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// FeedlyResourceId.swift
// Account
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 3/10/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/// The kinds of Resource Ids is documented here:
protocol FeedlyResourceId {
/// The resource Id from Feedly.
var id: String { get }
/// The Feed Resource is documented here:
struct FeedlyFeedResourceId: FeedlyResourceId {
let id: String
/// The location of the kind of resource a concrete type represents.
/// If the conrete type cannot strip the resource type from the Id, it should just return the Id
/// since the Id is a legitimate URL.
/// This is basically assuming Feedly prefixes source feed URLs with `feed/`.
/// It is not documented as such and could potentially change.
/// Feedly does not include the source feed URL as a separate field.
/// See
var url: String {
if let range = id.range(of: "feed/"), range.lowerBound == id.startIndex {
var mutant = id
return mutant
// It seems values like "something/" is a legit URL.
return id
extension FeedlyFeedResourceId {
init(url: String) { = "feed/\(url)"
struct FeedlyCategoryResourceId: FeedlyResourceId {
let id: String
enum Global {
static func uncategorized(for userId: String) -> FeedlyCategoryResourceId {
let id = "user/\(userId)/category/global.uncategorized"
return FeedlyCategoryResourceId(id: id)
/// All articles from all the feeds the user subscribes to.
static func all(for userId: String) -> FeedlyCategoryResourceId {
let id = "user/\(userId)/category/global.all"
return FeedlyCategoryResourceId(id: id)
/// All articles from all the feeds the user loves most.
static func mustRead(for userId: String) -> FeedlyCategoryResourceId {
let id = "user/\(userId)/category/global.must"
return FeedlyCategoryResourceId(id: id)
struct FeedlyTagResourceId: FeedlyResourceId {
let id: String
enum Global {
static func saved(for userId: String) -> FeedlyTagResourceId {
let id = "user/\(userId)/tag/global.saved"
return FeedlyTagResourceId(id: id)