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// String+RSCore.swift
// RSCore
// Created by Brent Simmons on 11/26/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import CommonCrypto
import os
public extension String {
func htmlByAddingLink(_ link: String, className: String? = nil) -> String {
if let className = className {
return "<a class=\"\(className)\" href=\"\(link)\">\(self)</a>"
return "<a href=\"\(link)\">\(self)</a>"
func htmlBySurroundingWithTag(_ tag: String) -> String {
return "<\(tag)>\(self)</\(tag)>"
static func htmlWithLink(_ link: String) -> String {
return link.htmlByAddingLink(link)
func hmacUsingSHA1(key: String) -> String {
var digest = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(CC_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH))
CCHmac(CCHmacAlgorithm(kCCHmacAlgSHA1), key, key.count, self, self.count, &digest)
let data = Data(digest)
return data.map { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }.joined()
public extension String {
/// An MD5 hash of the string's UTF-8 representation.
var md5Hash: Data {
self.data(using: .utf8)!.md5Hash
/// A hexadecimal representaion of an MD5 hash of the string's UTF-8 representation.
var md5String: String {
/// Trims leading and trailing whitespace, and collapses other whitespace into a single space.
var collapsingWhitespace: String {
var dest = self
dest = dest.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
return dest.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\s+", with: " ", options: .regularExpression)
/// Trims whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.
var trimmingWhitespace: String {
self.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
/// Returns `true` if the string contains any character from a set.
private func containsAnyCharacter(from charset: CharacterSet) -> Bool {
return self.rangeOfCharacter(from: charset) != nil
/// Returns `true` if a string may be an IPv6 URL.
private var mayBeIPv6URL: Bool {
self.range(of: "\\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+\\]", options: .regularExpression) != nil
private var hostMayBeLocalhost: Bool {
guard let components = URLComponents(string: self) else { return false }
if let host = components.host {
return host == "localhost"
// If self is schemeless:
if components.path.split(separator: "/", omittingEmptySubsequences: false).first == "localhost" { return true }
return false
/// Returns `true` if the string may be a URL.
var mayBeURL: Bool {
let s = self.trimmingWhitespace
if (s.isEmpty || (!s.contains(".") && !s.mayBeIPv6URL && !s.hostMayBeLocalhost)) {
return false
let banned = CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines.union(.controlCharacters).union(.illegalCharacters)
if s.containsAnyCharacter(from: banned) {
return false
return true
/// Normalizes a URL that could begin with "feed:" or "feeds:", converting
/// it to a URL beginning with "http:" or "https:"
/// Strategy:
/// 1) Note whether or not this is a feed: or feeds: or other prefix
/// 2) Strip the feed: or feeds: prefix
/// 3) If the resulting string is not prefixed with http: or https:, then add http:// as a prefix
/// - Note: Must handle edge case (like boingboing.net) where the feed URL is
/// feed:http://boingboing.net/feed
var normalizedURL: String {
/// Prefix constants.
/// - Note: The lack of colon on `http(s)` is intentional.
enum Prefix {
static let feed = "feed:"
static let feeds = "feeds:"
static let http = "http"
static let https = "https"
var s = self.trimmingWhitespace
var wasFeeds = false
var lowercaseS = s.lowercased()
if lowercaseS.hasPrefix(Prefix.feeds) {
wasFeeds = true
s = s.stripping(prefix: Prefix.feeds)
} else if lowercaseS.hasPrefix(Prefix.feed) {
s = s.stripping(prefix: Prefix.feed)
if s.hasPrefix("//") {
s = s.stripping(prefix: "//")
lowercaseS = s.lowercased()
if !lowercaseS.hasPrefix(Prefix.http) {
s = "\(wasFeeds ? Prefix.https : Prefix.http)://\(s)"
// Handle top-level URLs missing a trailing slash, as in https://ranchero.com — make it http://ranchero.com/
// We’re sticklers for this kind of thing.
// History: it used to be that on Windows they were always fine with no trailing slash,
// and on Macs the trailing slash would appear. In recent years you’ve seen no trailing slash
// on Macs too, but we’re bucking that trend. We’re Mac people, doggone it. Keepers of the flame.
// Add the slash.
let componentsCount = s.components(separatedBy: "/").count
if componentsCount == 3 {
s = s.appending("/")
return s
/// Removes a prefix from the beginning of a string.
/// - Parameters:
/// - prefix: The prefix to remove
/// - caseSensitive: `true` if the prefix should be matched case-sensitively.
/// - Returns: A new string with the prefix removed.
func stripping(prefix: String, caseSensitive: Bool = false) -> String {
let options: String.CompareOptions = caseSensitive ? .anchored : [.anchored, .caseInsensitive]
if let range = self.range(of: prefix, options: options) {
return self.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: "")
return self
/// Removes a suffix from the end of a string.
/// - Parameters:
/// - suffix: The suffix to remove
/// - caseSensitive: `true` if the suffix should be matched case-sensitively.
/// - Returns: A new string with the suffix removed.
func stripping(suffix: String, caseSensitive: Bool = false) -> String {
let options: String.CompareOptions = caseSensitive ? [.backwards, .anchored] : [.backwards, .anchored, .caseInsensitive]
if let range = self.range(of: suffix, options: options) {
return self.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: "")
return self;
/// Removes an HTML tag and everything between its start and end tags.
/// - Parameter tag: The tag to remove.
/// - Returns: A new copy of `self` with the tag removed.
/// - Note: Doesn't work correctly with nested tags of the same name.
private func removingTagAndContents(_ tag: String) -> String {
return self.replacingOccurrences(of: "<\(tag).+?</\(tag)>", with: "", options: [.regularExpression, .caseInsensitive])
/// Strips HTML from a string.
/// - Parameter maxCharacters: The maximum characters in the return string.
/// If `nil`, the whole string is used.
func strippingHTML(maxCharacters: Int? = nil) -> String {
if !self.contains("<") {
if let maxCharacters = maxCharacters, maxCharacters < count {
let ix = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: maxCharacters)
return String(self[..<ix])
return self
var preflight = self
// NOTE: If performance on repeated invocations becomes an issue here, the regexes can be cached.
let options: String.CompareOptions = [.regularExpression, .caseInsensitive]
preflight = preflight.replacingOccurrences(of: "</?(?:blockquote|p|div)>", with: " ", options: options)
preflight = preflight.replacingOccurrences(of: "<p>|</?div>|<br(?: ?/)?>|</li>", with: "\n", options: options)
preflight = preflight.removingTagAndContents("script")
preflight = preflight.removingTagAndContents("style")
var s = String()
var lastCharacterWasSpace = false
var charactersAdded = 0
var level = 0
for var char in preflight {
if char == "<" {
level += 1
} else if char == ">" {
level -= 1
} else if level == 0 {
if char == " " || char == "\r" || char == "\t" || char == "\n" {
if lastCharacterWasSpace {
} else {
lastCharacterWasSpace = true
char = " "
} else {
lastCharacterWasSpace = false
if let maxCharacters = maxCharacters {
charactersAdded += 1
if (charactersAdded >= maxCharacters) {
return s
/// A copy of an HTML string converted to plain text.
/// Replaces `p`, `blockquote`, `div`, `br`, and `li` tags with varying quantities
/// of newlines, strips all other tags, and guarantees no more than two consecutive newlines.
/// - Returns: A copy of self, with HTML tags removed..
func convertingToPlainText() -> String {
if !self.contains("<") {
return self
var preflight = self
// NOTE: If performance on repeated invocations becomes an issue here, the regexes can be cached.
let options: String.CompareOptions = [.regularExpression, .caseInsensitive]
preflight = preflight.replacingOccurrences(of: "</?blockquote>|</p>", with: "\n\n", options: options)
preflight = preflight.replacingOccurrences(of: "<p>|</?div>|<br(?: ?/)?>|</li>", with: "\n", options: options)
var s = String()
var level = 0
for char in preflight {
if char == "<" {
level += 1
} else if char == ">" {
level -= 1
} else if level == 0 {
return s.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\n{3,}", with: "\n\n", options: .regularExpression)
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the string contains another string, case-insensitively.
/// - Parameter string: The string to search for.
/// - Returns: `true` if the string contains `string`; `false` otherswise.
func caseInsensitiveContains(_ string: String) -> Bool {
return self.range(of: string, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil
/// Returns the string with the special XML characters (other than single-quote) ampersand-escaped.
/// The four escaped characters are `<`, `>`, `&`, and `"`.
var escapingSpecialXMLCharacters: String {
var escaped = String()
for char in self {
switch char {
case "&":
case "<":
case ">":
case "\"":
return escaped
/// Initializes a string with a run of tabs.
/// - Parameter tabCount: The number of tabs in the returned string. Must be greater than or equal to zero.
init(tabCount: Int) {
self = String(repeating: "\t", count: tabCount)
/// Prepends tabs to a string.
/// - Parameter tabCount: The number of tabs to prepend. Must be greater than or equal to zero.
/// - Returns: The string with `numberOfTabs` tabs prepended.
func prepending(tabCount: Int) -> String {
let tabs = String(tabCount: tabCount)
return "\(tabs)\(self)"
/// Returns the string with `http://` or `https://` removed from the beginning.
var strippingHTTPOrHTTPSScheme: String {
self.stripping(prefix: "http://").stripping(prefix: "https://")