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// Feed.swift
// DataModel
// Created by Brent Simmons on 7/1/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RSCore
import RSWeb
import Articles
import RSDatabase
public final class Feed: DisplayNameProvider, Renamable, UnreadCountProvider, Hashable {
private struct Key {
static let url = "url"
static let feedID = "feedID"
static let homePageURL = "homePageURL"
static let iconURL = "iconURL"
static let faviconURL = "faviconURL"
static let name = "name"
static let editedName = "editedName"
static let authors = "authors"
static let conditionalGetInfo = "conditionalGetInfo"
static let conditionalGetLastModified = "lastModified"
static let conditionalGetEtag = "etag"
static let contentHash = "contentHash"
public weak var account: Account?
public let url: String
public let feedID: String
public var homePageURL: String? {
get {
return settingsTable.string(for: Key.homePageURL)
set {
if let url = newValue {
settingsTable.setString(url.rs_normalizedURL(), for: Key.homePageURL)
else {
settingsTable.setString(nil, for: Key.homePageURL)
public var iconURL: String? {
get {
return settingsTable.string(for: Key.iconURL)
set {
settingsTable.setString(newValue, for: Key.iconURL)
public var faviconURL: String? {
get {
return settingsTable.string(for: Key.faviconURL)
set {
settingsTable.setString(newValue, for: Key.faviconURL)
public var name: String? {
get {
return settingsTable.string(for: Key.name)
set {
let oldNameForDisplay = nameForDisplay
settingsTable.setString(newValue, for: Key.name)
if oldNameForDisplay != nameForDisplay {
public var authors: Set<Author>? {
get {
guard let authorsJSON = settingsTable.string(for: Key.authors) else {
return nil
return Author.authorsWithJSON(authorsJSON)
set {
if let authorsJSON = newValue?.json() {
settingsTable.setString(authorsJSON, for: Key.authors)
else {
settingsTable.setString(nil, for: Key.authors)
public var editedName: String? {
get {
return settingsTable.string(for: Key.editedName)
set {
if newValue != editedName {
settingsTable.setString(newValue, for: Key.editedName)
public var conditionalGetInfo: HTTPConditionalGetInfo? {
get {
let lastModified = settingsTable.string(for: Key.conditionalGetLastModified)
let etag = settingsTable.string(for: Key.conditionalGetEtag)
return HTTPConditionalGetInfo(lastModified: lastModified, etag: etag)
set {
settingsTable.setString(newValue?.lastModified, for: Key.conditionalGetLastModified)
settingsTable.setString(newValue?.etag, for: Key.conditionalGetEtag)
public var contentHash: String? {
get {
return settingsTable.string(for: Key.contentHash)
set {
settingsTable.setString(newValue, for: Key.contentHash)
// MARK: - DisplayNameProvider
public var nameForDisplay: String {
if let s = editedName, !s.isEmpty {
return s
if let s = name, !s.isEmpty {
return s
return NSLocalizedString("Untitled", comment: "Feed name")
// MARK: - Renamable
public func rename(to newName: String) {
editedName = newName
// MARK: - UnreadCountProvider
public var unreadCount: Int {
get {
return account?.unreadCount(for: self) ?? 0
set {
if unreadCount == newValue {
account?.setUnreadCount(newValue, for: self)
private let settingsTable: ODBRawValueTable
private let accountID: String // Used for hashing and equality; account may turn nil
// MARK: - Init
public init(account: Account, url: String, feedID: String) {
self.account = account
self.accountID = account.accountID
self.url = url
self.feedID = feedID
self.settingsTable = account.settingsTableForFeed(feedID: feedID)!
// MARK: - Disk Dictionary
convenience public init?(account: Account, dictionary: [String: Any]) {
guard let url = dictionary[Key.url] as? String else {
return nil
let feedID = dictionary[Key.feedID] as? String ?? url
self.init(account: account, url: url, feedID: feedID)
self.editedName = dictionary[Key.editedName] as? String
self.name = dictionary[Key.name] as? String
public static func isFeedDictionary(_ d: [String: Any]) -> Bool {
return d[Key.url] != nil
// MARK: - Debug
public func debugDropConditionalGetInfo() {
conditionalGetInfo = nil
contentHash = nil
// MARK: - Hashable
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// MARK: - Equatable
public class func ==(lhs: Feed, rhs: Feed) -> Bool {
return lhs.feedID == rhs.feedID && lhs.accountID == rhs.accountID
// MARK: - OPMLRepresentable
extension Feed: OPMLRepresentable {
public func OPMLString(indentLevel: Int) -> String {
let escapedName = nameForDisplay.rs_stringByEscapingSpecialXMLCharacters()
var escapedHomePageURL = ""
if let homePageURL = homePageURL {
escapedHomePageURL = homePageURL.rs_stringByEscapingSpecialXMLCharacters()
let escapedFeedURL = url.rs_stringByEscapingSpecialXMLCharacters()
var s = "<outline text=\"\(escapedName)\" title=\"\(escapedName)\" description=\"\" type=\"rss\" version=\"RSS\" htmlUrl=\"\(escapedHomePageURL)\" xmlUrl=\"\(escapedFeedURL)\"/>\n"
s = s.rs_string(byPrependingNumberOfTabs: indentLevel)
return s
extension Set where Element == Feed {
func feedIDs() -> Set<String> {
return Set<String>(map { $0.feedID })