
134 lines
5.1 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<opml version="2.0">
<head><!-- <editor scale-mac="1.25">
<sidebar width="203"/>
<column name="text" width="706"/>
</editor> -->
<dateCreated>Tue, 12 Sep 2017 20:15:17 GMT</dateCreated>
<outline text="App">
<outline text="Get it building again"/>
<outline text="Require High Sierra"/>
<outline text="Use new app icon"/>
<outline text="Set -NSApplicationCrashOnExceptions YES"/>
<outline text="Store colors in accent catalog"/>
<outline text="Use NSBox for container"/>
<outline text="Restorable state"/>
<outline text="Use new build system"/>
<outline text="NSError.setUserInfoValueProvider"/>
<outline text="NSDictionary.sharedKeySet"/>
<outline text="Periodic refresh"/>
<outline text="OPML Import">
<outline text="Accessory view in choose-file sheet for choosing account"/>
<outline text="Import from URL">
<outline text="Sheet with URL text field and account popup"/>
<outline text="Download URL"/>
<outline text="Progress while downloading URL"/>
<outline text="Report error if needed"/>
<outline text="Commands">
<outline text="Star"/>
<outline text="Toggle sidebar"/>
<outline text="Main window">
<outline text="Toolbar">
<outline text="Share menu"/>
<outline text="Keyboard navigation between panes"/>
<outline text="Source list">
<outline text="Space out feed list more to match Finder (see text message from Brad)"/>
<outline text="Contextual menu"/>
<outline text="Gear menu"/>
<outline text="Timeline">
<outline text="Variable height cells"/>
<outline text="Microblog post detection"/>
<outline text="Microblog post layout"/>
<outline text="Contextual menu"/>
<outline text="Detail">
<outline text="Design"/>
<outline text="Feeds window">
<outline text="Source list"/>
<outline text="Inspector"/>
<outline text="Menubar">
<outline text="Wire up commands"/>
<outline text="File"/>
<outline text="Frameworks">
<outline text="Account"/>
<outline text="Database">
<outline text="Database.swift">
<outline text="Handle accountInfo in statuses"/>
<outline text="ArticlesTable">
<outline text="mark articles"/>
<outline text="Delete old articles"/>
<outline text="Update cutoff date periodically"/>
<outline text="StatusesTable">
<outline text="Update cached statuses on marking"/>
<outline text="Delete old and unused statuses"/>
<outline text="AuthorsTable">
<outline text="Delete unused authors"/>
<outline text="AttachmentsTable">
<outline text="Delete unused attachments"/>
<outline text="Tags table">
<outline text="Search on tags using COLLATE NOCASE"/>
<outline text="Unit tests">
<outline text="fetching articles"/>
<outline text="fetching unread articles"/>
<outline text="fetching unread counts"/>
<outline text="saving articles"/>
<outline text="saving updated articles"/>
<outline text="mark as read"/>
<outline text="mark as starred"/>
<outline text="mark as userDeleted"/>
<outline text="article.changesFrom(otherArticle)">
<outline text="No changes"/>
<outline text="Related objects changes (should result in empty changes)"/>
<outline text="Date changes, including where dates disappear"/>
<outline text="String changes"/>
<outline text="Data">
<outline text="Make model classes quicklookable"/>
<outline text="Move BatchUpdates.swift somewhere"/>
<outline text="Move Notifications.swift somewhere"/>
<outline text="RSParser">
<outline text="ParsedItem == should compare all properties"/>
<outline text="Parse attachments - Atom"/>
<outline text="Parse attachments - RSS"/>
<outline text="RSWebImages">
<outline text="Create"/>
<outline text="Download favicons"/>
<outline text="Download apple touch images"/>
<outline text="Download images from articles"/>
<outline text="RSImageCache">
<outline text="Create"/>