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Executable File
// RSAtomParser.m
// Created by Brent Simmons on 1/15/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Ranchero Software LLC. All rights reserved.
#import <libxml/xmlstring.h>
#import "RSAtomParser.h"
#import "RSSAXParser.h"
#import "FeedParser.h"
#import "RSParsedFeed.h"
#import "RSParsedArticle.h"
#import "RSXMLData.h"
#import "NSString+RSXML.h"
#import "RSDateParser.h"
@interface RSAtomParser () <RSSAXParserDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) NSData *feedData;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *urlString;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL endFeedFound;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL parsingXHTML;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL parsingSource;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL parsingArticle;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL parsingAuthor;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *attributesStack;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary *currentAttributes;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableString *xhtmlString;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *link;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *title;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *articles;
@property (nonatomic) NSDate *dateParsed;
@property (nonatomic) RSSAXParser *parser;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) RSParsedArticle *currentArticle;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *currentDate;
@implementation RSAtomParser
#pragma mark - Class Methods
+ (BOOL)canParseFeed:(RSXMLData *)xmlData {
// Checking for '<feed' and '<entry' within first n characters should do it.
@autoreleasepool {
NSData *feedData = xmlData.data;
NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)feedData.bytes length:feedData.length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone:NO];
if (!s) {
s = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:feedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if (!s) {
s = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:feedData encoding:NSUnicodeStringEncoding];
if (!s) {
return NO;
static const NSInteger numberOfCharactersToSearch = 4096;
NSRange rangeToSearch = NSMakeRange(0, numberOfCharactersToSearch);
if (s.length < numberOfCharactersToSearch) {
rangeToSearch.length = s.length;
NSRange feedRange = [s rangeOfString:@"<feed" options:NSLiteralSearch range:rangeToSearch];
NSRange entryRange = [s rangeOfString:@"<entry" options:NSLiteralSearch range:rangeToSearch];
if (feedRange.length < 1 || entryRange.length < 1) {
return NO;
if (feedRange.location > entryRange.location) {
return NO; // Wrong order.
return YES;
#pragma mark - Init
- (instancetype)initWithXMLData:(RSXMLData *)xmlData {
self = [super init];
if (!self) {
return nil;
_feedData = xmlData.data;
_urlString = xmlData.urlString;
_parser = [[RSSAXParser alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
_attributesStack = [NSMutableArray new];
_articles = [NSMutableArray new];
return self;
#pragma mark - API
- (RSParsedFeed *)parseFeed:(NSError **)error {
[self parse];
RSParsedFeed *parsedFeed = [[RSParsedFeed alloc] initWithURLString:self.urlString title:self.title link:self.link articles:self.articles];
return parsedFeed;
#pragma mark - Constants
static NSString *kTypeKey = @"type";
static NSString *kXHTMLType = @"xhtml";
static NSString *kRelKey = @"rel";
static NSString *kAlternateValue = @"alternate";
static NSString *kHrefKey = @"href";
static NSString *kXMLKey = @"xml";
static NSString *kBaseKey = @"base";
static NSString *kLangKey = @"lang";
static NSString *kXMLBaseKey = @"xml:base";
static NSString *kXMLLangKey = @"xml:lang";
static NSString *kTextHTMLValue = @"text/html";
static NSString *kRelatedValue = @"related";
static NSString *kShortURLValue = @"shorturl";
static NSString *kHTMLValue = @"html";
static NSString *kEnValue = @"en";
static NSString *kTextValue = @"text";
static NSString *kSelfValue = @"self";
static const char *kID = "id";
static const NSInteger kIDLength = 3;
static const char *kTitle = "title";
static const NSInteger kTitleLength = 6;
static const char *kContent = "content";
static const NSInteger kContentLength = 8;
static const char *kSummary = "summary";
static const NSInteger kSummaryLength = 8;
static const char *kLink = "link";
static const NSInteger kLinkLength = 5;
static const char *kPublished = "published";
static const NSInteger kPublishedLength = 10;
static const char *kUpdated = "updated";
static const NSInteger kUpdatedLength = 8;
static const char *kAuthor = "author";
static const NSInteger kAuthorLength = 7;
static const char *kEntry = "entry";
static const NSInteger kEntryLength = 6;
static const char *kSource = "source";
static const NSInteger kSourceLength = 7;
static const char *kFeed = "feed";
static const NSInteger kFeedLength = 5;
static const char *kType = "type";
static const NSInteger kTypeLength = 5;
static const char *kRel = "rel";
static const NSInteger kRelLength = 4;
static const char *kAlternate = "alternate";
static const NSInteger kAlternateLength = 10;
static const char *kHref = "href";
static const NSInteger kHrefLength = 5;
static const char *kXML = "xml";
static const NSInteger kXMLLength = 4;
static const char *kBase = "base";
static const NSInteger kBaseLength = 5;
static const char *kLang = "lang";
static const NSInteger kLangLength = 5;
static const char *kTextHTML = "text/html";
static const NSInteger kTextHTMLLength = 10;
static const char *kRelated = "related";
static const NSInteger kRelatedLength = 8;
static const char *kShortURL = "shorturl";
static const NSInteger kShortURLLength = 9;
static const char *kHTML = "html";
static const NSInteger kHTMLLength = 5;
static const char *kEn = "en";
static const NSInteger kEnLength = 3;
static const char *kText = "text";
static const NSInteger kTextLength = 5;
static const char *kSelf = "self";
static const NSInteger kSelfLength = 5;
#pragma mark - Parsing
- (void)parse {
self.dateParsed = [NSDate date];
@autoreleasepool {
[self.parser parseData:self.feedData];
[self.parser finishParsing];
// Optimization: make articles do calculations on this background thread.
[self.articles makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(calculateArticleID)];
- (void)addArticle {
RSParsedArticle *article = [[RSParsedArticle alloc] initWithFeedURL:self.urlString];
article.dateParsed = self.dateParsed;
[self.articles addObject:article];
- (RSParsedArticle *)currentArticle {
return self.articles.lastObject;
- (NSDictionary *)currentAttributes {
return self.attributesStack.lastObject;
- (NSDate *)currentDate {
return RSDateWithBytes(self.parser.currentCharacters.bytes, self.parser.currentCharacters.length);
- (void)addFeedLink {
if (self.link && self.link.length > 0) {
NSString *related = self.currentAttributes[kRelKey];
if (related == kAlternateValue) {
self.link = self.currentAttributes[kHrefKey];
- (void)addFeedTitle {
if (self.title.length < 1) {
self.title = self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace;
- (void)addLink {
NSString *urlString = self.currentAttributes[kHrefKey];
if (urlString.length < 1) {
NSString *rel = self.currentAttributes[kRelKey];
if (rel.length < 1) {
rel = kAlternateValue;
if (rel == kAlternateValue) {
if (!self.currentArticle.link) {
self.currentArticle.link = urlString;
else if (rel == kRelatedValue) {
if (!self.currentArticle.permalink) {
self.currentArticle.permalink = urlString;
- (void)addContent {
self.currentArticle.body = [self currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded];
- (void)addSummary {
if (!self.currentArticle.body) {
self.currentArticle.body = [self currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded];
- (NSString *)currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded {
return [self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace rs_stringByDecodingHTMLEntities];
- (void)addArticleElement:(const xmlChar *)localName prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix {
if (prefix) {
if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kID, kIDLength)) {
self.currentArticle.guid = self.parser.currentStringWithTrimmedWhitespace;
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kTitle, kTitleLength)) {
self.currentArticle.title = [self currentStringWithHTMLEntitiesDecoded];
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kContent, kContentLength)) {
[self addContent];
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kSummary, kSummaryLength)) {
[self addSummary];
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kLink, kLinkLength)) {
[self addLink];
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kPublished, kPublishedLength)) {
self.currentArticle.datePublished = self.currentDate;
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kUpdated, kUpdatedLength)) {
self.currentArticle.dateModified = self.currentDate;
- (void)addXHTMLTag:(const xmlChar *)localName {
if (!localName) {
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@"<"];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)localName]];
if (self.currentAttributes.count < 1) {
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@">"];
for (NSString *oneKey in self.currentAttributes) {
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@" "];
NSString *oneValue = self.currentAttributes[oneKey];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:oneKey];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@"=\""];
oneValue = [oneValue stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@"""];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:oneValue];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@"\""];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@">"];
#pragma mark - RSSAXParserDelegate
- (void)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser XMLStartElement:(const xmlChar *)localName prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix uri:(const xmlChar *)uri numberOfNamespaces:(NSInteger)numberOfNamespaces namespaces:(const xmlChar **)namespaces numberOfAttributes:(NSInteger)numberOfAttributes numberDefaulted:(int)numberDefaulted attributes:(const xmlChar **)attributes {
if (self.endFeedFound) {
NSDictionary *xmlAttributes = [self.parser attributesDictionary:attributes numberOfAttributes:numberOfAttributes];
if (!xmlAttributes) {
xmlAttributes = [NSDictionary dictionary];
[self.attributesStack addObject:xmlAttributes];
if (self.parsingXHTML) {
[self addXHTMLTag:localName];
if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kEntry, kEntryLength)) {
self.parsingArticle = YES;
[self addArticle];
if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kAuthor, kAuthorLength)) {
self.parsingAuthor = YES;
if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kSource, kSourceLength)) {
self.parsingSource = YES;
BOOL isContentTag = RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kContent, kContentLength);
BOOL isSummaryTag = RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kSummary, kSummaryLength);
if (self.parsingArticle && (isContentTag || isSummaryTag)) {
NSString *contentType = xmlAttributes[kTypeKey];
if ([contentType isEqualToString:kXHTMLType]) {
self.parsingXHTML = YES;
self.xhtmlString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
if (!self.parsingArticle && RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kLink, kLinkLength)) {
[self addFeedLink];
[self.parser beginStoringCharacters];
- (void)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser XMLEndElement:(const xmlChar *)localName prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix uri:(const xmlChar *)uri {
if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kFeed, kFeedLength)) {
self.endFeedFound = YES;
if (self.endFeedFound) {
if (self.parsingXHTML) {
BOOL isContentTag = RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kContent, kContentLength);
BOOL isSummaryTag = RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kSummary, kSummaryLength);
if (self.parsingArticle && (isContentTag || isSummaryTag)) {
if (isContentTag) {
self.currentArticle.body = [self.xhtmlString copy];
else if (isSummaryTag) {
if (self.currentArticle.body.length < 1) {
self.currentArticle.body = [self.xhtmlString copy];
if (isContentTag || isSummaryTag) {
self.parsingXHTML = NO;
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@"</"];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:(const char *)localName]];
[self.xhtmlString appendString:@">"];
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kAuthor, kAuthorLength)) {
self.parsingAuthor = NO;
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kEntry, kEntryLength)) {
self.parsingArticle = NO;
else if (self.parsingArticle && !self.parsingSource) {
[self addArticleElement:localName prefix:prefix];
else if (RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kSource, kSourceLength)) {
self.parsingSource = NO;
else if (!self.parsingArticle && !self.parsingSource && RSSAXEqualTags(localName, kTitle, kTitleLength)) {
[self addFeedTitle];
[self.attributesStack removeLastObject];
- (NSString *)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser internedStringForName:(const xmlChar *)name prefix:(const xmlChar *)prefix {
if (prefix && RSSAXEqualTags(prefix, kXML, kXMLLength)) {
if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kBase, kBaseLength)) {
return kXMLBaseKey;
if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kLang, kLangLength)) {
return kXMLLangKey;
if (prefix) {
return nil;
if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kRel, kRelLength)) {
return kRelKey;
if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kType, kTypeLength)) {
return kTypeKey;
if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kHref, kHrefLength)) {
return kHrefKey;
if (RSSAXEqualTags(name, kAlternate, kAlternateLength)) {
return kAlternateValue;
return nil;
static BOOL equalBytes(const void *bytes1, const void *bytes2, NSUInteger length) {
return memcmp(bytes1, bytes2, length) == 0;
- (NSString *)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser internedStringForValue:(const void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length {
static const NSUInteger alternateLength = kAlternateLength - 1;
static const NSUInteger textHTMLLength = kTextHTMLLength - 1;
static const NSUInteger relatedLength = kRelatedLength - 1;
static const NSUInteger shortURLLength = kShortURLLength - 1;
static const NSUInteger htmlLength = kHTMLLength - 1;
static const NSUInteger enLength = kEnLength - 1;
static const NSUInteger textLength = kTextLength - 1;
static const NSUInteger selfLength = kSelfLength - 1;
if (length == alternateLength && equalBytes(bytes, kAlternate, alternateLength)) {
return kAlternateValue;
if (length == textHTMLLength && equalBytes(bytes, kTextHTML, textHTMLLength)) {
return kTextHTMLValue;
if (length == relatedLength && equalBytes(bytes, kRelated, relatedLength)) {
return kRelatedValue;
if (length == shortURLLength && equalBytes(bytes, kShortURL, shortURLLength)) {
return kShortURLValue;
if (length == htmlLength && equalBytes(bytes, kHTML, htmlLength)) {
return kHTMLValue;
if (length == enLength && equalBytes(bytes, kEn, enLength)) {
return kEnValue;
if (length == textLength && equalBytes(bytes, kText, textLength)) {
return kTextValue;
if (length == selfLength && equalBytes(bytes, kSelf, selfLength)) {
return kSelfValue;
return nil;
- (void)saxParser:(RSSAXParser *)SAXParser XMLCharactersFound:(const unsigned char *)characters length:(NSUInteger)length {
if (self.parsingXHTML) {
[self.xhtmlString appendString:[[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)characters length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone:NO]];