Olof Hellman b04a4b83f2 Add very minimal support for a scripting dictionary — only the getURL
AppleEvent — and add an XCTestCase that can run and verify results of
AppleScripts that target Evergreen.
2018-01-07 15:13:10 -08:00

14 lines
532 B

-- Evergreen scripting unit tests expect a dictionary to be returned from a script
-- containing either
-- {test_result:true}
-- to indicate success or
-- {test_result:false}
-- to indicate failure
-- Data can be passed back to unit test code by including a script_result field
-- for example this script returns "Geoducks!" as the result
-- this can be used as part of XCTest verification
-- see the testGenericScript() function in the ScriptingTests XCTestCase
return {test_result:true, script_result:"Geoducks!"}