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synced 2025-02-10 09:00:49 +01:00
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<!-- Template Variables
title: The title of the article
preferred_link: The best link to associate with the article for linking out.
external_link_label: A localized label for the external link.
external_link_stripped: The external link minus the scheme. Useful for displaying the external link.
external_link: The external link of the article if there is one provided by the author.
feed_link_title: The name of the feed associated with this article.
feed_link: The URL of the feed associated with this article.
byline: HTML that combines all the authors and links to them if available.
avatar_src: The image source URL for the feed icon / avatar.
dateline_style: Either "articleDateline" or "articleDatelineTitle" depending on if the title was populated or not.
datetime_long: Long version of a combined publish date and time.
datetime_medium: Medium length version of a combined publish date and time.
datetime_short: Short version of a combined publish date and time.
date_long: Long version of the publish date.
date_medium: Medium version of the publish date.
date_short: Long version of the publish date.
time_long: Long version of the publish time.
time_medium: Medium version of the publish time.
time_short: Long version of the publish time.
text_size_class: The size class that the user has selected in Preferences for article text.
body: The body of the article.
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<h1><a href="[[preferred_link]]">[[title]]</a></h1>
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