//  Folder+Scriptability.swift
//  NetNewsWire
//  Created by Olof Hellman on 1/10/18.
//  Copyright © 2018 Olof Hellman. All rights reserved.

import Foundation
import Account
import Articles
import RSCore

class ScriptableFolder: NSObject, UniqueIdScriptingObject, ScriptingObjectContainer {

    let folder:Folder
    let container:ScriptingObjectContainer

    init (_ folder:Folder, container:ScriptingObjectContainer) {
        self.folder = folder
        self.container = container

    override var objectSpecifier: NSScriptObjectSpecifier? {
        let scriptObjectSpecifier = self.container.makeFormUniqueIDScriptObjectSpecifier(forObject:self)
        return (scriptObjectSpecifier)

    // MARK: --- ScriptingObject protocol ---

    var scriptingKey: String {
        return "folders"

    // MARK: --- UniqueIdScriptingObject protocol ---

    // I am not sure if account should prefer to be specified by name or by ID
    // but in either case it seems like the accountID would be used as the keydata, so I chose ID

    var scriptingUniqueId:Any {
        return folder.folderID
    // MARK: --- ScriptingObjectContainer protocol ---
    var scriptingClassDescription: NSScriptClassDescription {
        return self.classDescription as! NSScriptClassDescription
    func deleteElement(_ element:ScriptingObject) {
       if let scriptableFeed = element as? ScriptableWebFeed {
            BatchUpdate.shared.perform {
				folder.account?.removeWebFeed(scriptableFeed.webFeed, from: folder) { result in }

    // MARK: --- handle NSCreateCommand ---
        handle an AppleScript like
           make new folder in account X with properties {name:"new folder name"}
           tell account X to make new folder at end with properties {name:"new folder name"}
    class func handleCreateElement(command:NSCreateCommand) -> Any?  {
        guard command.isCreateCommand(forClass:"fold") else { return nil }
        let name = command.property(forKey:"name") as? String ?? ""

        // some combination of the tell target and the location specifier ("in" or "at")
        // identifies where the new folder should be created
        let (account, folder) = command.accountAndFolderForNewChild()
        guard folder == nil else {
            print("support for folders within folders is NYI");
            return nil
		account.addFolder(name) { result in
			switch result {
			case .success(let folder):
				let scriptableAccount = ScriptableAccount(account)
				let scriptableFolder = ScriptableFolder(folder, container:scriptableAccount)
			case .failure:
        return nil
    // MARK: --- Scriptable elements ---
    var webFeeds:NSArray  {
		let feeds = Array(folder.topLevelWebFeeds)
        return feeds.map { ScriptableWebFeed($0, container:self) } as NSArray

    // MARK: --- Scriptable properties ---
    var name:String  {
        return self.folder.name ?? ""

    var opmlRepresentation:String  {
        return self.folder.OPMLString(indentLevel:0)
