97 lines
2.9 KiB

// FeedbinArticle.swift
// Account
// Created by Brent Simmons on 12/11/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import RSParser
import RSCore
struct FeedbinArticle {
// "id": 2077,
// "feed_id": 135,
// "title": "Objective-C Runtime Releases",
// "url": "http:\/\/mjtsai.com\/blog\/2013\/02\/02\/objective-c-runtime-releases\/",
// "author": "Michael Tsai",
// "content": "<p><a href=\"https:\/\/twitter.com\/bavarious\/status\/297851496945577984\">Bavarious<\/a> created a <a href=\"https:\/\/github.com\/bavarious\/objc4\/commits\/master\">GitHub repository<\/a> that shows the differences between versions of <a href=\"http:\/\/www.opensource.apple.com\/source\/objc4\/\">Apple\u2019s Objective-C runtime<\/a> that shipped with different versions of Mac OS X.<\/p>",
// "summary": "Bavarious created a GitHub repository that shows the differences between versions of Apple\u2019s Objective-C runtime that shipped with different versions of Mac OS X.",
// "published": "2013-02-03T01:00:19.000000Z",
// "created_at": "2013-02-04T01:00:19.127893Z"
struct Key {
static let syncID = "id"
static let feedID = "feed_id"
static let title = "title"
static let url = "url"
static let authorName = "author"
static let contentHTML = "content"
static let summary = "summary"
static let datePublished = "published"
static let dateArrived = "created_at"
let syncID: String
let feedID: String
let title: String?
let url: String?
let authorName: String?
let contentHTML: String?
let summary: String?
let datePublished: Date?
let dateArrived: Date?
init?(jsonDictionary: JSONDictionary) {
guard let syncIDInt = jsonDictionary[Key.syncID] as? Int else {
return nil
guard let feedIDInt = jsonDictionary[Key.feedID] as? Int else {
return nil
self.syncID = "\(syncIDInt)"
self.feedID = "\(feedIDInt)"
self.title = jsonDictionary[Key.title] as? String
self.url = jsonDictionary[Key.url] as? String
self.authorName = jsonDictionary[Key.authorName] as? String
if let contentHTML = jsonDictionary[Key.contentHTML] as? String, !contentHTML.isEmpty {
self.contentHTML = contentHTML
else {
self.contentHTML = nil
if let summary = jsonDictionary[Key.summary] as? String, !summary.isEmpty {
self.summary = summary
else {
self.summary = nil
if let datePublishedString = jsonDictionary[Key.datePublished] as? String {
self.datePublished = RSDateWithString(datePublishedString)
else {
self.datePublished = nil
if let dateArrivedString = jsonDictionary[Key.dateArrived] as? String {
self.dateArrived = RSDateWithString(dateArrivedString)
else {
self.dateArrived = nil
static func articles(with array: JSONArray) -> [FeedbinArticle]? {
let articlesArray = array.compactMap { FeedbinArticle(jsonDictionary: $0) }
return articlesArray.isEmpty ? nil : articlesArray