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// TableViewCellLayout.swift
// NetNewsWire
// Created by Brent Simmons on 11/24/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
struct FeedTableViewCellLayout {
private static let indentWidth = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 42)
private static let editingControlIndent = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 40)
private static let imageSize = CGSize(width: 24, height: 24)
private static let imageMarginRight = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 11)
private static let labelMarginRight = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 8)
private static let unreadCountMarginRight = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 16)
private static let disclosureButtonSize = CGSize(width: 44, height: 44)
private static let verticalPadding = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 11)
private static let minRowHeight = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 44)
static let faviconCornerRadius = CGFloat(integerLiteral: 2)
let faviconRect: CGRect
let titleRect: CGRect
let unreadCountRect: CGRect
let disclosureButtonRect: CGRect
let separatorRect: CGRect
let height: CGFloat
init(cellWidth: CGFloat, insets: UIEdgeInsets, label: UILabel, unreadCountView: FeedUnreadCountView, showingEditingControl: Bool, indent: Bool, shouldShowDisclosure: Bool) {
var initialIndent = insets.left
if indent {
initialIndent += FeedTableViewCellLayout.indentWidth
let bounds = CGRect(x: initialIndent, y: 0.0, width: floor(cellWidth - initialIndent - insets.right), height: 0.0)
// Disclosure Button
var rDisclosure =
if shouldShowDisclosure {
rDisclosure.size = FeedTableViewCellLayout.disclosureButtonSize
rDisclosure.origin.x = bounds.origin.x
// Favicon
var rFavicon =
if !shouldShowDisclosure {
let x = bounds.origin.x
let y = UIFontMetrics.default.scaledValue(for: FeedTableViewCellLayout.verticalPadding) +
label.font.lineHeight / 2.0 -
FeedTableViewCellLayout.imageSize.height / 2.0
rFavicon = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: FeedTableViewCellLayout.imageSize.width, height: FeedTableViewCellLayout.imageSize.height)
// Unread Count
let unreadCountSize = unreadCountView.contentSize
let unreadCountIsHidden = unreadCountView.unreadCount < 1
var rUnread =
if !unreadCountIsHidden {
rUnread.size = unreadCountSize
rUnread.origin.x = bounds.maxX - (FeedTableViewCellLayout.unreadCountMarginRight + unreadCountSize.width)
// Title
var rLabelx = insets.left + FeedTableViewCellLayout.disclosureButtonSize.width
if !shouldShowDisclosure {
rLabelx = rLabelx + FeedTableViewCellLayout.imageSize.width + FeedTableViewCellLayout.imageMarginRight
let rLabely = UIFontMetrics.default.scaledValue(for: FeedTableViewCellLayout.verticalPadding)
var labelWidth =
if !unreadCountIsHidden {
labelWidth = cellWidth - (rLabelx + FeedTableViewCellLayout.labelMarginRight + (cellWidth - rUnread.minX))
} else {
labelWidth = cellWidth - (rLabelx + FeedTableViewCellLayout.labelMarginRight)
let labelSizeInfo = MultilineUILabelSizer.size(for: label.text ?? "", font: label.font, numberOfLines: 0, width: Int(floor(labelWidth)))
// Now that we've got everything (especially the label) computed without the editing controls, update for them.
// We do this because we don't want the row height to change when the editing controls are brought out. We will
// handle the missing space, but removing it from the label and truncating.
if showingEditingControl {
rDisclosure.origin.x += FeedTableViewCellLayout.editingControlIndent
rFavicon.origin.x += FeedTableViewCellLayout.editingControlIndent
rLabelx += FeedTableViewCellLayout.editingControlIndent
if !unreadCountIsHidden {
rUnread.origin.x -= FeedTableViewCellLayout.editingControlIndent
labelWidth = cellWidth - (rLabelx + FeedTableViewCellLayout.labelMarginRight + (cellWidth - rUnread.minX))
} else {
labelWidth = cellWidth - (rLabelx + FeedTableViewCellLayout.labelMarginRight + FeedTableViewCellLayout.editingControlIndent)
var rLabel = CGRect(x: rLabelx, y: rLabely, width: labelWidth, height: labelSizeInfo.size.height)
// Determine cell height
let paddedLabelHeight = rLabel.maxY + UIFontMetrics.default.scaledValue(for: FeedTableViewCellLayout.verticalPadding)
let maxGraphicsHeight = [rFavicon, rUnread, rDisclosure].maxY()
var cellHeight = max(paddedLabelHeight, maxGraphicsHeight)
if cellHeight < FeedTableViewCellLayout.minRowHeight {
cellHeight = FeedTableViewCellLayout.minRowHeight
// Center in Cell
let newBounds = CGRect(x: bounds.origin.x, y: bounds.origin.y, width: bounds.width, height: cellHeight)
if !unreadCountIsHidden {
rUnread = FeedTableViewCellLayout.centerVertically(rUnread, newBounds)
if shouldShowDisclosure {
rDisclosure = FeedTableViewCellLayout.centerVertically(rDisclosure, newBounds)
// Small fonts and the Favicon need centered if we hit the minimum row height
if cellHeight == FeedTableViewCellLayout.minRowHeight {
rLabel = FeedTableViewCellLayout.centerVertically(rLabel, newBounds)
rFavicon = FeedTableViewCellLayout.centerVertically(rFavicon, newBounds)
// Separator Insets
let separatorInset = FeedTableViewCellLayout.disclosureButtonSize.width
separatorRect = CGRect(x: separatorInset, y: cellHeight - 0.5, width: cellWidth - separatorInset, height: 0.5)
// Assign the properties
self.height = cellHeight
self.faviconRect = rFavicon
self.unreadCountRect = rUnread
self.disclosureButtonRect = rDisclosure
self.titleRect = rLabel
// Ideally this will be implemented in RSCore (see RSGeometry)
static func centerVertically(_ originalRect: CGRect, _ containerRect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var result = originalRect
result.origin.y = containerRect.midY - (result.height / 2.0)
result = result.integral
result.size = originalRect.size
return result