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synced 2025-02-06 22:03:26 +01:00
The timeline now optionally includes "Mail style" separators (behind a hidden default — "CorreiaSeparators" — which defaults to NO).
232 lines
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232 lines
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// TimelineCellLayout.swift
// NetNewsWire
// Created by Brent Simmons on 2/6/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import AppKit
import RSCore
struct TimelineCellLayout {
let width: CGFloat
let height: CGFloat
let feedNameRect: NSRect
let dateRect: NSRect
let titleRect: NSRect
let numberOfLinesForTitle: Int
let summaryRect: NSRect
let textRect: NSRect
let unreadIndicatorRect: NSRect
let starRect: NSRect
let avatarImageRect: NSRect
let separatorRect: NSRect
let paddingBottom: CGFloat
init(width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat, feedNameRect: NSRect, dateRect: NSRect, titleRect: NSRect, numberOfLinesForTitle: Int, summaryRect: NSRect, textRect: NSRect, unreadIndicatorRect: NSRect, starRect: NSRect, avatarImageRect: NSRect, separatorRect: NSRect, paddingBottom: CGFloat) {
self.width = width
self.feedNameRect = feedNameRect
self.dateRect = dateRect
self.titleRect = titleRect
self.numberOfLinesForTitle = numberOfLinesForTitle
self.summaryRect = summaryRect
self.textRect = textRect
self.unreadIndicatorRect = unreadIndicatorRect
self.starRect = starRect
self.avatarImageRect = avatarImageRect
self.separatorRect = separatorRect
self.paddingBottom = paddingBottom
if height > 0.1 {
self.height = height
else {
self.height = [feedNameRect, dateRect, titleRect, summaryRect, textRect, unreadIndicatorRect, avatarImageRect].maxY() + paddingBottom
init(width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat, cellData: TimelineCellData, appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, hasAvatar: Bool) {
// If height == 0.0, then height is calculated.
let showAvatar = cellData.showAvatar
var textBoxRect = TimelineCellLayout.rectForTextBox(appearance, cellData, showAvatar, width)
let (titleRect, numberOfLinesForTitle) = TimelineCellLayout.rectForTitle(textBoxRect, appearance, cellData)
let summaryRect = numberOfLinesForTitle > 0 ? TimelineCellLayout.rectForSummary(textBoxRect, titleRect, numberOfLinesForTitle, appearance, cellData) : NSRect.zero
let textRect = numberOfLinesForTitle > 0 ? NSRect.zero : TimelineCellLayout.rectForText(textBoxRect, appearance, cellData)
var lastTextRect = titleRect
if numberOfLinesForTitle == 0 {
lastTextRect = textRect
else if numberOfLinesForTitle == 1 {
if summaryRect.height > 0.1 {
lastTextRect = summaryRect
let dateRect = TimelineCellLayout.rectForDate(textBoxRect, lastTextRect, appearance, cellData)
let feedNameRect = TimelineCellLayout.rectForFeedName(textBoxRect, dateRect, appearance, cellData)
textBoxRect.size.height = ceil([titleRect, summaryRect, textRect, dateRect, feedNameRect].maxY() - textBoxRect.origin.y)
let avatarImageRect = TimelineCellLayout.rectForAvatar(cellData, appearance, showAvatar, textBoxRect, width, height)
let unreadIndicatorRect = TimelineCellLayout.rectForUnreadIndicator(appearance, textBoxRect)
let starRect = TimelineCellLayout.rectForStar(appearance, unreadIndicatorRect)
let separatorRect = TimelineCellLayout.rectForSeparator(cellData, appearance, showAvatar ? avatarImageRect : titleRect, width, height)
let paddingBottom = appearance.cellPadding.bottom
self.init(width: width, height: height, feedNameRect: feedNameRect, dateRect: dateRect, titleRect: titleRect, numberOfLinesForTitle: numberOfLinesForTitle, summaryRect: summaryRect, textRect: textRect, unreadIndicatorRect: unreadIndicatorRect, starRect: starRect, avatarImageRect: avatarImageRect, separatorRect: separatorRect, paddingBottom: paddingBottom)
static func height(for width: CGFloat, cellData: TimelineCellData, appearance: TimelineCellAppearance) -> CGFloat {
let layout = TimelineCellLayout(width: width, height: 0.0, cellData: cellData, appearance: appearance, hasAvatar: true)
return layout.height
// MARK: - Calculate Rects
private extension TimelineCellLayout {
static func rectForTextBox(_ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ cellData: TimelineCellData, _ showAvatar: Bool, _ width: CGFloat) -> NSRect {
// Returned height is a placeholder. Not needed when this is calculated.
let avatarSpace = showAvatar ? appearance.avatarSize.width + appearance.avatarMarginRight : 0.0
let textBoxOriginX = appearance.cellPadding.left + appearance.unreadCircleDimension + appearance.unreadCircleMarginRight + avatarSpace
let textBoxMaxX = floor(width - appearance.cellPadding.right)
let textBoxWidth = floor(textBoxMaxX - textBoxOriginX)
let textBoxRect = NSRect(x: textBoxOriginX, y: appearance.cellPadding.top, width: textBoxWidth, height: 1000000)
return textBoxRect
static func rectForTitle(_ textBoxRect: NSRect, _ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ cellData: TimelineCellData) -> (NSRect, Int) {
var r = textBoxRect
if cellData.title.isEmpty {
r.size.height = 0
return (r, 0)
let sizeInfo = MultilineTextFieldSizer.size(for: cellData.title, font: appearance.titleFont, numberOfLines: appearance.titleNumberOfLines, width: Int(textBoxRect.width))
r.size.height = sizeInfo.size.height
if sizeInfo.numberOfLinesUsed < 1 {
r.size.height = 0
return (r, sizeInfo.numberOfLinesUsed)
static func rectForSummary(_ textBoxRect: NSRect, _ titleRect: NSRect, _ titleNumberOfLines: Int, _ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ cellData: TimelineCellData) -> NSRect {
if titleNumberOfLines >= appearance.titleNumberOfLines || cellData.text.isEmpty {
return NSRect.zero
return rectOfLineBelow(titleRect, titleRect, 0, cellData.text, appearance.textFont)
static func rectForText(_ textBoxRect: NSRect, _ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ cellData: TimelineCellData) -> NSRect {
var r = textBoxRect
if cellData.text.isEmpty {
r.size.height = 0
return r
let sizeInfo = MultilineTextFieldSizer.size(for: cellData.text, font: appearance.textOnlyFont, numberOfLines: appearance.titleNumberOfLines, width: Int(textBoxRect.width))
r.size.height = sizeInfo.size.height
if sizeInfo.numberOfLinesUsed < 1 {
r.size.height = 0
return r
static func rectForDate(_ textBoxRect: NSRect, _ rectAbove: NSRect, _ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ cellData: TimelineCellData) -> NSRect {
return rectOfLineBelow(textBoxRect, rectAbove, appearance.titleBottomMargin, cellData.dateString, appearance.dateFont)
static func rectForFeedName(_ textBoxRect: NSRect, _ dateRect: NSRect, _ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ cellData: TimelineCellData) -> NSRect {
if !cellData.showFeedName {
return NSZeroRect
return rectOfLineBelow(textBoxRect, dateRect, appearance.dateMarginBottom, cellData.feedName, appearance.feedNameFont)
static func rectOfLineBelow(_ textBoxRect: NSRect, _ rectAbove: NSRect, _ topMargin: CGFloat, _ value: String, _ font: NSFont) -> NSRect {
let textFieldSize = SingleLineTextFieldSizer.size(for: value, font: font)
var r = NSZeroRect
r.size = textFieldSize
r.origin.y = NSMaxY(rectAbove) + topMargin
r.origin.x = textBoxRect.origin.x
var width = textFieldSize.width
width = min(width, textBoxRect.size.width)
width = max(width, 0.0)
r.size.width = width
return r
static func rectForUnreadIndicator(_ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ titleRect: NSRect) -> NSRect {
var r = NSZeroRect
r.size = NSSize(width: appearance.unreadCircleDimension, height: appearance.unreadCircleDimension)
r.origin.x = appearance.cellPadding.left
r.origin.y = titleRect.minY + 6
// r = RSRectCenteredVerticallyInRect(r, titleRect)
// r.origin.y += 1
return r
static func rectForStar(_ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ unreadIndicatorRect: NSRect) -> NSRect {
var r = NSRect.zero
r.size.width = appearance.starDimension
r.size.height = appearance.starDimension
r.origin.x = floor(unreadIndicatorRect.origin.x - ((appearance.starDimension - appearance.unreadCircleDimension) / 2.0))
r.origin.y = unreadIndicatorRect.origin.y - 4.0
return r
static func rectForAvatar(_ cellData: TimelineCellData, _ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ showAvatar: Bool, _ textBoxRect: NSRect, _ width: CGFloat, _ height: CGFloat) -> NSRect {
var r = NSRect.zero
if !showAvatar {
return r
r.size = appearance.avatarSize
r.origin.x = appearance.cellPadding.left + appearance.unreadCircleDimension + appearance.unreadCircleMarginRight
r.origin.y = textBoxRect.origin.y + appearance.avatarAdjustmentTop
return r
static func rectForSeparator(_ cellData: TimelineCellData, _ appearance: TimelineCellAppearance, _ alignmentRect: NSRect, _ width: CGFloat, _ height: CGFloat) -> NSRect {
return NSRect(x: alignmentRect.minX, y: height - 1, width: width - alignmentRect.minX, height: 1)
private extension Array where Element == NSRect {
func maxY() -> CGFloat {
var y: CGFloat = 0.0
self.forEach { y = Swift.max(y, $0.maxY) }
return y