#v1.1.0 - OPML import/export for local account - Dark theme - Share or download item image - Open item in webview - Minor bug fixes and improvements #v1.0.2.2 Disable Proguard as it makes fail some functionalities. #v1.0.2.1 Fix a crash related to Proguard Rules. #v1.0.2 - Add swipe background to main list items - Add preference to parse a fixed number of items when adding a local feed - Change feed/folders way to interact - Minor bug fixes and improvements # v1.0.1 # v1.0 Initial release - Local RSS parsing - RSS 2.0, ATOM and JSON formats support - Multiple accounts - Feeds and folders management (create, update and delete feeds/folders if your service API supports it) - Nextcloud news support - FreshRSS support