lygiu aukščiau
+ Create New Folder
+ Kurti naują aplanką
+ List View
+ Rodyti sąrašą
+ Detail View
+ Rodyti išsamią informaciją
+ Preview File Info
+ Peržiūrėti failo savybes
+ Preview File Contents
+ Peržiūrėti failo turinį
+ Read-write
+ Skaitomas ir rašomas
+ Read-only
+ Tik skaitomas
+ Write-only
+ Tik rašomas
+ Inaccessible
+ Nepasiekiamas
+ Symlink to File
+ Simbolinė nuoroda į failą
+ Symlink to Directory
+ Simbolinė nuoroda į aplanką
+ Symlink to Special
+ Simbolinė nuoroda į spec. failą
+ File
+ Failas
+ Dir
+ Aplankas
+ Special
+ Spec. failas
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ Save As
+ Įrašyti kaip
+ &Open
+ At&verti
+ &Save
+ Į&rašyti
+ &Rename
+ Per&vardyti
+ &Delete
+ Pa&šalinti
+ R&eload
+ Įkelti iš &naujo
+ Sort by &Name
+ Rikiuoti pagal &vardą
+ Sort by &Size
+ Rikiuoti pagal &dydį
+ Sort by &Date
+ Rikiuoti pagal d&atą
+ &Unsorted
+ &Nerikiuoti
+ Sort
+ Rikiavimas
+ Show &hidden files
+ Rodyti pa&slėptus failus
+ the file
+ failą
+ the directory
+ aplanką
+ the symlink
+ simbolinę nuorodą
+ Delete %1
+ Pašalinti %1
+ <qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt>
+ <qt>Ar tikrai norite pašalinti %1 „%2“?</qt>
+ &Yes
+ &Taip
+ &No
+ &Ne
+ New Folder 1
+ Naujas aplankas 1
+ New Folder
+ Naujas aplankas
+ New Folder %1
+ Naujas aplankas %1
+ Find Directory
+ Ieškoti aplanko
+ Directories
+ Aplankai
+ Directory:
+ Aplankas:
+ Error
+ Klaida
+ %1
+File not found.
+Check path and filename.
+ %1
+Failas nerastas.
+Patikrinkite kelią ir failo vardą.
+ All Files (*.*)
+ Visi failai (*.*)
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ Select a Directory
+ Parinkite aplanką
+ Q3LocalFs
+ Could not read directory
+ Aplanko nuskaityti nepavyko
+ Could not create directory
+ Aplanko sukurti nepavyko
+ Could not remove file or directory
+ Failo ar aplanko pašalinti nepavyko
+ Could not rename
+ Nepavyko pervardyti
+ Could not open
+ Nepavyko atverti
+ Could not write
+ Nepavyko įrašyti
+ Q3MainWindow
+ Line up
+ Sulygiuoti
+ Customize...
+ Tinkinti…
+ Q3NetworkProtocol
+ Operation stopped by the user
+ Operaciją nutraukė naudotojas
+ Q3ProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ Q3TabDialog
+ OK
+ Gerai
+ Apply
+ Pritaikyti
+ Help
+ Pagalba
+ Defaults
+ Numatytosios reikšmės
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ Q3TextEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Atšaukti
+ &Redo
+ A&tstatyti
+ Cu&t
+ Iški&rpti
+ &Copy
+ &Kopijuoti
+ &Paste
+ Į&dėti
+ Clear
+ Išvalyti
+ Select All
+ Pažymėti viską
+ Q3TitleBar
+ System
+ Sistemos antraštė
+ Restore up
+ Atkurti langą
+ Minimize
+ Sumažinti
+ Restore down
+ Atkurti dydį
+ Maximize
+ Išdidinti
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Contains commands to manipulate the window
+ Apima komandas darbui su langu
+ Puts a minimized window back to normal
+ Atstato sumažinto lango dydį
+ Moves the window out of the way
+ Paslepia langą
+ Puts a maximized window back to normal
+ Grąžina pradinį išdidinto lango dydį
+ Makes the window full screen
+ Išdidina langą per visą ekraną
+ Closes the window
+ Užveria langą
+ Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it
+ Rodo lango pavadinimą ir pateikia komandas darbui su juo
+ Q3ToolBar
+ More...
+ Daugiau…
+ Q3UrlOperator
+ The protocol `%1' is not supported
+ Protokolas „%1“ nepalaikomas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories
+ Protokole „%1“ katalogų sąrašų pateikimas nenumatytas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories
+ Protokole „%1“ naujų katalogų kūrimas nepalaikomas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories
+ Protokole „%1“ failų ar aplankų šalinimas nenumatytas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories
+ Protokole „%1“ failų ar aplankų pervardinimas nenumatytas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support getting files
+ Protokole „%1“ failų gavimas nenumatytas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support putting files
+ Protokole „%1“ failų įdėjimas nenumatytas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories
+ Protokole „%1“ failų ar aplankų kopijavimas ar perkėlimas nenumatytas
+ (unknown)
+ (nežinoma)
+ Q3Wizard
+ &Cancel
+ &Atsisakyti
+ < &Back
+ < At&gal
+ &Next >
+ &Toliau >
+ &Finish
+ &Baigti
+ &Help
+ &Žinynas
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Baigėsi operacijai su lizdu skirtas laikas
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Operacija su lizdu nepalaikoma
+ Host not found
+ Mazgas nerastas
+ Connection refused
+ Ryšys atmestas
+ Connection timed out
+ Baigėsi ryšiui skirtas laikas
+ Socket is not connected
+ Lizdas neprijungtas
+ Network unreachable
+ Tinklas nepasiekiamas
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ Pažymėti &viską
+ &Step up
+ &Padidinti
+ Step &down
+ Pa&mažinti
+ QAccessibleButton
+ Uncheck
+ Panaikinti žymėjimą
+ Check
+ Pažymėti
+ Press
+ Nuspausti
+ QApplication
+ Activate
+ Aktyvinti
+ Activates the program's main window
+ Suaktyvina pagrindinį programos langą
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ Vykdomajam failui „%1“ reikalingos „Qt %2“ bibliotekos, tačiau aptiktos „Qt %3“.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ „Qt“ bibliotekos nesuderinamumo klaida
+ QAxSelect
+ Select ActiveX Control
+ Pasirinkite „ActiveX“ valdiklį
+ OK
+ Gerai
+ &Cancel
+ &Atsisakyti
+ COM &Object:
+ COM &objektas:
+ QCheckBox
+ Uncheck
+ Panaikinti žymėjimą
+ Check
+ Pažymėti
+ Toggle
+ Perjungti
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ &Atspalvis:
+ &Sat:
+ &Grynis:
+ &Val:
+ &Skaistis:
+ &Red:
+ &Raudona:
+ &Green:
+ &Žalia:
+ Bl&ue:
+ &Mėlyna:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ A&lfa kanalas:
+ Select Color
+ Parinkite spalvą
+ &Basic colors
+ &Bazinės spalvos
+ &Custom colors
+ &Naudotojo spalvos
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ Į&traukti į naudotojo spalvas
+ QComboBox
+ False
+ Ne
+ True
+ Taip
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: already exists
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: jau egzistuoja
+ %1: does not exist
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: neegzistuoja
+ %1: out of resources
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: pritrūko išteklių
+ %1: permission denied
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: nepakanka teisių
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: nežinoma klaida %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: raktas tuščias
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: rakto sukurti nepavyko
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: nepavyko ftok()
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Nepavyko įjungti automatinio transakcijų patvirtinimo
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti sakinio
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nepavyko paruošti sakinio
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Nepavyko susieti kintamojo
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Nepavyko gauti įrašo %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Nepavyko gauti tolesnio įrašo
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Nepavyko gauti pirmojo įrašo
+ QDateTimeEdit
+ AM
+ Priešpiet
+ am
+ priešpiet
+ PM
+ Popiet
+ pm
+ popiet
+ QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation
+ Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"
+ Negalima animuoti neegzistuojančios savybės „%1“
+ Cannot animate read-only property "%1"
+ Negalima animuoti tik skaitymui skirtos savybės „%1“
+ Animation is an abstract class
+ „Animation“ yra abstrakčioji klasė
+ QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation
+ Cannot set a duration of < 0
+ Negalima nustatyti neigiamos trukmės
+ QDeclarativeAnchors
+ Possible anchor loop detected on fill.
+ Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn.
+ Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.
+ Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.
+ Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.
+ Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.
+ Cannot anchor to a null item.
+ Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.
+ Cannot anchor item to self.
+ Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.
+ Baseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.
+ Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.
+ QDeclarativeAnimatedImage
+ Qt was built without support for QMovie
+ „Qt“ sukompiliuota be „QMovie“ palaikymo
+ QDeclarativeApplication
+ Application is an abstract class
+ „Application“ yra abstrakčioji klasė
+ QDeclarativeBehavior
+ Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.
+ Elgsenai priskirtos animacijos pakeisti negalima.
+ QDeclarativeBinding
+ Binding loop detected for property "%1"
+ Aptikta ciklinė savybės „%1“ susietis
+ QDeclarativeCompiledBindings
+ Binding loop detected for property "%1"
+ Aptikta ciklinė savybės „%1“ susietis
+ QDeclarativeCompiler
+ Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only property
+ Invalid property assignment: unknown enumeration
+ Invalid property assignment: string expected
+ Invalid property assignment: url expected
+ Invalid property assignment: unsigned int expected
+ Invalid property assignment: int expected
+ Invalid property assignment: number expected
+ Invalid property assignment: color expected
+ Invalid property assignment: date expected
+ Invalid property assignment: time expected
+ Invalid property assignment: datetime expected
+ Invalid property assignment: point expected
+ Invalid property assignment: size expected
+ Invalid property assignment: rect expected
+ Invalid property assignment: boolean expected
+ Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expected
+ Invalid property assignment: unsupported type "%1"
+ Element is not creatable.
+ Component elements may not contain properties other than id
+ Invalid component id specification
+ id is not unique
+ Invalid component body specification
+ Component objects cannot declare new properties.
+ Component objects cannot declare new signals.
+ Component objects cannot declare new functions.
+ Cannot create empty component specification
+ "%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.
+ "%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.
+ Incorrectly specified signal assignment
+ Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)
+ Empty signal assignment
+ Empty property assignment
+ Attached properties cannot be used here
+ Non-existent attached object
+ Invalid attached object assignment
+ Cannot assign to non-existent default property
+ Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"
+ Negalima priskirti neegzistuojančiai savybei „%1“
+ Invalid use of namespace
+ Not an attached property name
+ Invalid use of id property
+ Property has already been assigned a value
+ Invalid grouped property access
+ Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped property
+ Invalid property use
+ Property assignment expected
+ Single property assignment expected
+ Unexpected object assignment
+ Cannot assign object to list
+ Can only assign one binding to lists
+ Cannot assign primitives to lists
+ Cannot assign multiple values to a script property
+ Invalid property assignment: script expected
+ Cannot assign multiple values to a singular property
+ Cannot assign object to property
+ "%1" cannot operate on "%2"
+ Duplicate default property
+ Duplicate property name
+ Property names cannot begin with an upper case letter
+ Illegal property name
+ Duplicate signal name
+ Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letter
+ Illegal signal name
+ Duplicate method name
+ Method names cannot begin with an upper case letter
+ Illegal method name
+ Property value set multiple times
+ Invalid property nesting
+ Cannot override FINAL property
+ Invalid property type
+ Invalid empty ID
+ IDs cannot start with an uppercase letter
+ IDs must start with a letter or underscore
+ IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores
+ ID illegally masks global JavaScript property
+ No property alias location
+ Invalid alias location
+ Invalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as <id>, <id>.<property> or <id>.<value property>.<property>
+ Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"
+ Alias property exceeds alias bounds
+ QDeclarativeComponent
+ Invalid empty URL
+ Negalimas tuščias URL adresas
+ createObject: value is not an object
+ createObject: reikšmė nėra objektas
+ QDeclarativeConnections
+ Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"
+ Negalima priskirti neegzistuojančiai savybei „%1“
+ Connections: nested objects not allowed
+ Connections: objektai objektuose neleidžiami
+ Connections: syntax error
+ Connections: sintaksės klaida
+ Connections: script expected
+ Connections: tikėtasi scenarijaus
+ QDeclarativeEngine
+ executeSql called outside transaction()
+ Read-only Transaction
+ Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2
+ SQL transaction failed
+ transaction: missing callback
+ SQL: database version mismatch
+ QDeclarativeFlipable
+ front is a write-once property
+ „front“ yra tik kartą rašoma savybė
+ back is a write-once property
+ „back“ yra tik kartą rašoma savybė
+ QDeclarativeImportDatabase
+ cannot load module "%1": File name case mismatch for "%2"
+ module "%1" definition "%2" not readable
+ plugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2
+ module "%1" plugin "%2" not found
+ module "%1" version %2.%3 is not installed
+ module "%1" is not installed
+ "%1": no such directory
+ import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespace
+ - %1 is not a namespace
+ - nested namespaces not allowed
+ local directory
+ is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2
+ is ambiguous. Found in %1 in version %2.%3 and %4.%5
+ is instantiated recursively
+ is not a type
+ File name case mismatch for "%2"
+ QDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttached
+ KeyNavigation is only available via attached properties
+ QDeclarativeKeysAttached
+ Keys is only available via attached properties
+ QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttached
+ LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items
+ LayoutMirroring is only available via attached properties
+ QDeclarativeListModel
+ remove: index %1 out of range
+ insert: value is not an object
+ insert: index %1 out of range
+ move: out of range
+ append: value is not an object
+ set: value is not an object
+ set: index %1 out of range
+ ListElement: cannot contain nested elements
+ ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" property
+ ListElement: cannot use script for property value
+ ListModel: undefined property '%1'
+ QDeclarativeLoader
+ Loader does not support loading non-visual elements.
+ QDeclarativeParentAnimation
+ Unable to preserve appearance under complex transform
+ Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale
+ Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0
+ QDeclarativeParentChange
+ Unable to preserve appearance under complex transform
+ Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale
+ Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0
+ QDeclarativeParser
+ Illegal unicode escape sequence
+ Illegal character
+ Unclosed string at end of line
+ Illegal escape sequence
+ Unclosed comment at end of file
+ Illegal syntax for exponential number
+ Identifier cannot start with numeric literal
+ Unterminated regular expression literal
+ Invalid regular expression flag '%0'
+ Unterminated regular expression backslash sequence
+ Unterminated regular expression class
+ Syntax error
+ Unexpected token `%1'
+ Expected token `%1'
+ Property value set multiple times
+ Expected type name
+ Invalid import qualifier ID
+ Reserved name "Qt" cannot be used as an qualifier
+ Script import qualifiers must be unique.
+ Script import requires a qualifier
+ Library import requires a version
+ Expected parameter type
+ Invalid property type modifier
+ Unexpected property type modifier
+ Expected property type
+ Readonly not yet supported
+ JavaScript declaration outside Script element
+ QDeclarativePauseAnimation
+ Cannot set a duration of < 0
+ Negalima nustatyti neigiamos trukmės
+ QDeclarativePixmap
+ Error decoding: %1: %2
+ Dekodavimo klaida: %1: %2
+ Failed to get image from provider: %1
+ Nepavyko iš tiekėjo gauti paveikslo: %1
+ Cannot open: %1
+ Nepavyko atverti: %1
+ QDeclarativePropertyAnimation
+ Cannot set a duration of < 0
+ Negalima nustatyti neigiamos trukmės
+ QDeclarativePropertyChanges
+ PropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.
+ Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"
+ Negalima priskirti neegzistuojančiai savybei „%1“
+ Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"
+ QDeclarativeTextInput
+ Could not load cursor delegate
+ Could not instantiate cursor delegate
+ QDeclarativeTypeLoader
+ Script %1 unavailable
+ Scenarijus „%1“ nepasiekiamas
+ Type %1 unavailable
+ Tipas %1 nepasiekiamas
+ Namespace %1 cannot be used as a type
+ Vardų erdvė „%1“ negali būti naudojama kaip tipas
+ %1 %2
+ %1 %2
+ QDeclarativeVME
+ Unable to create object of type %1
+ Cannot assign value %1 to property %2
+ Cannot assign object type %1 with no default method
+ Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2
+ Cannot assign an object to signal property %1
+ Cannot assign object to list
+ Cannot assign object to interface property
+ Unable to create attached object
+ Cannot set properties on %1 as it is null
+ QDeclarativeVisualDataModel
+ Delegate component must be Item type.
+ QDeclarativeXmlListModel
+ Qt was built without support for xmlpatterns
+ „Qt“ sukompiliuota be „xmlpatterns“ palaikymo
+ QDeclarativeXmlListModelRole
+ An XmlRole query must not start with '/'
+ „XmlRole“ užklausa negali prasidėti simboliu „/“
+ QDeclarativeXmlRoleList
+ An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"
+ „XmlListModel“ užklausa negali prasidėti simboliu „/“ arba „//“
+ QDial
+ QDial
+ QDial
+ SpeedoMeter
+ Spidometras
+ SliderHandle
+ Šliaužiklio rankenėlė
+ QDialog
+ Done
+ Baigta
+ What's This?
+ Kas tai?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ Gerai
+ &OK
+ &Gerai
+ &Save
+ Į&rašyti
+ Save
+ Įrašyti
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ &Cancel
+ &Atsisakyti
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ &Close
+ &Užverti
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Apply
+ Pritaikyti
+ Reset
+ Atkurti
+ Help
+ Žinynas
+ Don't Save
+ Neįrašyti
+ Close without Saving
+ Užverti neįrašius
+ Discard
+ Atmesti
+ &Yes
+ &Taip
+ Yes to &All
+ Taip &viskam
+ &No
+ &Ne
+ N&o to All
+ N&e viskam
+ Save All
+ Įrašyti visus
+ Abort
+ Nutraukti
+ Retry
+ Kartoti bandymą
+ Ignore
+ Nepaisyti
+ Restore Defaults
+ Atkurti numatytąsias reikšmes
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Vardas
+ Size
+ Dydis
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Tipas
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipas
+ Date Modified
+ Modifikavimo data
+ QDockWidget
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Dock
+ Įsegti
+ Float
+ Išsegti
+ QDoubleSpinBox
+ More
+ Daugiau
+ Less
+ Mažiau
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Derinimo pranešimas:
+ Warning:
+ Įspėjimas:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Lemtingoji klaida:
+ &Show this message again
+ &Rodyti šį pranešimą vėl
+ &OK
+ &Gerai
+ QFile
+ Destination file exists
+ Paskirties failas jau egzistuoja
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ Nuosekliosios prieigos failas nebus pervardytas naudojant blokų kopijavimą
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Nepavyko pašalinti šaltinio failo
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ Nepavyko skaitymui atverti failo %1
+ Cannot open for output
+ Nepavyko rašymui atverti failo
+ Failure to write block
+ Nepavyko įrašyti bloko
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ Nepavyko sukurti išvesties failo %1
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ Vieta:
+ Back
+ Atgal
+ Go back
+ Grįžti atgal
+ Forward
+ Pirmyn
+ Go forward
+ Eiti pirmyn
+ Parent Directory
+ Vienu lygiu aukščiau
+ Go to the parent directory
+ Eiti į vienu lygiu aukštesnį aplanką
+ Create New Folder
+ Kurti naują aplanką
+ Create a New Folder
+ Sukurti naują aplanką
+ List View
+ Rodyti sąrašą
+ Change to list view mode
+ Aplanko turinį rodyti kaip paprastą sąrašą
+ Detail View
+ Rodyti išsamią informaciją
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Aplanko turinį rodyti kaip sąrašą su išsamia informacija
+ Files of type:
+ Failų tipas:
+ Find Directory
+ Ieškoti aplanko
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ Save As
+ Įrašyti kaip
+ All Files (*)
+ Visi failai (*)
+ Show
+ Rodyti
+ &Rename
+ Per&vardyti
+ &Delete
+ Pa&šalinti
+ Show &hidden files
+ Rodyti pa&slėptus failus
+ &New Folder
+ &Naujas aplankas
+ Directory:
+ Aplankas:
+ File &name:
+ &Failo vardas:
+ &Open
+ At&verti
+ &Save
+ Į&rašyti
+ Directories
+ Aplankai
+ &Choose
+ Pasi&rinkti
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Aplankas nerastas.
+Įsitikinkite, jog nurodėte teisingą aplanko vardą.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 jau egzistuoja.
+Ar norite jį pakeisti?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Failas nerastas.
+Įsitikinkite, jog nurodėte teisingą failo vardą.
+ New Folder
+ Naujas aplankas
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ „%1“ yra apsaugotas nuo rašymo.
+Ar vis tiek norite jį pašalinti?
+ Are sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Ar tikrai norite pašalinti „%1“?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Nepavyko pašalinti aplanko.
+ Recent Places
+ Paskiausios vietos
+ All Files (*.*)
+ Visi failai (*.*)
+ Remove
+ Pašalinti
+ My Computer
+ Kompiuteris
+ Drive
+ Diskas
+ File
+ failas
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Failų aplankas
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Aplankas
+ Alias
+ Mac OS X Finder
+ Nuoroda
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Nuoroda
+ Unknown
+ Nežinomas
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 TB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 B
+ Invalid filename
+ Neleistinas failo vardas
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>Vardas „%1“ neleistinas.</b><p>Pabandykite įvesti kitą vardą, pvz., sudarytą iš mažiau simbolių ar be skyrybos ženklų.
+ Name
+ Vardas
+ Size
+ Dydis
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Tipas
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipas
+ Date Modified
+ Modifikavimo data
+ My Computer
+ Kompiuteris
+ Computer
+ Kompiuteris
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 B
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ Normalusis
+ Bold
+ Pastorintas
+ Demi Bold
+ Black
+ Ryškus
+ Demi
+ Light
+ Lengvas
+ Italic
+ Kursyvas
+ Oblique
+ Pasvirasis
+ Any
+ Bet koks
+ Latin
+ Lotynų
+ Greek
+ Graikų
+ Cyrillic
+ Kirilica
+ Armenian
+ Armėnų
+ Hebrew
+ Hebrajų
+ Arabic
+ Arabų
+ Syriac
+ Sirų
+ Thaana
+ Tana
+ Devanagari
+ Devangarių
+ Bengali
+ Bengalų
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukų
+ Gujarati
+ Gujaračių
+ Oriya
+ Orijų
+ Tamil
+ Tamilų
+ Telugu
+ Telugų
+ Kannada
+ Kanadų
+ Malayalam
+ Malajalamų
+ Sinhala
+ Singalų
+ Thai
+ Tajų
+ Lao
+ Laosiečių
+ Tibetan
+ Tibetiečių
+ Myanmar
+ Birmiečių
+ Georgian
+ Gruzinų
+ Khmer
+ Khmerų
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Supaprastintoji kinų
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Tradicinė kinų
+ Japanese
+ Japonų
+ Korean
+ Korėjiečių
+ Vietnamese
+ Vietnamiečių
+ Symbol
+ Spec. simboliai
+ Ogham
+ Ogamas
+ Runic
+ Runos
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Parinkite šriftą
+ &Font
+ &Šriftas
+ Font st&yle
+ Šrifto &stilius
+ &Size
+ &Dydis
+ Effects
+ Efektai
+ Stri&keout
+ &Perbrauktas
+ &Underline
+ Pa&brauktas
+ Sample
+ Pavyzdys
+ Wr&iting System
+ &Rašto sistema
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Neužmegztas ryšys
+ Host %1 not found
+ Mazgas %1 nerastas
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Mazgas %1 atmetė ryšį
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Baigėsi ryšiui su mazgu %1 skirtas laikas
+ Connected to host %1
+ Užmegztas ryšys su mazgu %1
+ Connection refused for data connection
+ Užmegzti duomenų perdavimo ryšį atsisakyta
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio su mazgu:
+ Login failed:
+ Registracija į seansą nepavyko:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Nepavyko gauti katalogo turinio sąrašo:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Pereiti į kitą katalogą nepavyko:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Parsiųsti failo nepavyko:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Nusiųsti failo nepavyko:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Pašalinti failo nepavyko:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Sukurti katalogo nepavyko:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Pašalinti katalogo nepavyko:
+ Connection closed
+ Ryšys baigtas
+ Host %1 found
+ Mazgas %1 nerastas
+ Connection to %1 closed
+ Ryšys su %1 baigtas
+ Host found
+ Mazgas surastas
+ Connected to host
+ Užmegztas ryšys su mazgu
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ Nepateiktas mazgo vardas
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ Nepateiktas mazgo vardas
+ Invalid hostname
+ Netinkamas mazgo vardas
+ Unknown address type
+ Nežinomas adreso tipas
+ Host not found
+ Mazgas nerastas
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ QHttp
+ HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled in
+ Pareikalauta HTTPS ryšio, tačiau SSL palaikymas nebuvo įkompiliuotas
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ Request aborted
+ Užklausos vykdymas nutrauktas
+ No server set to connect to
+ Nenurodytas serveris, prie kurio reikėtų jungtis
+ Wrong content length
+ Neteisinga turinio apimtis
+ Server closed connection unexpectedly
+ Serveris netikėtai užbaigė ryšį
+ Connection refused (or timed out)
+ Ryšys atmestas (arba baigėsi jam skirtas laikas)
+ Host %1 not found
+ Mazgas %1 nerastas
+ HTTP request failed
+ HTTP užlklausa nesėkminga
+ Invalid HTTP response header
+ Netinkama HTTP atsako antraštė
+ Unknown authentication method
+ Nežinomas tapatumo nustatymo metodas
+ Proxy authentication required
+ Būtinas tapatumo nustatymas įgaliotajame serveryje
+ Authentication required
+ Būtinas tapatumo nustatymas
+ Invalid HTTP chunked body
+ Neleistinai fragmentuoti HTTP duomenys
+ Error writing response to device
+ Klaida siunčiant atsakymą į įrenginį
+ Connection refused
+ Ryšys atmestas
+ Connection closed
+ Ryšys baigtas
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Įgaliotasis serveris reikalauja nustatyti tapatybę
+ Host requires authentication
+ Mazgas reikalauja nustatyti tapatybę
+ Data corrupted
+ Duomenys sugadinti
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Nurodytas nežinomas protokolas
+ SSL handshake failed
+ SSL pasisveikinimas nepavyko
+ Host %1 found
+ Mazgas %1 nerastas
+ Connected to host %1
+ Užmegztas ryšys su mazgu %1
+ Connection to %1 closed
+ Ryšys su %1 baigtas
+ Host found
+ Mazgas surastas
+ Connected to host
+ Užmegztas ryšys su mazgu
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Iš įgaliotojo serverio negautas HTTP atsakas
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Klaida analizuojant įgaliotojo serverio tapatumo nustatymo užklausą
+ Authentication required
+ Būtinas tapatumo nustatymas
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Įgaliotasis serveris nesuteikė ryšio
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Komunikacijos su HTTP įgaliotuoju serveriu klaida
+ Proxy server not found
+ Įgaliotasis serveris nerastas
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Įgaliotasis serveris atmetė ryšį
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ Baigėsi ryšiui su įgaliotuoju serveriu skirtas laikas
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ Įgaliotasis serveris netikėtai užbaigė ryšį
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Klaida atveriant duomenų bazę
+ Could not start transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ Could not get array data
+ Could not get query info
+ Could not start transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Nepavyko paruošti sakinio
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Could not describe statement
+ Nepavyko aprašyti sakinio
+ Unable to close statement
+ Nepavyko užverti sakinio
+ Unable to execute query
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti užklausos
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Could not get statement info
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Nepakanka teisių
+ Too many open files
+ Per daug atvertų failų
+ No such file or directory
+ Nėra tokio failo ar katalogo
+ No space left on device
+ Įrenginyje neliko laisvos vietos
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ QInputContext
+ XIM input method
+ XIM įvesties būdas
+ Windows input method
+ „Windows“ įvesties būdas
+ Mac OS X input method
+ „Mac OS X“ įvesties būdas
+ S60 FEP input method
+ S60 FEP įvesties būdas
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Įveskite reikšmę:
+ QLibrary
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ The shared library was not found.
+ Bendroji biblioteka nerasta.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ Failas „%1“ nėra teisingas „Qt“ papildinys.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ Papildinys „%1“ naudoja nesuderinamą „Qt“ bibliotekos versiją (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"
+ Papildinys „%1“ naudoja nesuderinamą „Qt“. Tikėtasi darinio rakto „%2“, tačiau gautas „%3“
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Papildinys „%1“ naudoja nesuderinamą „Qt“ bibliotekos versiją (negalima maišyti derinimui ir galutinėms laidoms skirtų bibliotekų).
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Nepavyko įkelti bibliotekos %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Nepavyko iškelti bibliotekos %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ Nepavyko rasti simbolio „%1“ bibliotekoje %2: %3
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Atšaukti
+ &Redo
+ A&tstatyti
+ Cu&t
+ Iški&rpti
+ &Copy
+ &Kopijuoti
+ &Paste
+ Į&dėti
+ Delete
+ Pašalinti
+ Select All
+ Pažymėti viską
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: vardo klaida
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: nepakanka teisių
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: adresas jau naudojamas
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: nežinoma klaida %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: ryšys atmestas
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: nutolęs mazgas užbaigė ryšį
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: netinkamas vardas
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: prieigos prie lizdo klaida
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: lizdo ištekliaus klaida
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: baigėsi operacijai su lizdu skirtas laikas
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: duomenų paketas per didelis
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: ryšio klaida
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: operacija su lizdu nepalaikoma
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: nežinoma klaida
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: nežinoma klaida %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: prieiga uždrausta
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to open database '
+ Nepavyko atverti duomenų bazės '
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Nepavyko gauti duomenų
+ Unable to execute query
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti užklausos
+ Unable to store result
+ Nepavyko išsaugoti rezultato
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Unable to store next result
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nepavyko paruošti sakinio
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Unable to bind value
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti sakinio
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Nepavyko išsaugoti sakinio rezultatų
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (Be pavadinimo)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ – [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 – [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Sumažinti
+ Maximize
+ Išdidinti
+ Unshade
+ Išvynioti
+ Shade
+ Suvynioti
+ Restore Down
+ Atkurti dydį
+ Restore
+ Atkurti langą
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Help
+ Žinynas
+ Menu
+ Meniu
+ &Restore
+ &Atkurti
+ &Move
+ &Perkelti
+ &Size
+ &Keisti dydį
+ Mi&nimize
+ Su&mažinti
+ Ma&ximize
+ Iš&didinti
+ Stay on &Top
+ &Visada viršuje
+ &Close
+ &Užverti
+ QMenu
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ Execute
+ Vykdyti
+ QMenuBar
+ Actions
+ Veiksmai
+ Corner Toolbar
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Išsamiau…
+ Hide Details...
+ Glausčiau…
+ OK
+ Gerai
+ Help
+ Žinynas
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>Apie „Qt“</h3><p>Ši programa naudoja „Qt %1“.</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications (proprietary or open source) provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications where you wish to use such applications in combination with software subject to the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0 or where you are otherwise willing to comply with the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>„Qt“ yra C++ priemonių komplektas, skirtas daugiaplatformėms programoms kurti.</p><p>Naudojant „Qt“, galima kurti perkeliamas tarp „Microsoft Windows“, „Mac OS X“, „Linux“ ir visų kitų pagrindinių UNIX variantų programas, naudojant tuos pačius pradinius tekstus. Taip pat Qt veikia integruotuose įrenginiuose, naudojančiuose „Embedded Linux“ ir „Windows CE“ operacines sistemas.</p><p>„Qt“ priemonių komplektas yra licencijuojamas trimis skirtingais būdais, tuo siekiant patenkinti visų naudotojų poreikius.</p><p>Mūsų komercinė licencinė sutartis skirta tiems atvejams, kai Jūs norite kurti nuosavybinę (komercinę) programinę įrangą, tačiau nenorite su niekuo dalintis jos pradiniais tekstais ar jų ištraukomis, arba kai Jūsų kuriamas produktas yra dėl kitų priežasčių nesuderinamas su GNU LGPL 2.1 versijos ar GNU GPL 3.0 versijos licencijomis.</p><p>GNU LGPL 2.1 versijos licenciją galite pasirinkti, jeigu kuriate „Qt“ programas (tiek laisvąsias, tiek nuosavybines) ir galite patenkinti šios licencijos reikalavimus.</p><p>GNU GPL 3.0 versijos licencijavimo būdas tinka tiems atvejams, kai Jūsų kuriamoje „Qt“ programoje bus naudojama pagal GNU GPL 3.0 versijos licenciją platinama programinė įranga arba kai Jūs norite ir galite patenkinti šios licencijos reikalavimus dėl kitų priežasčių.</p><p>Susipažinti su „Qt“ licencijavimo galimybėmis galite tinklalapyje <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a>.</p><p>© 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>„Qt“ yra kompanijos „Nokia“ produktas. Daugiau informacijos apie jį rasite adresu <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a>.</p>
+ About Qt
+ Apie „Qt“
+ QMultiInputContext
+ Select IM
+ Įvesties būdo pasirinkimas
+ QMultiInputContextPlugin
+ Multiple input method switcher
+ Skirtingų įvesties būtų perjungiklis
+ Multiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgets
+ Skirtingų įvesties būdų perjungiklis, esantis teksto laukų kontekstiniame meniu
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Nepavyko inicijuoti neblokuojamo lizdo
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Nepavyko inicijuoti lizdo transliavimui
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Bandoma naudoti IPv6 lizdą platformoje, kurioje IPv6 protokolas nepalaikomas
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Nutolęs mazgas užbaigė ryšį
+ Network operation timed out
+ Baigėsi tinklo operacijai skirtas laikas
+ Out of resources
+ Pritrūko išteklių
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Nepalaikoma operacija su lizdu
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Nepalaikomas protokolo tipas
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Netinkamas lizdo deskriptorius
+ Host unreachable
+ Mazgas nepasiekiamas
+ Network unreachable
+ Tinklas nepasiekiamas
+ Permission denied
+ Nepakanka teisių
+ Connection timed out
+ Baigėsi ryšiui skirtas laikas
+ Connection refused
+ Ryšys atmestas
+ The bound address is already in use
+ Bandomas naudoti adresas jau yra naudojamas
+ The address is not available
+ Adresas neleidžiamas
+ The address is protected
+ Adresas apsaugotas
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Duomenų paketas per didelis, kad galėtų būti išsiųstas
+ Unable to send a message
+ Nepavyko išsiųsti pranešimo
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Nepavyko gauti pranešimo
+ Unable to write
+ Rašymas nepavyko
+ Network error
+ Tinklo klaida
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Tą patį prievadą klausymui jau naudoja kitas lizdas
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operacija ne su lizdu
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Įgaliotojo serverio tipas netinkamas šiai operacijai
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ Klaida atveriant %1
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Operation not supported on %1
+ Operacija nepalaikoma su %1
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ Netinkamas universalusis ištekliaus identifikatorius (URI): %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Rašymo klaida rašant į %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Lizdo %1 klaida: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ Nutolęs mazgas netikėtai užbaigė ryšį lizde %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Prašoma atverti nevietinį failą %1
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ Nepavyko atverti %1: tai katalogo kelias
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Klaida atveriant %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Rašymo klaida rašant %1: %2
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Skaitymo klaida skaitant %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nerastas tinkamas įgaliotasis serveris
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ Nepavyko atverti %1: tai yra katalogas
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Registracija į seansą su %1 nepavyko: būtinas tapatumo nustatymas
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Klaida parsiunčiant %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Klaida nusiunčiant %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessHttpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nerastas tinkamas įgaliotasis serveris
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ Prieiga prie tinklo išjungta.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2
+ Klaida parsiunčiant %1. Serveris atsakė: %2
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Protokolas „%1“ nežinomas
+ Network session error.
+ Tinklo seanso klaida.
+ backend start error.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Laikina problema su tinklu.
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operacija atšaukta
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ Neleistina sąranka.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Roaming error
+ Session aborted by user or system
+ Seansą nutraukė naudotojas arba sistema
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ Nurodyta konfigūracija negali būti naudojama.
+ Unidentified Error
+ Neidentifikuota klaida
+ Unknown session error.
+ Nežinoma seanso klaida.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ Seansą nutraukė naudotojas arba sistema.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ Norima atlikti operacija yra nepalaikoma sistemos.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Inicijavimas nepavyko
+ Unable to logon
+ Nepavyko registruotis į seansą
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti paketinio sakinio
+ Unable to goto next
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nepavyko paruošti sakinio
+ Unable to get statement type
+ Nepavyko gauti sakinio tipo
+ Unable to bind value
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti sakinio
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio: tvarkyklėje nepalaikomas visas reikiamas funkcionalumas
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ Nepavyko išjungti automatinio transakcijų patvirtinimo
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ Nepavyko įjungti automatinio transakcijų patvirtinimo
+ QODBCResult
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: nepavyko nustatyti sakinio atributo „SQL_CURSOR_STATIC“. Patikrinkite ODBC tvarkyklės sąranką
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti sakinio
+ Unable to fetch
+ Nepavyko gauti įrašo
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Nepavyko gauti tolesnio įrašo
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Nepavyko gauti pirmojo įrašo
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ Nepavyko gauti ankstesnio įrašo
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nepavyko paruošti sakinio
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Nepavyko susieti kintamojo
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Nepavyko gauti paskutinio įrašo
+ QObject
+ PulseAudio Sound Server
+ „PulseAudio“ garso serveris
+ "%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.
+ „%1“ dubliuoja ankstesnės rolės vardą, todėl bus išjungtas.
+ invalid query: "%1"
+ netinkama užklausa: „%1“
+ Host not found
+ Mazgas nerastas
+ QPPDOptionsModel
+ Name
+ Vardas
+ Value
+ Reikšmė
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Nepavyko prenumeruoti
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ Nepavyko atsisakyti prenumeratos
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ Nepavyko sukurti užklausos
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nepavyko paruošti sakinio
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Forma
+ Paper
+ Popierius
+ Page size:
+ Popieriaus dydis:
+ Width:
+ Plotis:
+ Height:
+ Aukštis:
+ Paper source:
+ Popieriaus šaltinis:
+ Orientation
+ Orientacija
+ Portrait
+ Stačias
+ Landscape
+ Gulsčias
+ Reverse landscape
+ Apverstas gulsčias
+ Reverse portrait
+ Apverstas stačias
+ Margins
+ Paraštės
+ top margin
+ viršutinė paraštė
+ left margin
+ kairioji paraštė
+ right margin
+ dešinioji paraštė
+ bottom margin
+ apatinė paraštė
+ Centimeters (cm)
+ Centimetrai (cm)
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Milimetrai (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Coliai (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Taškai (pt)
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Papildinys neįkeltas.
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Spausdinimas
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ C5E
+ C5E
+ Executive
+ Executive
+ Folio
+ Folio
+ Ledger
+ Ledger
+ Legal
+ Legal
+ Letter
+ Letter
+ Tabloid
+ Tabloid
+ US Common #10 Envelope
+ JAV įprastas #10 vokas
+ Custom
+ Pasirinktinis
+ File exists
+ Toks failas jau yra
+ <qt>Do you want to overwrite it?</qt>
+ <qt>Ar norite jį perrašyti?</qt>
+ A0 (841 x 1189 mm)
+ A0 (841 × 1189 mm)
+ A1 (594 x 841 mm)
+ A1 (594 × 841 mm)
+ A2 (420 x 594 mm)
+ A2 (420 × 594 mm)
+ A3 (297 x 420 mm)
+ A3 (297 × 420 mm)
+ A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 inches)
+ A4 (210 × 297 mm; 8,26 × 11,7 colio)
+ A5 (148 x 210 mm)
+ A5 (148 × 210 mm)
+ A6 (105 x 148 mm)
+ A6 (105 × 148 mm)
+ A7 (74 x 105 mm)
+ A7 (74 × 105 mm)
+ A8 (52 x 74 mm)
+ A8 (52 × 74 mm)
+ A9 (37 x 52 mm)
+ A9 (37 × 52 mm)
+ B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)
+ B0 (1000 × 1414 mm)
+ B1 (707 x 1000 mm)
+ B1 (707 × 1000 mm)
+ B2 (500 x 707 mm)
+ B2 (500 × 707 mm)
+ B3 (353 x 500 mm)
+ B3 (353 × 500 mm)
+ B4 (250 x 353 mm)
+ B4 (250 × 353 mm)
+ B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches)
+ B5 (176 × 250 mm; 6,93 × 9,84 colio)
+ B6 (125 x 176 mm)
+ B6 (125 × 176 mm)
+ B7 (88 x 125 mm)
+ B7 (88 × 125 mm)
+ B8 (62 x 88 mm)
+ B8 (62 × 88 mm)
+ B9 (44 x 62 mm)
+ B9 (44 × 62 mm)
+ B10 (31 x 44 mm)
+ B10 (31 × 44 mm)
+ C5E (163 x 229 mm)
+ C5E (163 × 229 mm)
+ DLE (110 x 220 mm)
+ DLE (110 × 220 mm)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 inches, 191 x 254 mm)
+ Executive (7,5 × 10 colių; 191 × 254 mm)
+ Folio (210 x 330 mm)
+ Folio (210 × 330 mm)
+ Ledger (432 x 279 mm)
+ Ledger (432 × 279 mm)
+ Legal (8.5 x 14 inches, 216 x 356 mm)
+ Legal (8,5 × 14 colių; 216 × 356 mm)
+ Letter (8.5 x 11 inches, 216 x 279 mm)
+ Letter (8,5 × 11 colių; 216 × 279 mm)
+ Tabloid (279 x 432 mm)
+ Tabloid (279 × 432 mm)
+ US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm)
+ JAV įprastas #10 vokas (105 × 241 mm)
+ Print all
+ Spausdinti viską
+ Print selection
+ Spausdinti pažymėtą sritį
+ Print range
+ Spausdinti rėžį
+ Print current page
+ Spausdinti šį puslapį
+ &Options >>
+ &Parinktys >>
+ &Print
+ &Spausdinti
+ &Options <<
+ &Parinktys <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Spausdinti į failą (PDF)
+ Print to File (Postscript)
+ Spausdinti į failą (PostScript)
+ Local file
+ vietinis failas
+ Write %1 file
+ įrašyti %1 failą
+ Print To File ...
+ Parinkite failą, į kurį norite spausdinti
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ „%1“ yra katalogas.
+Pasirinkite kitą failo vardą.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Į failą „%1“ rašyti neleidžiama.
+Pasirinkite kitą failo vardą.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ Failas „%1“ jau yra.
+Ar norite jį perrašyti?
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ Reikšmė „nuo“ negali būti didesnė už reikšmę „iki“.
+ OK
+ Gerai
+ locally connected
+ prijungtas prie šio įrenginio
+ Aliases: %1
+ Alternatyvieji vardai: %1
+ unknown
+ nežinomas
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Puslapio parinktys
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Spaudinio peržiūra
+ Next page
+ Kitas puslapis
+ Previous page
+ Ankstesnis puslapis
+ First page
+ Pirmas puslapis
+ Last page
+ Paskutinis puslapis
+ Fit width
+ Priderinti mastelį prie lapo pločio
+ Fit page
+ Priderinti mastelį prie lapo dydžio
+ Zoom in
+ Pritraukti
+ Zoom out
+ Atitraukti
+ Portrait
+ Stačias lapas
+ Landscape
+ Gulsčias lapas
+ Show single page
+ Rodyti vieną puslapį
+ Show facing pages
+ Rodyti kaip knygą
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Rodyti visų puslapių apžvalgą
+ Print
+ Spausdinti
+ Page setup
+ Puslapio parinktys
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Export to PDF
+ Eksportuoti PDF formatu
+ Export to PostScript
+ Eksportuoti „PostScript“ formatu
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Forma
+ Page
+ Puslapis
+ Advanced
+ Kita
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Forma
+ Copies
+ Kopijos
+ Print range
+ Spaudinio apimtis
+ Print all
+ Spausdinti viską
+ Pages from
+ Puslapius nuo
+ to
+ iki
+ Current Page
+ Tik šį puslapį
+ Selection
+ Pažymėtą sritį
+ Output Settings
+ Išvesties parinktys
+ Copies:
+ Kopijos:
+ Collate
+ Sugrupuoti
+ Reverse
+ Sp. atvirkštine tvarka
+ Options
+ Parinktys
+ Color Mode
+ Spalvų pateikimas
+ Color
+ Spausdinti spalvotai
+ Grayscale
+ Spausdinti nespalvotai
+ Duplex Printing
+ Dvipusis spausdinimas
+ None
+ Nenaudoti
+ Long side
+ Versti per ilgąją kraštinę
+ Short side
+ Versti per trumpąją kraštinę
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Forma
+ Printer
+ Spausdintuvas
+ &Name:
+ &Vardas:
+ P&roperties
+ &Nuostatos
+ Location:
+ Vieta:
+ Preview
+ Peržiūra
+ Type:
+ Tipas:
+ Output &file:
+ Išvesties &failas:
+ ...
+ …
+ QProcess
+ Error reading from process
+ Klaida skaitant iš proceso
+ Error writing to process
+ Klaida rašant į procesą
+ Process crashed
+ Procesas užstrigo
+ No program defined
+ Nenurodyta programa
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Nepavyko skaitymui atverti įvesties peradresavimo
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Nepavyko rašymui atverti išvesties peradresavimo
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Ištekliaus klaida kuriant vaikinį procesą: %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ Baigėsi operacijai su procesu skirtas laikas
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ Proceso paleisti nepavyko: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ QPushButton
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ QRadioButton
+ Check
+ Pažymėti
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ klaidų neaptikta
+ disabled feature used
+ naudojama išjungta galimybė
+ bad char class syntax
+ bloga simbolių klasės sintaksė
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ bloga apžvalgos į priekį sintaksė
+ bad repetition syntax
+ bloga kartojimo sintaksė
+ invalid octal value
+ negalima aštuntainė reikšmė
+ missing left delim
+ trūksta kairiojo skirtuko
+ unexpected end
+ netikėta pabaiga
+ met internal limit
+ pasiekta vidinė riba
+ invalid interval
+ negalimas intervalas
+ invalid category
+ negalima kategorija
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Klaida atveriant duomenų bazę
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Nepavyko gauti rezultatų
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti sakinio
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Klaida atveriant duomenų bazę
+ Error closing database
+ Klaida užveriant duomenų bazę
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Nepavyko gauti eilutės
+ No query
+ Nėra užklausos
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti sakinio
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Nesutampa parametrų skaičius
+ QScriptBreakpointsModel
+ ID
+ ID
+ Location
+ Vieta
+ Condition
+ Sąlyga
+ Ignore-count
+ Single-shot
+ Hit-count
+ QScriptBreakpointsWidget
+ New
+ Naujas
+ Delete
+ Pašalinti
+ QScriptDebugger
+ Go to Line
+ Eiti į eilutę
+ Line:
+ Eilutė:
+ Interrupt
+ Pertraukti
+ Shift+F5
+ Shift+F5
+ Continue
+ Tęsti
+ F5
+ F5
+ Step Into
+ Įžengti
+ F11
+ F11
+ Step Over
+ Peržengti
+ F10
+ F10
+ Step Out
+ Išžengti
+ Shift+F11
+ Shift+F11
+ Run to Cursor
+ Vykdyti iki žymeklio
+ Ctrl+F10
+ Ctrl+F10
+ Run to New Script
+ Vykdyti iki naujo scenarijaus
+ Toggle Breakpoint
+ Įjungti / išjungti stabdos tašką
+ F9
+ F9
+ Clear Debug Output
+ Išvalyti derinimo išvestį
+ Clear Error Log
+ Išvalyti klaidų žurnalą
+ Clear Console
+ Išvalyti pultą
+ &Find in Script...
+ &Ieškoti scenarijuje…
+ Ctrl+F
+ Ctrl+F
+ Find &Next
+ Ieškoti &toliau
+ F3
+ F3
+ Find &Previous
+ Ieškoti &atgal
+ Shift+F3
+ Shift+F3
+ Ctrl+G
+ Ctrl+G
+ Debug
+ Derinimas
+ QScriptDebuggerCodeFinderWidget
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Previous
+ Ankstesnis
+ Next
+ Tolesnis
+ Case Sensitive
+ Skirti didžiąsias ir mažąsias raides
+ Whole words
+ Ieškoti tik pilnų žodžių
+ <img src=":/qt/scripttools/debugging/images/wrap.png"> Search wrapped
+ <img src=":/qt/scripttools/debugging/images/wrap.png"> Ieškoti laužyto teksto
+ QScriptDebuggerLocalsModel
+ Name
+ Vardas
+ Value
+ Reikšmė
+ QScriptDebuggerStackModel
+ Level
+ Lygmuo
+ Name
+ Vardas
+ Location
+ Vieta
+ QScriptEdit
+ Toggle Breakpoint
+ Įjungti / išjungti stabdos tašką
+ Disable Breakpoint
+ Išjungti stabdos tašką
+ Enable Breakpoint
+ Įjungti stabdos tašką
+ Breakpoint Condition:
+ Stabdos taško sąlyga:
+ QScriptEngineDebugger
+ Loaded Scripts
+ Įkelti scenarijai
+ Breakpoints
+ Stabdos taškai
+ Stack
+ Dėklas
+ Locals
+ Vietiniai kintamieji
+ Console
+ Pultas
+ Debug Output
+ Derinimo išvestis
+ Error Log
+ Klaidų žurnalas
+ Search
+ Paieška
+ View
+ Rodymas
+ Qt Script Debugger
+ „Qt“ scenarijų derintuvė
+ QScriptNewBreakpointWidget
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Slinkti į čia
+ Left edge
+ Kairysis kraštas
+ Top
+ Viršus
+ Right edge
+ Dešinysis kraštas
+ Bottom
+ Apačia
+ Page left
+ Puslapis kairėn
+ Page up
+ Puslapis aukštyn
+ Page right
+ Puslapis dešinėn
+ Page down
+ Puslapis žemyn
+ Scroll left
+ Slinkti kairėn
+ Scroll up
+ Slinkti aukštyn
+ Scroll right
+ Slinkti dešinėn
+ Scroll down
+ Slinkti žemyn
+ Line up
+ Eilutė aukštyn
+ Position
+ Padėtis
+ Line down
+ Eilutė žemyn
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: užrakinant nepavyko nustatyti rakto
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: bandomo kurti objekto dydis neigiamas
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: nepavyko užrakinti
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: nepavyko atrakinti
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: jau egzistuoja
+ %1: doesn't exists
+ %1: neegzistuoja
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: neleistinas dydis
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: pritrūko išteklių
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: nepakanka teisių
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: nežinoma klaida %2
+ %1: key error
+ %1: rakto klaida
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: rakto sukurti nepavyko
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: neegzistuoja
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: raktas tuščias
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: UNIX rakto failas neegzistuoja
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: nepavyko ftok()
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: dydį ribojama sistema
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: netinkamas pavadinimas
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: nesusieta
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: dydžio užklausa nepavyko
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Tarpas
+ Esc
+ Gr
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Backspace
+ Naikinti iš kairės
+ Return
+ Įvesti
+ Enter
+ Įvesti
+ Ins
+ Įterpti
+ Del
+ Šal
+ Pause
+ Pauzė
+ Print
+ Sp
+ SysReq
+ Sist.
+ Home
+ Prad
+ End
+ Pab
+ Left
+ Kairėn
+ Up
+ Aukštyn
+ Right
+ Dešinėn
+ Down
+ Žemyn
+ PgUp
+ Psl. aukštyn
+ PgDown
+ Psl. žemyn
+ CapsLock
+ Didž
+ NumLock
+ Skaitm
+ ScrollLock
+ Slinkti
+ Menu
+ Meniu
+ Help
+ Pagalba
+ Back
+ Atgal
+ Forward
+ Pirmyn
+ Stop
+ Stabdyti
+ Refresh
+ Atsiųsti iš naujo
+ Volume Down
+ Tyliau
+ Volume Mute
+ Nutildyti
+ Volume Up
+ Garsiau
+ Bass Boost
+ Bass Up
+ Bass Down
+ Treble Up
+ Treble Down
+ Media Play
+ Media Stop
+ Media Previous
+ Media Next
+ Media Record
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Home Page
+ Pradžios tinklalapis
+ Favorites
+ Adresynas
+ Search
+ Ieškoti
+ Standby
+ Open URL
+ Atverti URL
+ Launch Mail
+ Atverti el. paštą
+ Launch Media
+ Atverti medijos leistuvę
+ Launch (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Power Off
+ Išjungti
+ Wake Up
+ Prikelti
+ Eject
+ Išstumti
+ Screensaver
+ Ekrano užsklanda
+ Saitynas
+ Sleep
+ Užmigdyti
+ LightBulb
+ Lemputė
+ Shop
+ Apsipirkti
+ History
+ Žurnalas
+ Add Favorite
+ Įtraukti į adresyną
+ Hot Links
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Finance
+ Community
+ Audio Rewind
+ Back Forward
+ Application Left
+ Application Right
+ Book
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Skaičiuotuvas
+ Clear
+ Išvalyti
+ Clear Grab
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Copy
+ Kopijuoti
+ Cut
+ Iškirpti
+ Display
+ Documents
+ Dokumentų rengyklė
+ Spreadsheet
+ Skaičiuoklė
+ Browser
+ Naršyklė
+ Game
+ Žaidimas
+ Go
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Market
+ Meeting
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Menu PB
+ My Sites
+ News
+ Home Office
+ Option
+ Paste
+ Įdėti
+ Phone
+ Reply
+ Reload
+ Atsiųsti iš naujo
+ Rotate Windows
+ Rotation PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Save
+ Įrašyti
+ Send
+ Spellchecker
+ Split Screen
+ Support
+ Task Panel
+ Terminal
+ Tools
+ Travel
+ Video
+ Video
+ Word Processor
+ Tekstų rengyklė
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Zoom Out
+ Away
+ Messenger
+ WebCam
+ Mail Forward
+ Pictures
+ Music
+ Muzika
+ Battery
+ Baterija
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Audio Forward
+ Audio Repeat
+ Audio Random Play
+ Subtitle
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Time
+ Select
+ Rinktis
+ View
+ Rodymas
+ Top Menu
+ Suspend
+ Hibernate
+ Print Screen
+ Ekrano spausdinimas
+ Page Up
+ Ankstesnis puslapis
+ Page Down
+ Kitas puslapis
+ Caps Lock
+ Didžiosios raidės
+ Num Lock
+ Skaitmenys
+ Number Lock
+ Skaitmenys
+ Scroll Lock
+ Ekrano slinkimas
+ Insert
+ Įterpimas
+ Delete
+ Šalinimas
+ Escape
+ Grįžimas
+ System Request
+ Sisteminė užklausa
+ Yes
+ Taip
+ No
+ Ne
+ Context1
+ Context2
+ Context3
+ Context4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Skambinti
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Užbaigti skambutį
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Skambinti/ užbaigti skambutį
+ Flip
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Skambinti balsu
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Pakartoti paskiausią skambutį
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu toggle
+ Code input
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Previous Candidate
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangul End
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Ctrl
+ Vald
+ Shift
+ Lyg2
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSlider
+ Page left
+ Puslapis kairėn
+ Page up
+ Puslapis aukštyn
+ Position
+ Padėtis
+ Page right
+ Puslapis dešinėn
+ Page down
+ Puslapis žemyn
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Ryšys su įgaliotuoju serveriu atmestas
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ Ryšys su įgaliotuoju serveriu netikėtai užbaigtas
+ Proxy host not found
+ Įgaliotasis serveris nerastas
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Baigėsi ryšiui su įgaliotuoju serveriu skirtas laikas
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Tapatumo nustatymas įgaliotajame serveryje nepavyko
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ Tapatumo nustatymas įgaliotajame serveryje nepavyko: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ SOCKSv5 protokolo klaida
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Bendrinė SOCKSv5 serverio klaida
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ Ryšį uždraudė SOCKSv5 serveris
+ TTL expired
+ Baigėsi paketo galiojimo laikas (TTL)
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ SOCKSv5 komanda nepalaikoma
+ Address type not supported
+ Adreso tipas nepalaikomas
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Nežinomas SOCKSv5 įgaliotojo serverio klaidos kodas 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ Baigėsi tinklo operacijai skirtas laikas
+ QSoftKeyManager
+ Ok
+ Gerai
+ OK
+ Gerai
+ Select
+ Rinktis
+ Done
+ Baigta
+ Options
+ Parinktys
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ Exit
+ Baigti
+ QSpinBox
+ More
+ Daugiau
+ Less
+ Mažiau
+ QSql
+ Delete
+ Šalinimas
+ Delete this record?
+ Pašalinti šį įrašą?
+ Yes
+ Taip
+ No
+ Ne
+ Insert
+ Įterpimas
+ Update
+ Atnaujinimas
+ Save edits?
+ Įrašyti pakeitimus?
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ Confirm
+ Patvirtinimas
+ Cancel your edits?
+ Atsisakyti atliktų pakeitimų?
+ QSslSocket
+ No error
+ Klaidų nėra
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ Liudijimo išdavėjo liudijimas nerastas
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ Liudijimo parašo iššifruoti nepavyko
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ Liudijime esančio viešojo rakto nepavyko perskaityti
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ Liudijimo parašas negaliojantis
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ Liudijimas dar negalioja
+ The certificate has expired
+ Liudijimo galiojimo laikas pasibaigęs
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ Liudijimo „notBefore“ lauke nurodytas negalimas laikas
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ Liudijimo „notAfter“ lauke nurodytas negalimas laikas
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Liudijimas pasirašytas pačiu savimi, todėl juo nepasitikima
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Liudijimų grandinės šakninis liudijimas pasirašytas pačiu savimi, todėl juo nepasitikima
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ Lokaliai rasto liudijimo išdavėjo liudijimo nepavyko rasti
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Liudijimų patikrinti nepavyko
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ Vienas liudijimų įstaigos liudijimų yra negaliojantis
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ Viršytas „basicConstraints“ kelio ilgio parametras
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ Pateikto liudijimo paskirtis netinkama
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ Liudijimų įstaigos šakninio liudijimo paskirtis netinkama
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ Liudijimų įstaigos šakniniame liudijime nurodyta atmesti šią paskirtį
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ Potencialus išdavėjo liudijimas atmestas, nes jo subjekto pavadinimas nesutampa su tikrinamo liudijimo išdavėjo pavadinimu
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ Potencialus išdavėjo liudijimas atmestas, nes jame nurodytas išdavėjo pavadinimas ir serijinis numeris, kurie nesutampa su tikrinamo liudijimo autoriteto rakto identifikatoriumi
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ Partnerinis kompiuteris nepateikė jokio liudijimo
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ Mazgo vardas nesutampa su nė vienu šiam liudijimui tinkamu mazgo vardu
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Klaida sukuriant SSL kontekstą (%1)
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Netinkamas arba tuščias šifrų sąrašas (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Negalima pateikti liudijimo, neturint rakto; %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Klaida įkeliant vietinį liudijimą; %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Klaida įkeliant privatų raktą; %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ Privatusis raktas netinkamas viešąjam raktui; %1
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Klaida kuriant SSL sesiją; %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Klaida kuriant SSL sesiją: %1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Nepavyko rašyti duomenų: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ Nepavyko iššifruoti duomenų: %1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Klaida skaitant: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Klaida SSL pasisveikinimo metu: %1
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ Partnerinio kompiuterio liudijimas įtrauktas į juodąjį sąrašą
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ Sudėtinėje būsenoje „%1“ trūksta pradinės būsenos
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ Žurnalinėje būsenoje „%1“ trūksta numatytosios būsenos
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ Perėjimo iš būsenos „%1“ šaltinis ir paskirtis neturi bendrų protėvių
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ QSymSQLDriver
+ Invalid option:
+ Error opening database
+ Klaida atveriant duomenų bazę
+ POLICY_DB_DEFAULT must be defined before any other POLICY definitions can be used
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nepavyko pradėti transakcijos
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nepavyko užbaigti transakcijos
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nepavyko anuliuoti transakcijos
+ QSymSQLResult
+ Error retrieving column count
+ Error retrieving column name
+ Error retrieving column type
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Nepavyko gauti eilutės
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nepavyko įvykdyti sakinio
+ Statement is not prepared
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Nesutampa parametrų skaičius
+ QSymbianSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Nepavyko inicijuoti neblokuojamo lizdo
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Nepavyko inicijuoti lizdo transliavimui
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Bandoma naudoti IPv6 lizdą platformoje, kurioje IPv6 protokolas nepalaikomas
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Nutolęs mazgas užbaigė ryšį
+ Network operation timed out
+ Baigėsi tinklo operacijai skirtas laikas
+ Out of resources
+ Pritrūko išteklių
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Nepalaikoma operacija su lizdu
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Nepalaikomas protokolo tipas
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Netinkamas lizdo deskriptorius
+ Host unreachable
+ Mazgas nepasiekiamas
+ Network unreachable
+ Tinklas nepasiekiamas
+ Permission denied
+ Nepakanka teisių
+ Connection timed out
+ Baigėsi ryšiui skirtas laikas
+ Connection refused
+ Ryšys atmestas
+ The bound address is already in use
+ Bandomas naudoti adresas jau yra naudojamas
+ The address is not available
+ Adresas neleidžiamas
+ The address is protected
+ Adresas apsaugotas
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Duomenų paketas per didelis, kad galėtų būti išsiųstas
+ Unable to send a message
+ Nepavyko išsiųsti pranešimo
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Nepavyko gauti pranešimo
+ Unable to write
+ Rašymas nepavyko
+ Network error
+ Tinklo klaida
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Tą patį prievadą klausymui jau naudoja kitas lizdas
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operacija ne su lizdu
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Įgaliotojo serverio tipas netinkamas šiai operacijai
+ The address is invalid for this operation
+ Adresas šiai operacijai netinkamas
+ The specified network session is not opened
+ Nurodytas tinklo seansas neatvertas
+ Unknown error
+ Nežinoma klaida
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: nepakanka teisių
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: jau egzistuoja
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: neegzistuoja
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: pritrūko išteklių
+ %1: name error
+ %1: vardo klaida
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: nežinoma klaida %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Nepavyko atverti ryšio
+ Unable to use database
+ Nepavyko naudoti duomenų bazės
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Slinkti kairėn
+ Scroll Right
+ Slinkti dešinėn
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Operacija su lizdu nepalaikoma
+ QTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Atšaukti
+ &Redo
+ A&tstatyti
+ Cu&t
+ Iški&rpti
+ &Copy
+ &Kopijuoti
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Kopijuoti &saito adresą
+ &Paste
+ Į&dėti
+ Delete
+ Pašalinti
+ Select All
+ Pažymėti viską
+ QToolButton
+ Press
+ Nuspausti
+ Open
+ Atverti
+ QUdpSocket
+ This platform does not support IPv6
+ Šioje platformoje IPv6 protokolas nepalaikomas
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo
+ Atšaukti
+ Redo
+ Atstatyti
+ Undo %1
+ Atšaukti „%1“
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Atšaukti
+ Redo %1
+ Atstatyti „%1“
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Atstatyti
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <tuščia>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo
+ Atšaukti
+ Redo
+ Atstatyti
+ Undo %1
+ Atšaukti „%1“
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Atšaukti
+ Redo %1
+ Atstatyti „%1“
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Atstatyti
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM Krypties iš kairės į dešinę ženklas
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Krypties iš dešinės į kairę ženklas
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Nulinio pločio jungimo ženklas
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Nulinio pločio nejungimo ženklas
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Nulinio pločio tarpas
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Įterpties iš kairės į dešinę pradžia
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Įterpties iš dešinės į kairę pradžia
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Perdengiantis iš kairės į dešinę pradžia
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Perdengimo iš dešinės į kairę pradžia
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Ankstesnės krypties ženklas
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Įterpti unikodo valdymo ženklą
+ QWebFrame
+ Request cancelled
+ Užklausos atsisakyta
+ Request canceled
+ Užklausos atsisakyta
+ Request blocked
+ Užklausa uždrausta
+ Cannot show URL
+ URL parodyti nepavyko
+ Frame load interrupted by policy change
+ Kadro įkėlimas nutrauktas dėl politikos pakeitimo
+ Cannot show mimetype
+ Šio MIME tipo parodyti negalima
+ File does not exist
+ Failas neegzistuoja
+ Loading is handled by the media engine
+ Įkėlimą vykdo mediją apdorojantis komponentas
+ QWebPage
+ Redirection limit reached
+ Pasiekta peradresavimų kiekio riba
+ Bad HTTP request
+ Bloga HTTP užklausa
+ %n file(s)
+ number of chosen file
+ %n failas
+ %n failai
+ %n failų
+ Submit
+ default label for Submit buttons in forms on web pages
+ Pateikti
+ Submit
+ Submit (input element) alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or value
+ Pateikti
+ Reset
+ default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages
+ Atstatyti
+ This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:
+ text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index'
+ Tai – sąrašas, kuriame galite vykdyti paiešką. Įveskite reikšminius paieškos žodžius:
+ Choose File
+ title for file button used in HTML forms
+ Parinkti failą
+ No file selected
+ text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected
+ Failas nepasirinktas
+ Details
+ text to display in <details> tag when it has no <summary> child
+ Išsamiau
+ Open in New Window
+ Open in New Window context menu item
+ Atverti naujame lange
+ Save Link...
+ Download Linked File context menu item
+ Įrašyti saistomą objektą kaip…
+ Copy Link
+ Copy Link context menu item
+ Kopijuoti saito adresą
+ Open Image
+ Open Image in New Window context menu item
+ Atverti paveikslą
+ Save Image
+ Download Image context menu item
+ Įrašyti paveikslą
+ Copy Image
+ Copy Link context menu item
+ Kopijuoti paveikslą
+ Copy Image Address
+ Copy Image Address menu item
+ Kopijuoti paveikslo adresą
+ Open Video
+ Open Video in New Window
+ Atverti vaizdo įrašą
+ Open Audio
+ Open Audio in New Window
+ Atverti garso įrašą
+ Copy Video
+ Copy Video Link Location
+ Kopijuoti vaizdo įrašą
+ Copy Audio
+ Copy Audio Link Location
+ Kopijuoti garso įrašą
+ Toggle Controls
+ Toggle Media Controls
+ Rodyti / nerodyti mygtukus
+ Toggle Loop
+ Toggle Media Loop Playback
+ Įjungti / išjungti kartojimą
+ Enter Fullscreen
+ Switch Video to Fullscreen
+ Rodyti visame ekrane
+ Play
+ Play
+ Groti
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Pristabdyti
+ Mute
+ Mute
+ Išjungti garsą
+ Open Frame
+ Open Frame in New Window context menu item
+ Atverti kadrą
+ Copy
+ Copy context menu item
+ Kopijuoti
+ Go Back
+ Back context menu item
+ Grįžti atgal
+ Go Forward
+ Forward context menu item
+ Eiti pirmyn
+ Stop
+ Stop context menu item
+ Stabdyti
+ Reload
+ Reload context menu item
+ Atsiųsti iš naujo
+ Cut
+ Cut context menu item
+ Iškirpti
+ Paste
+ Paste context menu item
+ Įdėti
+ Select All
+ Select All context menu item
+ Pažymėti viską
+ No Guesses Found
+ No Guesses Found context menu item
+ Pasiūlymų nėra
+ Ignore
+ Ignore Spelling context menu item
+ Nepaisyti
+ Add To Dictionary
+ Learn Spelling context menu item
+ Įtraukti į žodyną
+ Search The Web
+ Search The Web context menu item
+ Ieškoti saityne
+ Look Up In Dictionary
+ Look Up in Dictionary context menu item
+ Ieškoti žodyne
+ Open Link
+ Open Link context menu item
+ Atverti saistomą objektą
+ Ignore
+ Ignore Grammar context menu item
+ Nepaisyti
+ Spelling
+ Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item
+ Rašyba
+ Show Spelling and Grammar
+ menu item title
+ Rodyti rašybą ir gramatiką
+ Hide Spelling and Grammar
+ menu item title
+ Nerodyti rašybos ir gramatikos
+ Check Spelling
+ Check spelling context menu item
+ Patikrinti rašybą
+ Check Spelling While Typing
+ Check spelling while typing context menu item
+ Tikrinti rašybą rašant tekstą
+ Check Grammar With Spelling
+ Check grammar with spelling context menu item
+ Tikrinti gramatiką kartu su rašyba
+ Fonts
+ Font context sub-menu item
+ Šriftai
+ Bold
+ Bold context menu item
+ Pastorintas
+ Italic
+ Italic context menu item
+ Kursyvas
+ Underline
+ Underline context menu item
+ Pabrauktas
+ Outline
+ Outline context menu item
+ Kontūrinis
+ Direction
+ Writing direction context sub-menu item
+ Kryptis
+ Text Direction
+ Text direction context sub-menu item
+ Teksto kryptis
+ Default
+ Default writing direction context menu item
+ Numatytoji
+ Left to Right
+ Left to Right context menu item
+ Iš kairės į dešinę
+ Right to Left
+ Right to Left context menu item
+ Iš dešinės į kairę
+ Inspect
+ Inspect Element context menu item
+ Tirti
+ No recent searches
+ Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed
+ Paskiausių paieškų nėra
+ Recent searches
+ label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title
+ Paskiausios paieškos
+ Clear recent searches
+ menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents
+ Išvalyti paskiausių paieškų sąrašą
+ Missing Plug-in
+ Label text to be used when a plug-in is missing
+ Trūksta papildinio
+ Unknown
+ Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item
+ Nežinomas
+ %1 (%2x%3 pixels)
+ Title string for images
+ %1 (%2×%3 taškų)
+ Loading...
+ Media controller status message when the media is loading
+ Įkeliama…
+ Live Broadcast
+ Media controller status message when watching a live broadcast
+ Tiesioginė transliacija
+ Audio Element
+ Media controller element
+ Audio elementas
+ Video Element
+ Media controller element
+ Video elementas
+ Mute Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Išjungti garsą“
+ Unmute Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Įjungti garsą“
+ Play Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Leisti“
+ Pause Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Pristabdyti“
+ Slider
+ Media controller element
+ Šliaužiklis
+ Slider Thumb
+ Media controller element
+ Šliaužiklio rankenėlė
+ Rewind Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Atsukti atgal“
+ Return to Real-time Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Grįžti į esamą laiką“
+ Elapsed Time
+ Media controller element
+ Praėjęs laikas
+ Remaining Time
+ Media controller element
+ Likęs laikas
+ Status Display
+ Media controller element
+ Būsenos indikatorius
+ Fullscreen Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Visas ekranas“
+ Seek Forward Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Ieškoti pirmyn“
+ Seek Back Button
+ Media controller element
+ Mygtukas „Ieškoti atgal“
+ Audio element playback controls and status display
+ Media controller element
+ Audio elemento perklausos valdikliai ir būsenos indikatorius
+ Video element playback controls and status display
+ Media controller element
+ Video elemento peržiūros valdikliai ir būsenos indikatorius
+ Mute audio tracks
+ Media controller element
+ Išjungti audio takelių garsą
+ Unmute audio tracks
+ Media controller element
+ Įjungti audio takelių garsą
+ Begin playback
+ Media controller element
+ Pradėti perklausą
+ Pause playback
+ Media controller element
+ Pristabdyti perklausą
+ Movie time scrubber
+ Media controller element
+ Įrašo peržiūros eigos juosta
+ Movie time scrubber thumb
+ Media controller element
+ Įrašo peržiūros eigos juostos rankenėlė
+ Rewind movie
+ Media controller element
+ Atsukti įrašą atgal
+ Return streaming movie to real-time
+ Media controller element
+ Grąžinti transliaciją į esamą laiką
+ Current movie time
+ Media controller element
+ Praėjęs įrašo laikas
+ Remaining movie time
+ Media controller element
+ Likęs įrašo laikas
+ Current movie status
+ Media controller element
+ Dabartinė įrašo būsena
+ Play movie in full-screen mode
+ Media controller element
+ Rodyti vaizdo įrašą per visą ekraną
+ Seek quickly back
+ Media controller element
+ Ieškoti atgal
+ Seek quickly forward
+ Media controller element
+ Ieškoti pirmyn
+ Indefinite time
+ Media time description
+ Laikas neapibrėžtas
+ %1 days %2 hours %3 minutes %4 seconds
+ Media time description
+ %1 d. %2 val. %3 min. %4 sek.
+ %1 hours %2 minutes %3 seconds
+ Media time description
+ %1 val. %2 min. %3 sek.
+ %1 minutes %2 seconds
+ Media time description
+ %1 min. %2 sek.
+ %1 seconds
+ Media time description
+ %1 sek.
+ Scroll here
+ Slinkti čia
+ Left edge
+ Kairysis kraštas
+ Top
+ Viršus
+ Right edge
+ Dešinysis kraštas
+ Bottom
+ Apačia
+ Page left
+ Puslapis kairėn
+ Page up
+ Puslapis aukštyn
+ Page right
+ Puslapis dešinėn
+ Page down
+ Puslapis žemyn
+ Scroll left
+ Slinkti kairėn
+ Scroll up
+ Slinkti aukštyn
+ Scroll right
+ Slinkti dešinėn
+ Scroll down
+ Slinkti žemyn
+ JavaScript Alert - %1
+ „JavaScript“ įspėjimas – %1
+ JavaScript Confirm - %1
+ „JavaScript“ patvirtinimas – %1
+ JavaScript Prompt - %1
+ „JavaScript“ užklausa – %1
+ JavaScript Problem - %1
+ „JavaScript“ problema – %1
+ The script on this page appears to have a problem. Do you want to stop the script?
+ Panašu, jog šiame tinklalapyje veikiantis scenarijus susidūrė su problema. Ar norite nutraukti scenarijaus vykdymą?
+ Move the cursor to the next character
+ Perkelti žymeklį ties tolesniu simboliu
+ Move the cursor to the previous character
+ Perkelti žymeklį ties ankstesniu simboliu
+ Move the cursor to the next word
+ Perkelti žymeklį ties tolesniu žodžiu
+ Move the cursor to the previous word
+ Perkelti žymeklį ties ankstesniu žodžiu
+ Move the cursor to the next line
+ Perkelti žymeklį į tolesnę eilutę
+ Move the cursor to the previous line
+ Perkelti žymeklį į ankstesnę eilutę
+ Move the cursor to the start of the line
+ Perkelti žymeklį į eilutės pradžią
+ Move the cursor to the end of the line
+ Perkelti žymeklį į eilutės pabaigą
+ Move the cursor to the start of the block
+ Perkelti žymeklį į bloko pradžią
+ Move the cursor to the end of the block
+ Perkelti žymeklį į bloko pabaigą
+ Move the cursor to the start of the document
+ Perkelti žymeklį į dokumento pradžią
+ Move the cursor to the end of the document
+ Perkelti žymeklį į dokumento pabaigą
+ Select all
+ Pažymėti viską
+ Select to the next character
+ Pažymėti iki tolesnio simbolio
+ Select to the previous character
+ Pažymėti iki ankstesnio simbolio
+ Select to the next word
+ Pažymėti iki tolesnio žodžio
+ Select to the previous word
+ Pažymėti iki ankstesnio žodžio
+ Select to the next line
+ Pažymėti iki tolesnės eilutės
+ Select to the previous line
+ Pažymėti iki ankstesnės eilutės
+ Select to the start of the line
+ Pažymėti iki eilutės pradžios
+ Select to the end of the line
+ Pažymėti iki eilutės pabaigos
+ Select to the start of the block
+ Pažymėti iki bloko pradžios
+ Select to the end of the block
+ Pažymėti iki bloko pabaigos
+ Select to the start of the document
+ Pažymėti iki dokumento pradžios
+ Select to the end of the document
+ Pažymėti iki dokumento pabaigos
+ Delete to the start of the word
+ Pašalinti iki žodžio pradžios
+ Delete to the end of the word
+ Pašalinti iki žodžio pabaigos
+ Insert a new paragraph
+ Įterpti naują pastraipą
+ Insert a new line
+ Įterpti naują eilutę
+ Paste and Match Style
+ Įdėti ir priderinti stilių
+ Remove formatting
+ Pašalinti formatavimo požymius
+ Strikethrough
+ Perbraukti
+ Subscript
+ Apatinis indeksas
+ Superscript
+ Viršutinis indeksas
+ Insert Bulleted List
+ Įterpti suženklintąjį sąrašą
+ Insert Numbered List
+ Įterpti numeruotąjį sąrašą
+ Indent
+ Didinti įtrauką
+ Outdent
+ Mažinti įtrauką
+ Center
+ Centruoti
+ Justify
+ Lygiuoti abu kraštus
+ Align Left
+ Lygiuoti dešinįjį kraštą
+ Align Right
+ Lygiuoti kairįjį kraštą
+ Web Inspector - %2
+ Saityno tyriklis – %2
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Kas tai?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Grįžti atgal
+ < &Back
+ < At&gal
+ Continue
+ Tęsti
+ &Next
+ &Toliau
+ &Next >
+ &Toliau >
+ Commit
+ Pritaikyti
+ Done
+ Baigta
+ &Finish
+ &Baigti
+ Cancel
+ Atsisakyti
+ Help
+ Žinynas
+ &Help
+ &Žinynas
+ QWorkspace
+ Close
+ Užverti
+ Minimize
+ Sumažinti
+ Restore Down
+ Atkurti dydį
+ &Restore
+ &Atkurti
+ &Move
+ &Perkelti
+ &Size
+ &Keisti dydį
+ Mi&nimize
+ Su&mažinti
+ Ma&ximize
+ Iš&didinti
+ &Close
+ &Užverti
+ Stay on &Top
+ &Visada viršuje
+ Sh&ade
+ &Suvynioti
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 – [%2]
+ &Unshade
+ I&švynioti
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ klaidų neaptikta
+ error triggered by consumer
+ vartotojo iššaukta klaida
+ unexpected end of file
+ netikėta failo pabaiga
+ more than one document type definition
+ daugiau nei viena dokumento tipo apibrėžtis
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ analizuojant elementą, įvyko klaida
+ tag mismatch
+ nesutampančios gairės
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ analizuojant turinį, įvyko klaida
+ unexpected character
+ netikėtas simbolis
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ netinkamas apdorojimo komandos vardas
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ skaitant XML aprašą, tikėtasi versijos
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ netinkama „standalone“ deklaracijos reikšmė
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ skaitant XML aprašą, tikėtasi koduotės aprašo arba „standalone“ deklaracijos
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ skaitant XML aprašą, tikėtasi „standalone“ deklaracijos
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ analizuojant dokumento tipo apibrėžtį, įvyko klaida
+ letter is expected
+ tikėtasi raidės
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ analizuojant komentarą, įvyko klaida
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ analizuojant rodyklę, įvyko klaida
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ nuorodos į vidines bendrines esybes DTD apibrėžtyse neleidžiamos
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ nuorodos į išorines išanalizuotas bendrines esybes atributų reikšmėse neleidžiamos
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ nuorodos į išorines išanalizuotas bendrines esybes DTD apibrėžtyse neleidžiamos
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ nuoroda į neišanalizuotą esybę netinkamame kontekste
+ recursive entities
+ rekusyvios esybės
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ klaida išorinės esybės tekstinėje deklaracijoje
+ QXmlPatternistCLI
+ Warning in %1, at line %2, column %3: %4
+ Įspėjimas ties failo „%1“ %2 eilutės %3 simboliu: %4
+ Warning in %1: %2
+ Įspėjimas faile „%1“: %2
+ Unknown location
+ Nežinoma vieta
+ Error %1 in %2, at line %3, column %4: %5
+ Klaida %1 ties failo „%2“ %3 eilutės %4 simboliu: %5
+ Error %1 in %2: %3
+ Klaida %1 faile „%2“: %3
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Papildomas turinys dokumento pabaigoje.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Netinkama esybės reikšmė.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Neleistinas XML simbolis.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Simbolių seka „]]>“ turinyje neleidžiama.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Aptikta neteisingai užkioduoto turinio.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Vardų erdvės prefiksas „%1“ nebuvo deklaruotas
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Neleistinos vardų erdvės deklaracija.
+ Attribute redefined.
+ Atributas apibrėžiamas pakartotinai.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Neleistina XML versijos eilutė.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ Nepalaikoma XML versija.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ Pseudoatributas „standalone“ turi būti įrašomas po koduotės aprašo.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ Koduotės pavadinimas „%1“ yra netinkamas.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ Koduotė „%1“ nepalaikoma
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ „standalone“ deklaracijos reikšmė gali būti tik „yes“ arba „no“.
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Neleistinas atributas XML deklaracijoje.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Netikėta dokumento pabaiga.
+ Invalid document.
+ Neteisingas dokumentas.
+ Expected
+ Laukta
+ , but got '
+ , bet gauta '
+ Unexpected '
+ Netikėta '
+ Expected character data.
+ Laukta simbolinių duomenų.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Aptikta rekursyvi esybė.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Laukta atveriančiosios gairės.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ NDATA parametro esybės deklaracijoje.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ XML aprašas ne dokumento pradžioje.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ Apdorojimo komandos vardas „%1“ yra netinkamas.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Neleistinas apdorojimo komandos vardas.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ PUBLIC identifikatorius „%1“ yra netinkamas.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Neleistinas XML vardas.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Nesutampa atveriančioji ir užveriančioji gairės.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Esybė „%1“ nedeklaruota.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Nuoroda į neišanalizuotą esybę „%1“.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Nuoroda į išorinę esybę „%1“ atributo reikšmėje.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Netinkama nuoroda į simbolį.
+ QmlJSDebugger::LiveSelectionTool
+ Items
+ Elementai
+ QmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar
+ Inspector Mode
+ Tyrimo veiksena
+ Play/Pause Animations
+ Pristabdyti / leisti animacijas
+ Select
+ Žymėti
+ Select (Marquee)
+ Žymėti (stačiakampį)
+ Zoom
+ Mastelis
+ Color Picker
+ Spalvų parinkiklis
+ Apply Changes to QML Viewer
+ Pritaikyti paketimus QML žiūryklei
+ Apply Changes to Document
+ Pritaikyti pakeitimus dokumentui
+ Tools
+ Priemonės
+ 1x
+ 1x
+ 0.5x
+ 0,5x
+ 0.25x
+ 0,25x
+ 0.125x
+ 0,125x
+ 0.1x
+ 0,1x
+ QmlJSDebugger::ToolBarColorBox
+ Copy Color
+ Kopijuoti spalvą
+ QmlJSDebugger::ZoomTool
+ Zoom to &100%
+ &Atstatyti mastelį
+ Zoom In
+ Padidinti
+ Zoom Out
+ Sumažinti
+ QtXmlPatterns
+ %1 is an unsupported encoding.
+ %1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2.
+ The codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character.
+ Network timeout.
+ Element %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element.
+ Attribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level.
+ Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2.
+ Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3.
+ Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3.
+ Overflow: Can't represent date %1.
+ Day %1 is invalid for month %2.
+ Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0;
+ Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid.
+ Overflow: Date can't be represented.
+ At least one component must be present.
+ At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter.
+ %1 is not a valid value of type %2.
+ When casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3.
+ Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed.
+ Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed.
+ Multiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed.
+ A value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value.
+ Effective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values.
+ Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3).
+ Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3).
+ A value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not.
+ %1 is not valid as a value of type %2.
+ Ambiguous rule match.
+ Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2.
+ Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3.
+ The namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1.
+ The name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2.
+ Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2.
+ When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed.
+ A comment cannot contain %1
+ A comment cannot end with a %1.
+ In a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string.
+ The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not.
+ The prefix %1 cannot be bound.
+ Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa.
+ An attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place.
+ A library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module.
+ No template by name %1 exists.
+ A value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type.
+ A positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value.
+ The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, %2 is invalid.
+ %1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3.
+ The last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two.
+ The data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1
+ No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1
+ No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2
+ %1 is an invalid %2
+ The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists.
+ The parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied.
+ %1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.
+ %1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.
+ The second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.
+ %1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character.
+ The root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node.
+ If both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same.
+ %1 was called.
+ %1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string.
+ In the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped.
+ In the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3
+ %1 matches newline characters
+ %1 and %2 match the start and end of a line.
+ Matches are case insensitive
+ Whitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes
+ %1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2
+ %1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are:
+ If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified.
+ It will not be possible to retrieve %1.
+ The default collection is undefined
+ %1 cannot be retrieved
+ The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization).
+ A zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range.
+ %1 is not a whole number of minutes.
+ The URI cannot have a fragment
+ Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2.
+ The item %1 did not match the required type %2.
+ The variable %1 is unused
+ W3C XML Schema identity constraint selector
+ W3C XML Schema identity constraint field
+ A construct was encountered which is disallowed in the current language(%1).
+ %1 is an unknown schema type.
+ A template with name %1 has already been declared.
+ %1 is not a valid numeric literal.
+ Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog.
+ The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself
+ No variable with name %1 exists
+ Version %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0.
+ The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2.
+ No function with signature %1 is available
+ A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ Namespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ Module imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name.
+ The value of attribute %1 must be of type %2, which %3 isn't.
+ It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1.
+ The prefix %1 cannot be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2.
+ Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog.
+ The name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options.
+ The Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur.
+ The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty.
+ The module import feature is not supported
+ A variable with name %1 has already been declared.
+ No value is available for the external variable with name %1.
+ A stylesheet function must have a prefixed name.
+ The namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1, which exists for cases like this)
+ The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases.
+ The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2
+ A function already exists with the signature %1.
+ No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external
+ An argument with name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique.
+ When function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can.
+ %1 is an invalid template mode name.
+ The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide.
+ The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used.
+ None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present
+ Each name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated.
+ The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery
+ No function with name %1 is available.
+ The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1.
+ %1 is an invalid namespace URI.
+ It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1
+ Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).
+ Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).
+ Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1.
+ The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions.
+ An attribute with name %1 has already appeared on this element.
+ A direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2.
+ The name %1 does not refer to any schema type.
+ %1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works.
+ %1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types.
+ %1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction.
+ %1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported.
+ The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace.
+ Element %1 is not allowed at this location.
+ Text nodes are not allowed at this location.
+ Parse error: %1
+ The value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't.
+ Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor.
+ Unknown XSL-T attribute %1.
+ Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive.
+ In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present.
+ If element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4.
+ Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3.
+ At least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2.
+ Element %1 must come last.
+ At least one %1-element must occur before %2.
+ Only one %1-element can appear.
+ At least one %1-element must occur inside %2.
+ When attribute %1 is present on %2, a sequence constructor cannot be used.
+ Element %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor.
+ When a parameter is required, a default value cannot be supplied through a %1-attribute or a sequence constructor.
+ Element %1 cannot have children.
+ Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor.
+ The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3.
+ A parameter in a function cannot be declared to be a tunnel.
+ This processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used.
+ Top level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't.
+ The value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5.
+ Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2.
+ The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element.
+ At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2.
+ Empty particle cannot be derived from non-empty particle.
+ Derived particle is missing element %1.
+ Derived element %1 is missing value constraint as defined in base particle.
+ Derived element %1 has weaker value constraint than base particle.
+ Fixed value constraint of element %1 differs from value constraint in base particle.
+ Derived element %1 cannot be nillable as base element is not nillable.
+ Block constraints of derived element %1 must not be more weaker than in the base element.
+ Simple type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element.
+ Complex type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element.
+ Element %1 is missing in derived particle.
+ Element %1 does not match namespace constraint of wildcard in base particle.
+ Wildcard in derived particle is not a valid subset of wildcard in base particle.
+ processContent of wildcard in derived particle is weaker than wildcard in base particle.
+ Derived particle allows content that is not allowed in the base particle.
+ %1 has inheritance loop in its base type %2.
+ Circular inheritance of base type %1.
+ Circular inheritance of union %1.
+ %1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by restriction as the latter defines it as final.
+ %1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by extension as the latter defines it as final.
+ Base type of simple type %1 cannot be complex type %2.
+ Simple type %1 cannot have direct base type %2.
+ Simple type %1 is not allowed to have base type %2.
+ Simple type %1 can only have simple atomic type as base type.
+ Simple type %1 cannot derive from %2 as the latter defines restriction as final.
+ Variety of item type of %1 must be either atomic or union.
+ Variety of member types of %1 must be atomic.
+ %1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by list as the latter defines it as final.
+ Simple type %1 is only allowed to have %2 facet.
+ Base type of simple type %1 must have variety of type list.
+ Base type of simple type %1 has defined derivation by restriction as final.
+ Item type of base type does not match item type of %1.
+ Simple type %1 contains not allowed facet type %2.
+ %1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by union as the latter defines it as final.
+ %1 is not allowed to have any facets.
+ Base type %1 of simple type %2 must have variety of union.
+ Base type %1 of simple type %2 is not allowed to have restriction in %3 attribute.
+ Member type %1 cannot be derived from member type %2 of %3's base type %4.
+ Derivation method of %1 must be extension because the base type %2 is a simple type.
+ Complex type %1 has duplicated element %2 in its content model.
+ Complex type %1 has non-deterministic content.
+ Attributes of complex type %1 are not a valid extension of the attributes of base type %2: %3.
+ Content model of complex type %1 is not a valid extension of content model of %2.
+ Complex type %1 must have simple content.
+ Complex type %1 must have the same simple type as its base class %2.
+ Complex type %1 cannot be derived from base type %2%3.
+ Attributes of complex type %1 are not a valid restriction from the attributes of base type %2: %3.
+ Complex type %1 with simple content cannot be derived from complex base type %2.
+ Item type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type.
+ Member type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type.
+ %1 is not allowed to have a member type with the same name as itself.
+ %1 facet collides with %2 facet.
+ %1 facet must have the same value as %2 facet of base type.
+ %1 facet must be equal or greater than %2 facet of base type.
+ %1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet of base type.
+ %1 facet contains invalid regular expression
+ Unknown notation %1 used in %2 facet.
+ %1 facet contains invalid value %2: %3.
+ %1 facet cannot be %2 or %3 if %4 facet of base type is %5.
+ %1 facet cannot be %2 if %3 facet of base type is %4.
+ %1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet.
+ %1 facet must be less than %2 facet of base type.
+ %1 facet and %2 facet cannot appear together.
+ %1 facet must be greater than %2 facet of base type.
+ %1 facet must be less than %2 facet.
+ %1 facet must be greater than or equal to %2 facet of base type.
+ Simple type contains not allowed facet %1.
+ %1, %2, %3, %4, %5 and %6 facets are not allowed when derived by list.
+ Only %1 and %2 facets are allowed when derived by union.
+ %1 contains %2 facet with invalid data: %3.
+ Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 twice.
+ Attribute group %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2.
+ Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3.
+ Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 twice.
+ Complex type %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2.
+ Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3.
+ Element %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its base type is complex.
+ Element %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its type is derived from %2.
+ Value constraint of element %1 is not of elements type: %2.
+ Element %1 is not allowed to have substitution group affiliation as it is no global element.
+ Type of element %1 cannot be derived from type of substitution group affiliation.
+ Value constraint of attribute %1 is not of attributes type: %2.
+ Attribute %1 has value constraint but has type derived from %2.
+ %1 attribute in derived complex type must be %2 like in base type.
+ Attribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint like in base type.
+ Attribute %1 in derived complex type must have the same %2 value constraint like in base type.
+ Attribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint.
+ processContent of base wildcard must be weaker than derived wildcard.
+ Element %1 exists twice with different types.
+ Particle contains non-deterministic wildcards.
+ Base attribute %1 is required but derived attribute is not.
+ Type of derived attribute %1 cannot be validly derived from type of base attribute.
+ Value constraint of derived attribute %1 does not match value constraint of base attribute.
+ Derived attribute %1 does not exist in the base definition.
+ Derived attribute %1 does not match the wildcard in the base definition.
+ Base attribute %1 is required but missing in derived definition.
+ Derived definition contains an %1 element that does not exists in the base definition
+ Derived wildcard is not a subset of the base wildcard.
+ %1 of derived wildcard is not a valid restriction of %2 of base wildcard
+ Attribute %1 from base type is missing in derived type.
+ Type of derived attribute %1 differs from type of base attribute.
+ Base definition contains an %1 element that is missing in the derived definition
+ Can not process unknown element %1, expected elements are: %2.
+ Element %1 is not allowed in this scope, possible elements are: %2.
+ Child element is missing in that scope, possible child elements are: %1.
+ Document is not a XML schema.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}.
+ Target namespace %1 of included schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the including schema.
+ Target namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema.
+ %1 element is not allowed to have the same %2 attribute value as the target namespace %3.
+ %1 element without %2 attribute is not allowed inside schema without target namespace.
+ %1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present.
+ %1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element.
+ %1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4.
+ %1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.
+ Content of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set.
+ Specifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect.
+ %1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute.
+ %1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element.
+ %1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute.
+ Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 element
+ %1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs.
+ %1 element is not allowed in this context.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute.
+ Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined.
+ %1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values.
+ Component with ID %1 has been defined previously.
+ Element %1 already defined.
+ Attribute %1 already defined.
+ Type %1 already defined.
+ Attribute group %1 already defined.
+ Element group %1 already defined.
+ Notation %1 already defined.
+ Identity constraint %1 already defined.
+ Duplicated facets in simple type %1.
+ %1 references unknown %2 or %3 element %4.
+ %1 references identity constraint %2 that is no %3 or %4 element.
+ %1 has a different number of fields from the identity constraint %2 that it references.
+ Base type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.
+ Item type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.
+ Member type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.
+ Type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.
+ Base type %1 of complex type cannot be resolved.
+ %1 cannot have complex base type that has a %2.
+ Content model of complex type %1 contains %2 element, so it cannot be derived by extension from a non-empty type.
+ Complex type %1 cannot be derived by extension from %2 as the latter contains %3 element in its content model.
+ Type of %1 element must be a simple type, %2 is not.
+ Substitution group %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.
+ Substitution group %1 has circular definition.
+ Duplicated element names %1 in %2 element.
+ Reference %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved.
+ Circular group reference for %1.
+ %1 element is not allowed in this scope
+ %1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3.
+ %1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3 or %4.
+ %1 or %2 attribute of reference %3 does not match with the attribute declaration %4.
+ Attribute group %1 has circular reference.
+ %1 attribute in %2 must have %3 use like in base type %4.
+ Attribute wildcard of %1 is not a valid restriction of attribute wildcard of base type %2.
+ %1 has attribute wildcard but its base type %2 has not.
+ Union of attribute wildcard of type %1 and attribute wildcard of its base type %2 is not expressible.
+ Enumeration facet contains invalid content: {%1} is not a value of type %2.
+ Namespace prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined.
+ %1 element %2 is not a valid restriction of the %3 element it redefines: %4.
+ %1 is not valid according to %2.
+ String content does not match the length facet.
+ String content does not match the minLength facet.
+ String content does not match the maxLength facet.
+ String content does not match pattern facet.
+ String content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Signed integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet.
+ Signed integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet.
+ Signed integer content does not match the minInclusive facet.
+ Signed integer content does not match the minExclusive facet.
+ Signed integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Signed integer content does not match pattern facet.
+ Signed integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet.
+ Unsigned integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet.
+ Unsigned integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet.
+ Unsigned integer content does not match the minInclusive facet.
+ Unsigned integer content does not match the minExclusive facet.
+ Unsigned integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Unsigned integer content does not match pattern facet.
+ Unsigned integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet.
+ Double content does not match the maxInclusive facet.
+ Double content does not match the maxExclusive facet.
+ Double content does not match the minInclusive facet.
+ Double content does not match the minExclusive facet.
+ Double content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Double content does not match pattern facet.
+ Decimal content does not match in the fractionDigits facet.
+ Decimal content does not match in the totalDigits facet.
+ Date time content does not match the maxInclusive facet.
+ Date time content does not match the maxExclusive facet.
+ Date time content does not match the minInclusive facet.
+ Date time content does not match the minExclusive facet.
+ Date time content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Date time content does not match pattern facet.
+ Duration content does not match the maxInclusive facet.
+ Duration content does not match the maxExclusive facet.
+ Duration content does not match the minInclusive facet.
+ Duration content does not match the minExclusive facet.
+ Duration content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Duration content does not match pattern facet.
+ Boolean content does not match pattern facet.
+ Binary content does not match the length facet.
+ Binary content does not match the minLength facet.
+ Binary content does not match the maxLength facet.
+ Binary content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Invalid QName content: %1.
+ QName content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ QName content does not match pattern facet.
+ Notation content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ List content does not match length facet.
+ List content does not match minLength facet.
+ List content does not match maxLength facet.
+ List content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ List content does not match pattern facet.
+ Union content is not listed in the enumeration facet.
+ Union content does not match pattern facet.
+ Data of type %1 are not allowed to be empty.
+ Element %1 is missing child element.
+ There is one IDREF value with no corresponding ID: %1.
+ Loaded schema file is invalid.
+ %1 contains invalid data.
+ xsi:schemaLocation namespace %1 has already appeared earlier in the instance document.
+ xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation cannot appear after the first no-namespace element or attribute.
+ No schema defined for validation.
+ No definition for element %1 available.
+ Specified type %1 is not known to the schema.
+ Element %1 is not defined in this scope.
+ Declaration for element %1 does not exist.
+ Element %1 contains invalid content.
+ Element %1 is declared as abstract.
+ Element %1 is not nillable.
+ Attribute %1 contains invalid data: %2
+ Element contains content although it is nillable.
+ Fixed value constraint not allowed if element is nillable.
+ Specified type %1 is not validly substitutable with element type %2.
+ Complex type %1 is not allowed to be abstract.
+ Element %1 contains not allowed attributes.
+ Element %1 contains not allowed child element.
+ Content of element %1 does not match its type definition: %2.
+ Content of element %1 does not match defined value constraint.
+ Element %1 contains not allowed child content.
+ Element %1 contains not allowed text content.
+ Element %1 cannot contain other elements, as it has fixed content.
+ Element %1 is missing required attribute %2.
+ Attribute %1 does not match the attribute wildcard.
+ Declaration for attribute %1 does not exist.
+ Element %1 contains two attributes of type %2.
+ Attribute %1 contains invalid content.
+ Element %1 contains unknown attribute %2.
+ Content of attribute %1 does not match its type definition: %2.
+ Content of attribute %1 does not match defined value constraint.
+ Non-unique value found for constraint %1.
+ Key constraint %1 contains absent fields.
+ Key constraint %1 contains references nillable element %2.
+ No referenced value found for key reference %1.
+ More than one value found for field %1.
+ Field %1 has no simple type.
+ ID value '%1' is not unique.
+ '%1' attribute contains invalid QName content: %2.
+ empty
+ zero or one
+ exactly one
+ one or more
+ zero or more
+ Required type is %1, but %2 was found.
+ Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision.
+ The focus is undefined.
+ It's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node.
+ An attribute by name %1 has already been created.
+ Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_pl.ts b/localization/qtbase_pl.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08ba50a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_pl.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7007 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ Zamknij kartę
+ Services
+ Usługi
+ Hide %1
+ Ukryj %1
+ Hide Others
+ Ukryj pozostałe
+ Show All
+ Pokaż wszystko
+ Preferences...
+ Preferencje…
+ Quit %1
+ Zakończ %1
+ About %1
+ Informacje o %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Przekroczony czas operacji na gnieździe
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Operacja na gnieździe nie jest obsługiwana
+ Host not found
+ Host nie znaleziony
+ Connection refused
+ Połączenie odrzucone
+ Connection timed out
+ Przekroczony czas połączenia
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Próba ponownego łączenia w trakcie trwającego połączenia
+ Socket is not connected
+ Gniazdo nie jest podłączone
+ Network unreachable
+ Sieć niedostępna
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ &Zaznacz wszystko
+ &Step up
+ Krok do &góry
+ Step &down
+ Krok w &dół
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ Wciśnij
+ Increase
+ Zwiększ
+ Decrease
+ Zmniejsz
+ ShowMenu
+ Pokaż menu
+ SetFocus
+ Ustaw fokus
+ Toggle
+ Przełącz
+ Scroll Left
+ Przewiń w lewo
+ Scroll Right
+ Przewiń w prawo
+ Scroll Up
+ Przewiń w górę
+ Scroll Down
+ Przewiń w dół
+ Previous Page
+ Poprzednia strona
+ Next Page
+ Następna strona
+ Triggers the action
+ Przełącza akcję
+ Increase the value
+ Zwiększ wartość
+ Decrease the value
+ Zmniejsz wartość
+ Shows the menu
+ Pokazuje menu
+ Sets the focus
+ Ustawia fokus
+ Toggles the state
+ Przełącza stan
+ Scrolls to the left
+ Przewija w lewo
+ Scrolls to the right
+ Przewija w prawo
+ Scrolls up
+ Przewija w górę
+ Scrolls down
+ Przewija w dół
+ Goes back a page
+ Wraca do poprzedniej strony
+ Goes to the next page
+ Idzie do następnej strony
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ Tak
+ Yes to All
+ Tak dla wszystkich
+ No
+ Nie
+ No to All
+ Nie dla wszystkich
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ Program "%1" wymaga do uruchomienia Qt %2, znaleziono Qt %3.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Niekompatybilność biblioteki Qt
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ Informacje o Qt
+ About
+ Informacje o programie
+ Config
+ Konfiguracja
+ Preference
+ Preferencja
+ Options
+ Opcje
+ Setting
+ Ustawienie
+ Setup
+ Ustawienia
+ Quit
+ Zakończ
+ Exit
+ Zakończ
+ Cut
+ Wytnij
+ Copy
+ Skopiuj
+ Paste
+ Wklej
+ Select All
+ Zaznacz wszystko
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ Nie zachowuj
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ &Barwa:
+ &Sat:
+ &Nasycenie:
+ &Val:
+ &Wartość:
+ &Red:
+ &Czerwień:
+ &Green:
+ &Zieleń:
+ Bl&ue:
+ Błęki&t:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Kanał &alfa:
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ Pozycja kursora: %1, %2
+Naciśnij ESC aby anulować
+ Select Color
+ Wybierz kolor
+ &Basic colors
+ &Kolory podstawowe
+ &Custom colors
+ Wła&sne kolory
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Dodaj do własnych kolorów
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ &Wybierz kolor z ekranu
+ QComboBox
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ Otwórz menu pola wyboru
+ False
+ Fałsz
+ True
+ Prawda
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ Wyświetla numer wersji.
+ Displays this help.
+ Wyświetla tę pomoc.
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ Nieznana opcja "%1".
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ Nieznane opcje: %1.
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ Brak wartości po "%1".
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ Nieoczekiwana wartość po "%1".
+ [options]
+ [opcje]
+ Usage: %1
+ Sposób użycia: %1
+ Options:
+ Opcje:
+ Arguments:
+ Argumenty:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: klucz jest pusty
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: nie można utworzyć klucza
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: wystąpił błąd w funkcji ftok()
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ Zadanie
+ Job Control
+ Kontrola zadania
+ Scheduled printing:
+ Planowany wydruk:
+ Billing information:
+ Informacje billingowe:
+ Job priority:
+ Priorytet zadania:
+ Banner Pages
+ Strony oddzielające
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ Końcowa:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ Początkowa:
+ Print Immediately
+ Wydrukuj natychmiast
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ Wstrzymaj
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Dzień (06:00 to 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Noc (18:00 to 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Druga zmiana (16:00 to 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Trzecia zmiana (00:00 to 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ Weekend (od soboty do niedzieli)
+ Specific Time
+ Konkretny czas
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Brak
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Standardowe
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Jawne
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Poufne
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Niejawne
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Tajne
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ Ściśle tajne
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nie można nawiązać połączenia
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Nie można ustawić trybu automatycznego dokonywania transakcji
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nie można wykonać polecenia
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nie można przygotować polecenia
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Nie można powiązać zmiennej
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Nie można pobrać rekordu %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Nie można pobrać kolejnego wiersza danych
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Nie można pobrać pierwszego wiersza danych
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ Co to jest?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Nazwa
+ Size
+ Rozmiar
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Typ
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Rodzaj
+ Date Modified
+ Data modyfikacji
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ Operacja anulowana
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ Invalid domain name
+ Niepoprawna nazwa domeny
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ Nie jest jeszcze obsługiwane przez Androida
+ Resolver functions not found
+ Brak funkcji resolvera
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ Błąd inicjalizacji resolvera
+ Server could not process query
+ Serwer nie może przetworzyć zapytania
+ Server failure
+ Błąd serwera
+ Non existent domain
+ Nieistniejąca domena
+ Server refused to answer
+ Brak odpowiedzi od serwera
+ Invalid reply received
+ Otrzymano niepoprawną odpowiedź
+ Could not expand domain name
+ Nie można rozwinąć nazwy domeny
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ Niepoprawny rekord z adresem IPv4
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ Niepoprawny rekord z adresem IPv6
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ Niepoprawny rekord z nazwą kanoniczną
+ Invalid name server record
+ Niepoprawny rekord z serwerem nazw
+ Invalid pointer record
+ Niepoprawny rekord ze wskaźnikiem
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ Niepoprawny rekord z wymianą poczty
+ Invalid service record
+ Niepoprawny rekord z serwisem
+ Invalid text record
+ Niepoprawny rekord z tekstem
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ Błąd ładowania biblioteki resolvera. Brak obsługi dynamicznego ładowania bibliotek
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ Brak obecnie obsługi adresów IPv6 dla serwerów nazw
+ No hostname given
+ Brak nazwy hosta
+ Invalid hostname
+ Niepoprawna nazwa hosta
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ Host %1 nie znaleziony.
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ Uwolnij
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ Uwalnia i ponownie dokuje widżet
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ Zamknij
+ Closes the dock widget
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Komunikat debugowy:
+ Warning:
+ Ostrzeżenie:
+ Critical Error:
+ Błąd krytyczny:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Błąd krytyczny:
+ Information:
+ Informacja:
+ &Show this message again
+ &Pokaż ten komunikat ponownie
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ Plik docelowy jest tym samym plikiem.
+ Source file does not exist.
+ Plik źródłowy nie istnieje.
+ Destination file exists
+ Plik docelowy już istnieje
+ Error while renaming.
+ Błąd podczas zmieniania nazwy.
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ Nie można przywrócić z %1: %2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ Nie można zmienić nazwy pliku sekwencyjnego używając kopiowania blokowego
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Nie można usunąć źródłowego pliku
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ Nie można otworzyć pliku wejściowego %1
+ Cannot open for output
+ Nie można otworzyć pliku wyjściowego
+ Failure to write block
+ Nie można zapisać bloku
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ Nie można utworzyć pliku wyjściowego %1
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ Brak dostępnego silnika lub silnik nie obsługuje UnMapExtension
+ QFileDialog
+ Look in:
+ Szukaj w:
+ Back
+ Powrót
+ Go back
+ Wróć
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Left
+ Forward
+ Do przodu
+ Go forward
+ Przejdź dalej
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Right
+ Parent Directory
+ Katalog wyżej
+ Go to the parent directory
+ Przejdź do katalogu wyżej
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Up
+ Create New Folder
+ Utwórz nowy katalog
+ Create a New Folder
+ Utwórz nowy katalog
+ List View
+ Lista
+ Change to list view mode
+ Pokaż listę
+ Detail View
+ Szczegóły
+ Change to detail view mode
+ Pokaż szczegóły
+ Sidebar
+ Pasek boczny
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ Lista miejsc i zakładek
+ Files
+ Pliki
+ Files of type:
+ Pliki rodzaju:
+ Find Directory
+ Znajdź katalog
+ Open
+ Otwórz
+ Save As
+ Zachowaj jako
+ Directory:
+ Katalog:
+ File &name:
+ Nazwa &pliku:
+ &Open
+ &Otwórz
+ &Choose
+ &Wybierz
+ &Save
+ &Zachowaj
+ All Files (*)
+ Wszystkie pliki (*)
+ Show
+ Pokaż
+ &Rename
+ &Zmień nazwę
+ &Delete
+ &Usuń
+ Show &hidden files
+ Pokaż &ukryte pliki
+ &New Folder
+ &Nowy katalog
+ All files (*)
+ Wszystkie pliki (*)
+ Directories
+ Katalogi
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Brak katalogu.
+Sprawdź podaną nazwę katalogu.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 już istnieje.
+Czy chcesz go zastąpić?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Brak pliku.
+Sprawdź podaną nazwę pliku.
+ New Folder
+ Nowy katalog
+ Delete
+ Usuń
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ '%1' jest zabezpieczony przed zapisem.
+Czy na pewno chcesz go usunąć?
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć "%1"?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Nie można usunąć katalogu.
+ Recent Places
+ Ostatnie miejsca
+ Remove
+ Usuń
+ My Computer
+ Mój komputer
+ Drive
+ Napęd
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ Plik %1
+ File
+ Plik
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ Katalog
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ Katalog
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ Alias
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ Skrót
+ Unknown
+ Nieznany
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 TB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 bytes
+ %1 bajtów
+ Invalid filename
+ Niepoprawna nazwa pliku
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ <b>Nazwa "%1" nie może zostać użyta.</b><p>Spróbuj użyć nowej nazwy z mniejszą liczbą znaków lub bez znaków przystankowych.
+ Name
+ Nazwa
+ Size
+ Rozmiar
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Typ
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Rodzaj
+ Date Modified
+ Data modyfikacji
+ My Computer
+ Mój komputer
+ Computer
+ Komputer
+ %1 byte(s)
+ %1 bajt(ów)
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ Normalny
+ Bold
+ Pogrubiony
+ Demi Bold
+ Na wpół pogrubiony
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ Średni
+ Black
+ Bardzo gruby
+ Light
+ Cienki
+ Thin
+ Extra Light
+ Extra Bold
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ Na wpół
+ Italic
+ Kursywa
+ Oblique
+ Pochyły
+ Any
+ Każdy
+ Latin
+ Łaciński
+ Greek
+ Grecki
+ Cyrillic
+ Cyrylica
+ Armenian
+ Ormiański
+ Hebrew
+ Hebrajski
+ Arabic
+ Arabski
+ Syriac
+ Syryjski
+ Thaana
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Bengalski
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Gudżaracki
+ Oriya
+ Orija
+ Tamil
+ Tamilski
+ Telugu
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Malajalam
+ Sinhala
+ Syngaleski
+ Thai
+ Tajski
+ Lao
+ Laotański
+ Tibetan
+ Tybetański
+ Myanmar
+ Birmański
+ Georgian
+ Gruziński
+ Khmer
+ Khmerski
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Uproszczony chiński
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Tradycyjny chiński
+ Japanese
+ Japoński
+ Korean
+ Koreański
+ Vietnamese
+ Wietnamski
+ Symbol
+ Symboliczny
+ Ogham
+ Ogamiczny
+ Runic
+ Runiczny
+ N'Ko
+ N'Ko
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ Wybierz czcionkę
+ &Font
+ &Czcionka
+ Font st&yle
+ St&yl czcionki
+ &Size
+ &Rozmiar
+ Effects
+ Efekty
+ Stri&keout
+ Pr&zekreślenie
+ &Underline
+ &Podkreślenie
+ Sample
+ Przykład
+ Wr&iting System
+ Sys&tem pisania
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Nie podłączony
+ Host %1 not found
+ Host %1 nie znaleziony
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Połączenie do hosta %1 odrzucone
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Przekroczony czas połączenia do hosta %1
+ Connected to host %1
+ Podłączony z hostem %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ Odmowa połączenia z danymi
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Łączenie z hostem zakończone błędem:
+ Login failed:
+ Logowanie zakończone błędem:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Listowanie katalogu zakończone błędem:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Zmiana katalogu zakończona błędem:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Pobieranie pliku zakończone błędem:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Wysyłanie pliku zakończone błędem:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Usuwanie pliku zakończone błędem:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Tworzenie katalogu zakończone błędem:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Usuwanie katalogu zakończone błędem:
+ Connection closed
+ Połączenie zamknięte
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ &Save
+ &Zachowaj
+ &Cancel
+ &Anuluj
+ &Close
+ &Zamknij
+ Close without Saving
+ Zamknij bez zapisywania
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ Nie podano nazwy hosta
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ Nie podano nazwy hosta
+ Invalid hostname
+ Niepoprawna nazwa hosta
+ Unknown address type
+ Nieznany typ adresu
+ Host not found
+ Host nie znaleziony
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ Nieznany błąd (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ Host %1 nie znaleziony
+ Connection refused
+ Połączenie odrzucone
+ Connection closed
+ Połączenie zakończone
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Pośrednik wymaga autoryzacji
+ Host requires authentication
+ Host wymaga autoryzacji
+ Data corrupted
+ Dane uszkodzone
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ Podano nieznany protokół
+ SSL handshake failed
+ Nawiązanie sesji SSL zakończone błędem
+ Too many redirects
+ Zbyt wiele przekierowań
+ Insecure redirect
+ Niezabezpieczone przekierowanie
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Nie odebrano odpowiedzi HTTP od pośrednika
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Błąd parsowania żądania autoryzacji od pośrednika
+ Authentication required
+ Wymagana autoryzacja
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Pośrednik odmówił połączenia
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Błąd podczas komunikacji z pośrednikiem HTTP
+ Proxy server not found
+ Nie znaleziono serwera pośredniczącego
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Odmowa połączenia z pośrednikiem
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ Przekroczony czas połączenia z serwerem pośredniczącym
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ Przedwczesne zakończenie połączenia z pośrednikiem
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Błąd otwierania bazy danych
+ Could not start transaction
+ Nie można rozpocząć transakcji
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Nie można utworzyć obiektu typu BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Nie można zapisać obiektu typu BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Nie można otworzyć obiektu typu BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Nie można odczytać obiektu typu BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ Nie można odnaleźć tablicy
+ Could not get array data
+ Nie można pobrać danych z tablicy
+ Could not get query info
+ Nie można pobrać informacji o zapytaniu
+ Could not start transaction
+ Nie można rozpocząć transakcji
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Nie można przydzielić miejsca na polecenie
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Nie można przygotować polecenia
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Nie można opisać polecenia wejściowego
+ Could not describe statement
+ Nie można opisać polecenia
+ Unable to close statement
+ Nie można zamknąć polecenia
+ Unable to execute query
+ Nie można wykonać zapytania
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Nie można pobrać kolejnego elementu
+ Could not get statement info
+ Nie można pobrać informacji o poleceniu
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Brak uprawnień
+ Too many open files
+ Zbyt wiele otwartych plików
+ No such file or directory
+ Brak pliku lub katalogu
+ No space left on device
+ Brak wolnego miejsca na urządzeniu
+ file to open is a directory
+ plik do otwarcia jest katalogiem
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ Niepoprawne urządzenie
+ File not found
+ Brak pliku
+ Unsupported image format
+ Nieobsługiwany format obrazu
+ Unable to read image data
+ Nie można odczytać danych obrazu
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ Device is not set
+ Nie ustawiono urządzenia
+ Cannot open device for writing: %1
+ Nie można otworzyć urządzenia do zapisu: %1
+ Device not writable
+ Urządzenie tylko do odczytu
+ Unsupported image format
+ Nieobsługiwany format obrazu
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ Podaj wartość:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ nie pojawił się żaden błąd
+ unterminated object
+ niezakończony obiekt
+ missing name separator
+ brak separatora nazwy
+ unterminated array
+ niezakończona tablica
+ missing value separator
+ brak separatora wartości
+ illegal value
+ niepoprawna wartość
+ invalid termination by number
+ niepoprawne zakończenie liczbą
+ illegal number
+ niepoprawna liczba
+ invalid escape sequence
+ niepoprawna sekwencja specjalna
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ niepoprawny ciąg UTF8
+ unterminated string
+ niezakończony ciąg znaków
+ object is missing after a comma
+ brak obiektu po przecinku
+ too deeply nested document
+ zbyt zagnieżdżony dokument
+ too large document
+ za duży dokument
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ śmieci na końcu dokumentu
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ Naciśnij skrót
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1, ...
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ "%1" nie jest obiektem ELF (%2)
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ "%1" nie jest obiektem ELF
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ "%1" jest niepoprawnym obiektem ELF (%2)
+ odd cpu architecture
+ niekompatybilna architektura procesora
+ wrong cpu architecture
+ niepoprawna architektura procesora
+ odd endianness
+ niekompatybilna kolejność bajtów
+ unexpected e_shsize
+ nieoczekiwane e_shsize
+ unexpected e_shentsize
+ nieoczekiwane e_shentsize
+ announced %n section(s), each %1 byte(s), exceed file size
+ zapowiedziano %n sekcję %1-bajtową, przekroczono rozmiar pliku
+ zapowiedziano %n sekcje %1-bajtowe, przekroczono rozmiar pliku
+ zapowiedziano %n sekcji %1-bajtowych, przekroczono rozmiar pliku
+ shstrtab section header seems to be at %1
+ nagłówek sekcji shstrtab znajduje się na pozycji %1
+ string table seems to be at %1
+ tabela ciągów znakowych znajduje się na pozycji %1
+ section name %1 of %2 behind end of file
+ Nazwa sekcji %1 z %2 poza plikiem
+ empty .rodata. not a library.
+ puste ".rodata", nie jest to biblioteka
+ missing section data. This is not a library.
+ brak danych o sekcji, nie jest to biblioteka
+ Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'
+ Niezgodność weryfikacji metadanych we wtyczce "%1"
+ The shared library was not found.
+ Biblioteka współdzielona niedostępna.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ Plik "%1" nie jest poprawną wtyczką Qt.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ Wtyczka "%1" używa niepoprawnej wersji biblioteki Qt. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Wtyczka "%1" używa innej wersji biblioteki Qt. (Nie można łączyć bibliotek zwykłych i debugowych.)
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Nie można załadować biblioteki %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Nie można zwolnić biblioteki %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ Nie można zidentyfikować symbolu "%1" w %2: %3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ "%1" nie jest poprawnym plikiem wykonywalnym Mach-O (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ uszkodzony plik
+ file too small
+ plik zbyt mały
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ brak odpowiedniej architektury w pliku wykonywalnym
+ invalid magic %1
+ niepoprawna liczba magiczna %1
+ wrong architecture
+ niepoprawna architektura
+ not a dynamic library
+ nie jest biblioteką dynamiczną
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ "%1" nie jest wtyczką Qt
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Cofnij
+ &Redo
+ &Przywróć
+ Cu&t
+ W&ytnij
+ &Copy
+ S&kopiuj
+ &Paste
+ &Wklej
+ Delete
+ Usuń
+ Select All
+ Zaznacz wszystko
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: Błąd nazwy
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: Brak uprawnień
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: Adres użyty
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Nieznany błąd %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: Odmowa połączenia
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: Zdalna końcówka odłączona
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: Niepoprawna nazwa
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: Błąd dostępu do gniazda
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: Błąd zasobów gniazda
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: Przekroczony czas operacji gniazda
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: Za duży datagram
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: Błąd połączenia
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: Operacja nie jest obsługiwana przez gniazdo
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1: Operacja niedozwolona w aktualnym stanie gniazda
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: Nieznany błąd
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ Próba ponownego łączenia w trakcie trwającego połączenia
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1: Nieznany błąd %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1: Odmowa dostępu
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ Nie można przydzielić miejsca na obiekt MYSQL
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ Nie można otworzyć bazy danych "%1"
+ Unable to connect
+ Nie można nawiązać połączenia
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nie można rozpocząć transakcji
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Nie można pobrać danych
+ Unable to execute query
+ Nie można wykonać zapytania
+ Unable to store result
+ Nie można zachować wyniku
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Nie można wykonać następnego zapytania
+ Unable to store next result
+ Nie można zachować następnego wyniku
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nie można przygotować polecenia
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Nie można zresetować polecenia
+ Unable to bind value
+ Nie można powiązać wartości
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nie można wykonać polecenia
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Nie można powiązać wartości zewnętrznych
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Nie można zachować wyników polecenia
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (Nienazwany)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Zminimalizuj
+ Maximize
+ Zmaksymalizuj
+ Unshade
+ Rozwiń
+ Shade
+ Zwiń
+ Restore Down
+ Przywróć pod spód
+ Restore
+ Przywróć
+ Close
+ Zamknij
+ Help
+ Pomoc
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ &Restore
+ &Przywróć
+ &Move
+ Prze&nieś
+ &Size
+ &Rozmiar
+ Mi&nimize
+ Zmi&nimalizuj
+ Ma&ximize
+ Zma&ksymalizuj
+ Stay on &Top
+ Pozostaw na &wierzchu
+ &Close
+ &Zamknij
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ Pokaż szczegóły...
+ Hide Details...
+ Ukryj szczegóły...
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>Informacje o Qt</h3><p> Ten program używa Qt w wersji %1.</p>
+ About Qt
+ Informacje o Qt
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Nie można uruchomić gniazda w nieblokującym trybie
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Nie można uruchomić gniazda nadawczego
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Próba użycia IPv6 na platformie bez obsługi IPv6
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Zdalny host zamknął połączenie
+ Network operation timed out
+ Przekroczony czas operacji sieciowej
+ Out of resources
+ Zasoby wyczerpane
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Nieobsługiwana operacja gniazda
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Nieobsługiwany typ protokołu
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Niepoprawny opis gniazda
+ Host unreachable
+ Host niedostępny
+ Network unreachable
+ Sieć niedostępna
+ Permission denied
+ Brak uprawnień
+ Connection timed out
+ Przekroczony czas połączenia
+ Connection refused
+ Połączenie odrzucone
+ The bound address is already in use
+ Adres jest aktualnie w użyciu
+ The address is not available
+ Adres nie jest dostępny
+ The address is protected
+ Adres jest zabezpieczony
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Datagram za długi do wysłania
+ Unable to send a message
+ Nie można wysłać wiadomości
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Nie można odebrać wiadomości
+ Unable to write
+ Nie można zapisać
+ Network error
+ Błąd sieci
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Inne gniazdo nasłuchuje już na tym porcie
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operacja na nieistniejącym gnieździe
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ Typ pośrednika nie jest poprawny dla tej operacji
+ Temporary error
+ Chwilowy błąd
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ Utrata połączenia z siecią po resecie
+ Connection reset by peer
+ Połączenie zresetowane przez drugą stronę
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ Błąd otwierania %1
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ Niepoprawny URI: %1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Błąd w trakcie zapisywania do %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Błąd gniazda na %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ Zdalny host przedwcześnie zamknął połączenie na %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Żądanie otwarcia zdalnego pliku %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Błąd otwierania %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Błąd w trakcie zapisywania do %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ Nie można otworzyć %1: Ścieżka jest katalogiem
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Błąd w trakcie czytania z %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nie odnaleziono odpowiedniego pośrednika
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ Nie można otworzyć %1: jest to katalog
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Błąd podczas logowania do %1: wymagana autoryzacja
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Błąd podczas pobierania %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ Błąd podczas wysyłania %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ Dostęp do sieci wyłączony.
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ Błąd przesyłania %1 - odpowiedź serwera: %2
+ Background request not allowed.
+ Żądanie w tle nie jest dozwolone.
+ Network session error.
+ Błąd sesji sieciowej.
+ backend start error.
+ Błąd uruchomienia back-endu.
+ Temporary network failure.
+ Chwilowy błąd w sieci.
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ Protokół "%1" nie jest znany
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operacja anulowana
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Nie odnaleziono odpowiedniego pośrednika
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ Operacja anulowana
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ Niepoprawna konfiguracja.
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ Nieznany błąd sesji.
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ Sesja została przerwana przez użytkownika lub system.
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ Zażądana operacja nie jest obsługiwana przez system.
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ Podana konfiguracja nie może być użyta.
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ Roaming przerwany albo niemożliwy.
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Nie można dokonać inicjalizacji
+ Unable to logon
+ Nie można się zalogować
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nie można rozpocząć transakcji
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Nie można powiązać kolumny dla wykonania zestawu poleceń
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Nie można wykonać polecenia wsadowego
+ Unable to goto next
+ Nie można przejść do kolejnego wiersza danych
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Nie można przydzielić miejsca na polecenie
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nie można przygotować polecenia
+ Unable to get statement type
+ Nie można pobrać typu polecenia
+ Unable to bind value
+ Nie można powiązać wartości
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nie można wykonać polecenia
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nie można nawiązać połączenia
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ Nie można nawiązać połączenia - sterownik nie obsługuje całej potrzebnej funkcjonalności
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ Nie można wyłączyć trybu automatycznego dokonywania transakcji
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ Nie można włączyć trybu automatycznego dokonywania transakcji
+ QODBCResult
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Nie można pobrać ostatnich danych
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: Nie można ustawić "SQL_CURSOR_STATIC" jako atrybutu polecenia. Proszę sprawdzić konfigurację sterownika ODBC
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nie można wykonać polecenia
+ Unable to fetch
+ Nie można pobrać
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Nie można pobrać kolejnych danych
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Nie można pobrać pierwszych danych
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ Nie można pobrać poprzednich danych
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nie można przygotować polecenia
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Nie można powiązać zmiennej
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Nie można nawiązać połączenia
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Nie można rozpocząć transakcji
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Nie można wykonać subskrypcji
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ Nie można zrezygnować z subskrypcji
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ Nie można utworzyć zapytania
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Nie można przygotować polecenia
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ Formularz
+ Paper
+ Papier
+ Page size:
+ Rozmiar strony:
+ Width:
+ Szerokość:
+ Height:
+ Wysokość:
+ Paper source:
+ Źródło papieru:
+ Orientation
+ Położenie
+ Portrait
+ Portret
+ Landscape
+ Pejzaż
+ Reverse landscape
+ Odwrócony pejzaż
+ Reverse portrait
+ Odwrócony portret
+ Margins
+ Marginesy
+ top margin
+ Górny margines
+ left margin
+ Lewy margines
+ right margin
+ Prawy margines
+ bottom margin
+ Dolny margines
+ Page Layout
+ Rozmieszczenie stron
+ Page order:
+ Kolejność stron:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ Ilość stron na kartce:
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Milimetry (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Cale (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Punkty (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Didot (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ Cycero (CC)
+ Custom
+ Własny
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ in
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ Własny (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ Własny (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ Własny (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ Własny (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ Własny (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ Własny (%1CC x %2CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 in
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Legal
+ Legal
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ Własny
+ A3 Extra
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A4 Small
+ A5 Extra
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Legal Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Small
+ Letter Small
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Architect A
+ Architect A
+ Architect B
+ Architect B
+ Architect C
+ Architect C
+ Architect D
+ Architect D
+ Architect E
+ Architect E
+ Note
+ Note
+ Quarto
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Statement
+ Super A
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Postcard
+ Double Postcard
+ Double Postcard
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ PRC 32K Big
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Envelope B4
+ Envelope B4
+ Envelope B5
+ Envelope B5
+ Envelope B6
+ Envelope B6
+ Envelope C0
+ Envelope C0
+ Envelope C1
+ Envelope C1
+ Envelope C2
+ Envelope C2
+ Envelope C3
+ Envelope C3
+ Envelope C4
+ Envelope C4
+ Envelope C5
+ Envelope C5
+ Envelope C6
+ Envelope C6
+ Envelope C65
+ Envelope C65
+ Envelope C7
+ Envelope C7
+ Envelope DL
+ Envelope DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ Envelope US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ Envelope US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ Envelope US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ Envelope US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ Envelope US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Envelope Monarch
+ Envelope Personal
+ Envelope Personal
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Envelope Invite
+ Envelope Italian
+ Envelope Italian
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ Envelope You 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Zachowaj
+ Save All
+ Zachowaj wszystko
+ Open
+ Otwórz
+ &Yes
+ &Tak
+ Yes to &All
+ Ta&k dla wszystkich
+ &No
+ &Nie
+ N&o to All
+ Ni&e dla wszystkich
+ Abort
+ Przerwij
+ Retry
+ Ponów
+ Ignore
+ Zignoruj
+ Close
+ Zamknij
+ Cancel
+ Anuluj
+ Discard
+ Odrzuć
+ Help
+ Pomoc
+ Apply
+ Zastosuj
+ Reset
+ Zresetuj
+ Restore Defaults
+ Przywróć domyślne
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Wtyczka nie została załadowana.
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ Drukowanie
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ Od lewej do prawej, z góry do dołu
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ Od lewej do prawej, z dołu do góry
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ Od prawej do lewej, z dołu do góry
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ Od prawej do lewej, z góry do dołu
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ Z dołu do góry, od lewej do prawej
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ Z dołu do góry, od prawej do lewej
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ Z góry do dołu, od lewej do prawej
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ Z góry do dołu, od prawej do lewej
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ Wszystkie strony
+ Odd Pages
+ Nieparzyste strony
+ Even Pages
+ Parzyste strony
+ &Options >>
+ &Opcje >>
+ &Print
+ Wy&drukuj
+ &Options <<
+ &Opcje <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Drukuj do pliku (PDF)
+ Local file
+ Plik lokalny
+ Write PDF file
+ Zapisz do pliku PDF
+ Print To File ...
+ Drukuj do pliku ...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 jest katalogiem.
+Wybierz inną nazwę pliku.
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Plik %1 jest plikiem tylko do odczytu.
+Wybierz inną nazwę pliku.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 już istnieje.
+Czy chcesz go zastąpić?
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ Opcje "Ilość stron na kartce" i "Zestaw stron" nie mogą być używane jednocześnie.
+Wyłącz jedną z tych opcji.
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ Wartość "od" nie może być większa od wartości "do".
+ OK
+ OK
+ Automatic
+ Automatyczny
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ Ustawienia strony
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Podgląd wydruku
+ Next page
+ Następna strona
+ Previous page
+ Poprzednia strona
+ First page
+ Pierwsza strona
+ Last page
+ Ostatnia strona
+ Fit width
+ Dopasuj szerokość
+ Fit page
+ Dopasuj stronę
+ Zoom in
+ Powiększ
+ Zoom out
+ Pomniejsz
+ Portrait
+ Portret
+ Landscape
+ Pejzaż
+ Show single page
+ Pokaż pojedynczą stronę
+ Show facing pages
+ Pokaż sąsiednie strony
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Pokaż wszystkie strony
+ Print
+ Wydrukuj
+ Page setup
+ Ustawienia strony
+ Export to PDF
+ Wyeksportuj do PDF
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ Właściwości drukarki
+ Job Options
+ Opcje zadania
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Formularz
+ Page
+ Strona
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Formularz
+ Copies
+ Kopie
+ Print range
+ Zakres wydruku
+ Print all
+ Drukuj wszystko
+ Pages from
+ Strony od
+ to
+ do
+ Current Page
+ Bieżąca strona
+ Selection
+ Wybrane strony
+ Page Set:
+ Zestaw stron:
+ Output Settings
+ Ustawienia wyjściowe
+ Copies:
+ Liczba kopii:
+ Collate
+ Parami
+ Reverse
+ Odwróć
+ Options
+ Opcje
+ Color Mode
+ Tryb koloru
+ Color
+ Kolor
+ Grayscale
+ Skala szarości
+ Duplex Printing
+ Drukowanie dupleksowe
+ None
+ Brak
+ Long side
+ Zszycie wzdłuż dłuższej krawędzi
+ Short side
+ Zszycie wzdłuż krótszej krawędzi
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Formularz
+ Printer
+ Drukarka
+ &Name:
+ &Nazwa:
+ P&roperties
+ &Właściwości
+ Location:
+ Położenie:
+ Preview
+ Podgląd
+ Type:
+ Typ:
+ Output &file:
+ &Plik wyjściowy:
+ ...
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Process failed to start
+ Proces nie został uruchomiony
+ Process crashed
+ Proces zakończony błędem
+ Process operation timed out
+ Przekroczony czas operacji procesu
+ Error reading from process
+ Błąd odczytywania z procesu
+ Error writing to process
+ Błąd zapisywania do procesu
+ No program defined
+ Nie zdefiniowano programu
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Nie można otworzyć wejściowego przekierowania do odczytu
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Błąd zasobów (błąd forkowania): %1
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Nie można otworzyć wyjściowego przekierowania do zapisu
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ Nie można rozpocząć procesu: %1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Anuluj
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ brak błędu
+ disabled feature used
+ użyto wyłączonej funkcji
+ bad char class syntax
+ niepoprawna składnia klasy znakowej
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ niepoprawna składnia "lookahead"
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ "lookbehinds" nie jest obsługiwane, zobacz QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ niepoprawna składnia powtórzenia
+ invalid octal value
+ niepoprawna wartość ósemkowa
+ missing left delim
+ brakujący lewy separator
+ unexpected end
+ nieoczekiwany koniec
+ met internal limit
+ napotkano wewnętrzne ograniczenie
+ invalid interval
+ Niepoprawny interwał
+ invalid category
+ Niepoprawna kategoria
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ brak błędu
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ na końcu wzorca
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c na końcu wzorca
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ nieoczekiwany znak następujący po \
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ nieuporządkowane liczby wewnątrz {}
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ zbyt wielka liczba w {}
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ brak domykającego znaku ] w klasie znakowej
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ niepoprawna sekwencja specjalna w klasie znakowej
+ range out of order in character class
+ nieuporządkowany zakres w klasie znakowej
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ błąd wewnętrzny: nieoczekiwane powtórzenie
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ nieoczekiwany znak następujący po (? lub (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ Klasy nazwane POSIX obsługiwane są jedynie wewnątrz klasy
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ odnośnik do nieistniejącego podwzorca
+ regular expression is too large
+ zbyt wielkie wyrażenie regularne
+ internal error: code overflow
+ błąd wewnętrzny: nadmiarowy kod
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ niepoprawnie sformatowana liczba lub nazwa następująca po (?(
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ grupa warunkowa zawiera więcej niż dwie gałęzie
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ po (?R lub po (?[+-]cyfry musi następować ")"
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ nieznana nazwa klasy POSIX
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ Brak obsługi scalania elementów POSIX
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ niepoprawny warunek (?(0)
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ PCRE nie obsługuje \L, \l, \N{nazwa}, \U ani \u
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ nieoczekiwany znak następujący po (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ błąd składni w nazwie podwzorca (brak zakończenia)
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ niepoprawnie sformatowana sekwencja \P lub \p
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ nieznana nazwa właściwości następująca po \P lub \p
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ grupa DEFINE zawiera więcej niż jedną gałąź
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ numerowana referencja nie może być zerem
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ argument jest niedozwolony w (*ACCEPT), w (*FAIL) lub w (*COMMIT)
+ number is too big
+ zbyt wielka liczba
+ subpattern name expected
+ oczekiwano nazwy podwzorca
+ digit expected after (?+
+ oczekiwano cyfry następującej po (?+
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ (*MARK) musi posiadać argument
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ po \k nie następuje nazwa w nawiasach klamrowych, w ostrokątnych ani nazwa w cudzysłowie
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ \N nie jest obsługiwane w klasie
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ niedozwolony znaku unikodu (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ za długa nazwa w (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), lub (*THEN)
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ znak nieszesnastkowy w \x{} (brak nawiasu domykającego?)
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ znak nieósemkowy w \x{} (brak nawiasu domykającego?)
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ brak nawiasu otwierającego następującego po \o
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ nawiasy zbyt głęboko zagnieżdżone
+ invalid range in character class
+ niepoprawny zakres w klasie znakowej
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ nazwa grupy nie może rozpoczynać się od cyfry
+ quantifier does not follow a repeatable item
+ missing closing parenthesis
+ brak domykającego nawiasu
+ pattern passed as NULL
+ wzorzec przekazany jako NULL
+ unrecognised compile-time option bit(s)
+ missing ) after (?# comment
+ Brak ) po komentarzu (?#
+ failed to allocate heap memory
+ błąd przydzielenia pamięci na stercie
+ unmatched closing parenthesis
+ niedopasowany nawias domykający
+ letter or underscore expected after (?< or (?'
+ oczekiwano litery lub znaku podkreślenia po (?< lub po (?'
+ assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C)
+ oczekiwano asercji po (?( lub po (?(?C)
+ internal error in pcre2_study(): should not occur
+ błąd wewnętrzny w pcre2_study(): nie powinien wystąpić
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode support
+ ta wersja PCRE2 nie obsługuje unikodu
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ nawiasy zbyt głęboko zagnieżdżone (kontrola stosu)
+ character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too large
+ za duża wartość kodu znaku w \x{} lub w \o{}
+ \C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion
+ number after (?C is greater than 255
+ po (?C następuje liczba większa od 255
+ closing parenthesis for (?C expected
+ oczekiwano nawiasu domykającego po (?C
+ invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) name
+ niepoprawna sekwencja specjalna w nazwie (*VERB)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set)
+ dwa nazwane podwzorce mają taką samą nazwę (PCRE2_DUPNAMES nie jest ustawione)
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \X
+ ta wersja PCRE2 nie obsługuje \P, \p ani \X
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 10000 characters)
+ za długa nazwa podwzorca (maksymalnie 10000 znaków)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 256)
+ zbyt wiele nazwanych podwzorców (maksymalnie 256)
+ octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode
+ wartość ósemkowa większa od \377 w ośmiobitowym trybie (ale nie UTF-8)
+ internal error: unknown newline setting
+ błąd wewnętrzny: nieznane ustawienia znaków końca linii
+ (*VERB) not recognized or malformed
+ nie rozpoznano (*VERB) lub nie posiada on poprawnego format
+ \c must be followed by a printable ASCII character
+ po \c musi następować drukowalny znak ASCII
+ \c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_?
+ po \c musi następować litera lub jeden ze znaków [\]^_?
+ using UTF is disabled by the application
+ używanie UTF wyłączone w aplikacji
+ using UCP is disabled by the application
+ używanie UCP wyłączone w aplikacji
+ character code point value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ za duża wartość kodu znaku w sekwencji \u....
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ brak cyfr w \x{} lub w \o{}
+ syntax error in (?(VERSION condition
+ błąd składni w warunku (?(VERSION
+ internal error: unknown opcode in auto_possessify()
+ missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argument
+ brak końcowego separatora dla wywołania z argumentem będącym ciągiem tekstowym
+ unrecognized string delimiter follows (?C
+ nieoczekiwany separator ciągu tekstowego następujący po (?C
+ using \C is disabled by the application
+ używanie \C jest wyłączone przez aplikację
+ (?| and/or (?J: or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nested
+ Nawiasy "(?|", "(?J:" lub "(?x:" zbyt głęboko zagnieżdżone
+ using \C is disabled in this PCRE2 library
+ używanie \C jest wyłączone w tej bibliotece PCRE2
+ regular expression is too complicated
+ wyrażenie regularne zbyt skomplikowane
+ lookbehind assertion is too long
+ pattern string is longer than the limit set by the application
+ długość wzorca jest większa niż dopuszczalny limit ustawiony w aplikacji
+ no match
+ brak dopasowań
+ partial match
+ częściowe dopasowanie
+ UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at end
+ błąd UTF-8: brak 1 bajta na końcu
+ UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at end
+ błąd UTF-8: brak 2 bajtów na końcu
+ UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at end
+ błąd UTF-8: brak 3 bajtów na końcu
+ UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at end
+ błąd UTF-8: brak 4 bajtów na końcu
+ UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at end
+ błąd UTF-8: brak 5 bajtów na końcu
+ UTF-8 error: byte 2 top bits not 0x80
+ błąd UTF-8: bajt 2 inny niż 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 3 top bits not 0x80
+ błąd UTF-8: bajt 3 inny niż 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 4 top bits not 0x80
+ błąd UTF-8: bajt 4 inny niż 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 5 top bits not 0x80
+ błąd UTF-8: bajt 5 inny niż 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 6 top bits not 0x80
+ błąd UTF-8: bajt 6 inny niż 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ błąd UTF-8: 5-bajtowe znaki nie są dozwolone (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ błąd UTF-8: 6-bajtowe znaki nie są dozwolone (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ błąd UTF-8: kody większe od 0x10ffff nie są zdefiniowane
+ UTF-8 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ błąd UTF-8: kody w zakresie od 0xd800 do 0xdfff nie są zdefiniowane
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequence
+ błąd UTF-8: wydłużona sekwencja 2-bajtowa
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequence
+ błąd UTF-8: wydłużona sekwencja 3-bajtowa
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequence
+ błąd UTF-8: wydłużona sekwencja 4-bajtowa
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequence
+ błąd UTF-8: wydłużona sekwencja 5-bajtowa
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequence
+ błąd UTF-8: wydłużona sekwencja 6-bajtowa
+ UTF-8 error: isolated byte with 0x80 bit set
+ błąd UTF-8: samotny bajt z wartością 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: illegal byte (0xfe or 0xff)
+ błąd UTF-8: niepoprawny bajt (0xfe lub 0xff)
+ UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at end
+ UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogate
+ UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogate
+ UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ błąd UTF-32: kody w zakresie od 0xd800 do 0xdfff nie są zdefiniowane
+ UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ błąd UTF-32: kody większe od 0x10ffff nie są zdefiniowane
+ bad data value
+ niepoprawna wartość danych
+ patterns do not all use the same character tables
+ magic number missing
+ brak liczby magicznej
+ pattern compiled in wrong mode: 8/16/32-bit error
+ wzorzec skompilowany w złym trybie: błąd 8/16/32-bitowy
+ bad offset value
+ niepoprawna wartość offsetu
+ bad option value
+ niepoprawna wartość opcji
+ invalid replacement string
+ bad offset into UTF string
+ niepoprawny offset do ciągu tekstowego UTF
+ callout error code
+ invalid data in workspace for DFA restart
+ too much recursion for DFA matching
+ zbyt wiele rekurencji w dopasowaniu DFA
+ backreference condition or recursion test is not supported for DFA matching
+ function is not supported for DFA matching
+ brak obsługi funkcji w dopasowaniach DFA
+ pattern contains an item that is not supported for DFA matching
+ wzorzec zawiera element który jest nieobsługiwany w dopasowaniach DFA
+ workspace size exceeded in DFA matching
+ internal error - pattern overwritten?
+ błąd wewnętrzny: wzorzec nadpisany
+ bad JIT option
+ niepoprawna opcja JIT
+ JIT stack limit reached
+ osiągnięto limit stosu JIT
+ match limit exceeded
+ przekroczono limit dopasowań
+ no more memory
+ brak pamięci
+ unknown substring
+ nieznany podciąg
+ non-unique substring name
+ nieunikatowa nazwa podciągu
+ NULL argument passed
+ przekazano argument o wartości NULL
+ nested recursion at the same subject position
+ recursion limit exceeded
+ przekroczono limit rekurencji
+ requested value is not available
+ żądana wartość nie jest dostępna
+ requested value is not set
+ żądana wartość nie jest ustawiona
+ offset limit set without PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT
+ ustawiono limit offsetu bez PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT
+ bad escape sequence in replacement string
+ expected closing curly bracket in replacement string
+ bad substitution in replacement string
+ match with end before start is not supported
+ too many replacements (more than INT_MAX)
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ Błąd otwierania bazy danych
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nie można rozpocząć transakcji
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Nie można pobrać wyników
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nie można wykonać polecenia
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Błąd otwierania bazy danych
+ Error closing database
+ Błąd zamykania bazy danych
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Nie można rozpocząć transakcji
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Nie można dokonać transakcji
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Nie można wycofać transakcji
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Nie można pobrać wiersza danych
+ No query
+ Brak zapytania
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Nie można wykonać polecenia
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ Nie można wykonać wielu poleceń jednocześnie
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Nie można zresetować polecenia
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Nie można powiązać parametrów
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Niezgodna liczba parametrów
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ Istniejący plik %1 jest plikiem tylko do odczytu
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ Nazwa pliku odnosi się do katalogu
+ Writing canceled by application
+ Zapisywanie anulowane przez aplikację
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Przewiń tutaj
+ Left edge
+ Lewa krawędź
+ Top
+ Do góry
+ Right edge
+ Prawa krawędź
+ Bottom
+ W dół
+ Page left
+ Strona w lewo
+ Page up
+ Strona do góry
+ Page right
+ Strona w prawo
+ Page down
+ Strona w dół
+ Scroll left
+ Przewiń w lewo
+ Scroll up
+ Przewiń do góry
+ Scroll right
+ Przewiń w prawo
+ Scroll down
+ Przewiń w dół
+ QSctpSocket
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Zdalny host zamknął połączenie
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: nie można ustawić klucza na zablokowanym segmencie pamięci współdzielonej
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: rozmiar przy tworzeniu mniejszy od 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: nie można zablokować
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: nie można odblokować
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: klucz jest pusty
+ %1: bad name
+ %1: zła nazwa
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1: unixowy plik z kluczem nie istnieje
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: wystąpił błąd w funkcji ftok()
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: nie można utworzyć klucza
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: ograniczenia rozmiarów narzucone przez system
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: niedołączony
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: brak uprawnień
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: już istnieje
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1: nie istnieje
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: zasoby wyczerpane
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: nieznany błąd %2
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: niepoprawny rozmiar
+ %1: key error
+ %1: błąd klucza
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1: zapytanie o rozmiar zakończone błędem
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ Spacja
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tabulator
+ Backtab
+ Backtab
+ Backspace
+ Backspace
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Ins
+ Del
+ Del
+ Pause
+ Pauza
+ Print
+ Wydruk
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Katalog domowy
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ Lewo
+ Up
+ Góra
+ Right
+ Prawo
+ Down
+ Dół
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ CapsLock
+ NumLock
+ NumLock
+ ScrollLock
+ ScrollLock
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ Help
+ Pomoc
+ Back
+ Back
+ Forward
+ Do przodu
+ Stop
+ Zatrzymaj
+ Refresh
+ Odśwież
+ Volume Down
+ Zmniejsz siłę głosu
+ Volume Mute
+ Wycisz głos
+ Volume Up
+ Zwiększ siłę głosu
+ Bass Boost
+ Wzmocnienie basów
+ Bass Up
+ Basy w górę
+ Bass Down
+ Basy w dół
+ Treble Up
+ Soprany w górę
+ Treble Down
+ Soprany w dół
+ Media Play
+ Odtwarzaj
+ Media Stop
+ Zatrzymaj
+ Media Previous
+ Poprzednia ścieżka
+ Media Next
+ Następna ścieżka
+ Media Record
+ Nagrywaj
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ Media pauza
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ Przełącz: odtwarzanie / pauza
+ Home Page
+ Strona startowa
+ Favorites
+ Ulubione
+ Search
+ Szukaj
+ Standby
+ Tryb oczekiwania
+ Open URL
+ Otwórz URL
+ Launch Mail
+ Uruchom program pocztowy
+ Launch Media
+ Uruchom przeglądarkę mediów
+ Launch (0)
+ Uruchom (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Uruchom (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Uruchom (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Uruchom (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Uruchom (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Uruchom (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Uruchom (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Uruchom (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Uruchom (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Uruchom (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Uruchom (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Uruchom (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Uruchom (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Uruchom (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Uruchom (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Uruchom (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ Zwiększ jasność monitora
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ Zmniejsz jasność monitora
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ Włącz/wyłącz podświetlenie klawiatury
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ Zwiększ jasność klawiatury
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ Zmniejsz jasność klawiatury
+ Power Off
+ Wyłącz zasilanie
+ Wake Up
+ Przebudzenie
+ Eject
+ Wysuń
+ Screensaver
+ Wygaszacz ekranu
+ Sleep
+ Uśpienie
+ LightBulb
+ Żarówka
+ Shop
+ Sklep
+ History
+ Historia
+ Add Favorite
+ Dodaj do ulubionych
+ Hot Links
+ Popularne łącza
+ Adjust Brightness
+ Ustaw jasność
+ Finance
+ Finanse
+ Community
+ Społeczność
+ Media Rewind
+ Przewiń media
+ Back Forward
+ Application Left
+ Application Right
+ Book
+ Książka
+ CD
+ CD
+ Calculator
+ Kalkulator
+ Clear
+ Wyczyść
+ Clear Grab
+ Close
+ Zamknij
+ Copy
+ Skopiuj
+ Cut
+ Wytnij
+ Display
+ Wyświetlacz
+ Documents
+ Dokumenty
+ Spreadsheet
+ Arkusz kalkulacyjny
+ Browser
+ Przeglądarka
+ Game
+ Gra
+ Go
+ Przejdź
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ Wyloguj
+ Market
+ Rynek
+ Meeting
+ Spotkanie
+ Keyboard Menu
+ Menu klawiatury
+ Menu PB
+ Menu PB
+ My Sites
+ Moje strony
+ News
+ Wiadomości
+ Home Office
+ Biuro domowe
+ Option
+ Opcje
+ Paste
+ Wklej
+ Phone
+ Telefon
+ Reply
+ Odpowiedz
+ Reload
+ Przeładuj
+ Rotate Windows
+ Obróć okna
+ Rotation PB
+ Obrót PB
+ Rotation KB
+ Obrót KB
+ Save
+ Zachowaj
+ Send
+ Wyślij
+ Spellchecker
+ Sprawdzanie pisowni
+ Split Screen
+ Podziel ekran
+ Support
+ Pomoc techniczna
+ Task Panel
+ Panel zadań
+ Terminal
+ Terminal
+ Tools
+ Narzędzia
+ Travel
+ Podróże
+ Video
+ Wideo
+ Word Processor
+ Procesor tekstu
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ Powiększ
+ Zoom Out
+ Pomniejsz
+ Away
+ Messenger
+ Komunikator
+ WebCam
+ WebCam
+ Mail Forward
+ Przekazanie poczty
+ Pictures
+ Zdjęcia
+ Music
+ Muzyka
+ Battery
+ Bateria
+ Bluetooth
+ Bluetooth
+ Wireless
+ Bezprzewodowy
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ Ultraszerokie pasmo
+ Media Fast Forward
+ Audio Repeat
+ Powtarzanie
+ Audio Random Play
+ Odtwarzanie losowe
+ Subtitle
+ Napisy
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ Time
+ Czas
+ Hibernate
+ Hibernacja
+ View
+ Widok
+ Top Menu
+ Menu główne
+ Power Down
+ Wyłącz zasilanie
+ Suspend
+ Wstrzymanie
+ Microphone Mute
+ Wyłącz mikrofon
+ Red
+ Czerwony
+ Green
+ Zielony
+ Yellow
+ Żółty
+ Blue
+ Niebieski
+ Channel Up
+ Następny kanał
+ Channel Down
+ Poprzedni kanał
+ Guide
+ Przewodnik
+ Info
+ Informacja
+ Settings
+ Ustawienia
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ Zwiększ czułość mikrofonu
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ Zmniejsz czułość mikrofonu
+ New
+ Nowy
+ Open
+ Otwórz
+ Find
+ Znajdź
+ Undo
+ Cofnij
+ Redo
+ Przywróć
+ Print Screen
+ Wydrukuj zawartość ekranu
+ Page Up
+ Strona w dół
+ Page Down
+ Strona do góry
+ Caps Lock
+ Caps Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Insert
+ Insert
+ Delete
+ Delete
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ Żądanie systemu
+ Select
+ Wybierz
+ Yes
+ Tak
+ No
+ Nie
+ Context1
+ Kontekst1
+ Context2
+ Kontekst2
+ Context3
+ Kontekst3
+ Context4
+ Kontekst4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ Zadzwoń
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ Rozłącz się
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ Przełącz dzwonienie / rozłączenie się
+ Flip
+ Odwróć
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ Wybieranie głosowe
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ Wykręć ostatni numer
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ Migawka aparatu
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ Ostrość aparatu
+ Kanji
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Shift
+ Kana Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu toggle
+ Eisu toggle
+ Code input
+ Wprowadzanie kodu
+ Multiple Candidate
+ Kandydat wielokrotny
+ Previous Candidate
+ Poprzedni kandydat
+ Hangul
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangul End
+ Hangul End
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Hangul Special
+ Cancel
+ Anuluj
+ Printer
+ Drukarka
+ Execute
+ Wykonaj
+ Play
+ Odtwórz
+ Zoom
+ Powiększ
+ Exit
+ Wyjście
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ Przełącz panel dotykowy
+ Touchpad On
+ Włącz panel dotykowy
+ Touchpad Off
+ Wyłącz panel dotykowy
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ Num
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Odmowa połączenia z pośrednikiem
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ Przedwczesne zakończenie połączenia z pośrednikiem
+ Proxy host not found
+ Nie odnaleziono hosta pośredniczącego
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Przekroczony czas łączenia z pośrednikiem
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Autoryzacja pośrednika zakończona błędem
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ Autoryzacja pośrednika zakończona błędem: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ Błąd protokołu SOCKS wersji 5
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Generalny błąd serwera SOCKS wersji 5
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ Połączenie niedozwolone przez serwer SOCKS wersji 5
+ TTL expired
+ TTL stracił ważność
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ Nieobsługiwana komenda SOCKS wersji 5
+ Address type not supported
+ Nieobsługiwany typ adresu
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Nieznany kod błędu (0x%1) pośrednika SOCKS wersji 5
+ Network operation timed out
+ Przekroczony czas operacji sieciowej
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ niepoprawna rola
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pasek tytułowy
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pasek menu
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pasek przewijania
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dźwięk
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ kursor
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ kursor tekstowy
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ ramka
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ wypełniacz
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ menu kontekstowe
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ element menu
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ podpowiedź
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ aplikacja
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dokument
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ panel
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ wykres
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dialog
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ separator
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pasek narzędzi
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pasek stanu
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tabela
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ nagłówek kolumny
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ nagłówek wiersza
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ kolumna
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ wiersz
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ komórka
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ odsyłacz
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ asystent
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ lista
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ element listy
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ drzewo
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ element drzewa
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ zakładka
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ strona z właściwościami
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ wskaźnik
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ grafika
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ etykieta
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tekst
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ przycisk
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pole wyboru
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pasek postępu
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ pokrętło
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ suwak
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ płótno
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ animacja
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ równanie
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ pusta przestrzeń
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ zegar
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ akapit
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ sekcja
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ wybieracz kolorów
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ stopka
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ formularz
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ nagłówek
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ notatka
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ nieznany
+ QSslDiffieHellmanParameter
+ No error
+ Brak błędu
+ Invalid input data
+ Niepoprawne dane wejściowe
+ The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafe
+ Podane parametry protokołu Diffiego-Hellmana uznano jako niepewne
+ QSslSocket
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ Błąd podczas ustawiania krzywych eliptycznych (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Błąd tworzenia kontekstu SSL (%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ nieobsługiwany protokół
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Niepoprawna lub pusta lista szyfrów (%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Nie można dostarczyć certyfikatu bez klucza, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Błąd ładowania lokalnego certyfikatu, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Błąd ładowania prywatnego klucza, %1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ Prywatny klucz nie uwiarygodnia publicznego, %1
+ Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid
+ Niepoprawne parametry protokołu Diffiego-Hellmana
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ Nieaktualna wersja OpenSSL, wymagana wersja to 1.0.2 lub wyższa
+ No error
+ Brak błędu
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ Nie można odnaleźć wydawcy certyfikatu
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ Nie można odszyfrować podpisu certyfikatu
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ Nie można odczytać publicznego klucza w certyfikacie
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ Niepoprawny podpis certyfikatu
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ Certyfikat nie jest jeszcze ważny
+ The certificate has expired
+ Certyfikat utracił ważność
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ Pole "notBefore" certyfikatu zawiera niepoprawną datę
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ Pole "notAfter" certyfikatu zawiera niepoprawną datę
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Niewiarygodny certyfikat z podpisem własnym
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ Główny certyfikat łańcucha zaufania ma własny podpis i jest niewiarygodny
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ Nie można odnaleźć certyfikatu wydawcy wyszukanego lokalnie certyfikatu
+ No certificates could be verified
+ Nie można zweryfikować żadnych certyfikatów
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ Jeden z certyfikatów urzędu certyfikacji jest nieprawidłowy
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ Długość ścieżki określona w podstawowych warunkach ograniczających została przekroczona
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ Dostarczony certyfikat jest nieodpowiedni dla tego przeznaczenia
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ Główny certyfikat urzędu certyfikacji nie jest wiarygodny dla tego przeznaczenia
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ Główny certyfikat urzędu certyfikacji jest wyznaczony do odrzucania podanego przeznaczenia
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ Certyfikat wydawcy obecnego kandydata został odrzucony, ponieważ nazwa podmiotu nie odpowiadała nazwie wydawcy obecnego certyfikatu
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ Certyfikat wydawcy obecnego kandydata został odrzucony, ponieważ nazwa wydawcy i przedstawiony numer seryjny nie odpowiadały identyfikatorowi klucza urzędu certyfikacji obecnego certyfikatu
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ Druga strona nie przedstawiła żadnego certyfikatu
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ Nazwa hosta nie odpowiadała żadnemu z poprawnych hostów dla tego certyfikatu
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ Druga strona widnieje na czarnej liście
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ Połączenie TLS / SSL zostało zamknięte
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Błąd tworzenia sesji SSL, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Błąd tworzenia sesji SSL: %1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ Błąd inicjalizacji kontekstu SSL (%1)
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Nie można zapisać danych: %1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ Nie można odszyfrować danych: %1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Błąd podczas czytania: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Błąd podczas nawiązania sesji SSL: %1
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ Pulpit
+ Documents
+ Dokumenty
+ Fonts
+ Czcionki
+ Applications
+ Aplikacje
+ Music
+ Muzyka
+ Movies
+ Filmy
+ Pictures
+ Zdjęcia
+ Temporary Directory
+ Katalog tymczasowy
+ Home
+ Katalog domowy
+ Cache
+ Pamięć podręczna
+ Shared Data
+ Dane współdzielone
+ Runtime
+ Configuration
+ Konfiguracja
+ Shared Configuration
+ Konfiguracja współdzielona
+ Shared Cache
+ Podręczna pamięć współdzielona
+ Download
+ Pobrane
+ Application Data
+ Dane aplikacji
+ Application Configuration
+ Konfiguracja aplikacji
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ Brak stanu początkowego w stanie złożonym "%1"
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ Brak domyślnego stanu w historycznym stanie "%1"
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ Brak wspólnego przodka dla stanów docelowych i stanu źródłowego w przejściu ze stanu "%1"
+ Unknown error
+ Nieznany błąd
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: brak uprawnień
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: już istnieje
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: nie istnieje
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: zasoby wyczerpane
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: nieznany błąd %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Nie można otworzyć połączenia
+ Unable to use database
+ Nie można użyć bazy danych
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Przewiń w lewo
+ Scroll Right
+ Przewiń w prawo
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Operacja na gnieździe nieobsługiwana
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ Nie można odczytać danych obrazu
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ Brak obsługi odczytu obrazu z urządzenia sekwencyjnego (np. gniazda)
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ Przeszukiwanie pliku / urządzenia w celu odczytu obrazu zakończone błędem
+ Image header read failed
+ Błąd odczytu nagłówka pliku z obrazem
+ Image type not supported
+ Nieobsługiwany typ obrazu
+ Image depth not valid
+ Niepoprawna głębokość obrazu
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ Nie można odnaleźć nagłówka do odczytu obrazu
+ Could not read footer
+ Nie można odczytać nagłówka
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ Nieobsługiwany typ obrazu (inny od TrueVision 2.0)
+ Could not reset to read data
+ Nie można zresetować w celu odczytu danych
+ QUdpSocket
+ Unable to send a datagram
+ Nie można wysłać datagramu
+ No datagram available for reading
+ Brak datagramów dostępnych do odczytu
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ Cofnij %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Cofnij
+ Redo %1
+ Przywróć %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Przywróć
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <pusty>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ Cofnij %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ Cofnij
+ Redo %1
+ Przywróć %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ Przywróć
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM znacznik od lewej do prawej
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Znacznik od prawej do lewej
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Łącznik zerowej długości
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Rozdzielnik zerowej długości
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Przerwa zerowej długości
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Początek osadzania od lewej do prawej
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Początek osadzania od prawej do lewej
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Początek nadpisania od lewej do prawej
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Początek nadpisania od prawej do lewej
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Formatowanie kierunkowe pop
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Wstaw znak kontroli Unicode
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Co to jest?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Cofnij
+ &Redo
+ &Przywróć
+ Cu&t
+ W&ytnij
+ &Copy
+ S&kopiuj
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Skopiuj &adres odsyłacza
+ &Paste
+ &Wklej
+ Delete
+ Usuń
+ Select All
+ Zaznacz wszystko
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1.%2.%3.%4. The Direct2D version on this system is %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Qt nie może załadować wtyczki platformy direct2d ponieważ wersja Direct2D zainstalowana na tym systemie jest zbyt stara. Minimalne wymagania systemowe dla tej wtyczki to Windows 7 SP1 z uaktualnieniami platformy.
+Minimalną wymaganą wersją Direct2D jest %1.%2.%3.%4. Zainstalowaną wersją na tym systemie jest %5.%6.%7.%8.
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ Nie można załadować wtyczki platformy direct2d
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Wróć
+ < &Back
+ < &Wstecz
+ Continue
+ Kontynuuj
+ &Next
+ &Dalej
+ &Next >
+ &Dalej >
+ Commit
+ Dokonaj
+ Done
+ Zrobione
+ &Finish
+ &Zakończ
+ Cancel
+ Anuluj
+ Help
+ Pomoc
+ &Help
+ &Pomoc
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ brak błędu
+ error triggered by consumer
+ błąd wywołany przez konsumenta
+ unexpected end of file
+ nieoczekiwany koniec pliku
+ more than one document type definition
+ więcej niż jedna definicja typu dokumentu
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ wystąpił błąd podczas parsowania elementu
+ tag mismatch
+ niezgodny tag
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ wystąpił błąd podczas parsowania zawartości
+ unexpected character
+ nieoczekiwany znak
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ niepoprawna nazwa dla instrukcji przetwarzającej
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ oczekiwano numeru wersji podczas czytania deklaracji XML
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ błędna wartość dla deklaracji "standalone"
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ oczekiwano deklaracji "encoding" lub "standalone" podczas odczytywania deklaracji XML
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ deklaracja "standalone" oczekiwana podczas czytania deklaracji XML
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ wystąpił błąd podczas parsowania typu definicji dokumentu
+ letter is expected
+ oczekiwana jest litera
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ wystąpił błąd podczas parsowania komentarza
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ wystąpił błąd podczas parsowania odwołania
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ odwołanie do jednostki ogólnej wewnętrznej nie dozwolone w DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ odwołanie do jednostki ogólnej zewnętrznie przetworzonej nie dozwolone dla wartości atrybutu
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ odwołanie do jednostki ogólnej zewnętrznie przetworzonej nie dozwolone w DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ odwołanie do jednostki nieprzetworzonej w złym kontekście
+ recursive entities
+ jednostki rekurencyjne
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ błąd w deklaracji "text" zewnętrznej jednostki
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Dodatkowa treść na końcu dokumentu.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Niepoprawna wartość jednostki.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Niepoprawny znak XML.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Ciąg "]]>" niedozwolony w treści.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ Natrafiono na niepoprawnie zakodowaną treść.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Przedrostek przestrzeni nazw "%1" nie został zadeklarowany
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Niepoprawna deklaracja przestrzeni nazw.
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ Ponowna definicja atrybutu "%1".
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Nieoczekiwany znak "%1" w publicznym literale.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Niepoprawna wersja XML.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ Nieobsługiwana wersja XML.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ Pseudo atrybut "standalone" musi pojawić się po "encoding".
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 jest niepoprawną nazwą kodowania.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ Kodowanie %1 jest nieobsługiwane
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Tylko wartości "tak" lub "nie" są akceptowane przez "standalone".
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Niepoprawny atrybut w deklaracji XML.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Przedwczesne zakończenie dokumentu.
+ Invalid document.
+ Niepoprawny dokument.
+ Expected
+ Oczekiwano
+ , but got '
+ , ale otrzymano '
+ Unexpected '
+ Nieoczekiwany '
+ Expected character data.
+ Oczekiwana dana znakowa.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Wykryto jednostkę rekurencyjną.
+ Start tag expected.
+ Oczekiwano rozpoczęcia tagu.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ NDATA w deklaracji parametru obiektu.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ Deklaracja XML nie jest na początku dokumentu.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 jest niepoprawną nazwą instrukcji przetwarzającej.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Niepoprawna nazwa instrukcji przetwarzającej.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 jest niepoprawnym publicznym identyfikatorem.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Niepoprawna nazwa XML.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Niezgodne tagi początku i końca.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Jednostka "%1" nie zadeklarowana.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Odwołanie do nieprzetworzonej jednostki "%1".
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Odwołanie do zewnętrznej jednostki "%1" jako wartość atrybutu.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Niepoprawny znak odwołania.
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_pt.ts b/localization/qtbase_pt.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a86876960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_pt.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8009 @@
+ Services
+ Serviços
+ Hide %1
+ Ocultar %1
+ Hide Others
+ Ocultar Outros
+ Show All
+ Mostrar Tudo
+ Preferences...
+ Preferências…
+ Quit %1
+ Encerrar %1
+ About %1
+ Sobre o %1
+ AudioOutput
+ <html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html>
+ <html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html>
+ Revert back to device '%1'
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ PPDOptionsModel
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Value
+ Valor
+ Phonon::
+ Notifications
+ Music
+ Video
+ Communication
+ Games
+ Accessibility
+ Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend
+ Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed.
+ Some video features have been disabled.
+ Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed.
+ All audio and video support has been disabled
+ Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject
+ Cannot start playback.
+Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you
+have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.
+ A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0
+ Could not open media source.
+ Invalid source type.
+ Could not locate media source.
+ Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.
+ Could not decode media source.
+ Phonon::VolumeSlider
+ Volume: %1%
+ Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%
+ Q3Accel
+ %1, %2 not defined
+ %1, %2 indefinido
+ Ambiguous %1 not handled
+ %1 ambíguo não tratado
+ Q3DataTable
+ True
+ Verdadeiro
+ False
+ Falso
+ Insert
+ Inserir
+ Update
+ Actualizar
+ Delete
+ Remover
+ Q3FileDialog
+ Copy or Move a File
+ Copiar ou Mover um Ficheiro
+ Read: %1
+ Ler: %1
+ Write: %1
+ Escrever: %1
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ All Files (*)
+ Todos os Ficheiros (*)
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Size
+ Tamanho
+ Type
+ Tipo
+ Date
+ Data
+ Attributes
+ Atributos
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ Look &in:
+ Ver &em:
+ File &name:
+ &Nome do Ficheiro:
+ File &type:
+ &Tipo de Ficheiro:
+ Back
+ Recuar
+ One directory up
+ Pasta Mãe
+ Create New Folder
+ Criar Nova Pasta
+ List View
+ Vista Abreviada
+ Detail View
+ Vista Detalhada
+ Preview File Info
+ Antever Informação do Ficheiro
+ Preview File Contents
+ Antever Conteúdo do Ficheiro
+ Read-write
+ Leitura e escrita
+ Read-only
+ Apenas Leitura
+ Write-only
+ Apenas Escrita
+ Inaccessible
+ Inacessível
+ Symlink to File
+ Ligação para Ficheiro
+ Symlink to Directory
+ Ligação para Pasta
+ Symlink to Special
+ Ligação para Especial
+ File
+ Ficheiro
+ Dir
+ Pasta
+ Special
+ Especial
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ Save As
+ Guardar Como
+ &Open
+ &Abrir
+ &Save
+ &Gravar
+ &Rename
+ &Mudar Nome
+ &Delete
+ &Apagar
+ R&eload
+ &Recarregar
+ Sort by &Name
+ Ordenar pelo &Nome
+ Sort by &Size
+ Ordenar pelo &Tamanho
+ Sort by &Date
+ Ordenar pela &Data
+ &Unsorted
+ Não &Ordenado
+ Sort
+ Ordenar
+ Show &hidden files
+ Mostrar ficheiros &escondidos
+ the file
+ o ficheiro
+ the directory
+ a pasta
+ the symlink
+ a ligação
+ Delete %1
+ Apagar %1
+ <qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt>
+ <qt>Deseja mesmo apagar %1 "%2"?</qt>
+ &Yes
+ &Sim
+ &No
+ &Não
+ New Folder 1
+ Nova Pasta 1
+ New Folder
+ Nova Pasta
+ New Folder %1
+ Nova Pasta %1
+ Find Directory
+ Procurar Pasta
+ Directories
+ Pastas
+ Directory:
+ Pasta:
+ Error
+ Erro
+ %1
+File not found.
+Check path and filename.
+ %1
+Ficheiro não encontrado.
+Verifique a localização e o nome.
+ All Files (*.*)
+ Todos os Ficheiros (*.*)
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ Select a Directory
+ Seleccione uma Pasta
+ Q3LocalFs
+ Could not read directory
+ Não foi possível ler a pasta
+ Could not create directory
+ Não foi possível criar a pasta
+ Could not remove file or directory
+ Não foi possível apagar o ficheiro ou a pasta
+ Could not rename
+ Não foi possível mudar o nome
+ Could not open
+ Não foi possível abrir
+ Could not write
+ Nao foi possível escrever
+ Q3MainWindow
+ Line up
+ Alinhar
+ Customize...
+ Configurar...
+ Q3NetworkProtocol
+ Operation stopped by the user
+ Operação interrompida pelo utilizador
+ Q3ProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Q3TabDialog
+ OK
+ OK
+ Apply
+ Aplicar
+ Help
+ Ajuda
+ Defaults
+ Predefinições
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Q3TextEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Desfazer
+ &Redo
+ &Refazer
+ Cu&t
+ Cor&tar
+ &Copy
+ &Copiar
+ &Paste
+ Co&lar
+ Clear
+ Limpar
+ Select All
+ Seleccionar Tudo
+ Q3TitleBar
+ System
+ Sistema
+ Restore up
+ Restaurar acima
+ Minimize
+ Minimizar
+ Restore down
+ Restaurar abaixo
+ Maximize
+ Maximizar
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ Contains commands to manipulate the window
+ Contém comandos para manipular a janela
+ Puts a minimized back to normal
+ Coloca uma janela minimizada no estado normal
+ Moves the window out of the way
+ Tira a janela da frente
+ Puts a maximized window back to normal
+ Coloca uma janela maximizada no estado normal
+ Makes the window full screen
+ Coloca a janela em ecrã completo
+ Closes the window
+ Fecha a janela
+ Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it
+ Mostra o nome da janela e contém controlos para a manipular
+ Q3ToolBar
+ More...
+ Mais...
+ Q3UrlOperator
+ The protocol `%1' is not supported
+ O protocolo '%1' não é suportado
+ The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories
+ O protocolo '%1' não suporta listagem de pastas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories
+ O protocolo '%1' não suporta criação de novas pastas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories
+ O protocolo '%1' não suporta eliminação de ficheiros ou pastas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories
+ O protocolo '%1' não suporta mudança de nome de ficheiros ou pastas
+ The protocol `%1' does not support getting files
+ O protocolo '%1' não suporta obtenção de ficheiros
+ The protocol `%1' does not support putting files
+ O protocolo '%1' não suporta colocação de ficheiros
+ The protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories
+ O protocolo '%1' não suporta copiar ou mover ficheiros ou pastas
+ (unknown)
+ (desconhecido)
+ Q3Wizard
+ &Cancel
+ &Cancelar
+ < &Back
+ < &Recuar
+ &Next >
+ &Avançar >
+ &Finish
+ &Terminar
+ &Help
+ &Ajuda
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Host not found
+ Máquina desconhecida
+ Connection refused
+ Ligação recusada
+ Connection timed out
+ Ligação expirada
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Operação de 'socket' expirada
+ Socket is not connected
+ 'Socket' desligado
+ Network unreachable
+ Rede inalcançável
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Step up
+ &Passo acima
+ Step &down
+ Passo &abaixo
+ &Select All
+ QApplication
+ Activate
+ Activar
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ O executável '%1' requere Qt %2, Qt %3 encontrado.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Erro de Incompatibilidade da Biblioteca Qt
+ Activates the program's main window
+ Activa a janela principal do programa
+ QAxSelect
+ Select ActiveX Control
+ Seleccionar Controlo ActiveX
+ OK
+ OK
+ &Cancel
+ &Cancelar
+ COM &Object:
+ &Objecto COM:
+ QCheckBox
+ Uncheck
+ Desactivar
+ Check
+ Activar
+ Toggle
+ Comutar
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ C&or:
+ &Sat:
+ &Saturação:
+ &Val:
+ &Valor:
+ &Red:
+ &Vermelho:
+ &Green:
+ V&erde:
+ Bl&ue:
+ &Azul:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Canal &transparência:
+ Select Color
+ &Basic colors
+ Cores &básicas
+ &Custom colors
+ Cores c&ustomizadas
+ &Define Custom Colors >>
+ &Definir Cores Customizadas >>
+ OK
+ OK
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Adicionar às Cores Customizadas
+ Select color
+ Seleccionar cor
+ QComboBox
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ False
+ Falso
+ True
+ Verdadeiro
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Ligação não possível
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Finalização de transacção não possível
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Anulação de transacção não possível
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Finalização automática não possível
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Execução não possível
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Preparação não possível
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Ligação de variável não possível
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Obtenção do registo %1 não possível
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Obtenção do seguinte não possível
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Obtenção do primeiro não possível
+ QDateTimeEdit
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDial
+ QDial
+ SpeedoMeter
+ SliderHandle
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ O Que é Isto?
+ Done
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Gravar
+ &Save
+ &Gravar
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ &Cancel
+ &Cancelar
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ &Close
+ &Fechar
+ Apply
+ Aplicar
+ Reset
+ Restaurar
+ Help
+ Ajuda
+ Don't Save
+ Não Gravar
+ Discard
+ Descartar
+ &Yes
+ &Sim
+ Yes to &All
+ Sim para &Todos
+ &No
+ &Não
+ N&o to All
+ N&ão para Todos
+ Save All
+ Gravar Todos
+ Abort
+ Abortar
+ Retry
+ Tentar Novamente
+ Ignore
+ Ignorar
+ Restore Defaults
+ Restaurar Predefinições
+ Close without Saving
+ Fechar sem Gravar
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Size
+ Tamanho
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Tipo
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipo
+ Date Modified
+ Data de Modificação
+ QDockWidget
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ Dock
+ Float
+ QDoubleSpinBox
+ More
+ Mais
+ Less
+ Menos
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Mensagem Depuração:
+ Warning:
+ Aviso:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Erro Fatal:
+ &Show this message again
+ &Mostrar esta mensagem novamente
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file exists
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ Cannot open for output
+ Failure to write block
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ QFileDialog
+ All Files (*)
+ Todos os Ficheiros (*)
+ Directories
+ Pastas
+ &Open
+ &Abrir
+ &Save
+ &Gravar
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 já existe.
+Deseja substituir?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Ficheiro não encontrado.
+Por favor verifique o nome do ficheiro.
+ My Computer
+ O Meu Computador
+ &Rename
+ &Mudar o Nome
+ &Delete
+ &Apagar
+ Show &hidden files
+ Mostrar ficheiros &escondidos
+ Back
+ Recuar
+ Parent Directory
+ Pasta Mãe
+ List View
+ Vista Abreviada
+ Detail View
+ Vista Detalhada
+ Files of type:
+ FIcheiros do tipo:
+ Directory:
+ Pasta:
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given
+Ficheiro não encontrado.
+Por favor verifique o nome do ficheiro
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Pasta não encontrada.
+Por favor verifique o nome da pasta.
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ '%1' está protegido contra escrita.
+Deseja apagar de qualquer forma?
+ Are sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Deseja mesmo apagar '%1'?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Não foi possível apagar a pasta.
+ Recent Places
+ All Files (*.*)
+ Todos os Ficheiros (*.*)
+ Save As
+ Gravar Como
+ Drive
+ Unidade
+ File
+ Ficheiro
+ Unknown
+ Desconhecido
+ Find Directory
+ Procurar Pasta
+ Show
+ Forward
+ Seguinte
+ New Folder
+ Nova Pasta
+ &New Folder
+ &Choose
+ Remove
+ File &name:
+ &Nome do Ficheiro:
+ Look in:
+ Create New Folder
+ Criar Nova Pasta
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 bytes
+ Invalid filename
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Size
+ Tamanho
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Tipo
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Tipo
+ Date Modified
+ Data de Modificação
+ My Computer
+ O Meu Computador
+ Computer
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ Bold
+ Demi Bold
+ Black
+ Demi
+ Light
+ Italic
+ Oblique
+ Any
+ Latin
+ Greek
+ Cyrillic
+ Armenian
+ Hebrew
+ Arabic
+ Syriac
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Thai
+ Lao
+ Tibetan
+ Myanmar
+ Georgian
+ Khmer
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Japanese
+ Korean
+ Vietnamese
+ Symbol
+ Ogham
+ Runic
+ QFontDialog
+ &Font
+ &Tipo de Letra
+ Font st&yle
+ &Estilo Tipo de Letra
+ &Size
+ &Tamanho
+ Effects
+ Efeitos
+ Stri&keout
+ &Riscar
+ &Underline
+ &Sublinhar
+ Sample
+ Amostra
+ Wr&iting System
+ &Sistema de Escrita
+ Select Font
+ Seleccione Tipo de Letra
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Desligado
+ Host %1 not found
+ Servidor %1 não encontrado
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Ligação ao servidor %1 recusada
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Connected to host %1
+ Ligado ao servidor %1
+ Connection refused for data connection
+ Ligação de dados recusada
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ A ligação ao servidor falhou:
+ Login failed:
+ A autenticação falhou:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ A listagem da pasta falhou:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ A mudança de pasta falhou:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ A descarga do ficheiro falhou:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ O carregamento do ficheiro falhou:
+ Removing file failed:
+ A remoção do ficheiro falhou:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ A criação da pasta falhou:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ A remoção da pasta falhou:
+ Connection closed
+ Ligação fechada
+ Host %1 found
+ Servidor %1 encontrado
+ Connection to %1 closed
+ Ligação a %1 fechada
+ Host found
+ Servidor encontrado
+ Connected to host
+ Ligado ao servidor
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ Host not found
+ Servidor Não encontrado
+ Unknown address type
+ Tipo de endereço desconhecido
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ QHttp
+ HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled in
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ Request aborted
+ Pedido abortado
+ No server set to connect to
+ Nenhum servidor para ligar
+ Wrong content length
+ Tamanho de conteúdo errado
+ Server closed connection unexpectedly
+ O servidor fechou a ligação inesperadamente
+ Unknown authentication method
+ Error writing response to device
+ Connection refused
+ Ligação recusada
+ Host %1 not found
+ Servidor %1 não encontrado
+ HTTP request failed
+ O pedido HTTP falhou
+ Invalid HTTP response header
+ Cabeçalho de resposta HTTP inválido
+ Invalid HTTP chunked body
+ Corpo parcial HTTP inválido
+ Host %1 found
+ Servidor %1 encontrado
+ Connected to host %1
+ Ligado ao servidor %1
+ Connection to %1 closed
+ Ligação a %1 fechada
+ Host found
+ Servidor encontrado
+ Connected to host
+ Ligado ao servidor
+ Connection closed
+ Ligação fechada
+ Proxy authentication required
+ Authentication required
+ Connection refused (or timed out)
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Host requires authentication
+ Data corrupted
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ SSL handshake failed
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Authentication required
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Proxy server not found
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Erro ao abrir a base de dados
+ Could not start transaction
+ Não foi possível iniciar a transacção
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Não foi possível finalizar a transacção
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Não foi possível anular a transacção
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Não foi possível criar o BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Não foi possível escrever o BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Não foi possível abrir o BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Não foi possível ler o BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ Não foi possível encontrar o array
+ Could not get array data
+ Não foi possível obter os dados do array
+ Could not get query info
+ Não foi possível obter informação da query
+ Could not start transaction
+ Não foi possível iniciar a transacção
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Não foi possível finalizar a transacção
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Não foi possível alocar a expressão
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Não foi possível preparar a expressão
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Não foi possível descrever a expressão de entrada
+ Could not describe statement
+ Não foi possível descrever a expressão
+ Unable to close statement
+ Não foi possível fechar a expressão
+ Unable to execute query
+ Não foi possível executar a query
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Não foi possível obter o elemento seguinte
+ Could not get statement info
+ Não foi possível obter informação da expressão
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Permissão negada
+ Too many open files
+ Demasiados ficheiros abertos
+ No such file or directory
+ Ficheiro ou pasta inexistente
+ No space left on device
+ Dispositivo sem espaço livre
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ QInputContext
+ XIM input method
+ Método de entrada XIM
+ Windows input method
+ Método de entrada Windows
+ Mac OS X input method
+ Método de entrada Max OS X
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ QLibrary
+ QLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::load_sys: Não foi possível carregar %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::unload_sys: Cannot unload %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::unload_sys: Não foi possível descarregar %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::resolve_sys: Symbol "%1" undefined in %2 (%3)
+ QLibrary::resolve_sys: Símbolo "%1" indefinido em %2 (%3)
+ Could not mmap '%1': %2
+ Não foi possivel mapear '%1': %2
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ Dados de verificação do plugin incorrectos em '%1'
+ Could not unmap '%1': %2
+ Não foi possível desmapear '%1': %2
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ O plugin '%1' usa uma biblioteca Qt incompatível. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"
+ O plugin '%1' usa uma biblioteca Qt incompatível. A chave de compilação esperada "%2", ficou "%3"
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ The shared library was not found.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Desfazer
+ &Redo
+ &Refazer
+ Cu&t
+ Cor&tar
+ &Copy
+ &Copiar
+ &Paste
+ Co&lar
+ Delete
+ Apagar
+ Select All
+ Seleccionar Tudo
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to open database '
+ Não foi possível abrir a base de dados '
+ Unable to connect
+ Não foi possível estabelecer a ligação
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Não foi possível iniciar a transacção
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Não foi possível finalizar a transacção
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Não foi possível anular a transacção
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Não foi possível obter dados
+ Unable to execute query
+ Não foi possível executar a query
+ Unable to store result
+ Não foi possível guardar o resultado
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Não foi possível preparar a expressão
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Não foi possível restaurar a expressão
+ Unable to bind value
+ Não foi possível fazer a ligação do valor
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Não foi possível executar a expressão
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Não foi possível fazer a ligação dos valores externos
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Não foi possível guardar os resultados da expressão
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Unable to store next result
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ Minimize
+ Minimizar
+ Restore Down
+ Restaurar Baixo
+ &Restore
+ &Restaurar
+ &Move
+ &Mover
+ &Size
+ &Tamanho
+ Mi&nimize
+ Mi&nimizar
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ximizar
+ Stay on &Top
+ Permanecer no &Topo
+ &Close
+ &Fechar
+ - [%1]
+ Maximize
+ Maximizar
+ Unshade
+ Shade
+ Restore
+ Help
+ Ajuda
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ QMenu
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ Execute
+ Executar
+ QMenuBar
+ About
+ Sobre
+ Config
+ Configurar
+ Preference
+ Preferências
+ Options
+ Opções
+ Setting
+ Alteração
+ Setup
+ Configuração
+ Quit
+ Sair
+ Exit
+ Sair
+ About %1
+ Sobre %1
+ About Qt
+ Acerca do Qt
+ Preferences
+ Preferências
+ Quit %1
+ Sair de %1
+ QMessageBox
+ Help
+ Ajuda
+ OK
+ OK
+ About Qt
+ Acerca do Qt
+ <p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <p>Este programa usa Qt versão %1.</p>
+ <h3>About Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qtopia Core.</p><p>Qt is a Trolltech product. See <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/qt/">qt.nokia.com/qt/</a> for more information.</p>
+ <h3>Acerca do Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt é um conjunto de ferramentas para desenvolvimento de aplicações multiplataforma.</p>O Qt oferece portabilidade de código fonte único em MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux e todas as principais variantes comerciais de Unix. O Qt está igualmente disponível para dispositivos embebidos como Qtopia Core.</p><p>O Qt é um produto Trolltech. Veja <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/qt/">qt.nokia.com/qt/</a> para mais informação.</p>
+ Show Details...
+ Mostrar Detalhes...
+ Hide Details...
+ Não Mostrar Detalhes...
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications (proprietary or open source) provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications where you wish to use such applications in combination with software subject to the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0 or where you are otherwise willing to comply with the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>This program uses Qt Open Source Edition version %1.</p><p>Qt Open Source Edition is intended for the development of Open Source applications. You need a commercial Qt license for development of proprietary (closed source) applications.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/company/model/">qt.nokia.com/company/model/</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p>
+ <p>Este programa usa Qt Open Source Edition versão %1.</p><p>Qt Open Source Edition é indicado para o desenvolvimento de aplicações/programas open source. Se pretender desenvolver aplicações sem disponibilizar o codigo fonte, então precisará de obter uma licença comercial.</p><p>Por favor consulte <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/company/model/">qt.nokia.com/company/model/</a>para obter mais informação acerca de licenças Qt.</p>
+ QMultiInputContext
+ Select IM
+ Seleccione Método de Entrada
+ QMultiInputContextPlugin
+ Multiple input method switcher
+ Seleccionador de método de entrada
+ Multiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgets
+ Seleccionador de método de entrada que utiliza o menu de contexto dos elementos de texto
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ A máquina remota fechou a ligação
+ Network operation timed out
+ Operação de rede expirada
+ Out of resources
+ Sem recursos
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Operação de 'socket' não suportada
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Tipo de protocolo não suportado
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Descritor de 'socket' inválido
+ Network unreachable
+ Rede inalcançável
+ Permission denied
+ Permissão negada
+ Connection timed out
+ Ligação expirada
+ Connection refused
+ Ligação recusada
+ The bound address is already in use
+ O endereço de ligação já está em uso
+ The address is not available
+ O endereço não está disponível
+ The address is protected
+ O endereço está protegido
+ Unable to send a message
+ Não foi possível enviar uma mensagem
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Não foi possível receber uma mensagem
+ Unable to write
+ Não foi possível escrever
+ Network error
+ Erro de rede
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Outro 'socket' já está à escuta no mesmo porto
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Não foi possível inicializar 'socket' não bloqueante
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Não foi possível inicializar 'socket' de transmissão
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Tentativa de utilização de 'socket' IPv6 numa plataforma sem suporte IPv6
+ Host unreachable
+ Máquina inalcançável
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Datagrama demasiado grande para enviar
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Operação em não 'socket'
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessHttpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to logon
+ Não foi possível autenticar
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Não foi possível inicializar
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Não foi possível iniciar a transacção
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Não foi possível fazer a licação da coluna para execução 'batch'
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Não foi possível executar a expressão de 'batch'
+ Unable to goto next
+ Não foi possível passar ao seguinte
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Não foi possível alocar a expressão
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Não foi possível preparar a expressão
+ Unable to bind value
+ Não foi possível fazer o ligamento do valor
+ Unable to execute select statement
+ Não foi possível executar a expressão select
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Não foi possível executar a expressão
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Não foi possível ligar
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality
+ Não foi possível ligar - O 'driver' não suporta todas as funcionalidades necessárias
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ Não foi possível desactivar finalização automática
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Não foi possível finalizar a transacção
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Não foi possível anular a transacção
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ Não foi possível activar finalização automática
+ QODBCResult
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: Não foi possível definir 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' como atributo da expressão. Por favor verifique a configuração do seu 'driver' ODBC
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Não foi possível executar a expressão
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Não foi possível obter o seguinte
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Não foi possível preparar a expressão
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Não foi possível fazer o ligamento da variável
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Unable to fetch
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Obtenção do primeiro não possível
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ QObject
+ Home
+ Início
+ Operation not supported on %1
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ Protocol error: packet of size 0 received
+ No host name given
+ QPPDOptionsModel
+ Name
+ Nome
+ Value
+ Valor
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Não foi possível ligar
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Não foi possível iniciar a transacção
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Não foi possível finalizar a transacção
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Não foi possível anular a transacção
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ Não foi possível criar a 'query'
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Centimeters (cm)
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Form
+ Paper
+ Page size:
+ Tamanho página:
+ Width:
+ Height:
+ Paper source:
+ Fonte papel:
+ Orientation
+ Portrait
+ Retrato
+ Landscape
+ Paisagem
+ Reverse landscape
+ Reverse portrait
+ Margins
+ top margin
+ left margin
+ right margin
+ bottom margin
+ QPluginLoader
+ Unknown error
+ Erro desconhecido
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ QPrintDialog
+ locally connected
+ ligado localmente
+ Aliases: %1
+ Nomes Alternativos: %1
+ unknown
+ desconhecido
+ Portrait
+ Retrato
+ Landscape
+ Paisagem
+ A0 (841 x 1189 mm)
+ A0 (841 x 1189 mm)
+ A1 (594 x 841 mm)
+ A1 (594 x 841 mm)
+ A2 (420 x 594 mm)
+ A2 (420 x 594 mm)
+ A3 (297 x 420 mm)
+ A3 (297 x 420 mm)
+ A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 inches)
+ A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 polegadas)
+ A5 (148 x 210 mm)
+ A5 (148 x 210 mm)
+ A6 (105 x 148 mm)
+ A6 (105 x 148 mm)
+ A7 (74 x 105 mm)
+ A7 (74 x 105 mm)
+ A8 (52 x 74 mm)
+ A8 (52 x 74 mm)
+ A9 (37 x 52 mm)
+ A9 (37 x 52 mm)
+ B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)
+ B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)
+ B1 (707 x 1000 mm)
+ B1 (707 x 1000 mm)
+ B2 (500 x 707 mm)
+ B2 (500 x 707 mm)
+ B3 (353 x 500 mm)
+ B3 (353 x 500 mm)
+ B4 (250 x 353 mm)
+ B4 (250 x 353 mm)
+ B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches)
+ B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 polegadas)
+ B6 (125 x 176 mm)
+ B6 (125 x 176 mm)
+ B7 (88 x 125 mm)
+ B7 (88 x 125 mm)
+ B8 (62 x 88 mm)
+ B8 (62 x 88 mm)
+ B9 (44 x 62 mm)
+ B9 (44 x 62 mm)
+ B10 (31 x 44 mm)
+ B10 (31 x 44 mm)
+ C5E (163 x 229 mm)
+ C5E (163 x 229 mm)
+ DLE (110 x 220 mm)
+ DLE (110 x 220 mm)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 inches, 191 x 254 mm)
+ Executivo (7.5 x 10 polegadas, 191 x 254 mm)
+ Folio (210 x 330 mm)
+ Folio (210 x 330 mm)
+ Ledger (432 x 279 mm)
+ Ledger (432 x 279 mm)
+ Legal (8.5 x 14 inches, 216 x 356 mm)
+ Legal (8.5 x 14 polegadas, 216 x 356 mm)
+ Letter (8.5 x 11 inches, 216 x 279 mm)
+ Carta (8.5 x 11 polegadas, 216 x 279 mm)
+ Tabloid (279 x 432 mm)
+ Tablóide (279 x 432 mm)
+ US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm)
+ Envelope #10 Comum EUA (105 x 241 mm)
+ OK
+ OK
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Page size:
+ Tamanho página:
+ Orientation:
+ Orientação:
+ Paper source:
+ Fonte papel:
+ Print
+ Imprimir
+ File
+ Ficheiro
+ Printer
+ Impressora
+ Print To File ...
+ Imprimir Para Ficheiro ...
+ Print dialog
+ Diálogo de impressão
+ Paper format
+ Formato do papel
+ Size:
+ Tamanho:
+ Properties
+ Propriedades
+ Printer info:
+ Informação da impressora:
+ Browse
+ Navegar
+ Print to file
+ Imprimir para um ficheiro
+ Print range
+ Selecção de páginas
+ Print all
+ Imprimir todas
+ Pages from
+ Páginas de
+ to
+ a
+ Selection
+ Selecção
+ Copies
+ Cópias
+ Number of copies:
+ Número de cópias:
+ Collate
+ Juntar
+ Print last page first
+ Imprimir a última página primeiro
+ Other
+ Outro
+ Print in color if available
+ Imprimir a cores se disponível
+ Double side printing
+ Imprimir nos dois lados do papel
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Não é possível escrever no ficheiro %1.
+Por favor escolha um nome diferente.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 já existe.
+Deseja substituir?
+ File exists
+ O ficheiro existe
+ <qt>Do you want to overwrite it?</qt>
+ <qt>Deseja gravar por cima?</qt>
+ Print selection
+ Selecção de Impressão
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ A0
+ A1
+ A2
+ A3
+ A4
+ A5
+ A6
+ A7
+ A8
+ A9
+ B0
+ B1
+ B2
+ B3
+ B4
+ B5
+ B6
+ B7
+ B8
+ B9
+ B10
+ C5E
+ Executive
+ Folio
+ Ledger
+ Legal
+ Letter
+ Tabloid
+ US Common #10 Envelope
+ Custom
+ &Options >>
+ &Print
+ &Options <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Print to File (Postscript)
+ Local file
+ Write %1 file
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Next page
+ Previous page
+ First page
+ Last page
+ Fit width
+ Fit page
+ Zoom in
+ Zoom out
+ Portrait
+ Retrato
+ Landscape
+ Paisagem
+ Show single page
+ Show facing pages
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Print
+ Page setup
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ Export to PDF
+ Export to PostScript
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ PPD Properties
+ Propriedades PPD
+ Save
+ Gravar
+ OK
+ OK
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Page
+ Advanced
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Copies
+ Cópias
+ Print range
+ Selecção de páginas
+ Print all
+ Imprimir todas
+ Pages from
+ Páginas de
+ to
+ a
+ Selection
+ Selecção
+ Output Settings
+ Copies:
+ Collate
+ Juntar
+ Reverse
+ Options
+ Opções
+ Color Mode
+ Color
+ Grayscale
+ Duplex Printing
+ None
+ Long side
+ Short side
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Printer
+ Impressora
+ &Name:
+ P&roperties
+ Location:
+ Preview
+ Type:
+ Output &file:
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ Error reading from process
+ Error writing to process
+ Process crashed
+ No program defined
+ Process failed to start
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ QPushButton
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ QRadioButton
+ Check
+ Activar
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ sem erros
+ disabled feature used
+ funcionalidade desactivada está a ser utilizada
+ bad char class syntax
+ má sintaxe de classe de caracteres
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ má sintaxe de antecipação
+ bad repetition syntax
+ má sintaxe de repetição
+ invalid octal value
+ valor octal inválido
+ missing left delim
+ delimitador esquerdo em falta
+ unexpected end
+ fim inesperado
+ met internal limit
+ limite interno alcançado
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error to open database
+ Erro ao abrir base de dados
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Não foi possível iniciar a transacção
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Não foi possível finalizar a transacção
+ Unable to rollback Transaction
+ Não foi possível anular a transacção
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Não foi possível obter os resultados
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Não foi possível executar a expressão
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Erro ao abrir a base de dados
+ Error closing database
+ Erro ao fechar a base de dados
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Não foi possível iniciar a transacção
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Não foi possível finalizar a transacção
+ Unable to roll back transaction
+ Não foi possível anular a transacção
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Não foi possível obter a linha
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Não foi possível executar a expressão
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Não foi possível restaurar a expressão
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Não foi possível fazer a ligação dos parametros
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Incorrespondência de contagem de parâmetros
+ No query
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Deslizar aqui
+ Left edge
+ Borda esquerda
+ Top
+ Topo
+ Right edge
+ Borda direita
+ Bottom
+ Fundo
+ Page left
+ Página para esquerda
+ Page up
+ Página para cima
+ Page right
+ Página para direita
+ Page down
+ Página para baixo
+ Scroll left
+ Deslizar para esquerda
+ Scroll up
+ Deslizar para cima
+ Scroll right
+ Deslizar para a direita
+ Scroll down
+ Deslizar para baixo
+ Line up
+ Linha acima
+ Position
+ Posição
+ Line down
+ Linha abaixo
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: doesn't exists
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: unix key file doesn't exists
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: key error
+ %1: size query failed
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ Space
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Backtab
+ Backspace
+ Backspace
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Insert
+ Del
+ Delete
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Print
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Home
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ Esquerda
+ Up
+ Cima
+ Right
+ Direita
+ Down
+ Baixo
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ CapsLock
+ NumLock
+ Num Lock
+ ScrollLock
+ ScrollLock
+ Menu
+ Menu
+ Help
+ Ajuda
+ Back
+ Anterior
+ Forward
+ Seguinte
+ Stop
+ Parar
+ Refresh
+ Refrescar
+ Volume Down
+ Volume Cima
+ Volume Mute
+ Volume Mute
+ Volume Up
+ Volume Baixo
+ Bass Boost
+ Bass Boost
+ Bass Up
+ Bass Cima
+ Bass Down
+ Bass Baixo
+ Treble Up
+ Treble Cima
+ Treble Down
+ Treble Baixo
+ Media Play
+ Tocar Média
+ Media Stop
+ Parar Média
+ Media Previous
+ Média Anterior
+ Media Next
+ Média Seguinte
+ Media Record
+ Gravação Média
+ Favorites
+ Favoritos
+ Search
+ Procurar
+ Standby
+ Hibernação
+ Open URL
+ Abrir Endereço
+ Launch Mail
+ Correio Electrónico
+ Launch Media
+ Média
+ Launch (0)
+ Executar (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Executar (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Executar (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Executar (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Executar (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Executar (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Executar (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Executar (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Executar (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Executar (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Executar (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Executar (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Executar (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Executar (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Executar (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Executar (F)
+ Print Screen
+ Print Screen
+ Page Up
+ Page Up
+ Page Down
+ Page Down
+ Caps Lock
+ Caps Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Insert
+ Insert
+ Delete
+ Delete
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ System Request
+ Select
+ Select
+ Yes
+ Sim
+ No
+ Não
+ Context1
+ Contexto1
+ Context2
+ Contexto2
+ Context3
+ Contexto3
+ Context4
+ Contexto4
+ Call
+ Chamar
+ Hangup
+ Desligar
+ Flip
+ Inverter
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ Home Page
+ Página Principal
+ QSlider
+ Page left
+ Página para esquerda
+ Page up
+ Página para cima
+ Position
+ Posição
+ Page right
+ Página para direita
+ Page down
+ Página para baixo
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ Proxy host not found
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ TTL expired
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ Address type not supported
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Socks5 timeout error connecting to socks server
+ Socks5 expirado ao ligar ao servidor socks
+ Network operation timed out
+ Operação de rede expirada
+ QSpinBox
+ More
+ Mais
+ Less
+ Menos
+ QSql
+ Delete
+ Apagar
+ Delete this record?
+ Apagar este registo?
+ Yes
+ Sim
+ No
+ Não
+ Insert
+ Inserir
+ Update
+ Actualizar
+ Save edits?
+ Gravar as alterações?
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ Confirm
+ Confirmar
+ Cancel your edits?
+ Cancelar as alterações?
+ QSslSocket
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Private key does not certificate public key, %1
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Não foi possível estabelecer a ligação
+ Unable to use database
+ Não foi possível utilizar a base de dados
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Deslizar para Esquerda
+ Scroll Right
+ Deslizar para Direita
+ QTcpServer
+ Socket operation unsupported
+ Operação de 'socket' não suportada
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ QTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Desfazer
+ &Redo
+ &Refazer
+ Cu&t
+ Cor&tar
+ &Copy
+ &Copiar
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Copiar &Localização da Ligação
+ &Paste
+ Co&lar
+ Delete
+ Apagar
+ Select All
+ Seleccionar Tudo
+ QToolButton
+ Press
+ Pressionar
+ Open
+ Abrir
+ QUdpSocket
+ This platform does not support IPv6
+ Esta plataforma não suporta IPv6
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo
+ Desfazer
+ Redo
+ Refazer
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <vazio>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo
+ Desfazer
+ Redo
+ Refazer
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM Marca esquerda-para-direita
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM Marca direita-para-esquerda
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ Ligador de comprimento zero
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ Não-ligador de comprimento zero
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP Espaço de comprimento zero
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE Início de encaixe esquerda-para-direita
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE Início de encaixe direita-para-esquerda
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO Início de sobreposição esquerda-para-direita
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO Início de sobreposição direita-para-esquerda
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF Formatação pop direccional
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Inserir carácter de controlo Unicode
+ QWebFrame
+ Request cancelled
+ Request blocked
+ Cannot show URL
+ Frame load interruped by policy change
+ Cannot show mimetype
+ File does not exist
+ QWebPage
+ Bad HTTP request
+ Submit
+ default label for Submit buttons in forms on web pages
+ Submit
+ Submit (input element) alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or value
+ Reset
+ default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages
+ Restaurar
+ This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:
+ text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index'
+ Choose File
+ title for file button used in HTML forms
+ No file selected
+ text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected
+ Open in New Window
+ Open in New Window context menu item
+ Save Link...
+ Download Linked File context menu item
+ Copy Link
+ Copy Link context menu item
+ Open Image
+ Open Image in New Window context menu item
+ Save Image
+ Download Image context menu item
+ Copy Image
+ Copy Link context menu item
+ Open Frame
+ Open Frame in New Window context menu item
+ Copy
+ Copy context menu item
+ Go Back
+ Back context menu item
+ Go Forward
+ Forward context menu item
+ Stop
+ Stop context menu item
+ Parar
+ Reload
+ Reload context menu item
+ Cut
+ Cut context menu item
+ Paste
+ Paste context menu item
+ No Guesses Found
+ No Guesses Found context menu item
+ Ignore
+ Ignore Spelling context menu item
+ Ignorar
+ Add To Dictionary
+ Learn Spelling context menu item
+ Search The Web
+ Search The Web context menu item
+ Look Up In Dictionary
+ Look Up in Dictionary context menu item
+ Open Link
+ Open Link context menu item
+ Ignore
+ Ignore Grammar context menu item
+ Ignorar
+ Spelling
+ Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item
+ Show Spelling and Grammar
+ menu item title
+ Hide Spelling and Grammar
+ menu item title
+ Check Spelling
+ Check spelling context menu item
+ Check Spelling While Typing
+ Check spelling while typing context menu item
+ Check Grammar With Spelling
+ Check grammar with spelling context menu item
+ Fonts
+ Font context sub-menu item
+ Bold
+ Bold context menu item
+ Italic
+ Italic context menu item
+ Underline
+ Underline context menu item
+ Outline
+ Outline context menu item
+ Direction
+ Writing direction context sub-menu item
+ Text Direction
+ Text direction context sub-menu item
+ Default
+ Default writing direction context menu item
+ Left to Right context menu item
+ Right to Left context menu item
+ Inspect
+ Inspect Element context menu item
+ No recent searches
+ Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed
+ Recent searches
+ label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title
+ Clear recent searches
+ menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents
+ Unknown
+ Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item
+ Desconhecido
+ %1 (%2x%3 pixels)
+ Title string for images
+ Web Inspector - %2
+ Scroll here
+ Deslizar aqui
+ Left edge
+ Borda esquerda
+ Top
+ Topo
+ Right edge
+ Borda direita
+ Bottom
+ Fundo
+ Page left
+ Página para esquerda
+ Page up
+ Página para cima
+ Page right
+ Página para direita
+ Page down
+ Página para baixo
+ Scroll left
+ Deslizar para esquerda
+ Scroll up
+ Deslizar para cima
+ Scroll right
+ Deslizar para a direita
+ Scroll down
+ Deslizar para baixo
+ %n file(s)
+ number of chosen file
+ JavaScript Alert - %1
+ JavaScript Confirm - %1
+ JavaScript Prompt - %1
+ Move the cursor to the next character
+ Move the cursor to the previous character
+ Move the cursor to the next word
+ Move the cursor to the previous word
+ Move the cursor to the next line
+ Move the cursor to the previous line
+ Move the cursor to the start of the line
+ Move the cursor to the end of the line
+ Move the cursor to the start of the block
+ Move the cursor to the end of the block
+ Move the cursor to the start of the document
+ Move the cursor to the end of the document
+ Select all
+ Select to the next character
+ Select to the previous character
+ Select to the next word
+ Select to the previous word
+ Select to the next line
+ Select to the previous line
+ Select to the start of the line
+ Select to the end of the line
+ Select to the start of the block
+ Select to the end of the block
+ Select to the start of the document
+ Select to the end of the document
+ Delete to the start of the word
+ Delete to the end of the word
+ Insert a new paragraph
+ Insert a new line
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ O Que é Isto?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Continue
+ Commit
+ Done
+ Quit
+ Sair
+ Help
+ Ajuda
+ < &Back
+ < &Recuar
+ &Finish
+ &Terminar
+ Cancel
+ Cancelar
+ &Help
+ &Ajuda
+ &Next
+ &Next >
+ &Avançar >
+ QWorkspace
+ &Restore
+ &Restaurar
+ &Move
+ &Mover
+ &Size
+ &Tamanho
+ Mi&nimize
+ Mi&nimizar
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ximizar
+ &Close
+ &Fechar
+ Stay on &Top
+ Permanecer no &Topo
+ Sh&ade
+ Sombr&a
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Minimizar
+ Restore Down
+ Restaurar Baixo
+ Close
+ Fechar
+ &Unshade
+ &Sair Sombra
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ não ocorreu nenhum erro
+ error triggered by consumer
+ erro disparado pelo consumidor
+ unexpected end of file
+ fim de ficheiro inesperado
+ more than one document type definition
+ mais de uma definição de tipo de documento
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ erro ao analisar elemento
+ tag mismatch
+ má combinação de etiqueta
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ erro ao analisar o conteúdo
+ unexpected character
+ carácter inesperado
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ nome inválido de instrução de processamento
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ versão esperada ao ler a declaração XML
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ valor errado para declaração única
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ declaração de codificação ou declaração única esperada ao ler a declaração XML
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ declaração única esperada ao ler a declaração XML
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ erro ao analisar a definição de tipo de documento
+ letter is expected
+ uma letra é esperada
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ erro ao analisar comentário
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ erro ao analisar referência
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ referência de entidade geral interna não permitida na DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ referência de entidade geral analisada externa não permitida no valor do atributo
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ referência de entidade geral analisada externa não permitida na DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ referência de entidade não analisada em contexto errado
+ recursive entities
+ entidades recursivas
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ erro na declaração de uma entidade externa
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Attribute redefined.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Invalid document.
+ Expected
+ , but got '
+ Unexpected '
+ Expected character data.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Start tag expected.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ QtXmlPatterns
+ An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared.
+ An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't.
+ Network timeout.
+ Element %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element.
+ Attribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level.
+ Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2.
+ Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3.
+ Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3.
+ Overflow: Can't represent date %1.
+ Day %1 is invalid for month %2.
+ Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0;
+ Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid.
+ Overflow: Date can't be represented.
+ At least one component must be present.
+ At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter.
+ No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2.
+ The first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2).
+ The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2).
+ %1 is not a valid value of type %2.
+ When casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3.
+ Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed.
+ Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed.
+ Multiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed.
+ A value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value.
+ Effective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values.
+ Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3).
+ Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3).
+ A value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not.
+ %1 is not valid as a value of type %2.
+ Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2.
+ Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3.
+ The namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1.
+ The name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2.
+ Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2.
+ When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed.
+ No casting is possible with %1 as the target type.
+ It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2.
+ Casting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated.
+ It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3
+ Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3
+ A comment cannot contain %1
+ A comment cannot end with a %1.
+ No comparisons can be done involving the type %1.
+ Operator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3.
+ An attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place.
+ A library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module.
+ No template by name %1 exists.
+ A value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type.
+ A positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value.
+ The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, is %2 invalid.
+ %1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3.
+ The last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two.
+ The data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1
+ No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1
+ No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2
+ %1 is an invalid %2
+ %1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.
+ %1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.
+ The second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.
+ %1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2.
+ If both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same.
+ %1 was called.
+ %1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string.
+ In the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped.
+ In the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3
+ %1 matches newline characters
+ %1 and %2 match the start and end of a line.
+ Matches are case insensitive
+ Whitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes
+ %1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2
+ %1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are:
+ If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified.
+ It will not be possible to retrieve %1.
+ The root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node.
+ The default collection is undefined
+ %1 cannot be retrieved
+ The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization).
+ A zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range.
+ %1 is not a whole number of minutes.
+ Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2.
+ The item %1 did not match the required type %2.
+ %1 is an unknown schema type.
+ Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog.
+ The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself
+ No variable by name %1 exists
+ The variable %1 is unused
+ Version %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0.
+ The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2.
+ No function with signature %1 is available
+ A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ Namespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ Module imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1.
+ Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog.
+ The name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options.
+ The Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur.
+ The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty.
+ The module import feature is not supported
+ No value is available for the external variable by name %1.
+ A construct was encountered which only is allowed in XQuery.
+ A template by name %1 has already been declared.
+ The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name.
+ The value of attribute %1 must of type %2, which %3 isn't.
+ The prefix %1 can not be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2.
+ A variable by name %1 has already been declared.
+ A stylesheet function must have a prefixed name.
+ The namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this)
+ The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases.
+ The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2
+ A function already exists with the signature %1.
+ No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external
+ An argument by name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique.
+ When function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can.
+ %1 is an invalid template mode name.
+ The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide.
+ The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used.
+ None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present
+ Each name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated.
+ The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery
+ %1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction.
+ %1 is not a valid numeric literal.
+ No function by name %1 is available.
+ The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1.
+ %1 is an invalid namespace URI.
+ It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1
+ Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).
+ Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).
+ Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1.
+ The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions.
+ An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element.
+ A direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2.
+ The name %1 does not refer to any schema type.
+ %1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works.
+ %1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types.
+ %1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported.
+ The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace.
+ empty
+ zero or one
+ exactly one
+ one or more
+ zero or more
+ Required type is %1, but %2 was found.
+ Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision.
+ The focus is undefined.
+ It's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node.
+ An attribute by name %1 has already been created.
+ Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported.
+ %1 is an unsupported encoding.
+ %1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2.
+ The codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character.
+ Ambiguous rule match.
+ In a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string.
+ The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not.
+ The prefix %1 cannot be bound.
+ Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa.
+ Circularity detected
+ The parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied.
+ The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists.
+ The URI cannot have a fragment
+ Element %1 is not allowed at this location.
+ Text nodes are not allowed at this location.
+ Parse error: %1
+ The value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't.
+ Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor.
+ Unknown XSL-T attribute %1.
+ Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive.
+ In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present.
+ If element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4.
+ Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3.
+ At least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes.
+ XSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is.
+ The attribute %1 must appear on element %2.
+ The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T.
+ Element %1 must come last.
+ At least one %1-element must occur before %2.
+ Only one %1-element can appear.
+ At least one %1-element must occur inside %2.
+ When attribute %1 is present on %2, a sequence constructor cannot be used.
+ Element %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor.
+ When a parameter is required, a default value cannot be supplied through a %1-attribute or a sequence constructor.
+ Element %1 cannot have children.
+ Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor.
+ The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3.
+ A parameter in a function cannot be declared to be a tunnel.
+ This processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used.
+ Top level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't.
+ The value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5.
+ Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2.
+ The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element.
+ At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2.
+ VolumeSlider
+ Muted
+ Volume: %1%
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_sv.ts b/localization/qtbase_sv.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1c752ef87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_sv.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7954 @@
+ Services
+ Tjänster
+ Hide %1
+ Göm %1
+ Hide Others
+ Göm övriga
+ Show All
+ Visa alla
+ Preferences...
+ Inställningar…
+ Quit %1
+ Avsluta %1
+ About %1
+ Om %1
+ AudioOutput
+ <html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html>
+ <html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html>
+ Revert back to device '%1'
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ PPDOptionsModel
+ Name
+ Namn
+ Value
+ Värde
+ Phonon::
+ Notifications
+ Music
+ Video
+ Communication
+ Games
+ Accessibility
+ Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend
+ Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed.
+ Some video features have been disabled.
+ Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed.
+ All audio and video support has been disabled
+ Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject
+ Cannot start playback.
+Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you
+have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.
+ A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0
+ Could not open media source.
+ Invalid source type.
+ Could not locate media source.
+ Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.
+ Could not decode media source.
+ Phonon::VolumeSlider
+ Volume: %1%
+ Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%
+ Q3Accel
+ %1, %2 not defined
+ %1, %2 är inte definierad
+ Ambiguous %1 not handled
+ Tvetydigt %1 hanteras inte
+ Q3DataTable
+ True
+ Sant
+ False
+ Falskt
+ Insert
+ Infoga
+ Update
+ Uppdatera
+ Delete
+ Ta bort
+ Q3FileDialog
+ Copy or Move a File
+ Kopiera eller ta bort en fil
+ Read: %1
+ Läs: %1
+ Write: %1
+ Skriv: %1
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ All Files (*)
+ Alla filer (*)
+ Name
+ Namn
+ Size
+ Storlek
+ Type
+ Typ
+ Date
+ Datum
+ Attributes
+ Attribut
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ Look &in:
+ Leta &i:
+ File &name:
+ Fil&namn:
+ File &type:
+ Fil&typ:
+ Back
+ Tillbaka
+ One directory up
+ En katalog uppåt
+ Create New Folder
+ Skapa ny mapp
+ List View
+ Listvy
+ Detail View
+ Detaljvy
+ Preview File Info
+ Förhandsgranska filinformation
+ Preview File Contents
+ Förhandsgranska filinnehåll
+ Read-write
+ Läs-skriv
+ Read-only
+ Skrivskyddad
+ Write-only
+ Lässkyddad
+ Inaccessible
+ Otillgänglig
+ Symlink to File
+ Symbolisk länk till fil
+ Symlink to Directory
+ Symbolisk länk till katalog
+ Symlink to Special
+ Symbolisk länk till special
+ File
+ Fil
+ Dir
+ Katalog
+ Special
+ Special
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ Save As
+ Spara som
+ &Open
+ &Öppna
+ &Save
+ &Spara
+ &Rename
+ &Byt namn
+ &Delete
+ &Ta bort
+ R&eload
+ Uppdat&era
+ Sort by &Name
+ Sortera efter &namn
+ Sort by &Size
+ Sortera efter &storlek
+ Sort by &Date
+ Sortera efter &datum
+ &Unsorted
+ &Osorterad
+ Sort
+ Sortera
+ Show &hidden files
+ Visa &dolda filer
+ the file
+ filen
+ the directory
+ katalogen
+ the symlink
+ symboliska länken
+ Delete %1
+ Ta bort %1
+ <qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt>
+ <qt>Är du säker på att du vill ta bort %1 "%2"?</qt>
+ &Yes
+ &Ja
+ &No
+ &Nej
+ New Folder 1
+ Ny mapp 1
+ New Folder
+ Ny mapp
+ New Folder %1
+ Ny mapp %1
+ Find Directory
+ Hitta katalog
+ Directories
+ Kataloger
+ Directory:
+ Katalog:
+ Error
+ Fel
+ %1
+File not found.
+Check path and filename.
+ %1
+Filen hittades inte.
+Kontrollera sökväg och filnamn.
+ All Files (*.*)
+ Alla filer (*.*)
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ Select a Directory
+ Välj en katalog
+ Q3LocalFs
+ Could not read directory
+ Kunde inte läsa katalogen
+ Could not create directory
+ Kunde inte skapa katalogen
+ Could not remove file or directory
+ Kunde inte ta bort filen eller katalogen
+ Could not rename
+ Kunde inte byta namn på
+ Could not open
+ Kunde inte öppna
+ Could not write
+ Kunde inte skriva till
+ Q3MainWindow
+ Line up
+ Rada upp
+ Customize...
+ Anpassa...
+ Q3NetworkProtocol
+ Operation stopped by the user
+ Åtgärden stoppades av användaren
+ Q3ProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ Q3TabDialog
+ OK
+ OK
+ Apply
+ Verkställ
+ Help
+ Hjälp
+ Defaults
+ Standardvärden
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ Q3TextEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Ångra
+ &Redo
+ &Gör om
+ Cu&t
+ Klipp u&t
+ &Copy
+ &Kopiera
+ &Paste
+ Klistra &in
+ Clear
+ Töm
+ Select All
+ Markera alla
+ Q3TitleBar
+ System
+ System
+ Restore up
+ Återställ uppåt
+ Minimize
+ Minimera
+ Restore down
+ Återställ nedåt
+ Maximize
+ Maximera
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Contains commands to manipulate the window
+ Innehåller kommandon för att manipulera fönstret
+ Puts a minimized back to normal
+ Återställer ett minimerat till normalt
+ Moves the window out of the way
+ Flyttar fönstret ur vägen
+ Puts a maximized window back to normal
+ Återställer ett maximerat fönster tillbaka till normalt
+ Makes the window full screen
+ Gör fönstret till helskärm
+ Closes the window
+ Stänger fönstret
+ Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it
+ Visar namnet på fönstret och innehåller kontroller för att manipulera det
+ Q3ToolBar
+ More...
+ Mer...
+ Q3UrlOperator
+ The protocol `%1' is not supported
+ Protokollet \"%\" stöds inte
+ The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories
+ Protokollet \"%1\" har inte stöd för att lista kataloger
+ The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories
+ Protokollet \"%1\" har inte stöd för att skapa nya kataloger
+ The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories
+ Protokollet \"%1\" har inte stöd för att ta bort filer eller kataloger
+ The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories
+ Protokollet \"%1\" har inte stöd för att byta namn på filer eller kataloger
+ The protocol `%1' does not support getting files
+ Protokollet \"%1\" har inte stöd för att hämta filer
+ The protocol `%1' does not support putting files
+ Protokollet \"%1\" har inte stöd för att lämna filer
+ The protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories
+ Protokollet \"%1\" har inte stöd för att kopiera eller flytta filer eller kataloger
+ (unknown)
+ (okänt)
+ Q3Wizard
+ &Cancel
+ &Avbryt
+ < &Back
+ < Till&baka
+ &Next >
+ &Nästa >
+ &Finish
+ &Färdig
+ &Help
+ &Hjälp
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Host not found
+ Värden hittades inte
+ Connection refused
+ Anslutningen nekades
+ Connection timed out
+ Tidsgränsen för anslutning överstegs
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Tidsgräns för uttagsåtgärd överstegs
+ Socket is not connected
+ Uttaget är inte anslutet
+ Network unreachable
+ Nätverket är inte nåbart
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Step up
+ &Stega uppåt
+ Step &down
+ Stega &nedåt
+ &Select All
+ QApplication
+ Activate
+ Aktivera
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ Binären \"%1\" kräver Qt %2, hittade Qt %3.
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Inkompatibelt Qt-biblioteksfel
+ Activates the program's main window
+ Aktiverar programmets huvudfönster
+ QAxSelect
+ Select ActiveX Control
+ Välj ActiveX Control
+ OK
+ OK
+ &Cancel
+ &Avbryt
+ COM &Object:
+ COM-&objekt:
+ QCheckBox
+ Uncheck
+ Avkryssa
+ Check
+ Kryssa
+ Toggle
+ Växla
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ Nya&ns:
+ &Sat:
+ &Mättnad:
+ &Val:
+ &Ljushet:
+ &Red:
+ &Röd:
+ &Green:
+ &Grön:
+ Bl&ue:
+ Bl&å:
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Alfa&kanal:
+ Select Color
+ &Basic colors
+ &Basfärger
+ &Custom colors
+ &Anpassade färger
+ &Define Custom Colors >>
+ &Definiera anpassade färger >>
+ OK
+ OK
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ &Lägg till i anpassade färger
+ Select color
+ Välj färg
+ QComboBox
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ False
+ Falskt
+ True
+ Sant
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunde inte ansluta
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ Kunde inte ställa in automatisk verkställning
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunde inte förbereda frågesats
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Kunde inte binda variabel
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ Kunde inte hämta posten %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Kunde inte hämta nästa
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Kunde inte hämta första
+ QDateTimeEdit
+ AM
+ AM
+ am
+ am
+ PM
+ PM
+ pm
+ pm
+ QDial
+ QDial
+ SpeedoMeter
+ SliderHandle
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ Vad är det här?
+ Done
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ OK
+ Save
+ Spara
+ &Save
+ &Spara
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ &Cancel
+ &Avbryt
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ &Close
+ &Stäng
+ Apply
+ Verkställ
+ Reset
+ Återställ
+ Help
+ Hjälp
+ Don't Save
+ Spara inte
+ Discard
+ Förkasta
+ &Yes
+ &Ja
+ Yes to &All
+ Ja till &alla
+ &No
+ &Nej
+ N&o to All
+ N&ej till alla
+ Save All
+ Spara alla
+ Abort
+ Avbryt
+ Retry
+ Försök igen
+ Ignore
+ Ignorera
+ Restore Defaults
+ Återställ standardvärden
+ Close without Saving
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ Namn
+ Size
+ Storlek
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Sort
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Typ
+ Date Modified
+ Ändringsdatum
+ QDockWidget
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Dock
+ Float
+ QDoubleSpinBox
+ More
+ Mer
+ Less
+ Mindre
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ Felsökningsmeddelande:
+ Warning:
+ Varning:
+ Fatal Error:
+ Ödesdigert fel:
+ &Show this message again
+ &Visa detta meddelande igen
+ &OK
+ &OK
+ QFile
+ Destination file exists
+ Cannot remove source file
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ Cannot open for output
+ Failure to write block
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ QFileDialog
+ All Files (*)
+ Alla filer (*)
+ Directories
+ Kataloger
+ &Open
+ &Öppna
+ &Save
+ &Spara
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 finns redan.
+Vill du ersätta den?
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+Filen hittades inte.
+Kontrollera att det korrekta filnamnet angavs.
+ My Computer
+ Min dator
+ &Rename
+ &Byt namn
+ &Delete
+ &Ta bort
+ Show &hidden files
+ Visa &dolda filer
+ Back
+ Tillbaka
+ Parent Directory
+ Föräldrakatalog
+ List View
+ Listvy
+ Detail View
+ Detaljerad vy
+ Files of type:
+ Filer av typen:
+ Directory:
+ Katalog:
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given
+Filen hittades inte.
+Kontrollera att det korrekta filnamnet angavs
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+Katalogen hittades inte.
+Kontrollera att det korrekta katalognamnet angavs.
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ \"%1\" är skrivskyddad.
+Vill du ta bort den ändå?
+ Are sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ Är du säker på att du vill ta bort \"%1\"?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ Kunde inte ta bort katalogen.
+ Recent Places
+ All Files (*.*)
+ Alla filer (*.*)
+ Save As
+ Spara som
+ Drive
+ Enhet
+ File
+ Fil
+ Unknown
+ Okänt
+ Find Directory
+ Hitta katalog
+ Show
+ Forward
+ Framåt
+ New Folder
+ Ny mapp
+ &New Folder
+ &Choose
+ Remove
+ File &name:
+ Fil&namn:
+ Look in:
+ Create New Folder
+ Skapa ny mapp
+ QFileSystemModel
+ %1 TB
+ %1 GB
+ %1 MB
+ %1 KB
+ %1 bytes
+ Invalid filename
+ <b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.
+ Name
+ Namn
+ Size
+ Storlek
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ Sort
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ Typ
+ Date Modified
+ Ändringsdatum
+ My Computer
+ Min dator
+ Computer
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ Bold
+ Demi Bold
+ Black
+ Demi
+ Light
+ Italic
+ Oblique
+ Any
+ Latin
+ Greek
+ Cyrillic
+ Armenian
+ Hebrew
+ Arabic
+ Syriac
+ Thaana
+ Devanagari
+ Bengali
+ Gurmukhi
+ Gujarati
+ Oriya
+ Tamil
+ Telugu
+ Kannada
+ Malayalam
+ Sinhala
+ Thai
+ Lao
+ Tibetan
+ Myanmar
+ Georgian
+ Khmer
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Traditional Chinese
+ Japanese
+ Korean
+ Vietnamese
+ Symbol
+ Ogham
+ Runic
+ QFontDialog
+ &Font
+ &Typsnitt
+ Font st&yle
+ T&ypsnittsstil
+ &Size
+ &Storlek
+ Effects
+ Effekter
+ Stri&keout
+ Genomstru&ken
+ &Underline
+ &Understruken
+ Sample
+ Test
+ Wr&iting System
+ Skr&ivsystem
+ Select Font
+ Välj typsnitt
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ Inte ansluten
+ Host %1 not found
+ Värden %1 hittades inte
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ Anslutningen till värden %1 vägrades
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ Connected to host %1
+ Ansluten till värden %1
+ Connection refused for data connection
+ Anslutning vägrades för dataanslutning
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ Anslutning till värden misslyckades:
+ Login failed:
+ Inloggning misslyckades:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ Listning av katalogen misslyckades:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ Byte av katalog misslyckades:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ Nedladdningen av filen misslyckades:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ Uppladdningen av filen misslyckades:
+ Removing file failed:
+ Borttagning av filen misslyckades:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ Skapandet av katalogen misslyckades:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ Borttagning av katalogen misslyckades:
+ Connection closed
+ Anslutningen stängd
+ Host %1 found
+ Värden %1 hittades
+ Connection to %1 closed
+ Anslutningen till %1 stängdes
+ Host found
+ Värden hittades
+ Connected to host
+ Ansluten till värden
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ Host not found
+ Värden hittades inte
+ Unknown address type
+ Okänd adresstyp
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ QHttp
+ HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled in
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ Request aborted
+ Begäran avbröts
+ No server set to connect to
+ Ingen server inställd att ansluta till
+ Wrong content length
+ Fel innehållslängd
+ Server closed connection unexpectedly
+ Servern stängde oväntat anslutningen
+ Unknown authentication method
+ Error writing response to device
+ Connection refused
+ Anslutningen nekades
+ Host %1 not found
+ Värden %1 hittades inte
+ HTTP request failed
+ HTTP-begäran misslyckades
+ Invalid HTTP response header
+ Ogiltig HTTP-svarshuvud
+ Invalid HTTP chunked body
+ Ogiltig HTTP chunked body
+ Host %1 found
+ Värden %1 hittades
+ Connected to host %1
+ Ansluten till värden %1
+ Connection to %1 closed
+ Anslutningen till %1 stängdes
+ Host found
+ Värden hittades
+ Connected to host
+ Ansluten till värd
+ Connection closed
+ Anslutningen stängd
+ Proxy authentication required
+ Authentication required
+ Connection refused (or timed out)
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ Host requires authentication
+ Data corrupted
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ SSL handshake failed
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ Authentication required
+ Proxy denied connection
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ Proxy server not found
+ Proxy connection refused
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Fel vid öppning av databas
+ Could not start transaction
+ Kunde inte starta transaktion
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ Kunde inte skapa BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ Kunde inte skriva BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ Kunde inte öppna BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ Kunde inte läsa BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ Kunde inte hitta kedja
+ Could not get array data
+ Kunde inte få kedjedata
+ Could not get query info
+ Kunde inte gå frågesatsinformation
+ Could not start transaction
+ Kunde inte starta transaktion
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Could not allocate statement
+ Kunde inte allokera frågesats
+ Could not prepare statement
+ Kunde inte förbereda frågesats
+ Could not describe input statement
+ Kunde inte beskriva inmatningsfrågesats
+ Could not describe statement
+ Kunde inte beskriva frågesats
+ Unable to close statement
+ Kunde inte stänga frågesats
+ Unable to execute query
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ Could not fetch next item
+ Kunde inte hämta nästa post
+ Could not get statement info
+ Kunde inte få frågesatsinformation
+ QIODevice
+ Permission denied
+ Åtkomst nekad
+ Too many open files
+ För många öppna filer
+ No such file or directory
+ Ingen sådan fil eller katalog
+ No space left on device
+ Inget ledigt utrymme på enheten
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ QInputContext
+ XIM input method
+ XIM-inmatningsmetod
+ Windows input method
+ Windows-inmatningsmetod
+ Mac OS X input method
+ Mac OS X-inmatningsmetod
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ QLibrary
+ QLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::load_sys: Kan inte läsa in %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::unload_sys: Cannot unload %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::unload_sys: Kan inte läsa ur %1 (%2)
+ QLibrary::resolve_sys: Symbol "%1" undefined in %2 (%3)
+ QLibrary::resolve_sys: Symbolen "%1" är inte definierad i %2 (%3)
+ Could not mmap '%1': %2
+ Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'
+ Could not unmap '%1': %2
+ The shared library was not found.
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ &Ångra
+ &Redo
+ &Gör om
+ Cu&t
+ Klipp &ut
+ &Copy
+ &Kopiera
+ &Paste
+ Klistra &in
+ Delete
+ Ta bort
+ Select All
+ Markera alla
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to open database '
+ Kunde inte öppna databasen \"
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunde inte ansluta
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunde inte påbörja transaktion
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ Kunde inte hämta data
+ Unable to execute query
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ Unable to store result
+ Kunde inte lagra resultat
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunde inte förbereda frågesats
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Kunde inte återställa frågesats
+ Unable to bind value
+ Kunde inte binda värde
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ Kunde inte binda utvärden
+ Unable to store statement results
+ Kunde inte lagra resultat från frågesats
+ Unable to execute next query
+ Unable to store next result
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Minimize
+ Minimera
+ Restore Down
+ Återställ nedåt
+ &Restore
+ Åte&rställ
+ &Move
+ &Flytta
+ &Size
+ &Storlek
+ Mi&nimize
+ Mi&nimera
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ximera
+ Stay on &Top
+ Stanna kvar övers&t
+ &Close
+ &Stäng
+ - [%1]
+ Maximize
+ Maximera
+ Unshade
+ Shade
+ Restore
+ Help
+ Hjälp
+ Menu
+ Meny
+ QMenu
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ Execute
+ Kör
+ QMenuBar
+ About Qt
+ Om Qt
+ QMessageBox
+ Help
+ Hjälp
+ OK
+ OK
+ About Qt
+ Om Qt
+ <p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <p>Detta program använder Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>About Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qtopia Core.</p><p>Qt is a Trolltech product. See <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a> for more information.</p>
+ <h3>Om Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt är ett C++-verktygssamling för utveckling av krossplattformsprogram.</p><p>Qt tillhandahåller portabilitet för samma källkod mellan MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, och alla andra stora kommersiella Unix-varianter. Qt finns också tillgängligt för inbäddade enheter som Qtopia Core.</p><p>Qt är en produkt från Trolltech. Se <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a> för mer information.</p>
+ Show Details...
+ Visa detaljer...
+ Hide Details...
+ Dölj detaljer,,,
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p><p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications (proprietary or open source) provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications where you wish to use such applications in combination with software subject to the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0 or where you are otherwise willing to comply with the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.0.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a> for more information.</p>
+ QMultiInputContext
+ Select IM
+ Välj inmatningsmetod
+ QMultiInputContextPlugin
+ Multiple input method switcher
+ Växlare för flera inmatningsmetoder
+ Multiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgets
+ Växlare för flera inmatningsmetoder som använder sammanhangsmenyn för textwidgar
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ Fjärrvärden stängde anslutningen
+ Network operation timed out
+ Tidsgräns för nätverksåtgärd överstegs
+ Out of resources
+ Slut på resurser
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ Uttagsåtgärden stöds inte
+ Protocol type not supported
+ Protokolltypen stöds inte
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ Ogiltig uttagsbeskrivare
+ Network unreachable
+ Nätverket är inte nåbart
+ Permission denied
+ Åtkomst nekad
+ Connection timed out
+ Tidsgränsen för anslutning överstegs
+ Connection refused
+ Anslutningen vägrades
+ The bound address is already in use
+ Bindningsadress används redan
+ The address is not available
+ Adressen är inte tillgänglig
+ The address is protected
+ Adressen är skyddad
+ Unable to send a message
+ Kunde inte skicka ett meddelande
+ Unable to receive a message
+ Kunde inte ta emot ett meddelande
+ Unable to write
+ Kunde inte skriva
+ Network error
+ Nätverksfel
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ Ett annat uttag lyssnar redan på samma port
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ Kunde inte initiera icke-blockerande uttag
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ Kunde inte initiera uttag för broadcast
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ Försök att använda IPv6-uttag på en plattform som saknar IPv6-stöd
+ Host unreachable
+ Värden är inte nåbar
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ Datagram för för stor för att skicka
+ Operation on non-socket
+ Åtgärd på icke-uttag
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ QNetworkAccessHttpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to logon
+ Kunde inte logga in
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunde inte påbörja transaktion
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ Kunde inte binda kolumn för satskörning
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ Kunde inte köra satsfråga
+ Unable to goto next
+ Kunde inte gå till nästa
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ Kunde inte allokera frågesats
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunde inte förbereda frågesats
+ Unable to bind value
+ Kunde inte binda värde
+ Unable to execute select statement
+ Kunde inte köra \"select\"-frågesats
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunde inte ansluta
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality
+ Kunde inte ansluta - Drivrutinen har inte stöd för all nödvändig funktionalitet
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ Kunde inte inaktivera automatisk verkställning
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ Kunde inte aktivera automatisk verkställning
+ QODBCResult
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: Kunde inte ställa in \"SQL_CURSOR_STATIC\" som frågesatsattribut. Kontrollera konfigurationen för din ODBC-drivrutin
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ Unable to fetch next
+ Kunde inte hämta nästa
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunde inte förbereda frågesats
+ Unable to bind variable
+ Kunde inte binda variabel
+ Unable to fetch last
+ Unable to fetch
+ Unable to fetch first
+ Kunde inte hämta första
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ QObject
+ Home
+ Home
+ Operation not supported on %1
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ Protocol error: packet of size 0 received
+ No host name given
+ QPPDOptionsModel
+ Name
+ Namn
+ Value
+ Värde
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ Kunde inte ansluta
+ Could not begin transaction
+ Kunde inte påbörja transaktion
+ Could not commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ Unable to subscribe
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ QPSQLResult
+ Unable to create query
+ Kunde inte skapa fråga
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ Kunde inte förbereda frågesats
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Centimeters (cm)
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ Form
+ Paper
+ Page size:
+ Sidstorlek:
+ Width:
+ Height:
+ Paper source:
+ Papperskälla:
+ Orientation
+ Portrait
+ Stående
+ Landscape
+ Liggande
+ Reverse landscape
+ Reverse portrait
+ Margins
+ top margin
+ left margin
+ right margin
+ bottom margin
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ Unknown error
+ Okänt fel
+ QPrintDialog
+ locally connected
+ lokalt ansluten
+ Aliases: %1
+ Alias: %1
+ unknown
+ okänt
+ Portrait
+ Stående
+ Landscape
+ Liggande
+ A0 (841 x 1189 mm)
+ A0 (841 x 1189 mm)
+ A1 (594 x 841 mm)
+ A1 (594 x 841 mm)
+ A2 (420 x 594 mm)
+ A2 (420 x 594 mm)
+ A3 (297 x 420 mm)
+ A3 (297 x 420 mm)
+ A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 inches)
+ A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 tum)
+ A5 (148 x 210 mm)
+ A5 (148 x 210 mm)
+ A6 (105 x 148 mm)
+ A6 (105 x 148 mm)
+ A7 (74 x 105 mm)
+ A7 (74 x 105 mm)
+ A8 (52 x 74 mm)
+ A8 (52 x 74 mm)
+ A9 (37 x 52 mm)
+ A9 (37 x 52 mm)
+ B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)
+ B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)
+ B1 (707 x 1000 mm)
+ B1 (707 x 1000 mm)
+ B2 (500 x 707 mm)
+ B2 (500 x 707 mm)
+ B3 (353 x 500 mm)
+ B3 (353 x 500 mm)
+ B4 (250 x 353 mm)
+ B4 (250 x 353 mm)
+ B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches)
+ B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 tum)
+ B6 (125 x 176 mm)
+ B6 (125 x 176 mm)
+ B7 (88 x 125 mm)
+ B7 (88 x 125 mm)
+ B8 (62 x 88 mm)
+ B8 (62 x 88 mm)
+ B9 (44 x 62 mm)
+ B9 (44 x 62 mm)
+ B10 (31 x 44 mm)
+ B10 (31 x 44 mm)
+ C5E (163 x 229 mm)
+ C5E (163 x 229 mm)
+ DLE (110 x 220 mm)
+ DLE (110 x 220 mm)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 inches, 191 x 254 mm)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 tum, 191 x 254 mm)
+ Folio (210 x 330 mm)
+ Folio (210 x 330 mm)
+ Ledger (432 x 279 mm)
+ Ledger (432 x 279 mm)
+ Legal (8.5 x 14 inches, 216 x 356 mm)
+ Legal (8.5 x 14 tum, 216 x 356 mm)
+ Letter (8.5 x 11 inches, 216 x 279 mm)
+ Letter (8.5 x 11 tum, 216 x 279 mm)
+ Tabloid (279 x 432 mm)
+ Tabloid (279 x 432 mm)
+ US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm)
+ US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm)
+ OK
+ OK
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ Page size:
+ Sidstorlek:
+ Orientation:
+ Orientering:
+ Paper source:
+ Papperskälla:
+ Print
+ Skriv ut
+ File
+ Fil
+ Printer
+ Skrivare
+ Print To File ...
+ Skriv ut till fil ...
+ Print dialog
+ Utskriftsdialog
+ Paper format
+ Pappersformat
+ Size:
+ Storlek:
+ Properties
+ Egenskaper
+ Printer info:
+ Skrivarinformation:
+ Browse
+ Bläddra
+ Print to file
+ Skriv ut till fil
+ Print range
+ Skriv ut intervall
+ Print all
+ Skriv ut alla
+ Pages from
+ Sidor från
+ to
+ till
+ Selection
+ Val
+ Copies
+ Kopior
+ Number of copies:
+ Antal kopior:
+ Collate
+ Sortera
+ Print last page first
+ Skriv ut sista sidan först
+ Other
+ Annat
+ Print in color if available
+ Skriv ut i färg om möjligt
+ Double side printing
+ Dubbelsidig utskrift
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ Filen %1 är inte skrivbar.
+Välj ett annat filnamn.
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 finns redan.
+Vill du skriva över den?
+ File exists
+ <qt>Do you want to overwrite it?</qt>
+ Print selection
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ A0
+ A1
+ A2
+ A3
+ A4
+ A5
+ A6
+ A7
+ A8
+ A9
+ B0
+ B1
+ B2
+ B3
+ B4
+ B5
+ B6
+ B7
+ B8
+ B9
+ B10
+ C5E
+ Executive
+ Folio
+ Ledger
+ Legal
+ Letter
+ Tabloid
+ US Common #10 Envelope
+ Custom
+ &Options >>
+ &Print
+ &Options <<
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ Print to File (Postscript)
+ Local file
+ Write %1 file
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ Next page
+ Previous page
+ First page
+ Last page
+ Fit width
+ Fit page
+ Zoom in
+ Zoom out
+ Portrait
+ Stående
+ Landscape
+ Liggande
+ Show single page
+ Show facing pages
+ Show overview of all pages
+ Print
+ Page setup
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Export to PDF
+ Export to PostScript
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ PPD Properties
+ PPD-egenskaper
+ Save
+ Spara
+ OK
+ OK
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ Page
+ Advanced
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ Copies
+ Kopior
+ Print range
+ Skriv ut intervall
+ Print all
+ Skriv ut alla
+ Pages from
+ Sidor från
+ to
+ till
+ Selection
+ Val
+ Output Settings
+ Copies:
+ Collate
+ Sortera
+ Reverse
+ Options
+ Color Mode
+ Color
+ Grayscale
+ Duplex Printing
+ None
+ Long side
+ Short side
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ Printer
+ Skrivare
+ &Name:
+ P&roperties
+ Location:
+ Preview
+ Type:
+ Output &file:
+ ...
+ QProcess
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ Process operation timed out
+ Error reading from process
+ Error writing to process
+ Process crashed
+ No program defined
+ Process failed to start
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ QPushButton
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ QRadioButton
+ Check
+ Kryssa
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ inga fel inträffade
+ disabled feature used
+ inaktiverad funktion används
+ bad char class syntax
+ felaktig teckenklasssyntax
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ felaktig seframåtsyntax
+ bad repetition syntax
+ felaktig upprepningssyntax
+ invalid octal value
+ ogiltigt oktalt värde
+ missing left delim
+ saknar vänster avgränsare
+ unexpected end
+ oväntat slut
+ met internal limit
+ nådde intern gräns
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error to open database
+ Fel vid öppning av databas
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunde inte påbörja transaktion
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Unable to rollback Transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ Kunde inte hämta resultat
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ Fel vid öppning av databas
+ Error closing database
+ Fel vid stängning av databas
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ Kunde inte påbörja transaktion
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ Kunde inte verkställa transaktion
+ Unable to roll back transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ Kunde inte rulla tillbaka transaktion
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ Kunde inte hämta rad
+ Unable to execute statement
+ Kunde inte köra frågesats
+ Unable to reset statement
+ Kunde inte återställa frågesats
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ Kunde inte binda parametrar
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ Parameterantal stämmer inte
+ No query
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ Rulla här
+ Left edge
+ Vänsterkant
+ Top
+ Överkant
+ Right edge
+ Högerkant
+ Bottom
+ Nederkant
+ Page left
+ Sida vänster
+ Page up
+ Sida uppåt
+ Page right
+ Sida höger
+ Page down
+ Sida nedåt
+ Scroll left
+ Rulla vänster
+ Scroll up
+ Rulla uppåt
+ Scroll right
+ Rulla höger
+ Scroll down
+ Rulla nedåt
+ Line up
+ Rada upp
+ Position
+ Position
+ Line down
+ Rad nedåt
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: doesn't exists
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1: unix key file doesn't exists
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1: not attached
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1: key error
+ %1: size query failed
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ Mellanslag
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Backtab
+ Backspace
+ Backsteg
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ Ins
+ Del
+ Del
+ Pause
+ Pause
+ Print
+ Print
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Home
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ Vänster
+ Up
+ Upp
+ Right
+ Höger
+ Down
+ Ned
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ CapsLock
+ NumLock
+ NumLock
+ ScrollLock
+ ScrollLock
+ Menu
+ Meny
+ Help
+ Hjälp
+ Back
+ Bakåt
+ Forward
+ Framåt
+ Stop
+ Stoppa
+ Refresh
+ Uppdatera
+ Volume Down
+ Sänk volym
+ Volume Mute
+ Volym tyst
+ Volume Up
+ Höj volym
+ Bass Boost
+ Förstärk bas
+ Bass Up
+ Höj bas
+ Bass Down
+ Sänk bas
+ Treble Up
+ Höj diskant
+ Treble Down
+ Sänk diskant
+ Media Play
+ Media spela upp
+ Media Stop
+ Media stopp
+ Media Previous
+ Media föregående
+ Media Next
+ Media nästa
+ Media Record
+ Media spela in
+ Favorites
+ Favoriter
+ Search
+ Sök
+ Standby
+ Avvakta
+ Open URL
+ Öppna url
+ Launch Mail
+ Starta e-post
+ Launch Media
+ Starta media
+ Launch (0)
+ Starta (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ Starta (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ Starta (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ Starta (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ Starta (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ Starta (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ Starta (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ Starta (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ Starta (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ Starta (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ Starta (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ Starta (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ Starta (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ Starta (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ Starta (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ Starta (F)
+ Print Screen
+ Print Screen
+ Page Up
+ Page Up
+ Page Down
+ Page Down
+ Caps Lock
+ Caps Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Num Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Number Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Scroll Lock
+ Insert
+ Insert
+ Delete
+ Delete
+ Escape
+ Escape
+ System Request
+ System Request
+ Select
+ Välj
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ No
+ Nej
+ Context1
+ Sammanhang1
+ Context2
+ Sammanhang2
+ Context3
+ Sammanhang3
+ Context4
+ Sammanhang4
+ Call
+ Ring upp
+ Hangup
+ Lägg på
+ Flip
+ Vänd
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ Home Page
+ Hemsida
+ QSlider
+ Page left
+ Sida vänster
+ Page up
+ Sida uppåt
+ Position
+ Position
+ Page right
+ Sida höger
+ Page down
+ Sida nedåt
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ Proxy host not found
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ TTL expired
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ Address type not supported
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ Socks5 timeout error connecting to socks server
+ Tidsgräns för Socks5 överstigen vid anslutningen till socks-server
+ Network operation timed out
+ Tidsgräns för nätverksåtgärd överstegs
+ QSpinBox
+ More
+ Mer
+ Less
+ Mindre
+ QSql
+ Delete
+ Ta bort
+ Delete this record?
+ Ta bort denna post?
+ Yes
+ Ja
+ No
+ Nej
+ Insert
+ Infoga
+ Update
+ Uppdatera
+ Save edits?
+ Spara redigeringar?
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ Confirm
+ Bekräfta
+ Cancel your edits?
+ Avbryt dina redigeringar?
+ QSslSocket
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ Private key does not certificate public key, %1
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1: already exists
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ Kunde inte öppna anslutning
+ Unable to use database
+ Kunde inte använda databasen
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ Rulla vänster
+ Scroll Right
+ Rulla höger
+ QTcpServer
+ Socket operation unsupported
+ Uttagsåtgärd stöds inte
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ QTextControl
+ &Undo
+ &Ångra
+ &Redo
+ &Gör om
+ Cu&t
+ Klipp u&t
+ &Copy
+ &Kopiera
+ Copy &Link Location
+ Kopiera &länkplats
+ &Paste
+ Klistra &in
+ Delete
+ Ta bort
+ Select All
+ Markera alla
+ QToolButton
+ Press
+ Tryck
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ QUdpSocket
+ This platform does not support IPv6
+ Denna plattform saknar stöd för IPv6
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo
+ Ångra
+ Redo
+ Gör om
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <tom>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo
+ Ångra
+ Redo
+ Gör om
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ U+200E
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ U+200F
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ U+200D
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ U+200C
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ U+200B
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ U+202A
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ U+202B
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ U+202D
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ U+202E
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ U+202C
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ Infoga unicode-kontrolltecken
+ QWebFrame
+ Request cancelled
+ Request blocked
+ Cannot show URL
+ Frame load interruped by policy change
+ Cannot show mimetype
+ File does not exist
+ QWebPage
+ Bad HTTP request
+ Submit
+ default label for Submit buttons in forms on web pages
+ Submit
+ Submit (input element) alt text for <input> elements with no alt, title, or value
+ Reset
+ default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages
+ Återställ
+ This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:
+ text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index'
+ Choose File
+ title for file button used in HTML forms
+ No file selected
+ text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected
+ Open in New Window
+ Open in New Window context menu item
+ Save Link...
+ Download Linked File context menu item
+ Copy Link
+ Copy Link context menu item
+ Open Image
+ Open Image in New Window context menu item
+ Save Image
+ Download Image context menu item
+ Copy Image
+ Copy Link context menu item
+ Open Frame
+ Open Frame in New Window context menu item
+ Copy
+ Copy context menu item
+ Go Back
+ Back context menu item
+ Go Forward
+ Forward context menu item
+ Stop
+ Stop context menu item
+ Stoppa
+ Reload
+ Reload context menu item
+ Cut
+ Cut context menu item
+ Paste
+ Paste context menu item
+ No Guesses Found
+ No Guesses Found context menu item
+ Ignore
+ Ignore Spelling context menu item
+ Ignorera
+ Add To Dictionary
+ Learn Spelling context menu item
+ Search The Web
+ Search The Web context menu item
+ Look Up In Dictionary
+ Look Up in Dictionary context menu item
+ Open Link
+ Open Link context menu item
+ Ignore
+ Ignore Grammar context menu item
+ Ignorera
+ Spelling
+ Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item
+ Show Spelling and Grammar
+ menu item title
+ Hide Spelling and Grammar
+ menu item title
+ Check Spelling
+ Check spelling context menu item
+ Check Spelling While Typing
+ Check spelling while typing context menu item
+ Check Grammar With Spelling
+ Check grammar with spelling context menu item
+ Fonts
+ Font context sub-menu item
+ Bold
+ Bold context menu item
+ Italic
+ Italic context menu item
+ Underline
+ Underline context menu item
+ Outline
+ Outline context menu item
+ Direction
+ Writing direction context sub-menu item
+ Text Direction
+ Text direction context sub-menu item
+ Default
+ Default writing direction context menu item
+ Left to Right context menu item
+ Right to Left context menu item
+ Inspect
+ Inspect Element context menu item
+ No recent searches
+ Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed
+ Recent searches
+ label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title
+ Clear recent searches
+ menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents
+ Unknown
+ Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item
+ Okänt
+ %1 (%2x%3 pixels)
+ Title string for images
+ Web Inspector - %2
+ Scroll here
+ Rulla här
+ Left edge
+ Vänsterkant
+ Top
+ Överkant
+ Right edge
+ Högerkant
+ Bottom
+ Nederkant
+ Page left
+ Sida vänster
+ Page up
+ Sida uppåt
+ Page right
+ Sida höger
+ Page down
+ Sida nedåt
+ Scroll left
+ Rulla vänster
+ Scroll up
+ Rulla uppåt
+ Scroll right
+ Rulla höger
+ Scroll down
+ Rulla nedåt
+ %n file(s)
+ number of chosen file
+ JavaScript Alert - %1
+ JavaScript Confirm - %1
+ JavaScript Prompt - %1
+ Move the cursor to the next character
+ Move the cursor to the previous character
+ Move the cursor to the next word
+ Move the cursor to the previous word
+ Move the cursor to the next line
+ Move the cursor to the previous line
+ Move the cursor to the start of the line
+ Move the cursor to the end of the line
+ Move the cursor to the start of the block
+ Move the cursor to the end of the block
+ Move the cursor to the start of the document
+ Move the cursor to the end of the document
+ Select all
+ Select to the next character
+ Select to the previous character
+ Select to the next word
+ Select to the previous word
+ Select to the next line
+ Select to the previous line
+ Select to the start of the line
+ Select to the end of the line
+ Select to the start of the block
+ Select to the end of the block
+ Select to the start of the document
+ Select to the end of the document
+ Delete to the start of the word
+ Delete to the end of the word
+ Insert a new paragraph
+ Insert a new line
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ Vad är det här?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ Continue
+ Commit
+ Done
+ Help
+ Hjälp
+ < &Back
+ < Till&baka
+ &Finish
+ &Färdig
+ Cancel
+ Avbryt
+ &Help
+ &Hjälp
+ &Next
+ &Next >
+ &Nästa >
+ QWorkspace
+ &Restore
+ Åte&rställ
+ &Move
+ &Flytta
+ &Size
+ &Storlek
+ Mi&nimize
+ Mi&nimera
+ Ma&ximize
+ Ma&ximera
+ &Close
+ &Stäng
+ Stay on &Top
+ Stanna kvar övers&t
+ Sh&ade
+ Skugg&a
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ Minimera
+ Restore Down
+ Återställ nedåt
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ &Unshade
+ A&vskugga
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ inga fel inträffade
+ error triggered by consumer
+ fel utlöstes av konsument
+ unexpected end of file
+ oväntat slut på filen
+ more than one document type definition
+ fler än en dokumenttypsdefinition
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ fel inträffade vid tolkning av element
+ tag mismatch
+ tagg stämmer inte
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ fel inträffade vid tolkning av innehåll
+ unexpected character
+ oväntat tecken
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ ogiltigt namn för behandlingsinstruktion
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ version förväntades vid läsning av XML-deklareringen
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ fel värde för fristående deklarering
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ kodningsdeklarering eller fristående deklarering förväntades vid läsning av XML-deklareringen
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ fristående deklarering förväntades vid läsning av XML-deklarering
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ fel inträffade vid tolkning av dokumenttypsdefinition
+ letter is expected
+ bokstav förväntades
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ fel inträffade vid tolkning av kommentar
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ fel inträffade vid tolkning av referens
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ intern allmän entitetsreferens tillåts inte i DTD
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ extern tolkad allmän entitetsreferens tillåts inte i attributvärde
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ extern tolkad allmän entitetsreferens tillåts inte i DTD
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ otolkad entitetsreferens i fel sammanhang
+ recursive entities
+ rekursiva entiteter
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ fel i textdeklareringen av en extern entitet
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ Invalid entity value.
+ Invalid XML character.
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ Attribute redefined.
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ Premature end of document.
+ Invalid document.
+ Expected
+ , but got '
+ Unexpected '
+ Expected character data.
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ Start tag expected.
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ Invalid XML name.
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ Invalid character reference.
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ QtXmlPatterns
+ An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared.
+ An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't.
+ Network timeout.
+ Element %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element.
+ Attribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level.
+ Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2.
+ Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3.
+ Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3.
+ Overflow: Can't represent date %1.
+ Day %1 is invalid for month %2.
+ Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0;
+ Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid.
+ Overflow: Date can't be represented.
+ At least one component must be present.
+ At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter.
+ No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2.
+ The first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2).
+ The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2).
+ %1 is not a valid value of type %2.
+ When casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3.
+ Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined.
+ Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed.
+ Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed.
+ Multiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed.
+ A value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value.
+ Effective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values.
+ Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3).
+ Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3).
+ A value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not.
+ %1 is not valid as a value of type %2.
+ Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2.
+ Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3.
+ The namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1.
+ The name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2.
+ Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2.
+ When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed.
+ No casting is possible with %1 as the target type.
+ It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2.
+ Casting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated.
+ It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3
+ Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3
+ A comment cannot contain %1
+ A comment cannot end with a %1.
+ No comparisons can be done involving the type %1.
+ Operator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3.
+ An attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place.
+ A library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module.
+ No template by name %1 exists.
+ A value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type.
+ A positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value.
+ The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, is %2 invalid.
+ %1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3.
+ The last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two.
+ The data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1
+ No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1
+ No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2
+ %1 is an invalid %2
+ %1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.
+ %1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.
+ The second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5.
+ %1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character.
+ The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2.
+ If both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same.
+ %1 was called.
+ %1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string.
+ In the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped.
+ In the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3
+ %1 matches newline characters
+ %1 and %2 match the start and end of a line.
+ Matches are case insensitive
+ Whitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes
+ %1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2
+ %1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are:
+ If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified.
+ It will not be possible to retrieve %1.
+ The root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node.
+ The default collection is undefined
+ %1 cannot be retrieved
+ The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization).
+ A zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range.
+ %1 is not a whole number of minutes.
+ Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2.
+ The item %1 did not match the required type %2.
+ %1 is an unknown schema type.
+ Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog.
+ The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself
+ No variable by name %1 exists
+ The variable %1 is unused
+ Version %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0.
+ The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2.
+ No function with signature %1 is available
+ A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ Namespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ Module imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations.
+ It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1.
+ Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog.
+ The name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options.
+ The Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur.
+ The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty.
+ The module import feature is not supported
+ No value is available for the external variable by name %1.
+ A construct was encountered which only is allowed in XQuery.
+ A template by name %1 has already been declared.
+ The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name.
+ The value of attribute %1 must of type %2, which %3 isn't.
+ The prefix %1 can not be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2.
+ A variable by name %1 has already been declared.
+ A stylesheet function must have a prefixed name.
+ The namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this)
+ The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases.
+ The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2
+ A function already exists with the signature %1.
+ No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external
+ An argument by name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique.
+ When function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching.
+ In an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can.
+ %1 is an invalid template mode name.
+ The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide.
+ The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used.
+ None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present
+ Each name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated.
+ The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery
+ %1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction.
+ %1 is not a valid numeric literal.
+ No function by name %1 is available.
+ The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1.
+ %1 is an invalid namespace URI.
+ It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1
+ Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).
+ Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).
+ Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1.
+ The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions.
+ An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element.
+ A direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2.
+ The name %1 does not refer to any schema type.
+ %1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works.
+ %1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types.
+ %1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported.
+ The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace.
+ empty
+ zero or one
+ exactly one
+ one or more
+ zero or more
+ Required type is %1, but %2 was found.
+ Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision.
+ The focus is undefined.
+ It's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node.
+ An attribute by name %1 has already been created.
+ Only the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported.
+ %1 is an unsupported encoding.
+ %1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2.
+ The codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character.
+ Ambiguous rule match.
+ In a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string.
+ The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not.
+ The prefix %1 cannot be bound.
+ Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa.
+ Circularity detected
+ The parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied.
+ The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists.
+ The URI cannot have a fragment
+ Element %1 is not allowed at this location.
+ Text nodes are not allowed at this location.
+ Parse error: %1
+ The value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't.
+ Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor.
+ Unknown XSL-T attribute %1.
+ Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive.
+ In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present.
+ If element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4.
+ Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3.
+ At least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes.
+ Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes.
+ XSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is.
+ The attribute %1 must appear on element %2.
+ The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T.
+ Element %1 must come last.
+ At least one %1-element must occur before %2.
+ Only one %1-element can appear.
+ At least one %1-element must occur inside %2.
+ When attribute %1 is present on %2, a sequence constructor cannot be used.
+ Element %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor.
+ When a parameter is required, a default value cannot be supplied through a %1-attribute or a sequence constructor.
+ Element %1 cannot have children.
+ Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor.
+ The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3.
+ A parameter in a function cannot be declared to be a tunnel.
+ This processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used.
+ Top level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't.
+ The value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5.
+ Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2.
+ The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element.
+ At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2.
+ VolumeSlider
+ Muted
+ Volume: %1%
diff --git a/localization/qtbase_zh.ts b/localization/qtbase_zh.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6bb1a8d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/localization/qtbase_zh.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7544 @@
+ CloseButton
+ Close Tab
+ 關閉分頁
+ About %1
+ 關於 %1
+ Preferences...
+ 偏好設定…
+ Services
+ 服務
+ Hide %1
+ 隱藏 %1
+ Hide Others
+ 隱藏其他
+ Show All
+ 顯示全部
+ Quit %1
+ 結束 %1
+ QAbstractSocket
+ Socket operation timed out
+ Socket 操作逾時
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ 不支援於 Socket 上操作
+ Host not found
+ 找不到主機
+ Connection refused
+ 連線被拒
+ Connection timed out
+ 連線逾時
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ 嘗試在連線時連線
+ Socket is not connected
+ 未連線 Socket
+ Network unreachable
+ 無法連到網路
+ QAbstractSpinBox
+ &Select All
+ 全部選擇(&S)
+ &Step up
+ 單步向上(&S)
+ Step &down
+ 單步向下(&D)
+ QAccessibleActionInterface
+ Press
+ 按下
+ Increase
+ 增加
+ Decrease
+ 減少
+ ShowMenu
+ 顯示選單
+ SetFocus
+ 設定焦點
+ Toggle
+ 切換
+ Scroll Left
+ 往左捲動
+ Scroll Right
+ 往右捲動
+ Scroll Up
+ 往上捲動
+ Scroll Down
+ 往下捲動
+ Previous Page
+ 上一頁
+ Next Page
+ 下一頁
+ Triggers the action
+ 觸發動作
+ Increase the value
+ 增加值
+ Decrease the value
+ 減少值
+ Shows the menu
+ 顯示選單
+ Sets the focus
+ 設定焦點
+ Toggles the state
+ 切換狀態
+ Scrolls to the left
+ 捲動到左邊
+ Scrolls to the right
+ 捲動到右邊
+ Scrolls up
+ 往上捲動
+ Scrolls down
+ 往下捲動
+ Goes back a page
+ 回到前一頁
+ Goes to the next page
+ 前往下一頁
+ QAndroidPlatformTheme
+ Yes
+ 是
+ Yes to All
+ 全部皆是
+ No
+ 否
+ No to All
+ 全部皆否
+ QApplication
+ Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.
+ 執行檔「%1」需要 Qt %2,但只找到 Qt %3。
+ Incompatible Qt Library Error
+ Qt 函式庫不相容錯誤
+ QCocoaMenuItem
+ About Qt
+ 關於 Qt
+ About
+ 關於
+ Config
+ 設定
+ Preference
+ 偏好設定
+ Options
+ 選項
+ Setting
+ 設定
+ Setup
+ 設定
+ Quit
+ 離開
+ Exit
+ 離開
+ Cut
+ 剪下
+ Copy
+ 複製
+ Paste
+ 貼上
+ Select All
+ 全部選擇
+ QCocoaTheme
+ Don't Save
+ 不要儲存
+ QColorDialog
+ Hu&e:
+ 色調(&E):
+ &Sat:
+ 飽和度(&S):
+ &Val:
+ 亮度(&V):
+ &Red:
+ 紅(&R):
+ &Green:
+ 綠(&G):
+ Bl&ue:
+ 藍(&U):
+ A&lpha channel:
+ Alpha 色頻(&L):
+ &HTML:
+ &HTML:
+ Cursor at %1, %2
+Press ESC to cancel
+ 游標在 %1, %2 位置
+按下 ESC 取消
+ Select Color
+ 選擇顏色
+ &Basic colors
+ 基本顏色(&B)
+ &Custom colors
+ 自訂顏色(&C)
+ &Add to Custom Colors
+ 新增到自訂顏色(&A)
+ &Pick Screen Color
+ 擷取螢幕顏色(&P)
+ QComboBox
+ Open the combo box selection popup
+ 打開下拉式方塊的選取區塊彈出視窗
+ False
+ 假 (False)
+ True
+ 真 (True)
+ QCommandLineParser
+ Displays version information.
+ 顯示版本資訊。
+ Displays this help.
+ 顯示此說明。
+ Unknown option '%1'.
+ 未知選項「%1」。
+ Unknown options: %1.
+ 未知選項:%1。
+ Missing value after '%1'.
+ 缺少「%1」後的值。
+ Unexpected value after '%1'.
+ 「%1」後發現非預期的值。
+ [options]
+ [選項]
+ Usage: %1
+ 用法:%1
+ Options:
+ 選項:
+ Arguments:
+ 參數:
+ QCoreApplication
+ %1: key is empty
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1:鍵值是空的
+ %1: unable to make key
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1:無法建立鍵值
+ %1: ftok failed
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1:ftok 失敗
+ QCupsJobWidget
+ Job
+ 作業
+ Job Control
+ 作業控制
+ Scheduled printing:
+ 排定列印:
+ Billing information:
+ 付款資訊:
+ Job priority:
+ 作業優先級:
+ Banner Pages
+ 橫幅頁面
+ End:
+ Banner page at end
+ 結尾:
+ Start:
+ Banner page at start
+ 開始:
+ Print Immediately
+ 立即列印
+ Hold Indefinitely
+ 立即暫停列印
+ Day (06:00 to 17:59)
+ 早上 (06:00 到 17:59)
+ Night (18:00 to 05:59)
+ 晚上 (18:00 到 05:59)
+ Second Shift (16:00 to 23:59)
+ 第二輪班 (16:00 到 23:59)
+ Third Shift (00:00 to 07:59)
+ 第三輪班 (00:00 到 07:59)
+ Weekend (Saturday to Sunday)
+ 假日(週六到週日)
+ Specific Time
+ 指定時間
+ None
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 無
+ Standard
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 標準
+ Unclassified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 未分類
+ Confidential
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 機密
+ Classified
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 已分類
+ Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 機密
+ Top Secret
+ CUPS Banner page
+ 高度機密
+ QCupsPrinterSupport
+ Authentication Needed
+ 需要驗證
+ Authentication needed to use %1.
+ 使用 %1 需要驗證。
+ Authentication needed to use %1 on %2.
+ 要使用 %2 上的 %1 需要驗證。
+ Username:
+ 使用者名稱:
+ Password:
+ 密碼:
+ QDB2Driver
+ Unable to connect
+ 無法連線
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ Unable to set autocommit
+ 無法設定自動提交
+ QDB2Result
+ Unable to execute statement
+ 無法執行陳述
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ 無法準備陳述
+ Unable to bind variable
+ 無法結合變數
+ Unable to fetch record %1
+ 無法抓取紀錄 %1
+ Unable to fetch next
+ 無法抓取下一筆
+ Unable to fetch first
+ 無法抓取第一筆
+ QDBusTrayIcon
+ OK
+ 確定
+ QDateTimeParser
+ AM
+ 上午
+ am
+ 上午
+ PM
+ 下午
+ pm
+ 下午
+ QDialog
+ What's This?
+ 這是什麼?
+ QDialogButtonBox
+ OK
+ 確定
+ QDirModel
+ Name
+ 名稱
+ Size
+ 大小
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ 種類
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ 型態
+ Date Modified
+ 變更日期
+ QDnsLookup
+ Operation cancelled
+ 已取消動作
+ QDnsLookupRunnable
+ IPv6 addresses for nameservers are currently not supported
+ 目前不支援名稱伺服器的 IPv6 位址
+ Invalid domain name
+ 網域名稱無效
+ Not yet supported on Android
+ 尚未支援 Android
+ Resolver functions not found
+ 找不到解析器函式
+ Resolver initialization failed
+ 解析器初始化失敗
+ Server could not process query
+ 伺服器無法處理查詢
+ Server failure
+ 伺服器失敗
+ Non existent domain
+ 不存在的網域
+ Server refused to answer
+ 伺服器拒絕回答
+ Invalid reply received
+ 接收到無效回應
+ Could not expand domain name
+ 無法展開網域名稱
+ Invalid IPv4 address record
+ 無效的 IPv4 位址記錄
+ Invalid IPv6 address record
+ 無效的 IPv6 位址記錄
+ Invalid canonical name record
+ 無效的 CNAME 記錄
+ Invalid name server record
+ 無效的 NS 記錄
+ Invalid pointer record
+ 無效的指向 (Pointer) 記錄
+ Invalid mail exchange record
+ 無效的 MX 記錄
+ Invalid service record
+ 無效的 SRV 記錄
+ Invalid text record
+ 無效的 TXT 記錄
+ Resolver library can't be loaded: No runtime library loading support
+ 無法載入解析器函式庫:沒有載入執行函式庫的支援
+ No hostname given
+ 未提供主機
+ Invalid hostname
+ 主機無效
+ Host %1 could not be found.
+ 找不到 %1 網域。
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ QDockWidget
+ Float
+ Accessible name for button undocking a dock widget (floating state)
+ 浮動
+ Undocks and re-attaches the dock widget
+ 取消 Dock 並重新加上 Dock 小工具
+ Close
+ Accessible name for button closing a dock widget
+ 關閉
+ Closes the dock widget
+ 關閉 Dock 小工具
+ QDtls
+ Invalid (empty) secret
+ 無效(空白)密碼
+ Multicast and broadcast addresses are not supported
+ 不支援群播和廣播位址
+ Cannot set peer after handshake started
+ 無法在交握開始後設定端點
+ Invalid address
+ 位址無效
+ Cannot set verification name after handshake started
+ 無法在開始交握之後設定認證名稱
+ Cannot set configuration after handshake started
+ 無法在開始握手後設定組態
+ Cannot start/continue handshake, invalid handshake state
+ 無法開始或繼續交握,原因:無效的交握狀態
+ Invalid (nullptr) socket
+ 無效 (nullptr) socket
+ To start a handshake you must set peer's address and port first
+ 開始交握前必須先設定端點位址與連線埠
+ To start a handshake, DTLS server requires non-empty datagram (client hello)
+ 要開始交握前 DTLS 伺服器需要非空白資料塊 (client hello)
+ Cannot start handshake, already done/in progress
+ 無法開始交握,原因:已經完成或正在進行交握程序
+ A valid QUdpSocket and non-empty datagram are needed to continue the handshake
+ 需要有效的 QUdpSocket 和非空白資料塊才能開始交握
+ Cannot continue handshake, not in InProgress state
+ 無法繼續交握,原因:非 InProgress 狀態
+ Cannot resume, not in VerificationError state
+ 無法重新開始,原因:非 VerificationError 狀態
+ No handshake in progress, nothing to abort
+ 沒有正在進行中的交握,因此不用終止
+ Cannot send shutdown alert, not encrypted
+ 無法傳送關閉警報,原因:未加密
+ Cannot write a datagram, not in encrypted state
+ 無法寫入資料塊,原因:非已加密狀態
+ Cannot read a datagram, not in encrypted state
+ 無法讀取資料塊,原因:非已加密狀態
+ %1 failed
+ %1: Some function
+ %1 失敗
+ Invalid SslMode, SslServerMode or SslClientMode expected
+ 無效的 SslMode,應該為 SslServerMode 或 SslClientMode
+ Invalid protocol version, DTLS protocol expected
+ 無效的協定版本,期望 DTLS 協定
+ BIO_ADD_new failed, cannot start handshake
+ BIO_ADD_new 失敗,無法開始交握
+ Cannot start the handshake, verified client hello expected
+ 無法開始交握,原因:沒有期望的已驗證 client hello
+ Peer verification failed
+ 端對端驗證失敗
+ The DTLS connection has been closed
+ DTLS 連線已被關閉
+ Error while writing: %1
+ 寫入時發生錯誤:%1
+ The DTLS connection has been shutdown
+ DTLS 連線已被關閉
+ Error while reading: %1
+ 讀取時發生錯誤:%1
+ Cannot set remote after handshake started
+ 無法在開始交握後設定遠端位置
+ Unsupported protocol
+ 不支援的通訊協定
+ To start a handshake you must set remote address and port first
+ 要開始交握前必須先設定遠端位址和通訊埠
+ Not in VerificationError state, nothing to abort
+ 非 VerificationError 狀態,沒有需要終止的項目
+ QDtlsClientVerifier
+ A valid UDP socket, non-empty datagram, valid address/port were expected
+ 期望有效的 UDP socket、非空白的資料塊和有效的位址與連線埠
+ BIO_ADDR_new failed, ignoring client hello
+ BIO_ADDR_new 失敗,忽略 client hello
+ QErrorMessage
+ Debug Message:
+ 除錯訊息:
+ Warning:
+ 警告:
+ Critical Error:
+ 嚴重錯誤:
+ Fatal Error:
+ 嚴重錯誤:
+ Information:
+ 資訊:
+ &Show this message again
+ 再次顯示此訊息(&S)
+ &OK
+ 確定(&O)
+ QFile
+ Destination file is the same file.
+ 目標檔案為相同檔案。
+ Source file does not exist.
+ 來源檔案不存在。
+ Destination file exists
+ 目標檔案存在
+ Error while renaming: %1
+ 重新命名時發生錯誤:%1
+ Unable to restore from %1: %2
+ 無法從 %1 還原:%2
+ Will not rename sequential file using block copy
+ 將不會使用區塊複製重新命名順序檔案
+ Cannot remove source file
+ 無法移除來源檔案
+ Cannot open destination file: %1
+ 無法開啟目標檔案:%1
+ Cannot open %1 for input
+ 無法開啟 %1 供輸入
+ Cannot open for output
+ 無法開啟以供輸出
+ Failure to write block
+ 寫入區塊時失敗
+ Cannot create %1 for output
+ 無法建立 %1 供輸出
+ Cannot open for output: %1
+ 無法開啟供輸出檔案:%1
+ QFileDevice
+ No file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtension
+ 沒有能用的檔案引擎或引擎不支援 UnMapExtension
+ No file engine available
+ 沒有能用的檔案引擎
+ QFileDialog
+ All Files (*)
+ 所有檔案 (*)
+ Look in:
+ 尋找於:
+ Back
+ 返回
+ Go back
+ 返回
+ Alt+Left
+ Alt+Left
+ Forward
+ 往前
+ Go forward
+ 往前
+ Alt+Right
+ Alt+Right
+ Parent Directory
+ 父目錄
+ Go to the parent directory
+ 前往父目錄
+ Alt+Up
+ Alt+Up
+ Create New Folder
+ 建立新資料夾
+ Create a New Folder
+ 建立新資料夾
+ List View
+ 列表檢視
+ Change to list view mode
+ 切換到列表檢視模式
+ Detail View
+ 詳細檢視
+ Change to detail view mode
+ 切換到詳細檢視模式
+ Sidebar
+ 側邊欄
+ List of places and bookmarks
+ 位置與書籤列表
+ Files
+ 檔案
+ Files of type:
+ 檔案型態:
+ Find Directory
+ 尋找資料夾
+ Open
+ 開啟
+ Save As
+ 另存新檔
+ Directory:
+ 目錄:
+ File &name:
+ 檔名(&N):
+ &Open
+ 開啟(&O)
+ &Choose
+ 選擇(&C)
+ &Save
+ 儲存(&S)
+ Show
+ 顯示
+ &Rename
+ 重新命名(&R)
+ &Delete
+ 刪除(&D)
+ Show &hidden files
+ 顯示隱藏檔案(&H)
+ &New Folder
+ 新增資料夾(&N)
+ All files (*)
+ 所有檔案(*)
+ Directories
+ 資料夾
+ %1
+Directory not found.
+Please verify the correct directory name was given.
+ %1
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to replace it?
+ %1 已存在。
+ %1
+File not found.
+Please verify the correct file name was given.
+ %1
+ New Folder
+ 新資料夾
+ Delete
+ 刪除
+ '%1' is write protected.
+Do you want to delete it anyway?
+ 「%1」有寫入保護。
+ Are you sure you want to delete '%1'?
+ 確定刪除「%1」?
+ Could not delete directory.
+ 無法刪除資料夾。
+ Recent Places
+ 最近開啟位置
+ Remove
+ 移除
+ My Computer
+ 我的電腦
+ Drive
+ 硬碟
+ %1 File
+ %1 is a file name suffix, for example txt
+ %1 檔案
+ File
+ 檔案
+ File Folder
+ Match Windows Explorer
+ 檔案資料夾
+ Folder
+ All other platforms
+ 資料夾
+ Alias
+ OS X Finder
+ 別名
+ Shortcut
+ All other platforms
+ 捷徑
+ Unknown
+ 未知
+ QFileSystemModel
+ <b>The name "%1" cannot be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuation marks.
+ <b>不能使用名稱「%1」。</b><p>嘗試使用字數較少或沒有標點符號的另一名稱。
+ Invalid filename
+ 檔名無效
+ Name
+ 名稱
+ Size
+ 大小
+ Kind
+ Match OS X Finder
+ 種類
+ Type
+ All other platforms
+ 型態
+ Date Modified
+ 修改日期
+ My Computer
+ 我的電腦
+ Computer
+ 電腦
+ QFontDatabase
+ Normal
+ The Normal or Regular font weight
+ 正常
+ Bold
+ 粗體
+ Demi Bold
+ 半粗體
+ Medium
+ The Medium font weight
+ 中等粗體
+ Black
+ 黑體
+ Light
+ 細體
+ Thin
+ 極細體
+ Extra Light
+ 極細體
+ Extra Bold
+ 極粗體
+ Extra
+ The word for "Extra" as in "Extra Bold, Extra Thin" used as a pattern for string searches
+ 極體 (Extra)
+ Demi
+ The word for "Demi" as in "Demi Bold" used as a pattern for string searches
+ 半體
+ Italic
+ 斜體
+ Oblique
+ 傾斜體
+ Any
+ 不指定
+ Latin
+ 拉丁
+ Greek
+ 希臘
+ Cyrillic
+ 斯拉夫
+ Armenian
+ 亞美尼亞
+ Hebrew
+ 希伯來
+ Arabic
+ 阿拉伯
+ Syriac
+ 敘利亞
+ Thaana
+ 塔納文
+ Devanagari
+ 梵文
+ Bengali
+ 孟加拉
+ Gurmukhi
+ 古爾穆基字
+ Gujarati
+ 古吉拉特語
+ Oriya
+ 奧里亞語
+ Tamil
+ 坦米爾
+ Telugu
+ 泰盧固語
+ Kannada
+ 坎達那
+ Malayalam
+ 馬來語
+ Sinhala
+ 錫蘭
+ Thai
+ 泰語
+ Lao
+ 寮國
+ Tibetan
+ 西藏
+ Myanmar
+ 緬甸
+ Georgian
+ 喬治亞
+ Khmer
+ 高棉
+ Simplified Chinese
+ 簡體中文
+ Traditional Chinese
+ 繁體中文
+ Japanese
+ 日語
+ Korean
+ 韓語
+ Vietnamese
+ 越南
+ Symbol
+ 符號
+ Ogham
+ 歐甘文
+ Runic
+ 盧恩文
+ N'Ko
+ 西非書面語
+ QFontDialog
+ Select Font
+ 選擇字型
+ &Font
+ 字型(&F)
+ Font st&yle
+ 字型樣式(&Y)
+ &Size
+ 大小(&S)
+ Effects
+ 效果
+ Stri&keout
+ 刪除線(&K)
+ &Underline
+ 底線(&U)
+ Sample
+ 範例
+ Wr&iting System
+ 文字系統(&I)
+ QFtp
+ Not connected
+ 未連線
+ Host %1 not found
+ 找不到主機 %1
+ Connection refused to host %1
+ 連線到主機 %1 被拒
+ Connection timed out to host %1
+ 連線到主機 %1 逾時
+ Connected to host %1
+ 已連線到主機 %1
+ Data Connection refused
+ 資料連線被拒
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ Connecting to host failed:
+ 連線到主機失敗:
+ Login failed:
+ 登入失敗:
+ Listing directory failed:
+ 列出目錄失敗:
+ Changing directory failed:
+ 變更目錄失敗:
+ Downloading file failed:
+ 下載檔案失敗:
+ Uploading file failed:
+ 上傳檔案失敗:
+ Removing file failed:
+ 移除檔案失敗:
+ Creating directory failed:
+ 建立目錄失敗:
+ Removing directory failed:
+ 移除目錄失敗:
+ Connection closed
+ 連線已關閉
+ QGnomeTheme
+ &OK
+ 確定(&O)
+ &Save
+ 儲存(&S)
+ &Cancel
+ 取消(&C)
+ &Close
+ 關閉(&C)
+ Close without Saving
+ 關閉而不儲存
+ QGuiApplication
+ Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.
+ QHostInfo
+ No host name given
+ 未指定主機
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ QHostInfoAgent
+ No host name given
+ 未指定主機
+ Invalid hostname
+ 主機名稱無效
+ Unknown address type
+ 未知的位址型態
+ Host not found
+ 找不到主機
+ Unknown error (%1)
+ 未知錯誤 (%1)
+ QHttp
+ Host %1 not found
+ 找不到主機 %1
+ Connection refused
+ 連線被拒
+ Connection closed
+ 連線已關閉
+ Proxy requires authentication
+ 代理伺服器需要驗證
+ Host requires authentication
+ 主機需要驗證
+ Data corrupted
+ 資料已損毀
+ Unknown protocol specified
+ 指定了未知的協定
+ SSL handshake failed
+ SSL 交握失敗
+ Too many redirects
+ 跳轉太多次
+ Insecure redirect
+ 不安全的跳轉
+ QHttpSocketEngine
+ Did not receive HTTP response from proxy
+ 未從代理伺服器接收到 HTTP 回應
+ Error parsing authentication request from proxy
+ 解析從代理伺服器傳來的驗證要求時發生錯誤
+ Authentication required
+ 需要驗證
+ Proxy denied connection
+ 代理伺服器拒絕連線
+ Error communicating with HTTP proxy
+ 與 HTTP 代理伺服器通訊時發生錯誤
+ Proxy server not found
+ 找不到代理伺服器
+ Proxy connection refused
+ 代理伺服器連線被拒
+ Proxy server connection timed out
+ 代理伺服器連線逾時
+ Proxy connection closed prematurely
+ 代理伺服器連線不正常關閉
+ QIBaseDriver
+ Error opening database
+ 開啟資料庫發生錯誤
+ Could not start transaction
+ 無法開始處理事項
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ QIBaseResult
+ Unable to create BLOB
+ 無法建立 BLOB
+ Unable to write BLOB
+ 無法寫入 BLOB
+ Unable to open BLOB
+ 無法開啟 BLOB
+ Unable to read BLOB
+ 無法讀取 BLOB
+ Could not find array
+ 找不到陣列
+ Could not get array data
+ 無法取得陣列資料
+ Could not get query info
+ 無法取得查詢資訊
+ Could not start transaction
+ 無法開始處理事項
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Could not allocate statement
+ 無法分配陳述
+ Could not prepare statement
+ 無法準備陳述
+ Could not describe input statement
+ 無法描述輸入陳述
+ Could not describe statement
+ 無法描述陳述
+ Unable to close statement
+ 無法關閉陳述
+ Unable to execute query
+ 無法執行查詢
+ Could not fetch next item
+ 無法抓取下一個項目
+ Could not get statement info
+ 無法取得陳述資訊
+ QIODevice
+ file to open is a directory
+ 要打開的檔案是個資料夾
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ Permission denied
+ 權限不足
+ Too many open files
+ 開啟過多檔案
+ No such file or directory
+ 找不到該檔案或目錄
+ No space left on device
+ 裝置上已無空間
+ QImageReader
+ Invalid device
+ 裝置無效
+ File not found
+ 找不到檔案
+ Unsupported image format
+ 不支援的影像格式
+ Unable to read image data
+ 無法讀取影像資料
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ QImageWriter
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ Device is not set
+ 未設定裝置
+ Cannot open device for writing: %1
+ 無法開啟供寫入裝置:%1
+ Device not writable
+ 無法寫入裝置
+ Unsupported image format
+ 不支援的影像格式
+ Image is empty
+ 影像是空白的
+ QInputDialog
+ Enter a value:
+ 請輸入一個值:
+ QJsonParseError
+ no error occurred
+ 沒有發生錯誤
+ unterminated object
+ 物件沒有結尾
+ missing name separator
+ 遺失名稱分割字元
+ unterminated array
+ 陣列沒有結尾
+ missing value separator
+ 遺失值分隔字元
+ illegal value
+ 值無效
+ invalid termination by number
+ 無效的數字結尾
+ illegal number
+ 數字無效
+ invalid escape sequence
+ 無效的跳脫序列
+ invalid UTF8 string
+ 無效的 UTF-8 字串
+ unterminated string
+ 字串沒有結尾
+ object is missing after a comma
+ 逗號後缺少物件
+ too deeply nested document
+ 過深巢狀文件
+ too large document
+ 過大文件
+ garbage at the end of the document
+ 文件結尾有無用資料
+ QKeySequenceEdit
+ Press shortcut
+ 點擊快速鍵
+ %1, ...
+ This text is an "unfinished" shortcut, expands like "Ctrl+A, ..."
+ %1、…
+ QLibrary
+ '%1' is not an ELF object (%2)
+ 「%1」不是個 ELF 物件 (%2)
+ file too small
+ 檔案過小
+ '%1' is not an ELF object
+ 「%1」不是個 ELF 物件
+ '%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)
+ 「%1」是個無效 ELF 物件 (%2)
+ odd cpu architecture
+ 異常 CPU 架構
+ wrong cpu architecture
+ 錯誤 CPU 架構
+ odd endianness
+ 異常位元組順序
+ unexpected e_shsize
+ 非預期的 e_shsize
+ unexpected e_shentsize
+ 非預期的 e_shentsize
+ announced %n section(s), each %1 byte(s), exceed file size
+ shstrtab section header seems to be at %1
+ shstrtab 區段的標頭看起來在 %1
+ string table seems to be at %1
+ 字串表格看起來在 %1
+ section name %1 of %2 behind end of file
+ %2 的區段名稱 %1 在檔案結尾之後
+ empty .rodata. not a library.
+ 空的 .rodata. 非函式庫。
+ missing section data. This is not a library.
+ 遺失區段資料。非函式庫。
+ Failed to extract plugin meta data from '%1'
+ 無法從「%1」擷取外掛程式中繼資料
+ The shared library was not found.
+ 找不到共享函式庫。
+ The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.
+ 檔案「%1」不是有效的 Qt 外掛程式。
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ 外掛程式「%1」使用不相容的 Qt 函式庫。(%2.%3.%4) [%5]
+ The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)
+ 外掛程式「%1」使用不相容的 Qt 函式庫。(不能將除錯與釋出版本的函式庫混在一起。)
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ Cannot load library %1: %2
+ 無法載入函式庫 %1:%2
+ Cannot unload library %1: %2
+ 無法卸載函式庫 %1:%2
+ Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3
+ 無法解析 %2 內的符號「%1」:%3
+ '%1' is not a valid Mach-O binary (%2)
+ 「%1」為無效 Mach-O 二進位資料 (%2)
+ file is corrupt
+ 檔案已損壞
+ no suitable architecture in fat binary
+ 找不到 fat 二進位資料中適合的架構
+ invalid magic %1
+ 無效的 Magic %1
+ wrong architecture
+ 架構錯誤
+ not a dynamic library
+ 非動態函式庫
+ '%1' is not a Qt plugin
+ 「%1」非 Qt 外掛程式
+ Out of memory while loading plugin '%1'.
+ 載入外掛程式「%1」時發生記憶體不足問題。
+ QLineEdit
+ &Undo
+ 復原(&U)
+ &Redo
+ 重做(&R)
+ Cu&t
+ 剪下(&T)
+ &Copy
+ 複製(&C)
+ &Paste
+ 貼上(&P)
+ Delete
+ 刪除
+ Select All
+ 全部選擇
+ QLocalServer
+ %1: Name error
+ %1:名稱錯誤
+ %1: Permission denied
+ %1:存取被拒
+ %1: Address in use
+ %1:位址使用中
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1:未知的錯誤 %2
+ QLocalSocket
+ %1: Connection refused
+ %1:連線被拒
+ %1: Remote closed
+ %1:遠端已關閉
+ %1: Invalid name
+ %1:名稱無效
+ %1: Socket access error
+ %1:Socket 存取錯誤
+ %1: Socket resource error
+ %1:Socket 資源錯誤
+ %1: Socket operation timed out
+ %1:Socket 操作逾時
+ %1: Datagram too large
+ %1:資料塊過大
+ %1: Connection error
+ %1:連線錯誤
+ %1: The socket operation is not supported
+ %1:不支援 socket 操作
+ %1: Operation not permitted when socket is in this state
+ %1:當 socket 在此狀態時不允許操作
+ %1: Unknown error
+ %1:未知的錯誤
+ Trying to connect while connection is in progress
+ 嘗試在連線時連線
+ %1: Unknown error %2
+ %1:未知的錯誤 %2
+ %1: Access denied
+ %1:存取被拒
+ QMYSQLDriver
+ Unable to allocate a MYSQL object
+ 無法分配個 MySQL 物件
+ Unable to open database '%1'
+ 無法開啟資料庫「%1」
+ Unable to connect
+ 無法連線
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ 無法開始處理事項
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ QMYSQLResult
+ Unable to fetch data
+ 無法抓取資料
+ Unable to execute query
+ 無法執行查詢
+ Unable to store result
+ 無法儲存結果
+ Unable to execute next query
+ 無法執行下一個查詢
+ Unable to store next result
+ 無法儲存下一個結果
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ 無法準備陳述
+ Unable to reset statement
+ 無法重設陳述
+ Unable to bind value
+ 無法結合值
+ Unable to execute statement
+ 無法執行陳述
+ Unable to bind outvalues
+ 無法結合輸出值
+ Unable to store statement results
+ 無法儲存陳述結果
+ QMdiArea
+ (Untitled)
+ (未命名)
+ QMdiSubWindow
+ - [%1]
+ - [%1]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ %1 - [%2]
+ Minimize
+ 最小化
+ Maximize
+ 最大化
+ Unshade
+ 取消遮蔽
+ Shade
+ 遮蔽
+ Restore Down
+ 向下恢復
+ Restore
+ 回復
+ Close
+ 關閉
+ Help
+ 說明
+ Menu
+ 選單
+ &Restore
+ 還原(&R)
+ &Move
+ 移動(&M)
+ &Size
+ 大小(&S)
+ Mi&nimize
+ 最小化(&N)
+ Ma&ximize
+ 最大化(&X)
+ Stay on &Top
+ 留在頂端(&T)
+ &Close
+ 關閉(&C)
+ QMessageBox
+ Show Details...
+ 顯示詳情...
+ Hide Details...
+ 隱藏詳情...
+ <h3>About Qt</h3><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p>
+ <h3>關於 Qt</h3><p>此程式使用 Qt %1 版。</p>
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under multiple licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of GNU (L)GPL.</p><p>Qt licensed under GNU (L)GPL is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the respective licenses.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ Leave this text untranslated or include a verbatim copy of it below and note that it is the authoritative version in case of doubt.
+ About Qt
+ 關於 Qt
+ <p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across all major desktop operating systems. It is also available for embedded Linux and other embedded and mobile operating systems.</p><p>Qt is available under three different licensing options designed to accommodate the needs of our various users.</p><p>Qt licensed under our commercial license agreement is appropriate for development of proprietary/commercial software where you do not want to share any source code with third parties or otherwise cannot comply with the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 3.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p><p>Copyright (C) %1 The Qt Company Ltd and other contributors.</p><p>Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd.</p><p>Qt is The Qt Company Ltd product developed as an open source project. See <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> for more information.</p>
+ <p>Qt 是個用於跨平台應用程式開發的工具箱。</p>
+<p>Qt 提供了可移植單一來源以能在目前主流的桌面作業系統跨平台。其也支援嵌入式 Linux 和其他嵌入和行動作業系統。</p>
+<p>Qt 可以用於三個不同的授權選項,以接納各個使用者的需求。</p>
+<p>使用我們的商業授權條款授權的 Qt 適合拿來開發不希望公開源碼給第三方的專有或商業軟體,或者是無法完全遵守 GNU LGPL 第三版條款的軟體。</p>
+<p>使用 GNU LGPL 第三版授權的 Qt 適合拿來開發能遵守 LGPL 授權條款與條件的 Qt 應用程式。</p>
+<p>請參閱 <a href="http://%2/">%2</a> 取得 Qt 授權概覽。</p>
+<p>版權所有 (C) %1 Qt 公司與其他貢獻者。</p>
+<p>Qt 與其圖示皆為 Qt 公司的商標。</p>
+<p>Qt 是 Qt 公司開發的開源專案,參閱 <a href="http://%3/">%3</a> 取得更多資訊。</p>
+ QNativeSocketEngine
+ Unable to initialize non-blocking socket
+ 無法初始化非阻塞性 socket
+ Unable to initialize broadcast socket
+ 無法初始化廣播 socket
+ Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support
+ 試圖在不支援 IPv6 的平台上使用 IPv6 socket
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ 遠端主機關閉了連線
+ Network operation timed out
+ 網路操作逾時
+ Out of resources
+ 資源不足
+ Unsupported socket operation
+ 不支援的 socket 操作
+ Protocol type not supported
+ 不支援的協定型態
+ Invalid socket descriptor
+ 無效的 socket 描述
+ Host unreachable
+ 無法連線到主機
+ Network unreachable
+ 無法連線網路
+ Permission denied
+ 權限被拒
+ Connection timed out
+ 連線逾時
+ Connection refused
+ 連線被拒
+ The bound address is already in use
+ 已經使用結合位址
+ The address is not available
+ 無法取得位址
+ The address is protected
+ 此位址被受保護
+ Datagram was too large to send
+ 資料塊過大無法送出
+ Unable to send a message
+ 無法送出訊息
+ Unable to receive a message
+ 無法接收訊息
+ Unable to write
+ 無法寫入
+ Network error
+ 網路錯誤
+ Another socket is already listening on the same port
+ 另一個 socket 已經在監聽同一個連接埠
+ Operation on non-socket
+ 於非 socket 操作
+ The proxy type is invalid for this operation
+ 此代理伺服器型態對此操作無效
+ Temporary error
+ 暫時性錯誤
+ Network dropped connection on reset
+ 網路在重設時斷開連線
+ Connection reset by peer
+ 連線被端點重設
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ QNetworkAccessCacheBackend
+ Error opening %1
+ 開啟 %1 發生錯誤
+ QNetworkAccessDataBackend
+ Invalid URI: %1
+ 網址無效:%1
+ QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ 寫到 %1 時發生錯誤:%2
+ Socket error on %1: %2
+ %1 上發生 socket 錯誤:%2
+ Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1
+ 於 %1 上過早關閉了遠端主機的連線
+ QNetworkAccessFileBackend
+ Request for opening non-local file %1
+ 要求開啟非本地端檔案 %1
+ Error opening %1: %2
+ 開啟 %1 發生錯誤:%2
+ Write error writing to %1: %2
+ 寫到 %1 時發生錯誤:%2
+ Cannot open %1: Path is a directory
+ 無法開啟 %1:此路徑是一個目錄
+ Read error reading from %1: %2
+ 從 %1 讀取錯誤:%2
+ QNetworkAccessFtpBackend
+ No suitable proxy found
+ 找不到合適的代理伺服器
+ Cannot open %1: is a directory
+ 無法開啟 %1:是個目錄
+ Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required
+ 登入 %1 失敗:需要驗證
+ Error while downloading %1: %2
+ 下載 %1 時發生錯誤:%2
+ Error while uploading %1: %2
+ 上傳 %1 時發生錯誤:%2
+ QNetworkAccessManager
+ Network access is disabled.
+ 已停用網路存取支援。
+ QNetworkReply
+ Error transferring %1 - server replied: %2
+ 傳輸 %1 錯誤 - 伺服器回應:%2
+ Network session error.
+ 網路階段錯誤。
+ Background request not allowed.
+ 不允許背景請求。
+ backend start error.
+ 後端啟動錯誤。
+ Temporary network failure.
+ 暫時性網路失敗。
+ Protocol "%1" is unknown
+ 未知的協定「%1」
+ QNetworkReplyHttpImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ 已取消動作
+ No suitable proxy found
+ 找不到合適的代理伺服器
+ QNetworkReplyImpl
+ Operation canceled
+ 已取消動作
+ QNetworkSession
+ Invalid configuration.
+ 無效的設定。
+ QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl
+ Unknown session error.
+ 未知階段錯誤。
+ The session was aborted by the user or system.
+ 此階段被使用者或系統終止。
+ The requested operation is not supported by the system.
+ 系統不支援請求的動作。
+ The specified configuration cannot be used.
+ 無法使用指定的組態設定。
+ Roaming was aborted or is not possible.
+ 漫遊被終止或不可用。
+ QOCIDriver
+ Unable to initialize
+ QOCIDriver
+ 無法初始化
+ Unable to logon
+ 無法登入
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ 無法開始處理事項
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ QOCIResult
+ Unable to bind column for batch execute
+ 無法結合用於批次執行的欄位
+ Unable to execute batch statement
+ 無法執行批次陳述
+ Unable to goto next
+ 無法跳到下一個
+ Unable to alloc statement
+ 無法分配陳述
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ 無法準備陳述
+ Unable to get statement type
+ 無法取得陳述型態
+ Unable to bind value
+ 無法結合值
+ Unable to execute statement
+ 無法執行陳述
+ QODBCDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ 無法連線
+ Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required
+ 無法連線 - 驅動不支援全部所需功能
+ Unable to disable autocommit
+ 無法停用自動提交功能
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ Unable to enable autocommit
+ 無法啟用自動提交功能
+ QODBCResult
+ QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration
+ QODBCResult::reset: 無法將「SQL_CURSOR_STATIC」設定為陳述屬性。請檢查您的 ODBC 驅動程式設定
+ Unable to execute statement
+ 無法執行陳述
+ Unable to fetch
+ 無法抓取
+ Unable to fetch next
+ 無法抓取下一筆
+ Unable to fetch first
+ 無法抓取第一筆
+ Unable to fetch previous
+ 無法抓取前一筆
+ Unable to fetch last
+ 無法抓取最後一筆
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ 無法準備陳述
+ Unable to bind variable
+ 無法結合變數
+ QPSQLDriver
+ Unable to connect
+ 無法連線
+ Could not begin transaction
+ 無法開始處理事項
+ Could not commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Could not rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ Unable to subscribe
+ 無法訂閱
+ Unable to unsubscribe
+ 無法取消訂閱
+ QPSQLResult
+ Query results lost - probably discarded on executing another SQL query.
+ 查詢結果遺失 - 可能是在執行其他 SQL 查詢時被丟棄。
+ Unable to create query
+ 無法建立查詢
+ Unable to get result
+ 無法取得查詢
+ Unable to send query
+ 無法傳送查詢
+ Unable to prepare statement
+ 無法準備陳述
+ QPageSetupWidget
+ Form
+ 表單
+ Paper
+ 紙張
+ Page size:
+ 頁面大小:
+ Width:
+ 寬度:
+ Height:
+ 高度:
+ Paper source:
+ 紙張來源:
+ Orientation
+ 方向
+ Portrait
+ 直印
+ Landscape
+ 橫印
+ Reverse landscape
+ 反向橫印
+ Reverse portrait
+ 反向直印
+ Margins
+ 邊緣
+ top margin
+ 上邊緣
+ left margin
+ 左邊緣
+ right margin
+ 右邊緣
+ bottom margin
+ 下邊緣
+ Page Layout
+ 頁面配置
+ Page order:
+ 頁面順序:
+ Pages per sheet:
+ 每張紙包含頁數:
+ Millimeters (mm)
+ 毫米 (mm)
+ Inches (in)
+ 英吋 (in)
+ Points (pt)
+ 點 (pt)
+ Pica (P̸)
+ 派卡 (P̸)
+ Didot (DD)
+ 迪多 (DD)
+ Cicero (CC)
+ 西塞羅 (CC)
+ Custom
+ 自訂
+ mm
+ Unit 'Millimeter'
+ mm
+ pt
+ Unit 'Points'
+ pt
+ in
+ Unit 'Inch'
+ in
+ P̸
+ Unit 'Pica'
+ P̸
+ DD
+ Unit 'Didot'
+ DD
+ CC
+ Unit 'Cicero'
+ CC
+ QPageSize
+ Custom (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom size name in millimeters
+ 自訂 (%1mm x %2mm)
+ Custom (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom size name in points
+ 自訂 (%1pt x %2pt)
+ Custom (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom size name in inches
+ 自訂 (%1in x %2in)
+ Custom (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom size name in picas
+ 自訂 (%1pc x %2pc)
+ Custom (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom size name in didots
+ 自訂 (%1DD x %2DD)
+ Custom (%1CC x %2CC)
+ Custom size name in ciceros
+ 自訂 (%1CC x %2CC)
+ %1 x %2 in
+ Page size in 'Inch'.
+ %1 x %2 in
+ A0
+ A0
+ A1
+ A1
+ A2
+ A2
+ A3
+ A3
+ A4
+ A4
+ A5
+ A5
+ A6
+ A6
+ A7
+ A7
+ A8
+ A8
+ A9
+ A9
+ A10
+ A10
+ B0
+ B0
+ B1
+ B1
+ B2
+ B2
+ B3
+ B3
+ B4
+ B4
+ B5
+ B5
+ B6
+ B6
+ B7
+ B7
+ B8
+ B8
+ B9
+ B9
+ B10
+ B10
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.5 x 10 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Folio (8.27 x 13 in)
+ Legal
+ Legal
+ Letter / ANSI A
+ 信封 / ANSI A
+ Tabloid / ANSI B
+ 小報 / ANSI B
+ Ledger / ANSI B
+ Custom
+ 自訂
+ A3 Extra
+ A4 Extra
+ A4 Plus
+ A4 Small
+ A5 Extra
+ B5 Extra
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B0
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B1
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B2
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B3
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B4
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B5
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B6
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B7
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B8
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B9
+ JIS B10
+ JIS B10
+ Legal Extra
+ Letter Extra
+ Letter Plus
+ Letter Small
+ Tabloid Extra
+ Architect A
+ Architect B
+ Architect C
+ Architect D
+ Architect E
+ Note
+ Quarto
+ Statement
+ Super A
+ Super B
+ Postcard
+ Double Postcard
+ PRC 16K
+ PRC 32K
+ PRC 32K Big
+ Fan-fold US (14.875 x 11 in)
+ Fan-fold German (8.5 x 12 in)
+ Fan-fold German Legal (8.5 x 13 in)
+ Envelope B4
+ 信封型 B4
+ Envelope B5
+ 信封型 B5
+ Envelope B6
+ 信封型 B6
+ Envelope C0
+ 信封型 C0
+ Envelope C1
+ 信封型 C1
+ Envelope C2
+ 信封型 C2
+ Envelope C3
+ 信封型 C3
+ Envelope C4
+ 信封型 C4
+ Envelope C5
+ 信封型 C5
+ Envelope C6
+ 信封型 C6
+ Envelope C65
+ 信封型 C65
+ Envelope C7
+ 信封型 C7
+ Envelope DL
+ 信封型 DL
+ Envelope US 9
+ 信封型 US 9
+ Envelope US 10
+ 信封型 US 10
+ Envelope US 11
+ 信封型 US 11
+ Envelope US 12
+ 信封型 US 12
+ Envelope US 14
+ 信封型 US 14
+ Envelope Monarch
+ 信封型 Monarch
+ Envelope Personal
+ Envelope Chou 3
+ Envelope Chou 4
+ Envelope Invite
+ Envelope Italian
+ Envelope Kaku 2
+ Envelope Kaku 3
+ Envelope PRC 1
+ Envelope PRC 2
+ Envelope PRC 3
+ Envelope PRC 4
+ Envelope PRC 5
+ Envelope PRC 6
+ Envelope PRC 7
+ Envelope PRC 8
+ Envelope PRC 9
+ Envelope PRC 10
+ Envelope You 4
+ QPlatformTheme
+ OK
+ 確定
+ Save
+ 儲存
+ Save All
+ 全部儲存
+ Open
+ 開啟
+ &Yes
+ 是(&Y)
+ Yes to &All
+ 全部皆是(&A)
+ &No
+ 否(&N)
+ N&o to All
+ 全部皆否(&O)
+ Abort
+ 終止
+ Retry
+ 重試
+ Ignore
+ 忽略
+ Close
+ 關閉
+ Cancel
+ 取消
+ Discard
+ 丟棄
+ Help
+ 說明
+ Apply
+ 套用
+ Reset
+ 重設
+ Restore Defaults
+ 還原到預設值
+ QPluginLoader
+ The plugin was not loaded.
+ 未載入外掛程式。
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ QPrintDialog
+ Print
+ 列印
+ Left to Right, Top to Bottom
+ 左至右,上到下
+ Left to Right, Bottom to Top
+ 左至右,下到上
+ Right to Left, Bottom to Top
+ 右至左,下到上
+ Right to Left, Top to Bottom
+ 右至左,上到下
+ Bottom to Top, Left to Right
+ 下到上,左到右
+ Bottom to Top, Right to Left
+ 下到上,右到左
+ Top to Bottom, Left to Right
+ 上到下,左到右
+ Top to Bottom, Right to Left
+ 上到下,右到左
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 1 (1x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 2 (2x1)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 4 (2x2)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 6 (2x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 9 (3x3)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ 16 (4x4)
+ All Pages
+ 全部頁面
+ Odd Pages
+ 奇數頁
+ Even Pages
+ 偶數頁
+ &Options >>
+ 選項(&O) >>
+ &Print
+ 列印(&P)
+ &Options <<
+ 選項(&O) <<
+ Invalid Pages Definition
+ 無效頁面定義
+ %1 does not follow the correct syntax. Please use ',' to separate ranges and pages, '-' to define ranges and make sure ranges do not intersect with each other.
+ %1 沒遵循正確語法。請使用「,」分隔範圍與頁面、「-」定義範圍並確保範圍沒有相交。
+ Duplex Settings Conflicts
+ 雙面設定衝突
+ There are conflicts in duplex settings. Do you want to fix them?
+ 在雙面設定中發現衝突選項,是否修復?
+ Print to File (PDF)
+ 列印到檔案(PDF)
+ Local file
+ 本地端檔案
+ Write PDF file
+ 寫入 PDF 檔案
+ Print To File ...
+ 列印到檔案...
+ %1 is a directory.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ %1 是個目錄。
+ File %1 is not writable.
+Please choose a different file name.
+ 檔案 %1 無法寫入。
+ %1 already exists.
+Do you want to overwrite it?
+ %1 已存在。
+ Options 'Pages Per Sheet' and 'Page Set' cannot be used together.
+Please turn one of those options off.
+ 不能同時使用「每張紙包含頁數」與「頁面設定」選項。
+ The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value.
+ 「起始」值不能大於「結束」值。
+ OK
+ 確定
+ Automatic
+ 自動
+ QPrintPreviewDialog
+ Page Setup
+ 頁面設定
+ %1%
+ %1%
+ Print Preview
+ 列印預覽
+ Next page
+ 下一頁
+ Previous page
+ 上一頁
+ First page
+ 第一頁
+ Last page
+ 最後一頁
+ Fit width
+ 符合寬度
+ Fit page
+ 符合頁面
+ Zoom in
+ 放大
+ Zoom out
+ 縮小
+ Portrait
+ 直印
+ Landscape
+ 橫印
+ Show single page
+ 顯示單一頁面
+ Show facing pages
+ 顯示封面
+ Show overview of all pages
+ 顯示所有頁面預覽
+ Print
+ 列印
+ Page setup
+ 列印設定
+ Export to PDF
+ 匯出到 PDF 檔
+ QPrintPropertiesDialog
+ Printer Properties
+ 列印機屬性
+ Job Options
+ 作業選項
+ Page Setup Conflicts
+ 頁面設定衝突
+ There are conflicts in page setup options. Do you want to fix them?
+ 頁面設定中發現衝突選項,是否修復?
+ Advanced Option Conflicts
+ 進階選項衝突
+ There are conflicts in some advanced options. Do you want to fix them?
+ 部份進階選項發現衝突,是否修復?
+ QPrintPropertiesWidget
+ Form
+ 表單
+ Page
+ 頁面
+ Advanced
+ 進階
+ There are conflicts in some options. Please fix them.
+ 部份選項發生衝突,請修復這些問題。
+ QPrintSettingsOutput
+ Form
+ 表單
+ Copies
+ 份數
+ Print range
+ 列印範圍
+ Print all
+ 全部列印
+ Pages from
+ 指定頁面從
+ to
+ 到
+ Pages
+ 頁面
+ Specify pages or ranges separated by commas. Ranges are specified by two numbers separated by a hyphen. E.g: 3,5-7,9 prints pages 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
+ 使用逗號分隔頁面或頁面範圍。頁面範圍使用 (數字)-(數字) 的形式指定,例如 3,5-7,9 列印第三、五、六、七和九頁。
+ Current Page
+ 目前頁面
+ Selection
+ 選擇區塊
+ Page Set:
+ 頁面設定:
+ Output Settings
+ 輸出設定
+ Copies:
+ 份數:
+ Collate
+ 校對
+ Reverse
+ 反向
+ Options
+ 選項
+ Color Mode
+ 顏色模式
+ Color
+ 顏色
+ Grayscale
+ 灰階
+ Duplex Printing
+ 雙面列印
+ None
+ 無
+ Long side
+ 長邊
+ Short side
+ 短邊
+ QPrintWidget
+ Form
+ 表單
+ Printer
+ 印表機
+ &Name:
+ 名稱(&N):
+ P&roperties
+ 屬性(&R)
+ Location:
+ 位置:
+ Preview
+ 預覽
+ Type:
+ 型態:
+ Output &file:
+ 輸出檔案(&F):
+ ...
+ …
+ QProcess
+ Process failed to start
+ 啟動程序失敗
+ Process crashed
+ 程序已當機
+ Process operation timed out
+ 程序操作逾時
+ Error reading from process
+ 從程序讀取時發生錯誤
+ Error writing to process
+ 寫到程序時發生錯誤
+ No program defined
+ 未定義程式
+ Could not open input redirection for reading
+ 無法開啟供讀取的重新導向輸入
+ Resource error (fork failure): %1
+ 資源錯誤(fork 失敗):%1
+ Could not open output redirection for writing
+ 無法開啟供寫入的輸出重新導向
+ Process failed to start: %1
+ 程序啟動失敗:%1
+ QProgressDialog
+ Cancel
+ 取消
+ QRegExp
+ no error occurred
+ 未發生錯誤
+ disabled feature used
+ 使用的已停用功能
+ bad char class syntax
+ 無效的字元類別於法
+ bad lookahead syntax
+ 無效的先行斷言 (lookahead) 語法
+ lookbehinds not supported, see QTBUG-2371
+ 不支援後行斷言 (lookbehind),請見 QTBUG-2371
+ bad repetition syntax
+ 無效的重覆語法
+ invalid octal value
+ 無效的八進位值
+ missing left delim
+ 缺少左分隔符號
+ unexpected end
+ 非預期結尾
+ met internal limit
+ 遇到內部限制
+ invalid interval
+ 間隔無效
+ invalid category
+ 類別無效
+ QRegularExpression
+ no error
+ 沒有錯誤
+ \ at end of pattern
+ \ 在 pattern 尾端出現
+ \c at end of pattern
+ \c 在 pattern 尾端出現
+ unrecognized character follows \
+ 有個未知的字元於 \ 之後
+ numbers out of order in {} quantifier
+ number too big in {} quantifier
+ missing terminating ] for character class
+ invalid escape sequence in character class
+ range out of order in character class
+ quantifier does not follow a repeatable item
+ internal error: unexpected repeat
+ unrecognized character after (? or (?-
+ POSIX named classes are supported only within a class
+ POSIX collating elements are not supported
+ missing closing parenthesis
+ reference to non-existent subpattern
+ pattern passed as NULL
+ unrecognised compile-time option bit(s)
+ missing ) after (?# comment
+ parentheses are too deeply nested
+ regular expression is too large
+ failed to allocate heap memory
+ unmatched closing parenthesis
+ internal error: code overflow
+ letter or underscore expected after (?< or (?'
+ lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
+ malformed number or name after (?(
+ conditional group contains more than two branches
+ assertion expected after (?( or (?(?C)
+ (?R or (?[+-]digits must be followed by )
+ unknown POSIX class name
+ internal error in pcre2_study(): should not occur
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have Unicode support
+ parentheses are too deeply nested (stack check)
+ character code point value in \x{} or \o{} is too large
+ invalid condition (?(0)
+ \C is not allowed in a lookbehind assertion
+ PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N{name}, \U, or \u
+ number after (?C is greater than 255
+ closing parenthesis for (?C expected
+ invalid escape sequence in (*VERB) name
+ unrecognized character after (?P
+ syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)
+ two named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set)
+ group name must start with a non-digit
+ this version of PCRE2 does not have support for \P, \p, or \X
+ malformed \P or \p sequence
+ unknown property name after \P or \p
+ subpattern name is too long (maximum 10000 characters)
+ too many named subpatterns (maximum 256)
+ invalid range in character class
+ octal value is greater than \377 in 8-bit non-UTF-8 mode
+ internal error: overran compiling workspace
+ internal error: previously-checked referenced subpattern not found
+ DEFINE group contains more than one branch
+ missing opening brace after \o
+ internal error: unknown newline setting
+ \g is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name/number or by a plain number
+ a numbered reference must not be zero
+ an argument is not allowed for (*ACCEPT), (*FAIL), or (*COMMIT)
+ (*VERB) not recognized or malformed
+ number is too big
+ subpattern name expected
+ digit expected after (?+
+ non-octal character in \o{} (closing brace missing?)
+ different names for subpatterns of the same number are not allowed
+ (*MARK) must have an argument
+ non-hex character in \x{} (closing brace missing?)
+ \c must be followed by a printable ASCII character
+ \c must be followed by a letter or one of [\]^_?
+ \k is not followed by a braced, angle-bracketed, or quoted name
+ internal error: unknown opcode in find_fixedlength()
+ \N is not supported in a class
+ disallowed Unicode code point (>= 0xd800 && <= 0xdfff)
+ using UTF is disabled by the application
+ using UCP is disabled by the application
+ name is too long in (*MARK), (*PRUNE), (*SKIP), or (*THEN)
+ character code point value in \u.... sequence is too large
+ digits missing in \x{} or \o{}
+ syntax error in (?(VERSION condition
+ internal error: unknown opcode in auto_possessify()
+ missing terminating delimiter for callout with string argument
+ unrecognized string delimiter follows (?C
+ using \C is disabled by the application
+ (?| and/or (?J: or (?x: parentheses are too deeply nested
+ using \C is disabled in this PCRE2 library
+ regular expression is too complicated
+ lookbehind assertion is too long
+ pattern string is longer than the limit set by the application
+ no match
+ partial match
+ UTF-8 error: 1 byte missing at end
+ UTF-8 error: 2 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8 error: 3 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8 error: 4 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8 error: 5 bytes missing at end
+ UTF-8 error: byte 2 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 3 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 4 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 5 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: byte 6 top bits not 0x80
+ UTF-8 error: 5-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: 6-byte character is not allowed (RFC 3629)
+ UTF-8 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ UTF-8 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 2-byte sequence
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 3-byte sequence
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 4-byte sequence
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 5-byte sequence
+ UTF-8 error: overlong 6-byte sequence
+ UTF-8 error: isolated byte with 0x80 bit set
+ UTF-8 error: illegal byte (0xfe or 0xff)
+ UTF-16 error: missing low surrogate at end
+ UTF-16 error: invalid low surrogate
+ UTF-16 error: isolated low surrogate
+ UTF-32 error: code points 0xd800-0xdfff are not defined
+ UTF-32 error: code points greater than 0x10ffff are not defined
+ bad data value
+ patterns do not all use the same character tables
+ magic number missing
+ pattern compiled in wrong mode: 8/16/32-bit error
+ bad offset value
+ bad option value
+ invalid replacement string
+ bad offset into UTF string
+ callout error code
+ invalid data in workspace for DFA restart
+ too much recursion for DFA matching
+ backreference condition or recursion test is not supported for DFA matching
+ function is not supported for DFA matching
+ pattern contains an item that is not supported for DFA matching
+ workspace size exceeded in DFA matching
+ internal error - pattern overwritten?
+ bad JIT option
+ JIT stack limit reached
+ match limit exceeded
+ no more memory
+ unknown substring
+ non-unique substring name
+ NULL argument passed
+ nested recursion at the same subject position
+ recursion limit exceeded
+ requested value is not available
+ requested value is not set
+ offset limit set without PCRE2_USE_OFFSET_LIMIT
+ bad escape sequence in replacement string
+ expected closing curly bracket in replacement string
+ bad substitution in replacement string
+ match with end before start is not supported
+ too many replacements (more than INT_MAX)
+ QSQLite2Driver
+ Error opening database
+ 開啟資料庫發生錯誤
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ 無法開始處理事項
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ QSQLite2Result
+ Unable to fetch results
+ 無法抓取結果
+ Unable to execute statement
+ 無法執行陳述
+ QSQLiteDriver
+ Error opening database
+ 開啟資料庫發生錯誤
+ Error closing database
+ 關閉資料庫發生錯誤
+ Unable to begin transaction
+ 無法開始處理事項
+ Unable to commit transaction
+ 無法提交處理事項
+ Unable to rollback transaction
+ 無法回退處理事項
+ QSQLiteResult
+ Unable to fetch row
+ 無法抓取列
+ No query
+ 沒有查詢
+ Unable to execute statement
+ 無法執行陳述
+ Unable to execute multiple statements at a time
+ 不能同時執行多個陳述
+ Unable to reset statement
+ 無法重設陳述
+ Unable to bind parameters
+ 無法結合參數
+ Parameter count mismatch
+ 參數數量不符合
+ QSaveFile
+ Existing file %1 is not writable
+ 存在檔案 %1 無法寫入
+ Filename refers to a directory
+ 檔案名稱對應到一個目錄
+ QSaveFile cannot open '%1' without direct write fallback enabled: path contains an Alternate Data Stream specifier
+ QSaveFile 無法在沒啟用直接寫入 fallback 的情況下開啟「%1」:位置包含了一個備用檔案串流說明符
+ Writing canceled by application
+ 被應用程式取消寫入程序
+ QScrollBar
+ Scroll here
+ 在此捲動
+ Left edge
+ 左邊緣
+ Top
+ 頂端
+ Right edge
+ 右邊緣
+ Bottom
+ 底端
+ Page left
+ 頁面左方
+ Page up
+ 頁面上方
+ Page right
+ 頁面右方
+ Page down
+ 頁面下方
+ Scroll left
+ 往左捲動
+ Scroll up
+ 往上捲動
+ Scroll right
+ 往右捲動
+ Scroll down
+ 往下捲動
+ QSctpSocket
+ The remote host closed the connection
+ 遠端主機關閉了連線
+ QSharedMemory
+ %1: unable to set key on lock
+ %1:無法設定鎖定鍵
+ %1: create size is less then 0
+ %1:建立大小小於 0
+ %1: unable to lock
+ %1:無法鎖定
+ %1: unable to unlock
+ %1:無法解鎖
+ %1: key is empty
+ %1:鍵值是空的
+ %1: bad name
+ %1:無效名稱
+ %1: UNIX key file doesn't exist
+ %1:UNIX 金鑰檔案不存在
+ %1: ftok failed
+ %1:ftok 失敗
+ %1: unable to make key
+ %1:無法產生鍵值
+ %1: system-imposed size restrictions
+ %1:系統強制大小限制
+ %1: not attached
+ %1:未附加
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1:存取被拒
+ %1: already exists
+ %1:已存在
+ %1: doesn't exist
+ %1:不存在
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1:資源不足
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1:未知的錯誤 %2
+ %1: invalid size
+ %1:大小無效
+ %1: key error
+ %1:鍵值錯誤
+ %1: size query failed
+ %1:大小查詢失敗
+ QShortcut
+ Space
+ This and all following "incomprehensible" strings in QShortcut context are key names. Please use the localized names appearing on actual keyboards or whatever is commonly used.
+ 空白鍵
+ Esc
+ Esc
+ Tab
+ Tab
+ Backtab
+ Backtab
+ Backspace
+ Backspace
+ Return
+ Return
+ Enter
+ Enter
+ Ins
+ 插入鍵 (Ins)
+ Del
+ 刪除鍵 (Del)
+ Pause
+ 暫停鍵 (Pause)
+ Print
+ Print
+ SysReq
+ SysReq
+ Home
+ Home
+ End
+ End
+ Left
+ 左鍵
+ Up
+ 上鍵
+ Right
+ 右鍵
+ Down
+ 下鍵
+ PgUp
+ PgUp
+ PgDown
+ PgDown
+ CapsLock
+ 大寫鎖定
+ NumLock
+ 數字鎖定
+ ScrollLock
+ 捲動鎖定
+ Menu
+ 選單
+ Help
+ 說明
+ Back
+ 返回
+ Forward
+ 往前
+ Stop
+ 停止
+ Refresh
+ 重新整理
+ Volume Down
+ 音量降低
+ Volume Mute
+ 靜音
+ Volume Up
+ 音量加大
+ Bass Boost
+ 重低音
+ Bass Up
+ Bass Up
+ Bass Down
+ Bass Down
+ Treble Up
+ Treble Up
+ Treble Down
+ Treble Down
+ Media Play
+ 播放媒體
+ Media Stop
+ 停止媒體
+ Media Previous
+ 上一個媒體
+ Media Next
+ 下一個媒體
+ Media Record
+ 錄製媒體
+ Media Pause
+ Media player pause button
+ 暫停媒體
+ Toggle Media Play/Pause
+ Media player button to toggle between playing and paused
+ 切換播放/暫停媒體
+ Home Page
+ 首頁
+ Favorites
+ 最愛
+ Search
+ 搜尋
+ Standby
+ 待命
+ Open URL
+ 開啟網址
+ Launch Mail
+ 啟動郵件程式
+ Launch Media
+ 啟動媒體程式
+ Launch (0)
+ 啟動 (0)
+ Launch (1)
+ 啟動 (1)
+ Launch (2)
+ 啟動 (2)
+ Launch (3)
+ 啟動 (3)
+ Launch (4)
+ 啟動 (4)
+ Launch (5)
+ 啟動 (5)
+ Launch (6)
+ 啟動 (6)
+ Launch (7)
+ 啟動 (7)
+ Launch (8)
+ 啟動 (8)
+ Launch (9)
+ 啟動 (9)
+ Launch (A)
+ 啟動 (A)
+ Launch (B)
+ 啟動 (B)
+ Launch (C)
+ 啟動 (C)
+ Launch (D)
+ 啟動 (D)
+ Launch (E)
+ 啟動 (E)
+ Launch (F)
+ 啟動 (F)
+ Monitor Brightness Up
+ 提高顯示器亮度
+ Monitor Brightness Down
+ 降低顯示器亮度
+ Keyboard Light On/Off
+ 開啟/關閉鍵盤燈光
+ Keyboard Brightness Up
+ 提高鍵盤亮度
+ Keyboard Brightness Down
+ 降低鍵盤亮度
+ Power Off
+ 電源關閉
+ Wake Up
+ 喚醒
+ Eject
+ 退出
+ Screensaver
+ 螢幕保護程式
+ 網際網路
+ Sleep
+ 睡眠
+ LightBulb
+ 燈泡
+ Shop
+ 商店
+ History
+ 歷史紀錄
+ Add Favorite
+ 加到最愛
+ Hot Links
+ 熱門連結
+ Adjust Brightness
+ 調整亮度
+ Finance
+ 股市
+ Community
+ 社群
+ Media Rewind
+ 倒帶媒體
+ Back Forward
+ 向後向前
+ Application Left
+ 應用程式向左
+ Application Right
+ 應用程式向右
+ Book
+ 書籍
+ CD
+ CD 光碟
+ Calculator
+ 計算機
+ Clear
+ 清除
+ Clear Grab
+ 清除痕跡
+ Close
+ 關閉
+ Copy
+ 複製
+ Cut
+ 剪下
+ Display
+ 顯示器
+ Documents
+ 文件
+ Spreadsheet
+ 試算表
+ Browser
+ 瀏覽器
+ Game
+ 遊戲
+ Go
+ 前往
+ iTouch
+ iTouch
+ Logoff
+ 登出
+ Market
+ 市集
+ Meeting
+ 通訊
+ Keyboard Menu
+ 鍵盤目錄
+ Menu PB
+ 選單 PB
+ My Sites
+ 我的網站
+ News
+ 新聞
+ Home Office
+ 家庭辦公
+ Option
+ 選項
+ Paste
+ 貼上
+ Phone
+ 手機
+ Reply
+ 回覆
+ Reload
+ 重新載入
+ Rotate Windows
+ 旋轉視窗
+ Rotation PB
+ 旋轉 PB
+ Rotation KB
+ 旋轉 KB
+ Save
+ 儲存
+ Send
+ 傳送
+ Spellchecker
+ 拼寫檢查
+ Split Screen
+ 切割螢幕
+ Support
+ 支援
+ Task Panel
+ 工作面板
+ Terminal
+ 終端器
+ Tools
+ 工具
+ Travel
+ 旅行
+ Video
+ 影片
+ Word Processor
+ 文字處理器
+ XFer
+ XFer
+ Zoom In
+ 放大
+ Zoom Out
+ 縮小
+ Away
+ 拉遠
+ Messenger
+ 通訊軟體
+ WebCam
+ 網路攝影機
+ Mail Forward
+ 信件轉發
+ Pictures
+ 圖片
+ Music
+ 音樂
+ Battery
+ 電池
+ Bluetooth
+ 藍牙
+ Wireless
+ 無線網路
+ Ultra Wide Band
+ 超寬頻帶
+ Media Fast Forward
+ 快轉媒體
+ Audio Repeat
+ 重復播放音訊
+ Audio Random Play
+ 隨機播放音訊
+ Subtitle
+ 字幕
+ Audio Cycle Track
+ 音訊循環音軌
+ Time
+ 時間
+ Hibernate
+ 休眠
+ View
+ 檢視
+ Top Menu
+ 頂層選單
+ Power Down
+ 斷電
+ Suspend
+ 暫停
+ Microphone Mute
+ 靜音麥克風
+ Red
+ 紅色
+ Green
+ 綠色
+ Yellow
+ 黃色
+ Blue
+ 藍色
+ Channel Up
+ 上一頻道
+ Channel Down
+ 下一頻道
+ Guide
+ 指引
+ Info
+ 資訊
+ Settings
+ 設定
+ Microphone Volume Up
+ 增加麥克風音量
+ Microphone Volume Down
+ 降低麥克風音量
+ New
+ 建立
+ Open
+ 開啟
+ Find
+ 尋找
+ Undo
+ 復原
+ Redo
+ 重做
+ Print Screen
+ 擷取螢幕 PrtSc
+ Page Up
+ 往上一頁
+ Page Down
+ 往下一頁
+ Caps Lock
+ 大寫鎖定
+ Num Lock
+ 數字鎖定
+ Number Lock
+ 數字鎖定
+ Scroll Lock
+ 捲動鎖定
+ Insert
+ 插入
+ Delete
+ 刪除
+ Escape
+ Esc 鍵
+ System Request
+ 系統要求 SysRq
+ Select
+ 選擇
+ Yes
+ 是
+ No
+ 否
+ Context1
+ 內文 1
+ Context2
+ 內文 2
+ Context3
+ 內文 3
+ Context4
+ 內文 4
+ Call
+ Button to start a call (note: a separate button is used to end the call)
+ 撥號
+ Hangup
+ Button to end a call (note: a separate button is used to start the call)
+ 掛斷
+ Toggle Call/Hangup
+ Button that will hang up if we're in call, or make a call if we're not.
+ 切換撥號/掛斷狀態
+ Flip
+ 反轉
+ Voice Dial
+ Button to trigger voice dialing
+ 語音撥號
+ Last Number Redial
+ Button to redial the last number called
+ 重撥上次撥打號碼
+ Camera Shutter
+ Button to trigger the camera shutter (take a picture)
+ 相機快門
+ Camera Focus
+ Button to focus the camera
+ 相機對焦
+ Kanji
+ Muhenkan
+ Henkan
+ Romaji
+ Hiragana
+ Katakana
+ Hiragana Katakana
+ Zenkaku
+ Hankaku
+ Zenkaku Hankaku
+ Touroku
+ Massyo
+ Kana Lock
+ Kana Shift
+ Eisu Shift
+ Eisu toggle
+ Code input
+ 輸入代碼
+ Multiple Candidate
+ 多個候選
+ Previous Candidate
+ 上個候選
+ Hangul
+ Hangul Start
+ Hangul End
+ Hangul Hanja
+ Hangul Jamo
+ Hangul Romaja
+ Hangul Jeonja
+ Hangul Banja
+ Hangul PreHanja
+ Hangul PostHanja
+ Hangul Special
+ Cancel
+ 取消
+ Printer
+ 印表機
+ Execute
+ 執行
+ Play
+ 播放
+ Zoom
+ 縮放
+ Exit
+ 離開
+ Touchpad Toggle
+ 切換觸控板
+ Touchpad On
+ 打開觸控板
+ Touchpad Off
+ 關閉觸控板
+ Ctrl
+ Ctrl
+ Shift
+ Shift
+ Alt
+ Alt
+ Meta
+ Meta
+ Num
+ 數字鍵
+ +
+ +
+ F%1
+ F%1
+ QSocks5SocketEngine
+ Connection to proxy refused
+ 代理伺服器連線被拒
+ Connection to proxy closed prematurely
+ 代理伺服器連線不正常關閉
+ Proxy host not found
+ 找不到代理伺服器
+ Connection to proxy timed out
+ 代理伺服器連線逾時
+ Proxy authentication failed
+ 代理伺服器驗證失敗
+ Proxy authentication failed: %1
+ 代理伺服器驗證失敗:%1
+ SOCKS version 5 protocol error
+ SOCKS 第五版協定錯誤
+ General SOCKSv5 server failure
+ 一般的 SOCKSv5 伺服器錯誤
+ Connection not allowed by SOCKSv5 server
+ SOCKSv5 伺服器不允許連線
+ TTL expired
+ TTL 逾時
+ SOCKSv5 command not supported
+ 不支援 SOCKSv5 指令
+ Address type not supported
+ 不支援位址型態
+ Unknown SOCKSv5 proxy error code 0x%1
+ 未知的 SOCKSv5 代理伺服器錯誤代碼 0x%1
+ Network operation timed out
+ 網路操作逾時
+ QSpiAccessibleBridge
+ invalid role
+ Role of an accessible object - the object is in an invalid state or could not be constructed
+ 角色無效
+ title bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 標題欄
+ menu bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 目錄欄
+ scroll bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 捲軸
+ grip
+ Role of an accessible object - the grip is usually used for resizing another object
+ sound
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 音效
+ cursor
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 游標
+ text caret
+ Role of an accessible object
+ alert message
+ Role of an accessible object
+ frame
+ Role of an accessible object: a window with frame and title
+Role of an accessible object
+ filler
+ Role of an accessible object
+ popup menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ menu item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tool tip
+ Role of an accessible object
+ application
+ Role of an accessible object
+ document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ panel
+ Role of an accessible object
+ chart
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dialog
+ Role of an accessible object
+ separator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tool bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ status bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ table
+ Role of an accessible object
+ column header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ row header
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ column
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ row
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ cell
+ Role of an accessible object - part of a table
+ link
+ Role of an accessible object
+ help balloon
+ Role of an accessible object
+ assistant
+ Role of an accessible object - a helper dialog
+ list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ list item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tree
+ Role of an accessible object
+ tree item
+ Role of an accessible object
+ page tab
+ Role of an accessible object
+ property page
+ Role of an accessible object
+ indicator
+ Role of an accessible object
+ graphic
+ Role of an accessible object
+ label
+ Role of an accessible object
+ text
+ Role of an accessible object
+ push button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ check box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ radio button
+ Role of an accessible object
+ combo box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ progress bar
+ Role of an accessible object
+ dial
+ Role of an accessible object
+ hotkey field
+ Role of an accessible object
+ slider
+ Role of an accessible object
+ spin box
+ Role of an accessible object
+ canvas
+ Role of an accessible object
+ animation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ equation
+ Role of an accessible object
+ button with drop down
+ Role of an accessible object
+ button menu
+ Role of an accessible object
+ button with drop down grid
+ Role of an accessible object - a button that expands a grid.
+ space
+ Role of an accessible object - blank space between other objects.
+ page tab list
+ Role of an accessible object
+ clock
+ Role of an accessible object
+ splitter
+ Role of an accessible object
+ layered pane
+ Role of an accessible object
+ web document
+ Role of an accessible object
+ paragraph
+ Role of an accessible object
+ section
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 區段
+ color chooser
+ Role of an accessible object
+ footer
+ Role of an accessible object
+ form
+ Role of an accessible object
+ heading
+ Role of an accessible object
+ note
+ Role of an accessible object
+ complementary content
+ Role of an accessible object
+ unknown
+ Role of an accessible object
+ 未知
+ QSslDiffieHellmanParameter
+ No error
+ 沒有錯誤
+ Invalid input data
+ 無效輸入資料
+ The given Diffie-Hellman parameters are deemed unsafe
+ 提供的 Diffie-Hellman 參數被認為是不安全的
+ QSslSocket
+ Error when setting the OpenSSL configuration (%1)
+ 設定 OpenSSL 設定時發生錯誤 (%1)
+ Expecting QByteArray for %1
+ 期望 %1 的 QByteArray
+ An error occurred attempting to set %1 to %2
+ 嘗試將 %1 設定為 %2 時發生錯誤
+ Wrong value for %1 (%2)
+ %1 的值錯誤 (%2)
+ Unrecognized command %1 = %2
+ 無法識別的指令 %1 = %2
+ SSL_CONF_finish() failed
+ SSL_CONF_finish() 失敗
+ SSL_CONF_CTX_new() failed
+ SSL_CONF_CTX_new() 失敗
+ OpenSSL version too old, need at least v1.0.2
+ OpenSSL 版本過舊,需要至少 v1.0.2 版本
+ Error when setting the elliptic curves (%1)
+ 設定橢圓曲線時發生錯誤 (%1)
+ Error creating SSL context (%1)
+ 建立 SSL 內文時發生錯誤(%1)
+ unsupported protocol
+ 不支援的通訊協定
+ Error while setting the minimal protocol version
+ 設定最小協定版本時發生錯誤
+ Error while setting the maximum protocol version
+ 設定最大協定版本時發生錯誤
+ Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)
+ 無效或空白的加密清單(%1)
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1
+ 無法提供沒有金鑰的憑證,%1
+ Error loading local certificate, %1
+ 載入本機憑證時發生錯誤,%1
+ Error loading private key, %1
+ 載入私鑰時發生錯誤,%1
+ Private key does not certify public key, %1
+ 私鑰不能證明公鑰,%1
+ Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid
+ Diffie-Hellman 參數無效
+ OpenSSL version with disabled elliptic curves
+ 停用橢圓曲線的 OpenSSL 版本
+ DTLS server requires a 'VerifyNone' mode with your version of OpenSSL
+ DTLS 伺服器需要您 OpenSSL 版本的「VerifyNone」模式
+ No error
+ 沒有錯誤
+ The issuer certificate could not be found
+ 找不到發行者憑證
+ The certificate signature could not be decrypted
+ 不能解密憑證簽名
+ The public key in the certificate could not be read
+ 不能讀取憑證中的公鑰
+ The signature of the certificate is invalid
+ 憑證簽名無效
+ The certificate is not yet valid
+ 憑證無效
+ The certificate has expired
+ 憑證過期
+ The certificate's notBefore field contains an invalid time
+ 憑證的 notBefore 欄位包含無效時間
+ The certificate's notAfter field contains an invalid time
+ 憑證的 notAfter 欄位包含無效時間
+ The certificate is self-signed, and untrusted
+ 憑證是自己簽發且不受信任的
+ The root certificate of the certificate chain is self-signed, and untrusted
+ 該憑證鏈的根憑證為自己簽署且不受信任的
+ The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
+ 找不到本機找到憑證的發行者憑證
+ No certificates could be verified
+ 沒有能驗證的憑證
+ One of the CA certificates is invalid
+ 其中一個 CA 憑證無效
+ The basicConstraints path length parameter has been exceeded
+ basicConstraints 位置長度參數超出範圍
+ The supplied certificate is unsuitable for this purpose
+ 提供的憑證不適合此目標
+ The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose
+ 此目標不信任此根 CA 憑證
+ The root CA certificate is marked to reject the specified purpose
+ 此根 CA 憑證被標記為拒絕指定目標
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its subject name did not match the issuer name of the current certificate
+ 目前的候選發行者憑證已被拒絕,因為其主旨名稱與目前憑證的發行者名稱不相符
+ The current candidate issuer certificate was rejected because its issuer name and serial number was present and did not match the authority key identifier of the current certificate
+ 目前的候選發行者憑證已被拒絕,因為該憑證提供的發行者名稱和序號與目前憑證的權限金鑰識別符不相符
+ The peer did not present any certificate
+ 端點沒提供任何憑證
+ The host name did not match any of the valid hosts for this certificate
+ 此主機與此憑證的任一有效主機都不相符
+ The peer certificate is blacklisted
+ 該端點的憑證已被加入黑名單
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ TLS initialization failed
+ TLS 初始化失敗
+ The TLS/SSL connection has been closed
+ TLS/SSL 連線已被關閉
+ Error creating SSL session, %1
+ 建立 SSL 階段時發生錯誤,%1
+ Error creating SSL session: %1
+ 建立 SSL 階段時發生錯誤:%1
+ Unable to init SSL Context: %1
+ 無法初始化 SSL 內文:%1
+ Unable to write data: %1
+ 無法寫入資料:%1
+ Unable to decrypt data: %1
+ 無法解密資料:%1
+ Error while reading: %1
+ 讀取時發生錯誤:%1
+ Error during SSL handshake: %1
+ SSL 交握時發生錯誤:%1
+ No OCSP status response found
+ 找不到 OCSP 狀態回應
+ The OCSP status request had invalid syntax
+ OCSP 狀態請求包含無效語法
+ OCSP response contains an unexpected number of SingleResponse structures
+ OCSP 回應包含不應有的 SingleResponse 建構體數字
+ OCSP responder reached an inconsistent internal state
+ OCSP 回應器的內部狀態不一致
+ OCSP responder was unable to return a status for the requested certificate
+ OCSP 回應器無法回傳請求憑證的狀態
+ The server requires the client to sign the OCSP request in order to construct a response
+ 伺服器需要客戶端簽名 OCSP 請求才能建構回應
+ The client is not authorized to request OCSP status from this server
+ 未授權客戶端自此伺服器請求 OCSP 狀態
+ OCSP responder's identity cannot be verified
+ 無法驗證 OCSP 回應者的身份
+ The identity of a certificate in an OCSP response cannot be established
+ 無法認定 OCSP 回應中的憑證身份
+ The certificate status response has expired
+ 憑證的狀態回應已過期
+ The certificate's status is unknown
+ 憑證狀態未知
+ Attempted to use an unsupported protocol.
+ 嘗試使用不支援的通訊協定。
+ Server-side QSslSocket does not support OCSP stapling
+ 伺服器端的 QSslSocket 不支援 OCSP 裝訂 (stapling)
+ Failed to enable OCSP stapling
+ 無法啟用 OCSP 裝訂 (stapling)
+ Client-side sockets do not send OCSP responses
+ 客戶端的 socket 未傳送 OCSP 回應
+ Failed to decode OCSP response
+ 無法解碼 OCSP 回應
+ Failed to extract basic OCSP response
+ 無法解開基本 OCSP 回應
+ No certificate verification store, cannot verify OCSP response
+ 沒有儲存的憑證驗證,因此無法驗證 OCSP 回應
+ Failed to decode a SingleResponse from OCSP status response
+ 無法解碼來自 OCSP 回應請求的 SingleResponse
+ Failed to extract 'this update time' from the SingleResponse
+ 無法從 SingleResponse 解開「此更新時間 (this update time)」
+ Insufficient memory
+ 記憶體不足
+ Internal error
+ 內部錯誤
+ An internal handle was invalid
+ 內部處理函式無效
+ An internal token was invalid
+ 內部憑證無效
+ Access denied
+ 存取被拒
+ No authority could be contacted for authorization
+ 沒有可讓授權程序通訊的授權單位
+ No credentials
+ 找不到憑據
+ The target is unknown or unreachable
+ 目標位置未知或無法連線
+ An unsupported function was requested
+ 被請求不支援的函式
+ The hostname provided does not match the one received from the peer
+ 提供的主機名稱與對端收到的主機名稱不相符
+ No common protocol exists between the client and the server
+ 客戶端與伺服器沒有共同可用的通訊協定
+ Unexpected or badly-formatted message received
+ 接收到非期望或格式無效的訊息
+ The data could not be encrypted
+ 資料不能被加密
+ No cipher suites in common
+ 沒有共同的加密套件
+ The credentials were not recognized / Invalid argument
+ 未辨識出憑證或是參數無效
+ The message was tampered with, damaged or out of sequence.
+ 訊息可能遭竄改、損壞或者超出資料序列。
+ A message was received out of sequence.
+ 接收到的訊息超出資料序列。
+ Unknown error occurred: %1
+ 發生未知錯誤:%1
+ Invalid protocol chosen
+ 選擇了無效的通訊協定
+ The certificate provided cannot be used for a client.
+ 提供的憑證不能用於客戶端。
+ The certificate provided cannot be used for a server.
+ 提供的憑證不能用於伺服端。
+ Server did not accept any certificate we could present.
+ 伺服器不接受我們所能提供的憑證。
+ Algorithm mismatch
+ 算法不相符
+ Handshake failed: %1
+ 交握失敗:%1
+ Failed to query the TLS context: %1
+ 無法查詢 TLS 上下文:%1
+ Did not get the required attributes for the connection.
+ 未取得此連線所需的屬性。
+ Unwanted protocol was negotiated
+ 交涉了非期望的通訊協定
+ Renegotiation was unsuccessful: %1
+ 重新交涉失敗:%1
+ Schannel failed to encrypt data: %1
+ Schannel 加密資料失敗:%1
+ Cannot provide a certificate with no key
+ 無法提供沒有金鑰的憑證
+ OCSP reponder's identity cannot be verified
+ 無法驗證 OCSP 回應器的身份
+ The certificate provided can not be used for a %1.
+ 提供的憑證不能對 %1 使用。
+ client
+ 客戶端
+ server
+ 伺服器
+ QStandardPaths
+ Desktop
+ 桌面
+ Documents
+ 文件
+ Fonts
+ 字型
+ Applications
+ 應用程式
+ Music
+ 音樂
+ Movies
+ 影片
+ Pictures
+ 圖片
+ Temporary Directory
+ 暫存目錄
+ Home
+ 家目錄
+ Cache
+ 快取
+ Shared Data
+ 共享資料
+ Runtime
+ 執行庫
+ Configuration
+ 設定
+ Shared Configuration
+ 共享設定
+ Shared Cache
+ 共享快取
+ Download
+ 下載
+ Application Data
+ 應用程式資料
+ Application Configuration
+ 應用程式設定
+ QStateMachine
+ Missing initial state in compound state '%1'
+ 複合狀態「%1」缺少初始狀態
+ Missing default state in history state '%1'
+ 歷史狀態「%1」缺少預設狀態
+ No common ancestor for targets and source of transition from state '%1'
+ 來自「%1」的過渡狀態的來源和目標沒有共同上階項目
+ Unknown error
+ 未知錯誤
+ QSystemSemaphore
+ %1: permission denied
+ %1:存取被拒
+ %1: already exists
+ %1:已存在
+ %1: does not exist
+ %1:不存在
+ %1: out of resources
+ %1:資源不足
+ %1: unknown error %2
+ %1:未知的錯誤 %2
+ QTDSDriver
+ Unable to open connection
+ 無法開啟連線
+ Unable to use database
+ 無法使用資料庫
+ QTabBar
+ Scroll Left
+ 往左捲動
+ Scroll Right
+ 往右捲動
+ QTcpServer
+ Operation on socket is not supported
+ 不支援 Socket 的操作
+ QTgaFile
+ Could not read image data
+ 無法讀取影像資料
+ Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supported
+ 不支援用於影像讀取的順序裝置(例如 socket)
+ Seek file/device for image read failed
+ 尋找用於讀取影像的檔案或裝置失敗
+ Image header read failed
+ 影像標頭讀取失敗
+ Image type not supported
+ 不支援的影像類型
+ Image depth not valid
+ 無效的影像深度
+ Image size exceeds limit
+ 影像大小超出限制
+ Could not seek to image read footer
+ 無法尋至影像讀取註腳
+ Could not read footer
+ 無法讀取註腳
+ Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supported
+ 不支援的影像類型(非 TrueVision 2.0)
+ Could not reset to read data
+ 無法重設到讀取資料
+ QUdpSocket
+ Unable to send a datagram
+ 無法傳送資料塊
+ No datagram available for reading
+ 沒有能用於讀取的資料塊
+ QUndoGroup
+ Undo %1
+ 復原 %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ 復原
+ Redo %1
+ 重做 %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ 重做
+ QUndoModel
+ <empty>
+ <空白>
+ QUndoStack
+ Undo %1
+ 復原 %1
+ Undo
+ Default text for undo action
+ 復原
+ Redo %1
+ 重做 %1
+ Redo
+ Default text for redo action
+ 重做
+ QUnicodeControlCharacterMenu
+ LRM Left-to-right mark
+ LRM 左到右標記
+ RLM Right-to-left mark
+ RLM 右到左標記
+ ZWJ Zero width joiner
+ ZWJ 零寬度連接器
+ ZWNJ Zero width non-joiner
+ ZWNJ 零寬度非連接器
+ ZWSP Zero width space
+ ZWSP 零寬度空白
+ LRE Start of left-to-right embedding
+ LRE 左到右嵌入起點
+ RLE Start of right-to-left embedding
+ RLE 右到左嵌入起點
+ LRO Start of left-to-right override
+ LRO 左到右覆寫起點
+ RLO Start of right-to-left override
+ RLO 右到左覆寫起點
+ PDF Pop directional formatting
+ PDF 彈出方向格式
+ LRI Left-to-right isolate
+ LRI 左至右分隔
+ RLI Right-to-left isolate
+ RLI 右至左分隔
+ FSI First strong isolate
+ 為 Unicode 專有名詞,因找不到適合翻譯因此留空,等待有較適合用詞後再填入。
+ PDI Pop directional isolate
+ 為 Unicode 專有名詞,因找不到適合翻譯因此留空,等待有較適合用詞後再填入。
+ Insert Unicode control character
+ 插入 Unicode 控制字元
+ QWhatsThisAction
+ What's This?
+ 這是什麼?
+ QWidget
+ *
+ *
+ QWidgetTextControl
+ &Undo
+ 復原(&U)
+ &Redo
+ 重做(&R)
+ Cu&t
+ 剪下(&T)
+ &Copy
+ 複製(&C)
+ Copy &Link Location
+ 複製連結位址(&L)
+ &Paste
+ 貼上(&P)
+ Delete
+ 刪除
+ Select All
+ 全部選擇
+ QWindowsDirect2DIntegration
+ Qt cannot load the direct2d platform plugin because the Direct2D version on this system is too old. The minimum system requirement for this platform plugin is Windows 7 SP1 with Platform Update.
+The minimum Direct2D version required is %1. The Direct2D version on this system is %2.
+ Qt 無法載入 direct2d 平台外掛程式,因為系統 Direct2D 版本過舊。此平台外掛程式的最低系統需求至少要包含平台更新的 Windows 7 SP1。
+最低 Direct2D 版本需求為 %1,但系統上的 Direct2D 版本為 %2。
+ Cannot load direct2d platform plugin
+ 無法載入 Direct2D 平台外掛程式
+ QWizard
+ Go Back
+ 往回
+ < &Back
+ <返回(&B)
+ Continue
+ 繼續
+ &Next
+ 下一個(&N)
+ &Next >
+ 下一個(&N) >
+ Commit
+ 提交
+ Done
+ 完成
+ &Finish
+ 完成(&F)
+ Cancel
+ 取消
+ Help
+ 說明
+ &Help
+ 說明(&H)
+ QXml
+ no error occurred
+ 沒有發生錯誤
+ error triggered by consumer
+ 客戶觸發的錯誤
+ unexpected end of file
+ 遇到非預期的檔案結尾
+ more than one document type definition
+ 定義了一個以上的文件型態
+ error occurred while parsing element
+ 解析元素時發生錯誤
+ tag mismatch
+ 標籤不相等
+ error occurred while parsing content
+ 解析內容時發生錯誤
+ unexpected character
+ 非預期字元
+ invalid name for processing instruction
+ 處理指令時遇到無效名稱
+ version expected while reading the XML declaration
+ 讀取 XML 宣告時應該要有版本號
+ wrong value for standalone declaration
+ 獨立宣告時的值錯誤
+ encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ 讀取 XML 宣告時應有編碼方式宣告或獨立宣告
+ standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration
+ 讀取 XML 宣告時應有獨立宣告
+ error occurred while parsing document type definition
+ 解析文件型態定義時發生錯誤
+ letter is expected
+ 預期字母
+ error occurred while parsing comment
+ 解析註解時發生錯誤
+ error occurred while parsing reference
+ 解析參考時發生錯誤
+ internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ 在 DTD 中不允許內部產生的一般實體參考
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in attribute value
+ 在屬性值中不允許使用外部解析的一般實體參考
+ external parsed general entity reference not allowed in DTD
+ 在 DTD 中不允許使用外部解析的一般實體參考
+ unparsed entity reference in wrong context
+ 在錯誤的內文中有未解析的實體參考
+ recursive entities
+ 遞迴實體
+ error in the text declaration of an external entity
+ 在外部實體中的文字宣告有錯誤
+ QXmlStream
+ Extra content at end of document.
+ 文件尾端有多餘的內容。
+ Invalid entity value.
+ 無效的實體值。
+ Invalid XML character.
+ 無效的 XML 字元。
+ Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.
+ 在內文中不允許有序列「]]>」。
+ Encountered incorrectly encoded content.
+ 遇到不正確的編碼內容。
+ Namespace prefix '%1' not declared
+ 未宣告命名空間的前置字串「%1」
+ Illegal namespace declaration.
+ 無效的命名空間宣告。
+ Attribute '%1' redefined.
+ 屬性「%1」重複定義。
+ Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.
+ 在公開代碼字元中遇到非預期的字元「%1」。
+ Invalid XML version string.
+ 無效的 XML 版本字串。
+ Unsupported XML version.
+ 不支援的 XML 版本。
+ The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.
+ 獨立的虛擬屬性必須在編碼方式之後出現。
+ %1 is an invalid encoding name.
+ %1 為無效的編碼名稱。
+ Encoding %1 is unsupported
+ 不支援編碼 %1
+ Standalone accepts only yes or no.
+ 獨立實體只接受 yes 或 no。
+ Invalid attribute in XML declaration.
+ XML 宣告中有無效的屬性。
+ Premature end of document.
+ 文件結尾過早結束。
+ Invalid document.
+ 文件無效。
+ '%1'
+ expected
+ '<first option>'
+ 「%1」
+ %1 or '%2'
+ expected
+ <first option>, '<second option>'
+ %1 或「%2」
+ %1, '%2'
+ expected
+ <options so far>, '<next option>'
+ %1、「%2」
+ %1, or '%2'
+ expected
+ <options so far>, or '<final option>'
+ %1、或「%2」
+ Expected %1, but got '%2'.
+ 應為 %1 但得到「%2」。
+ Unexpected '%1'.
+ 非預期的「%1」。
+ Expected character data.
+ 預期的字元資料。
+ Recursive entity detected.
+ 偵測到遞迴實體。
+ Start tag expected.
+ 預期應有開始標籤。
+ NDATA in parameter entity declaration.
+ 參數實體宣告有 NDATA。
+ XML declaration not at start of document.
+ XML 宣告沒有在文件開始處。
+ %1 is an invalid processing instruction name.
+ %1 是無效的處理指令名稱。
+ Invalid processing instruction name.
+ 無效的處理指令名稱。
+ %1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier.
+ %1 為無效的 PUBLIC 識別子。
+ Invalid XML name.
+ 無效的 XML 名稱。
+ Opening and ending tag mismatch.
+ 開啟與結束的標籤不對稱。
+ Entity '%1' not declared.
+ 實體「%1」未宣告。
+ Reference to unparsed entity '%1'.
+ 參考到未解析的實體「%1」。
+ Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value.
+ 在屬性值中參考到外部實體「%1」。
+ Invalid character reference.
+ 無效的字元參考。
+ Print Device Input Slot
+ Automatic
+ 自動
+ Print Device Output Bin
+ Automatic
+ 自動
diff --git a/resources/icons.qrc b/resources/icons.qrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb18d5468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/icons.qrc
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/application-exit.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/back.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/call-start.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/dialog-yes.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-export.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-import.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-new.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-open.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-properties.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-revert.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/down.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-clear.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/format-indent-more.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/format-justify-fill.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/forward.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-down.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-home.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-jump.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-next.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-previous.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-up.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-edit.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/help-about.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/insert-object.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/list-add.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/list-remove.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-attachment.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-inbox.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-mark-important.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-mark-junk.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-mark-read.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-mark-unread.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-message-new.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-send.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-sent.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/process-stop.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/reload.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/system-search.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/system-upgrade.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/tab-new.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/up.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/view-fullscreen.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/view-refresh.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/view-restore.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/actions/64/window-close.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/categories/64/applications-internet.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/categories/64/applications-office.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/categories/64/applications-science.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/emblems/64/emblem-downloads.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/emblems/64/emblem-system.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/index.theme
+ ./graphics/Faenza/mimetypes/64/image-x-generic.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/mimetypes/64/text-html.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/places/64/folder.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/places/64/user-trash.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/status/64/dialog-error.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/status/64/dialog-information.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/status/64/dialog-question.png
+ ./graphics/Faenza/status/64/dialog-warning.png
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/rssguard.qrc b/resources/rssguard.qrc
index 85f4fd45c..74d29adb8 100755
--- a/resources/rssguard.qrc
+++ b/resources/rssguard.qrc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
@@ -18,7 +19,6 @@
- graphics/misc/flags/en_GB.png
@@ -31,1476 +31,7 @@
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/add-files-to-archive.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/add-folder-to-archive.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/add.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/address-book-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/application-exit.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/appointment-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/appointment.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/audio-cd-duplicate.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/audio-cd-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/back.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/bonobo-component-browser.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/bookmark-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/bookmark_add.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/bookmark_list_add.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/bottom.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/browser-download.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/call-start.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/call-stop.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/centrejust.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/contact-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/dialog-apply.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/dialog-no.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/dialog-ok.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/dialog-yes.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-export.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-import.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-open-recent.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-open.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-page-setup.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-print-preview.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-print.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-properties.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-delete.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-edit.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-execute.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-find-and-replace.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-find.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-fullscreen.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-go-back-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-go-back-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-go-down.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-go-forward-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-go-forward-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-go-up.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-goto-bottom.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-goto-first-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-goto-first-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-goto-last-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-goto-last-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/reload.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/reload3.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/reload_all_tabs.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/reload_page.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/remove.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/revert.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/rhythmbox-set-star.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/rightjust.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/rotate.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/search.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/star.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/start.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock-refresh.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_about.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_add-bookmark.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_attach.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_bookmark.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-home.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-indent-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-indent-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-info.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-italic.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-jump-to-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-jump-to-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-justify-center.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-justify-fill.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-justify-left.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-justify-right.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-leave-fullscreen.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-next-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-next-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-pause.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-play-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-previous-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-previous-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-record.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-media-stop.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-no.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-ok.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-open.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-paste.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-print-preview.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-print.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-properties.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-quit.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-redo-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-refresh.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/cab_extract.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-revert.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/editcut.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/format-indent-less.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-down.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-cut.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-goto-top.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-remove.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-zoom-fit.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/lxde-logout.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-send-receive.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-playback-start.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/redo.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_bottom.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_leave-fullscreen.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_new-appointment.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_search.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_undo.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/view-list-compact-symbolic.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-first.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-home.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-jump.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-last.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-next.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-previous.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-top.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/go-up.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gohome.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-about.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-add.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-apply.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-bold.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-cancel.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-clear.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-close.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-copy.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-save-as.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-save.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/document-send.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/down.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-add.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-clear.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-copy.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-cut.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-delete.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-find-replace.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-find.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-paste.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-redo.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-select-all.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/edit-undo.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/editclear.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/editcopy.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_calc-accept.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_close.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_copy.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_cut.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_delete.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_down.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_file-properties.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_first.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_folder-copy.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_folder-move.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_folder-properties.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_fullscreen.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_help-add-bookmark.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_home.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_inbox.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/stock_last.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-send.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-sent.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail-unread.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail_forward.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail_new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail_reply.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail_replyall.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/mail_send.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-eject.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-import-audio-cd.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-optical-audio-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-optical-burn.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-optical-copy.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-optical-data-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-optical-video-new.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/media-playback-pause.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-revert-to-saved-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-revert-to-saved-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-save-as.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-save.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-select-all.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-sort-ascending.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-sort-descending.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-spell-check.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-stop.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-strikethrough.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-underline.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-undo-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-unindent-ltr.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-unindent-rtl.png
- graphics/Faenza/actions/64/gtk-yes.png
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- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gnome-netstatus-rx.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gnome-netstatus-tx.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-040.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-060-plugged.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-060.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-080-plugged.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-080.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-100-plugged.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-100.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-empty.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-battery-low.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-000-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-000.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-020-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-020.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-040-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-040.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-060-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-060.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-080-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-080.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-100-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-100.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-charged.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-battery-empty.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-ups-000-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-gpm-ups-000.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gnome-stock-trash-full.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-ac-adapter.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-000-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-000.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-020-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-020.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-040-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-040.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-060-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-060.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-080-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-080.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-100-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-100.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-battery-charged.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-primary-000-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/gpm-primary-000.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/skype_invisible.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/skype_na.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/skype_offline.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/skype_online.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/skype_skypeme.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_appointment-reminder.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_dialog-error.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_dialog-info.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_dialog-question.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_dialog-warning.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_trash_full.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_volume-0.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/stock_volume-max.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-disconnected.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-ethernet-connected.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-ethernet-disconnected.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-wireless-disconnected.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-wireless-full.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-wireless-high.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-wireless-low.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-wireless-medium.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/notification-network-wireless-none.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/printer-error.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/printer-printing.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/skype_away.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfce4-mixer-volume-medium.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfce4-mixer-volume-muted.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfce4-mixer-volume-ultra-low.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfce4-mixer-volume-very-high.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfce4-notifyd.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfce4-weather.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfm-battery-000.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-ac-adapter.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-000-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-020-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-020.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-040-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-040.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-060-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-080-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-080.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-100-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-100.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-battery-charged.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-000-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-000.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-020-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-020.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-040-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-040.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-060-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-060.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-080-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-080.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-100-charging.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-100.png
- graphics/Faenza/status/64/xfpm-primary-charged.png
- graphics/Faenza/stock/64/avatar-default.png
- graphics/Faenza/stock/64/stock_new-meeting.png
- graphics/Faenza/stock/64/stock_people.png
- graphics/Faenza/stock/64/stock_person-panel.png
- graphics/Faenza/stock/64/stock_person.png
- graphics/Faenza/index.theme
@@ -1508,6 +39,7 @@
@@ -1515,12 +47,16 @@
+ desktop/com.github.rssguard.desktop
+ desktop/com.github.rssguard.desktop.autostart
- ../localization/rssguard_en_GB.qm
@@ -1533,27 +69,18 @@
- desktop/com.github.rssguard.desktop
- desktop/com.github.rssguard.desktop.autostart
- ../localization/qt_bg.qm
- ../localization/qt_ca.qm
- ../localization/qt_cs.qm
- ../localization/qt_da.qm
- ../localization/qt_de.qm
- ../localization/qt_en.qm
- ../localization/qt_es.qm
- ../localization/qt_fi.qm
- ../localization/qt_fr.qm
- ../localization/qt_gd.qm
- ../localization/qt_he.qm
- ../localization/qt_hu.qm
- ../localization/qt_it.qm
- ../localization/qt_ja.qm
- ../localization/qt_ko.qm
- ../localization/qt_lv.qm
- ../localization/qt_pl.qm
- ../localization/qt_ru.qm
- ../localization/qt_sk.qm
- ../localization/qt_uk.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_cs.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_da.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_de.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_es.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_fr.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_it.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_ja.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_lt.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_pl.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_pt.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_sv.qm
+ ../localization/qtbase_zh.qm
diff --git a/resources/scripts/.generate-used-icons.sh b/resources/scripts/.generate-used-icons.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e2a972f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/scripts/.generate-used-icons.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# This script will generate .qrc file from used icons.
+# PWD is used as used src root folder.
+# "resources/graphics/Faenza" is used as folder for icons.
+# Output qrc file has paths relative to "resources" folder.
+echo_formatted_qrc() {
+ printf "\n \n"
+ # Sort icons first.
+ readarray -t sorted < <(for a in "$@"; do echo "$a"; done | sort)
+ for ICON_FILE in "${sorted[@]}"; do
+ # We find icon.
+ echo " $ICON_FILE"
+ done
+ printf " \n"
+discover_used_icons() {
+ local ROOT_SRC_FOLDER="$(pwd)"
+ local RESOURCES_FOLDER="$ROOT_SRC_FOLDER/../resources"
+ local INDEX_FILE="./graphics/Faenza/index.theme"
+ declare -a ICON_FILES
+ #echo "Root src folder: \"$ROOT_SRC_FOLDER\"."
+ # Now we discover all usages of icons.
+ local ICON_NAMES=$(grep -Prioh '(?<=fromTheme\(QSL\(\")[-a-z]+' "$ROOT_SRC_FOLDER" | sort -u)
+ for ICON_NAME in $ICON_NAMES; do
+ # We find icon.
+ local ICON_FILE="$(find . -name "${ICON_NAME}.png")"
+ done
+ echo_formatted_qrc ${ICON_FILES[@]}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/sql.qrc b/resources/sql.qrc
index c41153c35..a782d0d8a 100755
--- a/resources/sql.qrc
+++ b/resources/sql.qrc
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- sql/db_init_mysql.sql
- sql/db_init_sqlite.sql
+ sql/db_init_mysql.sql
@@ -12,6 +11,8 @@
+ sql/db_init_sqlite.sql
diff --git a/rssguard.pro b/rssguard.pro
index aabb64436..51f5e679e 100755
--- a/rssguard.pro
+++ b/rssguard.pro
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# For license of this file, see /LICENSE.md.
# This is RSS Guard compilation script for qmake.
# Usage:
@@ -25,8 +24,6 @@
# value of this variable is tweaked automatically.
# PREFIX - specifies base folder to which files are copied during "make install"
# step, defaults to "$$OUT_PWD/usr" on Linux and to "$$OUT_PWD/app" on Windows.
-# LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE - specifies the name/path of "lrelease" executable, defaults to "lrelease".
# Other information:
# - supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android,
@@ -39,9 +36,8 @@
-TARGET = rssguard
+TARGET = rssguard
message(rssguard: Welcome RSS Guard qmake script.)
@@ -54,7 +50,7 @@ APP_LOW_NAME = "rssguard"
APP_REVERSE_NAME = "com.github.rssguard"
APP_LOW_H_NAME = ".rssguard"
APP_AUTHOR = "Martin Rotter"
-APP_COPYRIGHT = "(C) 2011-2017 $$APP_AUTHOR"
+APP_COPYRIGHT = "(C) 2011-2019 $$APP_AUTHOR"
APP_VERSION = "3.5.7"
APP_EMAIL = "rotter.martinos@gmail.com"
@@ -63,7 +59,7 @@ APP_URL_ISSUES = "https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/issues
APP_URL_ISSUES_NEW = "https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/issues/new"
APP_URL_WIKI = "https://github.com/martinrotter/rssguard/wiki"
APP_USERAGENT = "RSS Guard/$$APP_VERSION (github.com/martinrotter/rssguard)"
-APP_DONATE_URL = "https://martinrotter.github.io/donate/"
+APP_DONATE_URL = "https://martinrotter.github.io/donate"
APP_WIN_ARCH = "win64"
isEmpty(PREFIX) {
@@ -102,27 +98,22 @@ isEmpty(USE_WEBENGINE) {
message(rssguard: Shadow copy build directory \"$$OUT_PWD\".)
- message(rssguard: LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE variable is not set.)
# Custom definitions.
-DEFINES += APP_NAME='"\\\"$$APP_NAME\\\""'
-DEFINES += APP_URL='"\\\"$$APP_URL\\\""'
+DEFINES *= APP_NAME='"\\\"$$APP_NAME\\\""'
+DEFINES *= APP_URL='"\\\"$$APP_URL\\\""'
@@ -140,18 +131,19 @@ equals(USE_WEBENGINE, false) {
APP_REVISION = $$sprintf('%1-%2', $$APP_REVISION, nowebengine)
message(rssguard: RSS Guard version is: \"$$APP_VERSION\".)
message(rssguard: Detected Qt version: \"$$QT_VERSION\".)
message(rssguard: Build destination directory: \"$$DESTDIR\".)
message(rssguard: Prefix directory: \"$$PREFIX\".)
message(rssguard: Build revision: \"$$APP_REVISION\".)
-message(rssguard: lrelease executable name: \"$$LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE\".)
+message(rssguard: lrelease executable name: \"$$LRELEASE\".)
QT *= core gui widgets sql network xml
-CONFIG *= c++11 warn_on
+CONFIG *= c++1z warn_on
+CONFIG -= debug_and_release
@@ -164,9 +156,41 @@ win32 {
message(rssguard: Compilling x86_64 variant.)
+ # Additionally link against Shell32.
+ LIBS *= Shell32.lib
-DISTFILES += resources/scripts/uncrustify/uncrustify.cfg
+gcc|g++|clang* {
+ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -std=c++17
+msvc {
+ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= /std:c++17
+clang* {
+# Setup specific compiler options.
+CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
+ message(rssguard: Building in "release" mode.)
+else {
+ message(rssguard: Building in "debug" mode.)
+DISTFILES += resources/scripts/uncrustify/uncrustify.cfg
@@ -196,7 +220,8 @@ win32 {
CONFIG *= resources_big
RESOURCES += resources/sql.qrc \
- resources/rssguard.qrc
+ resources/rssguard.qrc \
+ resources/icons.qrc
HEADERS += src/core/feeddownloader.h \
src/core/feedsmodel.h \
@@ -575,39 +600,56 @@ else {
-TRANSLATIONS += $$PWD/localization/rssguard_cs.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_da.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_de.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_en_GB.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_en.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_es.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_fr.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_he.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_id.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_it.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_ja.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_lt.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_nl.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_pl.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_pt.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_sv.ts \
- $$PWD/localization/rssguard_zh.ts
$$PWD/src \
$$PWD/src/gui \
$$PWD/src/gui/dialogs \
+TRANSLATIONS_WO_QT += $$PWD/localization/rssguard_cs.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_da.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_de.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_en.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_es.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_fr.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_he.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_id.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_it.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_ja.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_lt.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_nl.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_pl.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_pt.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_sv.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/rssguard_zh.ts
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_cs.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_da.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_de.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_es.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_fr.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_he.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_it.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_ja.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_lt.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_pl.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_pt.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_sv.ts \
+ $$PWD/localization/qtbase_zh.ts
+uic.commands -= -no-stringliteral
# Create new "make lupdate" target.
lupdate.target = lupdate
-lupdate.commands = lupdate $$shell_path($$PWD/rssguard.pro)
+lupdate.commands = lupdate -no-obsolete -pro $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$PWD/rssguard.pro)) -ts $$TRANSLATIONS_WO_QT
# Make sure QM translations are nerated.
qtPrepareTool(LRELEASE, lrelease) {
- system($$LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE -compress $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$PWD/rssguard.pro)))
+ system($$LRELEASE -compress $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$PWD/rssguard.pro)))
# Create new "make 7zip" target and "make zip" target.
@@ -655,20 +697,20 @@ win32 {
win32 {
target.path = $$PREFIX
- qt_dlls_root.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2015/*.*
+ qt_dlls_root.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2017/*.*
qt_dlls_root.path = $$quote($$PREFIX/)
- qt_dlls_plugins.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2015/*
+ qt_dlls_plugins.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2017/*
qt_dlls_plugins.path = $$quote($$PREFIX/)
INSTALLS += target qt_dlls_root qt_dlls_plugins
equals(USE_WEBENGINE, true) {
# Copy extra resource files for QtWebEngine.
- qtwebengine_dlls.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2015-webengine/*
+ qtwebengine_dlls.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2017-webengine/*
qtwebengine_dlls.path = $$quote($$PREFIX/)
- qtwebengine.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2015-webengine/*.*
+ qtwebengine.files = resources/binaries/windows/qt5-msvc2017-webengine/*.*
qtwebengine.path = $$quote($$PREFIX/)
INSTALLS += qtwebengine_dlls qtwebengine
@@ -702,7 +744,7 @@ mac {
CONFIG -= app_bundle
ICON = resources/macosx/$${TARGET}.icns
QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.12
LIBS += -framework AppKit
target.path = $$quote($$PREFIX/Contents/MacOS/)
diff --git a/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.cpp b/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.cpp
index 21403bac9..0d096408b 100755
--- a/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.cpp
+++ b/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.cpp
@@ -39,15 +39,6 @@ QByteArray IconFactory::toByteArray(const QIcon& icon) {
return array.toBase64();
-QPixmap IconFactory::pixmap(const QString& name) {
- if (QIcon::themeName() == APP_NO_THEME) {
- return QPixmap();
- }
- else {
- return QIcon::fromTheme(name).pixmap(64, 64);
- }
QIcon IconFactory::fromTheme(const QString& name) {
return QIcon::fromTheme(name);
diff --git a/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.h b/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.h
index 020ec5cb1..bdb2b323d 100755
--- a/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.h
+++ b/src/miscellaneous/iconfactory.h
@@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ class IconFactory : public QObject {
- // Constructor.
- explicit IconFactory(QObject* parent = 0);
- // Destructor.
+ explicit IconFactory(QObject* parent = nullptr);
virtual ~IconFactory();
// Used to store/retrieve QIcons from/to Base64-encoded
@@ -29,8 +25,6 @@ class IconFactory : public QObject {
static QIcon fromByteArray(QByteArray array);
static QByteArray toByteArray(const QIcon& icon);
- QPixmap pixmap(const QString& name);
// Returns icon from active theme or invalid icon if
// "no icon theme" is set.
QIcon fromTheme(const QString& name);
@@ -50,12 +44,14 @@ class IconFactory : public QObject {
void loadCurrentIconTheme();
// Returns name of currently activated theme for the application.
- inline QString currentIconTheme() const {
- return QIcon::themeName();
- }
+ QString currentIconTheme() const;
// Sets icon theme with given name as the active one and loads it.
void setCurrentIconTheme(const QString& theme_name);
+inline QString IconFactory::currentIconTheme() const {
+ return QIcon::themeName();
diff --git a/src/miscellaneous/localization.cpp b/src/miscellaneous/localization.cpp
index e4c1347fd..137c9e9db 100755
--- a/src/miscellaneous/localization.cpp
+++ b/src/miscellaneous/localization.cpp
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ void Localization::loadActiveLanguage() {
desired_localization = DEFAULT_LOCALE;
- if (qt_translator->load(QLocale(desired_localization), "qt", QSL("_"), APP_LANG_PATH)) {
+ if (qt_translator->load(QLocale(desired_localization), "qtbase", QSL("_"), APP_LANG_PATH)) {
qDebug("Qt localization '%s' loaded successfully.", qPrintable(desired_localization));