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// Account.swift
// NetNewsWire
// Created by Brent Simmons on 7/1/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
#if os(iOS)
import UIKit
import Foundation
import RSCore
import Articles
import RSParser
import ArticlesDatabase
import RSWeb
import os.log
// Main thread only.
public extension Notification.Name {
static let UserDidAddAccount = Notification.Name("UserDidAddAccount")
static let UserDidDeleteAccount = Notification.Name("UserDidDeleteAccount")
static let AccountRefreshDidBegin = Notification.Name(rawValue: "AccountRefreshDidBegin")
static let AccountRefreshDidFinish = Notification.Name(rawValue: "AccountRefreshDidFinish")
static let AccountRefreshProgressDidChange = Notification.Name(rawValue: "AccountRefreshProgressDidChange")
static let AccountDidDownloadArticles = Notification.Name(rawValue: "AccountDidDownloadArticles")
static let AccountStateDidChange = Notification.Name(rawValue: "AccountStateDidChange")
static let StatusesDidChange = Notification.Name(rawValue: "StatusesDidChange")
static let WebFeedMetadataDidChange = Notification.Name(rawValue: "WebFeedMetadataDidChange")
public enum AccountType: Int {
// Raw values should not change since they’re stored on disk.
case onMyMac = 1
case feedly = 16
case feedbin = 17
case feedWrangler = 18
case newsBlur = 19
case freshRSS = 20
// TODO: more
public enum FetchType {
case starred
case unread
case today
case folder(Folder, Bool)
case webFeed(WebFeed)
case articleIDs(Set<String>)
case search(String)
case searchWithArticleIDs(String, Set<String>)
public final class Account: DisplayNameProvider, UnreadCountProvider, Container, Hashable {
public struct UserInfoKey {
public static let account = "account" // UserDidAddAccount, UserDidDeleteAccount
public static let newArticles = "newArticles" // AccountDidDownloadArticles
public static let updatedArticles = "updatedArticles" // AccountDidDownloadArticles
public static let statuses = "statuses" // StatusesDidChange
public static let articles = "articles" // StatusesDidChange
public static let webFeeds = "webFeeds" // AccountDidDownloadArticles, StatusesDidChange
public static let defaultLocalAccountName: String = {
let defaultName: String
#if os(macOS)
defaultName = NSLocalizedString("On My Mac", comment: "Account name")
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
defaultName = NSLocalizedString("On My iPad", comment: "Account name")
} else {
defaultName = NSLocalizedString("On My iPhone", comment: "Account name")
return defaultName
var log = OSLog(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, category: "account")
public var isDeleted = false
public var containerID: ContainerIdentifier? {
return ContainerIdentifier.account(accountID)
public var account: Account? {
return self
public let accountID: String
public let type: AccountType
public var nameForDisplay: String {
guard let name = name, !name.isEmpty else {
return defaultName
return name
public var name: String? {
get {
return metadata.name
set {
let currentNameForDisplay = nameForDisplay
if newValue != metadata.name {
metadata.name = newValue
if currentNameForDisplay != nameForDisplay {
public let defaultName: String
public var isActive: Bool {
get {
return metadata.isActive
set {
if newValue != metadata.isActive {
metadata.isActive = newValue
var userInfo = [AnyHashable: Any]()
userInfo[UserInfoKey.account] = self
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AccountStateDidChange, object: self, userInfo: userInfo)
public var topLevelWebFeeds = Set<WebFeed>()
public var folders: Set<Folder>? = Set<Folder>()
public var sortedFolders: [Folder]? {
if let folders = folders {
return Array(folders).sorted(by: { $0.nameForDisplay < $1.nameForDisplay })
return nil
private var webFeedDictionaryNeedsUpdate = true
private var _idToWebFeedDictionary = [String: WebFeed]()
var idToWebFeedDictionary: [String: WebFeed] {
if webFeedDictionaryNeedsUpdate {
return _idToWebFeedDictionary
var username: String? {
get {
return metadata.username
set {
if newValue != metadata.username {
metadata.username = newValue
public var endpointURL: URL? {
get {
return metadata.endpointURL
set {
if newValue != metadata.endpointURL {
metadata.endpointURL = newValue
private var fetchingAllUnreadCounts = false
var isUnreadCountsInitialized = false
let dataFolder: String
let database: ArticlesDatabase
var delegate: AccountDelegate
static let saveQueue = CoalescingQueue(name: "Account Save Queue", interval: 1.0)
private var unreadCounts = [String: Int]() // [feedID: Int]
private var _flattenedWebFeeds = Set<WebFeed>()
private var flattenedWebFeedsNeedUpdate = true
private lazy var opmlFile = OPMLFile(filename: (dataFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("Subscriptions.opml"), account: self)
private lazy var metadataFile = AccountMetadataFile(filename: (dataFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("Settings.plist"), account: self)
var metadata = AccountMetadata() {
didSet {
delegate.accountMetadata = metadata
private lazy var webFeedMetadataFile = WebFeedMetadataFile(filename: (dataFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("FeedMetadata.plist"), account: self)
typealias WebFeedMetadataDictionary = [String: WebFeedMetadata]
var webFeedMetadata = WebFeedMetadataDictionary()
var startingUp = true
public var unreadCount = 0 {
didSet {
if unreadCount != oldValue {
public var behaviors: AccountBehaviors {
return delegate.behaviors
var refreshInProgress = false {
didSet {
if refreshInProgress != oldValue {
if refreshInProgress {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AccountRefreshDidBegin, object: self)
else {
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AccountRefreshDidFinish, object: self)
var refreshProgress: DownloadProgress {
return delegate.refreshProgress
init?(dataFolder: String, type: AccountType, accountID: String, transport: Transport? = nil) {
switch type {
case .onMyMac:
self.delegate = LocalAccountDelegate()
case .feedbin:
self.delegate = FeedbinAccountDelegate(dataFolder: dataFolder, transport: transport)
case .freshRSS:
self.delegate = ReaderAPIAccountDelegate(dataFolder: dataFolder, transport: transport)
case .feedly:
self.delegate = FeedlyAccountDelegate(dataFolder: dataFolder, transport: transport, api: FeedlyAccountDelegate.environment)
case .feedWrangler:
self.delegate = FeedWranglerAccountDelegate(dataFolder: dataFolder, transport: transport)
return nil
self.accountID = accountID
self.type = type
self.dataFolder = dataFolder
let databaseFilePath = (dataFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("DB.sqlite3")
self.database = ArticlesDatabase(databaseFilePath: databaseFilePath, accountID: accountID)
switch type {
case .onMyMac:
defaultName = Account.defaultLocalAccountName
case .feedly:
defaultName = "Feedly"
case .feedbin:
defaultName = "Feedbin"
case .feedWrangler:
defaultName = "FeedWrangler"
case .newsBlur:
defaultName = "NewsBlur"
case .freshRSS:
defaultName = "FreshRSS"
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(downloadProgressDidChange(_:)), name: .DownloadProgressDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(unreadCountDidChange(_:)), name: .UnreadCountDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(batchUpdateDidPerform(_:)), name: .BatchUpdateDidPerform, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(displayNameDidChange(_:)), name: .DisplayNameDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(childrenDidChange(_:)), name: .ChildrenDidChange, object: nil)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.database.cleanupDatabaseAtStartup(subscribedToWebFeedIDs: self.flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs())
startingUp = false
// MARK: - API
public func storeCredentials(_ credentials: Credentials) throws {
username = credentials.username
guard let server = delegate.server else {
try CredentialsManager.storeCredentials(credentials, server: server)
delegate.credentials = credentials
public func retrieveCredentials(type: CredentialsType) throws -> Credentials? {
guard let username = self.username, let server = delegate.server else {
return nil
return try CredentialsManager.retrieveCredentials(type: type, server: server, username: username)
public func removeCredentials(type: CredentialsType) throws {
guard let username = self.username, let server = delegate.server else {
try CredentialsManager.removeCredentials(type: type, server: server, username: username)
public static func validateCredentials(transport: Transport = URLSession.webserviceTransport(), type: AccountType, credentials: Credentials, endpoint: URL? = nil, completion: @escaping (Result<Credentials?, Error>) -> Void) {
switch type {
case .feedbin:
FeedbinAccountDelegate.validateCredentials(transport: transport, credentials: credentials, completion: completion)
case .freshRSS:
ReaderAPIAccountDelegate.validateCredentials(transport: transport, credentials: credentials, endpoint: endpoint, completion: completion)
case .feedWrangler:
FeedWranglerAccountDelegate.validateCredentials(transport: transport, credentials: credentials, completion: completion)
internal static func oauthAuthorizationClient(for type: AccountType) -> OAuthAuthorizationClient {
switch type {
case .feedly:
return FeedlyAccountDelegate.environment.oauthAuthorizationClient
fatalError("\(type) is not a client for OAuth authorization code granting.")
public static func oauthAuthorizationCodeGrantRequest(for type: AccountType) -> URLRequest {
let grantingType: OAuthAuthorizationGranting.Type
switch type {
case .feedly:
grantingType = FeedlyAccountDelegate.self
fatalError("\(type) does not support OAuth authorization code granting.")
return grantingType.oauthAuthorizationCodeGrantRequest()
public static func requestOAuthAccessToken(with response: OAuthAuthorizationResponse,
client: OAuthAuthorizationClient,
accountType: AccountType,
transport: Transport = URLSession.webserviceTransport(),
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<OAuthAuthorizationGrant, Error>) -> ()) {
let grantingType: OAuthAuthorizationGranting.Type
switch accountType {
case .feedly:
grantingType = FeedlyAccountDelegate.self
fatalError("\(accountType) does not support OAuth authorization code granting.")
grantingType.requestOAuthAccessToken(with: response, transport: transport, completionHandler: completionHandler)
public func refreshAll(completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
self.delegate.refreshAll(for: self, completion: completion)
public func syncArticleStatus(completion: ((Result<Void, Error>) -> Void)? = nil) {
delegate.sendArticleStatus(for: self) { [unowned self] result in
switch result {
case .success:
self.delegate.refreshArticleStatus(for: self) { result in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(let error):
case .failure(let error):
public func importOPML(_ opmlFile: URL, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
guard !delegate.isOPMLImportInProgress else {
delegate.importOPML(for: self, opmlFile: opmlFile) { [weak self] result in
switch result {
case .success:
guard let self = self else { return }
// Reset the last fetch date to get the article history for the added feeds.
self.metadata.lastArticleFetch = nil
self.delegate.refreshAll(for: self, completion: completion)
case .failure(let error):
public func suspend() {
delegate.cancelAll(for: self)
public func resume() {
public func save() {
public func prepareForDeletion() {
func loadOPMLItems(_ items: [RSOPMLItem], parentFolder: Folder?) {
var feedsToAdd = Set<WebFeed>()
items.forEach { (item) in
if let feedSpecifier = item.feedSpecifier {
let feed = newWebFeed(with: feedSpecifier)
guard let folderName = item.titleFromAttributes else {
// Folder doesn’t have a name, so it won’t be created, and its items will go one level up.
if let itemChildren = item.children {
loadOPMLItems(itemChildren, parentFolder: parentFolder)
if let folder = ensureFolder(with: folderName) {
folder.externalID = item.attributes?["nnw_externalID"] as? String
if let itemChildren = item.children {
loadOPMLItems(itemChildren, parentFolder: folder)
if let parentFolder = parentFolder {
for feed in feedsToAdd {
} else {
for feed in feedsToAdd {
public func resetWebFeedMetadataAndUnreadCounts() {
for feed in flattenedWebFeeds() {
feed.metadata = webFeedMetadata(feedURL: feed.url, webFeedID: feed.webFeedID)
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .WebFeedMetadataDidChange, object: self, userInfo: nil)
public func markArticles(_ articles: Set<Article>, statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, flag: Bool) -> Set<Article>? {
return delegate.markArticles(for: self, articles: articles, statusKey: statusKey, flag: flag)
func ensureFolder(with name: String) -> Folder? {
// TODO: support subfolders, maybe, some day
if name.isEmpty {
return nil
if let folder = existingFolder(with: name) {
return folder
let folder = Folder(account: self, name: name)
return folder
public func ensureFolder(withFolderNames folderNames: [String]) -> Folder? {
// TODO: support subfolders, maybe, some day.
// Since we don’t, just take the last name and make sure there’s a Folder.
guard let folderName = folderNames.last else {
return nil
return ensureFolder(with: folderName)
public func findFolder(withDisplayName displayName: String) -> Folder? {
return folders?.first(where: { $0.nameForDisplay == displayName })
func newWebFeed(with opmlFeedSpecifier: RSOPMLFeedSpecifier) -> WebFeed {
let feedURL = opmlFeedSpecifier.feedURL
let metadata = webFeedMetadata(feedURL: feedURL, webFeedID: feedURL)
let feed = WebFeed(account: self, url: opmlFeedSpecifier.feedURL, metadata: metadata)
if let feedTitle = opmlFeedSpecifier.title {
if feed.name == nil {
feed.name = feedTitle
return feed
public func addWebFeed(_ feed: WebFeed, to container: Container, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.addWebFeed(for: self, with: feed, to: container, completion: completion)
public func createWebFeed(url: String, name: String?, container: Container, completion: @escaping (Result<WebFeed, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.createWebFeed(for: self, url: url, name: name, container: container, completion: completion)
func createWebFeed(with name: String?, url: String, webFeedID: String, homePageURL: String?) -> WebFeed {
let metadata = webFeedMetadata(feedURL: url, webFeedID: webFeedID)
let feed = WebFeed(account: self, url: url, metadata: metadata)
feed.name = name
feed.homePageURL = homePageURL
return feed
public func removeWebFeed(_ feed: WebFeed, from container: Container, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.removeWebFeed(for: self, with: feed, from: container, completion: completion)
public func moveWebFeed(_ feed: WebFeed, from: Container, to: Container, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.moveWebFeed(for: self, with: feed, from: from, to: to, completion: completion)
public func renameWebFeed(_ feed: WebFeed, to name: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.renameWebFeed(for: self, with: feed, to: name, completion: completion)
public func restoreWebFeed(_ feed: WebFeed, container: Container, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.restoreWebFeed(for: self, feed: feed, container: container, completion: completion)
public func addFolder(_ name: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Folder, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.addFolder(for: self, name: name, completion: completion)
public func removeFolder(_ folder: Folder, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.removeFolder(for: self, with: folder, completion: completion)
public func renameFolder(_ folder: Folder, to name: String, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.renameFolder(for: self, with: folder, to: name, completion: completion)
public func restoreFolder(_ folder: Folder, completion: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
delegate.restoreFolder(for: self, folder: folder, completion: completion)
func clearWebFeedMetadata(_ feed: WebFeed) {
webFeedMetadata[feed.url] = nil
func addFolder(_ folder: Folder) {
public func updateUnreadCounts(for webFeeds: Set<WebFeed>) {
if webFeeds.isEmpty {
database.fetchUnreadCounts(for: webFeeds.webFeedIDs()) { (unreadCountDictionary) in
for webFeed in webFeeds {
if let unreadCount = unreadCountDictionary[webFeed.webFeedID] {
webFeed.unreadCount = unreadCount
public func fetchArticles(_ fetchType: FetchType) -> Set<Article> {
switch fetchType {
case .starred:
return fetchStarredArticles()
case .unread:
return fetchUnreadArticles()
case .today:
return fetchTodayArticles()
case .folder(let folder, let readFilter):
if readFilter {
return fetchUnreadArticles(folder: folder)
} else {
return fetchArticles(folder: folder)
case .webFeed(let webFeed):
return fetchArticles(webFeed: webFeed)
case .articleIDs(let articleIDs):
return fetchArticles(articleIDs: articleIDs)
case .search(let searchString):
return fetchArticlesMatching(searchString)
case .searchWithArticleIDs(let searchString, let articleIDs):
return fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDs(searchString, articleIDs)
public func fetchArticlesAsync(_ fetchType: FetchType, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
switch fetchType {
case .starred:
case .unread:
case .today:
case .folder(let folder, let readFilter):
if readFilter {
return fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(folder: folder, callback)
} else {
return fetchArticlesAsync(folder: folder, callback)
case .webFeed(let webFeed):
fetchArticlesAsync(webFeed: webFeed, callback)
case .articleIDs(let articleIDs):
fetchArticlesAsync(articleIDs: articleIDs, callback)
case .search(let searchString):
fetchArticlesMatchingAsync(searchString, callback)
case .searchWithArticleIDs(let searchString, let articleIDs):
return fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDsAsync(searchString, articleIDs, callback)
public func fetchUnreadCountForToday(_ callback: @escaping (Int) -> Void) {
database.fetchUnreadCountForToday(for: flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs(), callback: callback)
public func fetchUnreadCountForStarredArticles(_ callback: @escaping (Int) -> Void) {
database.fetchStarredAndUnreadCount(for: flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs(), callback: callback)
public func fetchUnreadArticleIDs() -> Set<String> {
return database.fetchUnreadArticleIDs()
public func fetchStarredArticleIDs() -> Set<String> {
return database.fetchStarredArticleIDs()
public func fetchArticleIDsForStatusesWithoutArticles() -> Set<String> {
return database.fetchArticleIDsForStatusesWithoutArticles()
public func unreadCount(for webFeed: WebFeed) -> Int {
return unreadCounts[webFeed.webFeedID] ?? 0
public func setUnreadCount(_ unreadCount: Int, for webFeed: WebFeed) {
unreadCounts[webFeed.webFeedID] = unreadCount
public func structureDidChange() {
// Feeds were added or deleted. Or folders added or deleted.
// Or feeds inside folders were added or deleted.
if !startingUp {
flattenedWebFeedsNeedUpdate = true
webFeedDictionaryNeedsUpdate = true
func update(_ webFeed: WebFeed, with parsedFeed: ParsedFeed, _ completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
// Used only by an On My Mac account.
webFeed.takeSettings(from: parsedFeed)
let webFeedIDsAndItems = [webFeed.webFeedID: parsedFeed.items]
update(webFeedIDsAndItems: webFeedIDsAndItems, defaultRead: false, completion: completion)
func update(webFeedIDsAndItems: [String: Set<ParsedItem>], defaultRead: Bool, completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
guard !webFeedIDsAndItems.isEmpty else {
database.update(webFeedIDsAndItems: webFeedIDsAndItems, defaultRead: defaultRead) { (newArticles, updatedArticles) in
var userInfo = [String: Any]()
let webFeeds = Set(webFeedIDsAndItems.compactMap { (key, _) -> WebFeed? in
self.existingWebFeed(withWebFeedID: key)
if let newArticles = newArticles, !newArticles.isEmpty {
self.updateUnreadCounts(for: webFeeds)
userInfo[UserInfoKey.newArticles] = newArticles
if let updatedArticles = updatedArticles, !updatedArticles.isEmpty {
userInfo[UserInfoKey.updatedArticles] = updatedArticles
userInfo[UserInfoKey.webFeeds] = webFeeds
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AccountDidDownloadArticles, object: self, userInfo: userInfo)
func update(_ articles: Set<Article>, statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, flag: Bool) -> Set<Article>? {
// Returns set of Articles whose statuses did change.
guard !articles.isEmpty, let updatedStatuses = database.mark(articles, statusKey: statusKey, flag: flag) else {
return nil
let updatedArticleIDs = updatedStatuses.articleIDs()
let updatedArticles = Set(articles.filter{ updatedArticleIDs.contains($0.articleID) })
return updatedArticles
func ensureStatuses(_ articleIDs: Set<String>, _ defaultRead: Bool, _ statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, _ flag: Bool, completionHandler: (() -> ())? = nil) {
guard !articleIDs.isEmpty else {
database.ensureStatuses(articleIDs, defaultRead, statusKey, flag, completionHandler: completionHandler)
/// Empty caches that can reasonably be emptied. Call when the app goes in the background, for instance.
func emptyCaches() {
// MARK: - Container
public func flattenedWebFeeds() -> Set<WebFeed> {
if flattenedWebFeedsNeedUpdate {
return _flattenedWebFeeds
public func removeWebFeed(_ webFeed: WebFeed) {
public func removeFeeds(_ webFeeds: Set<WebFeed>) {
guard !webFeeds.isEmpty else {
public func addWebFeed(_ webFeed: WebFeed) {
func addFeedIfNotInAnyFolder(_ webFeed: WebFeed) {
if !flattenedWebFeeds().contains(webFeed) {
func removeFolder(_ folder: Folder) {
// MARK: - Debug
public func debugDropConditionalGetInfo() {
flattenedWebFeeds().forEach{ $0.debugDropConditionalGetInfo() }
public func debugRunSearch() {
let t1 = Date()
let articles = fetchArticlesMatching("Brent NetNewsWire")
let t2 = Date()
// MARK: - Notifications
@objc func downloadProgressDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
guard let noteObject = note.object as? DownloadProgress, noteObject === refreshProgress else {
refreshInProgress = refreshProgress.numberRemaining > 0
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .AccountRefreshProgressDidChange, object: self)
@objc func unreadCountDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
if let feed = note.object as? WebFeed, feed.account === self {
@objc func batchUpdateDidPerform(_ note: Notification) {
flattenedWebFeedsNeedUpdate = true
@objc func childrenDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
guard let object = note.object else {
if let account = object as? Account, account === self {
if let folder = object as? Folder, folder.account === self {
@objc func displayNameDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
if let folder = note.object as? Folder, folder.account === self {
// MARK: - Hashable
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// MARK: - Equatable
public class func ==(lhs: Account, rhs: Account) -> Bool {
return lhs === rhs
// MARK: - AccountMetadataDelegate
extension Account: AccountMetadataDelegate {
func valueDidChange(_ accountMetadata: AccountMetadata, key: AccountMetadata.CodingKeys) {
// MARK: - FeedMetadataDelegate
extension Account: WebFeedMetadataDelegate {
func valueDidChange(_ feedMetadata: WebFeedMetadata, key: WebFeedMetadata.CodingKeys) {
guard let feed = existingWebFeed(withWebFeedID: feedMetadata.webFeedID) else {
// MARK: - Fetching (Private)
private extension Account {
func fetchStarredArticles() -> Set<Article> {
return database.fetchStarredArticles(flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs())
func fetchStarredArticlesAsync(_ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
database.fetchedStarredArticlesAsync(flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs(), callback)
func fetchUnreadArticles() -> Set<Article> {
return fetchUnreadArticles(forContainer: self)
func fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(_ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(forContainer: self, callback)
func fetchTodayArticles() -> Set<Article> {
return database.fetchTodayArticles(flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs())
func fetchTodayArticlesAsync(_ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
database.fetchTodayArticlesAsync(flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs(), callback)
func fetchArticles(folder: Folder) -> Set<Article> {
return fetchArticles(forContainer: folder)
func fetchArticlesAsync(folder: Folder, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
fetchArticlesAsync(forContainer: folder, callback)
func fetchUnreadArticles(folder: Folder) -> Set<Article> {
return fetchUnreadArticles(forContainer: folder)
func fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(folder: Folder, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(forContainer: folder, callback)
func fetchArticles(webFeed: WebFeed) -> Set<Article> {
let articles = database.fetchArticles(webFeed.webFeedID)
validateUnreadCount(webFeed, articles)
return articles
func fetchArticlesAsync(webFeed: WebFeed, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
database.fetchArticlesAsync(webFeed.webFeedID) { [weak self] (articles) in
self?.validateUnreadCount(webFeed, articles)
func fetchArticlesMatching(_ searchString: String) -> Set<Article> {
return database.fetchArticlesMatching(searchString, flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs())
func fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDs(_ searchString: String, _ articleIDs: Set<String>) -> Set<Article> {
return database.fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDs(searchString, articleIDs)
func fetchArticlesMatchingAsync(_ searchString: String, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
database.fetchArticlesMatchingAsync(searchString, flattenedWebFeeds().webFeedIDs(), callback)
func fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDsAsync(_ searchString: String, _ articleIDs: Set<String>, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
database.fetchArticlesMatchingWithArticleIDsAsync(searchString, articleIDs, callback)
func fetchArticles(articleIDs: Set<String>) -> Set<Article> {
return database.fetchArticles(articleIDs: articleIDs)
func fetchArticlesAsync(articleIDs: Set<String>, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
return database.fetchArticlesAsync(articleIDs: articleIDs, callback)
func fetchUnreadArticles(webFeed: WebFeed) -> Set<Article> {
let articles = database.fetchUnreadArticles(Set([webFeed.webFeedID]))
validateUnreadCount(webFeed, articles)
return articles
func fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(for webFeed: WebFeed, callback: @escaping (Set<Article>) -> Void) {
// database.fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(for: Set([feed.feedID])) { [weak self] (articles) in
// self?.validateUnreadCount(feed, articles)
// callback(articles)
// }
func fetchArticles(forContainer container: Container) -> Set<Article> {
let feeds = container.flattenedWebFeeds()
let articles = database.fetchArticles(feeds.webFeedIDs())
validateUnreadCountsAfterFetchingUnreadArticles(feeds, articles)
return articles
func fetchArticlesAsync(forContainer container: Container, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
let webFeeds = container.flattenedWebFeeds()
database.fetchArticlesAsync(webFeeds.webFeedIDs()) { [weak self] (articles) in
self?.validateUnreadCountsAfterFetchingUnreadArticles(webFeeds, articles)
func fetchUnreadArticles(forContainer container: Container) -> Set<Article> {
let feeds = container.flattenedWebFeeds()
let articles = database.fetchUnreadArticles(feeds.webFeedIDs())
validateUnreadCountsAfterFetchingUnreadArticles(feeds, articles)
return articles
func fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(forContainer container: Container, _ callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
let webFeeds = container.flattenedWebFeeds()
database.fetchUnreadArticlesAsync(webFeeds.webFeedIDs()) { [weak self] (articles) in
self?.validateUnreadCountsAfterFetchingUnreadArticles(webFeeds, articles)
func validateUnreadCountsAfterFetchingUnreadArticles(_ webFeeds: Set<WebFeed>, _ articles: Set<Article>) {
// Validate unread counts. This was the site of a performance slowdown:
// it was calling going through the entire list of articles once per feed:
// feeds.forEach { validateUnreadCount($0, articles) }
// Now we loop through articles exactly once. This makes a huge difference.
var unreadCountStorage = [String: Int]() // [WebFeedID: Int]
for article in articles where !article.status.read {
unreadCountStorage[article.webFeedID, default: 0] += 1
webFeeds.forEach { (webFeed) in
let unreadCount = unreadCountStorage[webFeed.webFeedID, default: 0]
webFeed.unreadCount = unreadCount
func validateUnreadCount(_ webFeed: WebFeed, _ articles: Set<Article>) {
// articles must contain all the unread articles for the feed.
// The unread number should match the feed’s unread count.
let feedUnreadCount = articles.reduce(0) { (result, article) -> Int in
if article.webFeed == webFeed && !article.status.read {
return result + 1
return result
webFeed.unreadCount = feedUnreadCount
// MARK: - Private
private extension Account {
func webFeedMetadata(feedURL: String, webFeedID: String) -> WebFeedMetadata {
if let d = webFeedMetadata[feedURL] {
assert(d.delegate === self)
return d
let d = WebFeedMetadata(webFeedID: webFeedID)
d.delegate = self
webFeedMetadata[feedURL] = d
return d
func updateFlattenedWebFeeds() {
var feeds = Set<WebFeed>()
for folder in folders! {
_flattenedWebFeeds = feeds
flattenedWebFeedsNeedUpdate = false
func rebuildWebFeedDictionaries() {
var idDictionary = [String: WebFeed]()
flattenedWebFeeds().forEach { (feed) in
idDictionary[feed.webFeedID] = feed
_idToWebFeedDictionary = idDictionary
webFeedDictionaryNeedsUpdate = false
func updateUnreadCount() {
if fetchingAllUnreadCounts {
var updatedUnreadCount = 0
for feed in flattenedWebFeeds() {
updatedUnreadCount += feed.unreadCount
unreadCount = updatedUnreadCount
func noteStatusesForArticlesDidChange(_ articles: Set<Article>) {
let feeds = Set(articles.compactMap { $0.webFeed })
let statuses = Set(articles.map { $0.status })
// .UnreadCountDidChange notification will get sent to Folder and Account objects,
// which will update their own unread counts.
updateUnreadCounts(for: feeds)
NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .StatusesDidChange, object: self, userInfo: [UserInfoKey.statuses: statuses, UserInfoKey.articles: articles, UserInfoKey.webFeeds: feeds])
func fetchAllUnreadCounts() {
fetchingAllUnreadCounts = true
database.fetchAllNonZeroUnreadCounts { (unreadCountDictionary) in
if unreadCountDictionary.isEmpty {
self.fetchingAllUnreadCounts = false
self.isUnreadCountsInitialized = true
self.flattenedWebFeeds().forEach{ (feed) in
// When the unread count is zero, it won’t appear in unreadCountDictionary.
if let unreadCount = unreadCountDictionary[feed.webFeedID] {
feed.unreadCount = unreadCount
else {
feed.unreadCount = 0
self.fetchingAllUnreadCounts = false
self.isUnreadCountsInitialized = true
// MARK: - Container Overrides
extension Account {
public func existingWebFeed(withWebFeedID webFeedID: String) -> WebFeed? {
return idToWebFeedDictionary[webFeedID]
// MARK: - OPMLRepresentable
extension Account: OPMLRepresentable {
public func OPMLString(indentLevel: Int, strictConformance: Bool) -> String {
var s = ""
for feed in topLevelWebFeeds {
s += feed.OPMLString(indentLevel: indentLevel + 1, strictConformance: strictConformance)
for folder in folders! {
s += folder.OPMLString(indentLevel: indentLevel + 1, strictConformance: strictConformance)
return s