* Now it is possible to disable hardcoded keyboard shortcuts in feed/article lists so that user-defined single-stroke shortcuts can work properly. (#484)
* Settings dialog now remembers its size and also adds scrollbars where needed. (#493)
* Updated documentation.
* "Written by" bottom section of article preview now uses same date/time format as article list.
* Code refactored.
* Icons are now properly loaded when fetching list of feeds in Tiny Tiny RSS.
* Inline article searching now uses much smaller delay after typing search phrase.
* I needed to completely overhaul some of core concepts inside RSS Guard.
* Database structure in file "database.db" was very complicated and hard to maintain and had to be simplified. Number of database tables was greatly reduced and whole structure is easier to follow.
* Source code was greatly simplified in many places which makes RSS Guard easier to maintain and easier to develop new features.
* Also, and this is potential killer feature, new changes allowed implementation of "next-gen" synchronization algorithms which may, in some cases, dramatically speed-up two-way synchronization of articles. This new synchronization algorithm is right now implemented and enabled for Google Reader API plugin as PoC and it is called "Intelligent synchronization algorithm" within RSS Guard. The algorithm will be implemented for other plugins over time.
* If you feel that RSS Guard is slow, broken or shitty application, then you are probably right. Nonetheless, you should still submit well-structured and sane bug report, so that I can actually fix the issue! If you do not submit bug report, then please do no spread lies about how bad RSS Guard is and switch to another feed reader instead.
* Brand new notifications subsystem added. It can play sounds, individual events are independently configurable in application settings. (#356, #144)
* "MessageObject" class now exposes "rawContents" property for message filtering. Property contains raw RSS/ATOM/JSON contents of the message. (#377)
* URL-embedded cookies are now supported, as well as classic cookies, which are now saved in non-persistent cookie jar. (#391)
* "Next-gen" synchronization algorithms which may, in some cases, dramatically speed-up two-way synchronization of articles. This new synchronization algorithm is right now implemented and enabled for Google Reader API plugin as PoC and is called "Intelligent synchronization algorithm" within RSS Guard. The algorithm will be also implemented for other plugins in the future.