// // SettingsView.swift // NetNewsWire-iOS // // Created by Maurice Parker on 6/11/19. // Copyright © 2019 Ranchero Software. All rights reserved. // import SwiftUI import Combine import Account struct SettingsView : View { @ObservedObject var viewModel: ViewModel @Environment(\.viewController) private var viewController: UIViewController? @Environment(\.sceneCoordinator) private var coordinator: SceneCoordinator? @State private var accountAction: Int? = nil @State private var refreshAction: Int? = nil @State private var aboutAction: Int? = nil @State private var isWebsitePresented: Bool = false @State private var website: String? = nil @State private var isOPMLImportPresented: Bool = false @State private var isOPMLImportDocPickerPresented: Bool = false @State private var isOPMLExportPresented: Bool = false @State private var isOPMLExportDocPickerPresented: Bool = false @State private var opmlAccount: Account? = nil var body: some View { NavigationView { Form { buildAccountsSection() buildTimelineSection() buildDatabaseSection() buildAboutSection() } .buttonStyle(VibrantButtonStyle(alignment: .leading)) .navigationBarTitle(Text("Settings"), displayMode: .inline) .navigationBarItems(leading: Button(action: { self.viewController?.dismiss(animated: true) }) { Text("Done") } ) } } func buildAccountsSection() -> some View { Section(header: Text("ACCOUNTS").padding(.top, 22.0)) { ForEach(0.. some View { Section(header: Text("TIMELINE")) { Toggle(isOn: $viewModel.sortOldestToNewest) { Text("Sort Newest to Oldest") } Toggle(isOn: $viewModel.groupByFeed) { Text("Group By Feed") } Stepper(value: $viewModel.timelineNumberOfLines, in: 2...6) { Text("Number of Text Lines: \(viewModel.timelineNumberOfLines)") } } } func buildDatabaseSection() -> some View { Section(header: Text("DATABASE")) { NavigationLink(destination: SettingsRefreshSelectionView(selectedInterval: $viewModel.refreshInterval), tag: 1, selection: $refreshAction) { HStack { Text("Refresh Interval") Spacer() Text(verbatim: self.viewModel.refreshInterval.description()).foregroundColor(.secondary) } } .modifier(VibrantSelectAction(action: { self.refreshAction = 1 })) Button("Import Subscriptions...") { if AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts.count == 1 { self.opmlAccount = AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts.first self.isOPMLImportDocPickerPresented = true } else { self.isOPMLImportPresented = true } }.actionSheet(isPresented: $isOPMLImportPresented) { buildSubscriptionsImportAccounts() }.sheet(isPresented: $isOPMLImportDocPickerPresented) { SettingsSubscriptionsImportDocumentPickerView(account: self.opmlAccount!) } Button("Export Subscriptions...") { if AccountManager.shared.accounts.count == 1 { self.opmlAccount = AccountManager.shared.accounts.first self.isOPMLImportDocPickerPresented = true } else { self.isOPMLExportPresented = true } }.actionSheet(isPresented: $isOPMLExportPresented) { buildSubscriptionsExportAccounts() }.sheet(isPresented: $isOPMLExportDocPickerPresented) { SettingsSubscriptionsExportDocumentPickerView(account: self.opmlAccount!) } } } func buildAboutSection() -> some View { Section(header: Text("ABOUT"), footer: buildFooter()) { NavigationLink(destination: SettingsAboutView(viewModel: SettingsAboutView.ViewModel()), tag: 1, selection: $aboutAction) { Text("About NetNewsWire") } .modifier(VibrantSelectAction(action: { self.aboutAction = 1 })) Button(action: { self.isWebsitePresented.toggle() self.website = "https://ranchero.com/netnewswire/" }) { Text("Website") } Button(action: { self.isWebsitePresented.toggle() self.website = "https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire" }) { Text("Github Repository") } Button(action: { self.isWebsitePresented.toggle() self.website = "https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire/issues" }) { Text("Bug Tracker") } Button(action: { self.isWebsitePresented.toggle() self.website = "https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire/tree/master/Technotes" }) { Text("Technotes") } Button(action: { self.isWebsitePresented.toggle() self.website = "https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire/blob/master/Technotes/HowToSupportNetNewsWire.markdown" }) { Text("How To Support NetNewsWire") } if !AccountManager.shared.anyAccountHasFeedWithURL("https://nnw.ranchero.com/feed.json") { Button(action: { self.viewController?.dismiss(animated: true) { let feedName = NSLocalizedString("NetNewsWire News", comment: "NetNewsWire News") self.coordinator?.showAdd(.feed, initialFeed: "https://nnw.ranchero.com/feed.json", initialFeedName: feedName) } }) { Text("Add NetNewsWire News Feed") } } }.sheet(isPresented: $isWebsitePresented) { SafariView(url: URL(string: self.website!)!) } } func buildSubscriptionsImportAccounts() -> ActionSheet { var buttons = [ActionSheet.Button]() for account in viewModel.activeAccounts { if !account.isOPMLImportSupported { continue } let button = ActionSheet.Button.default(Text(verbatim: account.nameForDisplay)) { self.opmlAccount = account self.isOPMLImportDocPickerPresented = true } buttons.append(button) } buttons.append(.cancel()) return ActionSheet(title: Text("Import Subscriptions..."), message: Text("Select the account to import your OPML file into."), buttons: buttons) } func buildSubscriptionsExportAccounts() -> ActionSheet { var buttons = [ActionSheet.Button]() for account in viewModel.accounts { let button = ActionSheet.Button.default(Text(verbatim: account.nameForDisplay)) { self.opmlAccount = account self.isOPMLExportDocPickerPresented = true } buttons.append(button) } buttons.append(.cancel()) return ActionSheet(title: Text("Export Subscriptions..."), message: Text("Select the account to export out of."), buttons: buttons) } func buildFooter() -> some View { return Text(verbatim: "\(Bundle.main.appName) v \(Bundle.main.versionNumber) (Build \(Bundle.main.buildNumber))") .font(.footnote) .foregroundColor(.secondary) } // MARK: ViewModel class ViewModel: ObservableObject { let objectWillChange = ObservableObjectPublisher() init() { NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(accountsDidChange(_:)), name: .UserDidAddAccount, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(accountsDidChange(_:)), name: .UserDidDeleteAccount, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(displayNameDidChange(_:)), name: .DisplayNameDidChange, object: nil) } var accounts: [Account] { get { return AccountManager.shared.sortedAccounts } set { } } var activeAccounts: [Account] { get { return AccountManager.shared.sortedActiveAccounts } set { } } var sortOldestToNewest: Bool { get { return AppDefaults.timelineSortDirection == .orderedDescending } set { objectWillChange.send() if newValue == true { AppDefaults.timelineSortDirection = .orderedDescending } else { AppDefaults.timelineSortDirection = .orderedAscending } } } var groupByFeed: Bool { get { return AppDefaults.timelineGroupByFeed } set { objectWillChange.send() AppDefaults.timelineGroupByFeed = newValue } } var timelineNumberOfLines: Int { get { return AppDefaults.timelineNumberOfLines } set { objectWillChange.send() AppDefaults.timelineNumberOfLines = newValue } } var refreshInterval: RefreshInterval { get { return AppDefaults.refreshInterval } set { objectWillChange.send() AppDefaults.refreshInterval = newValue } } @objc func accountsDidChange(_ notification: Notification) { objectWillChange.send() } @objc func displayNameDidChange(_ notification: Notification) { objectWillChange.send() } } } #if DEBUG struct SettingsView_Previews : PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { SettingsView(viewModel: SettingsView.ViewModel()) } } #endif