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// FeedlySyncStreamContentsOperationTests.swift
// AccountTests
// Created by Kiel Gillard on 26/10/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
@testable import Account
//class FeedlySyncStreamContentsOperationTests: XCTestCase {
// private var account: Account!
// private let support = FeedlyTestSupport()
// override func setUp() {
// super.setUp()
// account = support.makeTestAccount()
// }
// override func tearDown() {
// if let account = account {
// support.destroy(account)
// }
// super.tearDown()
// }
// func testIngestsOnePageSuccess() throws {
// let service = TestGetStreamContentsService()
// let resource = FeedlyCategoryResourceID(id: "user/1234/category/5678")
// let newerThan: Date? = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0)
// let items = service.makeMockFeedlyEntryItem()
// service.mockResult = .success(FeedlyStream(id: resource.id, updated: nil, continuation: nil, items: items))
// let getStreamContentsExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Get Page of Stream Contents")
// getStreamContentsExpectation.expectedFulfillmentCount = 1
// service.getStreamContentsExpectation = getStreamContentsExpectation
// service.parameterTester = { serviceResource, continuation, serviceNewerThan, serviceUnreadOnly in
// XCTAssertEqual(serviceResource.id, resource.id)
// XCTAssertEqual(serviceNewerThan, newerThan)
// XCTAssertNil(continuation)
// XCTAssertNil(serviceUnreadOnly)
// }
// let syncStreamContents = FeedlySyncStreamContentsOperation(account: account, resource: resource, service: service, isPagingEnabled: true, newerThan: newerThan, log: support.log)
// let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
// syncStreamContents.completionBlock = { _ in
// completionExpectation.fulfill()
// }
// MainThreadOperationQueue.shared.add(syncStreamContents)
// waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
// let expectedArticleIDs = Set(items.map { $0.id })
// let expectedArticles = try account.fetchArticles(.articleIDs(expectedArticleIDs))
// XCTAssertEqual(expectedArticles.count, expectedArticleIDs.count, "Did not fetch all the articles.")
// }
// func testIngestsOnePageFailure() {
// let service = TestGetStreamContentsService()
// let resource = FeedlyCategoryResourceID(id: "user/1234/category/5678")
// let newerThan: Date? = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0)
// service.mockResult = .failure(URLError(.timedOut))
// let getStreamContentsExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Get Page of Stream Contents")
// getStreamContentsExpectation.expectedFulfillmentCount = 1
// service.getStreamContentsExpectation = getStreamContentsExpectation
// service.parameterTester = { serviceResource, continuation, serviceNewerThan, serviceUnreadOnly in
// XCTAssertEqual(serviceResource.id, resource.id)
// XCTAssertEqual(serviceNewerThan, newerThan)
// XCTAssertNil(continuation)
// XCTAssertNil(serviceUnreadOnly)
// }
// let syncStreamContents = FeedlySyncStreamContentsOperation(account: account, resource: resource, service: service, isPagingEnabled: true, newerThan: newerThan, log: support.log)
// let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
// syncStreamContents.completionBlock = { _ in
// completionExpectation.fulfill()
// }
// MainThreadOperationQueue.shared.add(syncStreamContents)
// waitForExpectations(timeout: 2)
// }
// func testIngestsManyPagesSuccess() throws {
// let service = TestGetPagedStreamContentsService()
// let resource = FeedlyCategoryResourceID(id: "user/1234/category/5678")
// let newerThan: Date? = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0)
// let continuations = (1...10).map { "\($0)" }
// service.addAtLeastOnePage(for: resource, continuations: continuations, numberOfEntriesPerPage: 1000)
// let getStreamContentsExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Get Page of Stream Contents")
// getStreamContentsExpectation.expectedFulfillmentCount = 1 + continuations.count
// var remainingContinuations = Set(continuations)
// let getStreamPageExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Request Page")
// getStreamPageExpectation.expectedFulfillmentCount = 1 + continuations.count
// service.getStreamContentsExpectation = getStreamContentsExpectation
// service.parameterTester = { serviceResource, continuation, serviceNewerThan, serviceUnreadOnly in
// XCTAssertEqual(serviceResource.id, resource.id)
// XCTAssertEqual(serviceNewerThan, newerThan)
// XCTAssertNil(serviceUnreadOnly)
// if let continuation = continuation {
// XCTAssertTrue(remainingContinuations.contains(continuation))
// remainingContinuations.remove(continuation)
// }
// getStreamPageExpectation.fulfill()
// }
// let syncStreamContents = FeedlySyncStreamContentsOperation(account: account, resource: resource, service: service, isPagingEnabled: true, newerThan: newerThan, log: support.log)
// let completionExpectation = expectation(description: "Did Finish")
// syncStreamContents.completionBlock = { _ in
// completionExpectation.fulfill()
// }
// MainThreadOperationQueue.shared.add(syncStreamContents)
// waitForExpectations(timeout: 30)
// // Find articles inserted.
// let articleIDs = Set(service.pages.values.map { $0.items }.flatMap { $0 }.map { $0.id })
// let articles = try account.fetchArticles(.articleIDs(articleIDs))
// XCTAssertEqual(articleIDs.count, articles.count)
// }