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// FeedlyArticleStatusCoordinator.swift
// Account
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 24/9/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import SyncDatabase
import Articles
import os.log
final class FeedlyArticleStatusCoordinator {
private let database: SyncDatabase
private let log: OSLog
private let caller: FeedlyAPICaller
init(dataFolderPath: String, caller: FeedlyAPICaller, log: OSLog) {
let databaseFilePath = (dataFolderPath as NSString).appendingPathComponent("Sync.sqlite3")
self.database = SyncDatabase(databaseFilePath: databaseFilePath)
self.log = log
self.caller = caller
/// Stores a status for a particular article locally.
func articles(_ articles: Set<Article>, for account: Account, didChangeStatus statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, flag: Bool) -> Set<Article>? {
let syncStatuses = articles.map { article in
return SyncStatus(articleID: article.articleID, key: statusKey, flag: flag)
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Marking %@ as %@.", articles.map { $0.title }, syncStatuses)
if database.selectPendingCount() > 100 {
sendArticleStatus(for: account)
return account.update(articles, statusKey: statusKey, flag: flag)
/// Ensures local articles have the same status as they do remotely.
func refreshArticleStatus(for account: Account, stream: FeedlyStream, collection: FeedlyCollection, completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
let unreadArticleIds = Set(
.filter { $0.unread }
.map { $0.id }
// Mark articles as unread
let currentUnreadArticleIDs = account.fetchUnreadArticleIDs()
let deltaUnreadArticleIDs = unreadArticleIds.subtracting(currentUnreadArticleIDs)
let markUnreadArticles = account.fetchArticles(.articleIDs(deltaUnreadArticleIDs))
account.update(markUnreadArticles, statusKey: .read, flag: false)
let readAritcleIds = Set(
.filter { !$0.unread }
.map { $0.id }
let deltaReadArticleIDs = currentUnreadArticleIDs.intersection(readAritcleIds)
let markReadArticles = account.fetchArticles(.articleIDs(deltaReadArticleIDs))
account.update(markReadArticles, statusKey: .read, flag: true)
os_log(.debug, log: log, "\"%@\" - updated %i UNREAD and %i read article(s).", collection.label, unreadArticleIds.count, markReadArticles.count)
// TODO: starred
// group.enter()
// caller.retrieveStarredEntries() { result in
// switch result {
// case .success(let articleIDs):
// self.syncArticleStarredState(account: account, articleIDs: articleIDs)
// group.leave()
// case .failure(let error):
// os_log(.info, log: self.log, "Retrieving starred entries failed: %@.", error.localizedDescription)
// group.leave()
// }
// }
/// Ensures remote articles have the same status as they do locally.
func sendArticleStatus(for account: Account, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
os_log(.debug, log: log, "Sending article statuses...")
let pending = database.selectForProcessing()
let statuses: [(status: ArticleStatus.Key, flag: Bool, action: FeedlyAPICaller.MarkAction)] = [
(.read, false, .unread),
(.read, true, .read),
(.starred, true, .saved),
(.starred, false, .unsaved),
let group = DispatchGroup()
for pairing in statuses {
let articleIds = pending.filter { $0.key == pairing.status && $0.flag == pairing.flag }
guard !articleIds.isEmpty else {
let ids = Set(articleIds.map { $0.articleID })
let database = self.database
caller.mark(ids, as: pairing.action) { result in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure:
group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
os_log(.debug, log: self.log, "Done sending article statuses.")