310 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

@charset "utf-8";
$qtbg-base: #373A3D !default; // clr_basbg
$qtbg-button: #323437 !default; // clr_altbg // button bg (scrollbar, alt bg)
$qcselbg: #8291AD !default; // clr_selbg
// {{{ Emulate Fusion colour processing (dark only)
// Scrollbar colours
//$qcbgbg: lighten($qtbg-button, 6%); // See toolbar bg
$bgscroll: lighten($qtbg-button, 2%) !default; // track and corner bg
$tr-border: darken($qtbg-button, 4%) !default; // track brdr
// {{{ Scrollbar thumb
// Thumb bg gradient
// Normal
$thscrlin: lighten($qtbg-button, 6%) !default;
$thscrlout: lighten($qtbg-button, 4%) !default;
// Hover
$thscrlhvin: lighten($qtbg-button, 7%) !default;
$thscrlhvout: $thscrlout;
// Light outline
$th-border: lighten($qtbg-button, 15%) !default;
// }}}
// }}}
// {{{ HTML palette (Colours)
$cbg00: $qtbg-base;
// {{{ Irrelevant, because colour switcher (see below) overrides all fg colours (either with JS on or off)
$cfg00: #f5f5f5 !default;
$cfg10: #E2E2E2 !default;
$cfg11: $cfg10;
// }}}
$cbor2: #545556 !default;
$ccodeblock: rgba(33, 35, 39, 0.4) !default;
$ccode: $ccodeblock;
$cbor3: $tr-border;
$cmark: #f8d08c66 !default; // 40% transparency
$clink: $qcselbg;
// }}}
// Other
$radius-unit: .3em !default;
// Dark CSS style has following additions:
// {{{ Border around viewport
// https://csswizardry.com/2010/12/simplified-page-borders-in-pure-css/
body::after {
content: "";
background-color: $tr-border;
display: block;
position: fixed;
z-index: 5;
html::before {
height: 1px;
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
html::after {
width: 1px;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
body::before {
height: 1px;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
body::after {
width: 1px;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
// }}}
// {{{ Dark-coloured scrollbar
::-webkit-scrollbar {
height: 13px;
width: 14px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background-color: $bgscroll;
box-shadow: inset 1px 1px lighten($tr-border, 4%);
// Part where vertical and horizontal scrollbars meet
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
border-radius: 0 0 $radius-unit 0;
// TODO: Can be simplified to @include and function
inset 1px 1px $th-border,
inset -1px -1px $th-border,
inset 0px 1px $th-border,
inset 0px -1px $th-border,
inset 1px 0px $th-border,
inset 1px -1px $th-border,
inset -1px 0px $th-border,
inset -1px 1px $th-border
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
$th-min-unit: 25px;
box-shadow: $th-outline;
&:horizontal {
background-image: linear-gradient($thscrlin 5%, $thscrlout);
min-width: $th-min-unit;
&:hover {
background-image: linear-gradient($thscrlhvin 25%, $thscrlhvout);
&:vertical {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $thscrlin 5%, $thscrlout);
min-height: $th-min-unit;
&:hover {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $thscrlhvin 25%, $thscrlhvout);
&:active {
background-image: linear-gradient($thscrlout, $thscrlout) !important;
// Light and dark borders to outline the thumb
// Clockwise (x y)
:not(body)::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
&:horizontal {
1px 0px $tr-border,
1px 1px $tr-border,
-1px 1px $tr-border,
-1px 0px $tr-border
&:vertical {
0px -1px $tr-border,
1px -1px $tr-border,
1px 1px $tr-border,
0px 1px $tr-border
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
&:horizontal {
border-top: 1px solid $tr-border;
&:vertical {
border-left: 1px solid $tr-border;
// Complete the borders for body scrollbar
body::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
&:vertical {
border: 1px solid $tr-border;
&:horizontal {
border-top: none;
&:vertical {
border-left: none;
body::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
border: 1px solid $tr-border;
border-top: none;
border-left: none;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
&:corner-present {
&:horizontal {
border-radius: 0 0 0 $radius-unit;
&:vertical {
border-radius: 0 $radius-unit 0 0;
&:horizontal {
border-radius: 0 0 $radius-unit $radius-unit;
&:vertical {
border-radius: 0 $radius-unit $radius-unit 0;
// }}}
// {{{ Fg colour switcher
// Thank you so much!!
// https://css-tricks.com/switch-font-color-for-different-backgrounds-with-css/
/* Please enable JS for additional colouring features */
:root {
// Default RGB values for background colour
--rssguard-red: 0;
--rssguard-green: 0;
--rssguard-blue: 0;
// The threshold at which colours are considered "light
// Range: decimals from 0 to 1, recommended 0.5 - 0.6
--rssguard-threshold: 0.5;
:root {
// Calculates perceived lightness using the sRGB Luma method
// Luma = (red * 0.2126 + green * 0.7152 + blue * 0.0722) / 255
--rssguard-r: calc(var(--rssguard-red) * 0.2126);
--rssguard-g: calc(var(--rssguard-green) * 0.7152);
--rssguard-b: calc(var(--rssguard-blue) * 0.0722);
var(--rssguard-r) +
var(--rssguard-g) +
--rssguard-perceived-lightness: calc(var(--rssguard-sum) / 255);
// Shows either white or black colour depending on perceived lightness
mark, code, pre, pre > code,
blockquote, blockquote p { // TODO: why did not I add 'blockquote p' here before?
var(--rssguard-perceived-lightness) -
) *
// }}}
// vim:foldmethod=marker