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// FeedlyTestSupport.swift
// AccountTests
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 22/10/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
import RSParser
@testable import Account
import os.log
import SyncDatabase
class FeedlyTestSupport {
var log = OSLog(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, category: "FeedlyTests")
var accessToken = Credentials(type: .oauthAccessToken, username: "Test", secret: "t3st-access-tok3n")
var refreshToken = Credentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken, username: "Test", secret: "t3st-refresh-tok3n")
var transport = TestTransport()
func makeMockNetworkStack() -> (TestTransport, FeedlyAPICaller) {
let caller = FeedlyAPICaller(transport: transport, api: .sandbox)
caller.credentials = accessToken
return (transport, caller)
func makeTestAccount() -> Account {
let manager = TestAccountManager()
let account = manager.createAccount(type: .feedly, transport: transport)
do {
try account.storeCredentials(refreshToken)
// This must be done last or the account uses the refresh token for request Authorization!
try account.storeCredentials(accessToken)
} catch {
XCTFail("Unable to register mock credentials because \(error)")
return account
func makeMockOAuthClient() -> OAuthAuthorizationClient {
return OAuthAuthorizationClient(id: "test", redirectUri: "test://test/auth", state: nil, secret: "password")
func removeCredentials(matching type: CredentialsType, from account: Account) {
do {
try account.removeCredentials(type: type)
} catch {
XCTFail("Unable to remove \(type)")
func makeTestDatabaseContainer() -> TestDatabaseContainer {
return TestDatabaseContainer()
class TestDatabaseContainer {
private let path: String
private(set) var database: SyncDatabase!
init() {
let dataFolder = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)
path = dataFolder.appendingPathComponent("\(UUID().uuidString)-Sync.sqlite3").path
database = SyncDatabase(databaseFilePath: path)
deinit {
// We should close the database before removing the database.
database = nil
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: path)
print("Removed database at \(path)")
} catch {
print("Unable to remove database owned by \(self) because \(error).")
func destroy(_ testAccount: Account) {
do {
// These should not throw when the keychain items are not found.
try testAccount.removeCredentials(type: .oauthAccessToken)
try testAccount.removeCredentials(type: .oauthRefreshToken)
} catch {
XCTFail("Unable to clean up mock credentials because \(error)")
let manager = TestAccountManager()
func testJSON(named: String, subdirectory: String? = nil) -> Any {
let bundle = Bundle(for: TestTransport.self)
let url = bundle.url(forResource: named, withExtension: "json", subdirectory: subdirectory)!
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
let json = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data)
return json
func checkFoldersAndFeeds(in account: Account, againstCollectionsAndFeedsInJSONNamed name: String, subdirectory: String? = nil) {
let collections = testJSON(named: name, subdirectory: subdirectory) as! [[String:Any]]
let collectionNames = Set( { $0["label"] as! String })
let collectionIds = Set( { $0["id"] as! String })
let folders = account.folders ?? Set()
let folderNames = Set(folders.compactMap { $ })
let folderIds = Set(folders.compactMap { $0.externalID })
let missingNames = collectionNames.subtracting(folderNames)
let missingIds = collectionIds.subtracting(folderIds)
XCTAssertEqual(folders.count, collections.count, "Mismatch between collections and folders.")
XCTAssertTrue(missingNames.isEmpty, "Collections with these names did not have a corresponding folder with the same name.")
XCTAssertTrue(missingIds.isEmpty, "Collections with these ids did not have a corresponding folder with the same id.")
for collection in collections {
checkSingleFolderAndFeeds(in: account, againstOneCollectionAndFeedsInJSONPayload: collection)
func checkSingleFolderAndFeeds(in account: Account, againstOneCollectionAndFeedsInJSONNamed name: String) {
let collection = testJSON(named: name) as! [String:Any]
checkSingleFolderAndFeeds(in: account, againstOneCollectionAndFeedsInJSONPayload: collection)
func checkSingleFolderAndFeeds(in account: Account, againstOneCollectionAndFeedsInJSONPayload collection: [String: Any]) {
let label = collection["label"] as! String
guard let folder = account.existingFolder(with: label) else {
// due to a previous test failure?
XCTFail("Could not find the \"\(label)\" folder.")
let collectionFeeds = collection["feeds"] as! [[String: Any]]
let folderFeeds = folder.topLevelWebFeeds
XCTAssertEqual(collectionFeeds.count, folderFeeds.count)
let collectionFeedIds = Set( { $0["id"] as! String })
let folderFeedIds = Set( { $0.webFeedID })
let missingFeedIds = collectionFeedIds.subtracting(folderFeedIds)
XCTAssertTrue(missingFeedIds.isEmpty, "Feeds with these ids were not found in the \"\(label)\" folder.")
func checkArticles(in account: Account, againstItemsInStreamInJSONNamed name: String, subdirectory: String? = nil) {
let stream = testJSON(named: name, subdirectory: subdirectory) as! [String:Any]
checkArticles(in: account, againstItemsInStreamInJSONPayload: stream)
func checkArticles(in account: Account, againstItemsInStreamInJSONPayload stream: [String: Any]) {
checkArticles(in: account, correspondToStreamItemsIn: stream)
private struct ArticleItem {
var id: String
var feedId: String
var content: String
var JSON: [String: Any]
var unread: Bool
/// Convoluted external URL logic "documented" here:
var externalUrl: String? {
return ((JSON["canonical"] as? [[String: Any]]) ?? (JSON["alternate"] as? [[String: Any]]))?.compactMap { link -> String? in
let href = link["href"] as? String
if let type = link["type"] as? String {
if type == "text/html" {
return href
return nil
return href
init(item: [String: Any]) {
self.JSON = item = item["id"] as! String
let origin = item["origin"] as! [String: Any]
self.feedId = origin["streamId"] as! String
let content = item["content"] as? [String: Any]
let summary = item["summary"] as? [String: Any]
self.content = ((content ?? summary)?["content"] as? String) ?? ""
self.unread = item["unread"] as! Bool
/// Awkwardly titled to make it clear the JSON given is from a stream response.
func checkArticles(in testAccount: Account, correspondToStreamItemsIn stream: [String: Any]) {
let items = stream["items"] as! [[String: Any]]
let articleItems = { ArticleItem(item: $0) }
let itemIds = Set( { $ })
let articles = testAccount.fetchArticles(.articleIDs(itemIds))
let articleIds = Set( { $0.articleID })
let missing = itemIds.subtracting(articleIds)
XCTAssertEqual(items.count, articles.count)
XCTAssertTrue(missing.isEmpty, "Items with these ids did not have a corresponding article with the same id.")
for article in articles {
for item in articleItems where == article.articleID {
XCTAssertEqual(article.contentHTML, item.content)
XCTAssertEqual(article.webFeedID, item.feedId)
XCTAssertEqual(article.externalURL, item.externalUrl)
func checkUnreadStatuses(in account: Account, againstIdsInStreamInJSONNamed name: String, subdirectory: String? = nil, testCase: XCTestCase) {
let streamIds = testJSON(named: name, subdirectory: subdirectory) as! [String:Any]
checkUnreadStatuses(in: account, correspondToIdsInJSONPayload: streamIds, testCase: testCase)
func checkUnreadStatuses(in testAccount: Account, correspondToIdsInJSONPayload streamIds: [String: Any], testCase: XCTestCase) {
let ids = Set(streamIds["ids"] as! [String])
let fetchIdsExpectation = testCase.expectation(description: "Fetch Article Ids")
testAccount.fetchUnreadArticleIDs { articleIdsResult in
do {
let articleIds = try articleIdsResult.get()
// Unread statuses can be paged from Feedly.
// Instead of joining test data, the best we can do is
// make sure that these ids are marked as unread (a subset of the total).
XCTAssertTrue(ids.isSubset(of: articleIds), "Some articles in `ids` are not marked as unread.")
} catch let e {
XCTFail("Error unwrapping article IDs: \(e)")
testCase.wait(for: [fetchIdsExpectation], timeout: 2)
func checkStarredStatuses(in account: Account, againstItemsInStreamInJSONNamed name: String, subdirectory: String? = nil, testCase: XCTestCase) {
let streamIds = testJSON(named: name, subdirectory: subdirectory) as! [String:Any]
checkStarredStatuses(in: account, correspondToStreamItemsIn: streamIds, testCase: testCase)
func checkStarredStatuses(in testAccount: Account, correspondToStreamItemsIn stream: [String: Any], testCase: XCTestCase) {
let items = stream["items"] as! [[String: Any]]
let ids = Set( { $0["id"] as! String })
let fetchIdsExpectation = testCase.expectation(description: "Fetch Article Ids")
testAccount.fetchStarredArticleIDs { articleIdsResult in
do {
let articleIds = try articleIdsResult.get()
// Starred articles can be paged from Feedly.
// Instead of joining test data, the best we can do is
// make sure that these articles are marked as starred (a subset of the total).
XCTAssertTrue(ids.isSubset(of: articleIds), "Some articles in `ids` are not marked as starred.")
} catch let e {
XCTFail("Error unwrapping article IDs: \(e)")
testCase.wait(for: [fetchIdsExpectation], timeout: 2)
func check(_ entries: [FeedlyEntry], correspondToStreamItemsIn stream: [String: Any]) {
let items = stream["items"] as! [[String: Any]]
let itemIds = Set( { $0["id"] as! String })
let articleIds = Set( { $ })
let missing = itemIds.subtracting(articleIds)
XCTAssertEqual(items.count, entries.count)
XCTAssertTrue(missing.isEmpty, "Failed to create \(FeedlyEntry.self) values from objects in the JSON with these ids.")
func makeParsedItemTestDataFor(numberOfFeeds: Int, numberOfItemsInFeeds: Int) -> [String: Set<ParsedItem>] {
let ids = (0..<numberOfFeeds).map { "feed/\($0)" }
let feedIdsAndItemCounts = { ($0, numberOfItemsInFeeds) }
let entries = { (feedId, count) -> (String, [Int]) in
return (feedId, (0..<count).map { $0 })
}.map { pair -> (String, Set<ParsedItem>) in
let items = { index -> ParsedItem in
ParsedItem(syncServiceID: "\(pair.0)/articles/\(index)",
uniqueID: UUID().uuidString,
feedURL: pair.0,
url: "http://localhost/",
externalURL: "http://localhost/\(pair.0)/articles/\(index).html",
title: "Title\(index)",
contentHTML: "Content \(index) HTML.",
contentText: "Content \(index) Text",
summary: nil,
imageURL: nil,
bannerImageURL: nil,
datePublished: nil,
dateModified: nil,
authors: nil,
tags: nil,
attachments: nil)
return (pair.0, Set(items))
}.reduce([String: Set<ParsedItem>](minimumCapacity: feedIdsAndItemCounts.count)) { (dict, pair) in
var mutant = dict
mutant[pair.0] = pair.1
return mutant
return entries