# What’s New in Cocoa - WWDC 2018


- NSImage(named: string) is now allowed!
- NSMenuItemValidation is now a real protocol, other informals have been made real
- Secure coding with NSKeyedArchiver, unarchiver

- NSColor.controlAccentColor
- .withSystemEffect - pressed, disabled, etc.
- Content Tint Color
- NSButton, NSImageView contentTintColor

### Layer Backing
- Not one to one NSView to CALayer (unlike UIKit)
- No need to set .wantsLayer = true
- Use NSView draw method instead of layer drawing
- Fine to implement updateLayer along with draw method
- .wantsUpdateLayer is okay
- Don’t use NSView lock/unlock focus

### User Notifications
- NSUserNotification deprecated

### NSToolbar
- centeredItemIdentifier
- Auto layout now used when min max sizes not specified

### NSGridView
- Grid views authored in IB work in 10.13

### NSTextView
- fieldEditor
- scrollableTextView
- etc.
- performValidatedReplacement - calls delegates properly, fills in atts from typing atts
- May need to call setSelectedRange first to get proper atts
- validRequestor - Services API

### Custom Quick Actions