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// FMDatabaseAdditions.h
// fmdb
// Created by August Mueller on 10/30/05.
// Copyright 2005 Flying Meat Inc.. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "FMDatabase.h"
/** Category of additions for `<FMDatabase>` class.
### See also
- `<FMDatabase>`
@interface FMDatabase (FMDatabaseAdditions)
/// @name Return results of SQL to variable
/** Return `int` value for query
@param query The SQL query to be performed.
@param ... A list of parameters that will be bound to the `?` placeholders in the SQL query.
@return `int` value.
@note To use this method from Swift, you must include `FMDatabaseAdditionsVariadic.swift` in your project.
- (int)intForQuery:(NSString*)query, ...;
/** Return `long` value for query
@param query The SQL query to be performed.
@param ... A list of parameters that will be bound to the `?` placeholders in the SQL query.
@return `long` value.
@note To use this method from Swift, you must include `FMDatabaseAdditionsVariadic.swift` in your project.
- (long)longForQuery:(NSString*)query, ...;
/** Return `BOOL` value for query
@param query The SQL query to be performed.
@param ... A list of parameters that will be bound to the `?` placeholders in the SQL query.
@return `BOOL` value.
@note To use this method from Swift, you must include `FMDatabaseAdditionsVariadic.swift` in your project.
- (BOOL)boolForQuery:(NSString*)query, ...;
/** Return `double` value for query
@param query The SQL query to be performed.
@param ... A list of parameters that will be bound to the `?` placeholders in the SQL query.
@return `double` value.
@note To use this method from Swift, you must include `FMDatabaseAdditionsVariadic.swift` in your project.
- (double)doubleForQuery:(NSString*)query, ...;
/** Return `NSString` value for query
@param query The SQL query to be performed.
@param ... A list of parameters that will be bound to the `?` placeholders in the SQL query.
@return `NSString` value.
@note To use this method from Swift, you must include `FMDatabaseAdditionsVariadic.swift` in your project.
- (NSString*)stringForQuery:(NSString*)query, ...;
/** Return `NSData` value for query
@param query The SQL query to be performed.
@param ... A list of parameters that will be bound to the `?` placeholders in the SQL query.
@return `NSData` value.
@note To use this method from Swift, you must include `FMDatabaseAdditionsVariadic.swift` in your project.
- (NSData*)dataForQuery:(NSString*)query, ...;
/** Return `NSDate` value for query
@param query The SQL query to be performed.
@param ... A list of parameters that will be bound to the `?` placeholders in the SQL query.
@return `NSDate` value.
@note To use this method from Swift, you must include `FMDatabaseAdditionsVariadic.swift` in your project.
- (NSDate*)dateForQuery:(NSString*)query, ...;
// Notice that there's no dataNoCopyForQuery:.
// That would be a bad idea, because we close out the result set, and then what
// happens to the data that we just didn't copy? Who knows, not I.
/// @name Schema related operations
/** Does table exist in database?
@param tableName The name of the table being looked for.
@return `YES` if table found; `NO` if not found.
- (BOOL)tableExists:(NSString*)tableName;
/** The schema of the database.
This will be the schema for the entire database. For each entity, each row of the result set will include the following fields:
- `type` - The type of entity (e.g. table, index, view, or trigger)
- `name` - The name of the object
- `tbl_name` - The name of the table to which the object references
- `rootpage` - The page number of the root b-tree page for tables and indices
- `sql` - The SQL that created the entity
@return `FMResultSet` of schema; `nil` on error.
@see [SQLite File Format](http://www.sqlite.org/fileformat.html)
- (FMResultSet*)getSchema;
/** The schema of the database.
This will be the schema for a particular table as report by SQLite `PRAGMA`, for example:
PRAGMA table_info('employees')
This will report:
- `cid` - The column ID number
- `name` - The name of the column
- `type` - The data type specified for the column
- `notnull` - whether the field is defined as NOT NULL (i.e. values required)
- `dflt_value` - The default value for the column
- `pk` - Whether the field is part of the primary key of the table
@param tableName The name of the table for whom the schema will be returned.
@return `FMResultSet` of schema; `nil` on error.
@see [table_info](http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_table_info)
- (FMResultSet*)getTableSchema:(NSString*)tableName;
/** Test to see if particular column exists for particular table in database
@param columnName The name of the column.
@param tableName The name of the table.
@return `YES` if column exists in table in question; `NO` otherwise.
- (BOOL)columnExists:(NSString*)columnName inTableWithName:(NSString*)tableName;
/** Test to see if particular column exists for particular table in database
@param columnName The name of the column.
@param tableName The name of the table.
@return `YES` if column exists in table in question; `NO` otherwise.
@see columnExists:inTableWithName:
@warning Deprecated - use `<columnExists:inTableWithName:>` instead.
- (BOOL)columnExists:(NSString*)tableName columnName:(NSString*)columnName __attribute__ ((deprecated));
/** Validate SQL statement
This validates SQL statement by performing `sqlite3_prepare_v2`, but not returning the results, but instead immediately calling `sqlite3_finalize`.
@param sql The SQL statement being validated.
@param error This is a pointer to a `NSError` object that will receive the autoreleased `NSError` object if there was any error. If this is `nil`, no `NSError` result will be returned.
@return `YES` if validation succeeded without incident; `NO` otherwise.
- (BOOL)validateSQL:(NSString*)sql error:(NSError**)error;
/// @name Application identifier tasks
/** Retrieve application ID
@return The `uint32_t` numeric value of the application ID.
@see setApplicationID:
- (uint32_t)applicationID;
/** Set the application ID
@param appID The `uint32_t` numeric value of the application ID.
@see applicationID
- (void)setApplicationID:(uint32_t)appID;
/** Retrieve application ID string
@return The `NSString` value of the application ID.
@see setApplicationIDString:
- (NSString*)applicationIDString;
/** Set the application ID string
@param string The `NSString` value of the application ID.
@see applicationIDString
- (void)setApplicationIDString:(NSString*)string;
/// @name user version identifier tasks
/** Retrieve user version
@return The `uint32_t` numeric value of the user version.
@see setUserVersion:
- (uint32_t)userVersion;
/** Set the user-version
@param version The `uint32_t` numeric value of the user version.
@see userVersion
- (void)setUserVersion:(uint32_t)version;