2017-12-16 11:16:32 -08:00

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// SidebarTreeControllerDelegate.swift
// Evergreen
// Created by Brent Simmons on 7/24/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RSTree
import Data
import Account
final class SidebarTreeControllerDelegate: TreeControllerDelegate {
func treeController(treeController: TreeController, childNodesFor node: Node) -> [Node]? {
if node.isRoot {
return childNodesForRootNode(node)
if node.representedObject is Container {
return childNodesForContainerNode(node)
if node.representedObject is SmartFeedsController {
return childNodesForSmartFeeds(node)
return nil
private extension SidebarTreeControllerDelegate {
func childNodesForRootNode(_ rootNode: Node) -> [Node]? {
// The top-level nodes are Smart Feeds and accounts.
let smartFeedsNode = rootNode.existingOrNewChildNode(with: SmartFeedsController.shared)
smartFeedsNode.canHaveChildNodes = true
smartFeedsNode.isGroupItem = true
return [smartFeedsNode] + sortedAccountNodes(rootNode)
func childNodesForSmartFeeds(_ parentNode: Node) -> [Node] {
return { parentNode.existingOrNewChildNode(with: $0) }
func childNodesForContainerNode(_ containerNode: Node) -> [Node]? {
let container = containerNode.representedObject as! Container
var updatedChildNodes = [Node]()
container.children.forEach { (representedObject) in
if let existingNode = containerNode.childNodeRepresentingObject(representedObject) {
if !updatedChildNodes.contains(existingNode) {
updatedChildNodes += [existingNode]
if let newNode = self.createNode(representedObject: representedObject, parent: containerNode) {
updatedChildNodes += [newNode]
return updatedChildNodes.sortedAlphabeticallyWithFoldersAtEnd()
func createNode(representedObject: Any, parent: Node) -> Node? {
if let feed = representedObject as? Feed {
return createNode(feed: feed, parent: parent)
if let folder = representedObject as? Folder {
return createNode(folder: folder, parent: parent)
if let account = representedObject as? Account {
return createNode(account: account, parent: parent)
return nil
func createNode(feed: Feed, parent: Node) -> Node {
return parent.createChildNode(feed)
func createNode(folder: Folder, parent: Node) -> Node {
let node = parent.createChildNode(folder)
node.canHaveChildNodes = true
return node
func createNode(account: Account, parent: Node) -> Node {
let node = parent.createChildNode(account)
node.canHaveChildNodes = true
node.isGroupItem = true
return node
func sortedAccountNodes(_ parent: Node) -> [Node] {
let nodes = { createNode(account: $0, parent: parent) }
return nodes.sortedAlphabetically()
func nodeInArrayRepresentingObject(_ nodes: [Node], _ representedObject: AnyObject) -> Node? {
for oneNode in nodes {
if oneNode.representedObject === representedObject {
return oneNode
return nil