2024-09-09 21:35:51 -07:00

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// DateParser.swift
// Created by Brent Simmons on 8/28/24.
import Foundation
public final class DateParser {
// MARK: - Public API
/// Parse W3C and pubDate dates used for feed parsing.
/// This is a fast alternative to system APIs
/// for parsing dates.
public static func date(data: Data) -> Date? {
let numberOfBytes = data.count
// Make sure its in reasonable range for a date string.
if numberOfBytes < 6 || numberOfBytes > 150 {
return nil
return data.withUnsafeBytes { bytes in
let buffer = bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self)
if dateIsW3CDate(buffer, numberOfBytes) {
return parseW3CDate(buffer, numberOfBytes)
else if dateIsPubDate(buffer, numberOfBytes) {
return parsePubDate(buffer, numberOfBytes)
// Fallback, in case our detection fails.
return parseW3CDate(buffer, numberOfBytes)
private typealias DateBuffer = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>
// See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_time_zone_abbreviations for list
private static let timeZoneTable: [String: Int] = [
"GMT": timeZoneOffset(0, 0),
"UTC": timeZoneOffset(0, 0),
"PDT": timeZoneOffset(-7, 0),
"PST": timeZoneOffset(-8, 0),
"EST": timeZoneOffset(-5, 0),
"EDT": timeZoneOffset(-4, 0),
"MDT": timeZoneOffset(-6, 0),
"MST": timeZoneOffset(-7, 0),
"CST": timeZoneOffset(-6, 0),
"CDT": timeZoneOffset(-5, 0),
"ACT": timeZoneOffset(-8, 0),
"AFT": timeZoneOffset(4, 30),
"AMT": timeZoneOffset(4, 0),
"ART": timeZoneOffset(-3, 0),
"AST": timeZoneOffset(3, 0),
"AZT": timeZoneOffset(4, 0),
"BIT": timeZoneOffset(-12, 0),
"BDT": timeZoneOffset(8, 0),
"ACST": timeZoneOffset(9, 30),
"AEST": timeZoneOffset(10, 0),
"AKST": timeZoneOffset(-9, 0),
"AMST": timeZoneOffset(5, 0),
"AWST": timeZoneOffset(8, 0),
"AZOST": timeZoneOffset(-1, 0),
"BIOT": timeZoneOffset(6, 0),
"BRT": timeZoneOffset(-3, 0),
"BST": timeZoneOffset(6, 0),
"BTT": timeZoneOffset(6, 0),
"CAT": timeZoneOffset(2, 0),
"CCT": timeZoneOffset(6, 30),
"CET": timeZoneOffset(1, 0),
"CEST": timeZoneOffset(2, 0),
"CHAST": timeZoneOffset(12, 45),
"ChST": timeZoneOffset(10, 0),
"CIST": timeZoneOffset(-8, 0),
"CKT": timeZoneOffset(-10, 0),
"CLT": timeZoneOffset(-4, 0),
"CLST": timeZoneOffset(-3, 0),
"COT": timeZoneOffset(-5, 0),
"COST": timeZoneOffset(-4, 0),
"CVT": timeZoneOffset(-1, 0),
"CXT": timeZoneOffset(7, 0),
"EAST": timeZoneOffset(-6, 0),
"EAT": timeZoneOffset(3, 0),
"ECT": timeZoneOffset(-4, 0),
"EEST": timeZoneOffset(3, 0),
"EET": timeZoneOffset(2, 0),
"FJT": timeZoneOffset(12, 0),
"FKST": timeZoneOffset(-4, 0),
"GALT": timeZoneOffset(-6, 0),
"GET": timeZoneOffset(4, 0),
"GFT": timeZoneOffset(-3, 0),
"GILT": timeZoneOffset(7, 0),
"GIT": timeZoneOffset(-9, 0),
"GST": timeZoneOffset(-2, 0),
"GYT": timeZoneOffset(-4, 0),
"HAST": timeZoneOffset(-10, 0),
"HKT": timeZoneOffset(8, 0),
"HMT": timeZoneOffset(5, 0),
"IRKT": timeZoneOffset(8, 0),
"IRST": timeZoneOffset(3, 30),
"IST": timeZoneOffset(2, 0),
"JST": timeZoneOffset(9, 0),
"KRAT": timeZoneOffset(7, 0),
"KST": timeZoneOffset(9, 0),
"LHST": timeZoneOffset(10, 30),
"LINT": timeZoneOffset(14, 0),
"MAGT": timeZoneOffset(11, 0),
"MIT": timeZoneOffset(-9, 30),
"MSK": timeZoneOffset(3, 0),
"MUT": timeZoneOffset(4, 0),
"NDT": timeZoneOffset(-2, 30),
"NFT": timeZoneOffset(11, 30),
"NPT": timeZoneOffset(5, 45),
"NT": timeZoneOffset(-3, 30),
"OMST": timeZoneOffset(6, 0),
"PETT": timeZoneOffset(12, 0),
"PHOT": timeZoneOffset(13, 0),
"PKT": timeZoneOffset(5, 0),
"RET": timeZoneOffset(4, 0),
"SAMT": timeZoneOffset(4, 0),
"SAST": timeZoneOffset(2, 0),
"SBT": timeZoneOffset(11, 0),
"SCT": timeZoneOffset(4, 0),
"SLT": timeZoneOffset(5, 30),
"SST": timeZoneOffset(8, 0),
"TAHT": timeZoneOffset(-10, 0),
"THA": timeZoneOffset(7, 0),
"UYT": timeZoneOffset(-3, 0),
"UYST": timeZoneOffset(-2, 0),
"VET": timeZoneOffset(-4, 30),
"VLAT": timeZoneOffset(10, 0),
"WAT": timeZoneOffset(1, 0),
"WET": timeZoneOffset(0, 0),
"WEST": timeZoneOffset(1, 0),
"YAKT": timeZoneOffset(9, 0),
"YEKT": timeZoneOffset(5, 0)
// MARK: - Private
private extension DateParser {
struct DateCharacter {
static let space = Character(" ").asciiValue!
static let `return` = Character("\r").asciiValue!
static let newline = Character("\n").asciiValue!
static let tab = Character("\t").asciiValue!
static let hyphen = Character("-").asciiValue!
static let comma = Character(",").asciiValue!
static let dot = Character(".").asciiValue!
static let colon = Character(":").asciiValue!
static let plus = Character("+").asciiValue!
static let minus = Character("-").asciiValue!
static let A = Character("A").asciiValue!
static let a = Character("a").asciiValue!
static let D = Character("D").asciiValue!
static let d = Character("d").asciiValue!
static let F = Character("F").asciiValue!
static let f = Character("f").asciiValue!
static let J = Character("J").asciiValue!
static let j = Character("j").asciiValue!
static let M = Character("M").asciiValue!
static let m = Character("m").asciiValue!
static let N = Character("N").asciiValue!
static let n = Character("n").asciiValue!
static let O = Character("O").asciiValue!
static let o = Character("o").asciiValue!
static let S = Character("S").asciiValue!
static let s = Character("s").asciiValue!
static let U = Character("U").asciiValue!
static let u = Character("u").asciiValue!
static let Y = Character("Y").asciiValue!
static let y = Character("y").asciiValue!
static let Z = Character("Z").asciiValue!
static let z = Character("z").asciiValue!
enum Month: Int {
case January = 1,
// MARK: - Standard Formats
private static func dateIsW3CDate(_ bytes: DateBuffer, _ numberOfBytes: Int) -> Bool {
// Something like 2010-11-17T08:40:07-05:00
// But might be missing T character in the middle.
// Looks for four digits in a row followed by a -.
for i in 0..<numberOfBytes - 4 {
let ch = bytes[i]
// Skip whitespace.
if ch == DateCharacter.space || ch == DateCharacter.`return` || ch == DateCharacter.newline || ch == DateCharacter.tab {
assert(i + 4 < numberOfBytes)
// First non-whitespace character must be the beginning of the year, as in `2010-`
return Bool(isDigit(ch)) && isDigit(bytes[i + 1]) && isDigit(bytes[i + 2]) && isDigit(bytes[i + 3]) && bytes[i + 4] == DateCharacter.hyphen
return false
private static func dateIsPubDate(_ bytes: DateBuffer, _ numberOfBytes: Int) -> Bool {
for ch in bytes {
if ch == DateCharacter.space || ch == DateCharacter.comma {
return true
return false
private static func parseW3CDate(_ bytes: DateBuffer, _ numberOfBytes: Int) -> Date? {
var finalIndex = 0
guard let year = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, 0, 4, &finalIndex) else {
return nil
guard let month = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) else {
return nil
guard let day = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) else {
return nil
let hour = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
let minute = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
let second = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
var currentIndex = finalIndex + 1
let milliseconds = {
var ms = 0
let hasMilliseconds = (currentIndex < numberOfBytes) && (bytes[currentIndex] == DateCharacter.dot)
if hasMilliseconds {
ms = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, currentIndex, 3, &finalIndex) ?? 00
currentIndex = finalIndex + 1
// Ignore more than 3 digits of precision
while currentIndex < numberOfBytes && isDigit(bytes[currentIndex]) {
currentIndex += 1
return ms
let timeZoneOffset = parsedTimeZoneOffset(bytes, numberOfBytes, currentIndex)
return dateWithYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondAndtimeZoneOffset(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, milliseconds, timeZoneOffset)
private static func parsePubDate(_ bytes: DateBuffer, _ numberOfBytes: Int) -> Date? {
var finalIndex = 0
let day = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, 0, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 1
let month = nextMonthValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, &finalIndex) ?? .January
guard let year = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 4, &finalIndex) else {
return nil
let hour = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
let minute = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
var currentIndex = finalIndex + 1
let second = {
var s = 0
let hasSeconds = (currentIndex < numberOfBytes) && (bytes[currentIndex] == DateCharacter.colon)
if hasSeconds {
s = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfBytes, currentIndex, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
return s
currentIndex = finalIndex + 1
let timeZoneOffset = {
var offset = 0
let hasTimeZone = (currentIndex < numberOfBytes) && (bytes[currentIndex] == DateCharacter.space)
if hasTimeZone {
offset = parsedTimeZoneOffset(bytes, numberOfBytes, currentIndex)
return offset
return dateWithYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondAndtimeZoneOffset(year, month.rawValue, day, hour, minute, second, 0, timeZoneOffset)
// MARK: - Date Creation
static func dateWithYearMonthDayHourMinuteSecondAndtimeZoneOffset(_ year: Int, _ month: Int, _ day: Int, _ hour: Int, _ minute: Int, _ second: Int, _ milliseconds: Int, _ timeZoneOffset: Int) -> Date? {
var timeInfo = tm()
timeInfo.tm_sec = CInt(second)
timeInfo.tm_min = CInt(minute)
timeInfo.tm_hour = CInt(hour)
timeInfo.tm_mday = CInt(day)
timeInfo.tm_mon = CInt(month - 1) //It's 1-based coming in
timeInfo.tm_year = CInt(year - 1900) //see time.h -- it's years since 1900
timeInfo.tm_wday = -1
timeInfo.tm_yday = -1
timeInfo.tm_isdst = -1
timeInfo.tm_gmtoff = 0;
timeInfo.tm_zone = nil;
let rawTime = timegm(&timeInfo) - timeZoneOffset
if rawTime == time_t(UInt32.max) {
// NSCalendar is super-amazingly slow (which is partly why this parser exists),
// so this is used only when the date is far enough in the future
// (19 January 2038 03:14:08Z on 32-bit systems) that timegm fails.
// Hopefully by the time we consistently need dates that far in the future
// the performance of NSCalendar wont be an issue.
var dateComponents = DateComponents()
dateComponents.timeZone = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: timeZoneOffset)
dateComponents.year = year
dateComponents.month = month
dateComponents.day = day
dateComponents.hour = hour
dateComponents.minute = minute
dateComponents.second = second
dateComponents.nanosecond = milliseconds * 1000000
return Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent.date(from: dateComponents)
var timeInterval = TimeInterval(rawTime)
if milliseconds > 0 {
timeInterval += TimeInterval(TimeInterval(milliseconds) / 1000.0)
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: timeInterval)
// MARK: - Time Zones and Offsets
private static func parsedTimeZoneOffset(_ bytes: DateBuffer, _ numberOfBytes: Int, _ startingIndex: Int) -> Int {
var timeZoneCharacters: [UInt8] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] // nil-terminated last character
var numberOfCharactersFound = 0
var hasAtLeastOneAlphaCharacter = false
for i in startingIndex..<numberOfBytes {
let ch = bytes[i]
if ch == DateCharacter.colon || ch == DateCharacter.space {
let isAlphaCharacter = isAlpha(ch)
if isAlphaCharacter {
hasAtLeastOneAlphaCharacter = true
if isAlphaCharacter || isDigit(ch) || ch == DateCharacter.plus || ch == DateCharacter.minus {
numberOfCharactersFound += 1
timeZoneCharacters[numberOfCharactersFound - 1] = ch
if numberOfCharactersFound >= 5 {
if numberOfCharactersFound < 1 || timeZoneCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.Z || timeZoneCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.z {
return 0
if hasAtLeastOneAlphaCharacter {
return offsetInSecondsForTimeZoneAbbreviation(timeZoneCharacters) ?? 0
return offsetInSecondsForOffsetCharacters(timeZoneCharacters)
private static func offsetInSecondsForOffsetCharacters(_ timeZoneCharacters: [UInt8]) -> Int {
let isPlus = timeZoneCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.plus
var finalIndex = 0
let numberOfCharacters = strlen(timeZoneCharacters)
return timeZoneCharacters.withUnsafeBufferPointer { bytes in
let hours = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfCharacters, 0, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
let minutes = nextNumericValue(bytes, numberOfCharacters, finalIndex + 1, 2, &finalIndex) ?? 0
if hours == 0 && minutes == 0 {
return 0
var seconds = (hours * 60 * 60) + (minutes * 60)
if !isPlus {
seconds = 0 - seconds
return seconds
/// Returns offset in seconds.
static func timeZoneOffset(_ hours: Int, _ minutes: Int) -> Int {
if hours < 0 {
return (hours * 60 * 60) - (minutes * 60)
return (hours * 60 * 60) + (minutes * 60)
private static func offsetInSecondsForTimeZoneAbbreviation(_ abbreviation: [UInt8]) -> Int? {
let name = String(cString: abbreviation)
return timeZoneTable[name]
// MARK: - Parser
private static func nextMonthValue(_ bytes: DateBuffer, _ numberOfBytes: Int, _ startingIndex: Int, _ finalIndex: inout Int) -> DateParser.Month? {
// Lots of short-circuits here. Not strict.
var numberOfAlphaCharactersFound = 0
var monthCharacters: [CChar] = [0, 0, 0]
for i in startingIndex..<numberOfBytes {
finalIndex = i
let ch = bytes[i]
let isAlphaCharacter = isAlpha(ch)
if !isAlphaCharacter {
if numberOfAlphaCharactersFound < 1 {
if numberOfAlphaCharactersFound > 0 {
if numberOfAlphaCharactersFound == 1 {
if ch == DateCharacter.F || ch == DateCharacter.f {
return .February
if ch == DateCharacter.S || ch == DateCharacter.s {
return .September
if ch == DateCharacter.O || ch == DateCharacter.o {
return .October
if ch == DateCharacter.N || ch == DateCharacter.n {
return .November
if ch == DateCharacter.D || ch == DateCharacter.d {
return .December
monthCharacters[numberOfAlphaCharactersFound - 1] = CChar(ch)
if numberOfAlphaCharactersFound >= 3 {
if numberOfAlphaCharactersFound < 2 {
return nil
if monthCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.J || monthCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.j { // Jan, Jun, Jul
if monthCharacters[1] == DateCharacter.A || monthCharacters[1] == DateCharacter.a {
return .January
if monthCharacters[1] == DateCharacter.U || monthCharacters[1] == DateCharacter.u {
if monthCharacters[2] == DateCharacter.N || monthCharacters[2] == DateCharacter.n {
return .June
return .July
return .January
if monthCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.M || monthCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.m { // March, May
if monthCharacters[2] == DateCharacter.Y || monthCharacters[2] == DateCharacter.y {
return .May
return .March
if monthCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.A || monthCharacters[0] == DateCharacter.a { // April, August
if monthCharacters[1] == DateCharacter.U || monthCharacters[1] == DateCharacter.u {
return .August
return .April
return .January // Should never get here (but possibly do)
private static func nextNumericValue(_ bytes: DateBuffer, _ numberOfBytes: Int, _ startingIndex: Int, _ maximumNumberOfDigits: Int, _ finalIndex: inout Int) -> Int? {
// Maximum for the maximum is 4 (for time zone offsets and years)
assert(maximumNumberOfDigits > 0 && maximumNumberOfDigits <= 4)
var numberOfDigitsFound = 0
var digits = [0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in startingIndex..<numberOfBytes {
finalIndex = i
let ch = Int(bytes[i])
let isDigit = isDigit(ch)
if !isDigit && numberOfDigitsFound < 1 {
if !isDigit && numberOfDigitsFound > 0 {
digits[numberOfDigitsFound] = ch - 48; // '0' is 48
if numberOfDigitsFound >= maximumNumberOfDigits {
if numberOfDigitsFound < 1 {
return nil
if numberOfDigitsFound == 1 {
return digits[0]
if numberOfDigitsFound == 2 {
return (digits[0] * 10) + digits[1]
if numberOfDigitsFound == 3 {
return (digits[0] * 100) + (digits[1] * 10) + digits[2]
return (digits[0] * 1000) + (digits[1] * 100) + (digits[2] * 10) + digits[3]
static func isDigit<T: BinaryInteger>(_ ch: T) -> Bool {
return isdigit(Int32(ch)) != 0
static func isAlpha<T: BinaryInteger>(_ ch: T) -> Bool {
return isalpha(Int32(ch)) != 0