NetNewsWire Releases Most recent NetNewsWire releases (not test builds). en NetNewsWire 6.1.4 Reddit API integration has ended as of June 30, 2023, due to Reddit CEO Steve Huffman’s decision to make apps like NetNewsWire pay to use the Reddit API.

This build removes the code for that Reddit integration.

For more information, read NetNewsWire to End Reddit API Use by End of June.

Fri, 30 Jun 2023 17:45:00 -0800 10.15.0
NetNewsWire 6.1.3 Show Reddit deprecation notice on startup if needed.

For more information, read NetNewsWire to End Reddit API Use by End of June.

Sun, 25 Jun 2023 14:00:00 -0800 10.15.0
NetNewsWire 6.1.2 Twitter integration has been removed: Twitter has suspended NetNewsWire, and Twitter is removing free access to the Twitter API

Since Twitter does not provide RSS feeds, we’ve had to use the Twitter API. Without free access to that API, we can’t read feeds from Twitter.

We’ve left your Twitter feeds intact. If you have any starred items from those feeds, they will remain as long as you don’t delete those feeds.

You can still read whatever you have already downloaded. However, those feeds will no longer update.

Other changes…

Fixed a crashing bug that could happen in the sidebar

Fixed a bug that could prevent users from accessing BazQux if an article was missing a field

Fixed an issue that could prevent Feedly users from syncing if they tried to mark too many articles as read at the same time

Updated the Safari extension icon (credit to Louie Mantia for the new icon)

Sat, 08 Apr 2023 10:30:00 -0800 10.15.0
NetNewsWire 6.1 Article themes. Several themes ship with the app, and you can create your own. You can change the theme in Preferences or by adding the theme switcher to the toolbar

Copy URLs using repaired, rather than raw, feed links

Restore article scroll position on relaunching app

Added Copy Article URL and Copy External URL commands to the Edit menu

Fixed a bug where using cmd-Q wouldn’t always quit the app as quickly as one might prefer

Disallow creation of iCloud account in the app if iCloud and iCloud Drive aren’t both enabled

Fixed bug showing quote tweets that only included an image

Added a hidden pref to suppress downloading/syncing on start: `defaults write com.ranchero.NetNewsWire-Evergreen DevroeSuppressSyncOnLaunch -bool true`

Video autoplay is now disallowed

Article view now supports RTL layout

Fixed a few font and sizing issues

Updated built-in feeds

Better alignment for items in General Preferences pane

Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:05:00 -0700 10.15.0