453 lines
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453 lines
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// Database.swift
// Evergreen
// Created by Brent Simmons on 7/20/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RSCore
import RSDatabase
import RSParser
import Data
public typealias ArticleResultBlock = (Set<Article>) -> Void
public typealias UnreadCountTable = [String: Int] // feedID: unreadCount
public typealias UnreadCountCompletionBlock = (UnreadCountTable) -> Void //feedID: unreadCount
public final class Database {
private let queue: RSDatabaseQueue
private let databaseFile: String
private let articlesTable: ArticlesTable
private var articleArrivalCutoffDate = NSDate.rs_dateWithNumberOfDays(inThePast: 3 * 31)!
private let minimumNumberOfArticles = 10
private weak var delegate: AccountDelegate?
private weak var account: Account?
public init(databaseFile: String, delegate: AccountDelegate, account: Account) {
self.delegate = delegate
self.account = account
self.databaseFile = databaseFile
self.queue = RSDatabaseQueue(filepath: databaseFile, excludeFromBackup: false)
self.articlesTable = ArticlesTable(name: DatabaseTableName.articles, account: account, queue: queue)
let createStatementsPath = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).path(forResource: "CreateStatements", ofType: "sql")!
let createStatements = try! NSString(contentsOfFile: createStatementsPath, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
queue.createTables(usingStatements: createStatements as String)
// MARK: - Fetching Articles
public func fetchArticles(for feed: Feed) -> Set<Article> {
return articlesTable.fetchArticles(feed)
// return Set<Article>() // TODO
// var fetchedArticles = Set<Article>()
// let feedID = feed.feedID
// queue.fetchSync { (database: FMDatabase!) -> Void in
// fetchedArticles = self.fetchArticlesForFeedID(feedID, database: database)
// }
// let articles = articleCache.uniquedArticles(fetchedArticles, statusesTable: statusesTable)
// return filteredArticles(articles, feedCounts: [feed.feedID: fetchedArticles.count])
public func fetchArticlesAsync(for feed: Feed, _ resultBlock: @escaping ArticleResultBlock) {
articlesTable.fetchArticlesAsync(feed, resultBlock)
// let feedID = feed.feedID
// queue.fetch { (database: FMDatabase!) -> Void in
// let fetchedArticles = self.fetchArticlesForFeedID(feedID, database: database)
// DispatchQueue.main.async() { () -> Void in
// let articles = self.articleCache.uniquedArticles(fetchedArticles, statusesTable: self.statusesTable)
// let filteredArticles = self.filteredArticles(articles, feedCounts: [feed.feedID: fetchedArticles.count])
// resultBlock(filteredArticles)
// }
// }
public func fetchUnreadArticles(for folder: Folder) -> Set<Article> {
return articlesTable.fetchUnreadArticles(folder.flattenedFeeds())
// MARK: - Unread Counts
public func fetchUnreadCounts(for feeds: Set<Feed>, completion: @escaping UnreadCountCompletionBlock) {
return articlesTable.fetchUnreadCounts(feeds, completion)
// let feedIDs = feeds.feedIDs()
// queue.fetch { (database: FMDatabase!) -> Void in
// var unreadCounts = UnreadCountTable()
// for oneFeedID in feedIDs {
// unreadCounts[oneFeedID] = self.unreadCount(oneFeedID, database)
// }
// DispatchQueue.main.async() {
// completion(unreadCounts)
// }
// }
// MARK: - Updating Articles
public func update(feed: Feed, parsedFeed: ParsedFeed, completion: @escaping RSVoidCompletionBlock) {
return articlesTable.update(feed, parsedFeed, completion)
// if parsedFeed.items.isEmpty {
// completionHandler()
// return
// }
// let parsedArticlesDictionary = self.articlesDictionary(parsedFeed.items as NSSet) as! [String: ParsedItem]
// fetchArticlesForFeedAsync(feed) { (articles) -> Void in
// let articlesDictionary = self.articlesDictionary(articles as NSSet) as! [String: Article]
// self.updateArticles(articlesDictionary, parsedArticles: parsedArticlesDictionary, feed: feed, completionHandler: completionHandler)
// }
// MARK: - Status
public func mark(_ articles: Set<Article>, statusKey: String, flag: Bool) {
articlesTable.mark(articles, statusKey, flag)
// statusesTable.markArticles(articles, statusKey: statusKey, flag: flag)
// MARK: - Private
private extension Database {
// func feedIDCountDictionariesWithResultSet(_ resultSet: FMResultSet) -> [String: Int] {
// var counts = [String: Int]()
// while (resultSet.next()) {
// if let oneFeedID = resultSet.string(forColumnIndex: 0) {
// let count = resultSet.int(forColumnIndex: 1)
// counts[oneFeedID] = Int(count)
// }
// }
// return counts
// }
// func countsForAllFeeds(_ database: FMDatabase) -> [String: Int] {
// let sql = "select distinct feedID, count(*) as count from articles group by feedID;"
// if let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: []) {
// return feedIDCountDictionariesWithResultSet(resultSet)
// }
// return [String: Int]()
// }
// func countsForFeedIDs(_ feedIDs: [String], _ database: FMDatabase) -> [String: Int] {
// let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(feedIDs.count))!
// let sql = "select distinct feedID, count(*) from articles where feedID in \(placeholders) group by feedID;"
// logSQL(sql)
// if let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: feedIDs) {
// return feedIDCountDictionariesWithResultSet(resultSet)
// }
// return [String: Int]()
// }
// func fetchUnreadArticlesForFeedIDs(_ feedIDs: [String]) -> Set<Article> {
// if feedIDs.isEmpty {
// return Set<Article>()
// }
// var fetchedArticles = Set<Article>()
// var counts = [String: Int]()
// queue.fetchSync { (database: FMDatabase!) -> Void in
// counts = self.countsForFeedIDs(feedIDs, database)
// // select * from articles natural join statuses where feedID in ('http://ranchero.com/xml/rss.xml') and read = 0
// let placeholders = NSString.rs_SQLValueList(withPlaceholders: UInt(feedIDs.count))!
// let sql = "select * from articles natural join statuses where feedID in \(placeholders) and read=0;"
// logSQL(sql)
// if let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: feedIDs) {
// fetchedArticles = self.articlesWithResultSet(resultSet)
// }
// }
// let articles = articleCache.uniquedArticles(fetchedArticles, statusesTable: statusesTable)
// return filteredArticles(articles, feedCounts: counts)
// }
// MARK: Saving Articles
// func saveUpdatedAndNewArticles(_ articleChanges: Set<NSDictionary>, newArticles: Set<Article>) {
// if articleChanges.isEmpty && newArticles.isEmpty {
// return
// }
// statusesTable.assertNoMissingStatuses(newArticles)
// articleCache.cacheArticles(newArticles)
// let newArticleDictionaries = newArticles.map { (oneArticle) in
// return oneArticle.databaseDictionary()
// }
// queue.update { (database: FMDatabase!) -> Void in
// if !articleChanges.isEmpty {
// for oneDictionary in articleChanges {
// let oneArticleDictionary = oneDictionary.mutableCopy() as! NSMutableDictionary
// let articleID = oneArticleDictionary[DatabaseKey.articleID]!
// oneArticleDictionary.removeObject(forKey: DatabaseKey.articleID)
// let _ = database.rs_updateRows(with: oneArticleDictionary as [NSObject: AnyObject], whereKey: DatabaseKey.articleID, equalsValue: articleID, tableName: DatabaseTableName.articles)
// }
// }
// if !newArticleDictionaries.isEmpty {
// for oneNewArticleDictionary in newArticleDictionaries {
// let _ = database.rs_insertRow(with: oneNewArticleDictionary as [NSObject: AnyObject], insertType: RSDatabaseInsertOrReplace, tableName: DatabaseTableName.articles)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // MARK: Updating Articles
// func updateArticles(_ articles: [String: Article], parsedArticles: [String: ParsedItem], feed: Feed, completionHandler: @escaping RSVoidCompletionBlock) {
// statusesTable.ensureStatusesForParsedArticles(Set(parsedArticles.values)) {
// let articleChanges = self.updateExistingArticles(articles, parsedArticles)
// let newArticles = self.createNewArticles(articles, parsedArticles: parsedArticles, feedID: feed.feedID)
// self.saveUpdatedAndNewArticles(articleChanges, newArticles: newArticles)
// completionHandler()
// }
// }
// func articlesDictionary(_ articles: NSSet) -> [String: AnyObject] {
// var d = [String: AnyObject]()
// for oneArticle in articles {
// let oneArticleID = (oneArticle as AnyObject).value(forKey: DatabaseKey.articleID) as! String
// d[oneArticleID] = oneArticle as AnyObject
// }
// return d
// }
// func updateExistingArticles(_ articles: [String: Article], _ parsedArticles: [String: ParsedItem]) -> Set<NSDictionary> {
// var articleChanges = Set<NSDictionary>()
// for oneArticle in articles.values {
// if let oneParsedArticle = parsedArticles[oneArticle.articleID] {
// if let oneArticleChanges = oneArticle.updateWithParsedArticle(oneParsedArticle) {
// articleChanges.insert(oneArticleChanges)
// }
// }
// }
// return articleChanges
// }
// // MARK: Creating Articles
// func createNewArticlesWithParsedArticles(_ parsedArticles: Set<ParsedItem>, feedID: String) -> Set<Article> {
// return Set(parsedArticles.map { Article(account: account, feedID: feedID, parsedArticle: $0) })
// }
// func articlesWithParsedArticles(_ parsedArticles: Set<ParsedItem>, feedID: String) -> Set<Article> {
// var localArticles = Set<Article>()
// for oneParsedArticle in parsedArticles {
// let oneLocalArticle = Article(account: self.account, feedID: feedID, parsedArticle: oneParsedArticle)
// localArticles.insert(oneLocalArticle)
// }
// return localArticles
// }
// func createNewArticles(_ existingArticles: [String: Article], parsedArticles: [String: ParsedItem], feedID: String) -> Set<Article> {
// let newParsedArticles = parsedArticlesMinusExistingArticles(parsedArticles, existingArticles: existingArticles)
// let newArticles = createNewArticlesWithParsedArticles(newParsedArticles, feedID: feedID)
// statusesTable.attachCachedUniqueStatuses(newArticles)
// return newArticles
// }
// func parsedArticlesMinusExistingArticles(_ parsedArticles: [String: ParsedItem], existingArticles: [String: Article]) -> Set<ParsedItem> {
// var result = Set<ParsedItem>()
// for oneParsedArticle in parsedArticles.values {
// if let _ = existingArticles[oneParsedArticle.databaseID] {
// continue
// }
// result.insert(oneParsedArticle)
// }
// return result
// }
// // MARK: Fetching Articles
// func fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(_ database: FMDatabase, whereClause: String, parameters: [AnyObject]?) -> Set<Article> {
// let sql = "select * from articles where \(whereClause);"
// logSQL(sql)
// if let resultSet = database.executeQuery(sql, withArgumentsIn: parameters) {
// return articlesWithResultSet(resultSet, database)
// }
// return Set<Article>()
// }
// func articlesWithResultSet(_ resultSet: FMResultSet, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Set<Article> {
// let fetchedArticles = resultSet.mapToSet { Article(account: self.account, row: $0) }
// statusesTable.attachStatuses(fetchedArticles, database)
// authorsTable.attachAuthors(fetchedArticles, database)
// tagsTable.attachTags(fetchedArticles, database)
// attachmentsTable.attachAttachments(fetchedArticles, database)
// return fetchedArticles
// }
// func fetchArticlesForFeedID(_ feedID: String, database: FMDatabase) -> Set<Article> {
// return fetchArticlesWithWhereClause(database, whereClause: "articles.feedID = ?", parameters: [feedID as AnyObject])
// }
// // MARK: Unread counts
// func numberOfArticles(_ feedID: String, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Int {
// let sql = "select count(*) from articles where feedID = ?;"
// logSQL(sql)
// return numberWithSQLAndParameters(sql, parameters: [feedID], database)
// }
// func unreadCount(_ feedID: String, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Int {
// let totalNumberOfArticles = numberOfArticles(feedID, database)
// if totalNumberOfArticles <= minimumNumberOfArticles {
// return unreadCountIgnoringCutoffDate(feedID, database)
// }
// return unreadCountRespectingCutoffDate(feedID, database)
// }
// func unreadCountIgnoringCutoffDate(_ feedID: String, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Int {
// let sql = "select count(*) from articles natural join statuses where feedID=? and read=0 and userDeleted=0;"
// logSQL(sql)
// return numberWithSQLAndParameters(sql, parameters: [feedID], database)
// }
// func unreadCountRespectingCutoffDate(_ feedID: String, _ database: FMDatabase) -> Int {
// let sql = "select count(*) from articles natural join statuses where feedID=? and read=0 and userDeleted=0 and (starred=1 or dateArrived>?);"
// logSQL(sql)
// return numberWithSQLAndParameters(sql, parameters: [feedID, articleArrivalCutoffDate], database)
// }
// // MARK: Filtering out old articles
// func articleIsOlderThanCutoffDate(_ article: Article) -> Bool {
// if let dateArrived = article.status?.dateArrived {
// return dateArrived < articleArrivalCutoffDate
// }
// return false
// }
// func articleShouldBeSavedForever(_ article: Article) -> Bool {
// return article.status.starred
// }
// func articleShouldAppearToUser(_ article: Article, _ numberOfArticlesInFeed: Int) -> Bool {
// if numberOfArticlesInFeed <= minimumNumberOfArticles {
// return true
// }
// return articleShouldBeSavedForever(article) || !articleIsOlderThanCutoffDate(article)
// }
// private static let minimumNumberOfArticlesInFeed = 10
// func filteredArticles(_ articles: Set<Article>, feedCounts: [String: Int]) -> Set<Article> {
// var articlesSet = Set<Article>()
// for oneArticle in articles {
// if let feedCount = feedCounts[oneArticle.feedID], articleShouldAppearToUser(oneArticle, feedCount) {
// articlesSet.insert(oneArticle)
// }
// }
// return articlesSet
// }
// func feedIDsFromArticles(_ articles: Set<Article>) -> Set<String> {
// return Set(articles.map { $0.feedID })
// }
// func deletePossibleOldArticles(_ articles: Set<Article>) {
// let feedIDs = feedIDsFromArticles(articles)
// if feedIDs.isEmpty {
// return
// }
// }