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// FeedlyGetCollectionsOperationTests.swift
// AccountTests
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 21/10/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
@testable import Account
import os.log
class FeedlyGetCollectionsOperationTests: XCTestCase {
func testGetCollections() {
let support = FeedlyTestSupport()
let (transport, caller) = support.makeMockNetworkStack()
let jsonName = "JSON/feedly_collections_initial"
transport.testFiles["/v3/collections"] = "\(jsonName).json"
let getCollections = FeedlyGetCollectionsOperation(service: caller, log: support.log)
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
getCollections.completionBlock = { _ in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
let collections = support.testJSON(named: jsonName) as! [[String:Any]]
let labelsInJSON = Set( { $0["label"] as! String })
let idsInJSON = Set( { $0["id"] as! String })
let labels = Set( { $0.label })
let ids = Set( { $ })
let missingLabels = labelsInJSON.subtracting(labels)
let missingIds = idsInJSON.subtracting(ids)
XCTAssertEqual(getCollections.collections.count, collections.count, "Mismatch between collections provided by operation and test JSON collections.")
XCTAssertTrue(missingLabels.isEmpty, "Collections with these labels did not have a corresponding \(FeedlyCollection.self) value with the same name.")
XCTAssertTrue(missingIds.isEmpty, "Collections with these ids did not have a corresponding \(FeedlyCollection.self) with the same id.")
for collection in collections {
let collectionId = collection["id"] as! String
let collectionFeeds = collection["feeds"] as! [[String: Any]]
let collectionFeedIds = Set( { $0["id"] as! String })
for operationCollection in getCollections.collections where == collectionId {
let feedIds = Set( { $ })
let missingIds = collectionFeedIds.subtracting(feedIds)
XCTAssertTrue(missingIds.isEmpty, "Feeds with these ids were not found in the \"\(operationCollection.label)\" \(FeedlyCollection.self).")
func testGetCollectionsError() {
class TestDelegate: FeedlyOperationDelegate {
var errorExpectation: XCTestExpectation?
var error: Error?
func feedlyOperation(_ operation: FeedlyOperation, didFailWith error: Error) {
self.error = error
let delegate = TestDelegate()
delegate.errorExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Fail With Expected Error")
let support = FeedlyTestSupport()
let service = TestGetCollectionsService()
service.mockResult = .failure(URLError(.timedOut))
let getCollections = FeedlyGetCollectionsOperation(service: service, log: support.log)
getCollections.delegate = delegate
let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
getCollections.completionBlock = { _ in
waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
XCTAssertTrue(getCollections.collections.isEmpty, "Collections should be empty.")