# v2.0.3 - Fix Fever API compatibility with TinyTiny RSS and yarr, should also fix other providers (#228 + #229) - Fix Nextcloud News item duplicates when syncing which would made the app unusable - Fix Nextcloud News item parsing: items with no title will be ignored # v2.0.2 - Fix crash when opening app from a notification (#223) - Fix Fever API synchronization error (#228) # v2.0.1 - Make Timeline tab filters persistent (#138) - Change Timeline tab order field default value (#202) - Fix crash when adding a Fever API account (#200) - Be less strict with feed and folder names (#206) # v2.0 - Restore swipe to mark as read (#188) - Restore Ordering by article id in Timeline tab - Improve OPML file picker filtering (#195) - Translation updates - See previous beta versions to get full changelog since v1.3 # v2.0-beta02 - Fix migration issues from v1.3 and older (especially for F-Droid builds) - Make Preferences screen scrollable (#190) - Fix wrong translation in RadioButtonPreferenceDialog (#185) - Translation updates # v2.0-beta01 ## General - 🆕 design: - 🆕 Material3: Readrops implements last material design system version - 🆕 Bottom bar navigation: you can now navigate to feeds and account management way more easily, with 4 tabs in total: - Timeline - Feeds - Account - More - Timeline tab: - 🆕 Article size: you can now choose among three article sizes: compact, regular and large - 🆕 You can now show only articles less than 24h old - 🆕 Mark all articles as read FAB: the floating action button now lets you mark all articles read, taking into account the current filter, replacing opening new feed activity action - 🆕 Mark articles read on scroll: an option is now available to mark items read on scroll - 🆕 Drawer: hide folders and feeds without unread articles - 🆕 Local account: sync now respects the current filter and will only synchronize affected feeds - Feeds Tab: - 🆕 Feeds and folder management have been merged into a single screen - Account Tab: - 🆕 Add, manage and remove any account from Account Tab - More Tab: - 🆕 This new screen gathers some app infos, parameters, open source libraries and a donation dialog - Articles screen: - The global UI has been improved with a new title layout - 🆕 Action bottom bar: you now have access to a collapsable bottom bar containing the following actions: - Mark as read/non read - Add to favorites/remove from favorites - Share - Open in external navigator/navigator view - 🆕 A new font, Inter is used for the article content - 🆕 Some html tags look have been improved: - blockquote - figure/figcaption - iframe - table - "Open in" option has been reduced to two options: navigator view and external navigator - 🆕 FEVER API implementation, should work with any provider which supports it - Migrate to Nextcloud News API 1.3 - 🆕 Follow system theme option (default) - 🆕 Option to disable battery optimization for background synchronization - Add support for new Android versions until Android 14 (API 34) ## Technical - The UI has been entirely rewritten in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose, moving from old traditional view system - All other Java parts have also been rewritten in Kotlin, including API implementations, repositories, etc - RXJava was replaced by Kotlin coroutines and flows - Migrate to Gradle Kotlin DSL - Migrate dependencies to Version Catalog - 🆕 Support user certificates # v1.3.1 - FreshRSS : Fix items being fav unintentionally - FreshRSS : Fix 401 error when synchronising for the second time # v1.3.0 - New local RSS parser, much reliable - New external navigator view for items (Custom tabs) - FreshRSS and Nextcloud News favorites - FreshRSS read state synchronisation - New folder view when clicking on a drawer expandable item (#56) # v1.2.1 - Accept null value for Nextcloud News feed attribute folderId #87 - Fix local RSS url parsing # v1.2.0 - Adaptive icon - Background synchronisation - Notifications - FreshRSS and Nextcloud News synchronisation speed improvements - Add feed direct share action - Improve some html tags look - Diplay image title or alt as caption (#63) - Local RSS fixes (#70, #71) - Other bug fixes and UI improvements # v1.1.4 - Fix app crash when using an account url without http scheme #55 - Fix FreshRSS folder name parsing #61 - Fix feeds being deleted when adding a new feed with a NC News account #59 # v1.1.3 - Fix crash for API < 24 #51 - Fix item read state not syncing with Nextcloud News #49 # v1.1.2 - Fix opml not working in release version - Fix account url not being changed when text field in add account activity was edited # v1.1.1 Request write storage permission before downloading image. # v1.1.0 - OPML import/export for local account - Dark theme - Share or download item image - Open item in webview - Minor bug fixes and improvements # v1.0.2.2 Disable Proguard as it makes fail some functionalities. # v1.0.2.1 Fix a crash related to Proguard Rules. # v1.0.2 - Add swipe background to main list items - Add preference to parse a fixed number of items when adding a local feed - Change feed/folders way to interact - Minor bug fixes and improvements # v1.0.1 # v1.0 Initial release - Local RSS parsing - RSS 2.0, ATOM and JSON formats support - Multiple accounts - Feeds and folders management (create, update and delete feeds/folders if your service API supports it) - Nextcloud news support - FreshRSS support