Brent Simmons 18f6b177e9 Fix typo.
2017-11-25 20:24:12 -08:00

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Executable File

// HTTPResponseCode.swift
// RSWeb
// Created by Brent Simmons on 12/26/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public struct HTTPResponseCode {
// Not an enum because the main interest is the actual values.
public static let responseContinue = 100 //"continue" is a language keyword, hence the weird name
public static let switchingProtocols = 101
public static let OK = 200
public static let created = 201
public static let accepted = 202
public static let nonAuthoritativeInformation = 203
public static let noContent = 204
public static let resetContent = 205
public static let partialContent = 206
public static let redirectMultipleChoices = 300
public static let redirectPermanent = 301
public static let redirectTemporary = 302
public static let redirectSeeOther = 303
public static let notModified = 304
public static let useProxy = 305
public static let unused = 306
public static let redirectVeryTemporary = 307
public static let badRequest = 400
public static let unauthorized = 401
public static let paymentRequired = 402
public static let forbidden = 403
public static let notFound = 404
public static let methodNotAllowed = 405
public static let notAcceptable = 406
public static let proxyAuthenticationRequired = 407
public static let requestTimeout = 408
public static let conflict = 409
public static let gone = 410
public static let lengthRequired = 411
public static let preconditionFailed = 412
public static let entityTooLarge = 413
public static let URITooLong = 414
public static let unsupportedMediaType = 415
public static let requestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416
public static let expectationFailed = 417
public static let internalServerError = 500
public static let notImplemented = 501
public static let badGateway = 502
public static let serviceUnavailable = 503
public static let gatewayTimeout = 504
public static let HTTPVersionNotSupported = 505