// // JSONFeedParser.swift // RSParser // // Created by Brent Simmons on 6/25/17. // Copyright © 2017 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import Foundation #if SWIFT_PACKAGE import ParserObjC #endif // See https://jsonfeed.org/version/1.1 public struct JSONFeedParser { struct Key { static let version = "version" static let items = "items" static let title = "title" static let homePageURL = "home_page_url" static let feedURL = "feed_url" static let feedDescription = "description" static let nextURL = "next_url" static let icon = "icon" static let favicon = "favicon" static let expired = "expired" static let author = "author" static let authors = "authors" static let name = "name" static let url = "url" static let avatar = "avatar" static let hubs = "hubs" static let type = "type" static let contentHTML = "content_html" static let contentText = "content_text" static let externalURL = "external_url" static let summary = "summary" static let image = "image" static let bannerImage = "banner_image" static let datePublished = "date_published" static let dateModified = "date_modified" static let tags = "tags" static let uniqueID = "id" static let attachments = "attachments" static let mimeType = "mime_type" static let sizeInBytes = "size_in_bytes" static let durationInSeconds = "duration_in_seconds" static let language = "language" } static let jsonFeedVersionMarker = "://jsonfeed.org/version/" // Allow for the mistake of not getting the scheme exactly correct. public static func parse(_ parserData: ParserData) throws -> ParsedFeed? { guard let d = JSONUtilities.dictionary(with: parserData.data) else { throw FeedParserError(.invalidJSON) } guard let version = d[Key.version] as? String, let _ = version.range(of: JSONFeedParser.jsonFeedVersionMarker) else { throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedVersionNotFound) } guard let itemsArray = d[Key.items] as? JSONArray else { throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedItemsNotFound) } guard let title = d[Key.title] as? String else { throw FeedParserError(.jsonFeedTitleNotFound) } let authors = parseAuthors(d) let homePageURL = d[Key.homePageURL] as? String let feedURL = d[Key.feedURL] as? String ?? parserData.url let feedDescription = d[Key.feedDescription] as? String let nextURL = d[Key.nextURL] as? String let iconURL = d[Key.icon] as? String let faviconURL = d[Key.favicon] as? String let expired = d[Key.expired] as? Bool ?? false let hubs = parseHubs(d) let language = d[Key.language] as? String let items = parseItems(itemsArray, parserData.url) return ParsedFeed(type: .jsonFeed, title: title, homePageURL: homePageURL, feedURL: feedURL, language: language, feedDescription: feedDescription, nextURL: nextURL, iconURL: iconURL, faviconURL: faviconURL, authors: authors, expired: expired, hubs: hubs, items: items) } } private extension JSONFeedParser { static func parseAuthors(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set? { if let authorsArray = dictionary[Key.authors] as? JSONArray { var authors = Set() for author in authorsArray { if let parsedAuthor = parseAuthor(author) { authors.insert(parsedAuthor) } } return authors } guard let authorDictionary = dictionary[Key.author] as? JSONDictionary, let parsedAuthor = parseAuthor(authorDictionary) else { return nil } return Set([parsedAuthor]) } static func parseAuthor(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> ParsedAuthor? { let name = dictionary[Key.name] as? String let url = dictionary[Key.url] as? String let avatar = dictionary[Key.avatar] as? String if name == nil && url == nil && avatar == nil { return nil } return ParsedAuthor(name: name, url: url, avatarURL: avatar, emailAddress: nil) } static func parseHubs(_ dictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set? { guard let hubsArray = dictionary[Key.hubs] as? JSONArray else { return nil } let hubs = hubsArray.compactMap { (hubDictionary) -> ParsedHub? in guard let hubURL = hubDictionary[Key.url] as? String, let hubType = hubDictionary[Key.type] as? String else { return nil } return ParsedHub(type: hubType, url: hubURL) } return hubs.isEmpty ? nil : Set(hubs) } static func parseItems(_ itemsArray: JSONArray, _ feedURL: String) -> Set { return Set(itemsArray.compactMap { (oneItemDictionary) -> ParsedItem? in return parseItem(oneItemDictionary, feedURL) }) } static func parseItem(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> ParsedItem? { guard let uniqueID = parseUniqueID(itemDictionary) else { return nil } let contentHTML = itemDictionary[Key.contentHTML] as? String let contentText = itemDictionary[Key.contentText] as? String if contentHTML == nil && contentText == nil { return nil } let url = itemDictionary[Key.url] as? String let externalURL = itemDictionary[Key.externalURL] as? String let title = parseTitle(itemDictionary, feedURL) let language = itemDictionary[Key.language] as? String let summary = itemDictionary[Key.summary] as? String let imageURL = itemDictionary[Key.image] as? String let bannerImageURL = itemDictionary[Key.bannerImage] as? String let datePublished = parseDate(itemDictionary[Key.datePublished] as? String) let dateModified = parseDate(itemDictionary[Key.dateModified] as? String) let authors = parseAuthors(itemDictionary) var tags: Set? = nil if let tagsArray = itemDictionary[Key.tags] as? [String] { tags = Set(tagsArray) } let attachments = parseAttachments(itemDictionary) return ParsedItem(syncServiceID: nil, uniqueID: uniqueID, feedURL: feedURL, url: url, externalURL: externalURL, title: title, language: language, contentHTML: contentHTML, contentText: contentText, summary: summary, imageURL: imageURL, bannerImageURL: bannerImageURL, datePublished: datePublished, dateModified: dateModified, authors: authors, tags: tags, attachments: attachments) } static func parseTitle(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary, _ feedURL: String) -> String? { guard let title = itemDictionary[Key.title] as? String else { return nil } if isSpecialCaseTitleWithEntitiesFeed(feedURL) { return (title as NSString).rsparser_stringByDecodingHTMLEntities() } return title } static func isSpecialCaseTitleWithEntitiesFeed(_ feedURL: String) -> Bool { // As of 16 Feb. 2018, Kottke’s and Heer’s feeds includes HTML entities in the title elements. // If we find more feeds like this, we’ll add them here. If these feeds get fixed, we’ll remove them. let lowerFeedURL = feedURL.lowercased() let matchStrings = ["kottke.org", "pxlnv.com", "macstories.net", "macobserver.com"] for matchString in matchStrings { if lowerFeedURL.contains(matchString) { return true } } return false } static func parseUniqueID(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> String? { if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? String { return uniqueID // Spec says it must be a string } // Version 1 spec also says that if it’s a number, even though that’s incorrect, it should be coerced to a string. if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? Int { return "\(uniqueID)" } if let uniqueID = itemDictionary[Key.uniqueID] as? Double { return "\(uniqueID)" } return nil } static func parseDate(_ dateString: String?) -> Date? { guard let dateString = dateString, !dateString.isEmpty else { return nil } return RSDateWithString(dateString) } static func parseAttachments(_ itemDictionary: JSONDictionary) -> Set? { guard let attachmentsArray = itemDictionary[Key.attachments] as? JSONArray else { return nil } return Set(attachmentsArray.compactMap { parseAttachment($0) }) } static func parseAttachment(_ attachmentObject: JSONDictionary) -> ParsedAttachment? { guard let url = attachmentObject[Key.url] as? String else { return nil } guard let mimeType = attachmentObject[Key.mimeType] as? String else { return nil } let title = attachmentObject[Key.title] as? String let sizeInBytes = attachmentObject[Key.sizeInBytes] as? Int let durationInSeconds = attachmentObject[Key.durationInSeconds] as? Int return ParsedAttachment(url: url, mimeType: mimeType, title: title, sizeInBytes: sizeInBytes, durationInSeconds: durationInSeconds) } }