172 lines
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172 lines
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// FaviconDownloader.swift
// Evergreen
// Created by Brent Simmons on 11/19/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved.
import AppKit
import Data
import RSCore
import RSWeb
extension Notification.Name {
static let FaviconDidBecomeAvailable = Notification.Name("FaviconDidBecomeAvailableNotification") // userInfo keys: homePageURL, faviconURL, image
final class FaviconDownloader {
private var cache = ThreadSafeCache<NSImage>() // faviconURL: NSImage
private var faviconURLCache = ThreadSafeCache<String>() // homePageURL: faviconURL
private let folder: String
private var urlsBeingDownloaded = Set<String>()
private var badURLs = Set<String>() // URLs that didn’t work for some reason; don’t try again
private let binaryCache: RSBinaryCache
private var badImages = Set<String>() // keys for images on disk that NSImage can’t handle
private let queue: DispatchQueue
public struct UserInfoKey {
static let homePageURL = "homePageURL"
static let faviconURL = "faviconURL"
static let image = "image" // NSImage
init(folder: String) {
self.folder = folder
self.binaryCache = RSBinaryCache(folder: folder)
self.queue = DispatchQueue(label: "FaviconCache serial queue - \(folder)")
// MARK: - API
func favicon(for feed: Feed) -> NSImage? {
guard let homePageURL = feed.homePageURL else {
return nil
if let faviconURL = faviconURL(for: feed) {
if let cachedFavicon = cache[faviconURL] {
return cachedFavicon
// TODO: read from disk and return if present.
if shouldDownloadFaviconURL(faviconURL) {
downloadFavicon(faviconURL, homePageURL)
return nil
return nil
// Try to find the faviconURL. It might be in the web page.
FaviconURLFinder.findFaviconURL(homePageURL) { (faviconURL) in
if let faviconURL = faviconURL {
print(faviconURL) // cache it; then download favicon
else {
// Try appending /favicon.ico
// It often works.
return nil
private extension FaviconDownloader {
func shouldDownloadFaviconURL(_ faviconURL: String) -> Bool {
return !urlsBeingDownloaded.contains(faviconURL) && !badURLs.contains(faviconURL)
func downloadFavicon(_ faviconURL: String, _ homePageURL: String) {
guard let url = URL(string: faviconURL) else {
download(url) { (data, response, error) in
if response == nil || !response!.statusIsOK {
if let data = data {
self.queue.async {
let _ = NSImage(data: data)
func faviconURL(for feed: Feed) -> String? {
if let faviconURL = feed.faviconURL {
return faviconURL
if let homePageURL = feed.homePageURL {
return faviconURLCache[homePageURL]
return nil
func readFaviconFromDisk(_ faviconURL: String, _ callback: @escaping (NSImage?) -> Void) {
queue.async {
let image = self.tryToInstantiateNSImageFromDisk(faviconURL)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
func tryToInstantiateNSImageFromDisk(_ faviconURL: String) -> NSImage? {
// Call on serial queue.
if badImages.contains(faviconURL) {
return nil
let key = keyFor(faviconURL)
var data: Data?
do {
data = try binaryCache.binaryData(forKey: key)
catch {
return nil
if data == nil {
return nil
guard let image = NSImage(data: data!) else {
return nil
return image
func keyFor(_ faviconURL: String) -> String {
return (faviconURL as NSString).rs_md5Hash()