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// UIViewController-Extensions.swift
// NetNewsWire-iOS
// Created by Maurice Parker on 1/16/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import RSCore
import Account
extension UIViewController {
func presentError(_ error: Error, dismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
if let accountError = error as? AccountError, accountError.isCredentialsError {
presentAccountError(accountError, dismiss: dismiss)
} else if let decodingError = error as? DecodingError {
let errorTitle = NSLocalizedString("Error", comment: "Error")
let infromativeText: String = ""
switch decodingError {
case .typeMismatch(let type, _):
let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because the the type—“%@”—is mismatched in the Info.plist", comment: "Type mismatch")
informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, type as! CVarArg) as String
presentError(title: title, message: infromativeText, dismiss: dismiss)
case .valueNotFound(let value, _):
let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because the the value—“%@”—is not found in the Info.plist.", comment: "Decoding value missing")
informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, value as! CVarArg) as String
presentError(title: title, message: infromativeText, dismiss: dismiss)
case .keyNotFound(let codingKey, _):
let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because the the key—“%@”—is not found in the Info.plist.", comment: "Decoding key missing")
informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, codingKey.stringValue) as String
presentError(title: title, message: infromativeText, dismiss: dismiss)
case .dataCorrupted(let context):
guard let error = context.underlyingError as NSError?,
let debugDescription = error.userInfo["NSDebugDescription"] as? String else {
informativeText = error.localizedDescription
presentError(title: title, message: infromativeText, dismiss: dismiss)
let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because of data corruption in the Info.plist. %@.", comment: "Decoding key missing")
informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, debugDescription) as String
presentError(title: title, message: infromativeText, dismiss: dismiss)
informativeText = error.localizedDescription
presentError(title: title, message: infromativeText, dismiss: dismiss)
} else {
let errorTitle = NSLocalizedString("Error", comment: "Error")
presentError(title: errorTitle, message: error.localizedDescription, dismiss: dismiss)
private extension UIViewController {
func presentAccountError(_ error: AccountError, dismiss: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
let title = NSLocalizedString("Account Error", comment: "Account Error")
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: title, message: error.localizedDescription, preferredStyle: .alert)
if error.acount?.type == .feedbin {
let credentialsTitle = NSLocalizedString("Update Credentials", comment: "Update Credentials")
let credentialsAction = UIAlertAction(title: credentialsTitle, style: .default) { [weak self] _ in
let navController = UIStoryboard.account.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "FeedbinAccountNavigationViewController") as! UINavigationController
navController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
let addViewController = navController.topViewController as! FeedbinAccountViewController
addViewController.account = error.acount
self?.present(navController, animated: true)
alertController.preferredAction = credentialsAction
let dismissTitle = NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: "OK")
let dismissAction = UIAlertAction(title: dismissTitle, style: .default) { _ in
self.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)