* migrate to Gradle Kotlin DSL, version catalog and ksp
* replace buildDir with layout.buildDirectory
* declare plugins in version catalogs
* add room plugin
* specify type of keyPropsFile
* added missing version number in [versions]
* use alias instead of id whenever possible
* finishes replacing id with alias
* migrate pager
* Migrate to androidx.compose.foundation FlowLayouts
* add optin to avoid warning during build
* use nonFinalResIds for faster compilation
* use nonTransitiveRclass for faster compilation
* migrate smallTopAppBarColors to topAppBarColors
* migrate 'with(ExitTransition): ContentTransform' to togetherWith
* migrate fromHtml
* migrate TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors to TextFieldDefaults.colors
* migrate get(...).toString() to getString(...)
* add optin
* rename Divider to HorizontalDivider