@title How to Update NetNewsWire # How to Update NetNewsWire NetNewsWire can check for and install updated versions of itself. This can be done for you automatically in the background or you can check for updates manually. Automatic checks for updates ---------------------------- When you first launch NetNewsWire you’ll be asked whether it should periodically check for updates. You will be notified of any new updates and can choose to update when you’re ready. Manually checking for updates ----------------------------- You may have declined automatic checks for updates or just [read about a great new update](netnewswire-news.html) and want to download it now. You can always check for updates manually by selecting **NetNewsWire → Check for Updates…** from the menu bar. If a new update is found, NetNewsWire can download and install it for you. Privacy ------- When checking for updates, whether automatically or manually, no personally-identifiable information is collected – not even an anonymous system profile. For more information about your privacy and NetNewsWire, please see the NetNewsWire Privacy Policy.