Update version 0.10.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ android {
applicationId "me.ash.reader"
minSdk 26
targetSdk 33
versionCode 23
versionName "0.9.12"
versionCode 24
versionName "0.10.0"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
vectorDrawables {
@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ android {
flavorDimensions "channel"
productFlavors {
github {
dimension "channel"
fdroid {
dimension "channel"
@ -49,9 +52,6 @@ android {
dimension "channel"
applicationIdSuffix ".google.play"
github {
dimension "channel"
signingConfigs {
release {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-keep class com.rometools.** { *; }
# Provider API
-keep class me.ash.reader.infrastructure.** { *; }
-keep class me.ash.reader.** { *; }
# https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/127388
-dontwarn org.kxml2.io.KXml**
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
## 0.10.0
1. Bump up Material Design 3 dependencies, compile sdk, and gradle version (#502, @JunkFood02)
2. Support the in-app language picker for Android 13 (#541, #571, @JunkFood02)
3. Support add feed via system share sheet (#618, @JunkFood02)
4. Support for specifying the composition of shared content (#660, @Ashinch)
5. Improve swipe to star/unstar, swipe to unread, and add configuration (#594, @JunkFood02)
6. Use system locale to format time display by default. (#617, @JunkFood02)
7. Switch to androidx edge to edge implementation (#690, @Moderpach)
8. Add image viewer to the reading page (#578, #545, @JunkFood02, @nvllz)
9. Add gestures to swipe up and down on the reading page to switch articles (#589, @JunkFood02)
10. Add crash report activity to handle uncaught exceptions (#576, @JunkFood02)
11. Add context menu on long press for items in the flow page (#613, @JunkFood02)
12. Add line height multiple preference for reading page (#620, @JunkFood02)
13. Add license list page and improve about page (#664, @Ashinch)
14. Add troubleshooting page and app preferences import/export tools (#672, #710, @Ashinch)
15. Fix notification permission request at startup on Android 13 (@JunkFood02)
16. Fix clash when published date and updated date are both empty (@JunkFood02)
17. Now replace publish date of an article with the current time if it is a future date (#638, @Ashinch)
18. Now when cleaning feed or group, the starred articles will be ignored (#652, @Ashinch)
19. Now automatically restart the app after loading external fonts (#667, @Ashinch)
20. Now first find the `<enclosure>` tag as a thumbnail of the article (#681, @Ashinch)
21. Now by default, sort categories alphabetically during sync on Google Reader (#700, @mbestavros)
22. New image placeholder (#712, @JunkFood02)
23. More UI improvements and bug fixes (@Ashinch, @JunkFood02)
24. Translations updates (thanks to everyone who helped out)
### Notes
1. In order to support the export of setting items, some of the setting items have been reset to default and you may have to reset them.
2. The buymeacoffee.com sponsorship channel is currently unavailable, and the money previously donated has been refunded to the donors' accounts.
3. We are looking for other sponsorship channels, currently available are AFDIAN. If you would like to support the development of ReadYou, you can sponsor it through [AFDIAN](https://afdian.net/a/ashinch).
4. Thanks to our sponsors: @User_3072e, @User_223be, @User_3c5c7(Simon), @User_97ebe, @Lowae, @User_28b9f, @User_yuHC, @nullqwertyuiop, @openisgood, @User_vWca, @qgmzmy, @User_97ee1
**Full changelog:** [0.9.12...0.10.0](https://github.com/Ashinch/ReadYou/compare/0.9.12...0.10.0)
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
## 0.10.0
1. 升级 Material Design 3 框架组件、编译 SDK 和 Gradle 版本 (#502, @JunkFood02)
2. 支持 Android 13 应用内语言选择器 (#541, #571, @JunkFood02)
3. 支持通过系统分享菜单来添加订阅源 (#618, @JunkFood02)
4. 支持指定分享内容的构成 (#660, @Ashinch)
5. 改进轻扫标记已加星标\未加星标、标记为未读,支持设置动作行为 (#594, @JunkFood02)
6. 使用系统区域作为默认的时间格式显示 (#617, @JunkFood02)
7. 切换到 Androidx 的全屏窗口实现 (#690, @Moderpach)
8. 为阅读页面添加图片查看器 (#578, #545, @JunkFood02, @nvllz)
9. 为阅读页面添加上滑、下滑手势来切换文章 (#589, @JunkFood02)
10. 添加崩溃报告页面来处理未捕获异常 (#576, @JunkFood02)
11. 为信息流页面添加长按菜单 (#613, @JunkFood02)
12. 为阅读页面添加行高倍数设置 (#620, @JunkFood02)
13. 添加第三方库开源许可协议列表页面并改进关于页面 (#664, @Ashinch)
14. 添加故障排除页面并支持应用设置的导入\导出功能 (#672, #710, @Ashinch)
15. 修复在 Android 13 上启动时请求发送通知权限 (@JunkFood02)
16. 修复当文章的发布时间和更新时间都为空的情况下引发的崩溃 (@JunkFood02)
17. 现在发布时间为未来日期的文章将被重新设定到当前日期 (#638, @Ashinch)
18. 现在清理订阅源或组的文章时,将忽略已加星标的文章 (#652, @Ashinch)
19. 现在在设置外部字体时,将自动重启应用以使其生效 (#667, @Ashinch)
20. 现在将优先使用 `<enclosure>` 标签作为文章缩略图 (#681, @Ashinch)
21. 现在在同步 Google Reader 时将默认按照字母顺序排序订阅源 (#700, @mbestavros)
22. 新的加载占位图片 (#712, @JunkFood02)
23. 许多用户界面改进和错误修复 (@Ashinch, @JunkFood02)
24. 翻译更新 (感谢所有提供帮助的人)
### Notes
1. 为了支持设置项的导出,部分设置项已被重置,您可能要重新设定。
2. 赞助渠道 buymeacoffee.com 目前已无法使用,之前捐赠的款项已退还至捐赠者账户。
3. 我们正在寻找其他赞助渠道,目前可用的有 "爱发电"。如果您想支持 ReadYou 的开发,可以通过 [爱发电](https://afdian.net/a/ashinch) 进行赞助。
4. 感谢我们的赞助者: @User_3072e, @User_223be, @User_3c5c7(Simon), @User_97ebe, @Lowae, @User_28b9f, @User_yuHC, @nullqwertyuiop, @openisgood, @User_vWca, @qgmzmy, @User_97ee1。
**完整更新日志:** [0.9.12...0.10.0](https://github.com/Ashinch/ReadYou/compare/0.9.12...0.10.0)
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