# Readrops

Readrops is a multi-services RSS client for Android. Its name is composed of "Read" and "drops", where drops are information drops in an ocean of news.
# Features
- Local RSS parsing
- RSS 2.0, ATOM and JSON formats support
- Multiple accounts
- Feeds and folders management (create, update and delete feeds/folders if your service API supports it)
- Nextcloud news support
- FreshRSS support
- Background synchronisation
- Notifications
Other features will come in the near future.
# Screenshots
# Licence
This project is released under the GPLv3 licence.
# Donations
Bitcoin address : `bc1qlkzlcsvvtn3y6mek5umv5tc4ln09l64x6y42hr`
Litecoin address : `MTuf45ZvxhMWWo4v8YBbFDTLsFcGtpcPNT`