// // AppDelegate.swift // NetNewsWire // // Created by Brent Simmons on 7/11/15. // Copyright © 2015 Ranchero Software, LLC. All rights reserved. // import AppKit import UserNotifications import Articles import RSTree import RSWeb import Account import RSCore import RSCoreResources import Secrets import OSLog import CrashReporter import Sparkle var appDelegate: AppDelegate! @NSApplicationMain class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, NSUserInterfaceValidations, UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, UnreadCountProvider, SPUStandardUserDriverDelegate, SPUUpdaterDelegate { private struct WindowRestorationIdentifiers { static let mainWindow = "mainWindow" } var userNotificationManager: UserNotificationManager! var faviconDownloader: FaviconDownloader! var extensionContainersFile: ExtensionContainersFile! var extensionFeedAddRequestFile: ExtensionFeedAddRequestFile! var appName: String! var refreshTimer: AccountRefreshTimer? var syncTimer: ArticleStatusSyncTimer? var lastRefreshInterval = AppDefaults.shared.refreshInterval var shuttingDown = false { didSet { if shuttingDown { refreshTimer?.shuttingDown = shuttingDown refreshTimer?.invalidate() syncTimer?.shuttingDown = shuttingDown syncTimer?.invalidate() } } } var isShutDownSyncDone = false @IBOutlet var debugMenuItem: NSMenuItem! @IBOutlet var sortByOldestArticleOnTopMenuItem: NSMenuItem! @IBOutlet var sortByNewestArticleOnTopMenuItem: NSMenuItem! @IBOutlet var groupArticlesByFeedMenuItem: NSMenuItem! @IBOutlet var checkForUpdatesMenuItem: NSMenuItem! var unreadCount = 0 { didSet { if unreadCount != oldValue { CoalescingQueue.standard.add(self, #selector(updateDockBadge)) postUnreadCountDidChangeNotification() } } } private var mainWindowController: MainWindowController? { var bestController: MainWindowController? for candidateController in mainWindowControllers { if let bestWindow = bestController?.window, let candidateWindow = candidateController.window { if bestWindow.orderedIndex > candidateWindow.orderedIndex { bestController = candidateController } } else { bestController = candidateController } } return bestController } private var mainWindowControllers = [MainWindowController]() private var preferencesWindowController: NSWindowController? private var addFeedController: AddFeedController? private var addFolderWindowController: AddFolderWindowController? private var importOPMLController: ImportOPMLWindowController? private var exportOPMLController: ExportOPMLWindowController? private var keyboardShortcutsWindowController: WebViewWindowController? private var inspectorWindowController: InspectorWindowController? private var crashReportWindowController: CrashReportWindowController? // For testing only private let appMovementMonitor = RSAppMovementMonitor() private var softwareUpdater: SPUUpdater! private var crashReporter: PLCrashReporter! private var themeImportPath: String? override init() { NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing = false super.init() let crashReporterConfig = PLCrashReporterConfig.defaultConfiguration() crashReporter = PLCrashReporter(configuration: crashReporterConfig) crashReporter.enable() AccountManager.shared = AccountManager(accountsFolder: Platform.dataSubfolder(forApplication: nil, folderName: "Accounts")!) ArticleThemesManager.shared = ArticleThemesManager(folderPath: Platform.dataSubfolder(forApplication: nil, folderName: "Themes")!) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(unreadCountDidChange(_:)), name: .UnreadCountDidChange, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(inspectableObjectsDidChange(_:)), name: .InspectableObjectsDidChange, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(importDownloadedTheme(_:)), name: .didEndDownloadingTheme, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(themeImportError(_:)), name: .didFailToImportThemeWithError, object: nil) NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didWakeNotification(_:)), name: NSWorkspace.didWakeNotification, object: nil) appDelegate = self } // MARK: - API func showAddFolderSheetOnWindow(_ window: NSWindow) { addFolderWindowController = AddFolderWindowController() addFolderWindowController!.runSheetOnWindow(window) } func showAddFeedSheetOnWindow(_ window: NSWindow, urlString: String?, name: String?, account: Account?, folder: Folder?) { addFeedController = AddFeedController(hostWindow: window) addFeedController?.showAddFeedSheet(urlString, name, account, folder) } // MARK: - NSApplicationDelegate func applicationWillFinishLaunching(_ notification: Notification) { installAppleEventHandlers() CacheCleaner.purgeIfNecessary() // Try to establish a cache in the Caches folder, but if it fails for some reason fall back to a temporary dir let cacheFolder: String if let userCacheFolder = try? FileManager.default.url(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false).path { cacheFolder = userCacheFolder } else { let bundleIdentifier = (Bundle.main.infoDictionary!["CFBundleIdentifier"]! as! String) cacheFolder = (NSTemporaryDirectory() as NSString).appendingPathComponent(bundleIdentifier) } let faviconsFolder = (cacheFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("Favicons") let faviconsFolderURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: faviconsFolder) try! FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: faviconsFolderURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) faviconDownloader = FaviconDownloader(folder: faviconsFolder) let imagesFolder = (cacheFolder as NSString).appendingPathComponent("Images") let imagesFolderURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: imagesFolder) try! FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: imagesFolderURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) appName = (Bundle.main.infoDictionary!["CFBundleExecutable"]! as! String) } func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ note: Notification) { // Initialize Sparkle... let hostBundle = Bundle.main let updateDriver = SPUStandardUserDriver(hostBundle: hostBundle, delegate: self) self.softwareUpdater = SPUUpdater(hostBundle: hostBundle, applicationBundle: hostBundle, userDriver: updateDriver, delegate: self) do { try self.softwareUpdater.start() } catch { NSLog("Failed to start software updater with error: \(error)") } AppDefaults.shared.registerDefaults() let isFirstRun = AppDefaults.shared.isFirstRun if isFirstRun { os_log(.debug, "Is first run.") } let localAccount = AccountManager.shared.defaultAccount if isFirstRun && !AccountManager.shared.anyAccountHasAtLeastOneFeed() { // Import feeds. Either old NNW 3 feeds or the default feeds. if !NNW3ImportController.importSubscriptionsIfFileExists(account: localAccount) { DefaultFeedsImporter.importDefaultFeeds(account: localAccount) } } updateSortMenuItems() updateGroupByFeedMenuItem() if mainWindowController == nil { let mainWindowController = createAndShowMainWindow() mainWindowController.restoreStateFromUserDefaults() } if isFirstRun { mainWindowController?.window?.center() } NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(feedSettingDidChange(_:)), name: .feedSettingDidChange, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(userDefaultsDidChange(_:)), name: UserDefaults.didChangeNotification, object: nil) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.unreadCount = AccountManager.shared.unreadCount } if InspectorWindowController.shouldOpenAtStartup { self.toggleInspectorWindow(self) } extensionContainersFile = ExtensionContainersFile() extensionFeedAddRequestFile = ExtensionFeedAddRequestFile() refreshTimer = AccountRefreshTimer() syncTimer = ArticleStatusSyncTimer() UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.badge]) { (_, _) in } UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { (settings) in if settings.authorizationStatus == .authorized { DispatchQueue.main.async { NSApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications() } } } UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self userNotificationManager = UserNotificationManager() #if DEBUG refreshTimer!.update() syncTimer!.update() #else if AppDefaults.shared.suppressSyncOnLaunch { refreshTimer!.update() syncTimer!.update() } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.refreshTimer!.timedRefresh(nil) self.syncTimer!.timedRefresh(nil) } } #endif if !AppDefaults.shared.showDebugMenu { debugMenuItem.menu?.removeItem(debugMenuItem) } DispatchQueue.main.async { CrashReporter.check(crashReporter: self.crashReporter) } } func application(_ application: NSApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([NSUserActivityRestoring]) -> Void) -> Bool { guard let mainWindowController = mainWindowController else { return false } mainWindowController.handle(userActivity) return true } func applicationShouldHandleReopen(_ sender: NSApplication, hasVisibleWindows flag: Bool) -> Bool { // https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire/issues/522 // I couldn’t reproduce the crashing bug, but it appears to happen on creating a main window // and its views and view controllers. The check below is so that the app does nothing // if the window doesn’t already exist — because it absolutely *should* exist already. // And if the window exists, then maybe the views and view controllers are also already loaded? // We’ll try this, and then see if we get more crash logs like this or not. guard let mainWindowController = mainWindowController, mainWindowController.isWindowLoaded else { return false } mainWindowController.showWindow(self) return false } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: Notification) { fireOldTimers() } func applicationDidResignActive(_ notification: Notification) { ArticleStringFormatter.emptyCaches() saveState() } func application(_ application: NSApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [String: Any]) { AccountManager.shared.receiveRemoteNotification(userInfo: userInfo) } func application(_ sender: NSApplication, openFile filename: String) -> Bool { guard filename.hasSuffix(ArticleTheme.nnwThemeSuffix) else { return false } importTheme(filename: filename) return true } func applicationWillTerminate(_ notification: Notification) { shuttingDown = true saveState() ArticleThemeDownloader.shared.cleanUp() AccountManager.shared.sendArticleStatusAll { self.isShutDownSyncDone = true } let timeout = Date().addingTimeInterval(2) while !isShutDownSyncDone && RunLoop.current.run(mode: .default, before: timeout) && timeout > Date() { } } // MARK: Notifications @objc func unreadCountDidChange(_ note: Notification) { if note.object is AccountManager { unreadCount = AccountManager.shared.unreadCount } } @objc func feedSettingDidChange(_ note: Notification) { guard let feed = note.object as? Feed, let key = note.userInfo?[Feed.FeedSettingUserInfoKey] as? String else { return } if key == Feed.FeedSettingKey.homePageURL || key == Feed.FeedSettingKey.faviconURL { _ = faviconDownloader.favicon(for: feed) } } @objc func inspectableObjectsDidChange(_ note: Notification) { guard let inspectorWindowController = inspectorWindowController, inspectorWindowController.isOpen else { return } inspectorWindowController.objects = objectsForInspector() } @objc func userDefaultsDidChange(_ note: Notification) { updateSortMenuItems() updateGroupByFeedMenuItem() if lastRefreshInterval != AppDefaults.shared.refreshInterval { refreshTimer?.update() lastRefreshInterval = AppDefaults.shared.refreshInterval } updateDockBadge() } @objc func didWakeNotification(_ note: Notification) { fireOldTimers() } @objc func importDownloadedTheme(_ note: Notification) { guard let userInfo = note.userInfo, let url = userInfo["url"] as? URL else { return } DispatchQueue.main.async { self.importTheme(filename: url.path) } } // MARK: Main Window func createMainWindowController() -> MainWindowController { let controller: MainWindowController = windowControllerWithName("UnifiedWindow") as! MainWindowController if !(mainWindowController?.isOpen ?? false) { mainWindowControllers.removeAll() } mainWindowControllers.append(controller) return controller } func windowControllerWithName(_ storyboardName: String) -> NSWindowController { let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: NSStoryboard.Name(storyboardName), bundle: nil) return storyboard.instantiateInitialController()! as! NSWindowController } @discardableResult func createAndShowMainWindow() -> MainWindowController { let controller = createMainWindowController() controller.showWindow(self) if let window = controller.window { window.restorationClass = Self.self window.identifier = NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: WindowRestorationIdentifiers.mainWindow) } return controller } func createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() { if mainWindowController == nil { createAndShowMainWindow() } else { mainWindowController?.showWindow(self) } } func removeMainWindow(_ windowController: MainWindowController) { guard mainWindowControllers.count > 1 else { return } if let index = mainWindowControllers.firstIndex(of: windowController) { mainWindowControllers.remove(at: index) } } // MARK: NSUserInterfaceValidations func validateUserInterfaceItem(_ item: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool { if shuttingDown { return false } let isDisplayingSheet = mainWindowController?.isDisplayingSheet ?? false if item.action == #selector(refreshAll(_:)) { return !AccountManager.shared.refreshInProgress && !AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts.isEmpty } if item.action == #selector(importOPMLFromFile(_:)) { return AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts.contains(where: { !$0.behaviors.contains(where: { $0 == .disallowOPMLImports }) }) } if item.action == #selector(addAppNews(_:)) { return !isDisplayingSheet && !AccountManager.shared.anyAccountHasNetNewsWireNewsSubscription() && !AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts.isEmpty } if item.action == #selector(sortByNewestArticleOnTop(_:)) || item.action == #selector(sortByOldestArticleOnTop(_:)) { return mainWindowController?.isOpen ?? false } if item.action == #selector(showAddFeedWindow(_:)) || item.action == #selector(showAddFolderWindow(_:)) { return !isDisplayingSheet && !AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts.isEmpty } if item.action == #selector(toggleWebInspectorEnabled(_:)) { (item as! NSMenuItem).state = AppDefaults.shared.webInspectorEnabled ? .on : .off } return true } // MARK: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) { completionHandler([.banner, .badge, .sound]) } func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) { let userInfo = response.notification.request.content.userInfo switch response.actionIdentifier { case "MARK_AS_READ": handleMarkAsRead(userInfo: userInfo) case "MARK_AS_STARRED": handleMarkAsStarred(userInfo: userInfo) default: mainWindowController?.handle(response) } completionHandler() } // MARK: Add Feed func addFeed(_ urlString: String?, name: String? = nil, account: Account? = nil, folder: Folder? = nil) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() if mainWindowController!.isDisplayingSheet { return } showAddFeedSheetOnWindow(mainWindowController!.window!, urlString: urlString, name: name, account: account, folder: folder) } // MARK: - Dock Badge @objc func updateDockBadge() { let label = unreadCount > 0 ? "\(unreadCount)" : "" NSApplication.shared.dockTile.badgeLabel = label } // MARK: - Actions @IBAction func showPreferences(_ sender: Any?) { if preferencesWindowController == nil { preferencesWindowController = windowControllerWithName("Preferences") } preferencesWindowController!.showWindow(self) } @IBAction func newMainWindow(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindow() } @IBAction func showMainWindow(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() mainWindowController?.window?.makeKey() } @IBAction func refreshAll(_ sender: Any?) { AccountManager.shared.refreshAll(errorHandler: ErrorHandler.present) } @IBAction func showAddFeedWindow(_ sender: Any?) { addFeed(nil) } @IBAction func showAddFolderWindow(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() showAddFolderSheetOnWindow(mainWindowController!.window!) } @IBAction func showKeyboardShortcutsWindow(_ sender: Any?) { if keyboardShortcutsWindowController == nil { keyboardShortcutsWindowController = WebViewWindowController(title: NSLocalizedString("Keyboard Shortcuts", comment: "window title")) let htmlFile = Bundle(for: type(of: self)).path(forResource: "KeyboardShortcuts", ofType: "html")! keyboardShortcutsWindowController?.displayContents(of: htmlFile) if let window = keyboardShortcutsWindowController?.window { let point = NSPoint(x: 128, y: 64) let size = NSSize(width: 620, height: 1100) let minSize = NSSize(width: 400, height: 400) window.setPointAndSizeAdjustingForScreen(point: point, size: size, minimumSize: minSize) } } keyboardShortcutsWindowController!.showWindow(self) } @IBAction func toggleInspectorWindow(_ sender: Any?) { if inspectorWindowController == nil { inspectorWindowController = (windowControllerWithName("Inspector") as! InspectorWindowController) } if inspectorWindowController!.isOpen { inspectorWindowController!.window!.performClose(self) } else { inspectorWindowController!.objects = objectsForInspector() inspectorWindowController!.showWindow(self) } } @IBAction func importOPMLFromFile(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() if mainWindowController!.isDisplayingSheet { return } importOPMLController = ImportOPMLWindowController() importOPMLController?.runSheetOnWindow(mainWindowController!.window!) } @IBAction func importNNW3FromFile(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() if mainWindowController!.isDisplayingSheet { return } NNW3ImportController.askUserToImportNNW3Subscriptions(window: mainWindowController!.window!) } @IBAction func exportOPML(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() if mainWindowController!.isDisplayingSheet { return } exportOPMLController = ExportOPMLWindowController() exportOPMLController?.runSheetOnWindow(mainWindowController!.window!) } @IBAction func addAppNews(_ sender: Any?) { if AccountManager.shared.anyAccountHasNetNewsWireNewsSubscription() { return } addFeed(AccountManager.netNewsWireNewsURL, name: "NetNewsWire News") } @IBAction func openWebsite(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://netnewswire.com/", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func openReleaseNotes(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open(URL.releaseNotes.absoluteString, inBackground: false) } @IBAction func openHowToSupport(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire/blob/main/Technotes/HowToSupportNetNewsWire.markdown", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func openRepository(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func openBugTracker(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire/issues", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func openSlackGroup(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://netnewswire.com/slack", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func openTechnotes(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://github.com/brentsimmons/NetNewsWire/tree/main/Technotes", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func showHelp(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://netnewswire.com/help/mac/6.1/en/", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func donateToAppCampForGirls(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://appcamp4girls.com/contribute/", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func showPrivacyPolicy(_ sender: Any?) { Browser.open("https://netnewswire.com/privacypolicy", inBackground: false) } @IBAction func gotoToday(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() mainWindowController!.gotoToday(sender) } @IBAction func gotoAllUnread(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() mainWindowController!.gotoAllUnread(sender) } @IBAction func gotoStarred(_ sender: Any?) { createAndShowMainWindowIfNecessary() mainWindowController!.gotoStarred(sender) } @IBAction func sortByOldestArticleOnTop(_ sender: Any?) { AppDefaults.shared.timelineSortDirection = .orderedAscending } @IBAction func sortByNewestArticleOnTop(_ sender: Any?) { AppDefaults.shared.timelineSortDirection = .orderedDescending } @IBAction func groupByFeedToggled(_ sender: NSMenuItem) { AppDefaults.shared.timelineGroupByFeed.toggle() } @IBAction func checkForUpdates(_ sender: Any?) { self.softwareUpdater.checkForUpdates() } } // MARK: - Debug Menu extension AppDelegate { @IBAction func debugSearch(_ sender: Any?) { AccountManager.shared.defaultAccount.debugRunSearch() } @IBAction func debugDropConditionalGetInfo(_ sender: Any?) { #if DEBUG for account in AccountManager.shared.activeAccounts { account.debugDropConditionalGetInfo() } #endif } @IBAction func debugTestCrashReporterWindow(_ sender: Any?) { #if DEBUG crashReportWindowController = CrashReportWindowController(crashLogText: "This is a test crash log.") crashReportWindowController!.testing = true crashReportWindowController!.showWindow(self) #endif } @IBAction func debugTestCrashReportSending(_ sender: Any?) { CrashReporter.sendCrashLogText("This is a test. Hi, Brent.") } @IBAction func forceCrash(_ sender: Any?) { fatalError("This is a deliberate crash.") } @IBAction func openApplicationSupportFolder(_ sender: Any?) { #if DEBUG guard let appSupport = Platform.dataSubfolder(forApplication: nil, folderName: "") else { return } NSWorkspace.shared.open(URL(fileURLWithPath: appSupport)) #endif } @IBAction func toggleWebInspectorEnabled(_ sender: Any?) { let newValue = !AppDefaults.shared.webInspectorEnabled AppDefaults.shared.webInspectorEnabled = newValue // An attached inspector can display incorrectly on certain setups (like mine); default to displaying in a separate window, // and reset the default to a separate window when the preference is toggled off and on again in case the inspector is // accidentally reattached. AppDefaults.shared.webInspectorStartsAttached = false NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .WebInspectorEnabledDidChange, object: newValue) } } internal extension AppDelegate { func fireOldTimers() { // It’s possible there’s a refresh timer set to go off in the past. // In that case, refresh now and update the timer. refreshTimer?.fireOldTimer() syncTimer?.fireOldTimer() } func objectsForInspector() -> [Any]? { guard let window = NSApplication.shared.mainWindow, let windowController = window.windowController as? MainWindowController else { return nil } return windowController.selectedObjectsInSidebar() } func saveState() { mainWindowController?.saveStateToUserDefaults() inspectorWindowController?.saveState() } func updateSortMenuItems() { let sortByNewestOnTop = AppDefaults.shared.timelineSortDirection == .orderedDescending sortByNewestArticleOnTopMenuItem.state = sortByNewestOnTop ? .on : .off sortByOldestArticleOnTopMenuItem.state = sortByNewestOnTop ? .off : .on } func updateGroupByFeedMenuItem() { let groupByFeedEnabled = AppDefaults.shared.timelineGroupByFeed groupArticlesByFeedMenuItem.state = groupByFeedEnabled ? .on : .off } func importTheme(filename: String) { guard let window = mainWindowController?.window else { return } do { let themeURL = URL(filePath: filename) let theme = try ArticleTheme(url: themeURL, isAppTheme: false) let alert = NSAlert() alert.alertStyle = .informational let localizedMessageText = NSLocalizedString("Install theme “%@” by %@?", comment: "Theme message text") alert.messageText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMessageText as NSString, theme.name, theme.creatorName) as String var attrs = [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]() attrs[.font] = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: NSFont.smallSystemFontSize) attrs[.foregroundColor] = NSColor.textColor let titleParagraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle() titleParagraphStyle.alignment = .center attrs[.paragraphStyle] = titleParagraphStyle let websiteText = NSMutableAttributedString() websiteText.append(NSAttributedString(string: NSLocalizedString("Author‘s website:", comment: "Author's Website"), attributes: attrs)) websiteText.append(NSAttributedString(string: "\n")) attrs[.link] = theme.creatorHomePage websiteText.append(NSAttributedString(string: theme.creatorHomePage, attributes: attrs)) let textViewWidth: CGFloat = 200 let textView = NSTextView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: textViewWidth, height: 15)) textView.isEditable = false textView.drawsBackground = false textView.textStorage?.setAttributedString(websiteText) alert.accessoryView = textView alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Install Theme", comment: "Install Theme")) alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel Install Theme")) func importTheme() { do { try ArticleThemesManager.shared.importTheme(filename: filename) confirmImportSuccess(themeName: theme.name) } catch { NSApplication.shared.presentError(error) } } alert.beginSheetModal(for: window) { result in if result == NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn { if ArticleThemesManager.shared.themeExists(filename: filename) { let alert = NSAlert() alert.alertStyle = .warning let localizedMessageText = NSLocalizedString("The theme “%@” already exists. Overwrite it?", comment: "Overwrite theme") alert.messageText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedMessageText as NSString, theme.name) as String alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Overwrite", comment: "Overwrite")) alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel Install Theme")) alert.beginSheetModal(for: window) { result in if result == NSApplication.ModalResponse.alertFirstButtonReturn { importTheme() } } } else { importTheme() } } } } catch { NotificationCenter.default.post(name: .didFailToImportThemeWithError, object: nil, userInfo: ["error": error, "path": filename]) } } func confirmImportSuccess(themeName: String) { guard let window = mainWindowController?.window else { return } let alert = NSAlert() alert.alertStyle = .informational alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Theme installed", comment: "Theme installed") let localizedInformativeText = NSLocalizedString("The theme “%@” has been installed.", comment: "Theme installed") alert.informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedInformativeText as NSString, themeName) as String alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: "OK")) alert.beginSheetModal(for: window) } @objc func themeImportError(_ note: Notification) { guard let userInfo = note.userInfo, let error = userInfo["error"] as? Error else { return } themeImportPath = userInfo["path"] as? String var informativeText: String = "" if let decodingError = error as? DecodingError { switch decodingError { case .typeMismatch(let type, _): let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because the the type—“%@”—is mismatched in the Info.plist", comment: "Type mismatch") informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, type as! CVarArg) as String case .valueNotFound(let value, _): let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because the the value—“%@”—is not found in the Info.plist.", comment: "Decoding value missing") informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, value as! CVarArg) as String case .keyNotFound(let codingKey, _): let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because the the key—“%@”—is not found in the Info.plist.", comment: "Decoding key missing") informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, codingKey.stringValue) as String case .dataCorrupted(let context): guard let underlyingError = context.underlyingError as NSError?, let debugDescription = underlyingError.userInfo["NSDebugDescription"] as? String else { informativeText = error.localizedDescription break } let localizedError = NSLocalizedString("This theme cannot be used because of data corruption in the Info.plist: %@.", comment: "Decoding key missing") informativeText = NSString.localizedStringWithFormat(localizedError as NSString, debugDescription) as String default: informativeText = error.localizedDescription } } else { informativeText = error.localizedDescription } DispatchQueue.main.async { let alert = NSAlert() alert.alertStyle = .warning alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString("Theme Error", comment: "Theme download error") alert.informativeText = informativeText alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Open Theme Folder", comment: "Open Theme Folder")) alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK", comment: "OK")) let button = alert.buttons.first button?.target = self button?.action = #selector(self.openThemesFolder(_:)) alert.buttons[0].keyEquivalent = "\033" alert.buttons[1].keyEquivalent = "\r" alert.runModal() } } @objc func openThemesFolder(_ sender: Any) { if themeImportPath == nil { let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: ArticleThemesManager.shared.folderPath) NSWorkspace.shared.open(url) } else { let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: themeImportPath!) NSWorkspace.shared.open(url.deletingLastPathComponent()) } } } /* the ScriptingAppDelegate protocol exposes a narrow set of accessors with internal visibility which are very similar to some private vars. These would be unnecessary if the similar accessors were marked internal rather than private, but for now, we'll keep the stratification of visibility */ extension AppDelegate: ScriptingAppDelegate { internal var scriptingMainWindowController: ScriptingMainWindowController? { return mainWindowController } internal var scriptingCurrentArticle: Article? { return self.scriptingMainWindowController?.scriptingCurrentArticle } internal var scriptingSelectedArticles: [Article] { return self.scriptingMainWindowController?.scriptingSelectedArticles ?? [] } } extension AppDelegate: NSWindowRestoration { @objc static func restoreWindow(withIdentifier identifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier, state: NSCoder, completionHandler: @escaping (NSWindow?, Error?) -> Void) { var mainWindow: NSWindow? if identifier.rawValue == WindowRestorationIdentifiers.mainWindow { mainWindow = appDelegate.createAndShowMainWindow().window } completionHandler(mainWindow, nil) } } // Handle Notification Actions private extension AppDelegate { func handleMarkAsRead(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) { guard let articlePathUserInfo = userInfo[UserInfoKey.articlePath] as? [AnyHashable: Any], let accountID = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.accountID] as? String, let articleID = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.articleID] as? String else { return } let account = AccountManager.shared.existingAccount(with: accountID) guard account != nil else { os_log(.debug, "No account found from notification.") return } let article = try? account!.fetchArticles(.articleIDs([articleID])) guard article != nil else { os_log(.debug, "No article found from search using %@", articleID) return } account!.markArticles(article!, statusKey: .read, flag: true) { _ in } } func handleMarkAsStarred(userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) { guard let articlePathUserInfo = userInfo[UserInfoKey.articlePath] as? [AnyHashable: Any], let accountID = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.accountID] as? String, let articleID = articlePathUserInfo[ArticlePathKey.articleID] as? String else { return } let account = AccountManager.shared.existingAccount(with: accountID) guard account != nil else { os_log(.debug, "No account found from notification.") return } let article = try? account!.fetchArticles(.articleIDs([articleID])) guard article != nil else { os_log(.debug, "No article found from search using %@", articleID) return } account!.markArticles(article!, statusKey: .starred, flag: true) { _ in } } }