2017-09-16 11:04:29 -07:00

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// Database.swift
// Evergreen
// Created by Brent Simmons on 7/20/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RSCore
import RSDatabase
import RSParser
import Data
// This file and UnreadCountDictionary are the entirety of the public API for Database.framework.
// Everything else is implementation.
public typealias ArticleResultBlock = (Set<Article>) -> Void
public typealias UnreadCountCompletionBlock = (UnreadCountDictionary) -> Void
public typealias UpdateArticlesWithFeedCompletionBlock = (Set<Article>?, Set<Article>?) -> Void //newArticles, updatedArticles
public final class Database {
private let accountID: String
private let articlesTable: ArticlesTable
public init(databaseFile: String, accountID: String) {
self.accountID = accountID
let queue = RSDatabaseQueue(filepath: databaseFile, excludeFromBackup: false)
self.articlesTable = ArticlesTable(name: DatabaseTableName.articles, accountID: accountID, queue: queue)
let createStatementsPath = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).path(forResource: "CreateStatements", ofType: "sql")!
let createStatements = try! NSString(contentsOfFile: createStatementsPath, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
queue.createTables(usingStatements: createStatements as String)
// MARK: - Fetching Articles
public func fetchArticles(for feed: Feed) -> Set<Article> {
return articlesTable.fetchArticles(feed)
public func fetchArticlesAsync(for feed: Feed, _ resultBlock: @escaping ArticleResultBlock) {
articlesTable.fetchArticlesAsync(feed, withLimits: true, resultBlock)
public func fetchUnreadArticles(for folder: Folder) -> Set<Article> {
return articlesTable.fetchUnreadArticles(for: folder.flattenedFeeds())
// MARK: - Unread Counts
public func fetchUnreadCounts(for feeds: Set<Feed>, _ completion: @escaping UnreadCountCompletionBlock) {
articlesTable.fetchUnreadCounts(feeds, completion)
// MARK: - Saving and Updating Articles
public func update(feed: Feed, parsedFeed: ParsedFeed, completion: @escaping UpdateArticlesWithFeedCompletionBlock) {
return articlesTable.update(feed, parsedFeed, completion)
// MARK: - Status
public func mark(_ statuses: Set<ArticleStatus>, statusKey: String, flag: Bool) {
articlesTable.mark(statuses, statusKey, flag)