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// NavigationModelController.swift
// NetNewsWire-iOS
// Created by Maurice Parker on 4/21/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import UserNotifications
import Account
import Articles
import RSCore
import RSTree
enum PanelMode {
case unset
case three
case standard
enum SearchScope: Int {
case timeline = 0
case global = 1
class SceneCoordinator: NSObject, UndoableCommandRunner, UnreadCountProvider {
var undoableCommands = [UndoableCommand]()
var undoManager: UndoManager? {
return rootSplitViewController.undoManager
private var panelMode: PanelMode = .unset
private var activityManager = ActivityManager()
private var isShowingExtractedArticle = false
private var articleExtractor: ArticleExtractor? = nil
private var rootSplitViewController: RootSplitViewController!
private var masterNavigationController: UINavigationController!
private var masterFeedViewController: MasterFeedViewController!
private var masterTimelineViewController: MasterTimelineViewController?
private var subSplitViewController: UISplitViewController?
private var articleViewController: ArticleViewController? {
if let detail = masterNavigationController.viewControllers.last as? ArticleViewController {
return detail
if let subSplit = subSplitViewController {
if let navController = subSplit.viewControllers.last as? UINavigationController {
return navController.topViewController as? ArticleViewController
} else {
if let navController = rootSplitViewController.viewControllers.last as? UINavigationController {
return navController.topViewController as? ArticleViewController
return nil
private var wasRootSplitViewControllerCollapsed = false
private let fetchAndMergeArticlesQueue = CoalescingQueue(name: "Fetch and Merge Articles", interval: 0.5)
private var fetchSerialNumber = 0
private let fetchRequestQueue = FetchRequestQueue()
private var animatingChanges = false
private var shadowTable = [[Node]]()
private var lastSearchString = ""
private var lastSearchScope: SearchScope? = nil
private var isSearching: Bool = false
private var savedSearchArticles: ArticleArray? = nil
private var savedSearchArticleIds: Set<String>? = nil
var isTimelineViewControllerPending = false
var isArticleViewControllerPending = false
private(set) var sortDirection = AppDefaults.timelineSortDirection {
didSet {
if sortDirection != oldValue {
private(set) var groupByFeed = AppDefaults.timelineGroupByFeed {
didSet {
if groupByFeed != oldValue {
var prefersStatusBarHidden = false
var displayUndoAvailableTip: Bool {
get { AppDefaults.displayUndoAvailableTip }
set { AppDefaults.displayUndoAvailableTip = newValue }
private let treeControllerDelegate = WebFeedTreeControllerDelegate()
private let treeController: TreeController
var stateRestorationActivity: NSUserActivity? {
return activityManager.stateRestorationActivity
var isRootSplitCollapsed: Bool {
return rootSplitViewController.isCollapsed
var isThreePanelMode: Bool {
return panelMode == .three
var isUnreadFeedsFiltered: Bool {
return treeControllerDelegate.isReadFiltered
var articleReadFilterType: ReadFilterType = .none
var rootNode: Node {
return treeController.rootNode
private(set) var currentFeedIndexPath: IndexPath?
var timelineIconImage: IconImage? {
if let feed = timelineFeed as? WebFeed {
let feedIconImage = appDelegate.webFeedIconDownloader.icon(for: feed)
if feedIconImage != nil {
return feedIconImage
if let faviconIconImage = appDelegate.faviconDownloader.faviconAsIcon(for: feed) {
return faviconIconImage
return (timelineFeed as? SmallIconProvider)?.smallIcon
private(set) var timelineFeed: Feed?
var timelineMiddleIndexPath: IndexPath?
private(set) var showFeedNames = false
private(set) var showIcons = false
var isPrevFeedAvailable: Bool {
guard let indexPath = currentFeedIndexPath else {
return false
return indexPath.section > 0 || indexPath.row > 0
var isNextFeedAvailable: Bool {
guard let indexPath = currentFeedIndexPath else {
return false
let nextIndexPath: IndexPath = {
if indexPath.row + 1 >= shadowTable[indexPath.section].count {
return IndexPath(row: 0, section: indexPath.section + 1)
} else {
return IndexPath(row: indexPath.row + 1, section: indexPath.section)
return nextIndexPath.section < shadowTable.count && nextIndexPath.row < shadowTable[nextIndexPath.section].count
var prevFeedIndexPath: IndexPath? {
guard isPrevFeedAvailable, let indexPath = currentFeedIndexPath else {
return nil
let prevIndexPath: IndexPath = {
if indexPath.row - 1 < 0 {
return IndexPath(row: shadowTable[indexPath.section - 1].count - 1, section: indexPath.section - 1)
} else {
return IndexPath(row: indexPath.row - 1, section: indexPath.section)
return prevIndexPath
var nextFeedIndexPath: IndexPath? {
guard isNextFeedAvailable, let indexPath = currentFeedIndexPath else {
return nil
let nextIndexPath: IndexPath = {
if indexPath.row + 1 >= shadowTable[indexPath.section].count {
return IndexPath(row: 0, section: indexPath.section + 1)
} else {
return IndexPath(row: indexPath.row + 1, section: indexPath.section)
return nextIndexPath
var isPrevArticleAvailable: Bool {
guard let articleRow = currentArticleRow else {
return false
return articleRow > 0
var isNextArticleAvailable: Bool {
guard let articleRow = currentArticleRow else {
return false
return articleRow + 1 < articles.count
var prevArticle: Article? {
guard isPrevArticleAvailable, let articleRow = currentArticleRow else {
return nil
return articles[articleRow - 1]
var nextArticle: Article? {
guard isNextArticleAvailable, let articleRow = currentArticleRow else {
return nil
return articles[articleRow + 1]
var firstUnreadArticleIndexPath: IndexPath? {
for (row, article) in articles.enumerated() {
if ! {
return IndexPath(row: row, section: 0)
return nil
var currentArticle: Article?
private(set) var articles = ArticleArray()
private var currentArticleRow: Int? {
guard let article = currentArticle else { return nil }
return articles.firstIndex(of: article)
var isTimelineUnreadAvailable: Bool {
return timelineFeed?.unreadCount ?? 0 > 0
var isAnyUnreadAvailable: Bool {
return appDelegate.unreadCount > 0
var unreadCount: Int = 0 {
didSet {
if unreadCount != oldValue {
override init() {
treeController = TreeController(delegate: treeControllerDelegate)
for section in treeController.rootNode.childNodes {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(statusesDidChange(_:)), name: .StatusesDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(containerChildrenDidChange(_:)), name: .ChildrenDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(batchUpdateDidPerform(_:)), name: .BatchUpdateDidPerform, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(displayNameDidChange(_:)), name: .DisplayNameDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(accountStateDidChange(_:)), name: .AccountStateDidChange, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(userDidAddAccount(_:)), name: .UserDidAddAccount, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(userDidDeleteAccount(_:)), name: .UserDidDeleteAccount, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(userDefaultsDidChange(_:)), name: UserDefaults.didChangeNotification, object: nil)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(accountDidDownloadArticles(_:)), name: .AccountDidDownloadArticles, object: nil)
func start(for size: CGSize) -> UIViewController {
rootSplitViewController = RootSplitViewController()
rootSplitViewController.coordinator = self
rootSplitViewController.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible
rootSplitViewController.viewControllers = [InteractiveNavigationController.template()]
rootSplitViewController.delegate = self
masterNavigationController = (rootSplitViewController.viewControllers.first as! UINavigationController)
masterNavigationController.delegate = self
masterFeedViewController = UIStoryboard.main.instantiateController(ofType: MasterFeedViewController.self)
masterFeedViewController.coordinator = self
masterNavigationController.pushViewController(masterFeedViewController, animated: false)
let articleViewController = UIStoryboard.main.instantiateController(ofType: ArticleViewController.self)
articleViewController.coordinator = self
let detailNavigationController = addNavControllerIfNecessary(articleViewController, showButton: true)
rootSplitViewController.showDetailViewController(detailNavigationController, sender: self)
configurePanelMode(for: size)
return rootSplitViewController
func handle(_ activity: NSUserActivity) {
selectFeed(nil, animated: false) {
guard let activityType = ActivityType(rawValue: activity.activityType) else { return }
switch activityType {
case .selectFeed:
case .nextUnread:
case .readArticle:
case .addFeedIntent:
func handle(_ response: UNNotificationResponse) {
let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo
func configurePanelMode(for size: CGSize) {
guard rootSplitViewController.traitCollection.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad else {
if (size.width / size.height) > 1.2 {
if panelMode == .unset || panelMode == .standard {
panelMode = .three
} else {
if panelMode == .unset || panelMode == .three {
panelMode = .standard
wasRootSplitViewControllerCollapsed = rootSplitViewController.isCollapsed
func selectFirstUnreadInAllUnread() {
selectFeed(IndexPath(row: 1, section: 0), animated: false) {
func showSearch() {
selectFeed(nil, animated: false) {
self.installTimelineControllerIfNecessary(animated: false)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()) {
// MARK: Notifications
@objc func statusesDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
@objc func containerChildrenDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
if timelineFetcherContainsAnyPseudoFeed() || timelineFetcherContainsAnyFolder() {
@objc func batchUpdateDidPerform(_ notification: Notification) {
@objc func displayNameDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
@objc func accountStateDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
if timelineFetcherContainsAnyPseudoFeed() {
fetchAndReplaceArticlesAsync {
} else {
@objc func userDidAddAccount(_ note: Notification) {
if timelineFetcherContainsAnyPseudoFeed() {
fetchAndReplaceArticlesAsync {
} else {
@objc func userDidDeleteAccount(_ note: Notification) {
if timelineFetcherContainsAnyPseudoFeed() {
fetchAndReplaceArticlesAsync {
} else {
@objc func userDefaultsDidChange(_ note: Notification) {
self.sortDirection = AppDefaults.timelineSortDirection
self.groupByFeed = AppDefaults.timelineGroupByFeed
@objc func accountDidDownloadArticles(_ note: Notification) {
guard let feeds = note.userInfo?[Account.UserInfoKey.webFeeds] as? Set<WebFeed> else {
let shouldFetchAndMergeArticles = timelineFetcherContainsAnyFeed(feeds) || timelineFetcherContainsAnyPseudoFeed()
if shouldFetchAndMergeArticles {
func shadowNodesFor(section: Int) -> [Node] {
return shadowTable[section]
func cappedIndexPath(_ indexPath: IndexPath) -> IndexPath {
guard indexPath.section < shadowTable.count && indexPath.row < shadowTable[indexPath.section].count else {
return IndexPath(row: shadowTable[shadowTable.count - 1].count - 1, section: shadowTable.count - 1)
return indexPath
func unreadCountFor(_ node: Node) -> Int {
// The coordinator supplies the unread count for the currently selected feed node
if let indexPath = currentFeedIndexPath, let selectedNode = nodeFor(indexPath), selectedNode == node {
return unreadCount
if let unreadCountProvider = node.representedObject as? UnreadCountProvider {
return unreadCountProvider.unreadCount
return 0
func refreshTimeline() {
fetchAndReplaceArticlesAsync() {
func showAllFeeds() {
treeControllerDelegate.isReadFiltered = false
func hideUnreadFeeds() {
treeControllerDelegate.isReadFiltered = true
func showAllArticles() {
articleReadFilterType = .none
func hideUnreadArticles() {
articleReadFilterType = .read
func expand(_ node: Node) {
node.isExpanded = true
animatingChanges = true
animatingChanges = false
func expandAllSectionsAndFolders() {
for sectionNode in treeController.rootNode.childNodes {
sectionNode.isExpanded = true
for topLevelNode in sectionNode.childNodes {
if topLevelNode.representedObject is Folder {
topLevelNode.isExpanded = true
animatingChanges = true
animatingChanges = false
func collapse(_ node: Node) {
node.isExpanded = false
animatingChanges = true
animatingChanges = false
func collapseAllFolders() {
for sectionNode in treeController.rootNode.childNodes {
sectionNode.isExpanded = true
for topLevelNode in sectionNode.childNodes {
if topLevelNode.representedObject is Folder {
topLevelNode.isExpanded = true
animatingChanges = true
animatingChanges = false
func masterFeedIndexPathForCurrentTimeline() -> IndexPath? {
guard let node = treeController.rootNode.descendantNodeRepresentingObject(timelineFeed as AnyObject) else {
return nil
return indexPathFor(node)
func selectFeed(_ indexPath: IndexPath?, animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
guard indexPath != currentFeedIndexPath else {
currentFeedIndexPath = indexPath
masterFeedViewController.updateFeedSelection(animated: animated)
if let ip = indexPath, let node = nodeFor(ip), let feed = node.representedObject as? Feed {
self.activityManager.selecting(feed: feed)
self.installTimelineControllerIfNecessary(animated: animated)
setTimelineFeed(feed) {
} else {
setTimelineFeed(nil) {
if self.rootSplitViewController.isCollapsed && self.navControllerForTimeline().viewControllers.last is MasterTimelineViewController {
self.navControllerForTimeline().popViewController(animated: animated)
func selectPrevFeed() {
if let indexPath = prevFeedIndexPath {
selectFeed(indexPath, animated: true)
func selectNextFeed() {
if let indexPath = nextFeedIndexPath {
selectFeed(indexPath, animated: true)
func selectTodayFeed() {
masterFeedViewController?.ensureSectionIsExpanded(0) {
self.selectFeed(IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0), animated: true)
func selectAllUnreadFeed() {
masterFeedViewController?.ensureSectionIsExpanded(0) {
self.selectFeed(IndexPath(row: 1, section: 0), animated: true)
func selectStarredFeed() {
masterFeedViewController?.ensureSectionIsExpanded(0) {
self.selectFeed(IndexPath(row: 2, section: 0), animated: true)
func selectArticle(_ article: Article?, animated: Bool = false) {
guard article != currentArticle else { return }
currentArticle = article
activityManager.reading(feed: timelineFeed, article: article)
if article == nil {
if rootSplitViewController.isCollapsed {
if masterNavigationController.children.last is ArticleViewController {
masterNavigationController.popViewController(animated: animated)
} else {
articleViewController?.state = .noSelection
masterTimelineViewController?.updateArticleSelection(animated: animated)
let currentArticleViewController: ArticleViewController
if articleViewController == nil {
currentArticleViewController = installArticleController(animated: animated)
} else {
currentArticleViewController = articleViewController!
masterTimelineViewController?.updateArticleSelection(animated: animated)
if article!.webFeed?.isArticleExtractorAlwaysOn ?? false {
currentArticleViewController.state = .loading
} else {
currentArticleViewController.state = .article(article!)
markArticles(Set([article!]), statusKey: .read, flag: true)
func beginSearching() {
isSearching = true
savedSearchArticles = articles
savedSearchArticleIds = Set( { $0.articleID })
func endSearching() {
if let ip = currentFeedIndexPath, let node = nodeFor(ip), let feed = node.representedObject as? Feed {
timelineFeed = feed
replaceArticles(with: savedSearchArticles!, animate: true)
} else {
lastSearchString = ""
lastSearchScope = nil
savedSearchArticleIds = nil
savedSearchArticles = nil
isSearching = false
func searchArticles(_ searchString: String, _ searchScope: SearchScope) {
guard isSearching else { return }
if searchString.count < 3 {
if searchString != lastSearchString || searchScope != lastSearchScope {
switch searchScope {
case .global:
setTimelineFeed(SmartFeed(delegate: SearchFeedDelegate(searchString: searchString)))
case .timeline:
setTimelineFeed(SmartFeed(delegate: SearchTimelineFeedDelegate(searchString: searchString, articleIDs: savedSearchArticleIds!)))
lastSearchString = searchString
lastSearchScope = searchScope
func selectPrevArticle() {
if let article = prevArticle {
func selectNextArticle() {
if let article = nextArticle {
func selectFirstUnread() {
if selectFirstUnreadArticleInTimeline() {
func selectPrevUnread() {
// This should never happen, but I don't want to risk throwing us
// into an infinate loop searching for an unread that isn't there.
if appDelegate.unreadCount < 1 {
if selectPrevUnreadArticleInTimeline() {
func selectNextUnread() {
// This should never happen, but I don't want to risk throwing us
// into an infinate loop searching for an unread that isn't there.
if appDelegate.unreadCount < 1 {
if selectNextUnreadArticleInTimeline() {
if selectNextUnreadArticleInTimeline() {
func scrollOrGoToNextUnread() {
if articleViewController?.canScrollDown() ?? false {
} else {
func markAllAsRead(_ articles: [Article]) {
markArticlesWithUndo(articles, statusKey: .read, flag: true)
func markAllAsReadInTimeline() {
masterNavigationController.popViewController(animated: true)
func markAsReadOlderArticlesInTimeline() {
if let article = currentArticle {
func markAsReadOlderArticlesInTimeline(_ article: Article) {
let articlesToMark = articles.filter { $0.logicalDatePublished < article.logicalDatePublished }
if articlesToMark.isEmpty {
func markAsReadForCurrentArticle() {
if let article = currentArticle {
markArticlesWithUndo([article], statusKey: .read, flag: true)
func markAsUnreadForCurrentArticle() {
if let article = currentArticle {
markArticlesWithUndo([article], statusKey: .read, flag: false)
func toggleReadForCurrentArticle() {
if let article = currentArticle {
func toggleRead(_ article: Article) {
markArticlesWithUndo([article], statusKey: .read, flag: !
func toggleStarredForCurrentArticle() {
if let article = currentArticle {
func toggleStar(_ article: Article) {
markArticlesWithUndo([article], statusKey: .starred, flag: !article.status.starred)
func discloseFeed(_ feed: WebFeed, animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
masterFeedViewController.discloseFeed(feed, animated: animated) {
func showStatusBar() {
prefersStatusBarHidden = false
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.15) {
func hideStatusBar() {
prefersStatusBarHidden = true
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.15) {
func showSettings() {
let settingsNavController = UIStoryboard.settings.instantiateInitialViewController() as! UINavigationController
let settingsViewController = settingsNavController.topViewController as! SettingsViewController
settingsNavController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
settingsViewController.presentingParentController = rootSplitViewController
rootSplitViewController.present(settingsNavController, animated: true)
func showAccountInspector(for account: Account) {
let accountInspectorNavController =
UIStoryboard.inspector.instantiateViewController(identifier: "AccountInspectorNavigationViewController") as! UINavigationController
let accountInspectorController = accountInspectorNavController.topViewController as! AccountInspectorViewController
accountInspectorNavController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
accountInspectorNavController.preferredContentSize = AccountInspectorViewController.preferredContentSizeForFormSheetDisplay
accountInspectorController.isModal = true
accountInspectorController.account = account
rootSplitViewController.present(accountInspectorNavController, animated: true)
func showFeedInspector() {
guard let feed = timelineFeed as? WebFeed else {
showFeedInspector(for: feed)
func showFeedInspector(for feed: WebFeed) {
let feedInspectorNavController =
UIStoryboard.inspector.instantiateViewController(identifier: "FeedInspectorNavigationViewController") as! UINavigationController
let feedInspectorController = feedInspectorNavController.topViewController as! WebFeedInspectorViewController
feedInspectorNavController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
feedInspectorNavController.preferredContentSize = WebFeedInspectorViewController.preferredContentSizeForFormSheetDisplay
feedInspectorController.webFeed = feed
rootSplitViewController.present(feedInspectorNavController, animated: true)
func showAdd(_ type: AddControllerType, initialFeed: String? = nil, initialFeedName: String? = nil) {
selectFeed(nil, animated: false)
let addViewController = UIStoryboard.add.instantiateInitialViewController() as! UINavigationController
let containerController = addViewController.topViewController as! AddContainerViewController
containerController.initialControllerType = type
containerController.initialFeed = initialFeed
containerController.initialFeedName = initialFeedName
addViewController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
addViewController.preferredContentSize = AddContainerViewController.preferredContentSizeForFormSheetDisplay
masterFeedViewController.present(addViewController, animated: true)
func showFullScreenImage(image: UIImage, transitioningDelegate: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate) {
let imageVC = UIStoryboard.main.instantiateController(ofType: ImageViewController.self)
imageVC.image = image
imageVC.modalPresentationStyle = .currentContext
imageVC.transitioningDelegate = transitioningDelegate
rootSplitViewController.present(imageVC, animated: true)
func toggleArticleExtractor() {
guard let article = currentArticle else {
guard articleExtractor?.state != .processing else {
articleViewController?.state = .article(article)
guard !isShowingExtractedArticle else {
isShowingExtractedArticle = false
articleViewController?.articleExtractorButtonState = .off
articleViewController?.state = .article(article)
if let articleExtractor = articleExtractor, let extractedArticle = articleExtractor.article {
if currentArticle?.preferredLink == articleExtractor.articleLink {
isShowingExtractedArticle = true
articleViewController?.articleExtractorButtonState = .on
articleViewController?.state = .extracted(article, extractedArticle)
} else {
func homePageURLForFeed(_ indexPath: IndexPath) -> URL? {
guard let node = nodeFor(indexPath),
let feed = node.representedObject as? WebFeed,
let homePageURL = feed.homePageURL,
let url = URL(string: homePageURL) else {
return nil
return url
func showBrowserForFeed(_ indexPath: IndexPath) {
if let url = homePageURLForFeed(indexPath) {, options: [:])
func showBrowserForCurrentFeed() {
if let ip = currentFeedIndexPath, let url = homePageURLForFeed(ip) {, options: [:])
func showBrowserForArticle(_ article: Article) {
guard let preferredLink = article.preferredLink, let url = URL(string: preferredLink) else {
}, options: [:])
func showBrowserForCurrentArticle() {
guard let preferredLink = currentArticle?.preferredLink, let url = URL(string: preferredLink) else {
}, options: [:])
func navigateToFeeds() {
func navigateToTimeline() {
if currentArticle == nil && articles.count > 0 {
func navigateToDetail() {
// MARK: UISplitViewControllerDelegate
extension SceneCoordinator: UISplitViewControllerDelegate {
func splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, collapseSecondary secondaryViewController:UIViewController, onto primaryViewController:UIViewController) -> Bool {
guard !isThreePanelMode else {
return true
if let articleViewController = (secondaryViewController as? UINavigationController)?.topViewController as? ArticleViewController {
masterNavigationController.pushViewController(articleViewController, animated: false)
return false
return currentArticle == nil
func splitViewController(_ splitViewController: UISplitViewController, separateSecondaryFrom primaryViewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
guard !isThreePanelMode else {
return subSplitViewController
guard currentArticle != nil else {
let articleViewController = UIStoryboard.main.instantiateController(ofType: ArticleViewController.self)
articleViewController.coordinator = self
let controller = addNavControllerIfNecessary(articleViewController, showButton: true)
return controller
if let articleViewController = masterNavigationController.viewControllers.last as? ArticleViewController {
masterNavigationController.popViewController(animated: false)
let controller = addNavControllerIfNecessary(articleViewController, showButton: true)
return controller
return nil
// MARK: UINavigationControllerDelegate
extension SceneCoordinator: UINavigationControllerDelegate {
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, didShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
if UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .background {
// If we are showing the Feeds and only the feeds start clearing stuff
if viewController === masterFeedViewController && !isThreePanelMode && !isTimelineViewControllerPending {
selectFeed(nil, animated: true)
// If we are using a phone and navigate away from the detail, clear up the article resources (including activity).
// Don't clear it if we have pushed an ArticleViewController, but don't yet see it on the navigation stack.
// This happens when we are going to the next unread and we need to grab another timeline to continue. The
// ArticleViewController will be pushed, but we will breifly show the Timeline. Don't clear things out when that happens.
if viewController === masterTimelineViewController && !isThreePanelMode && rootSplitViewController.isCollapsed && !isArticleViewControllerPending {
currentArticle = nil
masterTimelineViewController?.updateArticleSelection(animated: animated)
// Restore any bars hidden by the article controller
navigationController.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: true)
navigationController.setToolbarHidden(false, animated: true)
// MARK: ArticleExtractorDelegate
extension SceneCoordinator: ArticleExtractorDelegate {
func articleExtractionDidFail(with: Error) {
articleViewController?.articleExtractorButtonState = .error
func articleExtractionDidComplete(extractedArticle: ExtractedArticle) {
if let article = currentArticle, articleExtractor?.state != .cancelled {
isShowingExtractedArticle = true
articleViewController?.state = .extracted(article, extractedArticle)
articleViewController?.articleExtractorButtonState = .on
// MARK: Private
private extension SceneCoordinator {
func markArticlesWithUndo(_ articles: [Article], statusKey: ArticleStatus.Key, flag: Bool) {
guard let undoManager = undoManager, let markReadCommand = MarkStatusCommand(initialArticles: articles, statusKey: statusKey, flag: flag, undoManager: undoManager) else {
func updateUnreadCount() {
var count = 0
for article in articles {
if ! {
count += 1
unreadCount = count
func rebuildBackingStores(_ updateExpandedNodes: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
if !animatingChanges && !BatchUpdate.shared.isPerforming {
func rebuildShadowTable() {
shadowTable = [[Node]]()
for i in 0..<treeController.rootNode.numberOfChildNodes {
var result = [Node]()
let sectionNode = treeController.rootNode.childAtIndex(i)!
if sectionNode.isExpanded {
for node in sectionNode.childNodes {
if node.isExpanded {
for child in node.childNodes {
func nodeFor(_ indexPath: IndexPath) -> Node? {
guard indexPath.section < shadowTable.count && indexPath.row < shadowTable[indexPath.section].count else {
return nil
return shadowTable[indexPath.section][indexPath.row]
func indexPathFor(_ node: Node) -> IndexPath? {
for i in 0..<shadowTable.count {
if let row = shadowTable[i].firstIndex(of: node) {
return IndexPath(row: row, section: i)
return nil
func indexPathFor(_ object: AnyObject) -> IndexPath? {
guard let node = treeController.rootNode.descendantNodeRepresentingObject(object) else {
return nil
return indexPathFor(node)
func setTimelineFeed(_ feed: Feed?, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
timelineFeed = feed
timelineMiddleIndexPath = nil
articleReadFilterType = feed?.defaultReadFilterType ?? .none
fetchAndReplaceArticlesAsync {
func updateShowNamesAndIcons() {
if timelineFeed is WebFeed {
showFeedNames = false
} else {
showFeedNames = true
if showFeedNames {
self.showIcons = true
for article in articles {
if let authors = article.authors {
for author in authors {
if author.avatarURL != nil {
self.showIcons = true
self.showIcons = false
// MARK: Select Prev Unread
func selectPrevUnreadArticleInTimeline() -> Bool {
let startingRow: Int = {
if let articleRow = currentArticleRow {
return articleRow
} else {
return articles.count - 1
return selectPrevArticleInTimeline(startingRow: startingRow)
func selectPrevArticleInTimeline(startingRow: Int) -> Bool {
guard startingRow >= 0 else {
return false
for i in (0...startingRow).reversed() {
let article = articles[i]
if ! {
return true
return false
func selectPrevUnreadFeedFetcher() {
let indexPath: IndexPath = {
if currentFeedIndexPath == nil {
return IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
} else {
return currentFeedIndexPath!
// Increment or wrap around the IndexPath
let nextIndexPath: IndexPath = {
if indexPath.row - 1 < 0 {
if indexPath.section - 1 < 0 {
return IndexPath(row: shadowTable[shadowTable.count - 1].count - 1, section: shadowTable.count - 1)
} else {
return IndexPath(row: shadowTable[indexPath.section - 1].count - 1, section: indexPath.section - 1)
} else {
return IndexPath(row: indexPath.row - 1, section: indexPath.section)
if selectPrevUnreadFeedFetcher(startingWith: nextIndexPath) {
let maxIndexPath = IndexPath(row: shadowTable[shadowTable.count - 1].count - 1, section: shadowTable.count - 1)
selectPrevUnreadFeedFetcher(startingWith: maxIndexPath)
func selectPrevUnreadFeedFetcher(startingWith indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
for i in (0...indexPath.section).reversed() {
let startingRow: Int = {
if indexPath.section == i {
return indexPath.row
} else {
return shadowTable[i].count - 1
for j in (0...startingRow).reversed() {
let prevIndexPath = IndexPath(row: j, section: i)
guard let node = nodeFor(prevIndexPath), let unreadCountProvider = node.representedObject as? UnreadCountProvider else {
return true
if node.isExpanded {
if unreadCountProvider.unreadCount > 0 {
selectFeed(prevIndexPath, animated: true)
return true
return false
// MARK: Select Next Unread
func selectFirstUnreadArticleInTimeline() -> Bool {
return selectNextArticleInTimeline(startingRow: 0, animated: true)
func selectNextUnreadArticleInTimeline() -> Bool {
let startingRow: Int = {
if let articleRow = currentArticleRow {
return articleRow + 1
} else {
return 0
return selectNextArticleInTimeline(startingRow: startingRow, animated: false)
func selectNextArticleInTimeline(startingRow: Int, animated: Bool) -> Bool {
guard startingRow < articles.count else {
return false
for i in startingRow..<articles.count {
let article = articles[i]
if ! {
selectArticle(article, animated: animated)
return true
return false
func selectNextUnreadFeedFetcher() {
let indexPath: IndexPath = {
if currentFeedIndexPath == nil {
return IndexPath(row: -1, section: 0)
} else {
return currentFeedIndexPath!
// Increment or wrap around the IndexPath
let nextIndexPath: IndexPath = {
if indexPath.row + 1 >= shadowTable[indexPath.section].count {
if indexPath.section + 1 >= shadowTable.count {
return IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
} else {
return IndexPath(row: 0, section: indexPath.section + 1)
} else {
return IndexPath(row: indexPath.row + 1, section: indexPath.section)
if selectNextUnreadFeedFetcher(startingWith: nextIndexPath) {
selectNextUnreadFeedFetcher(startingWith: IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0))
func selectNextUnreadFeedFetcher(startingWith indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
for i in indexPath.section..<shadowTable.count {
let startingRow: Int = {
if indexPath.section == i {
return indexPath.row
} else {
return 0
for j in startingRow..<shadowTable[indexPath.section].count {
let nextIndexPath = IndexPath(row: j, section: i)
guard let node = nodeFor(nextIndexPath), let unreadCountProvider = node.representedObject as? UnreadCountProvider else {
return true
if node.isExpanded {
if unreadCountProvider.unreadCount > 0 {
selectFeed(nextIndexPath, animated: true)
return true
return false
// MARK: Fetching Articles
func startArticleExtractorForCurrentLink() {
if let link = currentArticle?.preferredLink, let extractor = ArticleExtractor(link) {
extractor.delegate = self
articleExtractor = extractor
articleViewController?.articleExtractorButtonState = .animated
func stopArticleExtractor() {
articleExtractor = nil
isShowingExtractedArticle = false
articleViewController?.articleExtractorButtonState = .off
func emptyTheTimeline() {
if !articles.isEmpty {
replaceArticles(with: Set<Article>(), animate: false)
func sortParametersDidChange() {
replaceArticles(with: Set(articles), animate: true)
func replaceArticles(with unsortedArticles: Set<Article>, animate: Bool) {
let sortedArticles = Array(unsortedArticles).sortedByDate(sortDirection, groupByFeed: groupByFeed)
replaceArticles(with: sortedArticles, animate: animate)
func replaceArticles(with sortedArticles: ArticleArray, animate: Bool) {
if articles != sortedArticles {
articles = sortedArticles
masterTimelineViewController?.reloadArticles(animated: animate)
func queueFetchAndMergeArticles() {
fetchAndMergeArticlesQueue.add(self, #selector(fetchAndMergeArticles))
@objc func fetchAndMergeArticles() {
guard let timelineFeed = timelineFeed else {
fetchUnsortedArticlesAsync(for: [timelineFeed]) { [weak self] (unsortedArticles) in
// Merge articles by articleID. For any unique articleID in current articles, add to unsortedArticles.
guard let strongSelf = self else {
let unsortedArticleIDs = unsortedArticles.articleIDs()
var updatedArticles = unsortedArticles
for article in strongSelf.articles {
if !unsortedArticleIDs.contains(article.articleID) {
strongSelf.replaceArticles(with: updatedArticles, animate: true)
func cancelPendingAsyncFetches() {
fetchSerialNumber += 1
func fetchAndReplaceArticlesAsync(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
// To be called when we need to do an entire fetch, but an async delay is okay.
// Example: we have the Today feed selected, and the calendar day just changed.
guard let timelineFetcher = timelineFeed else {
fetchUnsortedArticlesAsync(for: [timelineFetcher]) { [weak self] (articles) in
self?.replaceArticles(with: articles, animate: true)
func fetchUnsortedArticlesAsync(for representedObjects: [Any], callback: @escaping ArticleSetBlock) {
// The callback will *not* be called if the fetch is no longer relevant that is,
// if its been superseded by a newer fetch, or the timeline was emptied, etc., it wont get called.
let readFilter = articleReadFilterType != .none
let fetchOperation = FetchRequestOperation(id: fetchSerialNumber, readFilter: readFilter, representedObjects: representedObjects) { [weak self] (articles, operation) in
guard !operation.isCanceled, let strongSelf = self, == strongSelf.fetchSerialNumber else {
func timelineFetcherContainsAnyPseudoFeed() -> Bool {
if timelineFeed is PseudoFeed {
return true
return false
func timelineFetcherContainsAnyFolder() -> Bool {
if timelineFeed is Folder {
return true
return false
func timelineFetcherContainsAnyFeed(_ feeds: Set<WebFeed>) -> Bool {
// Return true if theres a match or if a folder contains (recursively) one of feeds
if let feed = timelineFeed as? WebFeed {
for oneFeed in feeds {
if feed.webFeedID == oneFeed.webFeedID || feed.url == oneFeed.url {
return true
} else if let folder = timelineFeed as? Folder {
for oneFeed in feeds {
if folder.hasWebFeed(with: oneFeed.webFeedID) || folder.hasWebFeed(withURL: oneFeed.url) {
return true
return false
// MARK: Double Split
func installTimelineControllerIfNecessary(animated: Bool) {
if navControllerForTimeline().viewControllers.filter({ $0 is MasterTimelineViewController }).count < 1 {
isTimelineViewControllerPending = true
masterTimelineViewController = UIStoryboard.main.instantiateController(ofType: MasterTimelineViewController.self)
masterTimelineViewController!.coordinator = self
navControllerForTimeline().pushViewController(masterTimelineViewController!, animated: animated)
masterTimelineViewController?.reloadArticles(animated: false)
func installArticleController(_ recycledArticleController: ArticleViewController? = nil, animated: Bool) -> ArticleViewController {
isArticleViewControllerPending = true
let articleController: ArticleViewController = {
if let controller = recycledArticleController {
return controller
} else {
let controller = UIStoryboard.main.instantiateController(ofType: ArticleViewController.self)
controller.coordinator = self
return controller
if let subSplit = subSplitViewController {
let controller = addNavControllerIfNecessary(articleController, showButton: false)
subSplit.showDetailViewController(controller, sender: self)
} else if rootSplitViewController.isCollapsed || wasRootSplitViewControllerCollapsed {
masterNavigationController.pushViewController(articleController, animated: animated)
} else {
let controller = addNavControllerIfNecessary(articleController, showButton: true)
rootSplitViewController.showDetailViewController(controller, sender: self)
// We have to do a full reload when installing an article controller. We may have changed color contexts
// and need to update the article colors. An example is in dark mode. Split screen doesn't use true black
// like darkmode usually does.
return articleController
func addNavControllerIfNecessary(_ controller: UIViewController, showButton: Bool) -> UIViewController {
// You will sometimes get a compact horizontal size class while in three panel mode. Dunno why it lies.
if rootSplitViewController.traitCollection.horizontalSizeClass == .compact && !isThreePanelMode {
return controller
} else {
let navController = InteractiveNavigationController.template(rootViewController: controller)
navController.isToolbarHidden = false
if showButton {
controller.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = rootSplitViewController.displayModeButtonItem
controller.navigationItem.leftItemsSupplementBackButton = true
} else {
controller.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil
controller.navigationItem.leftItemsSupplementBackButton = false
return navController
func installSubSplit() {
rootSplitViewController.preferredPrimaryColumnWidthFraction = 0.30
subSplitViewController = UISplitViewController()
subSplitViewController!.preferredDisplayMode = .allVisible
subSplitViewController!.viewControllers = [InteractiveNavigationController.template()]
subSplitViewController!.preferredPrimaryColumnWidthFraction = 0.4285
rootSplitViewController.showDetailViewController(subSplitViewController!, sender: self)
rootSplitViewController.setOverrideTraitCollection(UITraitCollection(horizontalSizeClass: .regular), forChild: subSplitViewController!)
func navControllerForTimeline() -> UINavigationController {
if let subSplit = subSplitViewController {
return subSplit.viewControllers.first as! UINavigationController
} else {
return masterNavigationController
func configureThreePanelMode() {
let recycledArticleController = articleViewController
defer {
masterNavigationController.viewControllers = [masterFeedViewController]
if rootSplitViewController.viewControllers.last is InteractiveNavigationController {
_ = rootSplitViewController.viewControllers.popLast()
installTimelineControllerIfNecessary(animated: false)
masterTimelineViewController?.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = rootSplitViewController.displayModeButtonItem
masterTimelineViewController?.navigationItem.leftItemsSupplementBackButton = true
installArticleController(recycledArticleController, animated: false)
masterFeedViewController.restoreSelectionIfNecessary(adjustScroll: true)
masterTimelineViewController!.restoreSelectionIfNecessary(adjustScroll: false)
func configureStandardPanelMode() {
let recycledArticleController = articleViewController
rootSplitViewController.preferredPrimaryColumnWidthFraction = UISplitViewController.automaticDimension
// Set the is Pending flags early to prevent the navigation controller delegate from thinking that we
// swiping around in the user interface
isTimelineViewControllerPending = true
isArticleViewControllerPending = true
masterNavigationController.viewControllers = [masterFeedViewController]
if rootSplitViewController.viewControllers.last is UISplitViewController {
subSplitViewController = nil
_ = rootSplitViewController.viewControllers.popLast()
if currentFeedIndexPath != nil {
masterTimelineViewController = UIStoryboard.main.instantiateController(ofType: MasterTimelineViewController.self)
masterTimelineViewController!.coordinator = self
masterNavigationController.pushViewController(masterTimelineViewController!, animated: false)
installArticleController(recycledArticleController, animated: false)
// MARK: NSUserActivity
func handleSelectFeed(_ userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {
guard let userInfo = userInfo,
let feedIdentifierUserInfo = userInfo[UserInfoKey.feedIdentifier] as? [AnyHashable : Any],
let feedIdentifier = FeedIdentifier(userInfo: feedIdentifierUserInfo) else {
switch feedIdentifier {
case .smartFeed:
guard let smartFeed = SmartFeedsController.shared.find(by: feedIdentifier) else { return }
if let indexPath = indexPathFor(smartFeed) {
selectFeed(indexPath, animated: false)
case .script:
case .folder(let accountID, let folderName):
guard let accountNode = findAccountNode(accountID: accountID), let folderNode = findFolderNode(folderName: folderName, beginningAt: accountNode) else {
if let indexPath = indexPathFor(folderNode) {
selectFeed(indexPath, animated: false)
case .webFeed(let accountID, let webFeedID):
guard let accountNode = findAccountNode(accountID: accountID), let feedNode = findWebFeedNode(webFeedID: webFeedID, beginningAt: accountNode) else {
if let feed = feedNode.representedObject as? WebFeed {
discloseFeed(feed, animated: false)
func handleReadArticle(_ userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {
guard let userInfo = userInfo else { return }
guard let articlePathUserInfo = userInfo[UserInfoKey.articlePath] as? [AnyHashable : Any],
let accountID = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.accountID] as? String,
let accountName = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.accountName] as? String,
let webFeedID = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.webFeedID] as? String,
let articleID = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.articleID] as? String else {
if restoreFeed(userInfo, accountID: accountID, webFeedID: webFeedID, articleID: articleID) {
guard let accountNode = findAccountNode(accountID: accountID, accountName: accountName), let feedNode = findWebFeedNode(webFeedID: webFeedID, beginningAt: accountNode) else {
discloseFeed(feedNode.representedObject as! WebFeed, animated: false) {
func restoreFeed(_ userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], accountID: String, webFeedID: String, articleID: String) -> Bool {
guard let feedIdentifierUserInfo = userInfo[UserInfoKey.feedIdentifier] as? [AnyHashable : Any],
let feedIdentifier = FeedIdentifier(userInfo: feedIdentifierUserInfo) else {
return false
switch feedIdentifier {
case .smartFeed:
guard let smartFeed = SmartFeedsController.shared.find(by: feedIdentifier) else { return false }
if smartFeed.fetchArticles().contains(accountID: accountID, articleID: articleID) {
if let indexPath = indexPathFor(smartFeed) {
selectFeed(indexPath, animated: false) {
return true
case .script:
return false
case .folder(let accountID, let folderName):
guard let accountNode = findAccountNode(accountID: accountID),
let folderNode = findFolderNode(folderName: folderName, beginningAt: accountNode),
let folderFeed = folderNode.representedObject as? Feed else {
return false
if folderFeed.fetchArticles().contains(accountID: accountID, articleID: articleID) {
return selectFeedAndArticle(feedNode: folderNode, articleID: articleID)
case .webFeed:
guard let accountNode = findAccountNode(accountID: accountID), let webFeedNode = findWebFeedNode(webFeedID: webFeedID, beginningAt: accountNode) else {
return false
return selectFeedAndArticle(feedNode: webFeedNode, articleID: articleID)
return false
func findAccountNode(accountID: String, accountName: String? = nil) -> Node? {
if let node = treeController.rootNode.descendantNode(where: { ($0.representedObject as? Account)?.accountID == accountID }) {
return node
if let accountName = accountName, let node = treeController.rootNode.descendantNode(where: { ($0.representedObject as? Account)?.nameForDisplay == accountName }) {
return node
return nil
func findFolderNode(folderName: String, beginningAt startingNode: Node) -> Node? {
if let node = startingNode.descendantNode(where: { ($0.representedObject as? Folder)?.nameForDisplay == folderName }) {
return node
return nil
func findWebFeedNode(webFeedID: String, beginningAt startingNode: Node) -> Node? {
if let node = startingNode.descendantNode(where: { ($0.representedObject as? WebFeed)?.webFeedID == webFeedID }) {
return node
return nil
func selectFeedAndArticle(feedNode: Node, articleID: String) -> Bool {
if let feedIndexPath = indexPathFor(feedNode) {
selectFeed(feedIndexPath, animated: false) {
return true
return false
func selectArticleInCurrentFeed(_ articleID: String) {
if let article = self.articles.first(where: { $0.articleID == articleID }) {